Alright folks, packages are arriving already! What'd you get? My package arrived 2 days ahead of original schedule and was bulkier than the default size. Pics and description coming...
@Thumperchick@Stormchaser sadly the unit does not seem to work. Power supply works but nothing lights up and the lcd power button doesn't do anything. This doesn't scare me, I am not afraid to take things apart and break them....errr...fix them
@Stormchaser Thats what it took! Back together and working like a champ. Here's a pic of it taking a video of it taking a video of it taking a video...
@tightwad oh. It was because the video up there was a reggae/dancehall/whatever video, I thought you were reenacting that one :) Or that that was the joke and no one else picked up on it in all the fuku excitement.
Bluetooth clock radio? As long as nothing is wrong with it, seems like a nice little unit.
2PAC shot glass... well at least I won't be upset if I break it?
Rechargeable bike light set... guess I need to start riding my bike again!
USB hub... not going to hold my breath for this to be anything special, I have a feeling it might not even work given my experiences with similar items, but hey no big deal!
CANDY CANDY CANDY! And I didn't even have to say "Trick or Treat"
@Stormchaser the green usb hub man does work. i got it in a previous fuku.... but for some reason my usb laser printer stops working when the hubman is plugged in ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@communist Well I'm glad it works, but the fact it stops your laser printer from working sounds like it's not the best quality item. Oh well, I'm on to USB 3.0 anyway :)
@Stormchaser When I ordered a couple bike light sets for my kids, one was non-functional. When I reported it to meh, they said they didn't have any left to replace it. Guess they lied to me. :(
@KDemo can you pick out all the dumdums and send them to me? they work as an excellent bribe for my 3 year old. and, with potty training in progress, we need all the bribes we can get.
@carl669 - You should hit up @jaremelz for the Dum Dums - I believe she has a corner on the market, and who could resist your adorable son? It's for the kid! Works every time.
@KDemo there was 687 fuku bags. There is at least 100,000 pieces of candy and the two pics I have seen of people with candy only have about five pieces. I think security should be checking employee pockets.
I'm so order STILL shows processing..really?? guess I am really getting well you fill in the blank:( ....Am I the only person still showing their order as processing...October 21st 2015 12:02am ET STATUS Processing??? Curious,,,,
Here she sits, all sad and lonely. Why the fuck has no one taken my poor fuku inside? It's cool: we live in a good neighborhood.
Buddy inspection.
Yo, Dad, lemme get a closer look.
So I didn't smell anything, but maybe I got some bonus feral cat pee. Fingers crossed.
The cut. Yes, bought the multi-tool from meh. And I swear my hand isn't that fat and weird looking.
Prominent placement of Texas air. Oh, meh, you get me, you really get me.
And I'll wait while you guess the contents.
Showing a little thigh.
Drum roll.
Heh, wrong roll.
Anyway, the full monty (please ignore the festive autumn decor in the upper right):
Able Planet Stereo Headphone with Link Microphone, without so much Link Microphone.
Here you can see where the mic and pouch escaped. I like to think they're living together happily somewhere in, oh, Vancouver maybe. I always thought that'd be a nice place to live.
The headphones work and are solid (we bought a couple earlier and like them) and in addition to the cord with volume control, I did get the little splitter thing, which is handy.
Lotsa little plastic trucks. I might take them to work (we do transportationy stuff).
Creepy Big Brother coffee mug.
Cool mug with spider in the bottom, that my wife must never see because she'd totally freak and it would just add to her growing perception that meh is filling our house with crap she doesn't like and we don't need. I'll sneak it off to work, I will.
Chef Pal chicken thermometer. I'm leaving it in the kitchen. We'll see if they think we might use it or it becomes a white elephant gift.
Hub man. Sure, I'll take it.
Not bad for five bones. I'm gonna use some of that stuff. Thanks, meh. Let's do this again sometime.
My only gripe? Two measly pieces of candy. I don't know yet if they're gluten-free. You trying to say I should cut back? Yeah, well fuck you. I probably should.
I'm staying far away from this thread until the weekend. Mine is not due until Friday and still has the 3 lb. placeholder weight, with no reported dimensions.
@FroodyFrog@connorbush@tightwad@johnvoliva Note that @stormchaser's bag is different from the one pictured and that the bag isn't promised in the specs. I wasn't expecting an actual bag and the one featured in the announcement is clearly a metaphor.
Nevertheless, the absence of and/or inconsistency in fuku bags is clearly @jaremelz's fault. What have you to say for yourself, goat?
@Thumperchick no. fuku. bag. it is my first fuku. I was so ready to rep it at the gym, to work, whilst cycling, to the grocery, halloween, etc. I already told my friends about it. My colleagues. MY COLLEAGUES!!!!!
@carl669 I assume you'd prefer one of those that's still alive . . . or at least somehow aware and self-animated. I think they might have some folks working on that for you.
@carl669 - Actually, super fun, but could you really wait to open yours? 'Cause I'm not sure I'm that disciplined (after seeing @stardate820926's Harmony remote, especially). I'll be thinking about this.
@KDemo yeah, probably not. especially with a small child that wants to open every box that appears. whenever i get a package, he runs over yelling "my turn! my turn!" after a few seconds of grunting and trying to open it, he usually turns to me and says "halp?". yes, "halp".
Mine arrived today. 1 red draw string meh bag 1 PHB lifesavers collectable 1 green human 1 orange nobby (unsure about spelling) case 1 cow meat thermometer (if beef causes cancer then I guess I'm screwed) 1 able planet headphone set 1 rival vacuum sealer with sealer bags 2... yes count them 2 pieces of candy bag of pretzels(if you consider a bag of pretzels candy) and gobstoppers
Thank you meh. Your mediocrity is very well appreciated
@ssanc153 FWIW, most image sharing sites are blocked at my workplace. This one seems to work. If you're in a similar situation, maybe it'll work for you too. I also appreciate the simplicity of it.
Success! I was able to go home at lunch to find my glorious fuku waiting for me!
The box!
Some Texas air that has been released back into it's natural habitat
USB Hubman - I've been wanting one ever since the big pallet reveal from a past fuku even though I think they are terrible USB hubs lol
Bicycle lights - maybe a gift for my brother? I don't think I know anyone else who rides
Traffic Jam toy trucks
Sliding Robots furniture movers
Creepy Cups spider mug - I was really hoping for one of these after seeing the first few reveals so yay!
There were a few pieces of candy that some ants had already claimed so I let them have it.
Logitech Harmony Ultimate One remote!!!!!
These always looked really cool but I could never justify the expense. I really hope it works. It's charging now so I should be able to play with it when I get home from work.
No fuku bag but I'm still very pleased. Thanks meh :D
@stardate820926 i've had a harmony remote for a long time (harmony 880 and then an older harmony one). i absolutely love it! initial setup does take some time, especially if you have a lot of devices like i do. but after that, i've never looked back.
@stardate820926 Meh has set the bar very high with your fuku. Now everybody wants that remote. And the mug. I got the pelican mug in a previous fuku, and like a mug, gave it away. Come on, FedEx! Deliver meh fuku ahead of schedule!
@OldCatLady My box went from Texas to Georgia in 1 day, yet it still took 3 days to move it roughly 50 miles. On the bright side, the expected delivery date was moved up a day, although I'm hoping i get it sooner than Friday.
Mine showed up. Very meh 😊 - Busted open box of zip lock bags - Razer Headphones that are missing a ear pad - Hang Rite level - USB Hub Man, by far the coolest item - Eclipse 2.0 MP3 Video Player (w/stylus!) - Sweettarts, but these almost seem like they were just dropped in
Mario Super Slugger Wall Graffix TOCCs bluetooth headphones USB bicycle lights Beef thermometer (the mooing cracks me up!) Himalayan Breeze fan – highly coveted penguin edition Drawstring Fuku bag 3 pieces of Halloween candy (sadly, not chocolate) Zero bags of Texas air. Good thing I already have a steady supply of this.
Hark light at end of the tunnel so to speak my FUku order was Shipped today (tracking number given) and will be at my house Friday.. How do you spell excited?? Well meh FUku bag of course
The contents: - 2 bags of Texas air - 1 green USB Hubman - 1 box of Sliding Robots (not sure what this has to do with robots) - 1 creepy cup (a spider one again... waaahhhh...) - 1 packet of Traffic Jam toys - Miscellaneous Halloween treats (1 packet pretzels, 1 red Tootsie Roll pop, 1 green fruit chew, 1 roll of smarties, 1 roll of SweeTarts, 1 black cherry WarHead)
Aaaaand... - 1 Roomba 790 (box is pretty beat up, but the contents all appear to be there and in good shape. Haven't tested it to see if it works yet, though.) My current Roomba now has a friend! That is, if they get along and don't kill each other somehow...
No Fuku bag here either... but no complaints at all on the haul. Thanks, Meh!
Mine arrives Thursday, I sure hope I get one of those awesome spider mugs, and candy. There better be candy in there this close to Halloween, or I'm cancelling/quitting/not coming back/whatever.
What the dealeo?! My damn Fuku was 30 minutes south of me since Monday evening, and it's gonna take 5 days to travel the last 20 miles. I could have walked there and back 50 times by then. Fuku me.
@clarinetbob That would be a speed of 16.66 MPH, that is a very fast pace. The winner of the Boston marathon ran just over 12 MPH, you should become a marathon runner...and deliver packages.
@MrMark - Actually, I had some downtime during lunch, so I decided to check your math. Traveling 50 times @ 20 miles each is 1000 miles. The package was dropped off Monday evening 20 miles away and is now scheduled to arrive Friday evening. That's approximately 96 hours. Assuming I don't sleep and just pee and poop in my pants while eating Gogurts handed to me by the team pace car, I would need to travel just over 10 mph throughout those 96 hours (not 16.66 as you carelessly suggest). A challenge...yes. Doable...probably not, as I'm not sure I can find anyone to drive the pace car and watch me run in poopy pants for 4 days.
@clarinetbob You mentioned you could go there and back 50 times. I took that as a round trip 50 times, not 25 times in each direction. So 50 round trip at 40 miles (20 miles each direction) gives us a total of 2,000 miles.
24 hours for 5 days is 120 hours. 2,000/120 = 16.66. I stand by my math.
@clarinetbob What's really crazy, mine went a very similar route as yours, but has to go another 352 miles to get to my town in Michigan and it's scheduled to be delivered a full day earlier than yours.
@sammydog01 Im currently debating whether to keep it or sell it because Im broke and this thing is very expensive. So if Im selling it I wont open it and be able to say it is brand new.
@lennon818 FYI, I got one too. In my box was a newegg receipt for four of them (shipped to a mediocre corporation), so it looks like maybe they bought them brand new.
@tightwad I picked up a couple when they were like $6 on amazon... these things retailed for $49.99 when new... can you imagine anyone paying $49.99 for this? rofl I have mine in use... lets see here... ahh yes my eggs are good for 10 more days... better get to using them.
So it seems to be that people ARE getting Meh drawstring bags. Good. I don't care so much about getting candy (I don't do "do" Halloween anyways) or electronics as long as I get a Meh bag on my own which I could then call Bill.
However, I should probably prepare a scathing letter of protest just in case I get expensive electronics but no bag ;)
Red Fuku Drawstring Bag Pink USB Hubman Black Clocky knock-0ff Big Brother Mug Two of one of the worst types of candy - banana laffy taffy Hang Rite Tool Razer Carcharias Gaming Headset w/ broken microphone
Super stoked with the purchase! Headset is perfect as I have a webcam at work already and was in need of some decent over-ear headphones!
Got mine in and whoa! There's a Roomba 790 in there! It's a refurb or RMA and there got sloshed around a bit, but I hope it works! I was literally just telling my wife last night that I need one to follow our 14 month daughter around because she leaves a trail of cracker and cookies wherever she goes. And sweeping the kitchen floor 4 times a day SUCKS.
Also got a picture hanger (still hanging pictures in our house so this will def come in handy). Coffee mug, laffy taffy, fuku bag and Sphero-esque alarm clock that has some awesome "features" ("Send out the beep!")
Oh and a pink Hubman... you know... to go with the 1400 other I have still hanging out in my garage! Maybe now that they have a fearless leader, they'll actually unite to get something accomplished.
@lennon818 I just have it on the charging base now, but so far so good. It's definitely used as the screens for that and remote command center are scratched to hell and back.
Oh and the bin had some leftover detritus from the previous owner. I'm guessing Pacific Northwest by the taste of it.
@austinstorm I got about 1450 on a palate from the April 1st Fuku! I've given away a couple of boxes... still trying to figure out what to do with the rest. Everyone recommends selling via Amazon, but I'd have to front a chunk of change to ship them to Amazon (I don't have the time or patience to try to package and ship them on my own unfortunately). I'm gonna put them up on Craigslist today and if it's a nogo on them then I'm thinking "eccentric art project."
@zachary In Norman, OK (for the county) they do a christmas store where poor kids can buy christmas presents for their parents for 10 cents. Parents get points based on number of kids to use to buy presents for their kids. I bet they'd go over well and you'd get a charity write off. Dump a bunch in a 1.5 cubic foot box and sent that. When I had cancer for the first time we had food stamps and my child was in 4th grade. She was thrilled at the choices they had for what she could buy me (and she was thrilled she could afford it LOL "Mom the price was really good. It was really cheap and they had good stuff" - it was important for her to be able to buy the item, not be given it, which is why they have the kids pay 10 cents per present for their parent or parents) for christmas. They had a lot of stuff that grade school and pre school kids would really like. They had fewer things teens would really like. Something like this could be in the teen room too and would be helpful.
@zachary waited too long to add this under edit. While I realize that many poor teens may not need a hub, some would have use for it and they are cute enough that some may like it.
@Kidsandliz It's a great idea! I'm going to see if I can find a local equivalent. I've already donated a couple of boxes to a school and honestly, it will probably be a similar fate for most of the rest!
@zachary Be careful about where you donate. Here there have been several scandals of workers stealing donations intended for kids (including toys for tots). I just can't believe that people are stealing from poor kids!! Geesh how low can you go. Also if you want to sell around 21ish of them (I'll have to see who I have left to buy for) to me cheap that would solve my christmas present problem (I am only marginally employed and pretty much only buy meh items for birthday and christmas presents, don't buy for me. My email is my user name at yahoo.
My box arrived, after sitting at a Fedex office for three days, for seemingly no reason. Included inside were: A drawstring Meh bag A green USB Hubman A mooing beef thermometer A pair of Bell Radian 850 bike lights (I don't own a bike right now, but the white one seems like it would be a decent flashlight) 2 "fun-sized" Sweetarts A Perilous Penny the Pirate vinyl figurine and, as if I thought I could escape it forever.... A JBL Onbeat Mini speaker dock. This is my third speaker dock (first JBL).
Mine was at the post office today. I had to go in to drop off some packages anyway, so I asked if I could pick it up today. They obliged.
Overall, this is the most Mediocre Fuku to date. I thought it was supposed to a blast from the past, but even that low expectation was underwhelmingly overdrawn.
1 x Meh Fukubukuro bag 1 x USBMan hub 1 x "Big brother is watching" Mug 1 x Generic running alarm clock 1 x Hang Rite wall hanger 1 x D-Link AC600 Dual Band Cloud Router 0 x candy (seriously, wtf?). ∞ x disappointment
Got mine 2 days earlier then the initial ship date it had.
1 x USB Hubman 1 x Parrot Dog toy 1 x LG Spirit phone case 1 x Chef Pals Pork Thermometer 1 x GE X2600 Digital Camera :D 1 x Sphero Nubby case, sadly no Sphero to put in it.
Camera works good, was in a different language at first but managed to change it after about 10 mins of messing with settings.
All the stuff minus the drawstring bag. pic taken with the camera I got Picture that was already on the camera from the last owners I guess... ok
I am not home so I had my acquaintance open my package.
So thrilled. I am moving into a new abode in January with my fiance and she really wanted a solid vacuum! Here is to hoping it works. Thanks Meh! This is my first fuku/boc in 5+ years or what have you.
-traffic jam trucks -cheese balls -ice cream topping grinder -sliding robots -robot vacuum 85 (hope it works) -scary cup
Oh no! I do not see a fuku bag in the image. I hope this is a cruel trick by my acquaintance.
3 x Bags of Texas air 1 x Red Fuku bag 2 x Fun sized Sweet Tarts 1 x Fun sized Laffy Taffy (immediately taken by daughter) 1 x USB Hubman (pink) 1 x Funny Mug (yes, it is time to panic, isn't it....) 1 x Knock-off Clocky (immediately taken by daughter) 1 x Box of Ziplock Slider bags (from a multi-pack, partially opened) 1 x Cobra iRadar IRAD150 (Look it up. Sounds good, but very meh.)
Not as good a haul as last time, but still worth the time and money. Still hoping for a Roomba some day. That will be the only way the wife will let one in the house, too. She's afraid of the robots taking away her job!
earbuds - perfect. my partner just stole my monthly pair of earbuds and I needed another set.
built ny sleeve. I wonder if they keep finding more of these in the cracks of their couches.
samsung phone case - the kind you see by the registers at gas stations
Oster Ice Cream Shop máquina de hacer helados, helados de yogurt y sorbetes - The box has been well loved but it still looks factory-wrapped inside! sweet! ¡muchísimas gracias!
edit - oh yeah. and a braided dog stick. i'll see what the cats think of it.
@andrd Hmm... you got an ice cream maker, I did not get a fuku bag. I will ship you my ice cream topping dispenser in exchange for your extra fuku bag.
@djslack@andrd "Deer Pizzle is the reproductive organ of a stag. Autumn and winter are the mating seasons for the deer. In Chinese Medical Report, deer pizzle contains various minerals, which can be used by our body's circulation systems, especially the kidney."
@connorbush@djslack When i watched my sister's dog she brought a bundle of pizzles for him. Luckily that prepared me for their awful stench. One of the cats likes to lick the pizzle.
Box was damaged and half-open sitting on the porch, so here's what made it: 1x Braun CoolTec Shaver 1x AMP USB Hub Charger 1x Antec Computer Case Fan 1x Nubby (now I need the robot) 1x Bell Radian 850 1x Meh Fanny Pack 4x Candies (kids nabbed 2 before I got the picture)
@Daven7 I actually have that shaver, got it free for reviewing it through BzzAgent. It works surprisingly well and the CoolTec bar really does feel good on your skin. Seems gimmicky but I like it.
Mine just arrived. A little banged up and pre-opened. I am braced for mediocrity. More pics in a bit! *scotch for scale. And for impending disappointment.
@Kleineleh This is an interesting point. Without the buyer having some way of knowing what was supposed to be in the box there would never be any complaints about missing items.
Mental note: Get job at FedEx hub near mehdquarters.
@rdejuana I thought I was the only one too until I went to post this last night and your post was RIGHT above mine with the same watch! We're the "lucky" ones I guess.
The open box: The contents: - Bag o' traffic - Big Brother mug (amazingly intact!) - "Modern and elegant in fashion" Alarm Clock - airbags - Ladies' Citizen Eco Watch - 3 bags of Halloween pretzels - Sliding Robots - Hang Rite picture hanger - Green USB hubman A few things I can use or pass on, no complaints here- especially if I just pretend that box was intentionally packed with all that extra space
@Kleineleh Those Eco Drive watches are very nice, good score! I think they sold on here for $90 and that was a very deep discount off retail, but my numbers could be slightly off.
@jaremelz So, on @OldCatLady's advice, I went to look for the model number to look it up. I found the retail pricetag on it instead. Still looking for the model number for a more realistic number. And seeing if it actually works, haha
No candy. 😢 I did, though, get a Meh drawstring bag Also, a roller alarm clock A Memorex boom box CD player - very beat up A hubman And a Keep Calm/Panic mug
I can't believe I scored one while standing in line at Disneyland.....aaaaand I just realized how douchy it sounds saying that. Sorry.
Here we go sliding robots traffic jam car toys spider creepy cup Slim Clip Hang Rite Candy Wyndham House 52" Ceiling Fan. Looks like all the parts are there
Got mine. Just sad, all this crappie stuff and no joyful Fukubukaro red bag. Oyster ice cream maker was still dropping goo that someone sent back and was forwarded on to me. Pretty disgusting yet fitting for Halloween. The candy was the best part. Alarm clock, bag of cheap cars, usb hubman and the furniture movers. Alas, all this joyful junk but no bag.
Well I screwed up and posted this in the shipping forum, sorry about that. My first ever Fukubukuro, was not meh. Partially opened huge box contained:
3- random candies 1- USB hub man 1-two sided money clip 1-rolling alarm clock 1-pkg pkg of plastic traffic jam cars 1-mp3 video player 0-fuku bag ;( 1-Roomba 790, and it works!!
Happy day! If I can figure out how to post the pics I will.
step 1. take a pic step 2. goto and click on "upload images" step 3. select images and click "start upload" step 4. click on "get deletion link" upper right and copy that and save it for worse case situations. close the deletion link box step 5. click on "direct link" and copy that... this is the link you want to post in the forums
If you uploaded more than one you can click the "next" and repeat the process for each image you uploaded
Got mine today! Looking for a Fuku bag but nothing. That's okay. Meh really made up for the last fuku where I didn't get anything that exciting (a fan was my big prize). I opened up the box and the first thing I saw was the ice cream!
Then I see a set of Chicago Cutlery steak!
Then I'm looking at this box thinking...oh no! I got another one of those video thingys from my fuko. :-(.
To my surprise--and my wife's, it was a GoPro Hero+LCD!!!! Definitely not meh!!!
Thank you meh!
Oh...also candy, a USB hubman, a creepy mug and some toy trucks. You guys really outdid yourselves with this one!!Mcfly would be happy. Fukuburo!
Got my first Fuku! And along with all the similar Meh assortment, lucked out and got a Harmony One, charged it up and works perfectly! Also got a REALLY cool water blaster shaped like a pirate skull on one end. No Fuku bag, but really awesome Fuku!
@nsamadisy very nice! I love the remote so far. The ability to set activities is pretty damn cool. I'm really excited about being able to use it to control DVD/Bluray playback, Netflix, You Tube, etc... on the Xbox One. Using a controller for that just sucks.
@stardate820926 Coolest thing is I didn't have to set it up... I have an older harmony that's on it's last legs - and this one had much better software and imported all my old settings. Spent and hour picking out the perfect icons to import and use... heheh.
Box size: 18X15X15 Weight: Unknown Contents: - 1 Cow meat thermometer - 1 Blue keyboard case for a tablet - 1 Green Hubman - 1 Set of Bell bike lights - 1 Red Fuku bag with drawstring - 1 Vinyl Devilish Doll - 1 Quirky + GE egg holder - 2 pieces of candy not pictured and don't remember what they were.
1x damaged box of ziplock bags, have a kid in school so useful for lunches. 1x USB man, planning on playing rockband this weekend so this will come in handy 1x meh bag 1x Hang Rite, haven't used my first one I got so gift? 1x opened Craig Tv, looked new until I opened the keyboard. 2 corners smashed off but looks functional. Now to track down that hacking thread... 1x alarm clock with wheels and weird packaging with horrible englrish and they choose pink as the box art. This one is black. 1x seriously heavy duty Nissan/Infinity Genuine Parts road kit. Actually pretty nice. This will find it's way into my F150. No candy but a pretty nice haul. Thanks MEH!
Two days early, and the weight/size never updated. No 'meh' to it, this is a solid and lovely box. It was actually 22x18x12, and weighed 13.4 lbs (we hauled out the bathroom scale), mostly due to the lovely Roomba 790! I'll have to charge it, so maybe tomorrow I'll have a cleanER house; it's for Pets and Allergies, and I have both, so perfect. (edit: AMZN says it's $425. and I am awed) The Sliding Robots, the green Hubman, the Double Sided Money Clip, and the trucks hardly weighed anything, and the spider Creepy Cup is unbroken. Wouldn't it just be. No meh bag, but I have some already. Five (!) pieces of candy; the SunKist things are really good. I'd give this five stars out of five. Thanks, Mehfolk!
