Looking to try something new?
15Last year a few of us (@bluedog @katylava @harrison @susan203 @therealmrsbeny @fernikurra @starblind @bluedyn @foxborn @quantumcat @dashcloud @jerseyfrank and @teripie and me) all said, "What the heck? I'll try this thing" and represented Team BreakfastOctopi in GISHWES.
What's GISHWES? Glad you asked. It's the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World has Ever Seen.
Basically it's a chance to band together with random internet-folk and try to complete as many ridiculous challenges as you can. It's a chance to get outside of your comfort zone. If that isn't specific enough, you can check out the FAQ here.
To see some of our top accomplishments, check out our wrap up post here. Imgur Album here, YouTube account here.
We did some pretty cool stuff. And we'll probably do some pretty cool stuff this year too. The scavenger hunt will go from August 1-8, 2015.
If you're up to the challenge, join us! You can sign up here. It's $19 to join, but there are scholarships available. We have 15 spots on our team, there are currently. Sign up and join our team, BreakfastOctopi. Currently, I believe only 3 of us are signed up. Me, @katylava and @harrison.
Join us.
- 53 comments, 231 replies
- Comment
Minor edit, @fernikfurra and @dashcloud are both signed up, but @harrison is slacking and hasn't signed up yet.
Hmm.. This does look intriguing. IDGHP
@connorbush according to urban dictionary's definition of IDGHP this doesn't make sense. @chadp declares that we need a 200+ word explanation of what you meant here.
@hollboll 200 on the dot "Great question and thanks for writing in. IDGHP is an acronym/form of short hand writing. An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. Usually these components are individual letters (as in NATO or laser) or parts of words or names (as in Benelux). There are broad currents of consensus but no universal standardization of various names for such abbreviations and of their orthographic styling. In English and most other languages, such abbreviations historically had limited use, but they became much more common in the 20th century. Generally, acronyms are a subtype of blending. Let us not confuse acronym with abbreviation. Whereas an abbreviation may be any type of shortened form, such as words with the middle omitted (for example, Rd for road or Dr for Doctor), an acronym is a word formed from the first letter or first few letters of each word in a phrase (such as sonar, created from sound navigation and ranging). Attestations for Akronym in German are known from 1921, and for acronym in English from 1940 In closing, IDGHP, in this instance: i didn't get HER pregnant. Emphasis on her. Someone for sure became impregnated--just HER."
@connorbush (A.L) IMAGE. Lots of new Internet shorthand has evolved: “LOL,” “IMHO,” “OMFG” Come up with the meaning for the Internet abbreviation "IDGHP" and use it in social media. If you get it to catch on, extra points. 31 points.... I DON'T GET HUGS PRESENTLY, I DON'T GET HOW PEOPLE, I DON'T GET HARRY POTTER, I DO GET HARRY POTTER, etc. It was inspired by a scavenger hunt GISHWES.
@connorbush slow. clap.
@connorbush also, @harrison @chadp @katylava and I had a 5 minute conversation where we imagined all kinds of different things that could mean.
@hollboll thanks! Credit to Wikipedia for 87% of that. Hence the quotes. I do see now that I used quotes but failed to cite my source.
@connorbush @hollboll I'm going to weigh in here for a moment and suggest that it's actually an "Initialism." Acronym's are traditionally first letters taken from a phrase and used to spell a new word, such as "LASER" or "SCUBA" or "GIsHWheS." Initialism's are first letters taken from a phrase and spoken as letters, such as "FBI" or "IDGHP." I'll credit some episode of Penn and Teller's Bullshit for edumacating me on this. Verified on the google machine.
@DaveInSoCal ah. It is so obvious. Amateur mistake on my behalf. Thanks for catching that.
@connorbush No worries. It seems like hardly anyone recognizes the difference and regularly use the term "acronym" to describe them all equally.
@DaveInSoCal wait, you don't say "fibeye" and "id-guhip"?
@katylava "id-guhip" made me elohel :)
I just signed up - so excited!
@sammydog01 Awesome!
@sammydog01 Yay!
