Ok, so at the risk of getting people’s attention in a bad way, @kuoh doesn’t seem like a good choice. He (she?) Doesn’t even have an “irrepressible chatterbox” label on their profile, only “up for a chin wag”, I would think that you have to be a big contributer to end up as Goat. . But who am I to say. I’m not a huge contributer.
@Fuzzalini Still water runs deep. Maybe @Kuoh is like Merrill Lynch, when they talk - people listen. So, as a result they don’t say much. You want a month of mindless drivel or 3 quality posts?
Hoarding blames until the goat shows up. Suffice it to say the flu shot isn’t a good match for what is going around and there are good reasons why some species eat their young. Enough said.
Blame. I just voted in my local special election. I am disgusted that the polls were empty. People every time you can vote educate yourself and vote. Ugh
Preaching to the choir, but if you don’t vote, you don’t get to bitch about the assholes everyone else voted into government because you couldn’t be bothered enough to vote for someone else.
We get the government we voted for. Nothing more, nothing less. If we abdicate our power, as the Senate is about to do, then you don’t get to complain about the consequences of not voting, and never getting it back peacefully is one of them.
@CaptAmehrican I agree. People need to check the issues and candidates, become informed and VOTE!
That really doesn’t happen. Many don’t vote, many go by ‘headlines’ and only ‘mainstream’ news. It’s a shame.
Ooo, here’s the blame thread. Somebody needs to take the blame that my work computer has to be replaced and I am gonna miss out on 8 hrs at least of pay.
To put that into perspective, Bezos makes the equivalent of $215 MILLION in his 8-hour “work” day. Yes, almost a quarter of a Billion dollars. Per day.
Jeff Bezos is quite the American success story. His bio is interesting. He took his ‘Book store’ to be an amazing company that I use to shop or compare prices almost every day.
I’m glad for every dollar he gets.
@thismyusername are you volunteering to be the valentine goat and take blame for my pathetic love life . What ever happened to guys asking gals out? I miss that.
@thismyusername@tinamarie1974@CaptAmehrican I remehber those VMP valentines. I think mine were passed on in an exchange years ago. Since there are now at least two artists working at meh mahbe they will make VMP’s new ones this year.
So do they think it will make us be ok with sitting there for 2 hrs? feel like it would be rude to complain? accept whatever they say without questioning?
@narfcake@therealjrn@ybmuG I live in a rural area, so my office is small. They have really cheap plastic folding chairs, super uncomfortable Even if you get there before they open and wait it still takes a while for them to call your number.
I went up on my bday to get my new license, was the first person through the door and STILL waited 10-15 min to call me up. What on earth could they be doing BEFORE they even helped one customer.
@narfcake@tinamarie1974@ybmuG Our DMV’s are called “Tag Agencies” here and are privately owned by someone’s brother-in-law or whatever. It makes a difference which one you go to. I got lucky and the one closest to me is well-staffed and friendly.
@narfcake@therealjrn@tinamarie1974@ybmuG Perhaps not doing their job? I was once at social security to get my kid her card and instead of helping customers they were discussing a bridal shower. For about an hour. Including the manager. Sigh.
I drove my kid to a rural office last week to renew hers. She was in and out in 5 minutes as was the only one there. Almost, but not quite. tempted to do that myself next October as the local office is a nightmare of 3-5 hour waits. I’d save time but the gas costs would be outrageous as it is about 70 miles, one way, from me.
@narfcake@therealjrn@tinamarie1974 that’s amazing! Ours are all county-run. I have to say our county made some significant improvements in the last 10 years or so. Not sure about other countries, but I suspect our experience is not typical. And whatever the message, subliminal or otherwise, pews are definitely better than plastic chairs!
@tinamarie1974 In Missouri, you can bypass the for-profit “agency offices” which all have an “authorized by the state legislature” $12 per tag fee and the additional $3 “online processing fee” by going straight to the DMV by mail.
The MO statute authorizes “non-DMV employees” to charge the “agency fee” and online “processing fee” (i.e. a fee to take your money - ain’t that rich). You have to hunt for the address of the main office in Jeff City to mail it - the instructions to mail in a renewal are mysteriously missing from the website.
I just renewed mine for 2 years and paid only the exact amount (~$50 I think) and didn’t pay the 30% agency fee/tax.
You also need to mail in your insurance certificate. Thats not the same as the card that has summary policy info. You can find it on your insurance company’s website. It is the literal certificate of insurance that states the exact amounts covered and the policy’s compliance with the state insurance commission’s regulations for your policy.
I included my policy cards, since the license tag requires a “certificate of insurance” in the lust of required documents (along with personal property tax receipts and emissions/safety inspections). You don’t want the underpaid state DMV HQ clerk/drone to reject your renewal on a technicality to make you give up and go to a satellite agency office run by some state reps cronies.
Got it back in a week or so. Score
“Socialism” : 1,
“Privatization” : 0.
Get the government services your tax dollars pay for, instead of lining the pockets (bribery, by any other name is still a rose) some politician’s grifter cronies sucking the teats of government dry. Corporate welfare and tax credits are just another name for socialism for the rich.
We had a rare “snow day” here in Tulsa. Plenty of advance warning so everybody could get the B,M,&TP runs the day before. Lots of TV coverage of kids who hadn’t ever been sledding and playing in the snow in their lives before.
UPS still managed to get a couple of 43# boxes to my front door undamaged and everybody has paid their rent (late after the 5th) excepting one. It was a good day to stay inside and do some small chores around in the house.
@tinamarie1974 Yep. A little more South of me but we got ~4". It’s melting now and the temps are way below freezing tonight. We’ll (they’ll) be slip-sliding away for morning drive time. Schools are out again tomorrow.
@therealjrn We had snow once when I lived in Norman, OK. My kid was popular as I had two 2 person plastic sleds which worked really well. The on ramp of the highway was full of kids sledding down the side. Kids were “sledding” using plastic sheets, a bag, a laundry basket (did not work well - would tip over), a car hood (also did not work well as the snow wasn’t hard enough, flying saucer, plastic bags… They all had a blast and got wet and muddy by the time the cop kicked everyone off the on ramp (he had been there making sure cars were going slowly).
