meh went to shit long before that.'s really your fault for ever joining in the first place.
note: how about some actual information about what your problem is? have you emailed support? sacrificed a goat? (not @jaremelz though... she has an inside track to dumdums apparently)
There's something wrong with your character if opportunity dictates your loyalty (of, BTW, less than a week). Goes to prove how often many enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
@darksaber99999 That's what I was thinking. I figured since last Saturday everything has been better than the dog toys..well maybe except for the mighty chargers.
@ekmaster23 What went to shit in only a week? How would you even know if it went to shit, or was just always shit? (Also, you did join a site called Meh, owned by A Mediocre Corporation :) ).
I don't think you get to use the words "ever since" when you're only talking about a week, unless you're under the age of 5. I'll even allow you to use it if you're 6. 7? Your pushing your luck.
Come on now, out with it. What are you so butthurt over anyway?
Sorry, I brought some monkeys by your place and they must have flung poop at your screen. Just hit it with some Grime Boss wipes if you have some, and the site will be restored to normal levels of shittiness.
@joelmw I'm leaning on the clearly absurd claim of having only been here a week making him a "loyal customer" and the classic troll move of saying something inflammatory and then sitting back in silence enjoying the chaos while giving no follow-up.
meh went to shit long before that.'s really your fault for ever joining in the first place.
note: how about some actual information about what your problem is? have you emailed support? sacrificed a goat? (not @jaremelz though... she has an inside track to dumdums apparently)
@carl669 Hey dumdum, you want dumdum?

And it's nice to know my only saving grace is a 1.99 bag of suckers!
@jaremelz well, you did take your kid to a Weird Al concert. that's a point in your favor as well.

I know, right? The quality in the last 7 days is just... falling to mediocre levels.
Are you saying this has been a weak week @ekmaster?
There's something wrong with your character if opportunity dictates your loyalty (of, BTW, less than a week). Goes to prove how often many enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
@Pavlov thinking about this makes me uncomfortable.
But they let you say "shit". That's worth something, right?
@sammydog01 fuck yeah it is!
Things went downhill after the... dog toy bundle?
@darksaber99999 That's what I was thinking.
I figured since last Saturday everything has been better than the dog toys..well maybe except for the mighty chargers.
@MrMark unless you are a dog, of course. Maybe he wanted dog toys everyday. Are you a dog @ekmaster23 ?
I have no idea if it is sarcasm either; however, I was just too tickled by this gif to not share it.
@MrMark - I guessed sarcasm. How could it not?
(I've gotten this wrong before).
@KDemo Maybe just trying to be one of the crowd. We've said weirder stuff.
I think he nailed it.
Amazing how many folks jumped on him.
It's the Internet. Isn't sarcasm the default assumption?
@saodell I though the response was odd- why all the hate? If he was trying to be friends he may be gone for good. Come back @ekmaster23.
It sort of feels like you want this to be your fault.
Fuck you, you narcissistic masochist; it's not.
And we like it here.
Now go away, you bother me.
@joelmw You know it can't be his fault it has to be @jaremelz so why even bother letting him think it could be

@jaremelz There is no line for goats. Buck up and take the blame like a good scapegoat.
@ceagee On the contrary, I come from a long line of goats.

@ekmaster23 What went to shit in only a week? How would you even know if it went to shit, or was just always shit?
(Also, you did join a site called Meh, owned by A Mediocre Corporation :) ).
I don't care.
@Barney I love purple :)
@dashcloud Aww, I love purple, too.
"...and ever since then..."
I don't think you get to use the words "ever since" when you're only talking about a week, unless you're under the age of 5. I'll even allow you to use it if you're 6. 7? Your pushing your luck.
Come on now, out with it. What are you so butthurt over anyway?
you only joined about a week ago?
@Lotsofgoats yes. this.
I think that I will give you a star, that should surely turn around your opinion of this site... there done.
Did you try clicking the (meh) button? Did that do the trick?
Can you tell me what you're seeing on your screen now?
Sorry, I brought some monkeys by your place and they must have flung poop at your screen. Just hit it with some Grime Boss wipes if you have some, and the site will be restored to normal levels of shittiness.
Wait, are you claiming responsibility? That's a strange superpower you have there buddy.
No, that's just the dark theme. You got access to it when you signed up for VMP.
maybe ekmaster 23 really is only 23? When a whole week really does feel like a long, long time.

Guys guys guys, I'm pretty sure this is a joke; lay off the torches and pitchforks.
That said, do we have a late dark horse candidate for next month's scapegoat?
@jqubed Agreed, he just successfully trolled everyone in here.
@PWiddy @jqubed This is 'Murica. How the fuck can anyone tell who's serious and who's a troll and who's a troll but takes himself seriously?
@joelmw I'm leaning on the clearly absurd claim of having only been here a week making him a "loyal customer" and the classic troll move of saying something inflammatory and then sitting back in silence enjoying the chaos while giving no follow-up.
@jqubed Yeah, I was just exploiting the opportunity to post my comment.
Every time I see some sucky thing meh is selling I remind myself I came here because I missed the old, so this is what I wanted.
"You dropped a bomb on me"
And ran.