Breakfast Octopi GISHWHES Adventure II – The Revengening
18Ever since @hollboll’s call to arms you’ve been burning up with curiosity...
You’ve been dying – absolutely dying – to hear about the wacky hijinks a few Mediocre staff and community members got themselves into recently, as part of the massive art-project-slash-scavenger-hunt known as the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen.
In addition to yours truly, returning members this year included @hollboll, @fernikfurra, @dashcloud, @foxborn, and @Starblind. Our newbies were @TaRDy, @kylethephotoguy, @joelmw, @christinewas, @mfladd, @sammydog01, @connorbush, and @odi.
It’s too hard to pick just a few to post, so I made web page for our bizarre creations. You can check them all out here. There’s a maxi-pad dog, some lovely pixel art from Starblind, instructions for Kim Kardashian on how to actually break the internet, a Pisa pizza, coffee shop antics, gardening advice, someone who is sure to be your new favorite unicorn, and so much more.
This year had a different balance of activities to choose from – it leaned heavier on at-home bizarre art projects, but also on the other extreme of you-have-to-be-really-very-dedicated-to-pull-this-off-in-a-week. There weren’t as many middle-ground, put-yourself-out-there items like last year. For some reason I thought that meant it would be easier and committed to a bunch of things that I never finished. Thankfully my team stepped up to give me some ridiculous memories to look back on.
Next year we’ll be back with a new name (suggestions welcome), and nagging you with another bump-bump-bumped recruiting post. Start psyching yourself up now and saving up for the $18.89 registration fee!
- 10 comments, 47 replies
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You guys are wonderful and whacky! Next year, I'm so in.
@jaremelz You would be amazing with all the crafty items! I hope you do join next year. I am so grateful to @dashcloud for bringing it to my attention this year. (And @katylava for making it possible for me to join when funds were short.) It was a fantastic week.
@christinewas Thanks! It encourages me to see that it's really just about finding weird ways to do things.
@katylava Your reading to the dog is spot on! (Wait, is that a pun?)
Is our goat a blue-headed butter bandit? Hahaha
@jaremelz Glad you did not play last year. Husband and I mud wrestled. It was something that once seen could not be unseen. I'm 65, he's 74.
@Teripie Tell me that you sent it out as a digital Christmas card to everyone you know!
@jaremelz I sent it to my brother. He said he wanted to gouge out his eyes.
@Teripie Well, someone sure needed a framed poster of the event, then!
@Teripie Not gonna lie... despite your assertions that it was horrifying, I did hope that joining the team this year would somehow grant me access to last year's unshared items.
@jaremelz The blue head is actually super-advanced technology that shrinks the rest of his body down to a reasonable size. I mean... Did you see his sumo pictures? @mfladd has really let himself go.
@christinewas He's already got such an inflated ego that if you shrink his body down, he's liable to float away!
@jaremelz I think none of the mass is lost in the shrinking process. Just makes him really dense. Really... dense.
@christinewas Well, I've long asserted that he's very, very dense.

@jaremelz @christinewas


what is an octopi?
@Noddy93 multiple octopus I think. There is an interesting back story.
Someday I'll figure out the hyperlink shit.
@Teripie thank you for the Bezos link. it's what i was looking for.
(never mind that multiple octopuses or octopi is octopodes, yeah, i'm an asshat)
@Teripie see the little chain under the space where you type ? (third thing from left) Write out your Link like so: Bezo's Breakfast Octopus highlight it however your computer does that. I click and drag.
And then hit the chain icon. A box will pop up. Paste url link in the box. Ta daa !
@Noddy93 "Octopi" is an accepted variant, though I didn't know that when I chose the name... I was trying to say it wrong on purpose. "Octopuses" is the most accepted variant. "Octopodes" is in wide disfavor, though I don't understand why... It's my favorite of the three.
