I wish they wouod ship east coasters first and like wait a day or two so we all get them at same time. I cant not look at what other people got but wish i had the surprise after i get mine lol
My factual-awesome-rhinoceros is due to arrive in Iowa on Friday. It better be fucking awesome after all the flack I've been getting from @hollboll and @MEHcus. Knowing them though, they've made it... 1. Extra shitty
Just a box with a note saying that I'll get my fuku "eventually".
Another Halloween delivery for relished-rhetorical-mask here in the colony of the District of Columbia. Placeholder info remains.
Today was something of a weirdass day for me; I was scheduled for a CT scan & showed up at the appropriate time. The tech, who pretty much did no explaining of anything, set me up & shoved me into the machine. But the machine did not want to play nice. Four times I got shoved in & held my breath when told to, released it when told to...but the machine decided not to work. I know this is an embarrassingly First World problem, but it's not fun to enter the machine, go through my part of the exercise, and then get nothing out of it and have to reschedule the whole f'ing procedure again. So I figure maybe I will focus on obsessing about my fuku instead of my body & the CT scan that wasn't. Fuko comin', like Omar comin'. Fuko comin'.
@gertiestn Wow, that's certainly a pain! I've done them quite a few times, and they are trying enough without technical problems. Focus on fuku. ...fuku is your friend.
@gertiestn Well that sucks. I have had enough of them monitoring my cancer that I am sure I will get a secondary one at this point. I do like that they have finally improved that crap you have to drink. OMG that white stuff they used to use was puke awful.
My putrid-pretentious-bandicoot is reported to be 3 lbs (placeholder) and due to arrive in New Hampshire Nov. 2. I will be taking photos of its contents with the Meh Nikon and posting here eventually.
Does anyone still show processing? I wonder if they have all been shipped now? If so, awesome work, @dstabley & staff!! If not, mine has shipped, so still awesome!!
My therapeutic-quick-apricot has a 3# placeholder and got stuffed into a truck out of Texas this morning. It is expected to emerge from its confines in Portland, Oregon on Halloween.
@ciabelle Finally an update! I knew it wasn't due until Saturday, but over 4 days without ever getting scanned was making me a bit tense. Guess there was just a lot of stuff heading my way. Maybe my Fuku fills a semi? Did they really have that many Top Chips sets left over?
@Mehntok Jinx! It got put back onto a truck at 2:30 this morning heading dog knows where... Kent wouldn't be too bad, My luck, they're gonna route it via Flint, MI.
@ciabelle Yay, it's in Portland! "In transit to U.S. Postal Service." Hopefully it will be delivered tomorrow, and not take another bizarre excursion.
I know I probably should have stayed away from the reveal threads, but oddly, I'm not so terribly concerned if I get a Roomba (which I can definitely use) or a GoPro, Harmony remote, or a receiver (to resell.)
I am feeling pretty confident that I'll be receiving a USB hubman, but will it be pink or green? The really important questions are: will I get a Fuku bag? & Will I get any candy, and if so, will it be something good?
Sigh ....mine is still processing and I live here in Texas..guess we get ours last ...."October 21st 2015 12:02am ET STATUS Processing"..Maybe water has washed ours away ( before its shipped as its flooding in our state) :(
Hi @KDemo! Yeah, home repairs have been taking up a lot of time lately. I keep trying to steal away here once in a while, but haven't been able to post much. I've got some catching up to do, I feel so out of the loop here now!
Mine is scheduled for Friday delivery. 3# marker so far. Strange though as the tracking (for Fuku and other things) to Detroit usually goes through IL, WI, then MI. This one has already made a couple stops through TN. I'm wondering why the delivery is different....
@densa West Michigan here, same thing, through TN, I was certain mine got put on the wrong truck, but perhaps a new route for Smartpost. Hopefully quicker.
What I did like about the previous route was WI was very good about updating to the correct size/weight.
@densa Same here with my Fuku going through IL first. Every other other order I've had, stops in New Berlin, WI first, including the lights I just ordered. No stops in TN for this one.
still placeholder weight... expected to arrive on Halloween near Boston, Ma. I will be making my family open this box for me via skype, seeing as i am in korea! please no tricks, only treats!
Here's what's funny: we live in Plano. Mediocre is marked in the upper left (NW) and the FedEx shipping center in the lower right (SE). I mean, geez, @snapster could just drive my fuku over on his lunch break.
Plus my office is where the D is in Dallas. For Irk's sake, the truck probably drove right past me while I was busily slaving away--or, yaknow, composing a meaning forum post like this.
Mine is already at my post office. I just went there to liberate it, but they told me it was in a big pallet they received this morning and has not yet been sorted. So, I will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. Booo!
@Trillian We have good news and bad news for you. The good news is your Fuku is this shrink wrapped skid of merchandise! The bad news is, that it's full of ASOTV Mighty Charger Disposable Battery Chargers.
@barnabee It happens sometimes. What you'll probably see is an update this evening, when it stops for the night. It doesn't always get a Sunday night update.
Mine will be delivered Wednesday, and they still haven't updated the shipping weight/dimensions. Last time, it didn't update until a few days after delivery.
Bluetooth clock radio? As long as nothing is wrong with it, seems like a nice little unit.
2PAC shot glass... well at least I won't be upset if I break it?
Rechargeable bike light set... guess I need to start riding my bike again!