For the record, my Roomba 790 is in its original packaging, even the accessories. They all have their white 'original' slipcovers and cardboard spacers, the plastic bags have the original tape, and the VERY deluxe accessory suitcase has two complete sets of replacement brushes, as well as three virtual walls, half a dozen HEPA filters etc. etc. It's a wonderful package, and I am thrilled.
Pretty Meh. Egg thingy, food sealer, a couple screen protectors for devices I don't own, a ceramic life-saver thingy that opens, and a lovely red bag. Thanks, Meh.
@jjohns71 If I worked at Medicore and knew my company would cover shipping costs, there would be so many more boxes of my old random shit ending up at peoples doors.
It's kind of a bummer you didn't get a Roomba or something to balance the scales, but hang on to that VCR for a few years and it'll be a collectors item. Look at Betamax players!
Vintage videogames I get, but who out there is saying "gee, I really wish the audio quality, video quality and resolution were worse on this copy of Crocodile Dundee" Are there like old Betamax movies you can't get anymore?
First, thanks Meh! I will admit to a bit of a sad because I made the mistake of glancing at the thread before mine came, and was hoping I might be one of the Roomba people. USB Man Green Full-sized air bed Spider mug Money clip Sliding Robots (I see no robots here) Bag o' Cars Single sad Tootsie Roll
Wish I could show you pics but not sure how to do all that fancy computer stuff. Very happy with my haul. I got candy (Tootsie roll was great), the USB connector dude, Ziploc bags, something that mixes ice cream and toppings that looks fun and messy!. I also got the cup with the spider in the bottom (that looks impossible to clean), and yeah and I got a refurbished NEATO!!!! I only ever got lucky enough to get a Woot BOC twice I think and one of them had a Roomba 540. I wonder if has the data from the old woot users and figured the old Roomba was on it's last wheel. If they did they were right. I am gratefully to we are grandparents and getting older by the second so this Neato will get a lot of use. Thanks
@dino2269 I'm sure that they did not illegally bring the Woot order history. For one thing, I was a different person back then. However, the user base has a lot of overlap, and I'm sure they've analyzed the demographics. That being said- my old Roombas are either dead or limping, even after buying new brushes, batteries etc. so I was really thrilled to get the new one.
Meh Drawstring Bag Pink Alarm clock on wheels USB Hubman Twist Top Sleeve for 11-in MacBook Air Keep Calm Themed Mug, Reads "Now Panic and Freak Out" A safe of some kind. Refuses to be opened.
Help? I tried to open it with the key and it refuses to turn. The number pad doesn't work. It presumably needs batteries put in (can only be done once safe is open). If anyone has ideas please let me know. I hear something small rattling around inside...
@ninjaemilee Intriguing! Maybe it's Al Capone's lost safe! :D If you hear something rattling around inside, it might be the 9v jumper harness. Which would suck. If that's the case, you could try to find a plug that fits the jumper jack and use a 9v battery with it. And check the packaging carefully to see if there's a little cable that would accommodate a 9v battery -- that would be the jumper.
@daveJay You also have to be good at getting into hotel rooms to get to the safe.
Fun fact: The Horseshoe hotel pictured in that video is actually in my town. I don't think it is the horseshoe he's at, at least the room layout didn't look familiar.
Edit: here is the hotel right now from my parking garage as I'm leaving work.
@Thumperchick@OldCatLady If I remember correctly, someone here got a safe in a fuku but no keys. So they sent the keys in a locked diary with clues he had to figure out to get the code to open the diary to get the keys to open the safe
In order of most meh to least meh candy (two pieces) USB Hubman Devil Lady vinyl figure Radian 850 USB rechargeable light set Chef Pals Beef thermometer. It's a beef thermometer in the shape of a cow that moos when your meat is cooked. Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker. Single cup or 12 cup carafe. NOT MEH AT ALL.
My Fuku had been opened, but I don't think anything went missing except maybe some candy. I was disappointed that there was no Fuku bag. How many others didn't get one? And have those others won Fukus before? Was there a reason for the lack of the red bags?
@Teripie Many lacked fuku bags. Some had fuku fanny packs. I have never won a fuku and mine did not include any type of bag. This brought great sadness on my household.
@Teripie Fuku number six was my first score. I didn't get a bag but I got a Neato which is working nicely. The bag would have been nice but if I had to choose between the two I am glad they sent the Neato.
Got an alarm clock that runs away from you when it goes off. However, when I tried it, the wheels didn't spin at all, and I had them enabled. The do spin when you put it in Game mode though, just not when the alarm goes off.
Used 7" Digital2 tablet, running KitKat. (Can tell it's used cause the screen is dirty.
A Built neoprene case to put the tablet in :) (will go nice with my vast collection of cases)
"Now Panic and Freak Out Coffee Mug" (probably my favorite item
Rechargeable USB bike lights.
No candy, but I'm pretty happy with it! Not bad for 5 bucks :)
@daveJay I'm not sure the tablet works. It won't start up. I've got it plugged in, but it's not showing that it's charging. It did once, but now it doesn't.
Mine arrived! I can't give you size or weight because it never updated. But here's the deets:
1 Box Limited Edition (?) Ziploc Slider Storage Bags (part of a bundle, apparently, and missing the sandwich bag sibling). 1x Bag of Traffic Jam Toy Cars 1x "Clocky" off-brand Alarm Clock (Black) 1x Creepy Cups Mug - Spider 1x Hang Rite Perfect Picture Hanger 1x Citizen Women's EG3154-51D Stiletto Eco Drive Watch 2x Random Candy (Starburst, Fruit Chew)
I kept threatening my son for months, due to his inability to get up on time for school, that I was going to buy clocky. You should have seen his face when I took it out of the box!
That watch though. Amazon sells it for $521.00. I've seen it as low as $119 on ebay, but I have no idea if those are knock-offs or not. Either way, looks like I got a decent haul.
Thanks Meh! I'd consider complaining about no bag, but I have one from a previous fuku. Thanks SO MUCH meh! You guys rock!!
@Kleineleh MSRP on watches is well-known to be over-inflated. They usually sell for much less. Frankly I'm surprised that it's so expensive on Amazon. I might have seen an earlier post by @Thumperchick stating Meh sold these for about $80?
If I can flip this on ebay for ~$100, I'm totally stoked. Thanks for the beer money, Meh!
@Barney Listed it today, actually. $79 starting bid. There's a defect (or damage) on the watch face that may reduce my ability to sell it at a better price. It's not super obvious, but you can see the listing and photos here:
I'd take pictures but right now my cat seems intent on not allowing it....the box was huge and I think my mailperson even took a shot at me since he had to lift it. He was upset.
In the box.... Tupac shot glass---score Big Brother coffee mug---score USB hub with no genitalia---score Rolling alarm clock---let's just assume it's all score Gobstobbers and smarties AND LAFFY TAFFY Meh waist pack for if I ever get a waist and following the requisite drum roll
A Roomba 790! Can I assume this is one of those hope it works things? It's way too snazzy for my floors. I fear it will judge me.
Thank you meh for turning a crappy day into one of joy wonderment and confusion
4x candy 1x traffic jam 1x pink USB HUBMAN 1x knockoff runaway alarm clock 1x Bobble filtering water bottle, green 1x CREEPY CUP SPIDER YEAHHHH 1x Mix 'n Twist Ice Cream Toppings Mixer (seriously, why does this exist) 1x Kalorik 'Professional-Style' Deep Fryer (suuuure)
0x Fuku bag, though.. which is the thing I wanted the most. I guess that's fitting, isn't it?
That's better. Now let's see what we got. 1 x meh bag 1 x Motorola wifi baby monitor/camera 1 x Pokemon wall decal 1 x The Office coffee mug 5 x piece o' candy 1 x USB hub man 1 x pack o' tricycle lights
Not bad at all. The baby monitor appears to work!
Let's see what the mediocre panel thinks of this haul: (super impressed)
Here, we have blurry kitty looking, dumbfounded, at the size of the box compared to the size of the pile:
This photo wasn't taken today, but Seal wanted to send meh a demonstration of proper box sizing:
And, finally, the items themselves, spread out for your viewing... pleasure?
Fuku bag (yay!)
Mediocre socks (my third pair, since my husband wasn't as excited about them as I was)
Two more neoprene sleeves
Stop Movement Pads (the opposite of sliding robots)
Rival Vacuum Sealer
Though there was ample space, there was no Texas air. I count this as a good thing, as I am not particularly fond of the air in Texas. (Though I do appreciate it when things don't get beat up.)
Nothing new to really post pictures about, so you get a list:
Two Meh Bags - This brings my total to three. Might be giving some away. Funai Bluray Player - Appears to work (well everything but netflix) Two USB Hub People (One Green and One Pink) Now Panic and Freak Out Mug Vitamin A Mug Coozie
Nothing too special and meh worthy. But my PS3 has been a tad temperamental on discs lately so the bluray player is pretty awesome as a back up.
@darkzrobe When they sold the blueray player they warned the apps/smart features sucked. I bought it just because I didn't have a dvd player even and it has lived up to expectations
@chellemonkey That makes since, I tried to do some research to see if others had problems but couldn't find anything. Just assumed it didn't work and moved on. I really just need it for playing discs that my PS3 doesn't want to play. And Blu-ray live is just for ads (and useless shit) so that thing doesn't even need to be hooked to the network.
1 drawstring FUKU bag 1 Panasonic electric toothbrush 1 Built 7 inch Tablet sleeve 1 USB man USB hub 1 Chefs pals meat thermometer(in the shape of a cow) 1 small pack of Sprees 1 small pack of Sweet tarts 1 Devilish Dolly doll
@UnderTheHill OMG they had more Soap dispensers? @Moose Send them all to me... ;) Funny story... Mine JUST after using it daily since I got the damn thing... Just started working like it should always have worked... Wife still hates it. :P She doesn't like that sometimes you have to go in twice... It's all about the sensor, you either try to trigger it or you miss the sensor.
1x Giant Box 1x Air pillow (not pictured, but also worthless) 1x Hamilton Beach coffee maker 1x Creature Cup (stork) 1x Built NY Kindle cover 1x Hubman 1x Faux Clocky Alarm clock 4x candy 1x ABC gum wrapped in a shred of plastic wrap (seriously, WHY?!) 0x Meh bag :(
@TaRDy I just opened it. I had read previous reviews on Amazon about some units with a plastic taste/smell. Well, this unit had an Amazon invoice taped to the top saying that it was exchanged because of the plastic taste/smell on the K-cup side. Guess I'm not surprised.
1 Big cardboard box 1 Red Meh bag 1 Green USB Hubman 1 cow chef pal thermometer 1 traffic jam of cars 1 sphero nubby 1 kindle touch case 1 LG Spirit 4G case 12 bags of Texas air 6 pieces of candy and... 1 Rival vacuum sealer
Got some pretty cool stuff: King size comforter (apparently worth less than $50) - Definitely love this on our queen size bed so it's harder for my wife to steal the covers :) Wheel alarm clock (black though the box is pink) Chicken thermometer Traffic Jam Cars - Baby boy loves them USB Hubman 4GB eclipse mp3/video player - doesn't hold a charge but works while it's plugged in. Def a returned item as there is somebody's 10 sec video of their ceiling fan on it haha.
Woohoo..FUKU Meh box has arrived..Spouse opened it tonight as I am out of town working and sent me these pictures of the great reveal....well meh reveal.. So ..First if all, the large cardboard box was full of hot air (after all it is from from Texas :) y'all ) then on to the visible contents of this cardboard box... Drum roll please.....( sigh so chicken drum sticks only thighs) ![enter image description here][1] 1. My red FUKU Meh bag ( so excited to get the bag ).. 2. A black meh kitchen apron ( lol I am never home hardly anymore as I work out of town so don't cook usually when I am home). 3. Three little ninja type toys. 4. The creepy spider cup 5. A scoobydoo bubbler night light ( looks like Christmas type ornament according to spouse ) 6. A pair of his go performance men's socks 7. A meta smart watch 8. A Motorola hands free call device/car speaker 9. A pad of yellow post it notes (I guess so I can post what I am doing wherever I am. Either that or for me to put the post it notes on items so I can find my way back from wherever it was I went in the first place). 10. A dog toy in shape of shoe or slipper ( I guess meh "red" my mind ). Our dog Nike loves shoe inserts so he will love this toy God bless his "sole" err soul. 11. A note stating "GUESS WHAT another BOX Is coming ! so ...look for that!!! who do I spell excitement and anticipation .. Well MEH of course!!!!
Wonder what delightful surprise is in that box eventually headed my way? Maybe leftover season tickets to Houston Texans? ( Dallas Cowboys are my favorite team btw). Wonder if it's a Dyson vacuum cleaner so I can clean up my act? Maybe a drone so I can drone on and on and on. Possibly a speaker box bonanza ( kinda like winning an un-lottery) or a knife series so I can be a real cut up. Perhaps it's a roomba vacuum so I can have a winning "sweep" like another one of my FUKU brothers did earlier in this thread. Could the box contain a cow meat thermometer so I could beef up my meh post? Do I have an alarm clock coming so I can say it's about TIME? Maybe it's a coffee maker so I can brew about it while waiting for it to arrive. I wonder I wonder
Rolling Alarm Clock Hub Man (Pink!) Traffic Jam bag of toy cars Eclipse MP3 Video Player 4GB Money Clip - as seen on TV, holds 30 bills + 6 cards Life Guard Flashlight, 3 modes, high, low and strobe 1 smarties, 1 tootsie rolls, and one life saver gummy candy :) Here's my free booty! Arrg! (TC edit - FTFY)
@Jeepersca I can't remember who sent it to me, but I got one of those money clips in a community Fuku. I decided "what the hell..." and I tried it out. I loved it so much that I ditched my leather wallet for good. I'll probably pick up a higher quality clip soon, but I'm a fan of money clips now.
Whelp, my bundle of meh came today and I think I'm the contender for most meh fuku.
1x Quirky egg minder 2x screen protectors to devices not owned 1x built ny sleeve 1x dog pedometer 1x pinball game controller for iPad 1x package smarties 1x loose smartie
Boyfriend and I received our Fukus today. His won, once again (last time, he got a Sphero and a Ninja Blender)! Mine: 2x USB Hubman 1x Meh bag 1x Spider Creepy Cup 1x The Office coffee cup 1x Funai DVD/VCR complete with paint drops and a top cover that wasn't reattached properly.
His: 1x Traffic Jam bag of toy trucks 1x Sucker 1x Dots 2x Sour Patch Kids 1x USB Hubman 1x Sliding Robots 1x Spider Creepy Cup . . 1x Logitech Harmony Ultimate One . . AND a Vivitek D862 Projector!
I haven't tried out the projector yet, but the remote does work. Crossing my fingers on the projector!
is it speaker dock friday?? here's my haul: -meh bag (sweet! the last fuku i got, i cut the bag by accident) -hub man usb -now panic and freak out mug (love this mug!) -2pac shot glass.... -bike lights -candies -jbl speaker dock!
Cappuccino maker! I don't know how to use it though :O Mp4 player Two bags of traffic jam Moving alarm clock Chicken thermometer USB hub man 4 bags of texas air 3 pieces of candy
My Fuku arrived today while I was at work. The size of the box made my wife curious so she opened it. I got a text.
"Did you order a monitor from meh?"
I couldn't wait to get home and see everything that was in the box. She hid it from our daughter so she wouldn't get excited and tear into everything. When I got home and told her she wanted to do an unboxing video. This is that video.
You know, after getting this monitor hooked up and working, I have to say it's a really nice monitor. It's leagues better than my Gateway FHX2300. The color difference is astounding. Then again, my Gateway was a refurb when I got it 4 years ago.
--bag of trucks or cars or some such --1 hubman, purple (at least I think it's purple, although I notice that others have claimed that it's pink) --money clip --zip-loc bags --no candy --no bag (other than zips), but also --1 Neato Botvac 85 robotic vacuum
I haven't yet explored all this stuff, but I think the Botvac 85 almost makes up for the lack of candy.
-Sliding Robots (meh) -USB Hubman (meh) -traffic jam cars (extra meh) -"candy" (makes me want to egg the mediocre headquarters;
FYI, the roomba appears sealed and brand new and Meh (accidentally?) left a receipt from newegg crammed in one of the multiple boxes -- so it appears that these roombas were purchased brand new on 8/22/2015!!!
Thanks Meh!!! You made my day. I guess this kind of makes up for all the disappointment you've otherwise provided in the last 14 months.
@liz I think some (or all) of the Roombas were open box or retailer returns. That's probably the original purchasers receipt! I got a Roomba 790 with an open/ damaged box, but appears to be otherwise unused!
After noticing the distribution of candy, I am now imagining a warehouse full of open Fuku boxes and a sad little Meh intern -- very probably child labor -- wandering the narrow aisles flinging candy like the farmer on the spine of Simon & Schuster books. Fly free, little intern! There are light and joy and speaker docks and microwave potato chip makers in the outside world!
Fuku meh your fuku sucks ass! I got toy trucks,rolling alarm clock,slim clip money holder,hubman,chicken thermometer,candy,and a shifty pair pair of young Republic jeans that don't even fit. So fuku!
I finally recieved mine and was rather surprised by its weight! and its contents are as follows: No Fuku Bag(I REPEAT NO FUKU BAG) Traffic Jam Car Pack Green Hubman USB Hub Spider Creepy Cup "Sliding Robots"(furniture pads) Hang Rite (frame hanger marker) 3 Pieces of candy(1 skittles, 1 tootsie roll, 1 tootsie roll fruit chew ICK!) Onkyo TX-NR535! thing smells like electronics but man its pretty!
Thanks for blowing away my extremely low expectations!
Mine is out for delivery today, but I've changed my mind. I don't want it to get here. The anticipation may be the best part of the whole experience, totally worth the price of admission. Like buying a lottery ticket and not checking it for a couple of months, there's always that delicious veiled hope that "Plan A" may come to fruition.
Here is what I got. 1. Three suckers/lollipops 2. Spider mug 3. Traffic Jam cars 4. Mix n Twist Ice Cream toppings twister 5. Eclipse 4GB MP3 and Video Player 6. USB Hubman 7. No FUKU bag :( 8. Last but not least a Go Pro Hero 4 Black (without batteries). Quick test with power cord and it comes on.
For the other people that got a Hero, was it the 4 black?
@cengland0 No. I got a Hero+ LCD. Ironically, I had just ordered the 4 Black and had to cancel the order as the Hero+ LCD was more than sufficient for me. Congrats on the score.
@densa So the Hero+ LCD is not a Hero 4 with an LCD? What is that equivalent to? The Hero 4 Silver? I don't know much about these. I bought a Sony for my action cam because it was more economical.
@cengland0 The Hero+ LCD just came out in June 2015. It has the equivalent specs of the Hero (1080P/60 wide angle, etc.) with an added LCD screen and wifi capabilities. The disadvantage is that it is permanently mounted into the waterproof case so the battery cannot be pulled. The black has no LCD but is 4K and 1080P/120. It is basically the top of the Gopro line. The Hero+ LCD falls in the middle. Good but not great. More than sufficient for my needs--as my plan was to only shoot in 1080P anyway.
@densa Thanks for that info. I knew I had something good but didn't know it was the top model. I don't have anything that can play back 4K yet but I could still crop the video to 1080 if necessary. I like the 120 fps especially if I use it to evaluate my horrible racquetball playing.
So.. I'd been keeping track of my shipping progress and noted that my package, even out for delivery, was marked 10x10x10 inches and 3 lbs. I was all set to be disappointed. However, when I got home I saw THIS:
Well... that's certainly larger than 10x10x10". I brought it inside, opened it up and...
OH... MY... GOD... It couldn't be... IT IS!
A PHB CHIQUITA BANANA PORCELAIN HINGED BOX!! These bad boys are going for $10 on Amazon. SCORE.
Other box contents:
Nine bags of Texas air (smelled of the Alamo)
Five pieces of random candy (it turns out three more were hiding in the box)
A chicken shaped meat thermometer for thermoming my chicken shaped meat
@darksaber99999 Good idea. Today my quest begins to find a girl that likes bananas. That is my one criteria. I am not picky. Oh... she also cannot be afraid of robots. Two criteria. Maybe a little picky.
To keep you entertained, my thoughts are in parentheses.
Bad news: no Meh bag.
Good news: pleased with my box.
Measurements of box:
Weight: Roughly 30 pounds (oh my!), unless I messed up using an electronic scale.
Size of box: 33 3/4 inches * 16 inches * 13 1/2 inches (Please be a real live penguin!)
@Prissy I got that same baby monitor. I had to plug it in and hold the reset button for a long time before it beeped at me. After that, I installed the app and it found it just fine. Sounds like you already tried that though.
My box actually arrived yesterday, however it sat in shipping and receiving over night and arrived in my building this afternoon.
Pictured above is: - Moving robots (not as cool as they sound) - Fro-yo maker (good thing i didn't crack and buy one) - Traffic Jam - Spider mug (this will be my second,) - Hub Man USB splitter - Some candy (Happy Halloween :D) - Surface Pro 3 (but wait, let's check this baby out) Queue sad trombone Empty, which is weird because the pen and charging cables are packaged neatly inside. There was no seal on the box or anything so my first though was theft. But it's more likely that this is meh trying to get me back for sending them fake scratch tickets on their birthday. Either way I blame @jaremelz
Also I received no Meh bag of any kind! Can't be mad though, all the other stuff is pretty cool. Would love to know what you guys are doing with a surface pro 3 with no charger and no pen? Maybe it will show up in my next Fuku :P
@axleman1011 I have a surface pro 3, but I already have the pen and a charger.. lol.. If you wanted to give them away I'd take them as spares.. but you would probably do better with ebay
Mine arrived yesterday. I scored: - USB Hubman - Opened box of Ziploc bags (which I already started using) - Keep Calm/Panic mug - Rolling alarm clock - Capresso 4-cup Espresso maker - A few pieces of Candy
The pics: Opened box, no Texas air was present (though nothing was really breakable) The entire haul.
I'm a little sad that I didn't get a fuku bag, but I got one with my last fuku and I shouldn't be a whiner. All in all, I am happy with this fuku. Thanks Meh!
Got my first FuKu, Monday, and it was very heavy. Opened to see if it was better than the one BOC i had gotten. Inside: The aforementioned: 1-Chefs Pal 2-Mug 3-Traffic Jams And: 4-Bag of Ziplock Slider bags 5-Picture frame hanger tool 6-and a Onkyo TX-Nr535 receiver !!!!! Did not have the remote but, Excited anyway. That wore off later in the day , when I had time to plug in receiver, only to here it go click, click,click. Evidently bad power supply. More expensive to have it fixed than a new one. Oh well, maybe next time.
@bstrange it doesn't hurt to try! Say it was a gift.. Or say it was a part of a grab bag (true!). It's not like you stole it, I can't see why they wouldn't stand behind their product!
Not really worth a photo. Also I missed posting the last fuku. Whoops.
1 Green USB hubman. More of these. Hurray. They'd be great if they were powered hubs.
1 Creepy cup
1 Weird as seen on TV picture hanging thing.
1 alarm clock with wheels.
1 set of Wireless 808 Duo headphones. They look decent. Mic cable included. looks shitty. (like the in line mic on the apple ear pods). Need to charge and try them though.
1 FUKU bag. No candy though. Which is okay as I'd rather have the bag
Would've loved a roomba as i just broke my wrist and cleaning the floor is a pain (as is typing :D). Meh.
Edit: Over all decent fuku. The headphones saved it :p. Love you guys <3
Seriously though, help a Mehrican out @snapster. You gotta admit, thats am extremely out of character box. That sucker isnt just Meh/Mediocre its basically Bezos-riffic.
@studerc You've gotten 7 of 7 Fukus? There are hundreds of people who would love to get just 1, regardless of shitty contents. I've gotten 6 and have loved every single one, even the shitty stuff. And the birthday one makes up for every crappy thing I've ever gotten from Meh. And, if in the future, I never get another, I'll still be grateful for the ones I got. C'mon @studerc, have a little gratitude. You've been here since Day 1. You must set a good example for the newer Mehricans.
@Teripie I totally understand where you are coming from! I am very lucky to have received all of them, but at the same time in comparison to the rest it really feels off. I know they cant fill them all with amazing stuff, but come gotta admit that it looks strangely empty compared to even the lower end ones posted by others. For how beat up the box was I wouldn't be surprised if something fell out along the way. Ill never know because the dimensions never changed so there is nothing to compare it to. Alas, life goes on.
