So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye <3
79My fellow Mehricans,
Today will be my last day at Mediocre Labs. I’ve had an awesome, incredibly fun time working here. I'll miss seeing my coworkers everyday. I'll miss not knowing what kind of crazy nonsense I'll encounter on any given day or what fun, creative project I'll get to work on next. And of course I’ll miss this crazy family we call our community.
This was the most fun job I've ever had and all of you were a huge part of that. I’m so incredibly proud of the community that we’ve built together. I’m beyond happy that our forums are a place where people feel comfortable sharing the announcement of their babies, weddings, and everything good and bad in between. You’re a smart, thoughtful, caring, kind, snarky, funny, creative, supportive, helpful, amazing group of weirdos and I love you all. It was truly a pleasure to be a part of the community and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I’ll still be around and posting, so feel free to @ tag me! I’m still going to need vacuums, knives, mugs, and speaker docks so this won’t be the last you see of me.
So why am I leaving? I'm moving on to an extremely boring and generic-sounding company that turns out is really cool to work for. I'll be their Social Media Community Manager and I'll be working from the ground up to build a community for customers they’ve never really connected with before. It's going to be challenging and exciting, but certainly not more fun.
I know I’m leaving the community in great hands, between @dave, @hollboll, @MEHcus, @galmaegi and all of our forum regulars I know you’ll continue to be the amazing community you are.
Thank you all for everything you've done for me during my time here, I had an absolutely blast!
“Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again.”
P.S. We’ll finally be doing our Saison Battle taste test Periscope later today and we’ll also consider a farewell toast, so join us and raise a glass!
- 76 comments, 85 replies
- Comment
hey congrats mannn
also I nominate you for goat now
@Lotsofgoats that's hilarious. maybe give him a month to settle in to his new job first.
@katylava Settle in? No, he is front runner for goat now.
@Lotsofgoats I have to agree. If today is his last day, he'll be a valid candidate when October rolls around.
please everybody, make your votes heard:
save the jaramelz! ಥ_ಥ
@MEHcus this.
@Lotsofgoats GIVE HIM THE GOAT
@jont, you've been incredibly important in building up this awesome community full of super-friendly people. I really appreciate all the work you've put in to Mediocre and Meh, and I, and everyone else around here, will miss your presence online and off.
It sounds like you've got a great opportunity and challenge at your new place. Maybe in a year people won't be saying it's an extremely boring and generic sounding company any more.
Thanks, @jont, for helping to make the Meh forums a fun place to hang out. And good luck!
(As @jont said, @mehcus and @hollboll and @galmaegi (and @moose!) will be helping out in the coming weeks. We might even get some of these prizes shipped out! (But maybe we won't, just for old times sake.))
Very classy, @dave, very classy. Wish I had a boss like you.
speaking of which... my wife STILL hasn't received her monkey prize from Woot photoshop contest #34 (back in '05). She's probably long forgotten about it by now, but I shall NEVER FORGET!
Good luck @JonT! Thank you for helping to make this a wonderful, unique and inclusive community. We will miss you!
Wow. @JonT this is almost as stunning as when you left our Clash Of Clans clan.
Back to seriousness though... I'm stunned to hear that you are leaving. You will be missed! Thank you for all you've done and best of luck on your new venture. They're lucky to have you, unless they want to stay boring and generic!
You know, @JonT, that really does make it sound like you're going down the hall to start a forum for some other secret project @snapster's starting. But whether it's that easy or we're going to have to stalk you, good luck. You've made this a great place to hang out, and I can't wait to vote for your goathood.
:-( You will be greatly missed. Good luck in your next venture.
@medz beat me to it. I like your style.
@JonT, Good luck in this next chapter. I hope you can make it even half as fun as it is here. Please, though, don't do contests unless you can delegate. Sending prizes isn't one of your strengths. :p Be well and see you around the interwebz!
WAIT WHAT?! @JonT, my man, I'm gonna miss the shit outta you. So glad we were able to interact, even if it was for a short period of time. I wish you the best of luck.
Before you go though, where are my fucking prizes? I mean, like seriously. Is someone taking over this? @hollboll maybe @MEHcus...
Bye buddy.
@studerc Yes, everyone will be getting prizes from now on. Everyone but you that is.
@studerc this is my favorite part, that you still never got prizes from him ಡ⌣ಡ
@MEHcus Damn it! Can i bribe you to send mine?
@studerc No
@MEHcus Does this include @Samorak? I keep telling him @JonT must be really busy and will get around to it...Has it all been a dream of watertubes?
@MEHcus can i have his prize?
@MEHcus well ok then...**proceeds to cry in the corner.
@jaybird is @samorak at ghost account for @studerc?
@Kevin Heck no, I'm taking it
@MEHcus um, no. he's an actual non-@studerc person. he was even featured in my last fuku unbox video. where is that thing...
@MEHcus hey now. That was mine... also for the record, no ghost accounts.
@MEHcus most definitely not a ghost account. I lurk on Meh a lot, buy a little...don't have much to say most of the time.
Why tease us with all the Periscoping? In my mind, you're the hairy face of meh. But now? What? What do I do now?!

