What's goat you down? (September 2021 Scapegoat Blame Thread)
20Here we are again,
nominating a new goat.
It’s so exciting.
First, I have to say,
RogerWilco has been great.
And I do mean that.
August was so hot!
They just took it all in stride,
with cat pics galore.
But, now we reboot.
September has new trouble,
so who do you call?
A Haiku Scapegoat?
We never would have guessed it,
but hey, this is Meh.
It’s magical here.
It was bound to happen, right?
So now you can say,
ReplicaCobra is goat.
Just in September.
Next month we cool off.
Enoy the heat while it lasts.
This isn’t so hard.
We should all Haiku sometimes…
- 39 comments, 264 replies
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I went back and forth on this a bit. Normally I’d have linked @RogerWilco and @ReplicaGoat with their @ callouts, but the tricky situation is whether people would count the @ (saying it in their heads) and ruin the syllable count. I don’t know, but I decided to go this route so I’m sticking with it. Congrats (not really the right word) again to @ReplicaCobra and enjoy retirement @RogerWilco.
I’ve done it both ways
If people read wrong I planned
To blame the scapegoat
Haha what a chump
To take on everyone’s blame
Wait who’s scapegoat now?
Look on the bright side,
blame on @replicacobra
more crab claws for you
@mike808 @Walterbird
@Walterbird the goat
Would be yours but for my win
I took it away!
Losing is ducky
And good fortune for you now
Gives you planning time
@Kidsandliz @Walterbird
A wise attitude
Youth and vigor loses to
Age and treachery
No IRK yet again.
This damn Meh-rathon sucked hard
and it’s all your fault!
August Mehrathon
That was @RogerWilco’s job
Scapegoat points fingers
Indicate Roger
But four fingers point backward
I know who’s to blame
Blame: Now I can respond normally again without posting cat memes.
Unblame: Now I can respond normally again without posting cat memes.
You don’t have to stop…
@Kyeh @RogerWilco
That cat looks manic
He could bang out code debug
Home for siesta
@Kyeh @replicacobra @RogerWilco
That cat would bug catch
Then murder it and eat it
Torturing it first
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RogerWilco
The best kind of bugs
Ones that don’t come back when dead
Just make sure they’re dead
Blame! I’m packing to move to another state, and didn’t dare buy anything. With meh’s usual fine timing, all I could do was stare at the screen. I had visions of enormous pallet loads of Stuff descending on the Post Offal, to be met with a forwarding address.
@OldCatLady Good idea when I had to have my mail forwarded it took over a month for the post office to deliver one package and then they wanted to try to charge me $12 and some odd cents in change to claim it
Ship it to a friend
Yourself care of your buddy
Don’t sit there depressed
@fairchild521 @OldCatLady
Value added tax
Merchandise is well-seasoned
After traversal
BLAME-As one gets older different parts of your life fade away. With me if the practice of only offering 25 IRK’s per time during the methrathon continues, my IRK getting days are over. Got one IRK when they offered 40, but none lower than that. So after getting 28 IRKs (a good run to be sure), I am DOA re getting any future IRKs.
Alias poor IRK, I knew him well.
Give up on yourself
Blame seems a little unfair
Hashtag scapegoat life
I hear ya brother, with only 20 being offered at a time I found myself leaving the site more and not trying as much bc I knew my chances were little to none.
Back from the dentist
Crown instead of a filling
I blame the new goat
@macromeh Just had my new bridge cemented in today-bye bye apples and corn on the cob not to mention the $ 4,300 it cost after insurance.
I had a crown last month & all I could do was blame myself.
@macromeh @RogerWilco I have a crown too!
/giphy tiara
@tinamarie1974 Nice! But I don’t suppose the subjects will bow when I flash my gold crown.
@Felton10 Hmm, the last time someone offered to sell me a bridge, I turned around and walked away.
@macromeh its all about the confidence you exude! Work it
A dentist’s profit
More on a crown than filling
Perhaps he’s in debt
@Felton10 @macromeh
A few weeks ago
Bought Mehrry Potter gummies
Good lord they’re sticky
With a bridge installed
Trucks can travel with great ease
Mouth infrastructure
@macromeh @RogerWilco
Heavy is the head
If the last guy did good work
You would not now reign
I’m gonna call this am unblame for now as I think I got them all with minimal effort. However they look like they might be feeling some blame and my opinion may change when cleaning up the bathroom tomorrow.
@unksol new babies?
@unksol Where did they come from???
They’re gorgeous kitties, but yikes, 5 babies in your house in addition to the two older girls?!
Why would you blame me
Teal toilets are a blessing
Cute baby monsters
@Kyeh @unksol
In pet husbandry
It sometimes helps to have kids
More for them to clean
@Kyeh ground hog hole under the garage that was cracking the floor and needed filled in. Apparently she squeezed past the trap that was unbaited and up againt the hole so that nothing would get in and the possums coming out could be relocated. Then one of the kittens decided to play in the trap and got caught, the rest stacked up around it crying they’re heads off… Had to do something with them.
Idk where they are going at the moment I doubt I can deal with that many. Moms wandering the main floor for a bit and introducing herself to coco since the kittens are tearing apart the bathroom like there no tomorrow.
@Kyeh @unksol Oh my. I take it the mom’s not feral? Good thing you hadn’t filled the hole in yet.
@Kidsandliz @unksol So the mom kitty just showed up and you don’t know where she came from? The kittens look to be older than @lisaviolet’s little ones.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol Those kittens are weeks older than mine. These are my guys yesterday.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet I haven’t ever seen her before but it’s been a while since the last possum and I thought nothing was going to go past the trap so I was lazy about filling it in. Seems unlikely she had them in there considering how old they are but if she slipped in she could have been slipping out since there was no reason to bait the trap and just the kittens didn’t know better.
They are definitely fully functional they were playing king of the hill perching on the top of this 12 inch scratching post, trying to jump to the counter… getting on the toilet. General chaos.
Moms clearly not going to bite and will let you pet her a little but usually backs up when you reach for her so idk. Coco was the same way and she looks just like her. They’ve at least figured out they don’t need to hide and the bath mat is way more comfortable than piling behind the toilet.
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @unksol Oh, that’s funny ! Carol’s a little confused.
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @unksol
I wonder if this mom is related to Coco?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @unksol
Proposed names for mom:
Puffs, Chanel, CooCoo, Chocolate
CoCo provenance
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @unksol
I’ll go yet further
Lindt, Giuttard, Nestle, Hershey
For the kittens’ names
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @replicacobra lol I was trying to figure out striped chocolate candy names although two more solid black ones. But I’m pretty sure 7 cats. 4 of which are kittens and 2 of which are young is probably not a very good decision.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @unksol
Peppermint parfait
Wonka caramel truffle
Snickers Kitkat Twix
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @replicacobra had Snickers. Twixy is the old girl. KitKat is RIP
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @replicacobra @unksol
So in the bathmat photo, is mom the black cat on the far right? Which means she’s a match for the black cat you already had, so Twixy is the stripy one who showed up a few months ago? Just trying to keep them straight in my mind. I also thought it was interesting how they divided up in your first photos - the 3 stripy ones on one side of the toilet and the 2 solid black on the other.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @replicacobra mom’s on the right. She looks smaller than she is cause she’s half buried in fur balls.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @replicacobra and as big as they are apparently the bar is still open. Although the poor little black one seems to have to settle for the bottom shelf.
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @replicacobra @unksol Cuties!
@lisaviolet they are literally chaos now that they are out upstairs. Don’t know how to upload video but I’m sure you’ve seen it before. Good luck lol
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @replicacobra @unksol I had a Hershey Cat, which was fine until he ate something heshouldnta and developed Hershey Squirts.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra warning TMI mom’s shit is more a puddle than a turd. She seems fine. Was thinking about calling her Hershey
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra they have figured out the baby gate which I wrapped a sheet over to discourage mom and them because they could go straight through it or under. But they have figured out it’s a charade. They can bypass it. I have to sleep at some point. May God have mercy on us all.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @unksol can you crate them?
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @tinamarie1974 @unksol
Or shut them in the bathroom for the night?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @unksol I have a friend whose grown cat can wiggle under the door gap. Damn cat must not have bones!!!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @tinamarie1974
Lol I was going for the “they are learning” “they are getting smarter” trope/ joke. See every zombie/monster movie. They are coming how long can we survive…
I could break down a cardboard box and block the gate. That’s not really an issue. I’m more concerned about socializing them and I can’t decide if they need time to adjust or be confined with me.