@studerc You're right. It does look like the odds are there that something was removed from the box. I don't know if Meh keeps track of who gets what, except in the case of super gifts. Seems everyone got something nice, not earth shaking, but nice, except you. (Of all the ones I've read so far.)
No DJ Roomba, but I'll take it for $5. Will definitely use the ziplocs. The showerhead will delight my girlfriend who hates my low-flow shower head. The alarm will be fun for me to annoy my girlfriend/entertain my dogs with. Thanks Meh!
Update: I put batteries in the alarm clock and figured out how to put it in "game mode" from the directions. I was hoping it would move around a little bit more and Ollie would chase and then eat it, but, alas, it's a piece of shit. The video misses the beginning where it goes "BEEP BOOP BOUP BEEP BEEP", but you're not missing much.
Imgur really did not want to upload the pic of everything. That was a pain.
This is as good a box as I could have hoped for. From least to best:
Traffic Jam car set wheeled alarm clock candy: 2x gummi lifesavers, 2x Laffy Taffy (banana & strawberry), 1x Gobstoppers (eaten before taking pic), 1x Sweetarts money clip (been wanting to try one) Big Brother Coffee mug (Has Meh been spying on me? o_O) Hubman (not pictured) - girlfriend grabbed this immediately Steelseries Fnatic headset! I've been wanting a gaming headset for a while. Hopefully it works.
Got mine today (a day late). My first Fuku. Came in a huge dented box, but the original tape seemed to be secure.
1) a copious amount of air bags (not shown)
2) a Fuku bag (I feel blessed), socks (so very blessed), a hubperson, and a screen privacy defender which is sure to keep the meddlesome NSA out of my business!
3) An exotic Japanese pleasure device, only lightly used (or maybe it's a sweater shaver) (did anybody else get one of these??)
4) Hiding at the bottom, in a beat-up old VCR box smelling slightly of urine: First Alert video surveillance system!! Wow! I can't wait to surveil some video! I saw @tightwad got one, anybody else?
Of course, it doesn't work.. screen won't turn on. I traced the problem to a shorted component and hopefully I'll have time to fix it this weekend. But still, pretty cool. I can always use the 320GB hard drive and the screen for some geeky purposes.
See how my multimehter helped narrow down the problem to this little power board?
And NO CANDY. Repeat, NO CANDY. But I did get the bag, and playing with this DVR will keep me off the streets and out of prison for at least a few days, so there's that!
Mostly Meh-ish, but was very happy to receive the Meh bag. Although I would love to get a Meh fanny pack. The most Meh of all was the single smartie. I wonder if anyone else got the rest of the smarties pack?
Well I'm pretty excited since this was my first Fuku. I actually gave up when I arrived at the site at 9:02 and saw that it was a Fuku, but decided to try and go through with the purchase. After a long wait it confirmed my order and I still didn't believe that I actually got one. Well my package arrived a couple of days ago so I guess it actually did go through. Lucky me, I was prepared for a huge disappointment but I feel like I got a nice box. Not sure how to do pictures but here is my list.
Fuku fanny pack Funai Blu ray player (not sure if it works yet) GE X2600 Digital Camera (works and some random photos in it) Mpero Optimus L9 screen protector Razor Carcharias headphones (not sure if they work, but It does have a mic) Quirky egg minder (my wife was pretty excited) Green Hubman Chicken Thermometer Uniden AppCam (not sure if it works)
All in all I feel like I definitely got my money's worth.
Fukubukuro! 1. Fukubukuro fanny pack. 2. JBL pebbles computer speakers. 3. Braun CoolTec razor. 4. Random charger (not sure what it's too) 5. Screen protectors 6. Blu-Ray player with Wifi. 7. Flex Fitbit 8. USB hubman 9. Pet-O-Meter. 10. Egg thingy that tells you when you need more eggs thru an app.
Box said 10x10x10 and 3 lbs. actually was 17x16x16 and 13 lbs. Totally scored! Thanks!
1x spree candy 1x USB Hubman (green) 1x Built NY Macbook Air case (black) 1x Cow thermometer 1x Linx audio headset 1x rolling alarm clock (pink) 1x MEH BAG woo
My box came a day early! The size did update (36x16x10) but the weight never did. Here it is on my porch
No Candy but I'm totally stoked for the Roomba! My husband has been asking for one for a long time! His birthday just passed, maybe I can tell him this is his birthday present. I don't have to tell him it only cost me 5 bucks do I?
Psyched! My second fuku - AND I get how to post the photo ( I think...) Money clip 5 (!) pieces of candy (but no chocolate) Rolling clock which might be fun for the cats Traffic jam - um, ok Picture hanger thing - doubles as a 2-d level Usb hubman in an excellent color Fitbit flex! Charging now - might even go for a walk tomorrow to test it. Decidedly un-Meh. Thanks!
2x banana laffy taffy 1x Spree candy 1x Alarm clock that rolls away - or "aways" as the box says 1x Motorola baby monitor 1x Hamilton Beach Coffee maker 1x Meh fanny pack 1x Big Brother is watching you mug 1/3x Ziploc variety pack - the gallon bags part
I would eat the candy if it didn't suck. I mean, banana flavor? Come on. The baby monitor works, surprisingly, although I don't know how this flip-phone quality screen is acceptable in this day and age. I don't drink coffee, so that thing is like alien technology. I think pieces are missing? I mean, where do you put the coffee?
tablet doesn't work but it'll be fun to pull apart. The cars were worth the money alone to see my kid hand them out at the halloween party today and race them around.
@Mzsleeper02 Wait, they're called 'Tootsie Fruit Chews'? Is this a new branding, or a regional thing? Those were always 'Flavor Rolls' to me. And vanilla is the best (cue hate).
In my previous post in this thread, you can see that my fuku was basically a dud (but I'm grateful to have scored one and it's worth it just to play the anticipation game).
My gf's fuku arrived last night, in the same suspiciously large box size - but heavier.
Contents: - 0x bags of Texas air - 0x Meh bag - 1x Tootsie roll - 2x Warheads sour candy - 1x portable battery power bank (2600mAh) - 1x traffic jam toy cars - 1x Hubman USB port - 1x Sliding Robots furniture mover - 1x Creepy Cups mug - spider variant
Definitely excited to have one of these around now. Totally making a DJ Roomba with the Stickup bluetooth speakers we ordered from Meh.
Here’s what I got in my 3-pound box 1-Roomba 790, it works so far!! Came in the original box as well as the original iRobot shipping box. Included all the pieces, including a box of replacement parts, air filters, and virtual walls! Woot! eh, I mean, Meh! 4- sheets of 8x11 paper detailing the RMA for the Roomba (origin: Newegg, destination: Mediocre labs) 1- pepper mill in really beat up box (but it works) 1- Sewmeister (fabric pill remover) sans the ugly box 1- Smart Egg tray in its box 1- fuku hip-pouch type bag 8- bags of Texas air
0- random candies 0- USB hub man 0- pkg of plastic traffic jam cars 0- spider or big brother mugs
Thank you Meh for the great stuff and releasing me from the grip of the Woot overlords!
the box. kids school bus for size reference. definitely no roomba in there.
the goods:
oregon scientific emergency radio (currently residing in one of our bug out bags) USB hubman bike lights (working) moo thermometer (cooks meat to USDA standards - which probably means overdone) 2Pac shot glass Meh bag 2 pieces of candy (spree and tootsie roll)
the radio can be charged via solar, but also has a hand crank and doubles as a cell phone charger.
Well, first of all, I was very concerned. I mean, someone could have been pilfering through my Fuku through that hole. Well, let's lay it all out:
A Roomba? Is this real? I've also got my White Elephant/Dirty Santa gift picked out this year already with the Mix n Twist Ice Cream Toppings Twister. A Green colored Bobble (I do need to filter some crawdads). A Slim Clip, which I was surprised to find actually did hold 6 credit cards securely. They also scratch them so now my nice Hurricanes card is pitted :( The Seasonal Spider in the Cup mug from earlier Fukus (Which would have been great for work yesterday). And a pack of Utz pretzles and Dots. I wonder if the rest of the candy fell out or we had some theives :3
Finally Meh threw in a Traffic Jam. Jokes on them I don't have traffic on my way to work :3
Yep, it actually is a Roomba and not a box in a box gag.
Roomba contents laid out. 3(!) invisible walls, 2 replacement brushes, a plethora of filters and some cleaning tools. Also a remote in case my fat ass is to lazy to press the button on the unit.
The Roomba is heavier and bigger than I expected from QVC commericals!
Complaints: No Baby Arm. Not Georgia Red~~ ~~Carolina Blue Actually it is Carolina Blue. No complaint here.
Arrived today...good things come for those who wait, right?
well... token air Red Fuku bag. Quart Ziplocs...meh must have known that I just loaded up at Costco. Candy scraps....tried to unwrap a LaffyTaffy and gave up. Penguin fan. Bike light. Fake clocky..but it's "Modern and elegant in fashion"!
Was kinda hoping for a Big Brother or Freakout mug but thankfully no Hubman or Traffic Jam toys.
My Fuku box showed up today...very Meh. 1 Hubman (green) 1 scary cup 1 traffic jam cars 1 slim clip money clip 1 hang rite thingys 1 all in one car care kit (appears sealed, but smells like gasoline) 4 candys 1 Able audio clear voice headset ( opened, missing mic and carry case) 2 bags of Texas air 0 meh bags Thanks Meh!
My Fuku arrived while away on a business trip and has just been opened. Included was the following:
1 alarm clock on wheels
1 Eclipse portable media player, including hilarious potato quality camera and almost entirely unusable ebook reader
1 chicken thermometer
1 bag of plastic cars
1 small box of Nerds and 1 small roll of Spree
USB hubman
Also included was a pair of VIP jeans that fit disturbingly well, although I will need to hem the legs if I decide my lifestyle requires pre-stressed denim. All in all, I am very pleased!
Box arrived and it appeared to have been opened at one point.
Contents included: -Keep Calm mug -Chicken therm -One pack of Ziplocks -USB Human - Meh backpack -Neato Botvac 85, appears to be brand new -No Texas air -No Candy
Loved seeing what everyone received. Thanks for sharing and Happy Haloween!
Mine arrived! Contents: - Hubman USB 2.0 hub, barf green. - 2 Empire screen defenders, suitable for Samsung Galaxy Note I717 (not my phone). - The Sharper Image PET-O-METER pet pedometer. - Sphero "Nubby". (Did not come with Sphero). - Hamilton Beach coffee maker. (I have not yet tested whether it's functional).
Just picked up my very first Fuku! Let's see what I got, shall we? One amazingly well sealed box, as compared to what so many others received. A bit wet since it's raining cats & dogs here in Portland, but it looks like the insides are suitably dry, what's more, it looks like the roughly 10x10x15"; ~5lb box was appropriately sized for its contents. So let's pull out the two hermetically sealed samples of Texas air and see what's in here: A traffic jam of cars. Hang Rite picture hanging tool Sliding Robots furniture movers Creepy spider mug "Now Panic And Freak Out" mug A knock-off Clocky whose box assures me it's "Excellent Quality" in multiple places. And . . . A Razer gaming headset. Open box, and RMA # sticker, no idea if it works yet or not, but the Xbox and RCA adapters are still in original sealed bags.
Sadly no Fuku bag or candy. Even worse, they made a liar out of me with the lack of a USB Hubman, which was the one thing I was positive I'd get. But it's all good, and was well worth the $5! Thanks Meh!
@djslack - Haha, told you the big stuff might take longer! Wow, your fuku is so different wonder if there are some clues in there? Instructions and experience tell us, though, don't get too excited! (Congratulations).
I was traveling and had my mail on hold. Brilliantly, I decided to resume delivery on Saturday, since I was going to be home later that night. Then I remembered it was Halloween. Oops. Luckily a friend drove by and put my package inside.
I ate the candy while watching Doctor Who....
No fuku bag? Meh.
Wait, I think this makes up for it.
Appears new in box. Although there are things about it being a RMA, newegg, and a mediocre corporation on this side of it. It was taped closed and everything inside is sealed.
Sorry I didn't do a multi photo report of my unboxing of fuku, pressed on time but at least posted a photo of actual items...
usb hubman bell radian 850 (noticed a misprint on one of the lights) Pirate Radio nubby meh drawstring bag laffy taffy x1 small thing of wax paper Just in time to blame @jaremelz (CST) I didn't get any texas air...
Heard my first Fuku get delivered this afternoon and I was giddy as a schoolgirl.
Not exactly 10x10x10 (never updated), but at least the tape seems to all be intact. No texas air, but nothing looks too beat up. I'm already satisfied just from the view upon opening
The obvious best item,a GE 26X 16 megapixel digital camera. Works well.
Finally opened my box last night after returning from a business trip.
Contents: 3 bags of Texas air 1 laffy taffy, 2 sweet tarts Fuku drawstring bag (yea!) Cow meat timer (test button worked) Sleeve for iPad mini Wheeled alarm clock Rechargeable bike light (red tail light only, headlight was missing) Egg minder thingy (still wondering why this is a thing)
Very meh indeed. Was hoping to be surprised by a roomba, remote, or at least the Hubman, but still very pleased with the the overall experience. Thanks you guys!
After my first-ever fuku birthday edition was the winner of "most meh", My second-ever fuku ever did not disappoint at all!
The large box arrived with minimal tape but when I saw the size I got excited for something special inside.
The Contents:
15 pieces of halloween candy
0 bags of Texas air
0 fuku bags (luckily got one last time!)
1 green water filtering bottle
1 spider creepy cup
1 traffic jam!
1 slim money clip
1 sliding furniture robots
And the most unique and coolest of all:
1 Philips 5.1 Bluray surround sound system (looks new in refurb Phillips box) with 5 cube speakers, 1 subwoofer and a bluray player combo amp unit. As yet untested but still completely unique and awesome!
Meh, you are the bee's knees! Thanks so much for a very fun haul.
To all those complaining about not getting a meh bag: I will happily trade one of my old ones for a roomba, DJI phantom, or even a crappy egg monitor tray.
@MrGlass Well, if you do want it, shoot me an email at jaremehlz@ the gmail. But you must share photos if you manage to turn it into some strange frankeneggcarton.
1x Fuku bag 3x Laffy Taffy 1x mini Gobstoppers 1x Chef Pals beef thermometer 1x Tupac shot glass 1x Bell Radian 850 bike light set 1x BuiltNY tablet envelope 1x opened 808 Duo headphones
Despite the box being torn open and all the accessories obviously rummaged through, the headphones are in great shape. No evidence of use (no greasy ear pads, thankfully). There was a "remove before use" sticker in place. The only thing missing from the box was the charging cable, which is mini (not micro) USB. But the headphones deliver on the promise of wired & wireless. They go for about $63 new on Amazon.
They sound decent. Good enough. Comfort is fine so long you dont wear them for more than a few hours.
Also mine appeared to be open. Although I'm not sure if theyre returns or just shipped that way. No sticker on mine, but they appeared pristine. All the cables still tied up.
Smelled real bad of cheap plastic too. Which usually means they're pretty new.
@Nexar I agree on the sound and they are about in line with the street price. If I was in the market for some, I probably would have looked into more expensive options, but I'm not complaining! They are replacing my cheapo work headphones.
1x Sliding Robots 1x Cobra Radar/Laser Detector 1x Weird pink alarm clock thingy 1x Bag of cheap-o cars 1x Hang Rite picture frame liner-upper 1x Pretzels (ewww) 2x Random candies that I already ate and already forgot what they were
I picked up my first Fuku... at the office today, it having been delivered Friday.
I am not disappointed! - a few pieces of candy - a bag of small plastic trucks - a two-sided money clip - a Creepy Cup-the spider variety - a device to mix add-ins with your ice cream (no bag) AND a Surface Windows 8 Pro (item # 9SR-0001) ! It looks to have been opened and possibly used but has the charger and the pen. It may have been a return or a demo. I have not tried it and I am not sure what I'll do with it yet. BUT THANK YOU, MEH. Certainly worth the cost, and just the fun and anticipation were worth it. Thanks!
Got mine Thursday at lunch. Looks like what a lot of people got. Red bag, usb hubman, Ziplock bags, neoprene case, Pokeman wall cling, a shower head and some candy. All sent in a huge box that got my hopes up.
@Berlination I actually bought the Electrolux, and have been very pleased. It keeps squalor at bay, and the handheld part is exactly what we need. Emptying the bin is a little tricky; I had to RTFM.
Came Friday 10/30 a day early according to tracking. Red Meh Bag - So cool. Big Brother Mug - Creepy. Green Hubman - Nifty. Bell Bicycle Lights - Will find non-bicycle use for these... Built Neopreme Sleeve - You still have some of these? Candy Pieces - Wife made me toss these. I told her you guys were cool... Meta M1 Smartwatch - Been playing with this and like it! Thanks MEH!!!
Finally made it back to the office where my much awaited FUKU was waiting for me. Looks like my box was taped up with a thin piece of scotch tape, scared someone might have stuck their hand in my goodies. Here's what mine contained: - Awesome FUKU fannie pack. - Able Planet Linx Audio headphones (missing Mic, but not planning on taking a phone operator job anytime soon, so Meh!) the headphones sound great! - Quirky + GE Egg Minder (a great step into turning my home into a smart house) who needs to control the lights and gas anyways. - Creepy mug with a ceramic spider inside. - Amazon Kindle/Kindle Touch sleeve (now I just need a Kindle). - Samsung Galaxy Note screen protector (now I just need a Galaxy Note). - Green Hubman No candy, no biggie, I'll just take my daughter's Halloween take :D Thanks for another great FUKU, Meh!
I see a lot of people talking about their Roombas and Neatos and Phantom quads.. and that's all quaint and whatnot, but unfortunately the time has come to drop the mic on this thread... Yeah, you read that right. A VCR BOOYYYEEEE! Now I can finally watch that copy of Jurassic Park I've been saving since 1994 and get rid of all these flimsy-ass BluRays! Thanks meh!!!!
[ETA Okay well, when I was editing the links for this post I realized the front of the VCR was smashed, but I'm staying optimistic #VHSMasterRace]
Is any one else's still processing? My statuesque-eligible-toothbrush still hasn't shipped. I'm worried I'll end up with sloppy seconds. You know, a box full of candy wrappers. Maybe my box never reached 88 mph, and is still stuck in the future. 😳
@Thumperchick@KDemo, I've emailed support. We'll see if that helps. I have a feeling @MEHcus is holding my box ransom, looking for a win this week in fantasy football. The St. Louis Rammers will not bow to such pressure!
• World map with holes in corners from pushpins • Coveted red Fuku bag • Insteon WiFi Camera (appears to be a return) • Pink Hubman • Random Screen Defender and Screen Protector for stuff I don’t own • Built Quilted Sleeve for 13”-14” laptop, which was the one size I didn’t get in my Built haul and really, really needed (thanks Meh for taking notes!) • Dog Owners Outdoor Gear “Walkie Belt” with hand wipes and poo bags (now I need to get a dog) • Motorcycle Rain Suit size 2x/3x (now I need to get a big motorcycling dude) • No candy • No bags of Texas Air • But . . . Brad Pitt is going to bring box #2! How can one not get excited about that?! Seriously!
Thank you Meh for making my day! Or making my life if Brad Pitt really delivers. Without Angelina of course :-)
@heartny Is that one of those maps where you can scrape off the coating of the places you've visited? A sort of travel tracker? Kind of looks like that.
@KDemo haha naw... I was actually pretty pleased. Heck, just the note is worth $5 to me; It's a piece of art! I mean, look at that perfectly reproduced "Meh" logo/signature.
USB Hub-Man - at my desk in work right now! Sphero off-roading cover (sans Sphero) - going on ebay Red fuku bag - will be giving that away to someone in need Cow Meat Thermometer - Giving it to Good-Will Bicycle USB chargeable headlight/taillight for a bicycle - I have no use for it, but it's pretty rad. Iced coffee/tea machine - It's mine... all mine!
My haul is as follows (and apologize for the lateness, I will blame ... umn ... the toddler for it).
USB Hub Man Holmes Air Purifier Alarm clock that rolls around A "The Office" Mug Hang Rite Hanging System - as seen on tv! Fuku Bag Some candy/pretzels 1 bag of texas air (not pictured) A wife who actually looked at the haul and said "at least it's not crap"
My Fuku just arrived (a day early!) and here is what it contained: (Spoiler; it wasn't a Roomba. Sigh.)
A nice looking DVD/Blu-ray player His and hers? USB hubfolk A little portable speaker thingie in a trashed box A keyboard case for an iPad 2 Screen defender Bottle opener on a string Blue post-it notes A hilarious "biker" vest And the coveted Meh drawstring bag. No Texas air No candy. (Dammit!)
Closer look at the vest:
But wait... there in the bottom of the box... what is it? Hey, it's a NOTE!
Definitely some nice goodies. I shall try not to get too excited as I watch for the other box, or whatever. :| (but seriously, thanks, Meh. You guys rock.)
@Pony Ooooh, nice! We had the same mystery note writer! (I'm two posts above you). Think about how fancy we'd look in our respective sparkly red shirt and biker vest with matching bottle-opener necklaces & Meh bags.
@johnamo How about you wear the vest and I wear the plus-size sparkle tent? I'm a fat chick whose biker days are long past. hehe. Fun times, though- I wonder what we'll get?
Got my First Fuku! Much heavier and nicer than any box I have ever received from that other place. Looks like my box went through hell and back, taped and taped again with no Texas air inside. Everything arrived intact except for one piece of candy that was horribly smashed.
3 Pieces of Candy, 1 DOA Spider Creepy Cup Traffic Jam Trucks USB Hubman Rival Vacuum Sealer Nostalgia Electrics Ice Cream Toppings Twister Logitech Harmony Ultimate One Remote Control
Thanks Meh! The only thing missing I would really like to own is the Fuku bag. Maybe next time....
After reading post from a lot of lucky people I got my hopes way up high. Hoping and praying that this will be my time, but alas I haven't sparkled in Meh's eyes yet. I was up so high only for the let down : ( (I dunno why I put myself thru this everytime)
Anyway, I received my Fuku also. Here's what I got:
0- Bags of Texas air 1- 3 piece mini Gobstopper candy 1- Coffee cup - The Office - all in one piece! 1- Rolling clock - Black - does not work at all :( 1- Pkg Bell Radman Bike lights - opened, no charging cable but they work! 1- Hubman - Yay - Pink!!! and it works 1- Razer Carcharias Gaming Headset for XBOX 360 - RMA'd but seems to work, on PC. Whomever had it before had a huge head and stretched it. The ear cups are REAL large and won't stay on my ears with me holding them. 1- Red Fuku drawstring bag - balled up, wrinkled
This is the 1st time I've gotten a fairly decent Fuku. I was beginning to feel like Cinderella waiting for a date to the ball. Wondering where's that prince with the glass slipper, or Roomba. I really wished for something I could really use ....cough cough Roomba. Or even something new that I can be the 1st to do a RMA on. But like I said it was decent so I'll just settle with being Meh.
1-Bike Light Set 1-USB Hubman 1-Hangrite picture hanger level 1-Tupac Shotglass (Who's Tupac?) 1-Meh fanny pac 1-DVD/VCR player (How many years ago did I throw the old one away?) 3-Pieces of candy All in a box that arrived partially opened! (Maybe a Harmony remote fell out‽)
Am I fashionably late yet? I hope so. And I hope I clicked the correct link from imgur...
the beats headphones are the coolest item, but alas have a short in the headband somewhere. I'll be by an apple store in a couple days so i'm gonna try my luck and get them fixed. thanks Meh.
My first box was just the usual. But I didn't get my hopes up thinking that the cryptic note meant I was really getting another box. Well, today I got my giant box of a million tablet sleeves and one of them even had a tablet in it.
@Thumperchick Yeah, seems like new. Also got a billion notes in mine! I feel bad because I think I was supposed to find the kindle last but it was like the first sleeve I looked inside of.
@stoopkid it does, because there are a ton of comments with pictures. There is a second shipment reveal thread (I linked it several comments up) for just this reason - the fuku threads get huge, then load super slowly.
i'm very late in posting, everyone has probably already left the party. my fuku 6 box contained: - meh bag - meh t-shirt, size medium - post a notes - drinking glass w/"you've just been poisoned" etched on the bottom - quadtec watch - dogg mini-belt w/20 poo bags - classic marvel battles and team ups - meh note i thought the note was referring to the watch but i received an email earlier this week from meh asking for phone and address for a possibly "large" shipment. oh god, what have i done and will this "large" shipment push me over the edge as regards being a hoarder?
i would post the pics of the loot and note here but i am obviously image insertion challenged.
@annwat upload the pics to imgur, right click on the image, hit "copy image URL" and paste that url in your comment. The super fancy code working in the forums will make your url transform into a picture for you!
YEEEEEHAWWWW! I bet mine is filled with gravel...
Well, It's Halloween, so I'm waiting for this:

