Scavenger hunt:: the hunt for the next goat
8So we are nearing the next month. I see these threads going up asking for popular vote on the next goat. I think @christinewas should be in the running. It's late and I have a few others that I'll nominate later. But I also think as a first repeat @marklog would be great for his amazing exchange he organized. Or perhaps the winner of this contest (the winning meh staffer) could get the title with bragging rights for the month ;)
It's late and I haven't been sleeping. Cranky kid that went backwards again tonight. Hopefully he will sleep in his own bed (crib) tomorrow!!! :)
- 15 comments, 120 replies
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Starting this a week early? You are only 3/4 of the way through the month LOL Blame a previous goat for your cranky kid. It is only fair after all...
@Kidsandliz hey, I resemble that remark.
@mfladd You deserve it. I see what you've done.
@Kidsandliz well. I didn't get a lot done this week. If they want me to stay on as punishment that's fine too. I wish I was more active this week. Anyway. I just wanted to stir the pot and get people thinking! :)
I nominate @adq. She knows what she did. Perma goat badge.
@medz @adq gets my vote because she blames @ochopika for shirt.woot issues ... and that can't be right. Catshirt artists are innocent.
@medz I feel like she'll be too busy to dick around in these forums all month. But I starred your suggestion anyway.
@medz Is adq strictly a Meh member (and why does she never post if so) or also a woot member?
@medz yeah dudes, I never post here. I don't think I'm gonna start, but appreciate the ongoing blame.
@adq HI ADQ!
@dashcloud Woot staffer
@Bogie o hai
@adq Thanks for your great series "Lamentations of the Wooters"! Hope it continues for a long while.
@dashcloud aw! You're going to be disappointed after next week then as I am leaving Woot. FOR MEH just kidding but I feel like that'd get me the most likes. I never talk here but even I want everyone to star this post.
@adq Sorry to hear that- hope you have something awesome lined up, and will stop by here more once you're not with Woot anymore.
@dashcloud I do! And doubtful. I'm much more of a lurker as a whole.
@medz I think @ADQ would be just peachy as goat!
@AttyVette for perennially putting puns in product posts.
@narfcake second term for alliteration.
@narfcake I agree @Attyvette should be looked at in the future for puns, as well as @redoak as keeper of the front page. Just because they do not stray over here much should not exclude them from being punished.
@mfladd aww admit it you like the PUNishment
@AttyVette I do! So very much. But you are not helping your case here, unless you want to be goated! Be careful what you wish for.
@mfladd 'not sure whether that is an honor (thanks if it is) or a dishonor, but if you're looking for goatful entertainment, you'll not likely find it from me. I get the goat thing but not that much. Dare I say, similarly to "purple", "baby arm", and "bath".
@sohmageek Goat burnout? Yes, it is real and has it's own DSM-IV and ICD-9 codes.
Repeat goats will not fly at this time when we have other viable contenders. And while @christinewas is on the radar @jaremelz is a tantalizing pick for October GOAT.
With Goat Tales, bringing @starblind's Tiny Tub Mummy to life in 3D, and other assorted crimes she should be placed in goat shackles. Plus, October is so appropriate for her witchy ways. I think @lisaviolet , @editorkid and others will back me up on this.
October is my 1 year goativersary. I believe that @jaremelz would make a fantastic Goat-tober representative.
@Thumperchick I endorse this. I still think @christinewas is at the top.
@Thumperchick i agree. i blame @jaremelz for not telling me Weird Al was playing at the Puyallup fair (aka state fair).
@Thumperchick @jaremelz is a Witchy Woman and should be goated in October...seems appropriate.

August 2015 Ex-Goat Stamp of Approval
@carl669 I am sorry for this. I tried to call you on the hotline, but you'd kicked your own can all over the place.
@jaremelz singing "we will, we will, rock you!"?
(double goat vote for putting this song in my head)
@mfladd I hate The Eagles, oh so very much.
the hunt for the next goat... found her!
(☞ ゚ヮ゚)☞ @jaremelz ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
@carl669 You got mud on your face....but I hear being goat gets a little messy.