Coco had been up to see them and only lightly bopped one who got in her face. Twixey probably gives no shits as long as they leave her alone. Gated the basement. They can’t get into to much trouble if they stray. Just please keep bodily functions in the litter boxes
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @tinamarie1974 @unksol
Liquid cat!
@tinamarie1974 none of the baby gates I have were ever ment to stop cats. A friend stayed here for a bit and they were necessary and I’ve never had a reason to remove them just swung them out of the way.
Adult cats give exactly zero fucks. They will go through or under or if they cant gyrate through they will go over. Cats do what they want. Eventually
@tinamarie1974 @unksol
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @tinamarie1974
@Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @tinamarie1974 @unksol
I am reasonably sure cats are the furry version of a coachroach when it comes to getting into things, under things, squeezing through gaps and then zooming away from you quickly if you try to grab them to stop them.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @tinamarie1974 it’s the whole collar bone not being connected that gets them through then they can squeeze the rest
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @OldCatLady @replicacobra @unksol
I have an incredibly handy husband and when we first brought Natasha in, knowing she was pregnant, we decided to have her get used to my bathroom. But we didn’t want to shut the door, we wanted the resident cats to get used to her and we wanted her to get used to the house smells and sounds and cats.
So, he cut a piece of lattice to size, added boards to each side so it would be stable, got some hinges and put it together. A hook and eye locks it (I can reach through the holes with my hands).
After the kittens were born, she’d freak out when she saw another cat walking by and stopping (Natasha has the new, exciting food and you know cats…wow! new food, gotta get me some!) and she’d start growling. So, Brian put a piece of cardboard at the bottom of the new door. If she stood up, she could see over it, but when she was laying down, everything was cool.
So, kittens get bigger start moving around and we knew there would be a problem with leaving the door open (which we did, by now, the other cats respected that this little, tiny cat was fully capable of kicking their asses, shutting it only when we went to bed or left the house for any length of time).
Brian uses foam to pack the hydraulics he sells and he cuts it down from foam sheets. He cut one so that we could put it between the wall and the cabinets in my bathroom. Nat could easily jump over it, the kittens, not so easy.
Well, yesterday afternoon I was in there socializing and watching the kittens play. I yell out “are you in the house?” (because a lot of times he’s back in his shop and I end up talking/yelling out to empty space).
He was. I asked if he could come here, and quickly? He did. And I pointed to the foam.
There was Captain America, doing his tiny kitten best to climb it. He had his paws on the top, little claws stuck in and was doing his best to pull himself up. It wouldn’t be long.
Brian said “tomorrow”. Meaning he believed that Steve would be over the barrier.
Last night, I was socializing again and Brian came in and asked “what’s wrong?” Hmmm, nothing, why? “You said ‘shit’”. I did? Oh, yeah, Steve was on the foam again.
My husband, last night, at eight o’clock, went out to his shop and cut another piece of foam, this one three inches taller. I put it in, moving it more towards the door than the other one had been, giving the kittens more room. So far, so good.
They are starting to eat and the litter box was used last night. I had Yesterday’s News litter, but it was hard to see if anything was happening, so I switched it out to Jonny Cat. This morning, there was evidence of use.
I just have to get Mar-Vell to not try to eat it.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra
/youtube helms deep
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra
Did the video not work? I put it as unlisted and it shows up for me but first time I’ve tried to use YouTube
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @unksol
It works! Those are some wild and crazy baby kitties!
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @OldCatLady @replicacobra @unksol
I love that lattice door!
unblame. Today we have spooted the rate and elusive meh face that isn’t the usual drab bicolored circle.
Asked them to keep it
All black and white like normal
And they give me this
@mike808 clearly that must be Geordie’s multi-spectrum VISOR. Sees more more than we do normally.
@mike808 @unksol that was my first thought when I saw it!!!
@tinamarie1974 @unksol
Really? Not WTF is “spooted”? LOL
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 I just assumed a typo. Is spooted a thing?
@mike808 @unksol agree and I don’t point out others fat finger mistakes.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 but it could be a thing. What should be spelling error are sometimes made up shit that are supposed to mean things…
If you want criticism rate instead of rare
@tinamarie1974 @unksol Who said anything about rage? I like my stakes rare. Sometimes mehdium-rare.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 not how you spell steaks :p at least the food ones. If you mean to be pitching a tent or killing vampires please carry on
I know a couple of you work in health care. I have a HIPPA question. I just found out Friday the appointment clerk in the primary care clinic (aka resident hell where continuity of care is defined as 13 residents and 5 attendings in 2 years and 2 months) in a big university system has access to and reads our messages to and from our doctors and medical records. I am thinking this is a HIPPA violation.
She also judges whether or not any message (over the phone) will be passed on to our doctor or not, if she decides yes she chooses what to pass on. How I found this out is that she said, "you have already asked your doctor in mychart to call you. I am not going to pass on that message to call you (yeah I had asked her on Monday and this was now Friday which is why I called).
I am thinking because she is a clerk with no medical training she shouldn’t have access to our medical records (outside of what is needed to confirm our insurance, address, whether or not a follow up apt is needed, and stuff like that) and messages to our physicians. Spent several hours googling and haven’t figured out how to word it to find out. Anyone have any clue (and a source would be useful) as I plan to fight this? Thanks in advance.
@Kidsandliz "Please let me speak with your supervisor " works well for me.
@OldCatLady Supervisor is part of the problem unfortunately. When I talked to her I got attacked and she threatened to fire me from the clinic. I will be fixing her wagon though. In 2 weeks I have an apt with the assistant director of the system about that, the people who are supposed to solve our problems and don’t (eg patient advocacy) and a couple of other things. I just figured it would be wise to walk in prepared in case this person is an asshole like those two are.
@Kidsandliz that’s not how HIPAA works. If they have defined its part of her job to read and process those messages she is required to have HIPAA training and follow the privacy and security rules. Tons of people with no medical training have access to notes/charts/details and need it to do their jobs and make decisions. HIPAA is not even remotely about limiting your information to only your doctor. The security rule limits access to what people need to do their job. The privacy rule means she has a duty to protect that information.
If she sent your chart to someone who should not have access or printed it off and accidentally left it on a park bench or told people about your medical information that is a HIPAA violation. She is part of your health care and it’s apparently part of her job to process those messages even if you only think of her as the “appointment clerk”. I get you’re frustrated and having issues but I would not go in there yelling HIPAA it’s not going to help.
@Kidsandliz @unksol
Not violation
To access all that info
All in a day’s work.
Being gatekeeper
Deciding what to pass on
A med person’s job
Who’s clerk to decide
Relevance or importance?
Above their pay grade
@Kidsandliz @unksol
Does the facility and/or the governing entity (county? state?) have an ombudsman office? that is another avenue to raise your issues.
I think you have a valid issue with staff interfering (institutional/ systemic/ unintentional reasons) with doctor-patient communications that are adversely affecting your treatment and care - getting appointments, conditions and responses to treatment, etc . Keep the description to that tone - not accusatory, but focused on the consequences to your medical treatment or conditions that are due to the mishandling of doctor-patient communications.
/giphy failure to communicate
@Kidsandliz @unksol
Also, if you explain why you want your doctor to call you, the receptionist has context in which to evaluate your request. In the absence of that, they really have no basis to elevate the priority of your request. They’re not going to tell strangers about your condition or treatment. They really could care less about your particulars. The HIPPA part just means they won’t mention anything identifiable about you to strangers at the grocery store or their poker night. Anyone at the facility that needs your info to do their job - like the receptionist - well,needs to know the info to triage the incoming calls.
For all they know, you’re a stalker or just looking to setup tee times at the local course. So give them enough details to enable them to assign the appropriate urgency to your call and message. Like "my condition is worsening and I have these new symptoms, and I’m worried. Is there something the doctor can tell you about this or should you stop taking a medication before your visit next Friday? That’s why you’re calling. You need a medical decision or treatment info, and that has to come from your doctor. That’s the justification the receptionist is looking for to forward the message on.
@mike808 I have done that (explain). She has never ONCE voluntarily sent any of my 4 messages (over a 2 year period) though. And the times that she does she doesn’t even say what I ask her to (one sentence) instead she decides what to say and won’t correct it when I say it isn’t accurate.
@unksol She actually doesn’t process those mychart messages. In that clinic the person you send the message to reads them initially themselves. In other clinics in that medical system most have nurses who read them first (or in one clinic not read them for months on end), but this is the only one an appointment clerk has access to everything. I know at least 2 other appointment clerks in other clinics can’t read that part of mychart and I know the administrative side can’t either.
