808 Audio DUO Wired + Wireless Headphones

We’re not selling this deal anymore, but you can buy it at Amazon
  • Over-ear cups block out unwanted sound, noise, emotions, ideas, and reality
  • Use with Bluetooth or wired, depending on how hard you wail on air keytar
  • Folds up so they’re easier for your so-called friends to steal them from you
  • Music and call controls on the headphones provide comforting illusion of individual agency in an indifferent universe
  • Comes with two cords, like all the best Velvet Underground songs
  • We got these cheap because there’s some stupid stickers or blemishes on the boxes
  • Model: HPA88BKMBT
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Beats Beats at a price you can't beat.

You know how every time Beats headphones come up - whether for sale on Meh or Woot, or just in conversation - everybody says “You can get headphones that are just as good for, like, eighty bucks”? While you’re nodding along, do you ever wonder “OK, where can I find those headphones?”

These are those headphones. Except today they’re only 36 bucks.

When people talk about how Beats are all hype, and only an idiot would pay four times more for a slick marketing campaign, headphones like this are the counter-example. Well-made Bluetooth headphones from a solid (if cynically named) brand, with over-ear cups and dual wireless/wired capability, at a price the budget sound connoisseur can afford.

And now here they are for even less than that.

How did we swing that? Because there are some old price stickers or blemishes or something on the boxes. These are never-sold store returns. No customers have ever used them. It’s just that the packaging isn’t as flawless as some would prefer. No doubt, they’d still be a better buy than Beats even at full price. But ask yourself, Beats debunkers: what would you say about somebody who pays twice as much for a more pristine cardboard box?

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  • We sold out at 4:55am.
  • That’s $24625 total.
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