USB hub... not going to hold my breath for this to be anything special, I have a feeling it might not even work given my experiences with similar items, but hey no big deal!
CANDY CANDY CANDY! And I didn't even have to say "Trick or Treat"
@Stormchaser Nice haul! Now, go post it in the REVEAL THREAD too! (Also, you don't need the img tags here, just the image url ending in the file name (jpg, gif, etc.)
@Thumperchick Appreciate the heads up for the new thread...gonna go ahead and refuse to look at that one till mine arrives on Friday. One reveal spoiler is enough!
Update on mine, still showing 3 lbs but actually went to Charlotte instead of Atlanta meaning I'll get my Fuku hopefully Thursday instead of Friday, Wooooooo!
@barnabee certainly odd... Mine has gone through another FedEx depot without getting weighed and measured. Maybe they have hand written labels and no barcodes.
@medz Mine evaporated from TX on Saturday and appeared in Orlando this afternoon, but no update in size/weight. More likely FedEx is just sporadic about updating the database, and I know from experience that the information can be wildly off even when they do update it. With any luck mine should arrive here on Thursday.
Hmm, my package is in my town as of 10:36 AM but is not expected to be delivered until tomorrow end of day?! WTF Postal Service?!?!?????!??! Originally it was not expected until Friday then it was today now tomorrow?!
EDIT: "The package(s) is scheduled for delivery on or before the scheduled delivery displayed. FedEx SmartPost is not a day definite service and not eligible for money-back guarantee." As per FedEx site. I guess they warned me.
Mine has reached that nebulous state where FedEx says it's out of their hands, but the USPS has no tracking information yet. Which means it will probably hit my porch tomorrow. Still 3 pounds, FWIW.
It arrived to a FedEx shipping center 13 miles from my house...
And then...
It DEPARTED that facility to travel to a SmartPost facility (an 8 hour journey no less, vs. the 20 minute journey to my home it would have needed last night...)
To PRESENTLY be in a town that is 96 miles from my home!
Either FedEx never updated my Fuku's weight/dimensions, or Meh is trolling me by sending me an actual 10x10x10 box that weighs exactly 3lbs. It is on its way to USPS now, and has not updated.
@jaremelz - No update. It's okay. sniff I'll be fine. sniff It doesn't take much to see that the problems of one fuku shipping delay doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday I'll understand that.
@KDemo Mine arrived in Troutdale at 2:20. That's taking "Truck Buddies" to a whole new level. (Odds are they were on the same truck, just scanned at different times though.) Hopefully, they'll be on their way home soon, without that detour to Kent, WA as with Mehntok's. Halloween reveal party? .
@ciabelle Oh, revealing the hidden comments, most of you are in/around Seattle anyway so Kent wouldn't be a bad thing.. Anyone else in/around Portland?
As I read the growing reveal/spoilers thread and watch my items ordered since last Wednesday fly out of the warehouse, at what point should my patience with the status being Processing change over to concern for my fuku's well-being?
My 3lb box arrived! First Fukuburo, box was partially opened, inside some candy, walking alarm clock, mp3 video player, plastic car toys,USB hub man, money clip, and a Roomba 790! Holy sheet! No bag. Totally Love it, not MEH
This is progress? Mine still has the default size/weight, but at 3:02 PM on the 27th, it arrived at FedEx destination Orlando. Then at 11:02 PM on the 27th, it departed FedEx destination Orlando. Then at 9:02 PM on the 28th, it arrived at FedEx SmartPost destination Orlando. What did it do, stand up and turn around and sit down again?
@OldCatLady My did something similar, but at least yours isn't going backwards. Mine has a final destination of Eugene, OR. This morning it arrived in the Portland area (Troutdale). Then this evening it arrived in Kent, WA, which is near Seattle.
@KDemo Mine still says Halloween too. I was hoping it would get a day ahead somewhere along the way like it usually does. Doesn't look like it will happen this time. Unfortunately Saturday delivery probably means it will be locked in the office until Monday. I'll just have to keep resisting the spoilers.
@KDemo Mine also made it to Kent. Usually it makes it to me with in a day of being handed over to USPS, so there's a chance it will show up tomorrow. Fedex still says Saturday and no update on size.
Woohoo! My fuku has checked in for the night, and it's already made it to Kent! After this, it's handed off to the post office, but that puts it here once day early. Still that darn placeholder weight.
Another hub sliding robots traffic jam 3 pieces of candy and................. wait for it.................................... ROOMBA!!!!!!! Damn you Meh, now I have to clean up enough for the Roomba to work
In order of most meh to least meh candy (two pieces) USB Hubman Devil Lady vinyl figure Radian 850 USB rechargeable light set Chef Pals Beef thermometer. It's a beef thermometer in the shape of a cow that moos when your meat is cooked. Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker. Single cup or 12 cup carafe. NOT MEH AT ALL.
Got my fuku! Its my first one. Contents were: a tupac shakur shotglass, a mug with a paranoid looking man with the caption: big brother is watching, an electronic spanish/english dictionary manufactured in 2006 (dead, changed batteries with 2x 2032 button cells, works), a pair of schwinn bicycle lights that were in super messed up packaging but they were working, a combo tablet case with mini usb keyboard with peeling pleather, usb 2.0 hub, the bag and candy.
Last time I think they started shipping the next day. Mine is still processing.
@KDemo Still processing here, too. Sigh.
@christinewas @kdemo Me three. Getting nervous about where we fall in the line, if you know what I mean.
@jaremelz I know where you three fall :)