Don't go.
@marcee I just watched that episode.
…well, dang! Good luck at the new gig!
@JonT good luck in your new endeavor!
dammit @sohmageek! why'd you let @JonT find another job?? we'll miss you @JonT!
this thread topic seem a bit familiar though.
and finally, because no parting would be complete without it:
@carl669 thank you for pinging me. I will now have to post something.
@carl669 This will forever be the legacy of @sohmageek - being the goat that ran off @JonT.
@carl669 fuck yeah buddy.
@Thumperchick @somahgeek @jont
Not a good goat legacy.... :(
Bye @JonT! At least you were here long enough to see Pagination in your forums. Thanks for everything you did here, and more for the things you didn't do. Good luck on your next venture! I bet they won't let you say Fuck or Shit or Fucking Shit That's a Fuckload of Shit!
@DaveInSoCal Shit, that's probably true. Fuckin' A, man.
Dang, wish you the best of luck in your new gig. Godspeed.
Good luck with the new gig! Just remember, we can't ever be replaced. We're fucking priceless.
So, you were paid to be our friend?
@Kevin in a way…but I'm still your friend now even though I'm not being paid anymore!
@Kevin in a way…but I'm still your friend now even though I'm not being paid anymore!
@JonT @Kevin Awww, so nice, he said it twice.
@JonT and we didn't even have to rock, paper, scissors you for it!
@JonT But now you can bitch about the (greatly improved) shipping!
Later, dude. Best of luck.
"and he was never heard from again."
Are you leaving because of the speaker docks?
Or is this a lie like the last of the speaker docks...
So many questions, not enough answers.
Most likely just @sohmageek 's fault.
@darkzrobe Instead of a 2 year contract, he agreed to stay on only until the docks were gone. Sorta like when grant funding runs out.
@medz Most Meh contract ever.
@JonT Nope. I am not dealing with this now. But I wish you the very best, and thanks for being the very best. Congrats on the new job. Now I again return to not dealing with this.

@JonT I hope every time you put on that awesome Chargers hat you will remember me at least semi-fondly, even if I am a Pat's fan.
Chargers Rule! (do you know how hard that was for me to say?). Ok, going back to not dealing with you leaving.
something happened to the picture....damn meh. See what happens when you leave!

@mfladd This is why he should be goat.
@jaremelz you sly fox.