I always say please have her call me, I have questions about X (one sentence without a lot of detail). In one case it was because the resident she supervises was not answering mychart about something really urgent and the fucking clerk told me to go to ER if I couldn’t wait 3 more days until my follow up apt. Nope it couldn’t wait and the ER is not an appropriate place to go for that kind of issue at any time, but especially in a pandemic. And she had no medical training to make the decision where or not something could wait 3 days. The attending was infuriated with the resident when I was finally able to contact her 3 days later at the visit (the attendings don’t show up in mychart just the resident you saw).
@Kidsandliz @mike808 it doesn’t sound that complicated to me.
What I read was i need the doctor to call me.
"you have already asked your doctor in mychart to call you. I am not going to pass on that message to call you (yeah I had asked her on Monday and this was now Friday which is why I called).
What that probably means is its in the system that your doctor needs to call you. There is an open issue. We would call it a ticket in software land. She cannot should not open a duplicate ticket.
Maybe she could escalate it or flag of high priority.
The concept of being a ticket in a queue is frustrating but no different than standing in a line. Changes have to be made if we decide its not ok for healthcare
@Kidsandliz I hope she is not managing the queue. It your doctor was out for labor day by default it would wait. If it can’t wait id guess to the on call . If it’s an emergency go to the emergency room
But even when it’s too the on call there is a queue. If it really an emergency then go
@Kidsandliz @unksol In light of that view, the appropriate question to ask on the follow up is not “ask again for the doctor to call me”, but “can you prioritize a response from my attending doctor?” and “who should I contact about prioritizing communication with my attending in order to recieve a response in a more timely and actionable manner so that it doesn’t negatively affect my condition or treatment, as I believe is the current situation?”
You also don’t know if there is a backlog of hundreds of messages and the doctor only has so much time in the day for reading messages, regardless of importance. Not justifying it, just saying that the healthcare system is a mess, and COVID isn’t helping, and maybe there isn’t a path to making it better in any time useful to you individually. I wish it weren’t, because I could be you. Or my son could be a doctor equally frustrated with the overload and piss-poor planning our legislators done in architecting our healthcare delivery systems.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 I mean there is this
“The attending was infuriated with the resident when I was finally able to contact her 3 days later at the visit (the attendings don’t show up in mychart just the resident you saw).”
So they may have a bad system or setup. Or maybe the resident was not on top of their queue. There’s lots of reasons to complain about healthcare in the US but most of it is cause Congress
@Kidsandliz @unksol
I disagree. I put the primary cause on the for-profit pharma, hospital, and insurance industries and the corrupt Republican congress-critters profiteering and engaged in PAC-bribery who have consistently obstructed healthcare reforms at their bidding. Unsurprisingly, they are now all-in on keeping our ICUs and ERs full of unvaccinated COVID patients. The patterns are clear since the passage of the ACA.
Anyway, yeah, it sucks that the doctors aren’t getting accurate feedback from their patients and it sucks that they likely don’t have the available resources to spend responding to their overwhelming workloads imposed on them by the profiteering healthcare delivery systems. I wish it were better for you @Kidsandliz
@mike808 I’m not sure where you disagree you literally just described Congress
It all resolves around them and the laws they have made.
@mike808 @unksol It isn’t a ticket issue. It is follow though - or more appropriately lack there of.
@unksol They didn’t make those laws of their own.
Industry-funded organizations like ALEC and The Federalist Society and even the NRA dumped enormous slush funds into a particular political party that took their quid pro quo grift with a wink and an “Aye” at the roll calls.
I agree they are not victims, they are co-conspirators.
I do agree fixing Congress (and activist judges, including the newbie Federalist Society plants in the SCOTUS) is the path to fixing things. So we (the majority) will need to fix congress first (like the Senate and filibuster) and remove the chains of the Confederacy forever.
@Kidsandliz I get that but follow through is still going to have a “ticket” just a number in a queue. Tied to the original in a case. They might be doing it very poorly and they might be violating SLAs or other things. But HIPAA is not a stick to throw in that conversation it will throw everyone on the wrong track and be very easy to prove there is no violation so. Don’t go in with that
@unksol I am going with a secretary without medical training shouldn’t be doing medical triaging and please explain to me why a secretary who only does 2 things can read our entire medical history and mychart messages when I know in other departments they can’t and there is no need to know.
@mike808 @unksol In this particular case the resident deciding to ignore this because I had an apt in 3 days has nothing to do with congress or laws and has everything to do with not doing her job.
@Kidsandliz I think that’s valid but bottom line your complaint is you could not get you doctor to call you back in what you feel and I agree is a reasonable time frame.
There are tons of reasons that could happen and their response is going to be “she followed protocol, if you feel it’s an emergency go to the emergency room” or wait.
Congress sets the laws that let business do the thing but yes not the place to drag that in.
You need to focus on your direct complaint. If they don’t engage you and you Can find a law they are violating. you’re probably in class action lawsuit territory. But large systems automate so they don’t ever violate
Bottom line don’t try and throw out HIPAA it will hurt you/give them ways to discredit you. I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere unfortunately but I would not pick that as the leg to stand on
@Kidsandliz I’m not sure that’s true. You are correct. She can not triage from a medical standpoint she can only help as much as the system allows. The emergency room is unfortunately the us health care triage. Your provider might have video nurse practitioners and it they do she should have forward you to one but they’re is no law requirering her to put you in contact with mediculy trained person that I know of
@unksol Rant feel free not to read. I won’t be offended.
This is the ONLY clinic that acts like this that I am aware of. They do have one person who is really good as the check out clerk (In fact I nominated that person as best employee in that category). That person once, inappropriately, shared with me the two of them are a real problem - clerk and supervisor (as one time this happened in front of that person) that the clerk I was upset with is a real asshole, is always backed up by her supervisor - they are related with different last names, haven’t looked into if relatives are allowed to supervise either other - I’d presume not) and they have to tread on eggshells around both of them.
And helping is not what she does. She is obstructive and in several of the cases when I told the attending (of the resident I was seeing as I insisted on talking with them) the attending stated that what happened was inappropriate. I am just waiting for the response (I am waiting to do this in person but have to wait until Oct as I don’t want fuck to read what I’d say) to knowing that that little shit is reading our mychart messages as I know that attending will hit the roof. I purposely asked which residents were under that attending so I could have my next apt with one of those. Heck why not add another one as I have had 13, now with that one 14, in 2 years and 3 mo with 5 different attendings - and not by choice. Clearly continuity of care is not something they are at all concerned about. I know others who use that clinic and they have the same problem. We are clearly considered only as exhibit A for training residents and medical students.
Whether or not any of that changes is an open question though as this is the land of no one is held accountable and no one pays any consequences for their behavior. When I made a stink about the ass who never called me about cancer, it took 3 mo to get any action, they told me to let them know when she called me (took 2 more months). Turns out she hadn’t called 190 something other patients with pos tests. She did not get fired. System is broken and a revolving door for medical personnel who have a way of leaving and aren’t trapped here because their teens will murder them in their sleep if they leave before those kids graduate from high school (and so then it is too late as moving as an associate professor is hard, especially coming from a D rated facility), they are now embedded in the community and decide just to deal with it (one of my good specialists told me that is why she has stayed despite being unhappy), or have family here.
Heck in one dept I’ve had 4 people in 4 years (not counting the one I had been seeing for a bunch of years who retired otherwise it would be 5 in 5). Each was a new hire and not one of them even lasted their entire 1 year contract. Then that department says I am the problem because I have had 5 different people in 5 years and so I am the one not happy with any of them? Umm in what universe is a revolving door of your assistant professors something I caused? Might want keep your own house in order. Heck the one I was assigned after mine retired - I wish she had stayed. She was really good and I liked her a lot.
And yes I am trying to get the hell out of here. We’d all be better off if this fucking 3rd world state was part of the Gulf of Mexico - as in under it. Unfortunately global warming is only going to get part of it and not the part where I live.
@Kidsandliz I would be infuriated too and looking for a legal option. I don’t know one to suggest unfortunately
@Kidsandliz @unksol
We throw a buck in
Create an annuity
Crowdfund hospital
The house call doctor
Was paid unless you were sick
Now it is backwards
Healthcare sharing groups
A nexus for body care
Seem like the future
@unksol Heck I’d even be satisfied with things changing. The state has pretty well protected them from malpractice. You have to show malpractice with malfeasance. Malpractice by incompetence, stupidity, etc. is protected. Also under HIPPA you can’t sue over HIPPA violations I have found out. Not sure what failure to fix wrong medical records falls under. Or some of the other stuff mentioned above.