@jaremelz I'm nervous, too!
@kdemo Stop messing with @mfladd. I told you not to play with our dinner, @christinewas just got him seasoned just right.

Mine is also still processing and I'm close enough I could just drive to meh and pick it up haha
@jaremelz - I think ours left Texas this morning. (10/24).
@KDemo Woohoo, truck buddies! (I hope)
@jaremelz yes mine is still showing processing and it's Saturday
@jaremelz -Ours are still plodding toward first base, apparently.
@KDemo Plodding, hell, still in the same damn town it's been on for 2 days!
@jaremelz - They left Hutchins early Saturday, probably on the way to Phoenix, or another AZ resort town for R&R.
Everyone have the same 3 lbs / 1.36 kgs as me?
@ACraigL So they are shipping! They are so fast these days, that's cool!
@KDemo Well labels created. Not the same as shipped, not by a mile.
@ACraigL Yup. 3 pound placeholder for my ass.
@ACraigL -Well, you can see progress, there's that. :)
@KDemo There's that. Here's this:

@medz Haha. I don't know what to say about that. um Snarkour?
@ACraigL affirmative
@ACraigL 3lbs and 10x10x10 are the placeholders. They update along the way once they're shipped.

@ACraigL Yup.
@ACraigL Just got the tracking number. Ditto.
@medz That last one, with Morpheus: perfect.
Still processing... I guess I can blame @Jaremelz for it not being shipped yet...
@jaremelz Weakest Goat answer yet...
@sohmageek. Maybe it's because you don't warrant better? Perhaps it's time for personal reflection.

@jaremelz I feel the love now... it's warm!
You know what shipped fast (well from order to fedex tracking at least)... those string lights.
@thismyusername yeah it did...
I wish they wouod ship east coasters first and like wait a day or two so we all get them at same time. I cant not look at what other people got but wish i had the surprise after i get mine lol
@catman25 - Seems like we are always last in Washington. I guess we're both on the outside of the radius around meh hq.
@KDemo I second this
East coaster here who learned my lesson from my oversell buy on fuku 5 - staying away from the threads until my goodies arrive!
Best of luck to all.
@bdp - Bye till then then.
Mine is still processing too---
Still processing, the title got me all excited...
Shipped 3lb placeholder
Mine is not even saying it is processing ...Oh yeah, I didn't get one. FUCK!
(Congrats to everyone else though)

@mfladd ,waiting for his fuku.

