Dont Worry - Bleet Happy! [August 2019 Goat Nominations]


Well mehtizens, I feel it’s time to get this ball rolling. I shall post my final thoughts at the end of my sentence, err… reign. But for now, the show must goat on! Btw, that title refers to the fact that August is National Admit Your Happy Month! What better way to be happy than be subjected to everyone’s blame?

You know how some mehtizens just sort of hang around, constantly involved but somehow overlooked for their participation? (I know it all too well now.) Well this one has been a member since December of 2014. I think he (I’m assuming here) was reasonably quiet for a period of time but has more than made up for that recently with a substantial bit of snark. I’ve been warning him and now it’s time. I nominate:

Now how about a little song?