@JonT what the bloody fucking hell man! I mean first you leave these fools (@mehcus & @moose) in charge of the forums, while you go on a "Vacation" now you up and quit? Who else will I have to send good beers to and watch on video? The place will be a whole lot more productive (insert @chad's forum update link here I'm on mobile and need to figure it out.) but won't be the same without you. We are going to miss you. Note. Where do we send more inappropriate wedding gifts. I'm sure a 50 gallon tub of warming cinnamon lube or a 10 gallon tub of "butt butter" would be a great way to break in a new job!
@sohmageek wrong chad. I'm just like, a guy.
@sohmageek you were looking for @ChadP
@sohmageek Send me beers (good or otherwise), and wedding gifts are accepted too. Thanks in advance.
@Thumperchick yes. Damnit
@Thumperchick No... @shawn. Fuck I'm bad... I blame it on lack of sleep this week... :( and trying to put up a baby gate whilest listening to the goodbye periscope (didn't work) Whilest ordering chineese (I really hope I didn't swear too much... Whilest watching my son, and trying to post. Post is here I think I'm just the Douchebag that can't get things straight in his head tonight long enough to make sense... Either way... WTG on the new job... oh and I think everyone except @moose needs a raise now... @moose spoke up and wanted the lube instead.... I'll raise a glass at sending @moose the lube. (seriously it may be funny but Please don't send @moose lube unless he requests it...)
@snapster I'm serious about everyone needing a raise... and no jokes about their raise is not having to deal with @JonT. ;)
@Moose Do you need us to pick out a bride for you too ?
@ceagee Hell no, I have the most wonderful and beautiful wife in the world. Been married six months almost to the day.
@Moose Well you could always move to Utah and get another one. Then you'd get presents. Oh wait. You already know what kind we send LOL Guess your wife will be safe as your only one.
No, that doesn't sound creepy at all.
@jqubed sometimes it's just like that ;) goat's honor!
Best wishes to you, @JonT, and thanks for all the fish!
So, @JonT, are you staying in Texas? Hope they know how lucky they are to get you.
@KDemo I am staying in Texas, the new job is probably 25ish minutes from Mediocre and my house is about the same distance.
I'll be around.
@JonT So, it will be a stretch to have lunch with the cool kids.
@JonT May our digital paths cross again.... 'cause it might be too akward IRL to breaklfast octopi with you--unless there is beer then it is okay.
edit: tbh though, I am rather sad from this news. happy that you are on to other challenges in life... but still sad.
edit #2:
why are you doing this to me. my heart is not your personal trampoline.
You're missed already! Thanks for everything @jont
I gave the most hearts on the 'scope. I care the most.
@medz this is true, I saw over 1,000 hearts from you!
@medz suckup
@medz And it worked! He's never ever going to delete any of your posts again!
It's been a long day and now this. I need a drink, @jonT hope your buying
The lengths some people will go to get out of a little work.
Good luck in your future endeavors! :)
Goodbye @jont and good luck on your next adventure
Shit, they found the body of the real JonT. Have to make up a cover story about moving to some other company. No time to finish cheeseburger. Shit, shit, shit.
@Starblind hey now, we deal with shadowy doppelgangers the same way any other OSHA-certified company does. Frankly, I'm insulted you'd insinuate otherwise.
Good luck in your new ventures personal and business.
I'll always remember you as the guy that dumped 200 pair of trp glasses at my front door. Godspeed and good luck.
So much sadness. The only way I think you could alleviate this pain is to put on a quick production of that Sound of Music song.
There seems no better way to say it than to say it in gifs...

Ummm, @lau does know and approve, right?
i approve of all the uses of "fuck" in this thread.
@carl669 I guess I should have gone with this.

