OK The person who got the dead creepy goat- like animal head was @agermane . They've been around since fall of 2014 and lay a bit low. But comment some. Maybe they should be more involved ? Maybe that hideous animal head is a sign ? I hope they didn't toss it out. Perfect conversation starter for parties. Anywho... I nominate @agermane and I'm self-starring this because vote.
@agermane That is a crime !! That poor endangered rare goatsheep died for some dentist's trophy. It was turned into "art" and ended up in a dumpster. Sigh What a waste all around. A little super glue and you would of been good to go. Would of made a great Christmas gift for that special person in your life.
Now see, this is exactly what I'm talking about re: your lack of involvement in the forum. Maybe you should of started a post : What should I do with this broken head? Or something like that. Wouldn't that of been fun and amusing ? And maybe something cool other than the dumpster would of been the fate of that poor dead broken head. It is a hard lesson learned.
Where are we at with GOAT voting? We have only two goat nominations and 25 votes total this month. This concerns me. WTF meh constituents? I remember when numerous individuals were put up and voting was brisk. Are monthly GOATS out of fashion? I honestly want to know why the lack of appeal. I am kind of saddened by this. I like having a GOAT.
@narfcake The growing pains are from both sides. Meh the business and Meh the community. They perhaps struggle to find variety at low cost, and Meh is not the biggest chunk of Mediocre's business-- so not top priority. For the community, perhaps some of the novelty has worn off. ( and yes lack of variety of items is a part of it). There was nostalgia on both sides for the deals community magic of old. It's probably been a mixed bag. But for my part, I have been happy here.
I think with the goat, it's the novelty thing. It's the core participation that rallied around it. There are many new members, but few who really jump in. And lately few events that really stick out to get someone goat status. Nothing against @medz attempt to knock off @joelmw. By now he should of at least tried again JK @joelmw -- we are glad you are here and breathing !
Or maybe we expect too much? I come here as a break from all the serious crap I deal with day to day. -- as do I think most of us. Fun is what we make it. But I fear sometimes it seems we want to be entertained, not do the entertaining as much ?
I wrote a bunch more and then deleted. Maybe we need a The Honeymoon's Over thread.... more suited for something like that. Plus I need sleep and fighting the flu so I thought I better take that into consideration of what I may have written.
@mfladd@medz has been passed over too many times. Period. End of story. Time for the epilogue. Then the sequel, I suppose. Anyway, I think what we're looking at here is consensus. Now go away, kid, you bother me.
I discovered Meh from going to Brad's Deals and because I am on the east coast, I am now sleep deprived. I enjoy reading all of the funny comments on the different forums and because I have only known about Meh for about 5 months, it is still new and refreshing to me.
@ceagee I have actually wanted to do a thread where new members could ask questions about the forum. I know I've had questions, mostly about the Goat. I have gotten the gist of it but wondered what all of the duties where, how you get nominated, etc. Everyone has been very friendly to me, but I really wasn't sure what reception I'd receive if I asked to have goatdom explained. I have had other questions but they escape me right now. So it might be a dumb idea but I would love to have sort of a FAQz thread that anyone could ask questions about Meh or the forums..or to simply introduce myself.
1) GOAT's are nominated monthly by mehtizens for their contribution to the site for good or ill. Just ask the ex-goat @marklog who fingered his dog. It's all good no charges were filed. But it is a GREAT story.
2) GOAT's are to except all blame for good (frickin @narfcake) or ill that happens in peoples lives. Most goats apologize, except those who tell you to "Fuck Off" (@carl669, @jaremelz).
3) Goatdom is a blessing or a curse based on how you look at it. All GOATs approach their month differently. Which is one of the great things about GOAT's.
4) This is just a general rundown on GOATS. I will leave any further discussion to @Thumperchick who is the historian of GOATs.
@therealjrn You are correct it is not all sweetness and light. You have those who are all light. You also have those who have some darkness in them. That being said, light or dark, for the most part everyone here is of a good heart. I don't have have a bad word to say about anybody here. We sometimes can bicker like families do, but that is to be expected. Humor rains here, and that is why I love it. That humor can be light, or dark. Being told to "Fuck Off" here can be a term of endearment (@joelmw :) But one thing I can say is that we protect our own. As family does.
EDIT: remember what I said about being told - Fuck off - @jaremelz is a good example. She loves me and she knows it. So.....I will not retaliate as usual.
@mehbee - The newcomers question thread is a brilliant idea, you should start one. Most people here are more than willing to explain what is going on. How else would you ever learn about Tiny Tub Mummy?
And asking questions is entirely more helpful than personal attacks, apparently @therealjrn is still a bit butthurt from trying it backwards.
@mehbee ignore @therealjrn 's 'tude he hasn't been here that long,and doesn't know what he's talking about. Ask away ! : ) ( you too @therealjrn if you want ) Glad you are here.
@therealjrn@mfladd is correct- this place is a bit different from Woot. Over there I'm the mild mannered dweeb who makes doggy dioramas. Over here it's doggy style.
@thismyusername Oh my God, that He-Man video is fucking brilliant. I think I can sincerely say that He-Man has never made so much sense (or been as enjoyable) as it is to me now.
What has you so riled up? You are new here so we are all trying to figure you out. That takes time. Trust me, I am on the edge of being banned at times - but people expect that of me. Just take your time with everyone here. There are people I am rough with and those I am not. That takes time to learn.
@mehbee - Well, Once upon a time, @Starblind was the most amazing goat. He created Irk's Breakfast Quest, a month-long game of awesomeness. It would probably take about a month to read the whole thing, but that's where Tiny Tub Mummy was born and where she took on her legendary status.
One thing I'll personally add about goatdom: it should be light hearted. It's one thing to say "More speakers?! Dammit ___!", or "What is this shit? I'm blaming ___!", but I feel it's too much to say "Fuck you, ___!"
As for the thanking, that started back in @pavlov's term. I just kinda stuck to doing it.
I truly think this pic should be posted every month when we do the nominating.....
I had the day off today and was watching Looney Tunes on Boomerang and This Episode came on....I saw this and ran right to Google and grabbed it. Thank you Bugs....
@Barney you should of seen it before I went back and deleted another couple pages worth. LOL. @Jqubed thanks for the nom? and for considering my post @joelmw worthy. I'm afraid @barney is on to me. Plus I nominated somebody and I think there's a little known rule, more of a codicil in fact, that says if you nominate one of the first 3 people to be nominated you are exempt from being nominated yourself. Cheers and sweet dreams
On the other hand, it gives me a day to put together a list of blameworthy things to pin on @KDemo, although I suppose I could wait and combine it with my May list so that i could pin it all on you.
@medz- it's way past time for the gif king
@sammydog01 Let's not forget the '@medz tried to kill @joelmw' part too.
@narfcake True.
@narfcake @sammydog01
I'm joellmwah, certified victim. I approve this nomination.
I mean, Hail. Hail the killer goat!
@sammydog01 I am voting mainly for the awesome gif-a-mations that will surely come from this...
Looks like you're cooked, @medz
Let it be @medz. So say we all!
I officially nominate @dashcloud for being a strong supporter of the meh.com forums. Including, being part of the meh GISWHES team.
Support the old-timers with me.