@Kidsandliz @unksol
Question to ponder
Who owns your medical files
And can control them?
@replicacobra @unksol Not a question to ponder. All of this is controlled by federal laws.
We went shopping at Costco yesterday morning. We took advantage of early entry for seniors.
I checked the hours the day before. This was for that location:
See where it says “mask required”? At least half of the people there were not wearing masks. I wondered about the enforcement. So, I contacted CostCo support this morning. This is what I was told.
CCSR: “Yes, they are required but its not mandatory any more like it was at a point.”
I told him “required means mandatory”. Came back with more double speak.
Bottom line is they don’t care. Pisses me off. I told him “then they need to change the website”.
@lisaviolet That must be the new
mathenglish they teach in school.@lisaviolet
Public policy
If indoors and see a face
I will slap that face
@lisaviolet @replicacobra
Ooo, I was tempted today at Target - a big group of kids, college or maybe high school age; some had masks but a few were being really show-offy about not having masks, talking loudly - brats!
@Kyeh @replicacobra gee, I’m young, I’m gonna live forever!
@Kyeh @lisaviolet
Personal motto
I’ll gain immortality
Or I’ll die trying
@lisaviolet @replicacobra
Some people certainly seem like they’re trying their best to win the Darwin Award! If not by dying, then by not reproducing:
@Kyeh @lisaviolet @replicacobra
Another angle:
Quantum Immortality
Intriguing concept
In December of 2019, I was very fortunate to be treated to a trip to New Zealand by my daughter and her remarried mother (my ex). While there, I discovered that a big chain store not found in the US had what I have come to regard as The Perfect Socks. They are exactly the right height, weight, stretch, and texture for my tastes, and I bought two packages of them.
I should have bought ten. I can’t find them here.
I blame Replicacobra. Even though he wasn’t the goat then, it took me until now to establish to my complete dissatisfaction that no, really, these specific Perfect Socks just are not available in the US. Clearly, it is all his fault.
Perhaps you can be
Satisfied with an order
Shipped from New Zealand
@werehatrack So what is the brand of these perfect socks?
Shipping from NZ is beastly for cost, and the store involved does not ship internationally.
It’s the store brand at The Warehouse, H&H. These, to be precise: https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/hh-womens-crew-socks-5-pack/RM110107787-1M.html
@werehatrack Too bad they won’t ship to you. I can see why they would be hard to find since they appear to be a generic house brand?
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack
Looks like you won’t find them anywhere. They are likely selling closeout/liquidation stock.
The H&H Clothing Company was dissolved in 2007, over 10 years ago.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @werehatrack
Hilarious prank
Months of effort to make it
Sock supply chain gag
@Kidsandliz @mike808
Probably not the same H&H, since it’s been dead that long.
@mike808 @werehatrack On the other hand think about how old some of the stuff is that meh sells
BLAME! An American cockroach (these are the big ones that are a dark brown, my apt usually only has the small ones which are the German cockroaches that are light brown) was on the toilet paper roll this morning. It fell into the cat litter box and I managed to kill it but disgusting!!
I have roach poison (combat bait - will have to go buy some for big roaches, just have the ones for small ones) all over the place but they don’t try to de-roach the apartment building often enough. I saw baby German ones running around by the sink again. I thought I had finally killed them all off. Sigh.
Management says it isn’t realistic not to have roaches in my apt. Really? I managed to eradicate them last time I lived here (this is hud so voting with my feet is not so easy as waiting until the end of my lease) but under the old management they had the company coming every other month instead of only 4 times a year. In both cases I used sticky pads, combat bait poison bait… but clearly I am not supplementing what management does enough.
At least I don’t have ants like I did last summer when they came in where the window doesn’t seal very well when it is shut. Those were much easier to get rid of although I accidentally killed the lizard (and I am on the 4th floor!!) and bat who hung out on the window sill eating them. That made me sad. Cats missed them both too.
Any one have any suggestions that take into consideration that I have cats who get into anything and everything?
The classic standby
Tough to do and not get caught
Kill it with fire
@Kidsandliz It is a hell of a lot of work, but the solution that I applied to the third apartment I had here in Houston (back in the day) was effective. I bought about 15 tubes of caulking, and sealed every single joint, seam and crevice on the inside of the kitchen cabinets, the cupboards, the clisets, and the vanity in the bathroom, plus sealing up around the edge of all of the switch plates and outlet plates on the walls everywhere. With no places to hide and multiply in the manner that they prefer, the number of roaches diminished drastically. By the time I moved out, there were none.
@werehatrack They are doing foundation work which is when the roach problem started (before that I had managed to kill them all off with poison trap things so the place was roach free for nearly a year). And I did seal the kitchen counter to the wall since cracks opened up there when they raised some of the building. I think it would take me the rest of my life to seal everything even though it is two rooms (as you said a ton of work). I did buy one of those strips to put at the bottom of the door which has slowed things down a bit.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack I’ve always used bifen xts as an exterior perimeter spray and occasionally inside. It’s supposed to be pet safe once it’s dry and rated for cockroaches. But. I’ve never seen a cockroach in real life. And idk how effective it would be in an apartment building. For me it kills the things wandering in so others don’t follow/set up shop. If they are just in the building idk if it would help.
Arm the cats.
@RogerWilco Cat’s wouldn’t kill them. They do view them as live toys although most of them they play with eventually end up dead. Problem is cats sleep too much to play with them at a rate that would cause a noticeable reduction in their population. And they have already learned eating roaches cause them to puke so nope not viewed as a midnight snack.
@Kidsandliz @RogerWilco
Paraquat and DDT all the way. Problem solved.
You need to know a guy, tho.
Blame: I’ve been staying up later and later, but last night I managed to get bed at a reasonable hour. Then around 1:00 am I woke up to a kind of ongoing muted roar; I thought it would end but it kept going; then I smelled smoke and looked out to see lights flashing. There was a house fire up on the next block, or at least a fire burning in someone’s yard! I walked up there in my slippers and nightgown but it was eerie - I didn’t see any other neighbors out looking. I didn’t see anything online about it in the local fire or OEM Twitter feeds, nor on Nextdoor. I drove down that street this morning but all the houses look okay, so I guess it didn’t do major damage. Whew. Maybe a garden shed or something.
@Kyeh Or maybe you did all of that in a dream… Check your internet history to find out.
@Kidsandliz I talked to my neighbor and she confirmed that it happened, but she also thought it was strange that when she walked out to look, she didn’t see any other neighbors out and no lights on in houses, etc. Maybe they all had the AC on high and didn’t hear it!
Weird because it’s very quiet here at night.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh someone’s gender reveal fire gone awry lol
@Kidsandliz @unksol At 1:00 a.m?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
Honestly I would bet on a bonfire with too much wood and too much accelerate because morons be morons. But everyone knows some dumbass who will dump gas on a fire or start one with it. Cause they can’t build one
Granted idk where you live but if there is a yard. I could see some Friday night stupidity. Regardless of any ordinance.
Full disclosure after I saw your statement I did go burn some stuff I couldn’t get to before sunset but it’s the country. Fires are nice. Here. Cause it’s wet. Obviously anywhere out west bad.
@Kidsandliz @unksol My neighbor and I suspect it might have been someone wandering through the alley flicking their cigarette butt into a yard. I don’t think anyone in this neighborhood would be setting bonfires; it’s too bougie here.
@Kyeh @unksol Well there is no accounting for human stupidity at times. Regardless, it is a good thing someone’s house didn’t burn.
@Kidsandliz @unksol A VERY good thing. I guess it got part of the garage. Things are so dry here it could easily have spread through the neighborhood.
If you don’t smell sour wood or grass fire stench this morning, don’t discount the possibility that it was somebody’s vehicle that auto-torched due to an electrical problem. In particular, certain Ford Pickups (and a rare but amusing fairly recent model of Ferrari which has a very high incidence of this) are known to just spontaneously ignite and burn.
@werehatrack Yikes! I suspect I’m never going to know.
@Kyeh @werehatrack
Aston V10s too
But why would I light up cars
When you have neighbors
One cool cat
And another
Lookin’ fine in the summertime.
@Kidsandliz @mike808
What is going on
I have tested this theory
Goggles do nothing
@Kidsandliz @replicacobra
Monkey see, Monkey do,
Ain’t counting syllables for you
No fucks given haiku
@Kidsandliz @mike808
No fucks non-haiku
Your attempt with such contempt
Haiku is itself
I blame @ReplicaCobra for my inability to join in and showoff in the IRK showoff threads.