@katylava they are all acceptable in english, with perhaps Octopuses being the 'most correct'... for English.
octopi would be the least correct because of the whole latin/greek bit. octopus ain't latin... it's greek.
therefore... Octopi makes no fucking sense and stop celebrating ignorance as intelligence.... or, stop laughing whenever you see George II slaughter the language.
@Noddy93 be Murican or be Innelektual... but Octopi is nothing but retarded
@Noddy93 You convinced me: you're an asshat. :-D
@Noddy93 i can't tell if you're trying to scold me or not
@katylava not a bit. the debate over the plural of octopus simply humors me. and i love love love the word octopodes.
and i really did want to understand the header for the story.
We really are an amazingly good-looking bunch.
@Starblind Yeah we are!
So, is that @Kalethephotoguy on the right? ;-)
You guys are completely talented and batty, and I love you for it. Looks like so much fun!
@KDemo You should join in next year. Batty is required but Talented isn't. I think you got the Batty covered
(see @katylava, @hollboll I'm recruiting for next year already ;)
@Foxborn - Thanks so much, I've been striving for the batty label! My work is done here.
@Foxborn That dog is adorable! So much expression from such limited materials!
@gio THANKS!!!
So, @katylava, this seems like a setup. No, I don't have the dough to buy that shmancy DSLR camera. But, yaknow, if you guys just wanted to send one out, I wouldn't refuse it. ;-)
Seriously, though, Katy and the whole team were and are amazing. It was a ton of fun, even for a marginally creative slacker like me. Thanks for cajoling us into it and thanks for your leadership, Katy. And I love you guys. Now go away. I'm all verklempt here. Gishwhes: how gishy is it? Discuss.
@joelmw This was so much fun, and the chat room was the best part. I felt bad that I had to leave on Friday and miss the ending. Stupid vacation.
@sammydog01 I too think the chat room was the best part. So let's try to make a chat room in this medium:
Find Odilatinam by ID and pm me, we can create a group chat.
@Odi Is that only for mobile devices? I made an account.
@sammydog01 I see windows and mac versions as well in the download drop down
This has web access which @dashcloud was looking for
@hollboll, @fernikfurra, @foxborn, @Starblind, @TaRDy, @kylethephotoguy, @joelmw, @christinewas, @mfladd, or @connorbush, wanna test it out?
@Odi @katylava oh and that link is guest access
@Odi I tried Hipchat. So far I like it least.
This is if you want to create an account
@Odi Yeah, I created an account.
@Odi OK. I signed up and the write box is mostly off the screen. Do you know how I can fix it? Changing the screen size doesn't seem to help.
@sammydog01 Never mind, it's OK now. Computers.
@sammydog01 I just found this on Google so I don't really know much about it other than it has guest access and web client for free
@joelmw whoops, just saw your request to join the chat, was out all day
@Odi sigh apparently guest access is useless because it doesn't let you see chat history...
Apparently guests on hipchat can't see any history, making it pointless!
This one has guest access and guests can see chat.
I'm intrigued by the hammock in a swamp. Details. Please!
@Pamtha we need @fernikfurra to pipe in on that one
@Pamtha Oh yeah, it's hanging from opposite banks of a river. It was quite relaxing after we got it hung up just right. I'd recommend it on a hot day!
@fernikfurra @pamtha just watch out for Nettles Huh?
@Foxborn Definitely!
@fernikfurra Did you wade out to get in, or somehow stayed dry? I don't know why I am so concerned over a hammock, but I am.
@Pamtha I waded out- the water was only mid-thigh to me. You can't really see in the picture, but my back/butt was in the water a little bit, because my helper and I had some trouble getting it hung up high enough & all the rope kept stretching. I was definitely NOT dry that day, but it was kinda soothing laying in the warm sun, just barely dipped in the cool water. Also, I got to slide on my butt down a beaver trail to get down there, and how many people get to do that? :)
I enjoyed this. I really wish I had taken the peeing outside photo to better the world. Just one outside pee a day from every person in the world... imagine the water returned to the earth, the nitrogen rich soil, the saved flushes, the stench... mmmm.