@mfladd Seconded.
@mfladd Absofuckinglutely
Who got that hideous broken mounted goat( or goat like creature) in their fuko ? I think they are worth a nomination for that.
@ceagee that was a rare breed of sheep LOL
@cwolfpack3 sheep, goat close enough. It was awful. Although I'm sure when alive it was quite wonderful.
OK The person who got the dead creepy goat- like animal head was @agermane . They've been around since fall of 2014 and lay a bit low. But comment some. Maybe they should be more involved ? Maybe that hideous animal head is a sign ?
I hope they didn't toss it out. Perfect conversation starter for parties.
Anywho... I nominate @agermane and I'm self-starring this because vote.
@ceagee I'm honored?
@agermane Yes, yes you are ! So what did you do with the head ?
In case anyone forgot here it is :
@ceagee After teasing my dog with it I tossed it in the dumpster. I would have kept it if the head didn't tear off from the neck...maybe.
@agermane That is a crime !! That poor endangered rare goatsheep died for some dentist's trophy. It was turned into "art" and ended up in a dumpster. Sigh What a waste all around. A little super glue and you would of been good to go. Would of made a great Christmas gift for that special person in your life.
Now see, this is exactly what I'm talking about re: your lack of involvement in the forum. Maybe you should of started a post : What should I do with this broken head? Or something like that. Wouldn't that of been fun and amusing ? And maybe something cool other than the dumpster would of been the fate of that poor dead broken head.
It is a hard lesson learned.
This. This is why you should be goat.
Where are we at with GOAT voting? We have only two goat nominations and 25 votes total this month. This concerns me. WTF meh constituents? I remember when numerous individuals were put up and voting was brisk. Are monthly GOATS out of fashion? I honestly want to know why the lack of appeal. I am kind of saddened by this. I like having a GOAT.