Well sigh. I am still sick with a temp up to 103 and a bit… I am home all day because I am sick and I missed yesterday’s meh click? Like I was doing anything other than mostly sleeping and pushing cats out of my face? Not even watching TV as my headache is too horrible. So am back to missing my calendar. “2299 times, 1 day in a row, with a longest streak of 408 days in a row.” If I remember tomorrow I’ll be up to 2300 clicks. Oh wait. Blame. That should have been today. Oh wait. Can’t blame.
/image no goat
@tinamarie1974 Thank you. Actually I have been pretty lucky on the sickness front. Outside of cancer crap and getting really sick and also getting shingles during chemo for the blood cancer (and having a few other major cancers and 2 other major medical catastrophes) I really have missed out on most of the flu, colds, etc. that people get every year. Not sure how but counting my blessing for that anyway.
Because I forgot to order Jelly Bellies.
I love Jelly Bellies.
Because I forgot to order Jelly Bellies.
Hurrah! Missed out on an enormous sugar coma!
(tho I’m not diabetic, I am guessing that inhaling an entire huge bag of Jelly Bellies at one sitting is not what one might call ”recommended for one’s health”.)
@f00l so should I not tell you that they have several different options available on sale over @ Morningsave AND that you can use your VMP discount to save a little extra
@f00l Yes jelly beans are a health food - for your mental health. Also probably full of Vitamins J and B too - just like M and M’s are actually chewable vitamin M pills. So no worries. Go buy some.
I signed up to deliver lunch to the robotics team at school today- 30 or so teenagers and adults. I placed an online order last night and felt all smug that I was prepared for once. Dominos just called and said their oven was broken. Shit.
Blame! Last Monday while driving to work I picked up a piece of steel and it came out the sidewall of my tire. Changing a tire at 630 in the morning on the side of the road in Iowa in wintertime is no fun!
I am slightly farsighted in one eye, slightly nearsighted in the other (natural built-in bifocals; have been that way since pre-school).
And The Great State of Texas makes me wear eyeglasses to drive.
I have been bitching about this for as long as I’ve had a license.
And!!! <drum roll>
The Great State Of Texas finally “sees things my way on this!”
No more drivers license restrictions. No more “crap, where are did I put my fucking glasses again?” agonies.
please note: The Great State Of Texas does not restrict legal driving by persons who are best described as “being Looney Tunes”.
/giphy “looney tunes”
(The “primary eye auto-switching” between my left and right eyes according to desired focusing distance is a completely seamless and unconscious habit, unless I force awareness of it. I wonder if it messes up or changes one’s brain somehow.)
@mike808 I would imagine a jury of your true peers would find you not guilty of a number of different kinds of offenses were you to choose to “get even”.
It is actually an unused ticket from a hockey game I attended a few years back. I had mine in a lanyard in my basement (hockey cave) and it and a few other items suspiciously came up missing after a maintenance man was here
At what point is this person going to realize if I have “won” with a bid of between $25 and $75 each time they are not going to get $1,000 for the ticket!! OMG
Blame because OMG one of my STL Blues (JBo) collapsed just after finishing a shift on the ice. See below. Apparently CPR was administered…need @KuoH to work overtime on this one!
BLAME - this town, yet again, has a boil water order. They first noticed the problem January 28th and they tell us for the first time this morning over 2 weeks later? And it took so long for what reason? Second boil order this year. They were a bit more prompt about the other one. Of course the flood is supposed to put one of the three water treatment plants (that one that serves where I live) underwater starting sometime this weekend so I guess we’ll be having problems for a while. Sigh.
Blame because I have been waiting at home since noon for a delivery. I just called the delivery company to find out the driver is running late. Now instead of noon to 4 window it is from noon until the driver decides to show up.
How is this even acceptable. No apologies from the CS rep, just that he is running late. Apparently I am just suppose to hang out and they will show up based upon their convenience.
I was cleaning out the glass containers for my yogurt maker. They can’t fit down the garbage disposal, right? Wrong. I had to pick out all the broken glass, clean up the blood, and find some bandaids.
I blame @Luvche for teaching me how to make delicious home made yogurt (who seems to not exist any more). I never have this problem with the store bought stuff.
@sammydog01 So sorry to hear about the cuts, hopefully I’m only to blame for the tasty yogurt and not the pain and blood…
p.s. I still exist, just not as often on the forums. I’ve been meaning to get more active again, I just don’t feel like I have that much to say lately.
How often have you been making yogurt and any favorite ways to eat it?
@speediedelivery thanks for the mention. Normally every time I hear someone type the word “yogurt” I get goosebumps and find it in the forum, but your mention here worked a little more smoothly
@luvche21 I’m trying to get back into making yogurt- I’ve been lazy. I just make regular yogurt on the mild side and add frozen berries that I’ve thawed overnight with sugar. I like the texture of yogurt but not the sourness so I only cook it for 6-8 hours.
@sammydog01 nothing wrong with not as sour yogurt! If you want to take it to the next (super easy) level, try half yogurt and half juice, with a little sugar (optional, depending on your sweetness tastes. Just whisk it up for a delicious drink. I’d recommend orange juice or some kind of nectar (apricot, peach, mango). It’s one of my favorite drinks!
We’ve been making yogurt for years. It’s one of the best ways to save money, since it’s like a few cents per serving vs > $1 for store-bought. If anyone’s thinking about it, here’s my unsolicited advice:
Is it for you? Well, do you already eat a lot of yogurt, like almost one a day? If you just eat it every now and then, it probably won’t be worth the motivation to make a new batch every week or so and you’ll let it spoil.
Do you eat plain yogurt? Be aware that that’s what you’re making, and any sweetening and flavoring adds a step. (My wife and daughter like frozen blueberries and honey in it. Personally, I’m lazy enough that I like to just tip a bit of maple syrup in and call it a day, even if that’s not my favorite flavor.)
