Hey @carl669 this is for you (NSFW)
17Fortunately I remembered to do a fucking screenshot today just for you. Happy fucking 6969 day! And I wish you many happy returns on the fuck count.
PS a fucking cat woke me up jumping on me at fucking 5:25am. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I happened to remember today’s fuckingly important mission. First I had to fucking click on the fucking meh button. That fucking generated (Get the pun? Since they are selling a giant fucking battery - oh wait since this fuck is crossed off does it revise the fuck count fucking down? generator today) the fuckingly appropriate, once in a life time fuck number, that fucking generated the flagging of the Fuck Count King.
Here is a fucking for you too as a fucking fuck present fuckingly fit for a fuck king.
You are fucking welcome. And have a fuckingly good day.
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Wait what? Are we giving a fuck again?
/giphy idgaf

I think you need to put your “call out” in the body not the title?
Or as well as the title?
Hey @carl669
What the fucking fuck already?
(See motherficking topic for explanation.)
@f00l I thought we couldn’t fucking swear in the fucking title, otherwise I fucking would have. In my fucking opinion fuck that rule even though I fucking followed it to fucking prevent a fucking edit.
Where the fuck are you @carl669 ?
I probably should have said, "And I wish you many
happyfucking returns on the fucking fuck count. Too bad no day later edit.Actually as a total aside, but related, using a bunch of swear words like fuck (vs damn or hell, for example) before you started to do an exercise meant you did better. A fucking good excuse to fuck - oh wait not that kind of fuck
- before doing exercise.
“These experiments found that swearing increased peak and average power on the Wingate Anaerobic Power Test by an average of 4.5% and improved grip strength by an average of 8% compared to repeating a non-swear word. Subsequent studies have replicated these findings”.
@Kidsandliz I don’t often swear in public. I will do it frequently in front of my wife, mostly for giggles and intentionally at inappropriate times. My daughter has heard me swear, usually when I unfortunately stab myself or there is an unexpected outcome with a power tool (not proud moments). But I try to avoid that (the stabbing and the swearing). When I do swear, I do it for emphasis. If I am dropping an f-bomb, it’s like a D&D dice roll of 20 and there will be a +4 sentence coming your way.
Watch out! 
@capnjb Actually in real life I don’t swear all that much.
Thanks for the link like to share it with the PT students!
@jkawaguchi If they are going to have their patients say fuck repeatedly likely many of the rest of the patients and staff will need ear plugs.
@jkawaguchi Hmm, I haven’t read the whole paper yet, but I might try it at PT tomorrow to see if it helps with range of motion work (I’m almost 8 weeks post-knee replacement surgery). If it really does help with pain tolerance, I’ll be happy. I won’t say the swear out loud, just whisper it to myself.
Fuck’s sake! He is such an orange goat coat slacker! Well I guess he’s no longer the orange coat goat as he sent it to the charity shop so his goat is sans a fucking coat….