You can join the thread
You can show off as you please
@njfan If you can post here you can post in these threads… unless, of course, you didn’t get an irk in which case it is the goat’s fault you didn’t get an irk.
It is the month’s ides
I can’t help but blame myself
Perpetual loop
BLAME - you never told me you can potty train cows. That would have been useful to know when I was a kid and the family farm had 32 cows. We needed the dried cow pies (to fling like a frisbee at each other) to be easy to find and we needed to keep them from peeing/pooping in the stream that fed the pond. Of course the fools would drink out of the same stream in the same place they’d be peeing in and pooping in or near.
@Kidsandliz That’s actually a fascinating article!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
Potty training cows
That’s just standard procedure
Thought everyone knew
@Kyeh @replicacobra I blame you that everyone didn’t know.
Blame because my water bill has been crazy the last few months. Normal bill is about $40/month for my average of about 3,000 gallons. Two months ago I received a bill for about $300. It was for something like 15,000 gallons. I know the math doesn’t make sense, fuck the water company! I should mention I got a new meter around this time
I had a fit, called the water company. Of course it is my fault. I am using more water??? Uh, no! Was told to check my toilets, do a dye test. Toilets passed. Oh must have been wrong, do it again. Ok, toilets passed again. Hum…I must have a leak. We will send a guy out to do a leak test. Guess what, no leak!
Called back they said well, we don’t know what happened but let’s see how your next bill comes in and we will do a one time, one month adjustment if you are back to normal. Ok!
Got my next bill, used 5,000 gallons. Much better. Called in they only agreed to remove 1/2 so I still overpaid. Fuck the water company.
They then decided to replace my meter again. They insisted the meter was not the issue, can’t be because their equipment does not have bugs! Ssoooo why are you replacing it, no real answer.
Ok, guy comes mid billing cycle to replace. Get a call 2 days later to let me know I had EXTREMELY high usage. In 19 days I used 36,000 gallons. 36,000 fucking gallons. That is my average yearly usage!! I have no idea what that bill would be but it would not be good. They offered a payment plan let me just mortgage my house…fucking water company
I reminded them we did the dye test TWICE, we did the leak test and no issues. No way this is right. I am pointing to the two meters I have gotten in the last several months. Nope, not possible our meters do not make mistakes! No supervisor to talk to and we cannot help, you need to figure it out and maybe use less water. Again fuck the water company.
Now they are suppose to send me a report to show me when I used the water. They literally told me that maybe a neighbor was stealing it - stealing a years supply of water WTAF?!?!?
Got the email, no report attached. Got a one pager in applying for permits. OMFG! They have yet to send me the report. By now my house could be floating away based on all the water I am using or my neighbors are stealing!
While I am collecting myself before calling back I get a call from THE WATER COMPANY. They wanted to let me know that apparently the service man wrote down my usage incorrectly. I did not use 36,000 fucking gallons, I used 3,000 gallons. So, sorry for the confusion.
So blame because the tech had his head up his ass, the CS rep was an absolute bitch, apparently no one there knows how to add and someone is trying to fund their retirement off of me!!
Unblame because I was right, it was related to the meter and I don’t have to mortgage my house to pay my fucking water bill.
Ok, deep breaths…
/giphy flood
Yup, that gif is PERFECT
@tinamarie1974 GEEEEZ! I think you should call a local TV station and tell them this story - that’s outrageous!
@Kyeh it was horrible. I am going to write a letter to the board that oversees operations. It was 100% uncalled for, and what I didn’t mention was that the CS rep that was being belligerent was not the one that called me to tell me they found the mistake. I think she was afraid after her “I’ve worked here 17 years and I am certain this is your issue” speech lol
@tinamarie1974 Yeah, I’ll bet! I hope you have her name. It doesn’t even make common sense that you and your neighbors could be using that much!
@Kyeh of course I do! I am waiting until I am less pissed to write the letter lol
@tinamarie1974 Is it even possible for them to actually deliver that much water through the property service main? i.e. the water main is 2". I’m sure there is a formula that calculates the flow rate for a pipe that diameter. If you open the splinth girdle-jerries wide open.
In any case, physics don’t lie.
Maybe there is a formula in Leslie Claret’s authoritative work, Structural Dynamics of Flow?
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Hmm… If you chose to take matters into your own hands I’d call it justifiable homicide of the bitch. I’d acquit.
Actually a letter to the board makes sense. And if they don’t respond appropriately, the TV station I am sure would be interested.
Glad it ended well but what a fucking pain in the ass to get there. I hope the reimburse you for the dye you had to buy.
@mike808 oh that is a good idea!!! Looks like I need to do some math to figure this out. Would be good back up for my letter if the numbers work out right
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh I am curious if I even get a response, but the letter needs to be written. So many things were handled badly, someone needs to know
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Definitely!!!
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 using physics is how I got out of a blowing a red light when the cop agreed I wasn’t speeding (I didn’t go through the light and the math proved it). Blew the minds of the city prosecutor and judge. I wrote out every step of the math as if I was explaining it to an idiot, they took my sheet of paper that had the map, measurements, formula, math, etc., left the room (I presume to google LOL) came back and acquitted me.
In my case to have blown the light and be where they said I was in the intersection (I measured the distance with google maps and a tape measure late at night when there wasn’t much traffic) I’d have had to be going 47.5mph around a right angle corner at a light that was banked the wrong way (for drainage). Also involved was the 3 second delay when both were red, where I was in the intersection when the cop claimed my light would have turned red. And the cop agreed I wasn’t speeding. HA! Speed limit was 35mph.
To be where I was, going a sane speed (and under the speed limit) I would have had to cross the line prior to the light turning red which, under the laws of this state, means you didn’t blow a red light. Not to mention there is no way any car going 47.5mph could have even made the turn at that speed without crashing into the cement retaining wall. Not to mention then I would have been speeding.
Math. Physics. The joke was on them. They should have taken more math and science in school.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 To figure out how much water can go through a 2" pipe you will need to know the flow rate (eg velocity the water flows through the pipe).
This tells you the maximum amount of water that can flow through a pipe by pipe diameter.
You will have to figure the max and min. As far as I have found you can’t have more than 80psi through a pipe by most city codes and the range can be 30-80. ( https://hy-techroofdrains.com/water-flow-through-a-pipe/ )
Here is how you can estimate the flow rate of your pipes in the house
From the link above:
"The easiest way to get a fairly accurate measure of your water flow rate is to time yourself filling up a bucket. So for example if you fill up a 10 litre bucket in 1.5 minutes, then your flow rate will be:
10/1.5 = 6.66 Litres per minute.
“Don’t get confused between flow rate and pressure. Flow Rate is the amount of water that any given system will pass over a specified period of time. Pressure is the standing pressure of the system under no-flow conditions. It is important to know about the maximum amount of water you use at any one time. Your water will only flow when you turn on your taps, so the number of taps you have on at any one time will obviously affect your flow rate.”
So I’d guess if you turn on all your taps and then, while they are all on, time filling up one bucket, use the formula above in the link, then multiply that by the number of faucets are on, that would tell you the maximum amount of water you can have come out of all faucets at once. Turn that into a per hour rate. Look at how many days the bill would have covered, divide out to see how many hours all the water faucets would have had to be on for you to get 36,000 gallons used.
This might be easier:
Tells you to fill a one gallon container and see how long it takes and gives you a formula to then use to get gallons used per hour.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
It would be interesting to
knowprove the water company is full of shit. And then bring that to the attention of 1) your local city (they pay water bills too) and 2) the county water utility governing boards. Especially the next time they ask for an increase, being as most municipal water utilities have been bought up by for-profit companies, some are not even US-based.The Missouri American water company is actually a German utility investment group. Their headquarters are in Camden, NJ. They’ve bought up water utilities across the US. But, hey, I’m sure they have all of our national infrastructure interests at heart, right?
@Kidsandliz @mike808 really? I had no idea?!?!
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 Some countries don’t allow infrastructure to be owned by anyone other than companies in their own country owned by people in your own country. I mean… What could possibly go wrong? In WW3 we won’t need bombs. If your country is important enough just shut off your portion of the world supply chain to the enemy country.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 or poison the water supply
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Too hard. They would likely let stuff break and create a drought of drinkable water. That will put a lot of people in a world of hurt fast.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @tinamarie1974
Summer blockbuster
Rogue water meter reader
Stars Jean-Claude Van Dam
/giphy hydroelectric
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
The cop didn’t “agree” you weren’t speeding. The cop testified under oath that you weren’t. The cop also testified under oath that you blew the red light.
