While I am new, I learned of an individual who created an evil extension "a starring machine" where people could star themselves automatically - seriously? That alone earns @TaRDy a nomination. Did you not learn anything from Dr Suess? Not only that but he also screwed up a perfectly good Scapegoat list. He has my vote. Let him be blamed!
@Thumperchick according to @narfacke on your recent thread he said he jumped the gun, when it was @Cengland0. But then he slyly pulled the goat blame card on @narfcake that it was his fault. My vote is in for nothing more than the "starring machine".
@mfladd Nah, he was making a point about how useful it would be to lock the thread, iirc. By messing it up, they pointed out how easily it would be messed up in the future, marring its usefulness as a history log. Either way, can we really have a goat that's chronically late?
Why are we not waiting for the Meh staffers to open these nomination threads? Doesn't this just lead to confusion and rending of garments and gnashing of teeth?
@curtise they haven't really opened these threads for months now. @SIMBM has been doing a good job posting them a few days ahead of time. There doesn't seem to be too much confusion?
Yeah! I'm with you @lumpthar: Every night I curse @mediocrebot. Either he makes me buy crap I don't need or he / she posts such utter crap that I feel I wasted 30 precious seconds of my life to look at the meh site. The only redeeming thing under those circumstances is the chance of finding a new "Ask Irk" or "Maybe it bothers me more than it should..." video.
@Thumperchick Nooooooooooooooooo! there must be some bylaws that have to do with time here, or something like that. C'mon, @TarDY, the chronically late goat created a "starring machine"! :)
@mfladd I was more concerned that I haven't seen @TaRDY around in a bit, or commenting here in the nomination threads :/ There is also no minimum time here to be awesome enough to earn a goat-vote. You've more than participated and made yourself recognizable.
@Thumperchick lately I have been lurking more than posting, I do agree that @mfladd is a perfect "good mehtizen" nominee for goat, I might have to join the meh team that was setup.
It seems @mfladd is not enthusiastic about becoming the goat. I nominate @Pavlov for giving away Mad Max tickets and treating community mehmbers so well. Also for Abe Vigoda.
@mfladd Yes, they do- and that's why you're not allowed to self-nominate anymore. One month there were even campaign speeches and promises from the nominees!
@ACraigL I didn't know where that came from. I just picked it off Google images after a dirty word search. Oh, lord - I just noticed the website on the pic!
@Pavlov good luck friend. @mfladd looks like we dodged this one. I originally joined in the campaign month where @cengland0 won it after trying to NOT win and on the basis that his extra Fuku delivery was a goat package, but these days my attitude towards it is now meh. (Original campaign thread: https://meh.com/forum/topics/thankful-scapegoat---november)
@TaRDy I am soooo disappointed (sighs in relief:) It's a lot of work to be a good goat. And Teah Meh is what I am concentrating on now - time to join! @Pavlov good luck, I know you will do great!
I don't know what you two bitches are doing a happy dance about yet, I'm behind both of you currently in the vote count. Apparently, you other two goat nominees can't do simple fucking addition.
@Pavlov WTF!!!!!!!!!!! @TaRDy had 8 votes and I had 5 on one and 4 on the other but they duplicates!!!!!!! Where the hell di all those votes come from??????????????? It is tampering. I will want a recount >:-/
@Pavlov@TaRDy@mfladd - 41 new votes in such a short time has to be unprecedented. Don't think I've seen @JonT today, maybe @shawn can tell what happened?
@mfladd I'm thinking your vote count was waaay low there bud. @TaRDy was into double digits right after I was nominated and your combined count was higher than that.
@Pavlov that's cause I can't count. Also when I look under the people who starred me under @Thunperchicks nomination you are listed twice. Tell me how that happens. And I am not counting @MrsPavlov.
@mfladd No idea how I was recorded to star it twice, but I removed mine in fairness and it still lists me as starring the post . . . it is @narfcake's fault I'm sure.
@shawn - Oh, there weren't very many stars on some of the posts, then all of a sudden there were lots. Can you tell if they are legitimate? (The ones over 25 stars). And thanks!