@jaremelz it can be. especially when @RedHot gets involved
@Thumperchick IT just came to me... I should have titled it the hunt for Goat-tober! :( Why does it come up after. :(
@carl669 Some goats are more open-minded than others :-)
@RedHot yeah baby!
@Thumperchick. I thought that was decided after the video. She has my vote
@jaremelz I think this is perfect for your October GOAT pic...

@mfladd My, aren't we putting the cart before the horse...or goat in this case.
@jaremelz writing is on the wall...get over it, and get BLEAT'ing! (in October that is)
@mfladd just because you want something doesn't mean it'll happen!
@mfladd And that's all cute and cheery. Do you really not know me after all? Try harder.
I'm backing - @jaremelz for Octogoat. She's leading the @carl669 fuck you party, and will really give it to the people.
My name is @KDemo and I could improve this message.
@KDemo My own team...sigh. ;) I still have mad loves for you. I've tried making it clear to people, that they should not expect anything creative. If this ends up happening, there will be nothing entertaining about it. Unless people enjoy getting told off, and I'm pretty sure that's just the strange and somewhat twisted @mfladd
@jaremelz -That's the fuck you party, for ya. Perfect.
@jaremelz In case you weren't around for @carl669's goat reign, that's how he got nominated, and how he carried out his whole reign- plenty of Fuck Yous delivered in a variety of fascinating ways & phrases.
@dashcloud I was around for it, and felt he was an excellent goat. Don't get me wrong, I've loved the contests from @sohmageek (time will tell about @mfladd :) ), but if this evil is put before me, I'll be going the way of @carl669, my local goat!
@jaremelz aww...I feel so loved. I do hereby forgive you for not telling me about Weird Al.
@carl669 So, I've got that going for me, which is nice.
@jaremelz There is no end to this cycle, no end...
@OldCatLady Honestly, I'm rather glad that @mfladd will be deprived of something he wanted so badly. Warms my heart.
@jaremelz it would warm it, if you had one!

@mfladd I had it removed.

I thoroughly support @christinewas as the next goat (sorry, but you would excel at it). She should have the vote of all the fantasy football people, plus she's a legacy!
Plus, @sohmageek has thrown his nomination at her, and I like this goat. And she's not around right now to defend herself, so there's that.
@jaremelz I Think you're thowing @christinewas under the bus to get your name out... I don't know... Maybe you both need a crack at it ;)
@jaremelz Plus, you are just trying to get out of being GOAT. Nice try.
@sohmageek Perhaps, but I'll never admit it. I actually like that she can be both wordy and succinct. And she's found some perfect images, gifs,etc.
@jaremelz I get within range of a cell signal and find THIS? There is more than enough time to turn me into a goat... someday. I think we can all agree that this is your month.
@christinewas I agree to nothing! Except that it's nap time. Hope everything is going well!
@christinewas I think that you really want it though...
@sohmageek While it is not completely outside the realm of possibility that I could have fun with goathood, this trip has me too far out of meh mode to really go there in October. @jaremelz would be a much better October goat, for many reasons.
@christinewas Oh no, if you scroll down, you'll see there's a new and much better horse in this race. And this horse is destined to win it. Anything to take mflatt's dream of me being Halloween goat away from him! And I promise, I'll never nominate you again :)
@jaremelz Goating him now would be a huge mistake. I'm hoping the silly people who have starred that nomination will begin to see reason. You are perfect for October.
I nominate @mediocrebot
@darksaber99999 Yeah, mediocrebot is an asshole.
I Nominate @Thumperchick for being too Damn helpful and not telling someone off for bitching to us instead of support... I get support says to talk to us... but Thumperchick tells them to talk to Support... Circular logic?!?!? :) She can be regoated every year for October... ;)
I guess that is a sign of a good mommy... Taking abuse and continuing on... like a goat! ;)
@sohmageek Hey... no regoating! Damnit.
@Thumperchick hey since you got your mehdic bag there. I think a regoat at some point would suit you! ;)
@sohmageek I have enough shit to do without you regoating me. :P
@Thumperchick all the love. :) I said some point. Trust me. It feels like you have no time now. Just you wait! ;)
I hereby nominate @JonT but for actual realsies
@Lotsofgoats I second this
@Bogie Third
@Lotsofgoats Oh hell yes, someone to get me out of this shit!
@Lotsofgoats @JonT for October Goat.
@jaremelz You aren't out, just pushed out a month. You November goat you!
@Saffer49 Nope, really, I'm good without it.
@Lotsofgoats I think it's going to be a landslide win. I'm going to read the speaker docks and see if I can get more info. Oh and @JonT tell me you are going to the prerelease this weekend! Wizards is printing $200 bills and putting them in some packs. Full art fetches!
@jaremelz I unvoted you ... this time.
@narfcake Goating @JonT is a thing that no one can or should pass up. To do so would be un-Amehrican. But please, let's not let there be a next time for me. October would have been bearable only because it's my favorite month. Fuck the fuck off all other months.
@Lotsofgoats I'd like to point out that @JonT would have a similar issue to @adq in being goated next month.
Both are starting new positions, not within this sphere. For them to goat here would mean they aren't doing what they should be doing - learning their awesome new jobs. The odds of them putting aside the new responsibilities to play with us are just super low.
I say we wait and see if @JonT really sticks around as a "normal" member of the community, then goat him when he's not expecting it...
@Thumperchick Shhhh, do not listen her 'reason' and 'logic'.....
@JonT will be too busy. Goat @jaremelz for October!