And we wonder why people call it “testilying” and have no confidence in the testimony of cops, when the District Attorneys do not prosecute these “few bad apples” (bullshit) for perjury and send them to jail for undermining the entire institution of the judiciary.
Everyone seems to forget that cops are supposed to be neutral witnesses, and is the reason we are supposed to trust them. Instead they are just government agents working as paid investigators working only for the prosecution to collect only evidence of guilt, not innocence. Which is in itself a violation of the entire basis of the “innocent until proven guilty” foundation of our allegedly “enlightened” judicial system.
People aren’t mad about “defunding the police”. It’s the bigots, liars, and bullies that are mad they’re going to lose their jobs and indemnity from prosecution by their buddies in the DAs office and on the bench.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 Actually when he pulled me over he asked me why I thought I had been stopped. I told him I had no idea since I wasn’t speeding. He agreed then I wasn’t speeding. So yes he agreed and yes he testified to that.
He was on one street and I was on the one that “T”'ed into the one he was on. The bushes and 2 trees meant he couldn’t even see when I crossed over the line because you couldn’t see the line from any position on the street due to the bushes and trees and large and tall raised brick wall that named the shopping center (bushes were between it and the street, no sidewalks. From his vantage point, 4 cars back in traffic in the curb lane, and stopped at the light he had no way to see the color of my light either.
He was judging everything from the fact that there is supposed to be a 3 second delay (eg so both are red for 3 seconds) before the light turns green for the other traffic. (I took photos of bushes, what he could and couldn’t see from his position, etc. and brought them to court). I also asked for proof that it was, in fact, the claimed 3 second delay (he told me about that delay when he said I had blown the light based on where I was in the intersection - so he was guessing) for that particular light (no proof offered up other than ‘they are set that way’ and I said that may be the intent but we don’t know if it was actually working that way.). The law here is if you are on or over the white line while your car is moving and the light isn’t already red you can go through it. I was only that far into the intersection because it wasn’t red.
Regardless, science works. Hopefully science will work for tinamarie too.
I asked for you on a plumbing help line (so if anyone lives in the greater Cleveland OH area this guy might be a good plumber since he is willing - yeah I know it gets him business - to answer questions for free). Anyway here is the answer:
"A 2” line at 30 psi will move approximately 200gpm. Or 12,000 gph. At 80 psi it will move appx. 350 gpm or 21,000 gph., so, unfortunately a 2” line could easily move 36,000 in a month.
But the average home is supplied with a ¾” or 1” line , usually at about 55gpm., most are ¾” which moves about 45gpm or 2,700gph, but could still move 36,000 gallons in a months’ time."
So I think math/physics won’t save you. Your past history of usage likely would, especially if you don’t have a pool.
@Kidsandliz but could it move that volume in 19 days? That was the time frame
@Kidsandliz looks like it is still possible
@Kidsandliz and thank you very much for checking!! That was very sweet
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
Perhaps the better question is if the allegation is that you received 36K gallons of water in 19 days, where the fuck did it go?
Because it isn’t on the ground, or a pool, or in your basement.
The drainage system might not be able to handle that much water, so the question for the water people is where is all that water they’re imagining they actually delivered?
And shame on them for not apologizing and making it right.
When they call you back, ask them to hang on while you collect your notes and play this video on full blast:
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @tinamarie1974
Use that much water
No one has had a use case
Since Ace Ventura
@Kidsandliz @mike808 so I actually asked that question. That is when they told me it is possible my neighbors are stealing my water, that I should check.
It was quite clear they did not care if their reading was X it must be true and it was my issue not theirs. Kind of how dare I question them.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 take it a step further, I had a tech out to do a leak test - there was no leak, his test proved it. 1. He accused me of turning off the main in my basement. Nope! Offered to show him. 2. Said it must me be drip irrigation system. So I asked him a. If I have a timer on my hose (which I do) how is the water getting through and b. Wouldn’t there be a swamp like area because there is no way the ground could not absorb that amount of water. 3. He decided my toilets must have a leak and that I would be shocked to see the amount of water that trickles in a month. At that point I reminded him that his test proved I had no leak
He then stopped but told me it was my issue to figure out.
Must be nice to never be wrong
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 When stuff like this happens it is such a PITA and fighting the battles make you want to beat your head against the wall with the stupidity you then end up dealing with.
This city has water meter problems. New ones installed. They had problems. City won 43 million against the people who did that. Many people haven’t received a water bill in 3+ years then get one for thousands. City claims they owe it despite the issues and court case. Water mains broken all over the place that take weeks and months to get fixed. No one knows where that 43 million went. Glad that is my landlord’s problem.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @tinamarie1974
I can assure you that you can run that much water that fast. At 2700 gph it would only take about 13 hours to do that. Of course WHERE you would put that water is a whole other issue. Unless you were dropping it straight into the drain line–and yes, it would be able to handle that much water-- you would certainly notice that big a puddle. FWIW my pool holds about 30K gallons.
As for your toilet “leaking” that amount, the current normal toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush. If it takes about 1 minute to refill after you flush, you would basically have to remove the flapper from the toilet and let it run full tilt for half a month plus in order to use that much additional water.
Interesting that they are calling it a meter reading error. Locally all our meters have been on an automated remote read system for years (and I live in a small town). Nobody has physically looked at my meter (except me) in years, and even then it’s only when I turn off the water for repairs or to change/add a line etc.
Toilet tank has developed a crack. It is more expensive to deliver the new toilet than the actual price of the new toilet. The installation varies but it starts at about the same price as the toilet. I am sad.
@cf1 Yikes! I know you have probably checked, but is delivery to store any cheaper. Also if you aren’t installing it yourself, could the person installing it get it cheaper?
And then… there is duct tape.
Actually where I live an after market pressurized water saver was put in so the toilet tank doesn’t even have any water in it. Thus is wouldn’t matter if it was cracked (well unless that leaked). Would that be a better way to solve your problem and then mend the crack on the inside in case of an emergency (eg leak in the water saver)?
@cf1 @Kidsandliz
Your poop pedestal
Took too much shit and it cracked
Predictable fault
Sewage extraction
More logistics pranks to pull
Evergreen humor
They are pretty heavy, otherwise I would just go pick it up myself. I will find out this afternoon whether flex tape actually works…
/image that’s a lot of damage!
@cf1 Well, flextape does not work. Time for Plan B.
@cf1 You put the flextape on the inside, right?
Spread some silicone caulking on the inside?
How big is the crack? Like partial or split the tank in half?
@cf1 Two other ways:
JB Weld (epoxy)
Superglue (ceramic).
@mike808 I actually put it on the outside but it is in the back, so not only did it kind of grab on all by itself but I kind of couldn’t see where it grabbed onto. I think it may have missed a spot.
I thought about trying for a layer on the inside but couldn’t figure out how to clean it off well enough to stick.
The crack is narrow but seems to run from the rim to about 2/3s of the way down.
@cf1 Definitely shit off the water, flush and drain the tank until dry (old towels or a sponge). Then remove the tank. You will need pliers, regular and channel pliers if you have the big plastic nuts. And a flat blade screwdriver for the bolt head.
Once you get the tank off, you can fix it from all sides, inspect your work, let it dry, cure, etc. out in the murder shed instead of the damp bathroom.
Just don’t overtighten the bolts when you reattach it. Just compress the rubber washers to seal the holes is all. There should be some flex to the tank for bumping it or vibration.
@mike808 I’ve already mastered shutting off the water. Probably going to need the special pliers. Ooo! Shopping!
@cf1 These are what you’re looking for:
Slip joint pliers
They can be a cheap or house-brand version. They run under $5 at the usual cheap tool places and big box stores.
@cf1 @mike808
Practical advice
I’m a Knipex man myself
If I could afford
@cf1 @mike808
@replicacobra I googled that and the very first listing was for the
“KNIPEX Tools - Cobra XS Water Pump Pliers,” appropriately enough.
@Kyeh @mike808 @replicacobra Ordered new toilet (With free shipping! Yay!) Found out that the toilet bowl is too heavy for me to lift so I found a handyman to come install it tonight.
Next place I live is going to have at least two bathrooms.
Two thirds of the month
Neighbor fire spiked water use
What is still to come?
Dear @replicacobra goat,
It looks like you and your extended family/herd are at fault for not taking a vacation out west and grazing in the forest. Covid is no excuse.
Actually that is a pretty cool idea for helping with fire prevention.
@Kidsandliz I saw that story and loved this image. Gleeful goats! I wish I could hire them to eat down the weeds in my yard!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
Goats exhibit glee
You have to rake forest first
I heard that somewhere
Seriously goat??? You did it to me AGAIN!!! This has happened multiple times this year.