OK, you know you want to make yogurt. Do yourself a favor, don’t just grab a tub of Stonyfield and use it as starter. It’ll be nasty. Go to https://www.culturesforhealth.com/ and order one of their starter cultures. (And put one in the freezer for when you do eventually let it spoil and have to start over.) Check out their ebooks too. But be warned that if you hang around there too long you’ll be making your own cheese, kimchi, and (shudder) kombuuuuuucha. (Shudder.)
Use whole milk. Listen, if you want to reduce fat in your diet, eat a damn mango. You wanna make your own yogurt that tastes good and isn’t a runny liquid? Quit complaining and use whole milk.
The first batch is never quite right; the culture is still getting going. It might be runny, or a bit bitter. Throw it out if you want, except for the couple of spoonfuls that inoculate the next batch. Don’t quit yet.
You don’t have to buy a yogurt maker, but you probably want to. If you’ve got an Instant Pot, its “yogurt” setting does work well. If you want to flavor a big batch at once, might as well make a big batch at once. Of course, in my experience, the Instant Pot gives you yogurt the flavor of The Ghost of Chilis Past. A yogurt maker is like $30 and has the benefit of making it right in the single-serving jars. (If your jars are like ours, though, the plastic lids don’t seal well. If they’re still like ours, old spaghetti sauce jar lids do seal well on them.)
Not satisfied with bringing us the ultimate holiday gift, the fine folks that brought us this:
Are bringing us the hottest in summer fashion footwear of the decade: https://www.crocs.com/KFC.html
one of the graphic systems I used to work on had a “fried chicken pieces” texture map that we’d use when we wanted to make something look garish and revolting
@stolicat What are the chances we will see a container if these dumped, er, offered at low, attractive pricing either here on Meh or on Morningsave, or, dare I say, joy of joys, on both?
@f00l@therealjrn@ybmuG I hate to say it but I think my age has something to do with it. It wasn’t THAT long ago I could party all night, go home sleep for an hour and do it all over again. These days that would kill me
@tinamarie1974 But if it was hockey games and parties associated with those you’d be all in? Those are an exception because they put your fatigue on ice? Right?
@Kidsandliz@RedHot@tinamarie1974 Kouh only seems to look at the deal thread and an IT help thread, and comment every few days. Not sure Kouh checks the goat thread or has mail notification when mentioned set up.
@CaptAmehrican@ybmuG which amusement park? Back in the day growing up I spent a bunch of my childhood summers at Boblo Island Amusement Park then they closed in 94. Sad days
@f00l Plenty of rain here too. Like approaching the record. Of course you get it first and then it hits here so I guess we have more to come. At least the flooding is receding here.
BLAME!!! AND MORE BLAME!!! Kid (young adult) problem big time. Her past behavior, poor decisions, etc. (she has brain damage and when I adopted her at almost 10 and some other serious issues that meant that I getting her through high school with a regular diploma, not pregnant and without a court record was not a given - fortunately by the grace of who knows what gods we managed that) have caught up with her and she thinks somehow I can solve it all for her. Nope out of my hands.
My Monday will be busy. Between sitting at the VA starting at 9am (where there is no phone service) all morning while a friend has a port put in for chemo (they required someone to be present), taking my car in at 7:30 to get fixed from when that transmission thing fell off the truck and hit my car and then getting the insurance provided rental car, and now dealing with the court system trying to get her a free attorney after the fact for her next court appearance April 6th (she is not capable of handing stuff like this, had an IEP with services though school, have tried to get her to cooperate with getting SSD but she refuses for unknown reasons)… Plus trying to get another related office (that office likely won’t deal with me since she is a minor but hopefully I can at least make the case before they cut me off) realize I can’t drive 50 miles to get her (she has no functioning car - her abusive boyfriend deliberately drove it into a tree in his yard and he had no car insurance nor did she and there is no public transportation in that county), 50 miles back, get her there by 10am (due to the VA previous commitment) nor bring her in the afternoon if she can convince them to change the apt and then be back at the house in time for when the school bus drops off a 5 and 6 year old (at least the littles will be with her)… SHIT!!
And this is going to cost me money I don’t have to get temporary guardianship of the kids so they don’t land in foster care (apparently I have to get it being the grandma and then I go to court a second time to add the woman at the house where they are living, she can’t be added initially since she isn’t a relative)… Was shocked to discover how expensive this is and how long it takes due to having to go though the courts. Actually my priority is the kids - she has made her bed so to speak. She might learn something - but all this is going to traumatize the kids. Something they don’t need. I need guardianship to be in effect by April 6th. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!
meant to say she isn’t a minor… can’t type. And I still have the cough and fatigue from the flu B I came down with 3 weeks ago. Grumble grumble grumble…
Hey there @KuoH, welcome to the club, kid.
It’s time to come out of hiding, @KuoH.
Maybe KuoH saw their shadow and got frightened back into their den?
@cf1 Six more weeks of no goat?
@Barney @cf1 maybe that’s KuoH’s whole approach. Could be more purposeful than simply not showing up.
Ok, so at the risk of getting people’s attention in a bad way, @kuoh doesn’t seem like a good choice. He (she?) Doesn’t even have an “irrepressible chatterbox” label on their profile, only “up for a chin wag”, I would think that you have to be a big contributer to end up as Goat.
. But who am I to say. I’m not a huge contributer.
@Fuzzalini I agree. However, a few people petitioned for them and everyone voted that way. Blame the voters.
@RiotDemon I do. Every day.
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon
We are all KuoH.
@Fuzzalini @sammydog01 some more blame is coming your way!!
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon @sammydog01 don’t blame the voters blame the general will
Fuzzalini February has a nice ring to it…
Just saying…
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon you see, if we had an electoral college it might have saved us from the tyranny of the majority
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon @sammydog01
The great unification of KuoH
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon @sammydog01 dang, ran out of editing time. Was expecting something more like this