It'll come some day, pal. You'll get one.
ORDER # glad-observant-sock
DATE October 21st 2015 12:02am ET
STATUS Processing
Mine is moving!! Should be here by Thursday!
@MrsPavlov has tracking and estimated delivery of Thursday . . . it'll probably be here sooner. No update on weight / size, still placeholder.
Mine is shipping. Expected arrival date is next Friday.
Ajar-peppy-drain shipped today. 3 lbs due to arrive Halloween (smart post to Maryland...) Only my 2nd fuku as I'm now 2 for 6. Stoked!
Shipped! Estimated delivery is next Thursday. Still placeholder weight.
My estimated delivery date was moved up to Wednesday yay!
@stardate820926 - Yikes, maybe you'll be first! First reveal is a great responsibility.
2015-10-23 15:25 CDT at FedEx, Hutchins, TX
3 lbs
@joelmw @stardate820926 - See? There are benefits to living in Texas!
Shipped! 3 lbs placeholder...
Delivery estimate of my first fuku is 10/30/2015 end of day. I am a west-coaster. 3lb place holder.
Delivery estimate for mine is Wednesday. My house is 15 miles from Meh HQ...they must be walking it over...
@tightwad Delivery date is now Tuesday, they picked up the pace a bit
Mine shipped, still placeholder dimensions, estimated delivery on Halloween. Hopefully it is full of both tricks & treats, not just tricks.
Mine shipped today- ETA is 10/31, which is not good for the business address I used.
Shipped, also 3lbs and expected on Friday.
Yup mine to get here on the 30th. 3 lbs like everyone else...
@jayplus707 Same same.
3lb placeholder, due in upstate NY Mon 11/2.
@Thumperchick upstate ny? Im close to cuse hows bout?
@Thumperchick you... I forgot that word prior
@catman25 we're closer to Albany.
SHIPPED PogChamp Kappa
Label created, 3# placeholder due here - uh- Halloween. Uh-oh.
My factual-awesome-rhinoceros is due to arrive in Iowa on Friday. It better be fucking awesome after all the flack I've been getting from @hollboll and @MEHcus. Knowing them though, they've made it...
1. Extra shitty
I'm leaning toward 2.
@studerc - haha. Maybe @JonT will deliver it in person for the biggest surprise.
@KDemo in true form i can only imagine that @JonT would call to set up the meeting and then just keep coming up with excuses to postpone it.
@studerc Ummm...time for my eye check-up. I swear I see two #1's.
@clarinetbob yea...fucking phone. I like to imagine that one just adds them together to get option 2. A combination of both if you will.
Shipped today, due date is November 2nd to Connecticut. Placeholder weight still.
Shipped and due on Halloween! Still at the placeholder weight.
I know I'm a creepy girl, but please let it be more treats than tricks!
First successful Fuku here. Due on Wednesday. Down in H-town. Must want to have a drunken night in Vegas first.
@johnvoliva lucky..I am in Texas close to Htown and mine is still processing :(
Another Halloween delivery for relished-rhetorical-mask here in the colony of the District of Columbia. Placeholder info remains.
Today was something of a weirdass day for me; I was scheduled for a CT scan & showed up at the appropriate time. The tech, who pretty much did no explaining of anything, set me up & shoved me into the machine. But the machine did not want to play nice. Four times I got shoved in & held my breath when told to, released it when told to...but the machine decided not to work. I know this is an embarrassingly First World problem, but it's not fun to enter the machine, go through my part of the exercise, and then get nothing out of it and have to reschedule the whole f'ing procedure again. So I figure maybe I will focus on obsessing about my fuku instead of my body & the CT scan that wasn't. Fuko comin', like Omar comin'. Fuko comin'.
@gertiestn Wow, that's certainly a pain! I've done them quite a few times, and they are trying enough without technical problems. Focus on fuku. ...fuku is your friend.
@gertiestn Well that sucks. I have had enough of them monitoring my cancer that I am sure I will get a secondary one at this point. I do like that they have finally improved that crap you have to drink. OMG that white stuff they used to use was puke awful.
My putrid-pretentious-bandicoot is reported to be 3 lbs (placeholder) and due to arrive in New Hampshire Nov. 2. I will be taking photos of its contents with the Meh Nikon and posting here eventually.
Does anyone still show processing? I wonder if they have all been shipped now? If so, awesome work, @dstabley & staff!!