@Lotsofgoats Hell fucking yeah. Darn you for leaving us, @JonT. Glad you'll still be around--if in a different capacity. Your being goat is an appropriate transition, IMO, for us at least. And us is what matters, Benedict (Arnold, not Cumberbatch). ;-p
@Thumperchick - Because it's October and @jaremelz rhymes with caramels. (I think).
@jaremelz @Thumperchick @KDemo

Give @JonT a break everyone, at least for a month. Don't be reactionary people.
@mfladd @KDemo @Thumperchick Sorry, but looks like he's just gaining votes (and will continue to do so, I believe).
@jaremelz we have to remember that it is the MOD that picks the goat. and while they have not gone against public opinion before these may be special circumstances. Don't get comfortable with this.
@mfladd Whatever, either way, I'll survive. I just want to see you have to nominate me again, thus making you double my bitch.
Don't make activate the nope cannon on you!
@jaremelz i saved u ❤
PS @JonT will do fine as goat. There are literally no requirements other than being an object of blame. That's a pretty easy job description and personally I think he's extremely blameworthy!
@Thumperchick That makes good sense... We need a goat who has time to be goat.
@Saffer49 I <3 that gif!
@Lotsofgoats We need a goat that lowers the bar. The last few have been overachievers (looking at you @Starblind and @sohmageek). I vote @JonT.
@Lotsofgoats I sure hope so! He might use his sway with meh to get out of it.

But I think you're right.
I have to agree with @Thumperchick and say that @JonT would be much more satisfying to name as goat after he has had some time to transition. @jaremelz is perfectly suited for October. To just skip over that magic would be tragic.
@christinewas Nah man @JonT is being given a goating away present. All hail King Goat @JonT
@Saffer49 This will never happen. As much fun as you think it is to nominate him - It Won't Happen. Move on people, he will be quite busy
acclimating to a new job.
@Lotsofgoats you say there are no requirements (easy job description) except to be blamed. But recently it has been said that a goat needs to be active to be so named. If you think it is easy to be "the goat" we can certainly put you in the spot.
@mfladd I recognize no actual goat laws outside of the immunity rule
@Lotsofgoats Cranky ex goat is cranky. Don't worry, I will firmly stand behind your efforts to save me!
@jaremelz Goat or not, you are well beyond saving, my dark friend.
@mfladd You know me best.
@Lotsofgoats and just so you know I am just cranky tonight.
@Lotsofgoats I here by revoke my Goat support for @JonT In all reality he won't have time to mess around with us as the goat. We need to make sure he gets full
punishment~~ no ~~privileges(no I was right the first time) PUNISHMENT... :) He won't get enough of it right now. I urge you to remove your vote and vote for the most deserving of all @jaremelz (Whom I will probably forget to tag and tag the not so @Jaremelz... @Jeremelz). I urge you! @dave @givemeyoursoul @lotsofgoats @wtfhqehgads @bogie @katylava @mamawoot @thumperchick @sammydog01 @stardate82926 @nadroj @metaphore @jaremelz @staffer49 @connorbush @zdunklee @narfcake @oldcatlady @hallmike @kadagan @eulestadt @jamileigh17 @Joelmw @brhfl @callow @glo @carl669 @deputyderp @duodec @mrglass @derpandabar @revloki @stienman @einrad @dave@sohmageek