@mfladd 3 nominations. I nominated the person who got the goat/sheep head. I found out their name and will add it above !
@mfladd Maybe because it kinda became clear that @medz was going to win, so no point in nominating anyone else?
@narfcake @medz is a great choice, But I don't buy the clear win argument. We have other goatly problems me thinks.
@medz should be goated just for this gif. My all time favorite. @Kylethephotoguy

@mfladd I am thinking there are some forum growing pains.
@ceagee Maybe so. And maybe if meh would offer better variety, folks would spend some more time here.
@mfladd Not enough blame going around? I know I have a habit now of commending the scapegoat instead.
On another note, I thought about nominating @ignorant again, but I shudder at the thought of "daily bieber".
@narfcake The growing pains are from both sides. Meh the business and Meh the community. They perhaps struggle to find variety at low cost, and Meh is not the biggest chunk of Mediocre's business-- so not top priority.
For the community, perhaps some of the novelty has worn off. ( and yes lack of variety of items is a part of it). There was nostalgia on both sides for the deals community magic of old. It's probably been a mixed bag. But for my part, I have been happy here.
I think with the goat, it's the novelty thing. It's the core participation that rallied around it.
There are many new members, but few who really jump in. And lately few events that really stick out to get someone goat status. Nothing against @medz attempt to knock off @joelmw. By now he should of at least tried again
JK @joelmw -- we are glad you are here and breathing !
Or maybe we expect too much? I come here as a break from all the serious crap I deal with day to day. -- as do I think most of us.
Fun is what we make it. But I fear sometimes it seems we want to be entertained, not do the entertaining as much ?
I wrote a bunch more and then deleted. Maybe we need a The Honeymoon's Over thread.... more suited for something like that. Plus I need sleep and fighting the flu so I thought I better take that into consideration of what I may have written.


@ceagee All points taken. And get well soon!
@mfladd @medz has been passed over too many times. Period. End of story. Time for the epilogue. Then the sequel, I suppose. Anyway, I think what we're looking at here is consensus. Now go away, kid, you bother me.
@joelmw Ummmm...Ok.

This once I will acquiesce (because i like you).
But next time......

@mfladd Thanks, man. And somehow your promise reminds me of Kopi Luwak.
This may or may not be what my shat-out soul looks like:

Sweet little shitter:

@joelmw hahaha...what really surprises me is I already knew of this coffee. But I have never had it.

p.s it looks like a Baby Ruth

@ceagee That was a @joelmw caliber post. Imma nominate you for that.
I discovered Meh from going to Brad's Deals and because I am on the east coast, I am now sleep deprived. I enjoy reading all of the funny comments on the different forums and because I have only known about Meh for about 5 months, it is still new and refreshing to me.
@cwillbwill5 Me too. Enjoy the irreverent, diverse community. Only now becoming more of a participant and less of a lurker/stalker
@compunaut @cwillbwill5

Glad you are both beginning to post. We love having you here - FOREVER ;)

@jaremelz I see you are going with the "One of Us" route. I call your Freaks with American Horror Story - Carnival.

@mfladd Ooh, what are you trying to do, scare them away?

Don't worry about @mfladd, like he says
Not even when you pay extra. Bitch.

Yes, I know. I went to AHS - Coven for this one.

@jaremelz Is it morning, already?


Hope I win. I'll do nothing all month and still get a sweet goat prize. Easy money.
@medz you must not have read the fine print on the contract.

