Calendar of the Scapegoat
34This is the easy to find/link to topic of meh’s past scapegoats.
I’m keeping commenting off to keep it easy to read.
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This is the easy to find/link to topic of meh’s past scapegoats.
I’m keeping commenting off to keep it easy to read.
Original Goat - David Gray (@davegrey)
Who has the dubious honor of pushing the kickstarter over the funded mark.
2014 Scapegoats:
July - @Ryaneil
The first scapegoat voted for by the people!
August - @marklog
TL:DR @marklog fingered his dog, and our hearts.
September - @studerc
Who earned the honor by setting up the first Mehrican Fuku Exchange.
October - @Thumperchick
Who really needed to be knocked down a peg.
November - @cengland0
For win/losing the Fuku lottery and getting a Goat Starter Kit from meh.
December - @lisaviolet
Who proved to all of us that she is the best lisa… at least when compared to the other one.
2015 Scapegoats:
January - @joelmw
Who talks the talk, a lot.
February - @Barney
With an immutable love of purple, @Barney is rocking the Goat of Love in purple style!
March - @BillLehecka
Who won his nomination with a bath of neoprene and a kiss.
(He also wrote a goat journal entry for every day of his reign.)
April - @carl669
Because fuck you, that’s why.
May - @narfcake
The shirt pusher. (aka: ShirtGoat)
June - @Pavlov
For telling us that Abe Vigoda is still alive.
@Pavlov loved being goat so much, it almost killed him. Don’t fret though! He made it through and came back to us, awaiting his second shot at goatdom.
July - @Starblind
For being the winner of @Pavlov’s Fuko contest - now proud owner of and
(and other general awesomeness.)
@Starblind also spent the entire month getting us to play Irk’s Breakfast Quest! and forever making every other goat look lazy by comparison.
August - @mfladd
Probably because he doth protest too much. He wants goathood, he just doesn’t want us to know it.
September - @sohmageek
Who organized the birthday TPing of Mediocre HQ.
(and a bunch of other stuff that @marklog laid out for us.)
@sohmageek put together a goat scavenger hunt for his run and in typical goat fashion, never told us who won.
October - @jaremelz
Who channels @carl669’s ability to tell hecklers where to go, felted a freaking Tiny Tub Mummy, and told us the story of a goat.
(The community also wanted to goat @JonT for abruptly abandoning us, but that was not to be.)
November - @christinewas
Who is our first legacy kid! (She’s the daughter of the infamous @joelmw and holds her own enough to have earned the nomination for “witchcraft, verbosity, and being a legacy kid. And any other assorted crimes I can come up with later.”
December - @TaRDy
Who finally got goated for making a Chrome extension to self-star your own posts. Also has the honor of being the person nominated the longest before becoming goat.
2016 Scapegoats:
January - @thismyusername because there’s still not an “is” in there and everybody still gets all confused and shit
February - @Lotsofgoats
Who was nominated in a fit of vengeance for nominating @thismyusername for January.
That pack of unruly goats wearing one suit of clothing managed to live up to its name, however; by getting other people to serve as scapegoat for a day.
March - @stardate820926
For proving what a great goat they were during their temp tenure in February.
April - @KDemo
For being a longtime community mehmber.
May - @medz
For being our resident gif master general. (He also attempted to kill @joelmw with gluten…)
@medz used his goatdom to make an awesome offer that wasn’t utilized nearly enough.
June - @dashcloud
For not quite making the cut in May. (Really though, overdue!)
July - @brhfl
For, as @christinewas put it:
August - @sammydog01
For creating the first ever Irk tribute doll!
@sammydog01 used their reign to host a contest for another of her creations, too.
September 2016 Scapegoat - @OldCatLady
For many reasons, but really the eye-candy pics.
October - @ignorant
For being helpful to other mehmbers… or at least trying to.
November - @PlacidPenguin
For somehow making the 2016 presidential race happen.
(Amid much controversy.)
December - @f00l
For complaining about the thread being early, or for having one of the highest altruism scores here at meh.
@f00l spent their goatdom as a poet.
2017 Scapegoats:
January - @jbartus
You know why
February - @ELUNO was goated for goading @CaptAmerhrican into into nominating them.
March - @mikibell Tried election tampering and wound up in the hot seat.
April - @ruouttaurmind Spent countless hours keeping up to date and deserves to be exterminated in public for it.
May - @DrunkCat Finally succeeded at self-nomination.
June - @cranky1950 Earned goathood for the You Bastards incident. Then didn’t bother fixing it.
July - @Trillian Crafted her way into HQ, and our hearts.
August - @2many2no Flew under the radar for too long.