@mfladd It isn't me twice, it is Pav"i"ov with a capital "i" - someone registered a bunch of look alike usernames back when the whole CircaRigel dog toy fiasco went down. (So in fairness, I reinstated my vote - LOL)
@Pavlov Yah thanks, you are right though I had to put on my old man glasses. There is another one I thought was doubled. they were like 12 characters long, but someone merely switched two of the letters. Care to illuminate on the CircaRigel dog toy fiasco?
@KDemo In looking at the people that starred (I looked at people starring mine, and four other main posts) and using Google to search, all but four or five of the usernames have posted / been active in the forum previously - some going back months.
Although, given the general apathy, I'm really starting to think they whole thing has run its course.
Plus, I wonder if the whole "goat" thing doesn't alienate new users if the current month goat is an active "hey, fuck you" kind of goat . . .
@Pavlov - Good to know. I was probably scarred by the 2004 debacle. I agree, the whole goat thing isn't feeling so fun anymore. And I'm not blaming @narfcake. The way the voting changed just didn't seem to make sense. I concede. But I do hope that you get it (if you want it).
@TaRDy Hey! If you don't like the way we count here in Florida you can just forget about coming down here for the beaches and Disney World and stay put in any one of the other 53 states in this fine country!
@Pavlov It looks like people realized they want to fuck with you for a month. @mfladd will probably keep being a great dude. @TaRDY will bounce back at some point. But you? We have to get this in now, before we forget you haven't been goat yet... again.
@Thumperchick I re-read this and it sounded like I meant the vote. I actually meant me being "a great dude" Goddamn it - I am in one of those moods again.
But the real question is: Is @Pavlov a K? Are you K's ready to admit you don't own the place? Your kickstarter money has long been spent on beer, pizza, beer, pretzels, & beer so you don't hold the power anymore! (and don't bother bringing up @Barney 'cause y'all gave her the shortest month possible) We non-K's need to rise up and take control! Revolt I say, revolt!!!
@Mehrocco_Mole No, I am not one of the 1,413 earlybird douchebags with entitlement issues . . . but only because I saw the page too motherfucking late. (I was so busy at work for a few months I was [literally] sleeping at the office)
@Thumperchick Naw I'm not upset. I got rid of that shoulder chip back in January (It was @joelmw 's fault if I remember correctly) This is all about brushing up on my troll skills.
one more for @Pavlov. the fact that he DARED share his good fortune and provide Mad Max tickets to fellow Mehricans... well... that just gets my goat. err... the goat. badge, that is.
@ACraigL What dumb-ass products? Meh offers only top of the line, state of the art merchandise at the lowest prices possible. Each and every day yields a perfect gem waiting to be excavated by discerning buyers.
@Thumperchick I was thinking of the scene in Meatballs when they put Morty's ("Hi Mickey!") bunk in the middle of the lake. Sadly, I could not find that image, so enjoy this one.
@JonT Why didn't you say so... I work in Philly. Would have been delighted to buy you an overpriced airport beer. Why were you here (did you hear it was always sunny, or something)?
@ACraigL I was actually around State College area to be best man at my buddy's wedding, it was super fun and great but we ran into trouble when we tried to get back. Didn't get to explore Philly proper, but the airport kinda sucks - except we got Tony Luke's there and it was damn delicious.
While I am new, I learned of an individual who created an evil extension "a starring machine" where people could star themselves automatically - seriously? That alone earns @TaRDy a nomination. Did you not learn anything from Dr Suess?
Not only that but he also screwed up a perfectly good Scapegoat list. He has my vote. Let him be blamed!
@mfladd I'm not sure I can vote for @TaRDY for screwing up my pretty list...
@Thumperchick according to @narfacke on your recent thread he said he jumped the gun, when it was @Cengland0. But then he slyly pulled the goat blame card on @narfcake that it was his fault. My vote is in for nothing more than the "starring machine".
@mfladd Nah, he was making a point about how useful it would be to lock the thread, iirc. By messing it up, they pointed out how easily it would be messed up in the future, marring its usefulness as a history log. Either way, can we really have a goat that's chronically late?
@Thumperchick So you have pardoned him on that crime. But the chronically late portion may be before my time. He would be a negligent goat?