That streak had to end
But to keep up with your streak
You’ll have to streak more
/giphy streakers
Actually… it will happen ONLY once.
@chienfou 1 day in a row won’t LOL
but then the top number will be different!
Since we are so interested in toilets, let me tell you my toilet story. Was told by a well meaning, but uniformed person that you can get rid of rings in your toilet bowl by putting a chlorine tablet in the tank. BAD IDEA as it degrades all the rubber rings and seals in the tank and causes the toilet to run which we never knew because we have two of those toilets with the flush button on the top of the tank cover.
After our water bill doubled and our water usage went from 2,500 to over 12,500 gallons a month, we discovered the problem.
But the fill value assembly is specific to that toilet and the two plumbers we contacting said it was impossible to get a replacement and our only option was to replace the toilets which were only two years old.
Did a little sleuthing on the internet and found the company who made the toilet and the company who had taken over their brand and contacted them and they are sending me two fill value assemblies at no cost under warranty.
My search for the company happened the same day as the mehrathon and I told everyone I spent the whole day on the toilet which was technically true.
@Felton10 Wow! So your water bill increase was legit, at least. Congratulations on getting the replacement parts. Whew.
@Felton10 some kholers and american standards and others, usually the 3-4 inch flush valves, use proprietary valves and while they are much more expensive to replace than your standard toilet flapper you can get them. As you found out. I think those plumbers were full of shit/trying to rip you off.
Yes you should not drop chlorine tablets in the tank. There are a number of setups that you can install between the fill port and the down pipe that will inject into the bowl after you flush. But it’s not going to clean the rim just treat the bowl. And most want you to buy expensive cartridges. I’ve got a kaboom one inline you can just drop pool chlorine/bromine tablets in but it’s really hard to say if it actually makes a big difference. Didn’t exactly try and do before/after experiments. But something that injects the bowl but is not in the tank is the way to go there.
@Felton10 @unksol
Ugh, yeah - I’ve had that happen - the plumber said “It’s cheaper to just replace the whole toilet” but my very good friend with bad knees valiantly got down and replaced the part that was readily available at the hardware store!
@Felton10 @Kyeh and by “much more expensive” I mean $20 instead of $2 and get from the manufacturer instead of the hardware store. And obviously like you said, should be under warranty cause those large proprietary valves are on their higher end stuff.
@Kyeh @unksol I asked the both plumbers if they would be willing to replace just the seals and one plumber told me the reason they wouldn’t recommend that is the time to replace the seal is almost the same as to replace the whole valve and that it wouldn’t come with the same guarantee. I asked the people who are sending me the valves was there other rubber in the valve other than where it attaches to the tank that would be degraded because of the chlorine tablet and they said yes-so I focused on getting a whole new valve.
Am a little pissed at the builder (beware of Taylor Morrison-for almost 600k they give you the cheapest of the cheap on everything and even the upgrades which are overpriced are suspect) that they would install a toilet that except for getting the parts from the manufacturer replacements parts are totally unavailable anywhere else.
Plus this toilet unlike regular flush values shows no visible signs that it its losing water-no noise nor water running in the bowl.
@Felton10 @Kyeh well… I agree with you but we might be in massively different ballparks lol
Blame: Stopped by McAlister today to grab a salad and a sandwich for dinner tonight. Opened the “Chef salad” a few moments ago to find chicken, cranberries, almonds and blue cheese. Since I don’t eat chicken or blue cheese this is a problem. Called the store and was advised they were already closed, but I could come back another day to get another salad.
Asked how that would help me w my dinner tonight, and let them know I just needed a refund as I am not driving back up. Was told there was nothing she (mgr) could do. But if I wait till Thursday I can call back and her boss will be there. Really?!?!??
@tinamarie1974 Because the person you are talking to is getting paid the least amount possible and will be punished or fired or pay docked if they offer you anything and the drawer or food counts come up short.
So yeah, you are forced to become Karen and talk to the manager, because they don’t empower or reward or give a shit about the front-line employee you talked to.
Such is the race-to-the-bottom corporate culture paid for by their lobbyists and pocket politicians and captured regulators.
I hope you get a replacement salad, but you did know what the chef’s salad ingredients are, yes? There is usually a protein - chicken or ham or cold cuts and a cheese. Did you think it was a vegan salad, or did you ask for a vegan salad and get a totally different salad?
Forgot the obligatory cat picture.
Oh @mike808 I asked for a chef, which does not include chicken - I don’t eat chicken. I got a pecan, cranberry, gargonzola (don’t eat that either), chicken salad. Honestly if the gargonzola crumbles were not on it I would have just picked off the chicken and called it a day. But it was impossible to pick out the crumbles
Also, the lady who I spoke with announced herself as the manager, not a front line employee with no ability to make it right. I get the front line workers cannot do anything and I respect that. I would never go “Karen” on them. I save that for you
I’m just going to call corporate tomorrow and see who I can talk to on the CS line. May have more luck there.
@tinamarie1974 Re-read the manager’s response. Not sure what you expected. They were closed. That means the registers were shut down and the books closed for the day - reported to corporate. Employees are blocked from working or getting paid if the store is closed, and managers are limited in the time they can spend after hours (for safety reasons). The manager offered a replacement, and then offered a refund when they opened the next day, and then offered to escalate to their manager tomorrow.
It seems to me you had exactly one solution you would accept (re-open the store and the registers and issue you a refund on the spot, regardless of their inability to do so - many chains are strictly controlled by corporate) and none of whatever else they offered would be acceptable. Maybe that isn’t entirely their problem to solve?
I’m just not seeing the manager as unreasonable as you portray.
@mike808 of course you don’t because you portray most any comment I or others make as unreasonable. You draw assumptions and assume you are right. It must be lonely up in your ivory tower.
So let’s see what you got wrong
TL:DR This was a situation handled badly by a store manager. As the customer it is not my responsibility to infer anything, they should communicate clearly. This was my biggest issue. And Mike is being Karen again.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974
Chicken crumb salad
We must have our orders switched
Did yours have spiders
@tinamarie1974 How nice of you to criticize readers making assumptions based on information you didn’t disclose or even infer earlier.
@mike808 Gee Mike, I didn’t realize there was a rule on this deal a day forum that I must disclose every painstaking detail to ensure that you are adequately satisfied that the rant is legitimate and warranted.
@Narfcake @Thumperchick @ignorant @Riotdemon you may want to update the rules, I am not sure everyone is clear on the requirements
/giphy eye roll
@replicacobra oh no, not spiders!!!
/giphy terror
@mike808 actually I didn’t understand why @tinamarie1974’s original post prompted your original response to her either. She didn’t get what she ordered, they couldn’t or wouldn’t make it right at the time and were rude in how they dealt with her. That’s a legit complaint.
Re-read TM’s original post. Nothing says 1) she was talking to the manager, or 2) they were rude to her.
They offered to fix it several reasonable ways, and TM didn’t find any of them to her liking.
Only afterwards, did TM disclose previous unknown information that changes her narrative significantly. That says to me she left them out (maybe not intentionally) to serve her agenda, which was to portray herself as a victim of that mean, nasty manager at McAlister’s giving her bleu chicken salad instead of a chef’s.
To call me out for not knowing things only she knows about (and left out of her story) is bullshit.
You can’t later rely on things you left out of your story to make your case. It’s not a rule, it’s basic communication and explaining your position.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 my original post states I was speaking with the manager. I did use the abbreviation mgr, but I assumed most people know mgr = manager
Again it was a rant, there are no requirements and I do not recall seeing that you are the forum police.
And going back and forth is called a conversation, it is a normal part of human interaction. If you have questions, simply ask. I may answer. It is not bullshit it is how people communicate. Are you familiar with the concept?
Give it up
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @tinamarie1974
Of complaint is not welcome
In this scapegoat thread
@mike808 Mike she did say in her original post she was talking with the manager.
Unblame. Won the Newegg Shuffle today. Getting a video card at MSRP. Yeah, they’re still that scarce. Markups on ebay are still 30% for sketchy used cards.
@mike808 What kind of card are you shopping for? A new, very high-end unit or something decent from a year or two ago?
@compunaut Wasn’t shopping particularly. Just trying my hand at the lottery/shuffle for a 3090.
@compunaut @mike808
I bought all vid cards
How else can I render this
Raytraced Mario
Blame. Sigh. My experiences in our university medical system on Tuesday were consistent with their joint commission D rating. Sign. And then people wonder why this state (MS) is in a race to the bottom (with LA and AR) for medical care.