Has something to do with your soul...just sign at the bottom.
@mfladd ..and possibly dragons.

@rockblossom hey! @jaremelz resembles that remark.

Run Goat...Ruuuuuuun!
@mfladd And yet you keep trying to poke the dragon.
@jaremelz I can ride you all day long.

@mfladd But you have such tiny berries.


@jaremelz Alison Brie?! You know she makes me think of fruity goodness.

@mfladd Are you trying to get us banned? You need to cool down.
You know this type of behavior might just make someone explode.

@ceagee I have actually wanted to do a thread where new members could ask questions about the forum. I know I've had questions, mostly about the Goat. I have gotten the gist of it but wondered what all of the duties where, how you get nominated, etc. Everyone has been very friendly to me, but I really wasn't sure what reception I'd receive if I asked to have goatdom explained. I have had other questions but they escape me right now. So it might be a dumb idea but I would love to have sort of a FAQz thread that anyone could ask questions about Meh or the forums..or to simply introduce myself.
@mehbee Let me tell you, you start bitching about the goat and you WILL be set back...just saying.
@therealjrn Never mind, I was just trying to help. I'll go back to keeping to myself.
1) GOAT's are nominated monthly by mehtizens for their contribution to the site for good or ill. Just ask the ex-goat @marklog who fingered his dog. It's all good no charges were filed. But it is a GREAT story.
2) GOAT's are to except all blame for good (frickin @narfcake) or ill that happens in peoples lives. Most goats apologize, except those who tell you to "Fuck Off" (@carl669, @jaremelz).
3) Goatdom is a blessing or a curse based on how you look at it. All GOATs approach their month differently. Which is one of the great things about GOAT's.
4) This is just a general rundown on GOATS. I will leave any further discussion to @Thumperchick who is the historian of GOATs.
See the following threads:
Hope this helps. And it is good for new mehmbers to be updated. So thanks for asking.
@mehbee No problem, the questions need to be asked...it's not going to be all sweetness and light is what I'm sayin'.
@therealjrn And don't ever bitch about KDemo. Just sayin'
He has a tender heart.
@therealjrn Yeah, she is pretty freaking awesome.
Oh, and @mfladd...

@therealjrn You are correct it is not all sweetness and light. You have those who are all light. You also have those who have some darkness in them. That being said, light or dark, for the most part everyone here is of a good heart. I don't have have a bad word to say about anybody here. We sometimes can bicker like families do, but that is to be expected. Humor rains here, and that is why I love it. That humor can be light, or dark. Being told to "Fuck Off" here can be a term of endearment (@joelmw :) But one thing I can say is that we protect our own. As family does.
EDIT: remember what I said about being told - Fuck off - @jaremelz is a good example. She loves me and she knows it. So.....I will not retaliate as usual.
@mfladd Sooooo. Since I'm the newbie? I guess the proper response it to tell you to fuck off? If'n yall don't get it, sorry....
Fuck off sweets.
@therealjrn I am good with that. Just know what you are getting yourself into with me.

@mfladd lol
@mfladd She doesn't know what the fuck you're blathering on about.
@mehbee - The newcomers question thread is a brilliant idea, you should start one. Most people here are more than willing to explain what is going on. How else would you ever learn about Tiny Tub Mummy?

And asking questions is entirely more helpful than personal attacks, apparently @therealjrn is still a bit butthurt from trying it backwards.
edit: rains = reigns. I need to correct before the grammar nazi's get me.
@mfladd - You are so funny!! There is no apostrophe in Nazis.
@KDemo GODDAMIT! I get "nazi'd" in my grammar edit?! I blame the goat for this! Where is she? She needs to post more
@mfladd I'm picturing you as a cat ...


What's that from?


@jaremelz you are the devil.

Hmmm slightly before my time, yet I think I recall some references to it through other places.
Never watched it though.
@mfladd Bite my sweet little sparkling ass

@mfladd -

Grammar Goat
"To Serve and Correct"

@mehbee ignore @therealjrn 's 'tude he hasn't been here that long,and doesn't know what he's talking about.
Ask away ! : ) ( you too @therealjrn if you want )
Glad you are here.
@therealjrn @mfladd is correct- this place is a bit different from Woot. Over there I'm the mild mannered dweeb who makes doggy dioramas. Over here it's doggy style.