@mfladd I love the sneetches!
@mfladd The chronically late comment was an attempt at a play on the name tardy...
@Thumperchick Sorry, I must be sleepy or slow tonight :/
@mfladd As current goat, apologies in advance for your sleepiness.
As someone who jumped the gun, I can get behind a nomination for @tardy. It's been overdue.
Thinking about changing my user name to @StarsUponThars
Why are we not waiting for the Meh staffers to open these nomination threads? Doesn't this just lead to confusion and rending of garments and gnashing of teeth?
@curtise they haven't really opened these threads for months now. @SIMBM has been doing a good job posting them a few days ahead of time. There doesn't seem to be too much confusion?
@Thumperchick Wait. What day is it?
@sohmageek May 27th. Also, Wednesday. Also, 8 hours later, you probably already knew that.
@cj0e I'm sorry my humor was lost.
@sohmageek S'ok. I skipped my dose of coffee this morning. I'll probably going to miss a lot of things as the day goes by. Whoosh!
I nominate @mediocrebot, but that's probably of no use.
@lumpthar @Mediocrebot doesn't apologize!
@lumpthar I came here to say exactly this. He is a well-established asshole, as we are all aware.
Yeah! I'm with you @lumpthar: Every night I curse @mediocrebot. Either he makes me buy crap I don't need or he / she posts such utter crap that I feel I wasted 30 precious seconds of my life to look at the meh site. The only redeeming thing under those circumstances is the chance of finding a new "Ask Irk" or "Maybe it bothers me more than it should..." video.
@einrad I look forward to the Drinking Terrible segments myself.
@Matthew for not making a kazoo version of Dance Party a Pile of Earthworms for the last 6 weeks @Collin1000 @March5th00
@Occasionally Yes!
For their push to help people in need, I think we need to mess with @mfladd all June. Who's with me?
@Thumperchick Nooooooooooooooooo! there must be some bylaws that have to do with time here, or something like that. C'mon, @TarDY, the chronically late goat created a "starring machine"! :)
@mfladd I was more concerned that I haven't seen @TaRDY around in a bit, or commenting here in the nomination threads :/
There is also no minimum time here to be awesome enough to earn a goat-vote. You've more than participated and made yourself recognizable.
@Thumperchick I think you and I see the goat badge differently (it's a lot of work to be blamed )
@Thumperchick plus you already starred the nomination of @TaRDy - no taksies backsies.
@mfladd It's a total pain in the ass, but it's an honor to be pained.
@Thumperchick - I agreed and starred your post, but I guess @mfladd isn't ready for goatness.
@Thumperchick But can I just say Thank You :)
@Thumperchick lately I have been lurking more than posting, I do agree that @mfladd is a perfect "good mehtizen" nominee for goat, I might have to join the meh team that was setup.
@TaRDy Finally, just in time to accept your nomination. And yes, please do join Team Meh - we are rock'in the world!
@mfladd I concur with @mfladd, but not for being nice and shit. @jont and the Pats hat ftw.
I nominate @mfladd on the basis that he keeps saying the phrase, "starring machine".
@ACraigL Blame Dr Suess, not me
I nominate @pepsiwine for the amazing 3Doodle art.

It seems @mfladd is not enthusiastic about becoming the goat. I nominate @Pavlov for giving away Mad Max tickets and treating community mehmbers so well. Also for Abe Vigoda.
@KDemo @Pavlov is my choice as well- he would've been goat previously if it wasn't for @carl669's vigorous fuckin' campaign.
@KDemo I am appreciative being mentioned, but I prefer to lurk in the shadows. Plus, there has to be many more qualified members than me.
@dashcloud people campaign to be goat?????????
@dashcloud - Cool. I think @JonT counts stars, though. There seems to be a pall of apathy regarding the June goat.
Oooh, "a pall of apathy" could be another mediocre experiment.
@mfladd - I understand, I feel the same.
@KDemo @JonT isn't going to give the Scapegoat title to someone who's not interested in it, no matter how many stars they have.
@mfladd Yes, they do- and that's why you're not allowed to self-nominate anymore. One month there were even campaign speeches and promises from the nominees!