September - @Kidsandliz Finally exhausted all excuses for not being goat.
October - @RiotDemon Goated because Halloween requires a worthy sacrifice.
November - @djslack Was harvested for being smart, fun, and well-rounded.
December - @therealjrn Got called to stage because he’s entertaining.
2018 Scapegoats:
January - @CaptAmehrican Was goated as payback. (aka: Boat Goat or ScapeBoat.)
February - @ACraigL Because we finally realized they’ve managed to avoid it… until now.
March - @KittySprinkles Because changing your name means you have to take another turn being the goat.
April - @shahnm would like us all to remember to refrigerate our batteries.
May - @seeds was nominated for “general mayhem” and um… other reasons.
June - @UncleVinny earned the nomination for their interesting sleep habits.
July - @pooltoywolf, our resident inflatable wolf, shared the Diesel of the Day with us during their reign.
August - @lichme finally got the goat, because you can’t hide forever. (Also he created the MehStalker app.)
September - @katylava, the former staffer who sang her way into our hearts via MAD APE DEN.
October - @reclaimercube, who asked for toothbrushes and got it instead of $1 Macbooks, puppies, or Escalades filled with cash.
November - @jst1ofknd, because “There was a several hour span earlier this month during which he (or she) didn’t post even once.”
December - @tnhillbillygal, who shared her month with a daily “Life as December Goat” series.
2019 Scapegoats:
January - @mike808. He was due.
February - @eonfifty, starter of the thrift store score threads and “being all around fun!”
March - @blaineg, the toys and tools goat.
April - @deathbynoodlez. Pop Sockets.. Enough said.
May - @TheFLP. You can’t avoid goatdom, but at least you can schedule it.
June - @tinamarie1974, the Mistress Goat.
July - @cinoclav, who ran a Field of 32 of meh products throughout the month.
August - @nolrak. “You know how some mehtizens just sort of hang around, constantly involved but somehow overlooked for their participation?”
September - @JnKL, who started the term with conditions.
October - @aetris, the pizza party goat.
November - @ybmuG. The Goat Force is strong in this one..
December - With an impending surgery, @bleedmichigan was the chosen one.
2020 Scapegoats:
January - @stolicat, because schedulding goatdom is only postponing the inevitable.
February - @kuoh, the quiet goat.
March - @amehzinggrace, the pizza party goat’s co-conspirator.
April - @chienfou, an ER staffer that served both the local community and the Family at meh.
May - @DrWorm, for having the audacity to just show up.
June - @moonhat, who wanted to get to know us.
July - @OnionSoup, who was goated for being active.
August - @thunderchicken, who countered the lack of major holidays with plenty of other days
September - @Weboh, who not only self nominated but daily posted a wide variety of fruit trees.
October - @kykazaa, the Lego goat.
November - @jaybird, who was goated for giving the raspberry.
December - @PocketBrain, recipient of the retaliation nomination from the prior month.
2021 Scapegoats:
January - @Star2236, aka My Goat.
February - @brainmist for “What’s in the box???”.
March - @Felton10, or was it actually Walter?
April - @DoctorOw, who is not a doctor.
May - @Lynnerizer, who got goated for having a May Birthday.
June - @sillyheathen, because they were the runner-up last month.
July - @Kyeh. Resistance is futile.
August - @RogerWilco with a month of cat memes.
September - @ReplicaCobra, the haiku goat.
October - @werehatrack for a tradition of almost never winning anything to uphold.
November - @metaphore, who didn’t win fantasy football but did win goatdom.
December - @njfan
2022 Scapegoats:
January - @mediocrebot, nominated as a test of self awareness.
February - @ironcheftoni
March - @mbersiam
April - @phendrick
May - @yakkoTDI
June - @walterbird
July - @hammi99
August - @hchavers
September - @MarkDaSpark
October - @mossygreen
November - @capnjb
December - @CharlieDoggo
2023 Scapegoats:
January - @speediedelivery
February - @heartny
March - @unksol
April - @katbyter
May - @KNmeh7
June - @gogrrl
July - @PHRoG
August - @ircon96
September - @macromeh
October - @Cerridwyn
November - @Mehgrl
December - @IndifferentDude
2024 Scapegoats:
January - @pakopako
February - @duodec
March - @Jackinga
April - @xobzoo
May - @DLPanther
June - @awk
July - @mycya4me
August - @atannir
September - @pmarin
October - @lonocat
November - @tohar1
December - @kittykat9180
2025 Scapegoats:
January - @PhysAssist
February -
March -
April -
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -
2026 Scapegoats:
January -
February -
March -
April -
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -
2027 Scapegoats:
January -
February -
March -
April -
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -