#Fuku6.2 - Back To The #NoMcFlyZone
11So far I've seen elusive 2nd Box notes revealed by @AttyVette, @clonetek, and myself. Did anyone else get the 2nd Box note in their Fukubukuro? Are we containing our excitement as we have been advised?
And, since the reveals thread is getting huge, wanna do our reveals here?
- 32 comments, 167 replies
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I've been through this charade before, there is no second box you have been rused.
@djslack - Do you have tracking info? Is there an estimated delivery date? 'Cause I'm ready for it to get there. ;-)
@KDemo No, I don't. Trying to get fedex delivery manager to register my new house (well, been there 11 months) but their site fails when it goes to validate the address.
My girlfriend tells me to stop it and just be surprised.
@djslack - Your girlfriend has incredible stoicism.
@KDemo It might be that she's just anxious about where to hide my body whenever a pallet of something shows up. But you can call it stoicism, that sounds nice.
@djslack - :-D
I tried today to get my current address on FedEx Delivery Manager. No dice. All customer service could tell me is that verification is a third party service, and error 1000 means there's nothing they can do. They said try to set up a new account rather than adding my address to my existing account, and if that didn't work I'm basically stuck.
So I'll be drawing on some of that stoicism and letting surprises be surprises :)
Well it wouldn't surprise me if there is no second box after all... was hoping there's a real 2nd box headed my way ..However, that being said that even if there is a second box sent to us , will it only contain Texas hot air or maybe the boxes were sent to us but were all washed away in the recent Texas floods?
My note didn't state don't get excited so does that mean I should get excited? Does meh want us to forever patiently wait for a second box that is non existent ? Enquiring minds want to know meh..we aren't fighters meh so don't "box" with us .. Tell us the truth meh!!
@AttyVette Schrodinger's excitement?
@AttyVette I'm continuing with my original plan... Patience.
I did start to get a little concerned after a week, but now I think I'll let it ride for a little while. Unless I get some free time during Fedex customer service hours, at which time I may get my new address on Fedex Delivery Manager for an inbound early warning system :)
@Thumperchick - Might be. But maybe not.
Brad Pitt will be bringing my second box, so I don't really care what's in it:
@heartny Welcome to #Fuku6.2! And incredible note!
@djslack I think Kevin Spacey delivers the box...and not to ruin the surprise but it's Gwyneth Paltrow's head.
@densa now that box delivery would truly be the "Pitts
my note:
dunno if I'm getting anything else tho.
And my note here. :)
I know @Pony also got one because we had mirror-image boxes!
Yep, I got a note.
My FedEx manager shows a second box pending, no estimated arrival date yet.
Hmm- that pending shipment may be a FedEx glitch. There's another one supposedly pending for a package from somewhere else that already has active tracking. Oh well, not gonna brain too hard on it- can't spare the think juice.
I'm not getting one, so it's probably okay for me to get excited, right? I'll do it for you.

I got a note too. I'm super lame and haven't taken a photo yet. It only arrived tuesday so i feel i still have a day or so to get the pic up.
ChadP didn't say for me not to get excited though. Mehbe i should get a little excited?
I feel like if I ever got "a letter/note" I'd stop buying fukubukuros/boc. I'd want to share the experience/experiment with others. But then again. I'd probably love the high of not knowing and then either utter disappointment or extreme joy! Who the hell knows unless it happens :)
@sohmageek That sounds noble but I disagree. A fuku is the most unique experience, no way I'm not trying to buy another every chance I get. Especially after being given the word on the fukuFAQ thread that everything is random, I don't feel like having gotten a note means anything regarding future note recipients, except that if I don't try to get a fuku then I surely won't get a note. It doesn't even guarantee that someone else will get a note, since there may not be any.
If the Fuku gods smile on me, then such is my blessing or curse. It takes a measure of luck to get a fuku to begin with, and then a whole double helping of luck to get a note.
I will say that the time I got a note before (a note to draw a picture and post it, not a second shipment note) the instant that I saw that piece of paper was one of the most exciting moments ever. This time was the same feeling.
FedEx just notified me that my Fuku2 has been picked up. Not sure if excited or scared.
@Pony best to be both :)
@Pony think of it how people think of the ocean..do not necessarily fear it; however, approach it with a healthy amount of respect. Acknowledge and appreciate the power and in no case should you underestimate it.
@Pony woohoo! Hoping that means the rest are also on the way. I haven't been able to figure out the FedEx manager thing, but I suppose that just allows a bit more mystery.
Oh meh, you shouldn't have... you really, really shouldn't have... yuk D:
album: http://imgur.com/a/SQtik
This rug will look great in the dumpster at work.
@clonetek was that the only thing in there? This does not bode well...
@johnamo yah, that was it, unless you include the stains, hair, and dirt that the rug came with..
@clonetek Strap it to the hood of your truck and run it through the car wash a couple of times.
Really, one would imagine it would've come with some sort of WARNING: BIOHAZARD sticker of some sort on the box.
Make sure you wash your hands before lunch!
@LaVikinga I washed em, then rinsed them with 90% isopropyl alcohol.
@clonetek :-(
@clonetek Oh that would look so lovely in our party shed!
@Teripie It'll be in the party dumpster out back if you want it. lol
@clonetek Where is your sense of adventure? OH! IDEA! Take it out to the back yard and make a fort with it for the Dirt Kitties & Mr. Bun when they visit.
@clonetek Wow. That's pretty gross. :(
@clonetek I just puked out my nose. What's it smell like? (the rug, not my puke)
@medz pay the shipping and I'll send it to you to experience firsthand! :D
Guys. I'm scared and excited and don't know what else... But I don't particularly need any new carpeting. Is 30lbs a normal default weight for Fuku 2?

But anyhow, it (might) be here Thursday so I'll update then!
@johnamo how did you get the tracking number?
@clonetek I eventually figured out how to sign up for the Fedex Delivery Manager. If you are able to register your address, you can see any incoming shipments.
@johnamo Good luck, and Congrats! - or - I'm sorry! (just in case).
@johnamo My most sincere congratudolences, in advance.
@clonetek You can search Fedex track by reference, put in "Fuku 2" for the reference, your zip code, and a ship date of Monday. That found my package. Thanks @johnamo for the screenshot that gave me the reference to try.
Track by reference turns up a hit... 10 lbs, will be delivered tomorrow.
I'm equal parts excited and frightened. My girlfriend asked this weekend if it's a goat can we keep it until the landlord finds out :) And she doesn't follow this forum, I just think she wants a goat. The good news is, 10 lbs would be a tiny goat!
@djslack I love purple. Good luck!
pigmy goats are a thing
Dimensions updated. I'm now expecting a rug.