@dashcloud - Right. I was pointing out that this nomination had no stars. It does now, but we haven't heard from @Pavlov.
@KDemo How the hell was @Pavlov not a goat yet?
@Thumperchick - I know, I had to check your Scapegoats of Meh thread to be sure. https://meh.com/forum/topics/scapegoats-of-meh
@dashcloud vigorous fuckin'....that's my middle name.
@mfladd no they campaign to weasel out of the nomination. Some are successful and some not so much/don't try.
@Kidsandliz Hey! your on to me!
@carl669 Ok, just remind which one you are again? ;)
And check out the pervert goat in the background.
@KDemo yea, yea, @Pavlov is waaaaaaay overdue to be goat!
@mfladd Can I give you an extra star for braving boners.com to get that savory image?
@ACraigL I didn't know where that came from. I just picked it off Google images after a dirty word search. Oh, lord - I just noticed the website on the pic!
@mfladd It's ok. Your secret is safe with me. :)
@mfladd i'm the one in the background saying "Hey! can i get in on this??"
@Pavlov good luck friend. @mfladd looks like we dodged this one. I originally joined in the campaign month where @cengland0 won it after trying to NOT win and on the basis that his extra Fuku delivery was a goat package, but these days my attitude towards it is now meh. (Original campaign thread: https://meh.com/forum/topics/thankful-scapegoat---november)
@TaRDy I am soooo disappointed (sighs in relief:) It's a lot of work to be a good goat. And Teah Meh is what I am concentrating on now - time to join! @Pavlov good luck, I know you will do great!
The goat doth not need to want nor ask to be goat. @mfladd for goat for getting @jont to wear a Pat hat.
@marklog damn you @marklog, damn you! :)
Ok, I couldn't resist lets post @marklog s pic one more time for posterity.

@mfladd @TaRDy
I don't know what you two bitches are doing a happy dance about yet, I'm behind both of you currently in the vote count. Apparently, you other two goat nominees can't do simple fucking addition.
@Pavlov how in the...what in the...? When did everyone decide to suddenly vote?
@Pavlov @mfladd, this appears to be worse voter tampering than the 2004 presidential election in Florida.
@Pavlov WTF!!!!!!!!!!! @TaRDy had 8 votes and I had 5 on one and 4 on the other but they duplicates!!!!!!! Where the hell di all those votes come from??????????????? It is tampering. I will want a recount >:-/
@TaRDy I agree. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." But your winning my duplicates don't count!
@Pavlov @TaRDy @mfladd - 41 new votes in such a short time has to be unprecedented. Don't think I've seen @JonT today, maybe @shawn can tell what happened?
@mfladd I'm thinking your vote count was waaay low there bud. @TaRDy was into double digits right after I was nominated and your combined count was higher than that.
@KDemo I've got the best friends that free movie premiere tickets and fuku giveaways can buy . . . just sayin'.
@KDemo we all know what really happened here and that it was @narfcake's fault
@TaRDy @narfcake has been MIA. He didn't even come around for the retirement goat we got him on Kiva!
@Pavlov that's cause I can't count. Also when I look under the people who starred me under @Thunperchicks nomination you are listed twice. Tell me how that happens. And I am not counting @MrsPavlov.
@Pavlov - Save it for @JonT - he gets to choose the goat, anyway. Just hope he's not underwater.
@mfladd No idea how I was recorded to star it twice, but I removed mine in fairness and it still lists me as starring the post . . . it is @narfcake's fault I'm sure.
@KDemo saw your reply via email notification but it's the first time I've read this topic. Not sure what your question is.
@shawn He's suggesting vote (star) tampering . . .
@shawn - Oh, there weren't very many stars on some of the posts, then all of a sudden there were lots. Can you tell if they are legitimate? (The ones over 25 stars). And thanks!
@mfladd It isn't me twice, it is Pav"i"ov with a capital "i" - someone registered a bunch of look alike usernames back when the whole CircaRigel dog toy fiasco went down. (So in fairness, I reinstated my vote - LOL)
@KDemo What does a non-legitimate star look like?
@shawn Fatherless . . . poor bastards.