@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @ybmuG fancy!!
@JnKL That’s what I was afraid people would think. I generally avoid these threads for that reason.
@Fuzzalini Still water runs deep. Maybe @Kuoh is like Merrill Lynch, when they talk - people listen. So, as a result they don’t say much. You want a month of mindless drivel or 3 quality posts?
/giphy missing goat

Have a beer until the goat shows up.

@mike808 hell, have four.
@mike808 @UncleVinny at this rate you could be passed out on the floor from drinking the beers whilst waiting on goat sightings…
@amehzinggrace @mike808 @UncleVinny Maybe if you drink enough this will happen and there will be plenty of goats to cover the month.

Hoarding blames until the goat shows up. Suffice it to say the flu shot isn’t a good match for what is going around and there are good reasons why some species eat their young. Enough said.
@Kidsandliz blame accepted on the goats behalf. Goat flu ugh may you get tamiflu and zinc and may you all feel better
@CaptAmehrican I feel too crapy to drag myself to the doctor. Yeah I know. That is exactly when you need to go. Too much effort.
Blame. I just voted in my local special election. I am disgusted that the polls were empty. People every time you can vote educate yourself and vote. Ugh
Preaching to the choir, but if you don’t vote, you don’t get to bitch about the assholes everyone else voted into government because you couldn’t be bothered enough to vote for someone else.
We get the government we voted for. Nothing more, nothing less. If we abdicate our power, as the Senate is about to do, then you don’t get to complain about the consequences of not voting, and never getting it back peacefully is one of them.
@CaptAmehrican I agree. People need to check the issues and candidates, become informed and VOTE!
That really doesn’t happen. Many don’t vote, many go by ‘headlines’ and only ‘mainstream’ news. It’s a shame.
So, now that @moose isn’t an employee anymore… he can technically be the goat.
When @Moose left the office for the last time, he was told to leave his flask at the door on his way out. He immediately answered:

@Moose, you can’t have it both ways. You are either an employee or not.
Ooo, here’s the blame thread. Somebody needs to take the blame that my work computer has to be replaced and I am gonna miss out on 8 hrs at least of pay.
@tnhillbillygal Well that sucks.
@tnhillbillygal I first read your comment as, “I’m gonna miss out on 8 hrs at least of play.”
And I thought what’s so bad about that?
@Barney @tnhillbillygal
To put that into perspective, Bezos makes the equivalent of $215 MILLION in his 8-hour “work” day. Yes, almost a quarter of a Billion dollars. Per day.
@mike808 So?
@mike808 I’m not greedy. I’ll take his job for just one day. I’d be set for life.
@Barney @mike808 @tnhillbillygal
Jeff Bezos is quite the American success story. His bio is interesting. He took his ‘Book store’ to be an amazing company that I use to shop or compare prices almost every day.
I’m glad for every dollar he gets.
@Barney @daveinwarsh @mike808 @tnhillbillygal me too, Dave!
@thismyusername are you volunteering to be the valentine goat and take blame for my pathetic love life . What ever happened to guys asking gals out? I miss that.
@CaptAmehrican @thismyusername 1,000 times yes! It is a desert over here as well. Who can I blame???
@CaptAmehrican I’ll do it as soon as my trophy arrives… but in the mean time here ya go:
@tinamarie1974 mehbe this will cheer:
@thismyusername @tinamarie1974 @CaptAmehrican I remehber those VMP valentines. I think mine were passed on in an exchange years ago. Since there are now at least two artists working at meh mahbe they will make VMP’s new ones this year.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @thismyusername those are so cute, they must have been a thing before I started hanging around.
I always wondered if Irk had feet…
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @thismyusername @tinamarie1974
I’m wondering if he should have pants.
Went to the DMV today. Ugh.
So much unblame. Non-appointment and I was in and out in 30 minutes.
/roll 4d20
You rolled a total of 55
@narfcake Fancy! Y’all have appointment DMVs out there? Do they serve cucumber water while yer waitin’?
@therealjrn Nope. Tap water is all that’s available.
@narfcake @therealjrn WTH water AND appts?!?!?!? I cannot imagine
/giphy fancy

