@narfcake@JonT gets the blame for bad holidays... I like that... Also then @JonT could be blamed for Mediocre products around the holidays an mediocre sales...
@mfladd She also had that over board way too cool Tardis outfit costume thing. Does anyone have link to picture ? I'm way to lazy to look it up. ETA: Can that outfit be photoshopped on a goat ?
@Thumperchick and of course he would know that the links are not always bright and shiny . I'm waiting for a plumber. And so I blame @jaremelz for my brain lapse and more importantly for the strange smells in my basement I had to call the plumber about.
I'm still nominating @acraigl for not designing a cat shirt for
Barring that, I unblamed and thanked @jaremelz like 200+ times. She's been doing such a great job, perhaps she should get a second month!
In fact, I need to thank her again! You really have been a good goat, @jaremelz!
Looking back at the "Lisa thread", has @Ignorant inadvertently ticked anyone off in the past month while helping them?
@narfcake lol. Nope, I've learned my lesson.
@Ignorant You are spared a nomination (from me at least).
@narfcake I've been calling for @ignorant for the past year. Though I don't think he'd do a very good job.
@Teripie hahaha I never do.
I vote we re-enlist any goat who hasn't closed out their business for their month.
You know, contest prizes being sent...game winners announced.
@jaremelz Haha! But then they would have an excuse to push it back another month.
@christinewas But there are a few I can think of, maybe it's not him (innocent blinking)
@christinewas @jaremelz or continue it
@jaremelz There are a few. Sigh. Way to set the bar low, guys.
@jaremelz Yeah, @JonT for December goat, but not November.
(FWIW, in my post above, accepting the thanks means accepting a second month.)
@narfcake @JonT gets the blame for bad holidays... I like that... Also then @JonT could be blamed for Mediocre products around the holidays an mediocre sales...
@narfcake I just realized that and removed my star! :)
@christinewas I know of three!
@jaremelz I have announced all winners and made good on 6/7 prizes so far. I call - NOT IT.
Note to self, do NOT open any boxes from @mfladd

I nominate @christinewas for witchcraft, verbosity, and being a legacy kid. And any other assorted crimes I can come up with later.
@mfladd @christinewas And being a smartass
@mfladd - and consistent awesomeness.
@mfladd And doing better than you in your fesusgl league, and doing better than you in the pick'em league... ;)
@mfladd @christinewas

@christinewas reply football: ouch!
@mfladd Bye!

(And I can totally see her kitty!)
solid reference
@mfladd She also had that over board way too cool Tardis outfit costume thing. Does anyone have link to picture ? I'm way to lazy to look it up.
ETA: Can that outfit be photoshopped on a goat ?
@ceagee Everything about this lovely woman screams November goat! She puts the smart in smart-ass.

@jaremelz Yup. Besides, she's avoided it for so long now... she's due.
@Thumperchick I agree. Plus, legacy! We can't let this pass us by!
@mfladd This thread positively screams @christinewas. When's the coronation?
@ceagee Hahaha! I love it!
@Teripie You never know who might get nominated at the last minute and make perfect sense to everyone, though.
@christinewas I agree....That being said I fully spport @christinewas being goat. :)
@Teripie Coronation? You mean like this?
(Yes I know this has been used before but I was the one who used it first so it mine to use again as this was just too perfect).
Is it too early to nominate @jonT ?
@connorbush I think the moment for JonT fever has passed, sadly.
@connorbush I second JonT
@connorbush Yes. I suggested above that he's a much better candidate for December goat (as Scrooge McJonT).
@narfcake agreed. Kind to give him time to settle in to his new surroundings.
@connorbush The time for @JonT goatdom is yet to come.
Thus saith the old goat.
I continue to nominate @TaRDy for creating a browser extension allowing people to automatically star their own posts. He still needs to pay for that crime against decency.
i nominate @KDemo for making me think this shit was for reals.
Here's a late nomination for @ekmaster23 for his or her successful trolling of most of the forum. If you got trolled, why not return the favor by spending the entire month of November blaming @ekmaster23 for everything that goes wrong?
@jqubed citation needed
@Lotsofgoats citation is there click on "successful trolling...... "
@ceagee I think LoG meant citation to prove it was just a troll.
@Thumperchick and of course he would know that the links are not always bright and shiny . I'm waiting for a plumber. And so I blame @jaremelz for my brain lapse and more importantly for the strange smells in my basement I had to call the plumber about.
@ceagee Sorry about that smell. I had to dispose of an ex goat.
Who is winning? Anyone want to bribe me to star anyone but themselves?
@thismyusername Oh, there is no saving her now. ....