If not, mine has shipped, so still awesome!!
@KDemo Mine is still processing.
@djslack :(
@KDemo Could be smiley face. I trust the fuku gods!
@djslack - True, Sometimes the "special stuff" ships last.
@KDemo has anyone heard from @dstanley recently?
@sohmageek - Oh, thanks, I got it wrong, I guess. He doesn't usually frequent the forums, I think.
Also the 3#s, arriving 10/30. So can pass out the three pounds of knives and snap cables to the trick-or-treaters.
@mcanavino "And a speaker dock for Batman, and a speaker dock for Elsa.."
Placeholder weight still. est delivery on the 30th which happens to be my birthday so it better be good.
@Crud Happy happy!
@Crud - Hope it's not Crud ;-)
Mine has left Texas. Travel safe, Little Fukubukuro, don't let them kick you around.
My therapeutic-quick-apricot has a 3# placeholder and got stuffed into a truck out of Texas this morning. It is expected to emerge from its confines in Portland, Oregon on Halloween.
@ciabelle Finally an update! I knew it wasn't due until Saturday, but over 4 days without ever getting scanned was making me a bit tense.

Guess there was just a lot of stuff heading my way. Maybe my Fuku fills a semi? Did they really have that many Top Chips sets left over?
@ciabelle if yours is anything like it mine it's going to go up to Kent, WA before it comes back to Oregon :)
@Mehntok Jinx! It got put back onto a truck at 2:30 this morning heading dog knows where... Kent wouldn't be too bad, My luck, they're gonna route it via Flint, MI.
@ciabelle Now we're truck buddies, I think.
@Mehntok It is now sitting in Kent, WA.
@ciabelle Mine made it to Eugene. Should be arriving tomorrow.
@ciabelle Yay, it's in Portland! "In transit to U.S. Postal Service." Hopefully it will be delivered tomorrow, and not take another bizarre excursion.
I know I probably should have stayed away from the reveal threads, but oddly, I'm not so terribly concerned if I get a Roomba (which I can definitely use) or a GoPro, Harmony remote, or a receiver (to resell.)
I am feeling pretty confident that I'll be receiving a USB hubman, but will it be pink or green? The really important questions are: will I get a Fuku bag? & Will I get any candy, and if so, will it be something good?
@ciabelle Posted mine, it came a day early..Good luck!
@KDemo Thanks! Mine arrived as scheduled, and is now posted in the reveal thread!
Sigh ....mine is still processing and I live here in Texas..guess we get ours last ...."October 21st 2015 12:02am ET STATUS Processing"..Maybe water has washed ours away ( before its shipped as its flooding in our state) :(
Just saw that mine has shipped! Placeholder dimensions, due for delivery on Wednesday
Hey, @Kleineleh - Long time!
Hi @KDemo! Yeah, home repairs have been taking up a lot of time lately. I keep trying to steal away here once in a while, but haven't been able to post much. I've got some catching up to do, I feel so out of the loop here now!
Mine is not scheduled to be delivered until Halloween, but it is already in California. It has about 100 more miles to travel.
@conandlibrarian Same thing happened to mine. On Friday it was in California (as am I) not due till 10/30
Mine is scheduled for Friday delivery. 3# marker so far. Strange though as the tracking (for Fuku and other things) to Detroit usually goes through IL, WI, then MI. This one has already made a couple stops through TN. I'm wondering why the delivery is different....
@densa - Maybe it's gone rogue?
@densa Lansing here and mine went thru TN too.
Good luck Mi MEHer
@densa West Michigan here, same thing, through TN, I was certain mine got put on the wrong truck, but perhaps a new route for Smartpost. Hopefully quicker.
What I did like about the previous route was WI was very good about updating to the correct size/weight.
@densa Same here with my Fuku going through IL first. Every other other order I've had, stops in New Berlin, WI first, including the lights I just ordered. No stops in TN for this one.
still placeholder weight... expected to arrive on Halloween near Boston, Ma. I will be making my family open this box for me via skype, seeing as i am in korea! please no tricks, only treats!
Still placeholder weight, slated for Friday delivery. But its already here in phoenix. Maybe an early delivery!
My ETA is now end of day Tuesday!
Here's what's funny: we live in Plano. Mediocre is marked in the upper left (NW) and the FedEx shipping center in the lower right (SE). I mean, geez, @snapster could just drive my fuku over on his lunch break.
Plus my office is where the D is in Dallas. For Irk's sake, the truck probably drove right past me while I was busily slaving away--or, yaknow, composing a meaning forum post like this.
Just to be clear, mine is delivered.
@joelmw I guess you get to start the Reveal thread! (Oh, looks like @tightwad beat you to it, though...)
@joelmw Holy smokes! Are you first again??
What'd ya get What'd ya get?
@KDemo Alas, I am here, at work. And my fuku is home without me.
@joelmw - Way to build up the suspense. We'll be waiting patiently.