@narfcake @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 the one I usually go to has what appear to be old church pews in the waiting area.
So do they think it will make us be ok with sitting there for 2 hrs? feel like it would be rude to complain? accept whatever they say without questioning?
Things that make you go “hmmm”…
@narfcake @therealjrn @ybmuG I live in a rural area, so my office is small. They have really cheap plastic folding chairs, super uncomfortable Even if you get there before they open and wait it still takes a while for them to call your number.
I went up on my bday to get my new license, was the first person through the door and STILL waited 10-15 min to call me up. What on earth could they be doing BEFORE they even helped one customer.
@narfcake @tinamarie1974 Jesus knows what’s in yer heart @ybmuG.
@narfcake @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Our DMV’s are called “Tag Agencies” here and are privately owned by someone’s brother-in-law or whatever. It makes a difference which one you go to. I got lucky and the one closest to me is well-staffed and friendly.
@narfcake @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Perhaps not doing their job? I was once at social security to get my kid her card and instead of helping customers they were discussing a bridal shower. For about an hour. Including the manager. Sigh.
I drove my kid to a rural office last week to renew hers. She was in and out in 5 minutes as was the only one there. Almost, but not quite. tempted to do that myself next October as the local office is a nightmare of 3-5 hour waits. I’d save time but the gas costs would be outrageous as it is about 70 miles, one way, from me.
@narfcake @therealjrn @ybmuG same here, not govt ran any longer, but outsourced to??? Terrible model
@narfcake @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 that’s amazing! Ours are all county-run. I have to say our county made some significant improvements in the last 10 years or so. Not sure about other countries, but I suspect our experience is not typical. And whatever the message, subliminal or otherwise, pews are definitely better than plastic chairs!
@narfcake @therealjrn @tinamarie1974
Yes, He does!
@tinamarie1974 In Missouri, you can bypass the for-profit “agency offices” which all have an “authorized by the state legislature” $12 per tag fee and the additional $3 “online processing fee” by going straight to the DMV by mail.
The MO statute authorizes “non-DMV employees” to charge the “agency fee” and online “processing fee” (i.e. a fee to take your money - ain’t that rich). You have to hunt for the address of the main office in Jeff City to mail it - the instructions to mail in a renewal are mysteriously missing from the website.
I just renewed mine for 2 years and paid only the exact amount (~$50 I think) and didn’t pay the 30% agency fee/tax.
You also need to mail in your insurance certificate. Thats not the same as the card that has summary policy info. You can find it on your insurance company’s website. It is the literal certificate of insurance that states the exact amounts covered and the policy’s compliance with the state insurance commission’s regulations for your policy.
I included my policy cards, since the license tag requires a “certificate of insurance” in the lust of required documents (along with personal property tax receipts and emissions/safety inspections). You don’t want the underpaid state DMV HQ clerk/drone to reject your renewal on a technicality to make you give up and go to a satellite agency office run by some state reps cronies.
Got it back in a week or so. Score
Get the government services your tax dollars pay for, instead of lining the pockets (bribery, by any other name is still a rose) some politician’s grifter cronies sucking the teats of government dry. Corporate welfare and tax credits are just another name for socialism for the rich.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974
those clerks/drones can get a little kinky
@mike808 @stolicat now THAT sounds like a fun office, maybe one would not mind the long wait!!
Yuge /UNBLAME today!
We had a rare “snow day” here in Tulsa. Plenty of advance warning so everybody could get the B,M,&TP runs the day before. Lots of TV coverage of kids who hadn’t ever been sledding and playing in the snow in their lives before.
UPS still managed to get a couple of 43# boxes to my front door undamaged and everybody has paid their rent (late after the 5th) excepting one. It was a good day to stay inside and do some small chores
aroundin the house.@therealjrn did you actually get snow? We had the same warnings. Had a bit of sleet, which has now melted. Quiet otherwise.
@tinamarie1974 Yep. A little more South of me but we got ~4". It’s melting now and the temps are way below freezing tonight. We’ll (they’ll) be slip-sliding away for morning drive time. Schools are out again tomorrow.
@therealjrn well be safe if you decide to head out tomorrow!
@tinamarie1974 No plans until the afternoon. I’m driving a friend to the doctor. Should be in good shape by then–thanks!
@therealjrn We had snow once when I lived in Norman, OK. My kid was popular as I had two 2 person plastic sleds which worked really well. The on ramp of the highway was full of kids sledding down the side. Kids were “sledding” using plastic sheets, a bag, a laundry basket (did not work well - would tip over), a car hood (also did not work well as the snow wasn’t hard enough, flying saucer, plastic bags… They all had a blast and got wet and muddy by the time the cop kicked everyone off the on ramp (he had been there making sure cars were going slowly).
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 had 4 today. Depending on forecast, 6-12 or 8-15 tomorrow, including a bit of ice right now.
UNBLAME - snow cancelled our 2-hr drive to a meeting which we will now do remotely.
BLAME - fewer billable hours, though I’d still rather not have to drive in it, so maybe only a half blame.
@therealjrn @ybmuG
/giphy snowball fight

Well sigh. I am still sick with a temp up to 103 and a bit… I am home all day because I am sick and I missed yesterday’s meh click? Like I was doing anything other than mostly sleeping and pushing cats out of my face? Not even watching TV as my headache is too horrible. So am back to missing my calendar. “2299 times, 1 day in a row, with a longest streak of 408 days in a row.” If I remember tomorrow I’ll be up to 2300 clicks. Oh wait. Blame. That should have been today. Oh wait. Can’t blame.