Funny. Today is my last day at my current job. You will be missed @JonT
My emotions are so mixed.
Best of luck to you, @JonT.
@JonT Happy purple trails to you. I'll miss you.
I figured you'd be a short-timer after they started imposing inane new posting rules from above without your input. You never came right out and said it but I could tell that didn't sit right with you. Here's hoping your autonomy isn't so suppressed at the new place.
Can I nominate myself for next month's @JonT? I've been growing my beard out under the assumption that this was coming.
@JonT Well what the fuck? I've had a stressful, mostly shitty week and now this. But the week hasn't been totally shitty--and some of the shit more or less cleared. But here I sit, still working on a Friday, waiting for some goddamned plans to finish plotting (I've got more I need to queue up in a bit, but don't want to overload the huge-ass printer). Sigh. Goddamnit. Fuck.
Too many other people are better than me at the gifs and the witticisms. This is just gonna be me coming straight from the heart and being in the moment. I'll probably cry a little, but you won't know when.
I guess first, congratulations. If I'm honest, Mediocre seems way too cool a thing to be making anyone any kind of serious money. And you've got the wife and all. I can't really begrudge you making some dough; it's what I would do (and have done). The best job I ever had was one where I worked 80+ hours a week with a bunch of super cool geeks and I was always learning stuff. And it paid shit, even though I was managing and in development. I left it for literally twice the pay at a job where I'd be doing less than half the work; and that's how we ended up in Texas. Oy. So, yeah, I get that.
Add the fact that meh seems like an indulgence, for all of us. Fuck, this place is more like a church (in the good sense, of a community where people care about each other and are committed to each other and such) than a business. It is. Admittedly, I think everything serious that involves community and ritual is a church. It's an obsession, I guess. Ironically, I have little use for regular churches these days. So, yeah, this is way too much fun for it to be obscenely profitable. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
So, dude, you are the face of meh. I like your brothers and sisters and Octo Dad seems like a cool dad, but you were the one. You are the voice of the forums and what a motherfucking kickass voice it is. Thank you for that. It would be difficult, in my estimation, to overstate the importance of your personality and style on this place. You should be incredibly proud. The combination of "kinda don't give a fuck" and "care way more than strangers should care," the literacy, the hipness, the "not so hip as to be an unbearable ass," the giffiness, the contests. That list wasn't complete, but I'm tired. You can fill in the blanks.
It made me feel special when you talked about hating when people don't use their turn signals and that kind of civil, civic, politeness, "giving a shit about others and knowing that my actions impact them" thing. I don't know how many of us there are, but that's me, man. It feels like you're my brother. That's maybe creepy to say, but I don't give a fuck; I said it.
And the writing. I mentioned voice already. I never did the Nanowrimo thing and maybe I never will, but I feel a kinship to the group that congregated there. Words matter. You have a voice and a singular perspective on the world. Please write. I wanna see your blog or pick up your book and say, "Hey, I know that guy; he's great. You should totally buy/subscribe to that shit. I always knew he was going to be published/famous."
Idunno, that's probably enough. Who the hell knows if you or anyone will read this far. Not my best work by any stretch. But it's heartfelt. And I felt that I owed you and the community at least something long and rambley. You're welcome. I love you, man. Be well. Don't be a stranger.
@joelmw And I fucking missed the Periscope. Goddamnit.
@joelmw No really, I'm fine now.