Well I thought I could edit my original post but no such luck...
Box ready to be opened:

A peek at the contents:

Ziplock slider bag assortment...nice!:

Creep Mug...perfect for Halloween:

Sliding Robots...nothing robotic about them but they are useful!:

Bah bah bah baaaah...iiiiitttttssss...Hubman!:

The stuff I need to recreate the "Traffic Jam":

Handful of Halloween candy...someone clearing out a drawer?

And finally...A 4 camera First Alert video surveillence system complete with 7" screen and 320GB DVR - $437 on Amazon:

@tightwad nice! Does the camera system work?
@tightwad dang that's a nice looking camera setup! Hope it works well, I'm jealous!
@Thumperchick @Stormchaser sadly the unit does not seem to work. Power supply works but nothing lights up and the lcd power button doesn't do anything. This doesn't scare me, I am not afraid to take things apart and break them....errr...fix them
@tightwad Sounds like the mantra of the EEVBlog: "Don't turn it on, TAKE IT APART!" :D
@Stormchaser Thats what it took! Back together and working like a champ. Here's a pic of it taking a video of it taking a video of it taking a video...
@tightwad Nice haul!
@tightwad congratulations on the repair, nice score!
@tightwad well now that you've got the camera system working again we're going to need you to send it back.
@tightwad Awesome!
@tightwad I realize I'm slow on the uptake, but... Meh sent you weed?
@djslack Not sure I follow...but here is the video I intended to embed...
@tightwad oh. It was because the video up there was a reggae/dancehall/whatever video, I thought you were reenacting that one :) Or that that was the joke and no one else picked up on it in all the fuku excitement.
Mine is heeeeeeere!

Not a bad haul for 5 bucks!
Bluetooth clock radio? As long as nothing is wrong with it, seems like a nice little unit.

2PAC shot glass... well at least I won't be upset if I break it?

Rechargeable bike light set... guess I need to start riding my bike again!

USB hub... not going to hold my breath for this to be anything special, I have a feeling it might not even work given my experiences with similar items, but hey no big deal!

CANDY CANDY CANDY! And I didn't even have to say "Trick or Treat"

Hey, emergency roadside kit! Feels pretty hefty too!

Wait what? A genuine Nissan part? Interesting...

Looks pretty decent! Didn't look at the flashlight but I suspect it's not LED or anything like that, so I'll have to augment the kit a bit.

Here's the interesting part: how did Meh know I drive a Nissan??? ARE YOU STALKING ME MEH?!? WILL AN IRK BE HIDING IN THE SHADOWS THIS HALLOWEEN??
Full high-res gallery HERE for those interested
@Stormchaser Thanks for posting here, too. (Meh sold those jump start kits a while back - I'm surprised they still had one laying around to give you!)
@Thumperchick No worries, sorry I fouled up the shipping thread :) You can delete that one if you want.
@Thumperchick Yup, I bought three, gave one away and didn't put one in the one car a have needed it for so far...oops
@Stormchaser Nah - we'll keep it there - it's not a super spoiler.
@Stormchaser Every time I scroll past this, I think it says "emergency road kill"
@jaremelz LOL for when you absolutely positively are starving, always keep emergency road kill in the trunk :D
@Stormchaser the green usb hub man does work. i got it in a previous fuku.... but for some reason my usb laser printer stops working when the hubman is plugged in ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@communist Well I'm glad it works, but the fact it stops your laser printer from working sounds like it's not the best quality item. Oh well, I'm on to USB 3.0 anyway :)
@Stormchaser When I ordered a couple bike light sets for my kids, one was non-functional. When I reported it to meh, they said they didn't have any left to replace it. Guess they lied to me. :(
@Roadie Maybe someone else sent them back, or there were delivery problems? A lot of the fuku contents seem to be returns.
The candy is a nice touch.

@KDemo holy crap!
@KDemo DIBS!
@KDemo can you pick out all the dumdums and send them to me? they work as an excellent bribe for my 3 year old. and, with potty training in progress, we need all the bribes we can get.
edit: dammit @jaremelz!
@KDemo darn, I thought this was a real Fuku received...
@KDemo dammit @KDemo! i thought this was for real!
@carl669 Evil goat is pleased with this.
Oops, sorry all, I was surmising what the meh warehouse looked like. Diabetes central!
@carl669 - You should hit up @jaremelz for the Dum Dums - I believe she has a corner on the market, and who could resist your adorable son? It's for the kid! Works every time.
@KDemo I don't have them yet! Might need to start a letter writing campaign to my ombudsman.
@jaremelz - You have to admit, though, it would be pretty funny if they never arrived.
@KDemo As crazy as it sounds, I'm kind of hoping for that!
@KDemo there was 687 fuku bags. There is at least 100,000 pieces of candy and the two pics I have seen of people with candy only have about five pieces. I think security should be checking employee pockets.
@dino2269 - And the proliferation of banana Laffy Taffy in the boxes? Ugh. I call conspiracy!!
More reveals please. I blame @jaremelz for the lack of reveals.
@connorbush It turns out, I fits and I sits. I also shits,but just in yours, buddy!

@connorbush Gotta wait for @joelmw to get home!
@Thumperchick at least I have something to live for. Oh, and my own FUKU come Friday.
I'm so order STILL shows processing..really?? guess I am really getting well you fill in the blank:( ....Am I the only person still showing their order as processing...October 21st 2015 12:02am ET
STATUS Processing??? Curious,,,,
@AttyVette Patience in all things.
Or you can just blame @jaremelz for the interminable delay.
Or both, what the heck!
@AttyVette They hold it an extra day for every product pun in the forums.
Jk mine is still processing too.
@duodec Since blame hasn't officially been cast here, my powers are limited...but go it....

@AttyVette I'm still stuck in processing land. You are not alone.
@AttyVette Mine is still processing too. Meh-sery loves company.
@AttyVette Still processing here too. Le sigh.
I got busyish last night.
Here she sits, all sad and lonely. Why the fuck has no one taken my poor fuku inside? It's cool: we live in a good neighborhood.

Buddy inspection.

Yo, Dad, lemme get a closer look.

So I didn't smell anything, but maybe I got some bonus feral cat pee. Fingers crossed.
The cut. Yes, bought the multi-tool from meh. And I swear my hand isn't that fat and weird looking.

Prominent placement of Texas air. Oh, meh, you get me, you really get me.

And I'll wait while you guess the contents.

Showing a little thigh.

Drum roll.

Heh, wrong roll.
Anyway, the full monty (please ignore the festive autumn decor in the upper right):

Able Planet Stereo Headphone with Link Microphone, without so much Link Microphone.
Here you can see where the mic and pouch escaped. I like to think they're living together happily somewhere in, oh, Vancouver maybe. I always thought that'd be a nice place to live.

The headphones work and are solid (we bought a couple earlier and like them) and in addition to the cord with volume control, I did get the little splitter thing, which is handy.
Lotsa little plastic trucks. I might take them to work (we do transportationy stuff).

Creepy Big Brother coffee mug.

Cool mug with spider in the bottom, that my wife must never see because she'd totally freak and it would just add to her growing perception that meh is filling our house with crap she doesn't like and we don't need. I'll sneak it off to work, I will.

Chef Pal chicken thermometer. I'm leaving it in the kitchen. We'll see if they think we might use it or it becomes a white elephant gift.

Hub man. Sure, I'll take it.

Not bad for five bones. I'm gonna use some of that stuff. Thanks, meh. Let's do this again sometime.
My only gripe? Two measly pieces of candy. I don't know yet if they're gluten-free. You trying to say I should cut back? Yeah, well fuck you. I probably should.

I thought your knife was sticking out of an unbaked roll of dough fresh out of the can.

I'm staying far away from this thread until the weekend. Mine is not due until Friday and still has the 3 lb. placeholder weight, with no reported dimensions.
Good luck everyone! I'll be back here soon!
No Fuku bags?
@johnvoliva I didn't get a bag. Not sure who to blame. Doesn't look like @joelmw did either.
@tightwad Now I am nervous. The main reason that I desire a fuku is for the Fuku Bag!!!!!
@stormchaser got one though.
@FroodyFrog @connorbush @tightwad @johnvoliva Note that @stormchaser's bag is different from the one pictured and that the bag isn't promised in the specs. I wasn't expecting an actual bag and the one featured in the announcement is clearly a metaphor.
Nevertheless, the absence of and/or inconsistency in fuku bags is clearly @jaremelz's fault. What have you to say for yourself, goat?
@johnvoliva hey, good catch! These are the first round with no bag...
@Thumperchick So i won't be getting one? That's one of the things i wanted most from my first box :(
@FroodyFrog I don't know - but from the reveals so far, it doesn't look like a bag was included in this one.
@Thumperchick - Someone else rec'd a bag in a post below. I guess it's hit-or-miss.
@johnvoliva No bag for me either but I did get some ants so that's basically the same thing...right?!?!
@Thumperchick no. fuku. bag.
it is my first fuku. I was so ready to rep it at the gym, to work, whilst cycling, to the grocery, halloween, etc. I already told my friends about it. My colleagues. MY COLLEAGUES!!!!!
@joelmw For sure. Especially after talking about shitting in boxes.
@Thumperchick it's the only reason I ponied up the $5. My boss has an official bag. I have #FukuEnvy
@joelmw I'm super glad I got my drawstring Meh bag, I am going to frame it I think considering how others were left out LOL
@stardate820926 I also did not get a Fuku bag but I got a Neato so I ain't bitching about it.
I hate you all. I've never even come close to getting one. Fuku is a good choice for the name (depending on how it's pronounced)
@farneyboy Actually this reveal thread has made me feel less bad about missing out.
Hmmmm.... My 'imminent-troubled-goblin' is scheduled to arrive just before Halloween... should I be worried?!?!?

(TC edit - FTFY)
@Hopkins3030 to post an image here, you just need the direct URL - the link to the image ending in jpg, gif, png, etc.
@Thumperchick Yeah, that's what I did... then immediately afterwards Imgur went down... I think my Fuku killed Imgur!?!?! ::sad trombone::
@Hopkins3030 Mine's coming to Ft. Lauderdale too & was updated to arrive on Thursday.. here's hoping your's will too!
Mine was delivered today! A day earlier than expected. I think I might need to take my lunch break at home today :D
Mine hasn't moved in the last 3 days. My official-impossible-canvas has been enjoying Georgia and is probably trying to avoid NY.
mine is set to be delivered on halloween. i'm hoping for an 8ft inflatable pillsbury doughboy. or maybe one of these:
@carl669 I assume you'd prefer one of those that's still alive . . . or at least somehow aware and self-animated. I think they might have some folks working on that for you.
@carl669 - Bet yours is in the same caravan with mine and @jaremelz'.
@carl669 You, sir, are one creepy sonofabitch, and I can appreciate that.
What @kdemo said, we are likely all truck buddies.
@KDemo Hehe, yeah you have to spell these things out for him.
@jaremelz @KDemo how fun would it be to get together and open all our fukus at the same time? of course, there'd be alcohol involved.
@carl669 -Fun!
@carl669 - Actually, super fun, but could you really wait to open yours? 'Cause I'm not sure I'm that disciplined (after seeing @stardate820926's Harmony remote, especially). I'll be thinking about this.
@KDemo yeah, probably not. especially with a small child that wants to open every box that appears. whenever i get a package, he runs over yelling "my turn! my turn!" after a few seconds of grunting and trying to open it, he usually turns to me and says "halp?". yes, "halp".
@carl669 don't you love it when they tack on the "peeeeeezzz" ... "halp peeeez"..
@mikibell oh man. it's really hard not to give in to whatever he wants when he tacks on the "peeeez?"
Mine arrived today.
1 red draw string meh bag
1 PHB lifesavers collectable
1 green human
1 orange nobby (unsure about spelling) case
1 cow meat thermometer (if beef causes cancer then I guess I'm screwed)
1 able planet headphone set
1 rival vacuum sealer with sealer bags
2... yes count them 2 pieces of candy bag of pretzels(if you consider a bag of pretzels candy) and gobstoppers
Thank you meh. Your mediocrity is very well appreciated
@ssanc153 "if beef causes cancer then I guess I'm deliciously screwed)"
there. i fixed that for ya.
@carl669 hamburgers will be grilled today in honor of that wonderful correction
@ssanc153 One green human? Enjoy it over rice!
@ssanc153 you get more stars when you post pics of the fuku

@joelmw let me get on that. Last time it said I had to use some photo sharing program. Still the case?
@ssanc153 yup. is one of the more popular.
@ssanc153 FWIW, most image sharing sites are blocked at my workplace. This one seems to work. If you're in a similar situation, maybe it'll work for you too. I also appreciate the simplicity of it.
@ssanc153 Speaking of grilling hamburgers... I got a Kevin Dundon Burger Grill in my Fuku. come on down!
@stevenmontes sounds like a fukuING great time! I haven't forgotten about the picture things guys... to be honest I'm lazy... yup, just lazy
Success! I was able to go home at lunch to find my glorious fuku waiting for me!
The box!

Some Texas air that has been released back into it's natural habitat

USB Hubman - I've been wanting one ever since the big pallet reveal from a past fuku even though I think they are terrible USB hubs lol

Bicycle lights - maybe a gift for my brother? I don't think I know anyone else who rides

Traffic Jam toy trucks

Sliding Robots furniture movers

Creepy Cups spider mug - I was really hoping for one of these after seeing the first few reveals so yay!

There were a few pieces of candy that some ants had already claimed so I let them have it.

Logitech Harmony Ultimate One remote!!!!!

These always looked really cool but I could never justify the expense. I really hope it works. It's charging now so I should be able to play with it when I get home from work.
No fuku bag but I'm still very pleased. Thanks meh :D
@stardate820926 i've had a harmony remote for a long time (harmony 880 and then an older harmony one). i absolutely love it! initial setup does take some time, especially if you have a lot of devices like i do. but after that, i've never looked back.
@stardate820926 Meh has set the bar very high with your fuku. Now everybody wants that remote. And the mug. I got the pelican mug in a previous fuku, and like a mug, gave it away. Come on, FedEx! Deliver meh fuku ahead of schedule!
@stardate820926 - Did you contact CS about the ants? ;-)
@KDemo Nah, I think they were probably already my ants to begin with hahaha
@stardate820926 shooots mang! Well done with the harmony remote. Very well done indeed... perhaps too well done....
@KDemo it amuses me that @snapster liked your comment (accidental hover when scrolling)
@OldCatLady My box went from Texas to Georgia in 1 day, yet it still took 3 days to move it roughly 50 miles. On the bright side, the expected delivery date was moved up a day, although I'm hoping i get it sooner than Friday.
@chellemonkey - I'm amused that you were amused by @snapster's amusement.
So far the remote works great! I have synched it to our TV, DVR, sound bar, and Xbox One. It's pretty cool :)
I love my harmony remote. My first purchase from Amazon, no ragrets.
@lichme No regerts
@Supertainment @lichme
No rag rets - You use it, it's yours.
No rat regs - Let the rodents be free.
No regurts - Puke somewhere else.

@Thumperchick Not one? Not even a single letter?
@Mac454 Nope, I'm sure that guy is awfully proud of the very first "A" he's ever received!
Mine showed up. Very meh 😊
- Busted open box of zip lock bags
- Razer Headphones that are missing a ear pad
- Hang Rite level
- USB Hub Man, by far the coolest item
- Eclipse 2.0 MP3 Video Player (w/stylus!)
- Sweettarts, but these almost seem like they were just dropped in
Happy Birthday to me!
So jealous, especially of the creepy cups.
My 8-pounder arrived today! It contained:
Mario Super Slugger Wall Graffix
TOCCs bluetooth headphones
USB bicycle lights
Beef thermometer (the mooing cracks me up!)
Himalayan Breeze fan – highly coveted penguin edition
Drawstring Fuku bag
3 pieces of Halloween candy (sadly, not chocolate)
Zero bags of Texas air. Good thing I already have a steady supply of this.
Thanks, Meh!
@Trillian fan looks like Totoro
Hark light at end of the tunnel so to speak my FUku order was Shipped today (tracking number given) and will be at my house Friday.. How do you spell excited?? Well meh FUku bag of course
@AttyVette So much for my pun theory... I'm still processing over here.
@AttyVette Mine is still processing. I hope they don't run out of mediocre crap before mine ships. I could use a Roomba.
Mine arrived today!
The contents:
- 2 bags of Texas air
- 1 green USB Hubman
- 1 box of Sliding Robots (not sure what this has to do with robots)
- 1 creepy cup (a spider one again... waaahhhh...)
- 1 packet of Traffic Jam toys
- Miscellaneous Halloween treats (1 packet pretzels, 1 red Tootsie Roll pop, 1 green fruit chew, 1 roll of smarties, 1 roll of SweeTarts, 1 black cherry WarHead)
- 1 Roomba 790 (box is pretty beat up, but the contents all appear to be there and in good shape. Haven't tested it to see if it works yet, though.) My current Roomba now has a friend! That is, if they get along and don't kill each other somehow...
No Fuku bag here either... but no complaints at all on the haul. Thanks, Meh!
@kayanadyeath pics?!?
@kayanadyeath Don't put your Roomba's together if one is west coast and the other is east coast. That can get messy
@capguncowboy wow congrats on the roomba! I still have my sage that I bought on woot in 2005. Battery is dead, but it still works..
post a video of the battlebots in action
@jmhsrv i won a Roomba here on launch day but the one in the picture isn't it. That's from Uncle Google
@capguncowboy nice
@Thumperchick Sorry it took so long to get pics, but... here!
@kayanadyeath awesome!
Freudian crop on that Roomba box?!
@MrPinkFloyd Hahahahaha, I didn't even notice. Took a while to figure out what you were talking about, too.
@kayanadyeath surprised no one has mentioned that you got 2 types of sliding robots yet.
Arrived today!

Baby monitor works flawlessly despite a gaping hole in the side of the box. Now I'm making sure no one gets their paws on my creepy cup

@mehzmerized is that a knock-off Clocky?
@Thumperchick haha, indeed it is
Mine arrives Thursday, I sure hope I get one of those awesome spider mugs, and candy. There better be candy in there this close to Halloween, or I'm cancelling/quitting/not coming back/whatever.
What the dealeo?! My damn Fuku was 30 minutes south of me since Monday evening, and it's gonna take 5 days to travel the last 20 miles. I could have walked there and back 50 times by then. Fuku me.
@clarinetbob That would be a speed of 16.66 MPH, that is a very fast pace. The winner of the Boston marathon ran just over 12 MPH, you should become a marathon runner...and deliver packages.
@MrMark You're a very literal person. Do you have trouble making friends?
@clarinetbob Is that what my problem is.
@MrMark If I weren't terrified of heights, I would want a hot air balloon with character like that... ;)
@MrMark - Actually, I had some downtime during lunch, so I decided to check your math. Traveling 50 times @ 20 miles each is 1000 miles. The package was dropped off Monday evening 20 miles away and is now scheduled to arrive Friday evening. That's approximately 96 hours. Assuming I don't sleep and just pee and poop in my pants while eating Gogurts handed to me by the team pace car, I would need to travel just over 10 mph throughout those 96 hours (not 16.66 as you carelessly suggest). A challenge...yes. Doable...probably not, as I'm not sure I can find anyone to drive the pace car and watch me run in poopy pants for 4 days.
@clarinetbob @MrMark You two and your math competition.