Thanks for posting that some of y'all received your second FUKU #6 box. I went online and checked FedEx and found out my second box arrived today....Its like Christmas in November or my birthday ( and my birthday is December 20 ).
This is what I wrote in the previous thread regarding the note telling me to look for the second box from meh--
"Wonder what delightful surprise is in that box eventually headed my way? Maybe leftover season tickets to Houston Texans? ( Dallas Cowboys are my favorite team btw). Wonder if it's a Dyson vacuum cleaner so I can clean up my act? Maybe a drone so I can drone on and on and on. Possibly a speaker box bonanza ( kinda like winning an un-lottery) or a knife series so I can be a real cut up. Perhaps it's a roomba vacuum so I can have a winning "sweep" like another one of my FUKU brothers did earlier in this thread. Could the box contain a cow meat thermometer so I could beef up my meh post? Do I have an alarm clock coming so I can say it's about TIME?
Maybe it's a coffee maker so I can brew about it while waiting for it to arrive. I wonder I wonder".
Ok I am working out of town so I asked my spouse to open the (2nd ) FUKU box and send me pictures., which was done . So before I post the pictures of what I received from Meh in my 2nd FUKU #6 any guesses what I received my fellow Meh'ers?
@AttyVette Texas air.
@AttyVette A new Corvette. Yellow is so yesterday.
@AttyVette A very large TV.
@AttyVette @JonT 's desk, disassembled.
@Pavlov, @Barney , @OldCatLady guessed...Any other guesses my meh brothers and sisters? @Pavlov , I can 100% say with confidence that Texas air was included in the box , since meh's headquarters is in Texas and I am too. I guess my 2nd FUKU #6 box is an "air" apparent. As far a new Corvette being in the box goes @Barney, nope no new Corvette , but yellow Corvettes, like a ripe banana, are still "Appealing" to me :) @OldCatLady, as far as a large tv being in the box goes, no I couldn't "picture"my getting a tv but that would have been a sight to see!
@jaremelz lol , getting former meh employee"s @JonT "s desk disassembled "wood" have been interesting.
@AttyVette The office chair that the armrest I got belongs to?
@djslack no office chair , that wouldn't have "sat" right with me :)
@AttyVette I'm just here to commiserate about the December Dis (as I like to call it). My birthday is 12/22. Birthday gifts in Santa Claus gift wrap. Christmas parties interfering with birthday plans. Not being able to have parties as a kid because all of your friends were out of town or doing Christmas things. The dreaded combo gift. Maybe you love your birthday. If so, that's awesome. But I have yet to meet a person with a birthday between December 15th and 31st who doesn't hate it.
@christinewas you are sooooo right about Christmas time birthdays! I HATE my birthday date!! I never could have a birthday party on my REAL birthday, as we were always out for the Christmas break when it was my birthday. Furthermore, I always wanted a birthday party at the local swimming pool--never happened as it was at Christmastime and the pool was closed down for the Fall/Winter (even if it was warm enough to swim )!
Yes, like you, my birthday presents were ALWAYS wrapped in Christmas paper. Frequently, I also usually got the combo gift from my siblings. My parents always gave me a birthday gift too but it was always wrapped in Christmas paper. (in my moms defense her birthday is December 27 and her mother died on her birthday so that's is worse). However, I always wrapped mom's birthday presents in birthday paper (when I was old enough to earn money and buy my own wrapping paper) just because that's what I wanted my birthday gift wrapped in. Yeah, seems silly now but as a kid, it did matter to me......oh well.
Honestly, it perturbed me that my older brother would buy me one combo gift (when we were young ) for my Birthday/Christmas gift. He would give it to me on my birthday and say I could open it on my birthday or on Christmas. So on one Christmas I decided to do the same thing to him. So that year, I gave him his Christmas/ Birthday gift and said he could open it that day or wait until his birthday (in May). He protested and said that wasn't fair, as his birthday was in May and I said it was just as fair as giving me a Birthday/Christmas gift combo...results were the same. (Guess that's why I later became a lawyer-lol wanted equal treatment).
We ought to have a unbirthday December party for ourselves..we could also find out how many others here on meh also have the December time dreaded birthday !! (course I realize people with summer birthdays have issues too with people gone for the summer but at least their friends MIGHT have been in town..mine were always gone over the Christmas break.)
If y'all are tired of guessing , I will go ahead and post what I received . However, I thought a little guessing would be fun for others here before I reveal my treasure from Meh @Carlp..
@AttyVette -- any more guesses or y'all really don't give a meh about it...
@AttyVette --hint, hint, I will say my 2nd box definitely was NOT MEH!!!!!
@AttyVette Do we get a hint? How much does the box weigh?
@AttyVette A dyson brand drone that delivers coffee? An iRobot clock that sweeps the floor?
Reference Fuku 2
Dimensions 37x12x11 in.
Department number Fuku 2
Service FedEx Ground
Weight 25 lbs / 11.34 kgs
Total pieces 1
@AttyVette hmm, with a 37" tall/narrowish dimension I would think something like a vacuum cleaner.
@KDemo no drone with coffee ( I make no beans about it), no irobot that sweeps the floor ...
@AttyVette - Yeah, could be a vacuum. I'm out of guesses, I think we're ready now?
@AttyVette I agree. Sounds like the Dyson box I got from Woot. But I have a feeling we are all wrong anyway. Reveal?
@AttyVette Too heavy for a Dyson. A soundbar and subwoofer?
@johnamo you were right!,
Lol guys I have been trying to post the pictures as it is a Dyson animal vacuum cleaner... I did clean up on this deal!!! still having problems guess it's old age..anyways I'll post the pictures as soon as I get my iPad to post them!!!
@AttyVette I think @clonetek could have really used it.
@KDemo nothing short of cleansing fire can fix that rug.

My dog Nike didn't come with the vacuum cleaner but he did approve of it apparently!!
Congrats on cleaning up!
@AttyVette Nice! Congrats! Mine is also purple 😬 But I paid >$200 for it...doh.
@Zypher thanks I feel meh lucky...my life has sucked lately with my mom breaking her ankle and then I had to stay at night in the hospital with her before going to work the next mornings. She is currently "rehabbing" in a skilled nursing facility but you can't stay there at night. However, she still calls me several times during the night on her cellphone..:( so now my life just got a sucky vacuum cleaner and that's a great thing!!!!!
@Zypher I love purple.
@AttyVette Yikes! No Bueno. I'm sorry to hear all that :( But yay for vacuum cleaners!
@Barney I almost tagged you there...
@AttyVette Lol. "B Grade". Nice haul, though.
Mine's due to arrive Friday. It doesn't list dimensions, but the weight shows as 6 lbs. At least I know it isn't a pallet of USB hubs...
@Pony The pallet of USB hubmen sounds both fascinating and terrifying at the same time. I can't remember who said they had them...I'll pay for shipping for a few of them!
@Zypher I can't remember who it was either. Then there was someone else who got hundreds of peanut butter and jelly spreaders.
@Pony lol. Yes, I remember that one. I recall it was over a thousand dollars "worth" of spreaders...
Edit: ah, here it is!
@Pony Wait wait wait...peanut butter and jelly spreaders??? You mean knives? What is this sorcery?
@Zypher Follow the link that @johnamo posted just before your question. I got one of them in my Fuku that time around, but I passed it on in a mystery gift exchange.
@Pony I think the edit came as I posted my reply. I looked at the link last night...pretty terrifying Fuku! But I guess it's not a bad idea if you eat a lot of PBJs.
@Zypher It was me... I got the pallet of Hubmen that are still in my garage. But now all the green Hubmen are accompanied by a single pink Hubgirl that I got in the last Fuku. I call her Smurfette.
@Pony You should definitely be relieved. Remember the one that was like a hundred pounds of goat food or something?
@Pony You know no such thing, and I wouldn't trust that Friday delivery date either. FedEx lies like a rug. The size and weight could be anything, and it could get there any time!
@zachary maybe your Hubgirl ( you call her smurfette) should be called not Queen of Sheba but "Queen of "Hub Bubba's" er Hubmen "! You could have a song playing playing whenever you bring them out..(the lyrics changed a little from Elvis Presley song of course )to "a hunk of hub bubbas burning love"..it would be electrifying !!!
@Pony I narrowly missed a pallet of broken TV's (had to opt out based on where I was living). Maybe you will get a pallet of broken speaker docks. Or leaky water/coffee bottles.
@Kidsandliz I don't want a pallet of anything! Unless it's working Roombas. Those I would take. Hell, I'd be happy with ONE working Roomba. :)
@johnamo @Zypher Yes, that was me with the PB n' J spreaders. Given away dozens upon dozens and I still have a bunch! I should look back into selling the rest as they're currently going for $8.96 on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007CN5BIY/
@cinoclav Nice! If you want to give away another one or two, I'll pay for shipping :)
@zachary Hah! Well, I could use a couple hubmen if you'd like to give any a new home!
@cinoclav Ooh nice! haha that's like those darn Built NY cases that I just can't get rid of. You'd think it wouldn't be too hard to give away a few dozen of the things...
@Zypher Where do you live? (City, state? Approximately if you don't want to get too personal.) Just wondering how much it would cost to ship you a few on me.
@cinoclav I'm in Austin, TX. You could plug in 78701, it should be the same price anywhere here. But let me know! Happy to pay.
@johnamo You've still got some? I was bummed I missed that deal! Would also take some of those off your hands. Have plenty of gadgets to go in them...
@Zypher Sure thang! How many do you need?
@zachary Could definitely use 3, but could take 4 or 5 (or 6) if you want to get rid of more! Thanks a bunch. What's the best way to contact people on here? Should I just give you my email?
@Zypher Just email me at achtungyall at gmail dot com
@Zypher Oh my gah! It took me forever but I FINALLY got around to mailing these off. Threw in a few odds and ends around my office to make a mini fuku to make up for it!
@zachary Hah! Well thank you very much!!! I will keep an eye out for my mini Fuku :)
@zachary I keep meaning to come here to say THANK YOU for my mini fuku!!! Super super awesome since I've never scored one :D Many thanks for the hubmen and other goodies!!
@Zypher Nice! Glad you liked it. Most of it was random crap from other BoC's or Fukus (and then some random stuff around my office). That Ball Jar however is a prop from an upcoming Billy Crudup movie! Don't know if it ever shows up on screen but I bought it at the prop sale so there ya go!
Box received.
Right now it is Schrodingeresque:
10 lbs is about right. It rattles a little bit so it's not a rug.
@djslack Hmm. Rattling flat box. I say a... wire shelving unit.
@djslack Ironing board?
@johnamo @Pony Nope.
You're welcome, Meh. You're very welcome.
Thanks for the fun, Meh!
@djslack Now you need a box of letters! you could have fun with that.
@sammydog01 Yeah, I know! It came with a battery for the clock but no letters. I think my grandfather had some of those letters, no idea if they still exist or have been trashed.
@djslack - Haha! You're a good sport. I remember seeing that on an old warehouse video and someone asked for it maybe even offered to buy it?
@KDemo Hmmm... If someone asked for it maybe they'll pass by here and see it. I don't think I can provide it a forever home, but if I can scare up some letters for it I might have a bit of fun until I am forced to adopt it out.
@djslack love it. Quality Fuku-2.
Mine was supposed to arrive tomorrow but has apparently still yet to be picked up from Mehdquarters...
@djslack Ha! I almost guessed "random business signage" because of that Korean one someone got way back when, but I thought it would need a wider box for padding. Dang. That's really something. You could totally rework it though- it could be made into something cool if you have the time and craftiness.
@Pony That would have been a helluva guess. They boxed it very well, i had to pretty much destroy the box as it was wrapped about three times around with cardboard and a whole roll of packing tape.
As far as crafts go, I've got ideas. Not sure about the time part, but this may well be seen again.
I took a chance and plugged it into the wall... The lights (mostly) work, and it gives off a satisfying vintage fluorescent light hum.
I guess technically I did receive electronics from the past as promised!
@djslack Go to your local Michael's. They have letters you never knew existed. Take one with you to compare.
@djslack hey that is vintage -- maybe sell on eBay as there are collectors out there that would pay good $$$ for that sign. The Marlboro man died from smoking , I believe, but hey collectors buy all sorts of things so bet u could sell it quickly!
@AttyVette At least three Marlboro men died from disease associated with smoking.
Wayne McLaren, who posed for some promotional photographs on behalf of Marlboro in 1976, succumbed to lung cancer at age 51 on 22 July 1992.
David McLean, who appeared in many Marlboro television and print advertisements starting in the early 1960s, also died of cancer at age 73 on 12 October 1995.
In 2014, Eric Lawson, another television actor who appeared in Marlboro advertisements between 1978 to 1981, died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at the age of 72.
@Pavlov You'd think eventually they would realize they should just get a model rather than an actual heavy smoker.
FedEx updated my delivery date to tomorrow. (Thursday) I wonder if it's true, or if they're just messin' with me.
@Pony Curious if yours has real tracking information. Mine tells me the scheduled delivery date is tomorrow, but that the "ship date" is still pending... (and it's still only at "shipment information sent to FedEx")
@johnamo Yeah, mine shows the tracking progress.
So... yeah. It arrived. :|