@joelmw BTW, Not to long, and I did read every word because it was a great tribute to @JonT.
mixed with 
@joelmw Nice walkoff home run. Glad you're on our side.
@JonT - I agree with the eloquent sentiment above, and I'd like to mention your love of science and attempts to stretch the horizons of the more insulated among us. I learned from you.
(Been missing you, @joelmw).
@joelmw wow, what can I even say? Of course I read all of it (though it isn't my job anymore :)) and I'm extremely touched.
Thank you so much for the kind words, and for being the philosophical waxing poet (and therefore my kindred spirit) of the community. We should get a beer sometime and talk about life.
Seriously thank you again, and I love you too buddy. I'll be around.
@connorbush That's just plain creepy. I like it !
@JonT maybe this is a trick? The flask has not tipped over.
You take good care of yourself, @JonT
So long, and thanks for all the speaker docks.
@JonT How could I leave you without at least one music video. This seems appropriate.......
I hope you remember just how much fun we had with you.
@medz hahaha I just came here to post this. Great minds. I will post again for emphasis.
@mfladd I read this thread and thought.... this must be a dream.
@mfladd @JonT <3 the sadness of the background music in this song
Father John Misty - Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins)
@medz @connorbush because of your videos I just had to know - What the hell ever happened to "Vitamin C". I was a little surprised, maybe not...
"This experience working with talented teenage singers led to Vitamin C, who now once again goes by her given name Colleen Fitzpatrick, landing a job at Nickelodeon as the Vice President of Music. A job that she remains in today, overseeing all musical content across the Nickelodeon brand as well as handling the A&R and management of Nickelodeon artists."
Ok, back to not caring about 'Vitamin C'.
@mfladd incredible
@JonT best of wishes to you at your new job
Ciao! Cheerio! Ta-ta! Bye bye! Au jus!
Best of luck too.
@duodec lol au jus
Best wishes, hope you enjoy your new job and your soon to be new married life! You'll be missed :(
Thanks for everything. Well, maybe not the giant bubblegum machine, but everything else. Good luck with the new job.
@pooflady hey I thought you finally managed to sell that ... and @jont thank you for deciding to rescind sending me the pallet of broken TV's LOL Seriously though good luck on your new job.
@Kidsandliz I did finally sell it, but didn't think I was going to. All I have to do is say fuku and my husband gets a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face.
Thank you. Good luck on your next journey. You will be missed!
@JonT -- So basically, all that is changing is you are losing a little flask by your name, (maybe getting a temporary goat for a bit), your pay check will be signed by someone else, and, of course, you won't be around as much.
I will wish you well with your new job, but I won't say good-bye because :
There once was a JonT who came,
And brought with him wit, joy, and games,
But like all great things past,
It wasn't to last,
And won't ever be quite the same.
@Starblind @studerc
He promised us winnings,
from the beginning.
When will the prizes be at our door?
Quoth @JonT, "Nevermore".
Go ahead, leave, @JonT.

We'll be fine.
Good luck with the new gig, @JonT. I'm sure you'll be hugely successful. You've built quite the legacy here.
Congratulations and best wishes on the new job, @JonT! We expect weekly progress reports delivered here.
I'm waiting for next Friday to see this:
2 Friday's in a row wow we got you good. I'm not really leaving just another vacation -@JonT
I don't think it's coming :(
I can see why the other company hired you away. You made or helped (I wasn't here at the start) make this forum a great place to waste some time morning, noon, and night, while working and during potty breaks in the middle of the night.
Congrats on the new job! I'd say you'll be missed, but I know you can't stay away from us for too long.
P.S. I totally support your nomination for next month's goat.
Good luck with your new endeavors.
Hope to see you often in the forums.
Even if you're not the big wheel, you're still important.
@2many2no I SO SO SO want that marble run!!!! nd good luck with your new job @jont - and we see what you did - waited until you got the wedding presents before you left LOL
Don't know why I just saw this but best of luck at the new gig.
Hope you love it!
Whatever will you wear to work?
Time to go shirt shopping!!!
Good luck!!!
I just saw this. Dammit. @JonT now I has a sad.
Fine go, you've stayed your hour
Good luck and best wishes for your future. I hope you are able to retain a fraction of your current mediocrity.
I'm happy for you, but sad for us. Congratulations, what a year of changes for you....
We'll miss you, and we hope you'll be very happy and also rich.
Best of everything in your new life! You will be missed.
Hey, wait a minute.................are you leaving because you're afraid we'll all show up for the wedding?
@beachbum that MUST be it!
Well miss you @JonT!
I was on periscope but I'm still in denial. ... (and I realized my periscope name isn't my name here. . I'm lizardisanerd there. )
Meh, we will meh-iss you. Don't be a lurker.

I missed this too?? I really need to hang around more. I'm late, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Glad you will still be around though.
@JonT, you will surely be missed around here. Anytime I felt like complaining or getting through to Meh, you were always #1 in my book and I always appreciated the responses. Thanks for the shout out that time in the email newsletter when I complained about the crappy servers and loading times, the free Built NY cases you gave me for the comment BATH, and the free speaker dock for being the first comment on the farewell mini JBL Meh.
Don't worry, when something goes wrong i'll probably still complain and tag you!