@sammydog01 AGREE! Can we get some more fuku unboxings!!!
@clarinetbob You mentioned you could go there and back 50 times. I took that as a round trip 50 times, not 25 times in each direction.
So 50 round trip at 40 miles (20 miles each direction) gives us a total of 2,000 miles.
24 hours for 5 days is 120 hours. 2,000/120 = 16.66. I stand by my math.
@MrMark Round-trip 50 times?! THAT is preposterous. (Monday at 6:39pm to Friday evening is roughly 96 hours.) Math?! Pfffttt...
@clarinetbob What's really crazy, mine went a very similar route as yours, but has to go another 352 miles to get to my town in Michigan and it's scheduled to be delivered a full day earlier than yours.
@clarinetbob All this math talk and all I can think is "You live near me!"
Did a BigLots go out of business in Texas?
My Fuku arrived this morning on my front step in the form of a heaping steamer--and additional fodder for my wife's argument against my VMP membership.
Box Size: 18x15x15
Weight: Just over a pound...
WTF?: And how!
1 Fuku Bag
3 'Fun-Size' Pieces of Candy
1 Hubman USB Hub
1 Bell Radian Bicycle Head/Tail Light
1 Lifesavers Christmas Ornament
1 Set of Kitchen Utensils
1 'Keep Calm...Now Panic' Mug
(Cue sad trombone track and clucking sound)
Bock Bawk!
I am Danno's colossal sense of disappointment.
@elliedan - FYI - google drive pic links aren't forum friendly. Maybe try imgur for hosting pics?
@Thumperchick Just trying to save on load times, but thanks!
@elliedan FYI I was able to sell those kitchen tools for $10 on Facebook locally...And the Panic mug is awesome
@elliedan We don't care about your frigging load time. ;-)
I won. I got a Roomba 790
@lennon818 Does it work? Plug it in before you do a happy dance. And then film your happy dance for us.
@lennon818 ugh the dream! mine is delivered cant wait to get home and rip it open!
@sammydog01 Im currently debating whether to keep it or sell it because Im broke and this thing is very expensive. So if Im selling it I wont open it and be able to say it is brand new.
@lennon818 odds are its not brand new as it is, meh usually sells refurb roombas.
@lennon818 You may want to drop customer service a note just to make sure, especially if your buyer is long distance. Or not.
@lennon818 Open it, test it, then put it on ebay as refurbished as is
@lennon818 It works people; currently charging. Guess we are going to keep it. I love the remote.
@lennon818 FYI, I got one too. In my box was a newegg receipt for four of them (shipped to a mediocre corporation), so it looks like maybe they bought them brand new.
Got it last night. I'm keeping the bluetooth speaker, the meh beltbag and the food container. The rest will be given as white elephant gifts.

I didn't get candy. Should I file a complaint. :)
@grimdirge Whats the egg thing? How did I not get a fanny pack? I will trade the 5 pieces of meh candy I got for yours...
@grimdirge Please to use this handy complaint page:
@tightwad It's a fancy wifi enabled tray:
@grimdirge Wow. That's worth a look just for the product Q&A.
@grimdirge Seriously? That is bizarre...I can't think of the last time we had less than 14 eggs in the wife has a cake/cupcake business
@tightwad I picked up a couple when they were like $6 on amazon... these things retailed for $49.99 when new... can you imagine anyone paying $49.99 for this? rofl I have mine in use... lets see here... ahh yes my eggs are good for 10 more days... better get to using them.
So it seems to be that people ARE getting Meh drawstring bags. Good. I don't care so much about getting candy (I don't do "do" Halloween anyways) or electronics as long as I get a Meh bag on my own which I could then call Bill.
However, I should probably prepare a scathing letter of protest just in case I get expensive electronics but no bag ;)
No bad except bag of lil trucks. Got a icecream maker kit. Usb hub man. And a go pro hero. Checking to see what is up with the go pro
Just got mine!
Red Fuku Drawstring Bag
Pink USB Hubman
Black Clocky knock-0ff
Big Brother Mug
Two of one of the worst types of candy - banana laffy taffy
Hang Rite Tool
Razer Carcharias Gaming Headset w/ broken microphone
Super stoked with the purchase! Headset is perfect as I have a webcam at work already and was in need of some decent over-ear headphones!
I can't help but notice a theme of headsets with missing or broken mics.
Seems like there's a message. And if I had to guess, I'd guess that the message is

@dave @hollboll @MEHcus @galmaegi @moose? Care to confirm or deny?
@joelmw I blame @hollboll for the lack of mic's..
@joelmw It's fun to imagine the alternate universe where we've got our shit together enough to pull hidden messages off.
Got mine in and whoa! There's a Roomba 790 in there! It's a refurb or RMA and there got sloshed around a bit, but I hope it works! I was literally just telling my wife last night that I need one to follow our 14 month daughter around because she leaves a trail of cracker and cookies wherever she goes. And sweeping the kitchen floor 4 times a day SUCKS.
Also got a picture hanger (still hanging pictures in our house so this will def come in handy). Coffee mug, laffy taffy, fuku bag and Sphero-esque alarm clock that has some awesome "features" ("Send out the beep!")
Oh and a pink Hubman... you know... to go with the 1400 other I have still hanging out in my garage! Maybe now that they have a fearless leader, they'll actually unite to get something accomplished.
@zachary I got a Roomba too. I was so excited. Let me know if yours works
@lennon818 I just have it on the charging base now, but so far so good. It's definitely used as the screens for that and remote command center are scratched to hell and back.
Oh and the bin had some leftover detritus from the previous owner. I'm guessing Pacific Northwest by the taste of it.
@zachary I would love to know the story behind those hub men but it's probably not as exciting as my imagination so meh
@austinstorm I got about 1450 on a palate from the April 1st Fuku! I've given away a couple of boxes... still trying to figure out what to do with the rest. Everyone recommends selling via Amazon, but I'd have to front a chunk of change to ship them to Amazon (I don't have the time or patience to try to package and ship them on my own unfortunately). I'm gonna put them up on Craigslist today and if it's a nogo on them then I'm thinking "eccentric art project."
@zachary Oh wow, that's amazing.
@zachary In Norman, OK (for the county) they do a christmas store where poor kids can buy christmas presents for their parents for 10 cents. Parents get points based on number of kids to use to buy presents for their kids. I bet they'd go over well and you'd get a charity write off. Dump a bunch in a 1.5 cubic foot box and sent that. When I had cancer for the first time we had food stamps and my child was in 4th grade. She was thrilled at the choices they had for what she could buy me (and she was thrilled she could afford it LOL "Mom the price was really good. It was really cheap and they had good stuff" - it was important for her to be able to buy the item, not be given it, which is why they have the kids pay 10 cents per present for their parent or parents) for christmas. They had a lot of stuff that grade school and pre school kids would really like. They had fewer things teens would really like. Something like this could be in the teen room too and would be helpful.
@zachary waited too long to add this under edit. While I realize that many poor teens may not need a hub, some would have use for it and they are cute enough that some may like it.
@Kidsandliz It's a great idea! I'm going to see if I can find a local equivalent. I've already donated a couple of boxes to a school and honestly, it will probably be a similar fate for most of the rest!
@zachary Be careful about where you donate. Here there have been several scandals of workers stealing donations intended for kids (including toys for tots). I just can't believe that people are stealing from poor kids!! Geesh how low can you go. Also if you want to sell around 21ish of them (I'll have to see who I have left to buy for) to me cheap that would solve my christmas present problem (I am only marginally employed and pretty much only buy meh items for birthday and christmas presents, don't buy for me. My email is my user name at yahoo.
@lennon818 Mine was brand new based on my inspection.
My box arrived, after sitting at a Fedex office for three days, for seemingly no reason. Included inside were:

A drawstring Meh bag
A green USB Hubman
A mooing beef thermometer
A pair of Bell Radian 850 bike lights (I don't own a bike right now, but the white one seems like it would be a decent flashlight)
2 "fun-sized" Sweetarts
A Perilous Penny the Pirate vinyl figurine
and, as if I thought I could escape it forever....
A JBL Onbeat Mini speaker dock. This is my third speaker dock (first JBL).
Mine was at the post office today. I had to go in to drop off some packages anyway, so I asked if I could pick it up today. They obliged.
Overall, this is the most Mediocre Fuku to date. I thought it was supposed to a blast from the past, but even that low expectation was underwhelmingly overdrawn.
1 x Meh Fukubukuro bag
1 x USBMan hub
1 x "Big brother is watching" Mug
1 x Generic running alarm clock
1 x Hang Rite wall hanger
1 x D-Link AC600 Dual Band Cloud Router
0 x candy (seriously, wtf?).
∞ x disappointment
Got mine! Not a bad haul.
1 Meh Bag
1 Steelseries Rivial Optical Mouse (With changeable lighting!)
1 "The Office" Mug
1 Alarm Clock
1 Hub Man
1 Ziploc
1 Audio cord
No candy :(
@whistlingwilly Thats a great mouse! I've bought that model for home & work.
@MrGlass Using it now at work and loving it! Little heavy. I have the Razer Chroma one for home and love it.
Got mine 2 days earlier then the initial ship date it had.
1 x USB Hubman
1 x Parrot Dog toy
1 x LG Spirit phone case
1 x Chef Pals Pork Thermometer
1 x GE X2600 Digital Camera :D
1 x Sphero Nubby case, sadly no Sphero to put in it.
Camera works good, was in a different language at first but managed to change it after about 10 mins of messing with settings.
All the stuff minus the drawstring bag. pic taken with the camera I got

Picture that was already on the camera from the last owners I guess... ok
@Crud I have a Sphero from the last Fuku that doesn't have a Nubby case...
I ate the candy first XD.
1 x Hang Rite

1 x Ziplock Slider
1 x USB Hubman
1x Quad Core Tablet
1 x Ipad Air 2 Ultimate Keyboard Case
1 x The Office Mug
1 x Banana Laffy Taffy
I am not home so I had my acquaintance open my package.
So thrilled. I am moving into a new abode in January with my fiance and she really wanted a solid vacuum! Here is to hoping it works. Thanks Meh! This is my first fuku/boc in 5+ years or what have you.
-traffic jam trucks
-cheese balls
-ice cream topping grinder
-sliding robots
-robot vacuum 85 (hope it works)
-scary cup
Oh no! I do not see a fuku bag in the image. I hope this is a cruel trick by my acquaintance.
@connorbush Nice score!
@jaremelz Thanks. Really hope there is a fuku bag.
solid cnet reviews
@connorbush Lovin' my botvac 85.... you got a much better deal than me :)
Am I the only one worried that the candy/treats are either refurbished or closeout items from 1985?
@mediobarkre ha.
@mediobarkre Or they could be from a police auction from the evidence room from a past halloween horror... just sayin'
@mediobarkre I assure you my Tootsie roll and Double Bubble were very fresh and tasty.
Mine came today, too. Very MEH indeed.
3 x Bags of Texas air
1 x Red Fuku bag
2 x Fun sized Sweet Tarts
1 x Fun sized Laffy Taffy (immediately taken by daughter)
1 x USB Hubman (pink)
1 x Funny Mug (yes, it is time to panic, isn't it....)
1 x Knock-off Clocky (immediately taken by daughter)
1 x Box of Ziplock Slider bags (from a multi-pack, partially opened)
1 x Cobra iRadar IRAD150 (Look it up. Sounds good, but very meh.)
Not as good a haul as last time, but still worth the time and money. Still hoping for a Roomba some day. That will be the only way the wife will let one in the house, too. She's afraid of the robots taking away her job!
MEHbe I can haz Roomba next time? MEHbe?
Thanks Meh!
@andrd Un fuku bueno!
@andrd Hmm... you got an ice cream maker, I did not get a fuku bag. I will ship you my ice cream topping dispenser in exchange for your extra fuku bag.
@andrd careful, if that's the braided pizzle (bully stick) they smell TERRIBLE.
@djslack @andrd "Deer Pizzle is the reproductive organ of a stag. Autumn and winter are the mating seasons for the deer. In Chinese Medical Report, deer pizzle contains various minerals, which can be used by our body's circulation systems, especially the kidney."
@connorbush the one i got in the dog toy bundle was bull pizzle. Worst thing ever.
@connorbush @djslack When i watched my sister's dog she brought a bundle of pizzles for him. Luckily that prepared me for their awful stench. One of the cats likes to lick the pizzle.
@connorbush that might could be arranged. I was hoping for another of the tote bag ones anyway. They are very strong grocery bags.
@djslack TIL Pizzle.
Got mine 1 day ahead of schedule!
and a
Thanks all at Meh, y'all make e-commerce fun and stuff.
and one of my little one with his Fuku bag
@bluebeatpete The newest Superhero -- MehMan!
Box was damaged and half-open sitting on the porch, so here's what made it:
1x Braun CoolTec Shaver
1x AMP USB Hub Charger
1x Antec Computer Case Fan
1x Nubby (now I need the robot)
1x Bell Radian 850
1x Meh Fanny Pack
4x Candies (kids nabbed 2 before I got the picture)
Thanks Meh!

@Daven7 I actually have that shaver, got it free for reviewing it through BzzAgent. It works surprisingly well and the CoolTec bar really does feel good on your skin. Seems gimmicky but I like it.
Mine is arriving on my birthday tomorrow.
Yaay!... I mean.. Meh!
@Keyeno Happy Birthday!
@KDemo Thank you! :)
@Keyeno Happy birthday. Late but happy, I'm sure...
@gertiestn Thank you. :) and it was, although I didn't get any cake. :<
Thanks MEH!
Mine just arrived. A little banged up and pre-opened. I am braced for mediocrity. More pics in a bit!

*scotch for scale. And for impending disappointment.
@Kleineleh That's a decent sized box!
@jaremelz Yes! I was excited until I noticed how light and unsealed it was.
@Kleineleh Well, damn.
@jaremelz Judging from the number of similar comments this round, it seems Meh is supplementing some Dallas FedEx employees' incomes
Or they're just low on tape. Maybe we need to send them some
@Kleineleh I sense the next project for @sohmageek
@Kleineleh This is an interesting point. Without the buyer having some way of knowing what was supposed to be in the box there would never be any complaints about missing items.
Mental note: Get job at FedEx hub near mehdquarters.
@rdejuana Ah the shake weight...

@MrMark Reminds me of a South Park episode.
I got my box today, which looked opened and re-taped so who knows...
I have absolutely no use for anything in this haul but for $5 I guess I shouldn't have expected any less. Meh
@fyreblazer That watch is going for 40 bucks on Groupon I think.
@fyreblazer resident evil wall graffix u say. Which one.
@fyreblazer The watch is interesting. I was kind of wondering if i was the only one that got one.
@fyreblazer The watch looks cool.
@catman25 The zombie one. I didn't even know there were different ones!
@rdejuana I thought I was the only one too until I went to post this last night and your post was RIGHT above mine with the same watch! We're the "lucky" ones I guess.
The open box:

The contents:
- Bag o' traffic
- Big Brother mug (amazingly intact!)
- "Modern and elegant in fashion" Alarm Clock
- airbags
- Ladies' Citizen Eco Watch
- 3 bags of Halloween pretzels
- Sliding Robots
- Hang Rite picture hanger
- Green USB hubman
A few things I can use or pass on, no complaints here- especially if I just pretend that box was intentionally packed with all that extra space
@Kleineleh You might want to look up that watch on Amazon.
@OldCatLady I thought about that, it looks really nice
The Big Brother mug is especially appropriate today as I just got a census questionnaire in the mail
@Kleineleh Yup, what @OldCatLady said about that watch! But methinks meh was scraping the bottom of their box barrel for this one.
@Kleineleh Those Eco Drive watches are very nice, good score! I think they sold on here for $90 and that was a very deep discount off retail, but my numbers could be slightly off.
@jaremelz So, on @OldCatLady's advice, I went to look for the model number to look it up. I found the retail pricetag on it instead. Still looking for the model number for a more realistic number. And seeing if it actually works, haha
@Kleineleh Yes, those were sold on Meh about 6-7 months ago. I think the MSRP was $395
@capguncowboy, @djslack, @jaremelz, @OldCatLady Wow. And I was happy to get the rolly clock...
So mine arrived today.
No candy. 😢
I did, though, get a Meh drawstring bag
Also, a roller alarm clock
A Memorex boom box CD player - very beat up
A hubman
And a Keep Calm/Panic mug
Thanks, Meh!!!
@AnnaB - You rec'd the advertised junk from the past! You win!
I can't believe I scored one while standing in line at Disneyland.....aaaaand I just realized how douchy it sounds saying that. Sorry.
Here we go
sliding robots
traffic jam car toys
spider creepy cup
Slim Clip
Hang Rite
Wyndham House 52" Ceiling Fan. Looks like all the parts are there
@BrownMamba Aaaand yet you still said it. Lol Nice double win though.
So I will be posting pictures soon, but I wondered... should there have been a bag with it? Because, sadly, no bag... and no 70" UHD TV either.
Oh. Dang. Is that a cordless vacuum?it is? It won't charge? That's ok! It's -cordless-.
Got mine. Just sad, all this crappie stuff and no joyful Fukubukaro red bag. Oyster ice cream maker was still dropping goo that someone sent back and was forwarded on to me. Pretty disgusting yet fitting for Halloween. The candy was the best part. Alarm clock, bag of cheap cars, usb hubman and the furniture movers. Alas, all this joyful junk but no bag.
5 pieces of my kids' favorite candy (Best thing in the box!)
Broken wall clock
Green hubman
Spider mug
Bag of traffic jam cars
Doesn't get much more meh than that...
Well I screwed up and posted this in the shipping forum, sorry about that. My first ever Fukubukuro, was not meh. Partially opened huge
box contained:
3- random candies
1- USB hub man
1-two sided money clip
1-rolling alarm clock
1-pkg pkg of plastic traffic jam cars
1-mp3 video player
0-fuku bag ;(
1-Roomba 790, and it works!!
Happy day! If I can figure out how to post the pics I will.
@bradkeskey hmm perhaps this fuku's winner?
step 1. take a pic
step 2. goto and click on "upload images"
step 3. select images and click "start upload"
step 4. click on "get deletion link" upper right and copy that and save it for worse case situations. close the deletion link box
step 5. click on "direct link" and copy that... this is the link you want to post in the forums
If you uploaded more than one you can click the "next" and repeat the process for each image you uploaded
pouts I apparently have to wait until MONDAY for my fuku.
@deltahaze - I read this as "potus" and immediately thought of this:
@Pavlov I'm ok with that.
@Pavlov @deltahaze
Got mine today! Looking for a Fuku bag but nothing. That's okay. Meh really made up for the last fuku where I didn't get anything that exciting (a fan was my big prize). I opened up the box and the first thing I saw was the ice cream!
Then I see a set of Chicago Cutlery steak!
Then I'm looking at this box thinking...oh no! I got another one of those video thingys from my fuko. :-(.
To my surprise--and my wife's, it was a GoPro Hero+LCD!!!! Definitely not meh!!!

Thank you meh!
Oh...also candy, a USB hubman, a creepy mug and some toy trucks. You guys really outdid yourselves with this one!!Mcfly would be happy. Fukuburo!
@densa You win the fuku games!
@densa got the same gopro hero. Mine works does yours?
@catman25 So far so good. I charged it up and put an SD card in it. I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. Congrats on the score!
Got my first Fuku!
And along with all the similar Meh assortment, lucked out and got a Harmony One, charged it up and works perfectly!
Also got a REALLY cool water blaster shaped like a pirate skull on one end. No Fuku bag, but really awesome Fuku!
@nsamadisy very nice! I love the remote so far. The ability to set activities is pretty damn cool. I'm really excited about being able to use it to control DVD/Bluray playback, Netflix, You Tube, etc... on the Xbox One. Using a controller for that just sucks.
@stardate820926 Coolest thing is I didn't have to set it up... I have an older harmony that's on it's last legs - and this one had much better software and imported all my old settings.
Spent and hour picking out the perfect icons to import and use... heheh.
Mine arrived.
Box size: 18X15X15
Weight: Unknown
- 1 Cow meat thermometer
- 1 Blue keyboard case for a tablet
- 1 Green Hubman
- 1 Set of Bell bike lights
- 1 Red Fuku bag with drawstring
- 1 Vinyl Devilish Doll
- 1 Quirky + GE egg holder
- 2 pieces of candy not pictured and don't remember what they were.
Thanks meh.
1x damaged box of ziplock bags, have a kid in school so useful for lunches.
1x USB man, planning on playing rockband this weekend so this will come in handy
1x meh bag
1x Hang Rite, haven't used my first one I got so gift?
1x opened Craig Tv, looked new until I opened the keyboard. 2 corners smashed off but looks functional. Now to track down that hacking thread...
1x alarm clock with wheels and weird packaging with horrible englrish and they choose pink as the box art. This one is black.
1x seriously heavy duty Nissan/Infinity Genuine Parts road kit. Actually pretty nice. This will find it's way into my F150.
No candy but a pretty nice haul. Thanks MEH!
@StrangerDanger I got the exact same thing except for the Fuku bag. :(
I think it's a pretty good haul for 5 bucks!
In My Birthday Fuku Box:
Ice Cream Toppings Mixer
Spider Cup
Bluetooth Remote
Deep Fryer (Reportedly Defective according to Carol.)
Album Link for the curious.
Kinda hoping the fryer works, if not... Well, to the burn ward!
@Keyeno I got a fryer last time haha. It was also a return i cleaned it up and it worked fine. Used it a couple time and tossed it.
@whistlingwilly I'd love to use it if it works. Any idea what the defect might be/what to look for?
Two days early, and the weight/size never updated. No 'meh' to it, this is a solid and lovely box. It was actually 22x18x12, and weighed 13.4 lbs (we hauled out the bathroom scale), mostly due to the lovely Roomba 790! I'll have to charge it, so maybe tomorrow I'll have a cleanER house; it's for Pets and Allergies, and I have both, so perfect. (edit: AMZN says it's $425. and I am awed) The Sliding Robots, the green Hubman, the Double Sided Money Clip, and the trucks hardly weighed anything, and the spider Creepy Cup is unbroken. Wouldn't it just be. No meh bag, but I have some already. Five (!) pieces of candy; the SunKist things are really good. I'd give this five stars out of five. Thanks, Mehfolk!

