Looney Tunes 8GB USB 2.0 MP3 Player

- You can buy up to 12 in any combination of Sylvester and Tweety, for cheap gifts, party favors, way too many backups, or whimsical cubicle decor
- With earbuds or the built-in speaker, makes a good MP3 player for kids who don’t know what “audiophile” means yet, bless their hearts
- Skip, reverse, and volume controls, but no screen or anything fancy like that
- Or use it as a hard-to-lose 8GB USB stick
- Model: EKMP38GM700, EKMP38GM800
The people have spoken!¹ According to what we read in our forum, you guys just couldn’t get enough of these Looney Tunes MP3 players, so we’re bringing them back out onto the stage for an encore. Once again we’re raising our purchase limit to allow you to score up to 12 of any combination of Sylvesters and Tweeties, to slake your burning thirst for more!
Last time, even that higher quantity limit didn’t satisfy the raging desire expressed with such passion by Meh users like @sammydog01: "Sell them again and I’ll pick up a couple more."² Take heart, Sammy! Your long wait is over!
Whether you’re giving them to your kids, handing them out as party favors, using them as 8GB USB sticks, or just rocking out with your own jamz, the return of these Looney Tunes MP3 Players should satisfy the Meh forum hordes who said "These things are awesome!"³
We always say “give the people what they want (if you can afford it (and it’s not too stupid)).” Judging by the outpouring of sentiment in our forum last time⁴, clearly the people want more Looney Tunes MP3 Players. We just hope we’ve stocked enough!
¹ sammydog01, forum comment, April 30, 2015
² sammydog01, forum comment, April 30, 2015
³ sammydog01, forum comment, April 30, 2015
⁴ sammydog01, forum comment, April 30, 2015