@jaremelz I got your back ;)
@sohmageek This is what you call getting my back? More like throwing me to the wolves!

@sohmageek Goat you!! -- but you make a convincing argument for @jaremelz too and I can't fault that part. Besides, under your reign, I've ran across three TeeTurtle shirts in thrift stores, so my doggie is also happy.
@mfladd just...make it quick

@sohmageek that's a lot of tagging over who's going to be scapegoat. Breath little goat, just breath.
lotta people feeling awwwwwwwwwfully important in their futile attempts to spare @JonT of his inevitable goathood. please bask in the following supershrug.
@jaremelz How do I not have your email address yet? Can you please shoot me a message to thumperchickwastaken at gmail?
I hereby bask in my own aforementioned shrug
I nominate @Shawn for making pagination happen :(
or to re-goat @carl669 for suggesting it (even if he wasn't serious)
@mfladd I LOVE Pagination, so much cleaner! I thought I'd only like it on mobile... but I'm doing it on all and dealing with it on PC, and actually started to like on PC. It's pretty slick the way @shawn pulled it off!
I move nominations be closed and @jaremelz gets the October goathood. (This is a mehrocracy isn't it?)
@readnj No way, the people should be given what they want! And I don't just say that to get out of it. But can you imagine a worse fate than being the goat the people were forced to take, as opposed to the one they'd chosen? Worst month ever.
@readnj If you look at the stars for comments that mention @jaremelz, she's well ahead of @jont, because all of his stars are concentrated in a single comment.
@dashcloud How about if both @jaremelz and @JonT are made October goats? :)
@narfcake Oh god, can't we just leave poor jaremelz out of this?
@jaremelz Oh, poor jaremelz! The community adores you and thinks your work is fantastic and you are entertaining - so much so that they want to bask in your awesomeness for the entire month of October. It's the best month to be goat, by the way. Run with it.
@Thumperchick What if I can promise not to be entertaining, even a little bit?
@jaremelz it's too late. We know better.
@Thumperchick It would be a 31 day effort to prove otherwise.
@jaremelz I'm pretty sure any effort to be not entertaining would ultimately end up being entertaining.
@dashcloud @jaremelz couldn't go a whole month without doing something fun... I mean it's an impossibility... Sure @jaremelz would try to convince us that there would be no fun... but it wouldn't work... and if it did... I'm sure if we sent @hollboll something interesting
toilet paper, plastic utensilswe could come up with something... it would be sent along... forwarding service. :)I still don't understand the goat thing, so I nominate myself, @stienman
Oooh, hey, markdown in the comments! Nice.
Push the button.
@stienman FYI: no self nominations is one of the few informal rules. More guidelines really.
The goat is a dubious "honor" -- the person selected by the forum is to blame aka scapegoat for everything that goes wrong the month they are goat.
So ok, I know this is confusing: I like the vote going on here, but started another thread to discuss what to do if/when @jont is voted in:
This was a no point game technically... but 500 points to @thumperchick for picking it and 800 points to @jaremelz for being the goat and making all the points delayed. @dstabley