@Pavlov @mfladd - I'm confused - how can you see who starred the posts?
@mfladd On the topic of 'whom starred whom' . . . the lack of voting is what gets me, maybe the whole "goat" thing really has jumped the shark.
@shawn - Um, well, I guess it would have a hanging chad on the back.
I guess I wondered if someone could hack the system to add extra stars.
@KDemo Hover the pointer over the star . . .
@Pavlov - Well, I'm beginning to agree.
@Pavlov Doesn't show anything for me - maybe because of adblock?
@KDemo I use Chrome with AdBlock Plus and I see them . . . . dunno
@Pavlov Yah thanks, you are right though I had to put on my old man glasses. There is another one I thought was doubled. they were like 12 characters long, but someone merely switched two of the letters. Care to illuminate on the CircaRigel dog toy fiasco?
@shawn - nevermind. It looks like one person probably created lots of accounts. Thanks anyway.
@KDemo I also use chrome and firefox with Ad Block and I see them.
@mfladd The dog toy fiasco . . . holy shit . . . Um, here ya go. Make sure to read the whole thread.
I'm shocked I didn't get goat after my posts in that beauty . . .
@Pavlov Not sure why my image isn't sizing correctly, @narfcake's fault again.
@mfladd - found it - just on the main posts, not the replies. Thanks.
@KDemo correct
@KDemo In looking at the people that starred (I looked at people starring mine, and four other main posts) and using Google to search, all but four or five of the usernames have posted / been active in the forum previously - some going back months.
Although, given the general apathy, I'm really starting to think they whole thing has run its course.
Plus, I wonder if the whole "goat" thing doesn't alienate new users if the current month goat is an active "hey, fuck you" kind of goat . . .
@Pavlov - Good to know. I was probably scarred by the 2004 debacle. I agree, the whole goat thing isn't feeling so fun anymore. And I'm not blaming @narfcake. The way the voting changed just didn't seem to make sense. I concede.
But I do hope that you get it (if you want it).
@KDemo Hmm, I'd get blamed for everything, flip a few people off and say "fuck you" a lot. Not much different than any given day at the office.
@KDemo how was the voting with goats gone by?
@mfladd - involved, opinionated, popular, and competitive.
And fun.
@Pavlov Yeah, but you'd be Mr June in the Scapegoat Calendar.
@TaRDy Hey! If you don't like the way we count here in Florida you can just forget about coming down here for the beaches and Disney World and stay put in any one of the other 53 states in this fine country!
@mfladd @TaRDy -
The numbers keep changing, now even my wife apparently wants me crowned goat.
I have a feeling that:

(Or at least I have been . . . Bamboozled I say! Bamboozled! Talk about a Kansas City Shuffle . . . Damn!)
@KDemo @Pavlov s June calendar could be epic
@Pavlov Congrats your getting every vote except for the poor dogs (ding ding)
@Pavlov re CircaRigel dog toy fiasco: you were right, HOLY SHIT!
@Pavlov It looks like people realized they want to fuck with you for a month. @mfladd will probably keep being a great dude. @TaRDY will bounce back at some point. But you? We have to get this in now, before we forget you haven't been goat yet... again.
@Thumperchick Don't count your chickens before they have hatched :)
@Thumperchick I re-read this and it sounded like I meant the vote. I actually meant me being "a great dude" Goddamn it - I am in one of those moods again.
@mfladd now it makes sense.
I nominate both @TaRDy and @Pavlov for being awesome. They will provide Fuku to everyone and are far more deserving. Star this one please!
@mfladd @TaRDy on odd days and @Pavlov on even days. Hmmmm... interesting concept.
@Mehrocco_Mole Yea, they can job share!
But the real question is: Is @Pavlov a K? Are you K's ready to admit you don't own the place? Your kickstarter money has long been spent on beer, pizza, beer, pretzels, & beer so you don't hold the power anymore! (and don't bother bringing up @Barney 'cause y'all gave her the shortest month possible) We non-K's need to rise up and take control! Revolt I say, revolt!!!
@Mehrocco_Mole Are you still upset that you got here late? It's okay, we'll share.
