12-Pack: Mosh Keto Brain+Body Protein Bars

  • Not a lot of sugar, but plenty of protein
  • From top culinary minds like Maria Shriver and Patrick Schwarzenegger
  • 180 calories per bar
  • Best-by January 2025
  • Head over to SideDeal for some plant-based flavors we’re especially limited in
  • Can they make a margarita: No, but, like, margaritas, they shouldn’t be consumed by children
see more product specs

Maintain, Rearrange

Whenever we sell snack bars, we pitch them as “schedule maintainers.” You catch a case of the tummy grumbles at ten in the morning, just eat a bar. It’ll hold you over until it’s properly lunchtime, so you don’t cave and eat a sandwich 11 and then throw off your meal times for the rest of the day.

These MOSH bars–from, no joke, Maria Shriver and Patrick Schwarzenegger–can work like this too. They’re tasty little 180-calorie snacks without a ton of sugar.

They also have… sigh… 6+ “brain nutrients.” From Mosh: “Each ingredient in our Signature Brain Blend was recommended by top doctors and functional nutritionists to support optimal brain health.” Whatever the hell that means.

As a result, per their website, MOSH recommends pregnant and breastfeeding women talk to a healthcare professional prior to consuming their bars. They also recommend keeping their bars away from children if you haven’t consulted your pediatrician.

Again: sigh.

But hey, did we mention that they each have a good helping of protein?! 12 to 13 grams in each bar!

That means these bars can not only help you maintain your meal schedule. They’ll also help you re-arrange your meal schedule if need be.

Like, for example, let’s say you want to get out for a little walk or a jog or a bike ride, but inclement weather conspires against you so that you get one clear window at around 2 in the afternoon. Eating a full-blown lunch might sit like a brick in your stomach, but skipping lunch entirely will leave you feeling weak and hungry when you should otherwise be enjoying the great outdoors. Hence, you need something small but packed with enough protein to keep you going. Like these!

Unless you’re pregnant.

Or breastfeeding.

Or a child.

But let’s not focus on the negatives, shall we? Buy some bars!

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