@OldCatLady Dots! Love Dots!! LUCKY!!
@OldCatLady Speaking of cat hair, HAPPY NATIONAL CAT DAY!
@sammydog01 How did I not know this? Thanks for telling me. The cats just squeezed their eyes at you; they're sprawled in the sun.
For the record, my Roomba 790 is in its original packaging, even the accessories. They all have their white 'original' slipcovers and cardboard spacers, the plastic bags have the original tape, and the VERY deluxe accessory suitcase has two complete sets of replacement brushes, as well as three virtual walls, half a dozen HEPA filters etc. etc. It's a wonderful package, and I am thrilled.
@OldCatLady welcome to the roomba club. I went nuts when I saw mine
Pretty Meh. Egg thingy, food sealer, a couple screen protectors for devices I don't own, a ceramic life-saver thingy that opens, and a lovely red bag. Thanks, Meh.
@clarinetbob A carrying case for a single Lifesaver, fascinating…
@brhfl well only one lifesaver so one case... so You can put one lifesaver in it just in case:) so truth in advertising:)
Got mine today!
The unopened box: (Bonus: Cat)

The box opened:

Oh look there's a box within the box!
The box within the box:

Just what I always wanted back in 1999!
Yes it's really a VCR/DVD player

The VCR had a cassette tape still inside... I powered it up and hit the eject button to reveal:

Camouflaged bike lights:

So camo, you can't even see them inside the packaging.
The two best items:


Thanks meh!
@jjohns71 I love the vcr/tape haul. Haha.
@jjohns71 You know you were hoping for some big hair 80's porn.
@dino2269 Uh, big hair where?
@cinoclav You had to go there, didn't you?
@cinoclav @dino2269 @OldCatLady

@jjohns71 If I worked at Medicore and knew my company would cover shipping costs, there would be so many more boxes of my old random shit ending up at peoples doors.
It's kind of a bummer you didn't get a Roomba or something to balance the scales, but hang on to that VCR for a few years and it'll be a collectors item. Look at Betamax players!
Damn, I thought I was joking about Betamax
Vintage videogames I get, but who out there is saying "gee, I really wish the audio quality, video quality and resolution were worse on this copy of Crocodile Dundee" Are there like old Betamax movies you can't get anymore?
Got my Fuku,
USB Man Pink
FUKU Red Tote
Cow Meat Thermometer
Resident Evil Decals Zombie Version
TOCC Manhattan Blue Tooth Head Set
My fukubukuro isn't very meh at all. In fact, it's kind of awesome.
• 1 fuku bag
• 1 Clocky knockoff in black
• 1 "Now panic and freak out" mug
• 2 hubman usb hubs
• 1 Oster ice cream maker
• Pumpkins not included
A great haul, imo. Everything will find a use.
Got my Fukubukuro as well:
Rolling alarm clock
...and the piece de resistance:
@Crixus Does anybody have idea on how to MacGyver the clip? Because As Seen On TV is such a depressing description.
First, thanks Meh!

I will admit to a bit of a sad because I made the mistake of glancing at the thread before mine came, and was hoping I might be one of the Roomba people.
USB Man Green
Full-sized air bed
Spider mug
Money clip
Sliding Robots (I see no robots here)
Bag o' Cars
Single sad Tootsie Roll
But I got a Fukubukuro! And I got an airbed!
Wish I could show you pics but not sure how to do all that fancy computer stuff. Very happy with my haul. I got candy (Tootsie roll was great), the USB connector dude, Ziploc bags, something that mixes ice cream and toppings that looks fun and messy!. I also got the cup with the spider in the bottom (that looks impossible to clean), and yeah and I got a refurbished NEATO!!!! I only ever got lucky enough to get a Woot BOC twice I think and one of them had a Roomba 540. I wonder if has the data from the old woot users and figured the old Roomba was on it's last wheel. If they did they were right. I am gratefully to we are grandparents and getting older by the second so this Neato will get a lot of use. Thanks
@dino2269 I'm sure that they did not illegally bring the Woot order history. For one thing, I was a different person back then. However, the user base has a lot of overlap, and I'm sure they've analyzed the demographics. That being said- my old Roombas are either dead or limping, even after buying new brushes, batteries etc. so I was really thrilled to get the new one.
Well this was interesting...Here's my haul:
Meh Drawstring Bag
Pink Alarm clock on wheels
USB Hubman
Twist Top Sleeve for 11-in MacBook Air
Keep Calm Themed Mug, Reads "Now Panic and Freak Out"
A safe of some kind. Refuses to be opened.
Help? I tried to open it with the key and it refuses to turn. The number pad doesn't work. It presumably needs batteries put in (can only be done once safe is open). If anyone has ideas please let me know. I hear something small rattling around inside...
@ninjaemilee The manual talks a 9v jump start feature, you can try that. Or, call the company. Cheap safes usually have a bypass.
@ninjaemilee I remember something very much like this, and I think it was on Woot.
@OldCatLady last time there was safe, it was here on meh, I think... or was that a locked diary?
@Thumperchick My boyfriend said something about that, the diary. But I got nothing else in my box to indicate some sort of puzzle.
@ninjaemilee Watch your mail. Maybe it's a two parter. That would be evil, though. Look inside all cases & bags, too.
@ninjaemilee call the manufacturer and see if they'll walk you through opening it! Maybe someone left something weird inside!
@ninjaemilee Intriguing! Maybe it's Al Capone's lost safe! :D If you hear something rattling around inside, it might be the 9v jumper harness. Which would suck. If that's the case, you could try to find a plug that fits the jumper jack and use a 9v battery with it. And check the packaging carefully to see if there's a little cable that would accommodate a 9v battery -- that would be the jumper.
@ninjaemilee I saw a video about this recently. Apparently it's pretty easy to break into hotel safes. If this is like it, maybe it's easy too.
@daveJay Although I guess you still have to be good at picking locks
@daveJay You also have to be good at getting into hotel rooms to get to the safe.
Fun fact: The Horseshoe hotel pictured in that video is actually in my town. I don't think it is the horseshoe he's at, at least the room layout didn't look familiar.
Edit: here is the hotel right now from my parking garage as I'm leaving work.

@ninjaemilee I noticed that there's two keys on that ring... did you happen to try BOTH keys?!? ;o)
@Thumperchick @OldCatLady If I remember correctly, someone here got a safe in a fuku but no keys. So they sent the keys in a locked diary with clues he had to figure out to get the code to open the diary to get the keys to open the safe
In order of most meh to least meh
candy (two pieces)
USB Hubman
Devil Lady vinyl figure
Radian 850 USB rechargeable light set
Chef Pals Beef thermometer. It's a beef thermometer in the shape of a cow that moos when your meat is cooked.
Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker. Single cup or 12 cup carafe.
My Fuku had been opened, but I don't think anything went missing except maybe some candy. I was disappointed that there was no Fuku bag. How many others didn't get one? And have those others won Fukus before? Was there a reason for the lack of the red bags?
@Teripie Many lacked fuku bags. Some had fuku fanny packs. I have never won a fuku and mine did not include any type of bag. This brought great sadness on my household.
@Teripie Fuku number six was my first score. I didn't get a bag but I got a Neato which is working nicely. The bag would have been nice but if I had to choose between the two I am glad they sent the Neato.
It's here!
Got an alarm clock that runs away from you when it goes off. However, when I tried it, the wheels didn't spin at all, and I had them enabled. The do spin when you put it in Game mode though, just not when the alarm goes off.
Used 7" Digital2 tablet, running KitKat. (Can tell it's used cause the screen is dirty.
A Built neoprene case to put the tablet in :) (will go nice with my vast collection of cases)
"Now Panic and Freak Out Coffee Mug" (probably my favorite item
Rechargeable USB bike lights.
No candy, but I'm pretty happy with it! Not bad for 5 bucks :)
@daveJay I'm not sure the tablet works. It won't start up. I've got it plugged in, but it's not showing that it's charging. It did once, but now it doesn't.
My Fuku:
Sliding Robots
USB Hubman
Panasonic Headphones
Alarm Clock
Spider Mug
and some candy
Much better than my first fuku that arrived already opened for me.
Mine arrived! I can't give you size or weight because it never updated. But here's the deets:
1 Box Limited Edition (?) Ziploc Slider Storage Bags (part of a bundle, apparently, and missing the sandwich bag sibling).
1x Bag of Traffic Jam Toy Cars
1x "Clocky" off-brand Alarm Clock (Black)
1x Creepy Cups Mug - Spider
1x Hang Rite Perfect Picture Hanger
1x Citizen Women's EG3154-51D Stiletto Eco Drive Watch
2x Random Candy (Starburst, Fruit Chew)
I kept threatening my son for months, due to his inability to get up on time for school, that I was going to buy clocky. You should have seen his face when I took it out of the box!
That watch though. Amazon sells it for $521.00. I've seen it as low as $119 on ebay, but I have no idea if those are knock-offs or not. Either way, looks like I got a decent haul.
Thanks Meh! I'd consider complaining about no bag, but I have one from a previous fuku. Thanks SO MUCH meh! You guys rock!!
@ACraigL How sure are you the meh one is real/not a knock off :)
@MrMark BECAUSE IT IS. >>skips away laughing insanely.
@ACraigL I may have gotten the companion to your Ziploc bags.
@ACraigL I don't know if that's the same watch I got, but mine had a $695 price tag attached. ...which could explain why it never sold...
@Kleineleh MSRP on watches is well-known to be over-inflated. They usually sell for much less. Frankly I'm surprised that it's so expensive on Amazon. I might have seen an earlier post by @Thumperchick stating Meh sold these for about $80?
If I can flip this on ebay for ~$100, I'm totally stoked. Thanks for the beer money, Meh!
@ACraigL so... they're like cars?
@ACraigL How much did you decide to list the watch for?
@Barney Listed it today, actually. $79 starting bid. There's a defect (or damage) on the watch face that may reduce my ability to sell it at a better price. It's not super obvious, but you can see the listing and photos here:
@ACraigL Okay, thanks.
Got it today. Good haul.
Got mine in today
22" AOC Monitor
Ice cream topping thing
Ziploc bags
Spider cup
Very meh indeed as I just bought a monitor yesterday! haha but always glad to get a bag!

I'd take pictures but right now my cat seems intent on not allowing it....the box was huge and I think my mailperson even took a shot at me since he had to lift it. He was upset.
In the box....
Tupac shot glass---score
Big Brother coffee mug---score
USB hub with no genitalia---score
Rolling alarm clock---let's just assume it's all score
Gobstobbers and smarties AND LAFFY TAFFY
Meh waist pack for if I ever get a waist
and following the requisite drum roll
A Roomba 790!
Can I assume this is one of those hope it works things? It's way too snazzy for my floors. I fear it will judge me.
Thank you meh for turning a crappy day into one of joy wonderment and confusion
Red meh bag
Quirky smart egg tray
Funai bluray/DVD player
Usb man
Screen protectors for some archaic device.
This makes back to back fukus that I am in the running for most mediocre box of all. I think that means I'm winning.
@MrMark Oh no, just wait until I get a chance to post mine.
@MrMark You got a bag, so you're out of the running, buddy.
@jaremelz Quit trying to have a life and just POST.
@OldCatLady In a minute, ma!
I'm currently up to my ears in sharks and glue....
My Fuku:
USB Hub-Man
Spider mug
Money clip
Traffic Jam bag of cars
Chef Pals kitchen thermometer (chicken)
Motorola digital video baby monitor
Not bad... But NO bag or candy!! =(
4x candy
1x traffic jam
1x pink USB HUBMAN
1x knockoff runaway alarm clock
1x Bobble filtering water bottle, green
1x Mix 'n Twist Ice Cream Toppings Mixer (seriously, why does this exist)
1x Kalorik 'Professional-Style' Deep Fryer (suuuure)
0x Fuku bag, though.. which is the thing I wanted the most. I guess that's fitting, isn't it?
At least I can deep fry the candy.
Got mine yesterday.
No candy :(
No Fuku bag :(
1x USB Hubman
1x knockoff runaway alarm clock
1x chicken kitchen thermometer
1x Foscam outdoor wireless ip camera
1x IOGEAR multimedia wireless keyboard
Not too meh at all for $5.
Mine came early! (TWSS)

Mediocre tape job:
Let's see what's in this huge box:

Huh...what a mediocre pack job:

That's better. Now let's see what we got.

1 x meh bag
1 x Motorola wifi baby monitor/camera
1 x Pokemon wall decal
1 x The Office coffee mug
5 x piece o' candy
1 x USB hub man
1 x pack o' tricycle lights
Not bad at all. The baby monitor appears to work!

Let's see what the mediocre panel thinks of this haul:

(super impressed)
Thanks, meh!
Bonus cat pic!

@medz Ooh, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl- our first foray into video games.
@medz whenever I see that much empty space in a fuku, especially with loose tape, I think a shipping employee got a little grabby...
@Thumperchick Yup. Someone totally snagged my xbox one out of there.
@medz envious of those wall decals!
@connorbush like $45 shipped on amazon!
Think i saw it on newegg for like $20. Edit: Other sellers on Amazon for like $20 too.
@medz - Why did they toss in that sad little bag of air? Pretty funny, really.

Wait, maybe we're all missing something . . . ?
Mine arrived in a deceptively large box.
Here, we have blurry kitty looking, dumbfounded, at the size of the box compared to the size of the pile:

This photo wasn't taken today, but Seal wanted to send meh a demonstration of proper box sizing:

And, finally, the items themselves, spread out for your viewing... pleasure?

Though there was ample space, there was no Texas air. I count this as a good thing, as I am not particularly fond of the air in Texas. (Though I do appreciate it when things don't get beat up.)
Nothing new to really post pictures about, so you get a list:
Two Meh Bags - This brings my total to three. Might be giving some away.
Funai Bluray Player - Appears to work (well everything but netflix)
Two USB Hub People (One Green and One Pink)
Now Panic and Freak Out Mug
Vitamin A Mug Coozie
Nothing too special and meh worthy. But my PS3 has been a tad temperamental on discs lately so the bluray player is pretty awesome as a back up.
@darkzrobe When they sold the blueray player they warned the apps/smart features sucked. I bought it just because I didn't have a dvd player even and it has lived up to expectations
@chellemonkey That makes since, I tried to do some research to see if others had problems but couldn't find anything. Just assumed it didn't work and moved on. I really just need it for playing discs that my PS3 doesn't want to play. And Blu-ray live is just for ads (and useless shit) so that thing doesn't even need to be hooked to the network.
Digital 2 Tablet model D2-741G
Quirkey Egg Minder
Pet Pedometer
Empire Screen Defender
Meh socks
meh fanny pack!!
@wa27 the egg minder is too cool
received my Fuku today:
1 drawstring FUKU bag
1 Panasonic electric toothbrush
1 Built 7 inch Tablet sleeve
1 USB man USB hub
1 Chefs pals meat thermometer(in the shape of a cow)
1 small pack of Sprees
1 small pack of Sweet tarts
1 Devilish Dolly doll
very nice and very happy with what I got
Nothing worth a photo here
2x Hubman
1x cardboard shipping box
1x rolly clock
1x office mug
1x Meh bag
1/2x headset
0x Air bag
0x candy
@Wolverine350r 1/2 a headset??
@kadagan Yeah, like others, it's the headset without the microphone.
Here is mine...
View post on
@UnderTheHill OMG they had more Soap dispensers? @Moose Send them all to me... ;) Funny story... Mine JUST after using it daily since I got the damn thing... Just started working like it should always have worked... Wife still hates it. :P She doesn't like that sometimes you have to go in twice... It's all about the sensor, you either try to trigger it or you miss the sensor.
Sadly, no Meh Fuku drawstring. But lots of other cool stuff!
1x Giant Box
1x Air pillow (not pictured, but also worthless)
1x Hamilton Beach coffee maker
1x Creature Cup (stork)
1x Built NY Kindle cover
1x Hubman
1x Faux Clocky Alarm clock
4x candy
1x ABC gum wrapped in a shred of plastic wrap (seriously, WHY?!)
0x Meh bag :(
@djanlp Have you opened the Flexbrew yet? I got one in mine and it is clearly used and wasn't even cleaned. You may want to check it out.
@TaRDy I just opened it. I had read previous reviews on Amazon about some units with a plastic taste/smell. Well, this unit had an Amazon invoice taped to the top saying that it was exchanged because of the plastic taste/smell on the K-cup side. Guess I'm not surprised.
My FIRST Fukuuuuuu!!!!!
1 Big cardboard box
1 Red Meh bag
1 Green USB Hubman
1 cow chef pal thermometer
1 traffic jam of cars
1 sphero nubby
1 kindle touch case
1 LG Spirit 4G case
12 bags of Texas air
6 pieces of candy and...
1 Rival vacuum sealer
Really Meh of you Meh!!!
Got some pretty cool stuff:

King size comforter (apparently worth less than $50) - Definitely love this on our queen size bed so it's harder for my wife to steal the covers :)
Wheel alarm clock (black though the box is pink)
Chicken thermometer
Traffic Jam Cars - Baby boy loves them
USB Hubman
4GB eclipse mp3/video player - doesn't hold a charge but works while it's plugged in. Def a returned item as there is somebody's 10 sec video of their ceiling fan on it haha.
@mehybe No, that just means that the blanket was under a $50 bill. Check the box again.
Perhaps the most mediocre fuku I have received...
Gf's fuku should arrive tomorrow and I will be braced for disappointment.
Woohoo..FUKU Meh box has arrived..Spouse opened it tonight as I am out of town working and sent me these pictures of the great reveal....well meh reveal..
So ..First if all, the large cardboard box was full of hot air (after all it is from from Texas :) y'all ) then on to the visible contents of this cardboard box...
Drum roll please.....( sigh so chicken drum sticks only thighs)
![enter image description here][1]
1. My red FUKU Meh bag ( so excited to get the bag )..
2. A black meh kitchen apron ( lol I am never home hardly anymore as I work out of town so don't cook usually when I am home).
3. Three little ninja type toys.
4. The creepy spider cup
5. A scoobydoo bubbler night light ( looks like Christmas type ornament according to spouse )
6. A pair of his go performance men's socks
7. A meta smart watch
8. A Motorola hands free call device/car speaker
9. A pad of yellow post it notes (I guess so I can post what I am doing wherever I am. Either that or for me to put the post it notes on items so I can find my way back from wherever it was I went in the first place).
10. A dog toy in shape of shoe or slipper ( I guess meh "red" my mind ). Our dog Nike loves shoe inserts so he will love this toy God bless his "sole" err soul.
11. A note stating "GUESS WHAT another BOX Is coming ! so ...look for that!!! who do I spell excitement and anticipation .. Well MEH of course!!!!
Wonder what delightful surprise is in that box eventually headed my way? Maybe leftover season tickets to Houston Texans? ( Dallas Cowboys are my favorite team btw). Wonder if it's a Dyson vacuum cleaner so I can clean up my act? Maybe a drone so I can drone on and on and on. Possibly a speaker box bonanza ( kinda like winning an un-lottery) or a knife series so I can be a real cut up. Perhaps it's a roomba vacuum so I can have a winning "sweep" like another one of my FUKU brothers did earlier in this thread. Could the box contain a cow meat thermometer so I could beef up my meh post? Do I have an alarm clock coming so I can say it's about TIME?
Maybe it's a coffee maker so I can brew about it while waiting for it to arrive. I wonder I wonder
@AttyVette I was jealous of your apron. Then you got a note too! Congrats!
@AttyVette The other box will also have a note in it saying "This is the other box. Enjoy!" and nothing else.
@BabyBear maybe ..has that been done before that you know of?
I received mine today. It contained:
Rolling Alarm Clock

Hub Man (Pink!)
Traffic Jam bag of toy cars
Eclipse MP3 Video Player 4GB
Money Clip - as seen on TV, holds 30 bills + 6 cards
Life Guard Flashlight, 3 modes, high, low and strobe
1 smarties, 1 tootsie rolls, and one life saver gummy candy :)
Here's my free booty! Arrg!
(TC edit - FTFY)
@Jeepersca I can't remember who sent it to me, but I got one of those money clips in a community Fuku. I decided "what the hell..." and I tried it out. I loved it so much that I ditched my leather wallet for good. I'll probably pick up a higher quality clip soon, but I'm a fan of money clips now.
Whelp, my bundle of meh came today and I think I'm the contender for most meh fuku.
1x Quirky egg minder
2x screen protectors to devices not owned
1x built ny sleeve
1x dog pedometer
1x pinball game controller for iPad
1x package smarties
1x loose smartie
But at least I scored another meh drawstring bag!

@jaremelz That is a particularly awesome piece of neoprene you've got there! All mine had flowers or polka dots.
@djslack I still have plenty of those as well!
@jaremelz Who do you blame for such a meh fuku?
@densa I blame myself for being awesome enough to snag one!
@jaremelz Oh my, that is a very meh fuku. I hope mine is not as meh. If it is, I will be sure to blame you.
@heartny And in this case, I'd deserve it.
Dammit @jaremelz you were right, yours is more mediocre than mine.
@MrMark I win at losing!
Boyfriend and I received our Fukus today. His won, once again (last time, he got a Sphero and a Ninja Blender)!

2x USB Hubman
1x Meh bag
1x Spider Creepy Cup
1x The Office coffee cup
1x Funai DVD/VCR complete with paint drops and a top cover that wasn't reattached properly.
1x Traffic Jam bag of toy trucks
1x Sucker
1x Dots
2x Sour Patch Kids
1x USB Hubman
1x Sliding Robots
1x Spider Creepy Cup
1x Logitech Harmony Ultimate One
AND a Vivitek D862 Projector!
I haven't tried out the projector yet, but the remote does work. Crossing my fingers on the projector!
is it speaker dock friday?? here's my haul:

-meh bag (sweet! the last fuku i got, i cut the bag by accident)
-hub man usb
-now panic and freak out mug (love this mug!)
-2pac shot glass....
-bike lights
-jbl speaker dock!
@quimming it's speaker dock friday!!!!
I got:
Cappuccino maker! I don't know how to use it though :O
Mp4 player
Two bags of traffic jam
Moving alarm clock
Chicken thermometer
USB hub man
4 bags of texas air
3 pieces of candy
Thanks meh!!
@rabfel What kind of cappuccino maker?
@rabfel If your Cappuccino maker looks like this learn to use it! Or sell it on eBay, starting bid of $500, even if it doesn't work. The ones that don't work are going for about the same price as those that do.
@Teripie It was this one! Thanks though!!
Ziploc Bags (arguably the most useful thing)
Hub Man
Orwell Mug
Picture Hanger
Speaker Dock
Meh Bag (did these get smaller?)
I wanted candy...

*Pumpkin For Scale
My Fuku arrived today while I was at work. The size of the box made my wife curious so she opened it. I got a text.
"Did you order a monitor from meh?"
I couldn't wait to get home and see everything that was in the box. She hid it from our daughter so she wouldn't get excited and tear into everything. When I got home and told her she wanted to do an unboxing video. This is that video.
@ManiacClown "Daddy, I can be trusted with a knife".
Such an awesome daughter! But I have to admit, as a father, that made me grimace.
Cool kid, @ManiacClown - good job.
You know, after getting this monitor hooked up and working, I have to say it's a really nice monitor. It's leagues better than my Gateway FHX2300. The color difference is astounding. Then again, my Gateway was a refurb when I got it 4 years ago.
@ManiacClown what kind is it?
@Kidsandliz It's the AOC I2269Vw. It really shows the age of what I've been using for my main monitor.
After 4 misses I finally got my first Fuku! and a day early to boot!