@Mehrocco_Mole No, I am not one of the 1,413 earlybird douchebags with entitlement issues . . . but only because I saw the page too motherfucking late. (I was so busy at work for a few months I was [literally] sleeping at the office)
@Pavlov You've got my vote.
@Thumperchick Naw I'm not upset. I got rid of that shoulder chip back in January (It was @joelmw 's fault if I remember correctly) This is all about brushing up on my troll skills.
@Mehrocco_Mole Aw, it's kinda nice to be blamed again.
one more for @Pavlov. the fact that he DARED share his good fortune and provide Mad Max tickets to fellow Mehricans... well... that just gets my goat. err... the goat. badge, that is.
Let's go ahead and officially nominate @sammydog01 for apparently single-handedly bringing back the Sylvester & Tweety MP3 players.
@jqubed SECONDED
@jqubed Yes! I like a late goat to the race. Every time a dumb-ass product is offered, we will CLEARLY be able to blame @sammydog01.
@ACraigL What dumb-ass products? Meh offers only top of the line, state of the art merchandise at the lowest prices possible. Each and every day yields a perfect gem waiting to be excavated by discerning buyers.
ok...who's the goat?? my junit tests are suddenly failing and i need someone to blame!
@carl669 I think @JonT is stuck on a canoe somewhere.
@carl669 I'm a little curious who got it also... I still see VMP so not it? maybe?
@Thumperchick That explains the cryptic email I got from him before...
@Thumperchick oh no! @JonT!!
@Thumperchick I was thinking of the scene in Meatballs when they put Morty's ("Hi Mickey!") bunk in the middle of the lake. Sadly, I could not find that image, so enjoy this one.
@carl669 I think @Pavlov needs to announce his goatness based on votes and @JonT will follow.
Are we still goatless?
@ACraigL Yup. who am I to blame????????
@mfladd @narfcake still has the badge, so it's his fault that @JonT has been too busy to take care of this.
@PurplePawprints So @narfcake for another month? :)
@sohmageek @PurplePawPrints: It is looking like @narfcake might be dynasty material.
@ACraigL @mfladd @PurplePawprints @sohmageek You mean you all have to put up with me for another month (or less, as was the case for May)?!
@narfcake I guess, unless you decide to take a road trip again. Blaming you "in abstenia" is futile.
@mfladd Nah, the blame is just postponed. My filtered email has 325 messages in the meh-box, though not all of it from the last month.
So (takes a breath) ... SORRY! Oops. SORRY! BLEAT! My bad. SORRY! SORRY! BLEAT! Not my fault. Phhhhbt! SORRY! SORRY! ... and SORRY!
@narfcake Ha! Why do you think I never want the job. You actually did a great job. That's why so many people lined up to buy you a goat.
Soooo I've been trapped in Philadelphia (plane delays, cancellations, and more) but the goat has now been transferred.
Thanks for not (entirely) burning down the place while I was gone.
@JonT Ugh! Philly is a horrible airport. One of the only airports I can puddle jump to. So I feel your pain.
@jont you went from shitty rainy weather to more shitty rainy weather. Next time travel west!
@JonT Philly... Fun city... Also... Can we just blame the plane delays on Technology... aging old technology. Like Avaya Phone systems...
@JonT Why didn't you say so... I work in Philly. Would have been delighted to buy you an overpriced airport beer. Why were you here (did you hear it was always sunny, or something)?
@ACraigL I was actually around State College area to be best man at my buddy's wedding, it was super fun and great but we ran into trouble when we tried to get back. Didn't get to explore Philly proper, but the airport kinda sucks - except we got Tony Luke's there and it was damn delicious.
@JonT - We missed you!!
@JonT Yep, we don't skimp on the cheesesteakiness over here. Headed to PSU at the end of the month. If you're ever in the area again, give a shout.
Jim's is probably the best cheesesteak I have in Philly.
@mfladd That's the view from my window.
@ACraigL well I am right down the road. 2 hours approximately. Another restaurant on Walnut St. I like is Alma de Cuba.
@Pavlov - Yeah! Congratulations.

This is how it starts.
But this is how it usually ends:
@KDemo Or perhaps like this