When you rate that D
Might not be worth living near
This is important.
@replicacobra Yeah I know I need to move. There are family issues that complicate the situation rather dramatically.
Complicated folks
Simpler with some perspective
That comes with distance.
Well. This
Was a message I didn’t delete fast enough.
What was the second
But an extension of first
What’s the first again
Well. This is shaping up to be quite a week. On top of getting nominated to be next month’s goat, the household nyetwork has lost its tiny little mind, the KVM switch for two of my desktops appears to have gone seriously wonky, and a friend’s vehicle has died dramatically. Obviously this is all the September goat’s fault. And now I know what to expect in the coming weeks. Unless, of course, something unforeseen happens, and several more votes for somebody else materialize. Sadly there is no one in the running who’s handle is @AnybodyButMe.
@werehatrack Well, the electronic devices seem to be protesting in advance! We who have the upended goats before our names feel your pain … but a lot of people have done fun, creative things with that; I didn’t rise their level but it wasn’t so bad.
@Kyeh @werehatrack
If everything works
You won’t be very grouchy
Just helping sell it
It gets better. Now the cable internet service is down. They think it’s the cable run coming into the house, but I’m pretty sure it’s actually the modem. On Friday we will find out. Until then, I’m on my phone. This is not fun. And it’s all @replicacobras fault. Obviously.
If you read the thread
Goat focus is on tubing
Just gnawing away
I just noticed this:
That’s very good.
Unblame! We’re getting some lovely rain here, the slow kind that lasts for a while and soaks in, not just a gully washer! So welcome; this time last year the foothills were all catching fire.
I lit them early
Seeded the clouds you enjoy
You are welcome child
@Kyeh oh gully washer, I like that. It just rolls off the tongue
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Say it with a drink
And a slow drawling accent
gulluh warsher
Penultimate goat
Two days hence you won’t blame me
Plan delayed mischief
@Kidsandliz LOVE IT - this actually deserves its own thread, and maybe a challenge to see if clever Mehtizens can come up with some more.
@Kyeh That’s a good idea. I’ll do that.
@Kyeh just made one.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
Change one letter rule
Just minimal portmanteaus
Glib wordplay snobberry
That’s right snobberry
Thing you put into a mouth
To not condescend
@replicacobra - that’s pretty good - post it on that thread I created.
It’s the final day!
Don’t blame me and regret it!
It is your last chance!
/giphy exclamation
@replicacobra It’s your fault I procrastinated and now I have too much to do today. And the rain has made a mud pile by my car (my parking spot is by the foundation work dirt pile), and and and the list goes on and on and on. So there!
@replicacobra so many blames, so little time
I blame you for the unusually hot weather we have been seeing (101 Tuesday-yuck)
I blame you because the new pair of shoes I purchased arrived and didn’t fit
I blame you because it took me around two hours to find another retailer that was selling the same style/color in the next size.
I blame you because my niece wants to have a sleep over this weekend with a friend. Two nine year olds in my house. This cannot be good
I blame you because I woke up tired today
I blame you because I really enjoyed the month of haiku and now it is over
Ok I gotta get to work, thats enough to keep you busy for a while!!
I was merely enabling
One day’s great success
Time spent on blaming
May make you feel much better
But slows down progress
Without hot weather
How could you appreciate
The crisp of autumn?
Your ineptitude
On the shoe buying website
Nonstandard size chart
I laud your hard work
We’ll see if the right size ships
Or if it’s screwed up
If your neice hates you
She won’t want to spend time there
Fulfilling your soul
Earned sleepy morning
With worthwhile nighttime antics
Bow chicka wow wow
The month of haiku
Your enjoyment is on you
I just wrote some things
The end approaches
Our inevitable deaths
Savor your moments
If you get to work
I can’t be blamed for your slouch
Make up your mind please
@replicacobra that was great, thanks for the laugh!
/giphy Standing Ovation
So, the month not yet being complete, this is all on you, @replicacobra:
Tuesday morning, we had a lightning storm. Although we did not have a direct hit or even a near miss, apparently we have enough network wiring acting as antenna runs that the EMP was able to kill two switches, a router, a raspberry pi, and one desktop’s mobo. It may have also zapped my KVM switch. The desktop was my greatly despised Tenvirus box, and I will NOT be reinstalling that OS on the replacement, TYVM.
No power-line surge protectors are indicating failure, but the power blipped three times during the storm. I will be looking at adding surge protection to the Ethernet cabling, if that’s possible.
At least it happened before my watch. Phew! Not my fault, yay!
(But wait, the fixes aren’t all complete yet, does this make paperwork fall on me? [frowny face])
@werehatrack you KNOW who is to blame here
/giphy giggle
Yes, but it is never a good idea to accuse Perkunas of anything unbenevolent.
@werehatrack he must of heard me this morning because I can hear him in the distance and he is headed my way!!
@tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
Your network cabling
I had to find some way in
Lightning won’t strike twice
Next time it will be on you
In more than one sense
@werehatrack it would not be an “EMP” but could have been your inbound internet cable depending on what it is/how its setup. Multiple manufacturers offer whole home suppression devices you put at the panel/entrance level. I kind of like Eatons ultra setup with applicable modules for cable or phone but I will admit it’s been a while since I looked.
There are a
Of course Ethernet surge suppressors but if it can’t get in in the first place…
I blame you for me procrastinating and now I have a ton of grading to do. And a pile of other things.
I blame you because I’m tired. Because. Well. Cats.
I blame you because of all the mud where my car is assigned to be parked due to the foundation work (I am two spots from where machines, etc. go into the mess, haul dirt out and put in the dump trucks, etc.).
I blame you for the fact that daily my car is covered in dirt dust - enough I have to clean my windshield each time I use my car and so have to buy a lot of windshield wiper fluid.
I blame you because the boss of my 6 week class I am teaching believes in weekly meetings. Are you fucking kidding me? This way the hell too many when the norm around there is once a month.
I blame you for more things I don’t have time to list because, well, procrastination.
There you go. This should keep you busy.
@Kidsandliz But did you have any success contacting the IRS at least?
@Felton10 Nope. Still can’t even get on hold. I read in the blog the person who wrote the WSJ article that right now only 8% of the people calling are getting through. That is not good odds.
@Kidsandliz That is hard to believe-keep trying early in the AM-that is your best shot.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz
Well at kids and Liz
You wouldn’t be buried deep
If you stopped digging
If you weren’t tired
The trip to bed would be meh
But now it’s special
Windshield needs are clear
Run a hose out nearby it
Spray down as needed
Mud is the result
Except where you put pavers
Sourced from the Craigslist
Incompetent boss
Micromanages to hide it
Say he’s doing great
Being helpful now
Rather than snidely laughing
Goat’s gentle with age
@Felton10 I plan to. I don’t know if that blog is accurate or not, all I know is what happens when I call. Today I had to grade papers, which took all day so I didn’t have much time to mess with the phone/IRS
Blame: 2 words - FOOD POISONING.
@Kyeh you? Sorry that is terrible!!!
@tinamarie1974 Yes! Thanks.
It’s lessening but I’m still in bed, not far from the throne…
@Kyeh my whole family got it last Sat. Took them a few days to recover.
But not you, I hope?
Do they know what did it?
@Kyeh not me or my niece. We all went out to dinner to a mexican restaurant. The three of them got meals w hamburger. My niece had a cheesy quesadilla and I had tamales. So we think it was the hamburger meat that did them in
Do you know what did you in?
@tinamarie1974 Wow. I think mine was a leftover babyback rib I brought home from a restaurant that sat for several hours while my friend and I gabbed (we had a great time though!) But it might have been something else.
@Kyeh well I hope you feel better soon!!
@tinamarie1974 Thanks!
Ugh, I need to stay out of this forum right now though - too many references to food.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
The finest cuisine
Demanding your attention
Are you not grateful
@replicacobra @tinamarie1974
Tomorrow I hope to be more appreciative.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Tomorrow be glad
Tomorrow eat some taco bell
Tomorrow planning
@Kyeh I am seeing this a little late. I hope you are finally feeling better.
@Kidsandliz Yes, thanks. I spent all day Thursday and most of Friday in bed, and I’m still being careful about what I eat. Guess I’m going to start being a lot more cautious about leftover food…
The clock’s winding down
Soon I will finally rest
Pass on this burden
Made it till the end
You missed my shenanigans
And now can’t blame me!
/giphy cackle
@replicacobra you did a great job! Thank you!!
I like the haikus
No need to stop creating
Words are important
Strictures of meter
Clarify intent of thought
To communicate