@sammydog01 And don't bite off more than you can chew (p.s. love that diorama).

@thismyusername Oh my God, that He-Man video is fucking brilliant. I think I can sincerely say that He-Man has never made so much sense (or been as enjoyable) as it is to me now.
pages and pages of misogyny bullshit. So a new guy stumbles into this den and all of a sudden HE IS THE BAD GUY?

What has you so riled up? You are new here so we are all trying to figure you out. That takes time. Trust me, I am on the edge of being banned at times - but people expect that of me. Just take your time with everyone here. There are people I am rough with and those I am not. That takes time to learn.

@therealjrn. Misogyny? You need to meet @oldcatlady.

@sammydog01 I am not misogynistic. I am not misanthropic. I just have triggers, and a vocabulary garnered from 36 years of working with USN officers.
@OldCatLady Gotta love the Navy.

@sammydog01 I do miss seeing the Marines doing PT on base every morning. They run in groups...
@mehbee that is a great idea. Let me work something up and see if staffers want to get in on it, too.
@Thumperchick Thanks, you're awesome!
@Thumperchick Can it please include info on Tiny Tub Mummy? Pretty please?
@mehbee - Well, Once upon a time, @Starblind was the most amazing goat. He created Irk's Breakfast Quest, a month-long game of awesomeness. It would probably take about a month to read the whole thing, but that's where Tiny Tub Mummy was born and where she took on her legendary status.
Thanks for asking!
@mehbee And then @jaremelz crafted her into this...

@mehbee id @starblind hasn't answered all of you TTM ?s, you shoyld go ask in the thread!
Either y'all are are hip and edgy, or y'all are pussies.

Well I see this thread has degraded nicely ... :)
One thing I'll personally add about goatdom: it should be light hearted. It's one thing to say "More speakers?! Dammit ___!", or "What is this shit? I'm blaming ___!", but I feel it's too much to say "Fuck you, ___!"
As for the thanking, that started back in @pavlov's term. I just kinda stuck to doing it.
@narfcake And I thank you for the thanking.
@jaremelz I certainly unblamed you a lot during your term! @KDemo will be getting some more unblaming too, as I found some more good shirts.
@jaremelz @narfcake
@narfcake Glad I could help with the degrading :)
It's what I do.
@FroodyFrog Love that. I just don't always fit that mold. :) But I try.
The world would be a creepy place if everyone was like that, and I probably wouldn't be able to manage.
I appreciate there being a balance (and for the fact that Chiller TV exists)
I truly think this pic should be posted every month when we do the nominating.....
I had the day off today and was watching Looney Tunes on Boomerang and This Episode came on....I saw this and ran right to Google and grabbed it. Thank you Bugs....
I nominate @ceagee for this long post reminiscent of a @joelmw treatise.
@jqubed I think she may have been nipping the Theraflu when she wrote that.
@Barney Is that @joelmw's loquacious secret? Can we all gain his power?
@Barney you should of seen it before I went back and deleted another couple pages worth. LOL.
@Jqubed thanks for the nom? and for considering my post @joelmw worthy. I'm afraid @barney is on to me. Plus I nominated somebody and I think there's a little known rule, more of a codicil in fact, that says if you nominate one of the first 3 people to be nominated you are exempt from being nominated yourself.
Cheers and sweet dreams
@ceagee I call BS
@ceagee I think you got that mixed up a bit. I understand it to be more like, "Jump in to nominate too quickly and your time will come soon."
@jqubed @Barney My secret is a sick mind. Sometimes drugs help, but they're usually not necessary.
So who's goat? @medz? I need to blame someone for not knowing yet.
@ACraigL I'm pretty sure it's @medz too ... whom I'll also blame, as @dave hasn't done the deed.
I blame @KDemo for April ending on the weekend and robbing me of 1 day of being goat.
On the other hand, it gives me a day to put together a list of blameworthy things to pin on @KDemo, although I suppose I could wait and combine it with my May list so that i could pin it all on you.
@medz At this point, you only have yourself to blame.