/image no goat
@Kidsandliz feel better
@tinamarie1974 Thank you. Actually I have been pretty lucky on the sickness front. Outside of cancer crap and getting really sick and also getting shingles during chemo for the blood cancer (and having a few other major cancers and 2 other major medical catastrophes) I really have missed out on most of the flu, colds, etc. that people get every year. Not sure how but counting my blessing for that anyway.

@llangley Thanks. Cute kitten too.
Just in case you needed a smile:
@Shrdlu I love purple.
@Barneybot isn’t a real bot.
Because I forgot to order Jelly Bellies.
I love Jelly Bellies.
Because I forgot to order Jelly Bellies.
Hurrah! Missed out on an enormous sugar coma!
(tho I’m not diabetic, I am guessing that inhaling an entire huge bag of Jelly Bellies at one sitting is not what one might call ”recommended for one’s health”.)
@f00l so should I not tell you that they have several different options available on sale over @ Morningsave AND that you can use your VMP discount to save a little extra
A few options
Oh thanks for ruining my personal health program!
/giphy temptation

@f00l @tinamarie1974
Jelly beans are a health food.
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
The universe has spoken.
Toward Jelly Bellies shall I go.
/giphy do not pass go do not collect $200

@f00l @sammydog01 the force is strong in this one
@f00l Yes jelly beans are a health food - for your mental health. Also probably full of Vitamins J and B too - just like M and M’s are actually chewable vitamin M pills. So no worries. Go buy some.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @phendrick @unksol
So, these are both healthy and healthful?
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @phendrick @unksol
Jelly Bellies are v close to being everything.
Everything good, I mean. Of course.
/giphy “all and everything”

/giphy “being and nothingness”

@f00l @mike808 @phendrick @unksol
Of course. Vitamins are always both. That they taste good is a side benefit.
I signed up to deliver lunch to the robotics team at school today- 30 or so teenagers and adults. I placed an online order last night and felt all smug that I was prepared for once. Dominos just called and said their oven was broken. Shit.
Pizza Pizza from little Caesar’s mehbe?
@therealjrn Yesterday’s conversation with Junior:
Is Dominos OK?
Anything but Little Cesars.
@sammydog01 Hm…admittedly, my standards are pretty low…
How about some pizzas from Sam’s Club? Or Costco? They’re a pretty good deal and are HUGE.
@therealjrn They transferred my order to a different Dominos. Only an extra 40 minutes of driving.
Thanks @KuoH!
@kuoh @sammydog01 @therealjrn
Well: eat some pizza while you’re delivering the pizza.
BTW; Dominos delivers directly to schools. And you can order that in advance.
(Tho it’s way too late for today’s ET noonish lunch already.)
@f00l @kuoh @therealjrn There was a carry out special and I’m cheap.
@kuoh @sammydog01 @therealjrn
You had to do both the food delivery and the paying for the food?
But indeed, you are a most excellent parent, and I can tell from halfway across the country: that your kids do not yet properly appreciate you.
I hope that someday they will.
And, in the meantime, I deeply hope that you reserve some quantity of most excellent robots and some quantity of most excellent pizza for yourself.
/giphy robot pizza

@kuoh @sammydog01 @therealjrn
Forgot to say:
/giphy “hey mom, you rock!”

Blame: My local Microcenter just sold out of the $80 Ryzen 5 2600X. I guess I won’t be upgrading my computer after all …
@narfcake well that sucks! I gather no rain check?
@Kidsandliz Nope. Special pricing this weekend to celebrate yesterday’s release of the Threadripper 3990X.
That one is… somewhat … pricier.
(Also a way for them to clear the stock, what with 4th gen coming out later this year.)

@Kidsandliz My current desktop still works, so I wasn’t fretting about it a whole lot. Would have been nice, but I wasn’t able to, so next time.
/giphy that’s what she said

Blame! Last Monday while driving to work I picked up a piece of steel and it came out the sidewall of my tire. Changing a tire at 630 in the morning on the side of the road in Iowa in wintertime is no fun!

@JnKL Holy crap that is a big hole. I hope you weren’t going super fast when that happened.
/giphy terrible

I am slightly farsighted in one eye, slightly nearsighted in the other (natural built-in bifocals; have been that way since pre-school).
And The Great State of Texas makes me wear eyeglasses to drive.
I have been bitching about this for as long as I’ve had a license.
And!!! <drum roll>
The Great State Of Texas finally “sees things my way on this!”
No more drivers license restrictions. No more “crap, where are did I put my fucking glasses again?” agonies.
please note: The Great State Of Texas does not restrict legal driving by persons who are best described as “being Looney Tunes”.
/giphy “looney tunes”

(The “primary eye auto-switching” between my left and right eyes according to desired focusing distance is a completely seamless and unconscious habit, unless I force awareness of it. I wonder if it messes up or changes one’s brain somehow.)