The too small for a Roomba box: (tissue box for scale)
Oh, goody. More Chinese "biker" (quote marks because no self-respecting biker would ever wear these) gear! And a Meh shirt with dog or cat hair all over it.

Chaps- missing the belt that would go into that buckle there. Looks like it got ripped out.

Another vest. (I got one in the first box, too.)

And the Meh shirt, which is hubby sized. He has one of this batch already, (and I have two) but that's okay. These are our favorites of all the Meh shirts so far.

Pretty funny, Meh, sending a bunch of "biker" gear to a cripple. Hahaha. Hiiiiilarious. thppppt. :p Anybody want to trade all this lovely gear for a Roomba? (Naw, I ain't really mad- just desperate for a Roomba. Vacuuming hurts. A lot.)
@Pony this is one of those things where I just scratch my head and wonder where the biker gear came from... haha it certainly followed the theme of your first box, though. Mine's finally on the way, so, if I'm as... lucky... as you, I'll end up with 30 lbs of women's clothing. That'll be hard to explain to visiting friends and family.
@johnamo "this is one of those things where I just scratch my head and wonder where the biker gear came from... "
China. It came from China. Which is why the "USA" and various other "patriotic" patches are so hilarious.
I hope your luck is -much- better than mine. :)
@Pony Kinda like the time they sent me a bag of garden soil and I don't even garden! How insensitive!
@medz What's next? Steak knives sent to a vegetarian? WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END?!
Kind of reminds me how The Price is Right had a wheelchair bound woman as a contestant try to play for a treadmill and a few other prizes.
Although in that case, the prizes are predetermined and it was just a horrible coincidence.
i received a note stating:
what is in the box?
wait and see.
but don't get too excited.
- meh
the dummy in my thought it was comment on one of the items but then i got an email from meh support asking for my phone # and address to receive a potentially "large" shipment. so now i truly do have to "wait and see"!
@annwat Niiiiice!
@annwat Yep, you're getting a freight delivery! Congrats! Or condolences, depending on what it turns out to be :)
@annwat Notify your local TV stations. That's what I'd do.
@annwat maybe it's 500 pounds of Zoo Doo
@annwat Start clearing out some garage space. Whatever it is, you'll likely be stuck with it awhile. Good luck!
@annwat Maybe it is more broken TV's. They were shipped by freight. I narrowly missed a pallet of those (had to decline with no place to put them). I understand whomever got them managed to make some working ones out them.
Had a voice mail today from PDX freight, calling to arrange delivery of a shipment from "meadow cree". Called them back and have set up delivery for Friday afternoon. According to the scheduler guy, the item weighs 200 lbs. So I guess I'll be parking my car in the driveway instead of the garage for a while come Friday!
@annwat Holy crap! Anxious to see what meadow cree has sent your way!
@annwat Did they say "meadow cree" or "meadow creek?" If it's the latter, it could be a big ass barbecue. Or maybe it's just 200 lbs of goat food.
@heartny i did think "meadow creek" at first. but when i listened to the voicemail again, i didn't hear the "k" at the end.
maybe i should start looking to get a goat just in case it is goat food!
@annwat I'm so excited- post as soon as you get it please!
@annwat I'm guessing the k got cut off. Based on weight I'm thinking the PR36.

@MrMark hmm, i was thinking that the shipment might have been from mediocre and the freight guy just didn't know how to pronounce it, hence the "meadow cree". but you may very well be on to something!
@annwat I think you're right.
Well... It's Friday afternoon...
@FroodyFrog yes, it is! stay tuned for pics!
Are they hidden in this thread?
The mystery wait is over! Package 2 has arrived! Meh sure is cool! Or maybe they're the hottest thing in the world! Well, let me dehumystify what it is...
A 12,500 BTU Delonghi Pinguino portable AC/heating/dehumidifying unit! Does it work? I dunno, because it needs to sit upright for 6 hours before use. And it was returned for "not cooling house". So... I'll let you guys know. Regardless, thanks, Meh! 'Tis the season for AC in the Northeast, right???!
Don't have time to post pictures right now, but will do later. Thanks again, Meh (if it works)!!!
@johnamo Congrats if it works! I've been looking at buying one of those for my garage.
@djslack Thanks! It does indeed work in all modes -- which is awesome. It'll be great for the new place I'm moving into in the summer. :)
@johnamo figured we'd give you some time to chill up there until it arrived. ;)
@johnamo Wow- lucky!
Someone at Meh must really hate me. LOL
@johnamo - Maybe the first recipient didn't let it chill for 6 hours before trying it? Congratulations!!
@hollboll haha well thanks for the cool Fuku-2 (and for answering all of my e-mails... you're a great "member engagement specialist")!!!
@johnamo kickass score!
Oh, and here's the photo evidence, as promised. :)
Packaging doesn't leave much left up to the imagination... other than my address:
These people just didn't give it a chance:

... because it works!