Overall a nice haul for the price of a Subway footlong! (Get away from me, Jared!) I am well pleased!
Hey guys
I got:
1 Used deep fryer
1 USB man
1 Random phone screen protector
1 Random phone case
1 Meh fanny pack
Well. Got a package today. My fuku haul:
--bag of trucks or cars or some such
--1 hubman, purple (at least I think it's purple, although I notice that others have claimed that it's pink)
--money clip
--zip-loc bags
--no candy
--no bag (other than zips), but also
--1 Neato Botvac 85 robotic vacuum
I haven't yet explored all this stuff, but I think the Botvac 85 almost makes up for the lack of candy.
@gertiestn I love purple.
Another Logitech Harmony Ultimate One remote checking in. Woohoo!! Oh, and some other stuff too. =)

Thanks, Meh! =) I mean... you know, whatever.
Holy moly. USPS just delivered mine.
-Sliding Robots (meh)
-USB Hubman (meh)
-traffic jam cars (extra meh)
-"candy" (makes me want to egg the mediocre headquarters;
FYI, the roomba appears sealed and brand new and Meh (accidentally?) left a receipt from newegg crammed in one of the multiple boxes -- so it appears that these roombas were purchased brand new on 8/22/2015!!!
Thanks Meh!!! You made my day. I guess this kind of makes up for all the disappointment you've otherwise provided in the last 14 months.
@liz I think some (or all) of the Roombas were open box or retailer returns. That's probably the original purchasers receipt! I got a Roomba 790 with an open/ damaged box, but appears to be otherwise unused!
@liz lucky cleaned up on this FUKU!
That was a good one, @AttyVette, it deserved a star.
Fuku came in finally! The placholder weight and size were never updated during shipping... crazy people!
I was able to fix this thing up and it works just fine now, and you'd never know it was ever broken!
Thanks Meh, always fun!
@mitchkramez That looks like a nice electronics screwdriver.
@MrGlass Thanks - it's not SUPER nice, but it's very nice to use:
My unboxing was Periscoped! Enjoy Meh friends!! …
Ziplock bags? ☑️
Rolling alarm clock ☑️
Creepy mug ☑️
USB Hubman ☑️
Candy ☑️
I guess "Meh" sums it up best ....
Wait, I think there might be something else at the bottom of the box ...
Just a red "Meh" bag. What's this hiding under the bag?
A ROOMBA!!!!!!!!!!
Best Fuku ever!!!
This is what I saw when I opened the first flap.

Looks like a Fuko from back in time.
VCR/DVD Player
2Pac Shot Glass
Big Bro Mug
Some candy
Fuko Fanny Pack
USB Gumby
Broken Non-Rolling Alarm clock (cats are dissapointed)
Thug life

Thanks, Guys and gals!!
After noticing the distribution of candy, I am now imagining a warehouse full of open Fuku boxes and a sad little Meh intern -- very probably child labor -- wandering the narrow aisles flinging candy like the farmer on the spine of Simon & Schuster books. Fly free, little intern! There are light and joy and speaker docks and microwave potato chip makers in the outside world!
Mine arrived today. Let's see what's in it:

Looks like some air and I see a bag poking out there

Well it looks like everything made it safely despite the massive amount of empty space in the box.
I got a Hubman, which is neat. I think one is enough though, I don't need a pallet of the things.

A mooing thermometer. My wife's a vegetarian, so I'm sure she'll love this thing. I think it's hilarious, though. It's getting used next time I grill!

A Sphero Nubby (but no Sphero... guess I'll have to get one next time they're on Meh. Clever, Meh, clever...) and an iPhone 5 case.

Award for officially the strangest thing I've ever gotten from Meh: this porcelain... banana... box? I don't even know why this exists.

And a vacuum sealer thingy! Remanufactured and I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like it will work fine. And comes with some bags.

All together now:

@magnuspraeda You just know "porcelain banana box" is what a Stormtrooper calls his crotch armor.
Also, I'll take the banana box off your hands if you don't like it.
@madamehardy Actually, if I want one I'll use ebay. Stop buying clutter, self.
@madamehardy it's on amazon!
@clonetek Ooh, they make a LIFE SAVER ! Thank you thank you.
@madamehardy yeah, a couple of people got em in their fuku.
@chadp I'm not excited I'm not excited I'm not excited
exciting! keep us updated :)
Fuku meh your fuku sucks ass! I got toy trucks,rolling alarm clock,slim clip money holder,hubman,chicken thermometer,candy,and a shifty pair pair of young Republic jeans that don't even fit. So fuku!
@iloveprater Seems like you got $5 worth of stuff. Maybe even $6.
I finally recieved mine and was rather surprised by its weight! and its contents are as follows:

Traffic Jam Car Pack
Green Hubman USB Hub
Spider Creepy Cup
"Sliding Robots"(furniture pads)
Hang Rite (frame hanger marker)
3 Pieces of candy(1 skittles, 1 tootsie roll, 1 tootsie roll fruit chew ICK!)
Onkyo TX-NR535! thing smells like electronics but man its pretty!
Thanks for blowing away my extremely low expectations!

Mine is out for delivery today, but I've changed my mind. I don't want it to get here. The anticipation may be the best part of the whole experience, totally worth the price of admission. Like buying a lottery ticket and not checking it for a couple of months, there's always that delicious veiled hope that "Plan A" may come to fruition.
Here is what I got.
1. Three suckers/lollipops
2. Spider mug
3. Traffic Jam cars
4. Mix n Twist Ice Cream toppings twister
5. Eclipse 4GB MP3 and Video Player
6. USB Hubman
7. No FUKU bag :(
8. Last but not least a Go Pro Hero 4 Black (without batteries). Quick test with power cord and it comes on.
For the other people that got a Hero, was it the 4 black?
@cengland0 No. I got a Hero+ LCD. Ironically, I had just ordered the 4 Black and had to cancel the order as the Hero+ LCD was more than sufficient for me. Congrats on the score.
@cengland0 I think they gave us the gopros to encourage us to buy the DJI Phantom the next time it comes out.
@densa So the Hero+ LCD is not a Hero 4 with an LCD? What is that equivalent to? The Hero 4 Silver? I don't know much about these. I bought a Sony for my action cam because it was more economical.
@cengland0 The Hero+ LCD just came out in June 2015. It has the equivalent specs of the Hero (1080P/60 wide angle, etc.) with an added LCD screen and wifi capabilities. The disadvantage is that it is permanently mounted into the waterproof case so the battery cannot be pulled. The black has no LCD but is 4K and 1080P/120. It is basically the top of the Gopro line. The Hero+ LCD falls in the middle. Good but not great. More than sufficient for my needs--as my plan was to only shoot in 1080P anyway.
@densa Thanks for that info. I knew I had something good but didn't know it was the top model. I don't have anything that can play back 4K yet but I could still crop the video to 1080 if necessary. I like the 120 fps especially if I use it to evaluate my horrible racquetball playing.
@cengland0 my second box cutters nta No something as cool as this product!! I can just "picture" be my hero meh!,
So.. I'd been keeping track of my shipping progress and noted that my package, even out for delivery, was marked 10x10x10 inches and 3 lbs. I was all set to be disappointed. However, when I got home I saw THIS:
Well... that's certainly larger than 10x10x10". I brought it inside, opened it up and...
OH... MY... GOD... It couldn't be... IT IS!
A PHB CHIQUITA BANANA PORCELAIN HINGED BOX!! These bad boys are going for $10 on Amazon. SCORE.
Other box contents:
Nine bags of Texas air (smelled of the Alamo)
Five pieces of random candy (it turns out three more were hiding in the box)
A chicken shaped meat thermometer for thermoming my chicken shaped meat
A fuku bag
A Built tablet case, which will actually come in pretty handy for storing my newly acquired candy
Some vaccume
@Akom That would be a great box to use when proposing.
@darksaber99999 Good idea. Today my quest begins to find a girl that likes bananas. That is my one criteria. I am not picky. Oh... she also cannot be afraid of robots. Two criteria. Maybe a little picky.
@darksaber99999 thought this said great box for prolapsing--dear god.
@connorbush perhaps you should take a break from certain genres of video
Got mine in a completely crushed box (thanks USPS):

Got my 1st ever Fuku (out of 1 try).
To keep you entertained, my thoughts are in parentheses.
Bad news: no Meh bag.
Good news: pleased with my box.
Measurements of box:
Weight: Roughly 30 pounds (oh my!), unless I messed up using an electronic scale.
Size of box: 33 3/4 inches * 16 inches * 13 1/2 inches (Please be a real live penguin!)
1x Pretzels (So worth $10)
1x Gummy candy (meh)
(Where’s my penguin?!?!)
1x Green hubman (cool, but I don’t need it fully)
1x Toy cars (YAY!!!)
1x Alarm clock on wheels
1x Big CVS stress pill
1x Eclipse Video Player…
1x Roomba 790!!!
This box was SO worth $10
While measuring/ opening it, I kept on texting my brother who told me about Meh. He’s super jealous right now (hehehe)
Pics here
I've been watching with great anticipation for my fuku to arrive. I didn't score any of the big items, but here's mine...
1 meh bag
1 wifi baby monitor video camera (can't get it to work/reset)
1 screen protector
2 pepper mills
1 sewmeister (fabric pill remover)
Congrats to those that received some really incredible gifts!
It was fun! Thanks Meh!!!!
@Prissy I got that same baby monitor. I had to plug it in and hold the reset button for a long time before it beeped at me. After that, I installed the app and it found it just fine. Sounds like you already tried that though.
@Prissy trade you my jelly ring for your Meh bag?
My box actually arrived yesterday, however it sat in shipping and receiving over night and arrived in my building this afternoon.
Pictured above is:

- Moving robots (not as cool as they sound)
- Fro-yo maker (good thing i didn't crack and buy one)
- Traffic Jam
- Spider mug (this will be my second,)
- Hub Man USB splitter
- Some candy (Happy Halloween :D)
- Surface Pro 3 (but wait, let's check this baby out)
Queue sad trombone
Empty, which is weird because the pen and charging cables are packaged neatly inside. There was no seal on the box or anything so my first though was theft. But it's more likely that this is meh trying to get me back for sending them fake scratch tickets on their birthday. Either way I blame @jaremelz
Also I received no Meh bag of any kind! Can't be mad though, all the other stuff is pretty cool. Would love to know what you guys are doing with a surface pro 3 with no charger and no pen? Maybe it will show up in my next Fuku :P
@axleman1011 Ouch. I would love to have a Surface tablet. Glad I didn't get trolled so hard.
@medz Oh it was a heart breaker, believe me.
@axleman1011 Don't worry, I'm fired after tomorrow

@axleman1011 On the good side, the pen is worth over $30, and the charger is $56!!
@kadagan awesome, i just need to find someone to buy them.
@axleman1011 I have a surface pro 3, but I already have the pen and a charger.. lol.. If you wanted to give them away I'd take them as spares.. but you would probably do better with ebay
Arrived today! I got

1 USB Hubman
1 Meta Smartwatch - Works!
1 7 Inch "Digital 2" Android Tablet
1 Petometer
1 Smart Egg tray
2 Screen Defenders
1 Pork Thermometer
1 Meh fanny pack bag
That's exciting!
@cbechard58 Keep the Meta charged! I let mine go completely dead once and now it will barely hold a charge. It was doing great before that.
Mine arrived yesterday. I scored:
- USB Hubman
- Opened box of Ziploc bags (which I already started using)
- Keep Calm/Panic mug
- Rolling alarm clock
- Capresso 4-cup Espresso maker
- A few pieces of Candy
The pics:

Opened box, no Texas air was present (though nothing was really breakable)
The entire haul.
I'm a little sad that I didn't get a fuku bag, but I got one with my last fuku and I shouldn't be a whiner. All in all, I am happy with this fuku. Thanks Meh!
Got my first FuKu, Monday, and it was very heavy. Opened to see if it was better than the one BOC i had gotten.
The aforementioned:
1-Chefs Pal
3-Traffic Jams
4-Bag of Ziplock Slider bags
5-Picture frame hanger tool
6-and a Onkyo TX-Nr535 receiver !!!!!
Did not have the remote but, Excited anyway.
That wore off later in the day , when I had time to plug in receiver, only to here it go click, click,click. Evidently bad power supply. More expensive to have it fixed than a new one.
Oh well, maybe next time.
@bstrange No warranty?
@kadagan You really think they (Onkyo) would honor a warranty considering the way I got it?
@bstrange it doesn't hurt to try! Say it was a gift.. Or say it was a part of a grab bag (true!). It's not like you stole it, I can't see why they wouldn't stand behind their product!
@kadagan Guess I'll give it a try and see if I can get an RMA started on it, tomorrow.
USB Hubman

Bell Rechargeable LED Bicycle Light Set
Oregon Scientific Digital Emergency Alert Radio
2pac shot glass
meh bag
Not really worth a photo. Also I missed posting the last fuku. Whoops.
1 Green USB hubman. More of these. Hurray. They'd be great if they were powered hubs.
1 Creepy cup
1 Weird as seen on TV picture hanging thing.
1 alarm clock with wheels.
1 set of Wireless 808 Duo headphones. They look decent. Mic cable included. looks shitty. (like the in line mic on the apple ear pods). Need to charge and try them though.
1 FUKU bag. No candy though. Which is okay as I'd rather have the bag
Would've loved a roomba as i just broke my wrist and cleaning the floor is a pain (as is typing :D). Meh.
Edit: Over all decent fuku. The headphones saved it :p. Love you guys <3
Pretty sure I'm in the running for the worst box. #7 of 7 was easily my most disappointing experience. A shame.
1 Zip lock variety Box...Super fucked up.
1 big brother mug
1 Hang Rite
1 USB Hub man.
That's it. Congrats to you fuckers that actually got good stuff.
Man, I must have really pissed off @hollboll and @MEHcus. Jeez guys, I'm sorry about the whole bugging you for prizes. Lesson learned.
Little Lottie was also a bit sad...

But still quite adorable.
@studerc - She's so precious! And growing so fast!
Seriously though, help a Mehrican out @snapster. You gotta admit, thats am extremely out of character box. That sucker isnt just Meh/Mediocre its basically Bezos-riffic.
@studerc that is the worst fuku I've ever seen.
@nalesean one could argue that its better than not getting one at all...but its super close.
@studerc You've gotten 7 of 7 Fukus? There are hundreds of people who would love to get just 1, regardless of shitty contents. I've gotten 6 and have loved every single one, even the shitty stuff. And the birthday one makes up for every crappy thing I've ever gotten from Meh. And, if in the future, I never get another, I'll still be grateful for the ones I got.
C'mon @studerc, have a little gratitude. You've been here since Day 1. You must set a good example for the newer Mehricans.
@studerc P.S. That's the grandma in me talking. You know I love you.
@Teripie I totally understand where you are coming from! I am very lucky to have received all of them, but at the same time in comparison to the rest it really feels off. I know they cant fill them all with amazing stuff, but come gotta admit that it looks strangely empty compared to even the lower end ones posted by others. For how beat up the box was I wouldn't be surprised if something fell out along the way. Ill never know because the dimensions never changed so there is nothing to compare it to. Alas, life goes on.
@studerc You're right. It does look like the odds are there that something was removed from the box. I don't know if Meh keeps track of who gets what, except in the case of super gifts. Seems everyone got something nice, not earth shaking, but nice, except you. (Of all the ones I've read so far.)
@studerc It's a pretty shitty box. On par with the garbage Woot! has decided people deserve.
@opshannon Thanks for your lovely words. @MEHcus assures me that its all part of the "randomness" of fukubukuro. I still call shenanigans. :)
No DJ Roomba, but I'll take it for $5. Will definitely use the ziplocs. The showerhead will delight my girlfriend who hates my low-flow shower head. The alarm will be fun for me to annoy my girlfriend/entertain my dogs with. Thanks Meh!

@Mehntok About that shower head, just don't throw out your old one. You'll be needing it again in about a week.
Update: I put batteries in the alarm clock and figured out how to put it in "game mode" from the directions. I was hoping it would move around a little bit more and Ollie would chase and then eat it, but, alas, it's a piece of shit. The video misses the beginning where it goes "BEEP BOOP BOUP BEEP BEEP", but you're not missing much.
@jaremelz ah, good to know. maybe I'll just donate this one.... welp, got some ziplocs out of the deal!
It came!
Obligatory dented box

Meh must think I have a fat ass and live in a bad neighborhood because
Headphones and eggs
And anti-slide robots
Now for the fun part, to see if anything works.

Imgur really did not want to upload the pic of everything. That was a pain.
This is as good a box as I could have hoped for. From least to best:
Traffic Jam car set
wheeled alarm clock
candy: 2x gummi lifesavers, 2x Laffy Taffy (banana & strawberry), 1x Gobstoppers (eaten before taking pic), 1x Sweetarts
money clip (been wanting to try one)
Big Brother Coffee mug (Has Meh been spying on me? o_O)
Hubman (not pictured) - girlfriend grabbed this immediately
Steelseries Fnatic headset! I've been wanting a gaming headset for a while. Hopefully it works.
The haul:
Big Brother mug goes well with my laptop sticker:
Edit: how the heck do you make pics show up and not links?
@thekiltedwonder Try the 'direct link' option on imgur instead. And happy fuku to you!
@jaremelz Ah! That was it. I stupidly assumed that the link it gave was direct. Oops.
Take 2:

The Haul!
Big Brother mug goes well with my laptop sticker:

Got mine today (a day late). My first Fuku. Came in a huge dented box, but the original tape seemed to be secure.
1) a copious amount of air bags (not shown)
2) a Fuku bag (I feel blessed), socks (so very blessed), a hubperson, and a screen privacy defender which is sure to keep the meddlesome NSA out of my business!

3) An exotic Japanese pleasure device, only lightly used (or maybe it's a sweater shaver) (did anybody else get one of these??)

4) Hiding at the bottom, in a beat-up old VCR box smelling slightly of urine: First Alert video surveillance system!! Wow! I can't wait to surveil some video! I saw @tightwad got one, anybody else?

Of course, it doesn't work.. screen won't turn on. I traced the problem to a shorted component and hopefully I'll have time to fix it this weekend. But still, pretty cool. I can always use the 320GB hard drive and the screen for some geeky purposes.
See how my multimehter helped narrow down the problem to this little power board?

And NO CANDY. Repeat, NO CANDY. But I did get the bag, and playing with this DVR will keep me off the streets and out of prison for at least a few days, so there's that!
Thanks Meh!
@awk my fluke meter has never registered "meh." I guess yours has some artificial intelligence circuitry.
@bluebeatpete Is yours a True Root Meh Square model, though?
@brhfl Ha!
Mostly Meh-ish, but was very happy to receive the Meh bag. Although I would love to get a Meh fanny pack. The most Meh of all was the single smartie. I wonder if anyone else got the rest of the smarties pack?

@chadtanner I also received a single Smartie.
Well I'm pretty excited since this was my first Fuku. I actually gave up when I arrived at the site at 9:02 and saw that it was a Fuku, but decided to try and go through with the purchase. After a long wait it confirmed my order and I still didn't believe that I actually got one. Well my package arrived a couple of days ago so I guess it actually did go through. Lucky me, I was prepared for a huge disappointment but I feel like I got a nice box. Not sure how to do pictures but here is my list.
Fuku fanny pack
Funai Blu ray player (not sure if it works yet)
GE X2600 Digital Camera (works and some random photos in it)
Mpero Optimus L9 screen protector
Razor Carcharias headphones (not sure if they work, but It does have a mic)
Quirky egg minder (my wife was pretty excited)
Green Hubman
Chicken Thermometer
Uniden AppCam (not sure if it works)
All in all I feel like I definitely got my money's worth.
Just got my Fuku!
The box was in terrible shape.

1x Pork thermometer
1x Spider creepy cup
1x Hang Rite (broken)
1x Rolling alarm clock
1x USB Hubman
1x Roomba 790
Sorry for the crappy photo, but you get the picture ;-)
Oh frabjous day!
Here’s why:
❤ Logitech Harmony remote Yessss!
❤ Eclipse X-Stream BT speaker – definitely useful
❤ Spider mug,
❤ Robot slider things, Plastic cars, Hubman, Candies, and
❤ One bag of (maybe Kanye?) air.
I bow in gratitude, great people of mediocrity!
(No bag, no problem).
@KDemo Woohoo, nice haul! So glad my half way truck buddy scored something cool.
1. Fukubukuro fanny pack.
2. JBL pebbles computer speakers.
3. Braun CoolTec razor.
4. Random charger (not sure what it's too)
5. Screen protectors
6. Blu-Ray player with Wifi.
7. Flex Fitbit
8. USB hubman
9. Pet-O-Meter.
10. Egg thingy that tells you when you need more eggs thru an app.
Box said 10x10x10 and 3 lbs. actually was 17x16x16 and 13 lbs. Totally scored! Thanks!
Thanks meh!

Got mine!!
Thanks Meh!
My first fuku™
1x spree candy
1x USB Hubman (green)
1x Built NY Macbook Air case (black)
1x Cow thermometer
1x Linx audio headset
1x rolling alarm clock (pink)
1x MEH BAG woo
@metageist Except for my awesome new red bag, I'm not sure what to do with any of this stuff.
My box came a day early! The size did update (36x16x10) but the weight never did.

Here it is on my porch

No Candy but I'm totally stoked for the Roomba! My husband has been asking for one for a long time! His birthday just passed, maybe I can tell him this is his birthday present. I don't have to tell him it only cost me 5 bucks do I?
Psyched! My second fuku - AND I get how to post the photo ( I think...)
Money clip
5 (!) pieces of candy (but no chocolate)
Rolling clock which might be fun for the cats
Traffic jam - um, ok
Picture hanger thing - doubles as a 2-d level
Usb hubman in an excellent color
Fitbit flex! Charging now - might even go for a walk tomorrow to test it.
Decidedly un-Meh. Thanks!
Got mine
2x banana laffy taffy
1x Spree candy
1x Alarm clock that rolls away - or "aways" as the box says
1x Motorola baby monitor
1x Hamilton Beach Coffee maker
1x Meh fanny pack
1x Big Brother is watching you mug
1/3x Ziploc variety pack - the gallon bags part
I would eat the candy if it didn't suck. I mean, banana flavor? Come on. The baby monitor works, surprisingly, although I don't know how this flip-phone quality screen is acceptable in this day and age. I don't drink coffee, so that thing is like alien technology. I think pieces are missing? I mean, where do you put the coffee?
Damn. I have fuku envy
my fuku....meh.
tablet doesn't work but it'll be fun to pull apart. The cars were worth the money alone to see my kid hand them out at the halloween party today and race them around.
Mine came in:

Seems great right?

CRUSHED in shipping. What a giant waste, super meh, 3/10 neva again
@Mzsleeper02 Wait, they're called 'Tootsie Fruit Chews'? Is this a new branding, or a regional thing? Those were always 'Flavor Rolls' to me. And vanilla is the best (cue hate).
@brhfl IDK, must be regional. I haven't eaten them enough to really notice. But it was ruined, so never forget.
Mine came today:
A decent haul. Thank you, meh!
The hubman and mug are new and will make great gifts (tho I may keep the mug for work... that way I'll only have to wash mugs about once a week).
I hope the motorola tx500 bluetooth speakerphone thing works (it is a repack) as I could use one of those.
Unfortunately, I just bought a 300ish pack of ziplock bags, so it will likely take a couple of years before I actually use these. Such is fuku.
... and the Dash Juicer is the box in the top right corner of the pic... tomorrow, I'll try it
In my previous post in this thread, you can see that my fuku was basically a dud (but I'm grateful to have scored one and it's worth it just to play the anticipation game).
My gf's fuku arrived last night, in the same suspiciously large box size - but heavier.
- 0x bags of Texas air
- 0x Meh bag
- 1x Tootsie roll
- 2x Warheads sour candy
- 1x portable battery power bank (2600mAh)
- 1x traffic jam toy cars
- 1x Hubman USB port
- 1x Sliding Robots furniture mover
- 1x Creepy Cups mug - spider variant
Definitely excited to have one of these around now. Totally making a DJ Roomba with the Stickup bluetooth speakers we ordered from Meh.

Final pic of the haul:

Here's to you, Meh.