/giphy messed up brain
/giphy “One can only hope”


Someone’s discovered the “password reset” feature as their new toy.
/giphy password reset
@mike808 I would imagine a jury of your true peers would find you not guilty of a number of different kinds of offenses were you to choose to “get even”.
Blame because I have bid on and won an item on Ebay THREE times now, however, the reserve has not been met.
Clearly the seller thinks their item is worth more than the market will bear, but they continue to relist it over and over

/giphy son of a bitch

@tinamarie1974 what’s the item?
@bleedmichigan @tinamarie1974 don’t do it! It’s a trap!
@bleedmichigan @JnKL sounds suspicious!
It is actually an unused ticket from a hockey game I attended a few years back. I had mine in a lanyard in my basement (hockey cave) and it and a few other items suspiciously came up missing after a maintenance man was here

Just trying to replace it in my collection
@tinamarie1974 That seriously sucks!!!
@Kidsandliz YUP!
@bleedmichigan @JnKL @KuoH. Blame because FOUR times now.
At what point is this person going to realize if I have “won” with a bid of between $25 and $75 each time they are not going to get $1,000 for the ticket!! OMG
@bleedmichigan @JnKL @kuoh @tinamarie1974 Is it the same ticket that was stolen?
@bleedmichigan @JnKL @kuoh @therealjrn no it is not my actual ticket or I would be going to the police. It is an unused ticket from the same game.
@JnKL @kuoh @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 what game what team. Use the power of the internet maybe someone knows someone or something
@bleedmichigan @JnKL @kuoh @therealjrn it is a ticket to the 2017 Winter Classic alumni game. Betting you can guess which team I went to see
/giphy St. Louis Blues

Blame because OMG one of my STL Blues (JBo) collapsed just after finishing a shift on the ice. See below. Apparently CPR was administered…need @KuoH to work overtime on this one!
@tinamarie1974 They let them shit on the ice?
@therealjrn ummmm a shift…I was scared I once again fat fingered something…not this time though!! Whew!!
@tinamarie1974 Ha ha, made you look!
/giphy tongue out

@therealjrn (for @tinamarie1974)

BLAME - this town, yet again, has a boil water order. They first noticed the problem January 28th and they tell us for the first time this morning over 2 weeks later? And it took so long for what reason? Second boil order this year. They were a bit more prompt about the other one. Of course the flood is supposed to put one of the three water treatment plants (that one that serves where I live) underwater starting sometime this weekend so I guess we’ll be having problems for a while. Sigh.
Blame because I have been waiting at home since noon for a delivery. I just called the delivery company to find out the driver is running late. Now instead of noon to 4 window it is from noon until the driver decides to show up.
How is this even acceptable. No apologies from the CS rep, just that he is running late. Apparently I am just suppose to hang out and they will show up based upon their convenience.
/giphy eye roll

@tinamarie1974 ok unblame because they did make it before 4.
Blame because four of the eight pieces were damaged.
Unblame! I got to watch a 4-year old taste a spoon of honey for the first time. Magic exists.
Blame: A drunk customer kept bothering one of my coworkers to the point I was concerned he’d show back up after we closed.
Unblame: He didn’t.
I was cleaning out the glass containers for my yogurt maker. They can’t fit down the garbage disposal, right? Wrong. I had to pick out all the broken glass, clean up the blood, and find some bandaids.
I blame @Luvche for teaching me how to make delicious home made yogurt (who seems to not exist any more). I never have this problem with the store bought stuff.
@sammydog01 oh no. Hope you are ok!

(It’s just a couple of small cuts. I’m pissed off that I thought about getting my cut resistant gloves out of the drawer and didn’t bother.)
@sammydog01 Try @luvche21
Better have some yogurt to help ease the pain. The thought of I was going to… always annoys me more than the cut or smashed body part.
@sammydog01 don’t beat yourself up, hindsight is always 20/20.
@sammydog01 So sorry to hear about the cuts, hopefully I’m only to blame for the tasty yogurt and not the pain and blood…
p.s. I still exist, just not as often on the forums. I’ve been meaning to get more active again, I just don’t feel like I have that much to say lately.
How often have you been making yogurt and any favorite ways to eat it?
@speediedelivery thanks for the mention. Normally every time I hear someone type the word “yogurt” I get goosebumps and find it in the forum, but your mention here worked a little more smoothly
@luvche21 I’m trying to get back into making yogurt- I’ve been lazy. I just make regular yogurt on the mild side and add frozen berries that I’ve thawed overnight with sugar. I like the texture of yogurt but not the sourness so I only cook it for 6-8 hours.
@sammydog01 nothing wrong with not as sour yogurt! If you want to take it to the next (super easy) level, try half yogurt and half juice, with a little sugar (optional, depending on your sweetness tastes. Just whisk it up for a delicious drink. I’d recommend orange juice or some kind of nectar (apricot, peach, mango). It’s one of my favorite drinks!
We’ve been making yogurt for years. It’s one of the best ways to save money, since it’s like a few cents per serving vs > $1 for store-bought. If anyone’s thinking about it, here’s my unsolicited advice:
Not satisfied with bringing us the ultimate holiday gift, the fine folks that brought us this:

