The August Scapegoat of the Month - curse @Ryaneil no more {{Curse you @marklog}}
12@Ryaneil has done an admirable job of taking the blame for everything that's gone wrong this month.
From Roombas on day one, to endless Speaker Docks, the lackluster contents of your Fukubukuro, and of course any site issues.
But his reign of terror has finally come to an end, and it's time for a new sucker to take up the flag .
So get campaigning - post why you deserve endless scorn and exasperated sighs when we sell out of the only thing everyone wanted all month.
While you're at it, why not do something creative? Draw a comic, Photoshop your face onto a goat, sing a song.
Vote on who deserves the most blame and they'll receive the damning brand of the scapegoat badge.
You have until Midnight Eastern.
Oh and I'm working on finding something to send to these scapegoats that's worthy of their endless shame and chiding.
In a landslide victory, the scapegoat has been bestowed upon @marklog. And this topic didn't get updated for too long.
CURSE YOU, @marklog!!!
- 24 comments, 45 replies
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I think I should be an obvious choice. I’m a senior citizen with a car and a driver’s license. Think about it.
I'm also tech challenged.
Meh, too much effort.
I think it should be me. I have tried to purchase multiple items here over the last month and my card never goes through. I curse myself every single time. Plus...

And last but not least it is my birthday month so take pity on this old soul.
Can we nominate someone? If so, I nominate @marklog for all the references to "tl:dr, I fingered my dog".
@marklog do you accept this nomination?
I second this, and don't feel he should have a choice
@jont I humbly accept the nomination for scapegoat. I have to take some responsibility for my actions.
Wait a second....@marklog nominated by....@blueDOG…coincidence!?!?!?
Apparently (sorry Irk) @JonT, @marklog didn't finish the job on @blueDOG, if you catch my drift. Ew.
@marklog holds a special place in all dogs' hearts. XOXOXOXO
And better him than me. All I did was scream at an ATM while it gave me money. I didn't violate an animal.
i suppose I should tell you, my twitter (which is also @marklog) photo is of the violated canine.
@marklog, you definitely need to be the scapedog
I too, believe we should blame @marklog. Also, every time we curse him, we should include "tl:dr, I fingered my dog."
@bluedog I don't trade nominations for... Favors... So get that out of your dogbrain right now.
@marklog: That thought didn't even cross my mind. Jeez…get your mind out of the gutter (and keep your fingers to yourself.)
My bonus fukubukuro item was a 40 pound bag of fertilized garden soil that most likely contains actual crap. I've grown accustomed to being crapped on by meh.
Not it
I vote for @Ryaneil to have another month, He made me late for work today.
@spacezorro I think there's a rule against that. Bleat
@ryaneil if there is it's your fault.
that sounds like carryover to me
I don't really care. Find some poor schmuck and stick it to 'em.
Can we turn South Korea commerce into our scapegoat?
I decline to nominate myself this month (though I am really, really awesome). Instead, I finger @marklog . For giving us the first meme and the first month's most hilarious moment, the goat badge should be his, though it might be wise to disinfect it before passing it on to the next person.
thank you for fingering me. (never said that before...)
/\ /\ /\ Yeah, sure…right…..
Is there a link to the original post that started this?
My question is, does he/do we get to keep the kickass goat when we're done with it?
Because I'm not sure it's fair to ask someone to transition back to life before goat after having had a taste of greatness. Can you imagine how he's going to feel?
Maybe even just take out on alternating weekends?
The goat will be reclaimed upon the crowning of another goat, and previous goats will only have memories of former glory.
But we might change our minds and give some indication that someone was once a goat.
Bet that's only the 2nd or 3rd time you've heard that sentence today.
@JonT how about a dead goat as a badge?
I don't deserve to be the goat this month because I spent a total of 20 minutes on company time making this mediocre logo.

Vote for Me - jimmyd103
God I hope you are an accountant.
@harrison Now that wouldn't have been mediocre now would it?
@marklog Sorry, I'm not a pencil pusher...
@harrison The guy in that tutorial has really feminine facial features. I thought a face swap was done at first.
Second best Reggie Fils-Aime with a goat photoshop I've seen today. The other one was really really NSFW though.
I didn't help power the site by clicking the Meh button one day this month. I was too busy playing the Destiny beta.
It also took me 3 tries to post an image properly...
well, I missed several days on my Meh July button clicks and had a brain fart/blonde moment when I thought the last week of July was truly the first week of August on the calendar . . . .
Man, it is just like you guys to seek out other people to cover for your inadequacies. It's like blaming the pharmacist for mixing up a bad dose of Viagra after disappointing your wife.
You want someone to blame? How about Bezos? Or Seligman? Or maybe whomever it was at Amazon that wouldn't give Rutledge a key to the fancy executive washroom. I don't know, there seem to be a lot of people to blame.
But me? No, I'm not to blame. I'm never to blame.
You want a hero? I'm here for you.
I think the community/staff should nominate someone every month. Being the scapegoat should be infamous, not volunteered for. ;)
I want to nominate myself- not for any good reason, I don't even post here as much as I just enjoy reading everyone else's wit, I really just want a crappy prize. But alas, I must throw my support behind the more deserving @marklog
Same here. As soon as I saw @marklog in the ring I threw my support over.
As if it couldn't get any worse... My one-year-old son seemed extra fussy tonight. Taking him up to bed he burps then pukes down the right size of my face and body. Green beans, milk and cheese curls. Perfect. Vote for me....meh
Not your fault. That happens... and it's @Marklog 's fault. CURSE YOU @MARKLOG!
screw the scapegoat. I need a drink or ten...
@capguncowboy wait for midnight to blame @Marklog, until then CURSE YOU @Ryaneil, what did you feed Jimmy's son?
Actually, sounds to me like your son is the scapegoat here...
@TaRDy You can’t blame the goats milk and besides that it’s a dads honor; he just collected one of five coveted fluid badges.
@TaRDy & @Ryaneil Another badge for my soiled shirt
I'm a "millenial", so being blamed for things is my job. Apparently. (sorry, Irk)
I nominate myself because I'm a narcissist.
BTW, looks like @marklog has the scapegoat already, 3 minutes before midnight.
I can't curse you enought @marklog. My son was up all throughout the night! Yawn
So then should I curse @marklog for not getting emailed when someone @ mentions me? I have the option checked in my Account settings, but I definitely don't get an email.
@frog @JonT You Should only curse @marklog if you clicked the option in August. If it was in July you're in the right spot to blame me @ryaneil
@frog Definitely blame him, and we'll look into it.
@JonT It looks to be resolved now. No thanks to @marklog!