Thank goodness for 2-for-Tuesdays!
6I was planning to give my second CanKeeper to a good friend but I’m glad I didn’t, considering my sleep-deprived dumb a$$ left mine on the roof of the car…going back to the area a few days later was not fruitful, to say the least. I didn’t think to connect the ‘thunk’ sound with the CanKeeper leaving the roof, and it paid the price at some point in the intervening 72 hours At the very least, the Nitro Pepsi can within had already been consumed earlier in the day, so the drink itself was not lost.
Upon closer examination of my remaining CanKeeper, there is a sizable dent in the base that damaged the paint and keeps it from sitting upright properly, damage that must have been sustained during shipping…I don’t suppose the Meh overlords plan to offer these again? I saw them in the most recent 'thon but that was prior to the ‘accident’.
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Maybe since the spare seems to have arrived damaged, you could talk to CS about the 90 warranty for that one?
@Kyeh These have a warranty? Today I learned! Though it may have already expired.
@PooltoyWolf No, It’s the standard Meh 90 day warranty! Unless you didn’t get it in one of the recent sales …
@Kyeh I made my purchase on November 12th so I’m still in…but would this be considered a valid warranty claim?
@dave ?
@dave @PooltoyWolf It can’t hurt to send an email to CS!
A small plunger from the inside might suck in the dent (you might get something concave, but most cans have a concave base too)
I’ve had a bulge form from my aluminum tumblers when I filled them with seltzer; I’ve left them that way and wound up using putty to form a ring seat mould they could rest on. (Like an inner-tube or hemorrhoid pillow.)
@pakopako These are double walled and the dent is on the bottom corner/rim, so not possible get rid of.
@pakopako @PooltoyWolf On a carefully flattened square of plastic wrap laid out on a very flat surface, squeeze out a ring or a large glob of silicone sealer. Position the dented object firmly on it, letting some excess squeeze out around the edges. You can use your finger (in a nitrile glove) to smooth the fillet around the base. Wait at least 24 hours for a full cure, and then carefully trim away the excess.
I’ve had a couple of mine that didn’t sit flat after making contact with the floor or payment someplace while I was using them. I found I was able to flip them upside down and pound it out with a hammer. Not necessarily as pretty as originally, but it definitely worked.
@chienfou was the hammer head bigger or smaller than the surface? (I’m wondering if a bigger mallet might make a difference)
Smaller. Controlling a sledge to hit a cup bottom squarely/evenly would be pretty tough…
(I’d send pics but I left that one is a seatback pocket during a plane change on a quick turnaround.)
There is a lesson here but I’m to dum to see it
@Wollyhop For one thing, if you’re in a car and hear a strange THUNK, stop the car!
@PooltoyWolf @Wollyhop No, keep driving. Fast.
@PooltoyWolf!!! They have them on Sidedeal!
@Kyeh I did see that, but wanted to pursue the possibility of warranty replacement before I shell out for a second set of two.
@PooltoyWolf Okay - but maybe you should get another 2 for the future!
@Kyeh Thinking about it but this flu has cost me half a paycheck already!
@PooltoyWolf Oh, dear.
At least your flu didn’t cause everyone in your house to get sick because you wanted to play FAR CRY 5 so you cleaned the whole house, while still sick.
@Wollyhop Substitute Super Mario Odyssey and maybe, but I was the last of everyone to catch it…