@Thumperchick @joelmw I am not saying I left work for this but I do normally get off between 5 and 6....

Mine is already at my post office. I just went there to liberate it, but they told me it was in a big pallet they received this morning and has not yet been sorted. So, I will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. Booo!
@Trillian Hey, maybe your Fuku IS the big pallet....
@Trillian We have good news and bad news for you. The good news is your Fuku is this shrink wrapped skid of merchandise! The bad news is, that it's full of ASOTV Mighty Charger Disposable Battery Chargers.
@ciabelle Whew, I was afraid it was going to be a gross of Mastrad potato chip makers.
Anybody got an updated shipping weight?
@barnabee nope
@barnabee I don't even have any Monday updates to my shipping progress.
@christinewas same here. I'm hoping that tonight will find it has magically jumped to AZ, but I suspect it'll still be peddling around TX.
@christinewas @jaremelz Mine is still showing that it left Hutchins TX on Saturday. Usually, by now, there is an update. Weird.
@barnabee It happens sometimes. What you'll probably see is an update this evening, when it stops for the night. It doesn't always get a Sunday night update.
Mine will be delivered Wednesday, and they still haven't updated the shipping weight/dimensions. Last time, it didn't update until a few days after delivery.
@capguncowboy Mine still says "Departed Hutchins TX". This was early on Saturday, nothing new since.
Mine is heeeeeeere!

Not a bad haul for 5 bucks!
Bluetooth clock radio? As long as nothing is wrong with it, seems like a nice little unit.

2PAC shot glass... well at least I won't be upset if I break it?

Rechargeable bike light set... guess I need to start riding my bike again!

USB hub... not going to hold my breath for this to be anything special, I have a feeling it might not even work given my experiences with similar items, but hey no big deal!

CANDY CANDY CANDY! And I didn't even have to say "Trick or Treat"

Hey, emergency roadside kit! Feels pretty hefty too!

Wait what? A genuine Nissan part? Interesting...

Looks pretty decent! Didn't look at the flashlight but I suspect it's not LED or anything like that, so I'll have to augment the kit a bit.

Here's the interesting part: how did Meh know I drive a Nissan??? ARE YOU STALKING ME MEH?!? WILL AN IRK BE HIDING IN THE SHADOWS THIS HALLOWEEN??
Edit: Full high-res gallery HERE for those interested
@Stormchaser Nice haul! Now, go post it in the REVEAL THREAD too!
(Also, you don't need the img tags here, just the image url ending in the file name (jpg, gif, etc.)
@Thumperchick gah ok sorry! Threads for buying, threads for shipping, threads for receiving, SO MANY THREADS!!!
@Stormchaser when we try to put it all on one place, the thread gets colossal. It's insane. In this one instance - 3 threads IS better than one.
First Fukus have landed! Remember to post your haul in the REVEAL THREAD - and we want pictures! (Or video!)
@Thumperchick Appreciate the heads up for the new thread...gonna go ahead and refuse to look at that one till mine arrives on Friday. One reveal spoiler is enough!
Update on mine, still showing 3 lbs but actually went to Charlotte instead of Atlanta meaning I'll get my Fuku hopefully Thursday instead of Friday, Wooooooo!
@stryper2000 Hey, that's where mine went! Twins!
My Fuku finally find its way out of the state of Texas, but there was no weight update. This is the first time that one of mine has not updated.
Anyone have an updated weight? Gee, watching the postings of the different weights has been half the fun in the past.
@barnabee certainly odd... Mine has gone through another FedEx depot without getting weighed and measured. Maybe they have hand written labels and no barcodes.
@medz Mine evaporated from TX on Saturday and appeared in Orlando this afternoon, but no update in size/weight. More likely FedEx is just sporadic about updating the database, and I know from experience that the information can be wildly off even when they do update it. With any luck mine should arrive here on Thursday.
Still showing 3 lbs, but it's now in my home state! FUKU YEAH!
Woohoo! My fuku trimmed a day off of it's journey. It's now due to arrive Thursday. (Still 3lb)
Hmm, my package is in my town as of 10:36 AM but is not expected to be delivered until tomorrow end of day?! WTF Postal Service?!?!?????!??! Originally it was not expected until Friday then it was today now tomorrow?!
EDIT: "The package(s) is scheduled for delivery on or before the scheduled delivery displayed. FedEx SmartPost is not a day definite service and not eligible for money-back guarantee." As per FedEx site. I guess they warned me.
Barcode label unreadable and replaced....
Oh No! OK, Wait, it's fixed.
In Ellenwood, GA
Still 3#'s
Due Saturday
Mine has reached that nebulous state where FedEx says it's out of their hands, but the USPS has no tracking information yet. Which means it will probably hit my porch tomorrow.
Still 3 pounds, FWIW.
3.7 lbs, 14x11x10. And a day sooner!
3lbs in a box that's 36x16x14 I can't imagine what could be that big but that light...maybe it's just full of Texas air????
Been in my town since 10:36 AM. Still no sign of delivery.... well fak.