Full shot
@johnamo Shiny!!!!!
@johnamo maybe it was something as simple as the home in question was larger than a portable air conditioner would handle. Or it was on fire.
@djslack Silly people. Of course it won't cool their home, it's only supposed to cover a large room! But it spews out positively frigid air.
@johnamo perfect, just in time for the temperate northern winter.
@johnamo Quantity =2. Who got the other one? Whose Fuku 6.2 is still unreported?
@OldCatLady Mine is still MIA. Even with the APB to find me last week. I think they are doing it on purpose to build excitement, then pop my balloon.
Monday, Monday...got the call today. 1 Pallet from medicare being delivered monday.
Now that obama is sending me a pallet, does that mean i don't get one from mediocre?
@jaybird Uh, just to be on the safe side, maybe don't consume what we sent.
@hollboll lol, Is saying "Mediocre" really that difficult? I received a message from one lady and she pronounced it Medocray. When i called back to schedule, the second lady said medicare. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO READING???
@jaybird You'd be surprised. Every time I call SmartPost I have to spell out my email address at least twice and they still manage to get it wrong 50% of the time.
Also, when you start a new bank account or go to a new dentist it's always very interesting explaining that you really do work at a company called A Mediocre Corporation. No, it isn't a joke. Especially because I have a ridiculous last name.
@hollboll Need a new topic? Mangled Mediocre Malapropisms
@hollboll My parents almost incorporated as "The law offices of Dewey Cheatum & Howe" which I'm sure would have been just as entertaining.
@MrGlass That would have been great especially if they specialized in auto industry lawsuits. And their first lawsuit would have been hilarious - Click and Clack Brothers vs Dewey, Cheatum & Howe for copyright infringement.
@Kidsandliz I know Car Talk references Dewey, Cheatham and Howe but I always thought it was a 3 Stooges thing.
@densa correct!
@jaybird Did you get your pallet of Medicare?
@jaybird Don't leave us hangin'!
PS: If it's a pallet of Roombas, can I have one? :D
@hollboll about the email... contact your IT department and see if they can add an alias to your email... I got tired of spelling out my last name... you know what it is... :P I have a short one for work now :) (I did have to add it myself however)
@sohmageek pfft. You should giggle. Every time.
i apologize for being a horrible forum member and not posting earlier regarding my fuku 6.2. so here we go...
it was delivered friday afternoon, weight 233 pounds. contents were 8 refurbed emerson 39" LED TVs. as of this afternoon, i've tested five of them, two appear to be in fine working condition and three are DOA - one won't power on at all, another powers on and then magically powers off about 8 seconds later and the third has something shattered behind the screen.
i still have two 32" tube TVs (yes, i'm still stuck back in the 19th century); the two working ones will probably replace those. if the three not yet tested TVs work, i will perhaps replace my other two smaller thin TVs and give the third to my parents to replace their remaining tube TV.
overall, a pretty neat haul, emerson or not. i wonder if i can contact emerson to see about replacements for the non-working ones?
thank you very much mediocre (aka meadow cree) for my original box with some very useful items and the TVs!
welcome to my garage, please ignore the dirt.

top layer

pictures of the tv in action, all taken from just a couple feet away...
not too bad

panda up a tree

looks good to me!

All for the price of $5. Nice. Enjoy the loot.
@annwat Congrats on your 6.2 haul! We can be Emerson TV buddies!
They are very easy to take apart and only have two circuit boards and like four connectors. The smaller one is the power board and the larger the main board. With about 8 screws on the back you can take it off and switch, say, the power board from the one that has something shattered to one that won't power on and possibly create a new working one. It just takes a little trial and error.
@annwat Wow- congrats! :)
@djslack thanks for the info, i might give that a try after the holidays!
@annwat Phew. I was getting worried. :)
My pallet arrived Monday. It was very, how should i say, MEH!!!
@jaybird your face, it was so perfect a reaction.
@Thumperchick so glad you liked it
@jaybird "I guess we're going to be giving all of our friends seizures for christmas." That's awesome. So glad you grabbed a video of your reaction.
@jaybird The best part is when you can audibly hear your wife sigh in the background.
@jaybird i see a new future for you in flea market sales.
@annwat one for $6 two for $10 all day sales at the flea market.
Haha...that reminds me of that old Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs and Daffy are in a contest to win a million bucks. Turns out they misheard it and it ended up being a "million box!" "And inside that 'Million Box' were a million little boxes".
I do have those glasses and they definitely are trippy.