La pire voiture: Shoddy Goods 036
2I have a firm belief that almost everyone’s second car should essentially be a souped-up golf cart. I’ve got a list of cars that may someday make it to America, but agonizingly still haven’t, year after year. The Microlino Lite, Citroën Ami, Fiat Topolino, Opel Rocks-e, Renault Twizy, and more. Someday.
What’s your dream import (of any kind of product, not just cars) that hasn’t quite made it to America yet?
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Universal healthcare
You’ve been watching Aging Wheels, haven’t ya?
While I wouldn’t say “dream import”, a practical one is an EREV/PHEV pickup. Something along the lines of a BYD Shark:
(Sandy Munro was chiding them for using a frame that’s boxed steel + internal C-channel. Like when was getting something overbuilt a bad thing for the consumer?!? And yes, I’m aware of the Ramcharger, but Stellantis has delayed it yet again.)
@narfcake Ha, probably, but really I watch anything that gives me any hint of “maybe this one is actually going to make it to the US”
@dave The Fiat Multipla is over 25 years old now and legal to import!
/image Fiat Multipla

@aetris I always thought it looked like there should be a hot tub in the back as a factory option
I want Honda to bring back the Fit to the US. Until that happens, you will have to pry my 2015 Fit from my cold, dead hands. The Tardis of cars - much bigger on the inside, especially with those magic seats.
We had two, and recently gave the 2010 model to our daughter and her husband, because we only need one car at this point in our lives. They expect to get quite a few more years out of it.
This hits my wheel house. I’ve owned (let’s see, I actually have to think…) four Renaults. A 15, a le Car that was actually badged as a 5, a Fuego, and an Alliance. My mother owned a 12 and then later an Encore.
The 15 was pretty cool for its time–none of my buddies in high school had cars with reclining bucket seats, front wheel drive, and a sunroof. I was stylin’.
@plymouthdave Nice! Seems like you might need a username change
I always wanted this particular car
My older sister’s first car in the early or mid 1970’s was a Renault. I have fond childhood memories of opening the spare tire door and feeding it, since it made the car look like it had an open mouth (I don’t recall what I fed it, but I suspect it was not good for the spare tire). Edit: her car was not from the early to mid 70s. Although in Massachusetts, I believe the car may have lived in the south because the rust was not too bad. Car was certainly no newer than 1965 and probably older)
@thetechguru Renault Dauphine?

/image Renault Dauphine
/image Renault Dauphine spare tire

I rented a Citroen in Israel (no idea of the model, but this was about 26 years ago). Unbelievably sloppy steering and braking, but the active suspension was so good we drove on a flat until there was almost nothing left and never felt it. We finally pulled over when another car pulled up to tell us our wheel was on fire …
/image Trabant 601

I think it fits the description
… though maybe less souped up
I remember my mom was looking to buy a car in 1983 and was choosing between the highly rated(!) Renault Alliance and the upstart Toyota Camry… thank goodness she picked the Camry.