The Abnosome Misadventures of Team BreakfastOctopi
22The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen is over for 2014, and we are now free to uncomfortably regale you with stories of our weird and wonderful week.
Our team of mehnions far exceeded my expections. Like, really, way far exceeded. We submitted photos and video for 53 items (more than 1/4 of the list), with some spontaneously taking on more items until the close of the hunt late Friday night (early Saturday morning).
So, thank you... so, so, SO much @bluedog, @Starblind, @Foxborn, @dashcloud, @bluedyn, @therealmrsbeny, @fernikfurra, @Susan203, @Teripie, @Quantumcat, @harrison, @hollboll, and @jchancep for making me feel like anything is possible. Because seriously, some of the things you pulled off I thought were impossible.
So, what sort of bizarre hijinks did we bring forth into reality? I'm glad you asked! We:
- tried to snorkel through a TSA checkpoint
- sat on a throne of kale
- made an angel out of tampons
- pressure-washed a cake
- made a car breakdance!!!
... and many more! I'll let my wonderful team own up to which ones they did in the comments, but you can see all our images here and videos here. (Well, not all of them... some must be kept hidden from the world forever, and ever, and ever.)
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The thanks goes to you, @katylava, fearless leader. I'd never heard of GISHWHES before. Took a chance, what a trip! Thanks for keep it fun and organized :).
@therealmrsbeny i would not say i was "fearless", lol
@katylava I could NOT sing a song in a public bar like you did. Hiding in my garage on a kale throne is about as 'out there' as I can get!
You rocked that kale throne!!!!! @therealmrsbeny
Woo hoo for Katy!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to be part of the fun, and thanks for being our fearless leader!
Fun tip for future years: if you want someone to do something silly, just TELL them it's a GISHWHES challenge. I got my neighbour to clean my rain gutters while dressed as a duck. That wasn't even a GISHWHES task, but he didn't know that!
Another fun tip: while ducks can fly short distances, the wings on most commercially available duck costumes are totally non-functional and inadequate even for gliding to safety from a one-storey roof fall. Found that one out the hard way.
@Starblind ouch!
You did a great job Katy! Never thought I'd get my husband to mud wrestle. I'd give permission to post pictures but I don't think the World is ready for such horror. For those who not on the team and did not see the geezer mud wrestling photos, consider yourself extremely lucky.
What a fun week :) Thanks Katy for all your work and for all of you guys who went outside of your comfort zone with me :)
Yeah this was the hard one for me: VIDEO (30 seconds, edited). Have the proprietor of a crowded sports bar turn off all the televisions. Then, you must serenade the patrons with a song accompanied by an acoustic guitar. The video must show the proprietor turning off the TVs, and the patrons’ reactions as you (and a friend if you wish) sing the song.
@katylava What a brave gal you are! But that's what it's all about isn't it?
@katylava Would have been even more fun during the Super Bowl or World Cup final match!
@Starblind not sure i could have gotten them to turn off the tvs in that case
I'm jealous. This is the first year that I have missed it. Looks like you all had a blast. Maybe next year I can help :-)
This is the one I was the most nervous for. Not only did I have to convince cat to go outside and talk to a stranger, but I had to convince stranger to let me alter his food truck and let me take a picture of him talking to my cat.
@hollboll One of my favorites for sure. You can tell the cat is angry, the guy is confused…it's just perfect.
@hollboll $100 for that tiny can is, like, a post-apocalyptic cat food price. I like the photo though, and how it's from the cat's perspective.
@JonT yeah i just love the kitty's ear-expression here. he's just like "human... w.t.f?"
You guys kicked ass. Go Team Breakfast Octopi!
Colour me impressed! Well done, team!
Certainly learned a LOT doing this Gishwhes. I certainly learned a bit doing #67, sink four pool balls in a single shot. Being a casual pool player, it never occurred to me just how hard that actually is, and the near-impossibility of it happening in any normal circumstance.
(Speaking of impossible things, there were actually items that were impossible, or close enough that they were impossible.)
@dashcloud oh! we should embed that one:
@katylava There's a better one with me sinking 5 balls earlier, but you couldn't read my t-shirt, and so I had to re-do it.
@katylava I enjoyed most the hesitant clapping at the end
@tardy Hesistant clapping is because this is the second time I've done this, and no one's sure if this video is finally good enough. First time was huge applause and cheers.
Two of my contributions I feel like are worth highlighting
Band photo with @katylava and @hollibolli

Jumping the shark, even though I arguably did this years ago in a much more metaphorical sense. Don't try this at home.
@harrison Jumped that shark so hard Fonzie would be proud.
I had SO much fun last week being part of the team! Thanks Katy, for the invite and to all the team for the inspiration to be creatively abnosome! Here's to Team BreakfastOctopi 2: The Revengening for next year!