My fuku just did something super meh.
It arrived to a FedEx shipping center 13 miles from my house...
And then...
It DEPARTED that facility to travel to a SmartPost facility (an 8 hour journey no less, vs. the 20 minute journey to my home it would have needed last night...)
To PRESENTLY be in a town that is 96 miles from my home!
How very MEH indeed!
@bdp Gotta love SmartPost.
Either FedEx never updated my Fuku's weight/dimensions, or Meh is trolling me by sending me an actual 10x10x10 box that weighs exactly 3lbs. It is on its way to USPS now, and has not updated.
@kyanostiger I haven't seen a size update either.
@Thumperchick I'm kind of hoping for the second option, honestly!
@kyanostiger it's going to be 3 pounds sterling in a 10x10x10 sq ft. box.
@kdemo Mine left Troutdale! Where is yours at?
@jaremelz Hey mine too, truck buddies!
@jaremelz You must have gotten the express camel! Yay for you! :-( for me.
Is yours still 3 lbs?
@osubrit - Western WA, then? Congrats!
@KDemo Oh no, have you just not updated yet, or are you somewhere else? I'm still at 3lbs.
@KDemo Yep yep Seattle, ETA is Monday and the weight is still 3 lbs for me.
@osubrit the @kdemo and I aren't too far from you. I'm still showing Saturday.
@jaremelz - No update. It's okay. sniff I'll be fine. sniff
It doesn't take much to see that the problems of one fuku shipping delay doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday I'll understand that.
@KDemo I still have hope that we are truck buddies!
@KDemo Mine has no update either, looks like we're still truck buddies and @jaremelz has left us behind. :(
Finally to Troutdale!
@jaremelz @metaphore @osubrit @carl669
Truck buddies!!!
10/28/2015 - Wednesday
2:32 pm Arrived at FedEx location TROUTDALE, OR
No weight update. Have any left Troutdale yet?
@KDemo mine hasn't left troutdale yet. still scheduled for the 31st though.
@KDemo mine left at 9.03am
@KDemo @carl669 , mine departed Troutdale with @osubrit at 9:03.
They broke up Team Awesome :(
@jaremelz - Yes, but now there are two Team Awesomes!
@KDemo I like the way you think.
@KDemo Mine arrived in Troutdale at 2:20. That's taking "Truck Buddies" to a whole new level. (Odds are they were on the same truck, just scanned at different times though.) Hopefully, they'll be on their way home soon, without that detour to Kent, WA as with Mehntok's. Halloween reveal party? .
@ciabelle Oh, revealing the hidden comments, most of you are in/around Seattle anyway so Kent wouldn't be a bad thing.. Anyone else in/around Portland?
As I read the growing reveal/spoilers thread and watch my items ordered since last Wednesday fly out of the warehouse, at what point should my patience with the status being Processing change over to concern for my fuku's well-being?
@djslack - Pallets of chipmakers take longer to chip. Also to ship.
@KDemo lol. I'm hoping the pallet also includes extra microwaves if that's the case.
I've decided not to ask support unless my bubba mugs ship and the status still hasn't moved, because I am trying to contain myself.
@djslack Don't hold it in, let it all out.