Are bringing us the hottest in summer fashion footwear of the decade:
@mike808 oh dear …
one of the graphic systems I used to work on had a “fried chicken pieces” texture map that we’d use when we wanted to make something look garish and revolting
@stolicat What are the chances we will see a container if these dumped, er, offered at low, attractive pricing either here on Meh or on Morningsave, or, dare I say, joy of joys, on both?
I’m tired.
/youtube Madeline Kahn Blazing Saddles I’m tired
@f00l me too!
@f00l @tinamarie1974 Me three!
@f00l @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Does appear there may be something systematic about it - first weeks of the year appear to be the worst.
Good news is, it can only get better from here!
@f00l @therealjrn @ybmuG I hate to say it but I think my age has something to do with it. It wasn’t THAT long ago I could party all night, go home sleep for an hour and do it all over again. These days that would kill me
@f00l @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Well, I was trying to convince myself as well, so thanks for blowing my delusion…
@f00l @therealjrn @ybmuG well if you noticed, I said it was my issue. I didn’t want to ruin anyones youthful delusions
@f00l @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Sure, but I have a feeling I’m older than you are, so by the transitive property…
@f00l @therealjrn @ybmuG
@f00l @tinamarie1974
So y’all are ‘the Goddess(es) of Desire’?
(Lili von Schtupp)
@compunaut @tinamarie1974
In my case, perhaps some decades ago …
@compunaut @f00l well we do drive the cowboys wild, ssooooo.
@tinamarie1974 But if it was hockey games and parties associated with those you’d be all in? Those are an exception because they put your fatigue on ice? Right?
Did the Goat ever show?
@RedHot Not yet.
@Kidsandliz @RedHot they did earlier today!!!
@RedHot @tinamarie1974 Oh I missed that. Oops.
@Kidsandliz @RedHot @tinamarie1974 Kouh only seems to look at the deal thread and an IT help thread, and comment every few days. Not sure Kouh checks the goat thread or has mail notification when mentioned set up.
@Kidsandliz @mollama @RedHot @tinamarie1974 maybe Kouh is delibertly goatsting…i’m just saying…
@amehzinggrace @Kidsandliz @mollama @RedHot
Blame an amusement park I worked at twenty five years ago announced today it is closing. I have so many great memories of it.
@CaptAmehrican maybe if you hadn’t quit…
@CaptAmehrican @ybmuG which amusement park? Back in the day growing up I spent a bunch of my childhood summers at Boblo Island Amusement Park then they closed in 94. Sad days
/giphy boblo island

Wet. Cold. Tired. (Temporarily)
I mean, this weather can fuck off already.
/giphy wet and cold

@f00l Plenty of rain here too. Like approaching the record. Of course you get it first and then it hits here so I guess we have more to come. At least the flooding is receding here.
BLAME!!! AND MORE BLAME!!! Kid (young adult) problem big time. Her past behavior, poor decisions, etc. (she has brain damage and when I adopted her at almost 10 and some other serious issues that meant that I getting her through high school with a regular diploma, not pregnant and without a court record was not a given - fortunately by the grace of who knows what gods we managed that) have caught up with her and she thinks somehow I can solve it all for her. Nope out of my hands.
My Monday will be busy. Between sitting at the VA starting at 9am (where there is no phone service) all morning while a friend has a port put in for chemo (they required someone to be present), taking my car in at 7:30 to get fixed from when that transmission thing fell off the truck and hit my car and then getting the insurance provided rental car, and now dealing with the court system trying to get her a free attorney after the fact for her next court appearance April 6th (she is not capable of handing stuff like this, had an IEP with services though school, have tried to get her to cooperate with getting SSD but she refuses for unknown reasons)… Plus trying to get another related office (that office likely won’t deal with me since she is a minor but hopefully I can at least make the case before they cut me off) realize I can’t drive 50 miles to get her (she has no functioning car - her abusive boyfriend deliberately drove it into a tree in his yard and he had no car insurance nor did she and there is no public transportation in that county), 50 miles back, get her there by 10am (due to the VA previous commitment) nor bring her in the afternoon if she can convince them to change the apt and then be back at the house in time for when the school bus drops off a 5 and 6 year old (at least the littles will be with her)… SHIT!!
And this is going to cost me money I don’t have to get temporary guardianship of the kids so they don’t land in foster care (apparently I have to get it being the grandma and then I go to court a second time to add the woman at the house where they are living, she can’t be added initially since she isn’t a relative)… Was shocked to discover how expensive this is and how long it takes due to having to go though the courts. Actually my priority is the kids - she has made her bed so to speak. She might learn something - but all this is going to traumatize the kids. Something they don’t need. I need guardianship to be in effect by April 6th. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!
meant to say she isn’t a minor… can’t type. And I still have the cough and fatigue from the flu B I came down with 3 weeks ago. Grumble grumble grumble…
Blame because YouTube TV is dropping Fox Sports MW and therefore STL Blues Hockey on March 1st. WTH!!
@tinamarie1974 so you’d only miss the last month of the season…nothing happens then, really.
@ybmuG um I mean since we are going to win the cup again (cough, cough) the season will extend into June
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG for now they’ve agreed to a temporary extension while they negotiate. I’m sure this will end up with another price hike soon
@Ignorant @ybmuG oh lets hope not. Tv is already too expensive.
@tinamarie1974 Sinclair says 19 of the 21 RSNs that YTTV had will stay hopefully yours is one. Mine here in SoCal are getting the axe
Edit:. Looks like you’re good, being dropped are YES, Fox Sports West, and Fox Sports Prime Ticket
@Ignorant oh I had not heard yet, thank you for the update and sorry you are loosing your outlet
“TheFLP clicked the meh button 1563 times, 2 days in a row, with a longest streak of 728 days in a row.”
Oh well. I was thinking about stopping when I hit the two-year mark anyway, just happened to be a few days late.
“… 0 days in a row”
Seems like a good way to close out the month of the invisible goat.