@hashybrown lucky!! Wish I got a roomba but agree your package was well meh
Here’s what I got in my 3-pound box
1-Roomba 790, it works so far!! Came in the original box as well as the original iRobot shipping box. Included all the pieces, including a box of replacement parts, air filters, and virtual walls! Woot! eh, I mean, Meh!
4- sheets of 8x11 paper detailing the RMA for the Roomba (origin: Newegg, destination: Mediocre labs)
1- pepper mill in really beat up box (but it works)
1- Sewmeister (fabric pill remover) sans the ugly box
1- Smart Egg tray in its box
1- fuku hip-pouch type bag
8- bags of Texas air
0- random candies
0- USB hub man
0- pkg of plastic traffic jam cars
0- spider or big brother mugs
Thank you Meh for the great stuff and releasing me from the grip of the Woot overlords!
pictures coming soon…
I was happy with my Fuku:
it came!
the box. kids school bus for size reference. definitely no roomba in there.
the goods:
oregon scientific emergency radio (currently residing in one of our bug out bags)
USB hubman
bike lights (working)
moo thermometer (cooks meat to USDA standards - which probably means overdone)
2Pac shot glass
Meh bag
2 pieces of candy (spree and tootsie roll)
the radio can be charged via solar, but also has a hand crank and doubles as a cell phone charger.
Meh... Oh Meh... Let's see what we got:
Well, first of all, I was very concerned. I mean, someone could have been pilfering through my Fuku through that hole. Well, let's lay it all out:
A Roomba? Is this real? I've also got my White Elephant/Dirty Santa gift picked out this year already with the Mix n Twist Ice Cream Toppings Twister. A Green colored Bobble (I do need to filter some crawdads). A Slim Clip, which I was surprised to find actually did hold 6 credit cards securely. They also scratch them so now my nice Hurricanes card is pitted :( The Seasonal Spider in the Cup mug from earlier Fukus (Which would have been great for work yesterday). And a pack of Utz pretzles and Dots. I wonder if the rest of the candy fell out or we had some theives :3
Finally Meh threw in a Traffic Jam. Jokes on them I don't have traffic on my way to work :3
Yep, it actually is a Roomba and not a box in a box gag.
Roomba contents laid out. 3(!) invisible walls, 2 replacement brushes, a plethora of filters and some cleaning tools. Also a remote in case my fat ass is to lazy to press the button on the unit.
The Roomba is heavier and bigger than I expected from QVC commericals!
No Baby Arm.
Georgia Red~~ ~~Carolina BlueActually it is Carolina Blue. No complaint here.Thanks Meh!
@JazzyJosh Oh lawdy that markdown parsing.
Arrived today...good things come for those who wait, right?
token air
Red Fuku bag.
Quart Ziplocs...meh must have known that I just loaded up at Costco.
Candy scraps....tried to unwrap a LaffyTaffy and gave up.
Penguin fan.
Bike light.
Fake clocky..but it's "Modern and elegant in fashion"!
Was kinda hoping for a Big Brother or Freakout mug but thankfully no Hubman or Traffic Jam toys.
Anyway thanks for the fun Meh!
My Fuku box showed up today...very Meh.
1 Hubman (green)
1 scary cup
1 traffic jam cars
1 slim clip money clip
1 hang rite thingys
1 all in one car care kit (appears sealed, but smells like gasoline)
4 candys
1 Able audio clear voice headset ( opened, missing mic and carry case)
2 bags of Texas air
0 meh bags
Thanks Meh!
My Fuku arrived while away on a business trip and has just been opened. Included was the following:
Also included was a pair of VIP jeans that fit disturbingly well, although I will need to hem the legs if I decide my lifestyle requires pre-stressed denim.
All in all, I am very pleased!
First Fuku, first post too.
Box arrived and it appeared to have been opened at one point.
Contents included:
-Keep Calm mug
-Chicken therm
-One pack of Ziplocks
-USB Human
- Meh backpack
-Neato Botvac 85, appears to be brand new
-No Texas air
-No Candy
Loved seeing what everyone received. Thanks for sharing and Happy Haloween!
@unlvswezel Your Neato is very meh indeed. Congratulations!
Mine arrived! Contents:
- Hubman USB 2.0 hub, barf green.
- 2 Empire screen defenders, suitable for Samsung Galaxy Note I717 (not my phone).
- The Sharper Image PET-O-METER pet pedometer.
- Sphero "Nubby". (Did not come with Sphero).
- Hamilton Beach coffee maker. (I have not yet tested whether it's functional).
Thank you, Meh! I laughed. I cried.
Just picked up my very first Fuku! Let's see what I got, shall we?
One amazingly well sealed box, as compared to what so many others received. A bit wet since it's raining cats & dogs here in Portland, but it looks like the insides are suitably dry, what's more, it looks like the roughly 10x10x15"; ~5lb box was appropriately sized for its contents.

A Razer gaming headset. Open box, and RMA # sticker, no idea if it works yet or not, but the Xbox and RCA adapters are still in original sealed bags.
So let's pull out the two hermetically sealed samples of Texas air and see what's in here:
A traffic jam of cars.
Hang Rite picture hanging tool
Sliding Robots furniture movers
Creepy spider mug
"Now Panic And Freak Out" mug
A knock-off Clocky whose box assures me it's "Excellent Quality" in multiple places.
And . . .
Sadly no Fuku bag or candy. Even worse, they made a liar out of me with the lack of a USB Hubman, which was the one thing I was positive I'd get. But it's all good, and was well worth the $5! Thanks Meh!
I'd just like to report that my box was appropriately sized and well secured with tape.
Oh, what's in it, you ask? Well, despite losing the "does it have a Roomba" apparent coin toss, it's actually a quite impressive Fuku score!
Thanks, Meh! I mean, whatever, dudes.
@djslack congrats. I'm both excited and nervous for you.
@djslack aaack, screwed up the order and can't edit. This thread is so big I had to come to the desktop to get back, my phone won't load it reliably.
Anyway, the broken image is:
@djslack -
Haha, told you the big stuff might take longer! Wow, your fuku is so different wonder if there are some clues in there? Instructions and experience tell us, though, don't get too excited! (Congratulations).
@KDemo You certainly did. I thought I was safe from receiving a pallet of chipmakers when it shipped smartpost, but the suspense is back on :)
I was traveling and had my mail on hold. Brilliantly, I decided to resume delivery on Saturday, since I was going to be home later that night. Then I remembered it was Halloween. Oops. Luckily a friend drove by and put my package inside.
I ate the candy while watching Doctor Who....
No fuku bag? Meh.
Wait, I think this makes up for it.
Appears new in box. Although there are things about it being a RMA, newegg, and a mediocre corporation on this side of it. It was taped closed and everything inside is sealed.
After reading the instructions I'm a bit terrified to try flying it. Guess I need to spend some time over at
Sorry I didn't do a multi photo report of my unboxing of fuku, pressed on time but at least posted a photo of actual items...
usb hubman
bell radian 850 (noticed a misprint on one of the lights)
meh drawstring bag
laffy taffy x1
small thing of wax paper
Just in time to blame @jaremelz (CST) I didn't get any texas air...
@rileyper So sorry that I missed my very last piece of official blame!
It's the fault of @christinewas really. She is so awesome that @dave felt the need to work on Sunday just to badge her!
Heard my first Fuku get delivered this afternoon and I was giddy as a schoolgirl.
Not exactly 10x10x10 (never updated), but at least the tape seems to all be intact.

No texas air, but nothing looks too beat up. I'm already satisfied just from the view upon opening
Finally opened my box last night after returning from a business trip.
3 bags of Texas air
1 laffy taffy, 2 sweet tarts
Fuku drawstring bag (yea!)
Cow meat timer (test button worked)
Sleeve for iPad mini
Wheeled alarm clock
Rechargeable bike light (red tail light only, headlight was missing)
Egg minder thingy (still wondering why this is a thing)
Very meh indeed. Was hoping to be surprised by a roomba, remote, or at least the Hubman, but still very pleased with the the overall experience. Thanks you guys!
@bettynugs I'd trade you a hubman for the egg thingy, but I kinda think neither one is worth what it would cost us to ship it.
@metaphore Agreed, shipping sorta defeats the purpose, but thanks for the thought.
Furniture sliders, plastic cars, creepy mug, hub man, some odd little 4gb mps/media player....oh and a neato botvac. You guys rock!
After my first-ever fuku birthday edition was the winner of "most meh", My second-ever fuku ever did not disappoint at all!
The large box arrived with minimal tape but when I saw the size I got excited for something special inside.
The Contents:
And the most unique and coolest of all:
Meh, you are the bee's knees! Thanks so much for a very fun haul.
To all those complaining about not getting a meh bag: I will happily trade one of my old ones for a roomba, DJI phantom, or even a crappy egg monitor tray.
@MrGlass I already have a bag, but do you really want an egg tray? Mine will only be given to the Goodwill. I'd happily send it to you.
@jaremelz I don't know if I will store my eggs in it, but as a hacker I want to see what makes it tic.
@MrGlass Well, if you do want it, shoot me an email at jaremehlz@ the gmail. But you must share photos if you manage to turn it into some strange frankeneggcarton.
1x Fuku bag

3x Laffy Taffy
1x mini Gobstoppers
1x Chef Pals beef thermometer
1x Tupac shot glass
1x Bell Radian 850 bike light set
1x BuiltNY tablet envelope
1x opened 808 Duo headphones
Despite the box being torn open and all the accessories obviously rummaged through, the headphones are in great shape. No evidence of use (no greasy ear pads, thankfully). There was a "remove before use" sticker in place. The only thing missing from the box was the charging cable, which is mini (not micro) USB. But the headphones deliver on the promise of wired & wireless. They go for about $63 new on Amazon.

I feel adequately meh!
@potestasx Also got the 808s
They sound decent. Good enough. Comfort is fine so long you dont wear them for more than a few hours.
Also mine appeared to be open. Although I'm not sure if theyre returns or just shipped that way. No sticker on mine, but they appeared pristine. All the cables still tied up.
Smelled real bad of cheap plastic too. Which usually means they're pretty new.
No clue what that red cable you have is though.
@Nexar I agree on the sound and they are about in line with the street price. If I was in the market for some, I probably would have looked into more expensive options, but I'm not complaining! They are replacing my cheapo work headphones.
The red cable is another hp cable but without the inline mic. It's in the pics here:
Also, just noticed that the bike lights that I got are also missing a charging cable. Someone really didn't want me charging things, ha!
@potestasx oh I see. On their website it's a black cable. Which is what came with mine, it's also braided.
Wonder why it's different
Halloween FukuFun!
USB hub man
Scary spider mug
Traffic jam
Set of steak knives
Handful of candy
and a ninja 1500!!!
Hurray! Thanks Meh! Contents of Fuku:
1x Sliding Robots
1x Cobra Radar/Laser Detector
1x Weird pink alarm clock thingy
1x Bag of cheap-o cars
1x Hang Rite picture frame liner-upper
1x Pretzels (ewww)
2x Random candies that I already ate and already forgot what they were
Thank you!
(TC edit - google drive image links don't play well in this forum. imgur works well)
I picked up my first Fuku... at the office today, it having been delivered Friday.
I am not disappointed!
- a few pieces of candy
- a bag of small plastic trucks
- a two-sided money clip
- a Creepy Cup-the spider variety
- a device to mix add-ins with your ice cream
(no bag)
a Surface Windows 8 Pro (item # 9SR-0001) !
It looks to have been opened and possibly used but has the charger and the pen. It may have been a return or a demo. I have not tried it and I am not sure what I'll do with it yet.
Certainly worth the cost, and just the fun and anticipation were worth it.
@andyw lol, we got almost the same box, except my surface was absent from it's box. Let me know if you ever lose your charger or pen ;)
Got mine Thursday at lunch. Looks like what a lot of people got. Red bag, usb hubman, Ziplock bags, neoprene case, Pokeman wall cling, a shower head and some candy. All sent in a huge box that got my hopes up.

My Fuku box showed up at the door half open. I hope nothing fell out!
Here's what was inside:
No candy, no red bag.
Thanks, Meh! I expected a very mediocre package, and received exactly that.
Pretty Good Haul:
1x Lemon Tootise Roll (already eaten)
1x Spree (already eaten)
1x Ziplock Sliders
1x Traffic Jam
1x Rolly Alarm Clock
1x Big Brother Mug
2x Hubman (Green and Pink)
1x Electolux Ergorapido Vacuum
@Berlination I actually bought the Electrolux, and have been very pleased. It keeps squalor at bay, and the handheld part is exactly what we need. Emptying the bin is a little tricky; I had to RTFM.
Came Friday 10/30 a day early according to tracking.
Red Meh Bag - So cool.
Big Brother Mug - Creepy.
Green Hubman - Nifty.
Bell Bicycle Lights - Will find non-bicycle use for these...
Built Neopreme Sleeve - You still have some of these?
Candy Pieces - Wife made me toss these. I told her you guys were cool...
Meta M1 Smartwatch - Been playing with this and like it!
Thanks MEH!!!
Finally made it back to the office where my much awaited FUKU was waiting for me. Looks like my box was taped up with a thin piece of scotch tape, scared someone might have stuck their hand in my goodies.
Here's what mine contained:
- Awesome FUKU fannie pack.
- Able Planet Linx Audio headphones (missing Mic, but not planning on taking a phone operator job anytime soon, so Meh!) the headphones sound great!
- Quirky + GE Egg Minder (a great step into turning my home into a smart house) who needs to control the lights and gas anyways.
- Creepy mug with a ceramic spider inside.
- Amazon Kindle/Kindle Touch sleeve (now I just need a Kindle).
- Samsung Galaxy Note screen protector (now I just need a Galaxy Note).
- Green Hubman
No candy, no biggie, I'll just take my daughter's Halloween take :D
Thanks for another great FUKU, Meh!
I see a lot of people talking about their Roombas and Neatos and Phantom quads.. and that's all quaint and whatnot, but unfortunately the time has come to drop the mic on this thread...

Yeah, you read that right. A VCR BOOYYYEEEE! Now I can finally watch that copy of Jurassic Park I've been saving since 1994 and get rid of all these flimsy-ass BluRays! Thanks meh!!!!
[ETA Okay well, when I was editing the links for this post I realized the front of the VCR was smashed, but I'm staying optimistic #VHSMasterRace]
Forgot to itemize:
@Chops Did you look inside the VCR? Someone else found something in theirs.
@OldCatLady Yeah, checked the VHS slot and the DVD tray.. no video versions of "you have more junk coming in the mail" unfortunately.
Is any one else's still processing? My statuesque-eligible-toothbrush still hasn't shipped. I'm worried I'll end up with sloppy seconds. You know, a box full of candy wrappers. Maybe my box never reached 88 mph, and is still stuck in the future. 😳
@baseba4551 - Seems like too long. On your order page, you can click "I need help with this" and explain that it hasn't shipped yet.
@baseba4551 that definitely should have shipped already. Hit up support via the "I need help with this" link on your order, or at
@Thumperchick @KDemo, I've emailed support. We'll see if that helps. I have a feeling @MEHcus is holding my box ransom, looking for a win this week in fantasy football. The St. Louis Rammers will not bow to such pressure!
My Fuku #6 arrived today!
• World map with holes in corners from pushpins
• Coveted red Fuku bag
• Insteon WiFi Camera (appears to be a return)
• Pink Hubman
• Random Screen Defender and Screen Protector for stuff I don’t own
• Built Quilted Sleeve for 13”-14” laptop, which was the one size I didn’t get in my Built haul and really, really needed (thanks Meh for taking notes!)
• Dog Owners Outdoor Gear “Walkie Belt” with hand wipes and poo bags (now I need to get a dog)
• Motorcycle Rain Suit size 2x/3x (now I need to get a big motorcycling dude)
• No candy
• No bags of Texas Air
• But . . . Brad Pitt is going to bring box #2! How can one not get excited about that?! Seriously!
Thank you Meh for making my day! Or making my life if Brad Pitt really delivers. Without Angelina of course :-)
@heartny - Wouldn't it be funny if box #2 had a big motorcycling dude?
@KDemo Or a dog. Better yet, a motorcycling dude with a dog!
@heartny Is that one of those maps where you can scrape off the coating of the places you've visited? A sort of travel tracker? Kind of looks like that.
@KDemo Nope, this is just a poster. Nothing fancy. It doesn't even have a star on it for Meh headquarters.
Exciting box in the mail today...
@johnamo - Did your face look disappointed like that? Great note!!
@KDemo haha naw... I was actually pretty pleased. Heck, just the note is worth $5 to me; It's a piece of art! I mean, look at that perfectly reproduced "Meh" logo/signature.
@johnamo - Seems as if they are sending a second box to the right person. Really hope you get something you like!
@johnamo Welcome to Fuku6.2! Congratulations!
@johnamo Right? I feel like I should frame my note. heh.
My haul (no photos, because... meh):
USB Hub-Man - at my desk in work right now!
Sphero off-roading cover (sans Sphero) - going on ebay
Red fuku bag - will be giving that away to someone in need
Cow Meat Thermometer - Giving it to Good-Will
Bicycle USB chargeable headlight/taillight for a bicycle - I have no use for it, but it's pretty rad.
Iced coffee/tea machine - It's mine... all mine!
Spank you very much!
My haul is as follows (and apologize for the lateness, I will blame ... umn ... the toddler for it).
USB Hub Man

Holmes Air Purifier
Alarm clock that rolls around
A "The Office" Mug
Hang Rite Hanging System - as seen on tv!
Fuku Bag
Some candy/pretzels
1 bag of texas air (not pictured)
A wife who actually looked at the haul and said "at least it's not crap"
My Fuku just arrived (a day early!) and here is what it contained: (Spoiler; it wasn't a Roomba. Sigh.)

A nice looking DVD/Blu-ray player
His and hers? USB hubfolk
A little portable speaker thingie in a trashed box
A keyboard case for an iPad 2
Screen defender
Bottle opener on a string
Blue post-it notes
A hilarious "biker" vest
And the coveted Meh drawstring bag.
No Texas air
No candy. (Dammit!)
Closer look at the vest:
But wait... there in the bottom of the box... what is it? Hey, it's a NOTE!

Definitely some nice goodies. I shall try not to get too excited as I watch for the other box, or whatever. :| (but seriously, thanks, Meh. You guys rock.)
@Pony Ooooh, nice! We had the same mystery note writer! (I'm two posts above you). Think about how fancy we'd look in our respective sparkly red shirt and biker vest with matching bottle-opener necklaces & Meh bags.
@johnamo How about you wear the vest and I wear the plus-size sparkle tent? I'm a fat chick whose biker days are long past. hehe. Fun times, though- I wonder what we'll get?
@Pony Ha! Yeah, I'd feel just about equally ridiculous wearing either one (coming from a middle-aged guy who is definitely not a biker type).
I'd be happy with anything -- the excitement of having another box on the way is the best part. ;)
@Pony Wow! Quite a few notes in the later set of boxes, it seems. Welcome to Fuku6.2!
Got my First Fuku! Much heavier and nicer than any box I have ever received from that other place. Looks like my box went through hell and back, taped and taped again with no Texas air inside. Everything arrived intact except for one piece of candy that was horribly smashed.
3 Pieces of Candy, 1 DOA
Spider Creepy Cup
Traffic Jam Trucks
USB Hubman
Rival Vacuum Sealer
Nostalgia Electrics Ice Cream Toppings Twister
Logitech Harmony Ultimate One Remote Control
Thanks Meh! The only thing missing I would really like to own is the Fuku bag. Maybe next time....
After reading post from a lot of lucky people I got my hopes way up high. Hoping and praying that this will be my time, but alas I haven't sparkled in Meh's eyes yet. I was up so high only for the let down : ( (I dunno why I put myself thru this everytime)
Anyway, I received my Fuku also. Here's what I got:
0- Bags of Texas air
1- 3 piece mini Gobstopper candy
1- Coffee cup - The Office - all in one piece!
1- Rolling clock - Black - does not work at all :(
1- Pkg Bell Radman Bike lights - opened, no charging cable but they work!
1- Hubman - Yay - Pink!!! and it works
1- Razer Carcharias Gaming Headset for XBOX 360 - RMA'd but seems to work, on PC. Whomever had it before had a huge head and stretched it. The ear cups are REAL large and won't stay on my ears with me holding them.
1- Red Fuku drawstring bag - balled up, wrinkled
This is the 1st time I've gotten a fairly decent Fuku. I was beginning to feel like Cinderella waiting for a date to the ball. Wondering where's that prince with the glass slipper, or Roomba. I really wished for something I could really use ....cough cough Roomba. Or even something new that I can be the 1st to do a RMA on. But like I said it was decent so I'll just settle with being Meh.
Has anyone received their 2nd box yet? Will there be a separate thread for those? I hope so, this one is a bit unwieldy.
@Teripie There is a second thread, here you go!
Second Shipment Thread
Second Shipment Thread
I finally had a chance to post my Fuku haul:
Thanks, Meh!

1-Bike Light Set
1-USB Hubman
1-Hangrite picture hanger level
1-Tupac Shotglass (Who's Tupac?)
1-Meh fanny pac
1-DVD/VCR player (How many years ago did I throw the old one away?)
3-Pieces of candy
All in a box that arrived partially opened! (Maybe a Harmony remote fell out‽)
Am I fashionably late yet? I hope so. And I hope I clicked the correct link from imgur...

the beats headphones are the coolest item, but alas have a short in the headband somewhere. I'll be by an apple store in a couple days so i'm gonna try my luck and get them fixed. thanks Meh.
@jaybird You got a note too! Lots of notes this time around.
My first box was just the usual. But I didn't get my hopes up thinking that the cryptic note meant I was really getting another box. Well, today I got my giant box of a million tablet sleeves and one of them even had a tablet in it.

@stoopkid and it works!?!? Congrats.
@Thumperchick Yeah, seems like new.

Also got a billion notes in mine! I feel bad because I think I was supposed to find the kindle last but it was like the first sleeve I looked inside of.
Does this page take ages to load for everyone else?

Any guesses on this note?
@stoopkid it does, because there are a ton of comments with pictures. There is a second shipment reveal thread (I linked it several comments up) for just this reason - the fuku threads get huge, then load super slowly.
@stoopkid Awesome! that is awesome... it's neoprene V2.0? ;)
@stoopkid my translate app says:
Congrats on the Fuku6.2 haul!
@djslack My translate app says "Here I to!" (probably means Here I am!)

@stoopkid, glad you liked it. @galmaegi and I had a lot of fun writing those notes (with some help) and stuffing them in the sleeves. :)
i'm very late in posting, everyone has probably already left the party. my fuku 6 box contained:
- meh bag
- meh t-shirt, size medium
- post a notes
- drinking glass w/"you've just been poisoned" etched on the bottom
- quadtec watch
- dogg mini-belt w/20 poo bags
- classic marvel battles and team ups
- meh note
i thought the note was referring to the watch but i received an email earlier this week from meh asking for phone and address for a possibly "large" shipment. oh god, what have i done and will this "large" shipment push me over the edge as regards being a hoarder?
i would post the pics of the loot and note here but i am obviously image insertion challenged.
@annwat upload the pics to imgur, right click on the image, hit "copy image URL" and paste that url in your comment. The super fancy code working in the forums will make your url transform into a picture for you!
thank you, @Thumperchick!
so let's see if this works....
@annwat ta-daa! It worked perfectly.