Yay, it shipped! Must have finished getting that pallet of chipmakers all wrapped up nice and pretty.
@akumax post in reveal thread https://meh.com/forum/topics/fuku6-reveal-thread
My 3lb box arrived! First Fukuburo, box was partially opened, inside some candy, walking alarm clock, mp3 video player, plastic car toys,USB hub man, money clip, and a Roomba 790! Holy sheet! No bag. Totally Love it, not MEH
@bradkeskey post in reveal thread https://meh.com/forum/topics/fuku6-reveal-thread
Now all of you roomba getters are making me antsy...
@Thumperchick damn spoilers sneaking into the shipping thread...roombas?! Not even worried, wont get one anyway. No point in allowing hopes to rise.
If the package has not updated weight or size by the day prior to arrival is that typically a bad sign?
@bdp For some reason or another, it doesn't look like any of them are updating.
This is progress? Mine still has the default size/weight, but at 3:02 PM on the 27th, it arrived at FedEx destination Orlando. Then at 11:02 PM on the 27th, it departed FedEx destination Orlando. Then at 9:02 PM on the 28th, it arrived at FedEx SmartPost destination Orlando. What did it do, stand up and turn around and sit down again?
@OldCatLady My did something similar, but at least yours isn't going backwards. Mine has a final destination of Eugene, OR. This morning it arrived in the Portland area (Troutdale). Then this evening it arrived in Kent, WA, which is near Seattle.
@Mehntok Perhaps yours and the one belonging to @kdemo switched places. She and I were separated in Troutdale and now I've gotten to Kent.
@jaremelz I just hope they give mine a warm blanket and pillow in Troutdale tonight.
@KDemo It feels wrong to have moved on without you.
@jaremelz - Mine still says Halloween delivery. It could happen.
@KDemo Mine still says Halloween too. I was hoping it would get a day ahead somewhere along the way like it usually does. Doesn't look like it will happen this time. Unfortunately Saturday delivery probably means it will be locked in the office until Monday. I'll just have to keep resisting the spoilers.
@metaphore -So, mine's in Kent as of 6:30. It will likely leave around 2:00 am and get to local P.O in time for delivery tomorrow. You?
(Still says Saturday, still 3 lbs.)
@KDemo Mine also made it to Kent. Usually it makes it to me with in a day of being handed over to USPS, so there's a chance it will show up tomorrow. Fedex still says Saturday and no update on size.
Woohoo! My fuku has checked in for the night, and it's already made it to Kent! After this, it's handed off to the post office, but that puts it here once day early.
Still that darn placeholder weight.
@jaremelz That's your fault!
Another hub
sliding robots
traffic jam
3 pieces of candy
wait for it....................................
Damn you Meh, now I have to clean up enough for the Roomba to work
In order of most meh to least meh
candy (two pieces)
USB Hubman
Devil Lady vinyl figure
Radian 850 USB rechargeable light set
Chef Pals Beef thermometer. It's a beef thermometer in the shape of a cow that moos when your meat is cooked.
Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker. Single cup or 12 cup carafe.
Got my fuku! Its my first one. Contents were: a tupac shakur shotglass, a mug with a paranoid looking man with the caption: big brother is watching, an electronic spanish/english dictionary manufactured in 2006 (dead, changed batteries with 2x 2032 button cells, works), a pair of schwinn bicycle lights that were in super messed up packaging but they were working, a combo tablet case with mini usb keyboard with peeling pleather, usb 2.0 hub, the bag and candy.
pretty nice haul by us:

I got mine friday! not sure what the note means?
@clonetek you could tag @ChadP and ask him what it means.
@Thumperchick I did in the other thread, don't want to keep bugging the guy if its nothing. :)
@clonetek pfft. Annoy away, though he probably won't answer until Monday.
@Thumperchick surprise.

@clonetek it makes more sense if you read it as "Gold Marker! The love of the forum. 2nd Fuku Box. It is all yours."
Did you get the gold marker?
Either way, welcome to the Fuku #6.2 club!
@clonetek - Something like a Willie Wonka Golden Ticket?
@djslack I tried the "don't dead open inside" reading order and was confused. :D (looked again, no gold markers)
@KDemo as long as I dont end up in a glass elevator at the end.. me and heights dont get along. >.<