4-Pack: LaView 2K HD Indoor/Outdoor WiFi Smart Security Cameras

  • Four cameras to monitor the situation, indoors or outdoors, day or night
  • Connects to WiFi so you can control & check them through the app or your desktop browser
  • Compatible with with Alexa & Google Assistant (“Alexa, show me my front door”)
  • Two-way audio, motion-activated alerts, 100FT color night vision, optional local storage on up to 128GB MicroSD
  • Supports up to 9 simultaneous feeds
  • Are they available in Georgia Red: No, but they might help you catch that porch pirate who has you seeing Georgia Red
see more product specs

"We've Got Eyes Everywhere"

We often use the write-up space to bag on images from a product’s website or Amazon page. Why? Because a lot of them look pretty funny due to being ridiculously staged, blatantly Photoshopped, or both at the same time.

This, though, is not one of those write-ups.

You see, we went over to Amazon to read a bit more about this set of easy-to-set-up security camera set and saw this:

Sure, it’s staged. Sure, it’s at least somewhat digitally altered. And yet, honestly, could there be a better, more efficient sales pitch than this picture?

First off, it shows that the cameras work indoors and outdoors. It also tells you they work well at night. Which isn’t an exaggeration, by the way; thanks to something called an “Advanced Starlight Night Sensor,” they will provide a crystal clear image even in low light.

But, more to the point, it shows exactly how useful these things are. The bottom two frames illustrate the scenarios you likely associate with the phrase ‘security camera.’ You want to monitor your property and catch the cartoonish-looking burglars who are always trying to steal your… uhh… is that a candlestick?

But the top two frames are also important to consider because they show the practical and immediate ways you can use these things that don’t involve something terrible happening.

For example, say your kiddo is playing nicely in their room and you don’t want to interrupt them, but also, you need to go downstairs to get dinner ready. These cameras would allow you to keep an eye on the situation while you dice onions to ensure that a session of building block towers doesn’t turn into a session of throwing blocks at the window. Likewise, you might want to keep tabs on your new tabby while you’re at work to make sure they’re not getting into any mischief (or else, to make sure that, if they do get into some particularly adorable mischief, it doesn’t go without witnesses).

Both of these scenarios allow you to enjoy the benefits of owning a bunch of cameras as soon as you get them, and not just when the Wild Jack the Candlestick Snatchers roll through your neighborhood. (Or is that a burglary tool and we’ve made ourselves look like morons? Tell us in the comments!)

Point is: you can use these things for more than just security. So buy them!

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