@hollboll my real dad <3 love you Ron.
Also just joined! Sounds like a great time and a great way to spend part of my summer
@candreasen woo hoo!
Ahem. Commandment #3.
(3). Nomenclature - From this exact point forward you shall scribe the word “GISHWHES” as “gishwhes.” We are henceforth banning caps-lock. If we see you infracting this rule online (or in sky-writing) you will be publicly called-out, and forced to perform the “Cutstata” dance (1867 version) without the usual aid of high heel shoes and the royal entourage. The sole exception to this rule is the Dinomite, who is (still) figuring out how to type in lower-case.
3.b The third article of these commandments is hereby amended: The official “caps / no caps” scribing of the aforementioned brand is now “GIsHWheS” or any other combination of capital and lowercase letters that renders the same spelling of this beloved and sacred acronym into a word that is now and henceforth (unless as amended by subsequent amendment) neither scribed as “gishwhes” nor as “GISHWHES.” NOTE! Article (3) and subarticle (3.b) logically and clearly do not apply to copy on the infamous gishwhes website or the copy and tantrums provided by any of its hybrids on social media platforms.
@joelmw - You've clearly been working for the government too long ;)
@joelmw - Actually, the Flesch-Kincaid readability grade level of your post is 9.7, not bad at all. Some of the WA State RCW laws score at grade 72.
@KDemo 1) Well, duh. ;-) 2) The scary thing is that I was like this long before I got here. Which maybe explains why I don't hate it.
@KDemo That's all their verbiage, btw. But I feel like a bureaucrat calling attention to it.
@joelmw or an attorney...
@Kidsandliz I bet I admire attorneys more than they admire themselves.
@joelmw that would be difficult.
How the shit was I talked into joining? Welp. Here goes everything.
@hollboll brotherrrr!
Come on folks! We've got 8 spots left and if we don't make it to 15 they'll merge our team with another! These means our team name won't even be team BreakfastOctopi, but something more like TeamBreakfastOctopiLovesTeamSomethingProbablyRelatedToSupernaturalTheTVShowBecauseALotOfSupernaturalFansDoGISHWHESBecauseAnActorFromTheShowStartedThisWeirdScavengerHunt. ...We can't have that! That's way to long to type and hard to say! ...and apparently doesn't even fit on this page!
I know you are worried you won't be able to contribute enough, but if you think we are hard workers who must be on the winning team, you've got us all wrong. We just wanna have a little weird fun this summer is all. I will likely only complete 1 or 2 items myself. All I ask is that you complete one item, and you provide your photo for the group stuff. That's it!
@katylava Can you offer up a temporary forum badge for team members? Maybe people would be more interested if they got a nifty little badge.
@katylava And I got a note form Misha Collins saying that he's my new BFF, so that alone is worth the price of admission.
@dashcloud sadly i don't have that kind of power
@katylava Maybe you could tag some people who were on the team last year?
@Thumperchick holly did, but i wonder if we still have that problem where people don't get email notifications if the case is wrong
@Thumperchick You know, as a former goat, you'd be an awesome addition to the team! It'd be great having some people who work at home primarily on the team.
@dashcloud That's really sweet of you to say. I'm really not able to commit to this right now.
@Thumperchick what if i type a bunch of pouty faces? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
@katylava If I ignore a colon and a parenthesis, it looks like a bunch of smiley faces. ( :
@pavlov Would you have any interest in joining our team? You'd be a great addition to our team!
@dashcloud I don't know if I could help out much, I'm pretty much limited to bed unless I'm in PT - I'll check it out later tonight after fireworks - they are wheeling a bunch of us to the rooftop patio to watch. I'm pretty sure it is a helipad, but "patio" sounds good tonight. If it comes down to keeping the team all "Meh" by my joining, then yeah, totally count me in.
@Pavlov You join now, but the event itself doesn't start until August 1st.
@Pavlov Also, you can get people to do absolutely absurd things for you as part of the scavenger hunt.
Gabba Gabba we accept you, we accept you, one of us
What is the deadline for joining? I'm considering..
@kadagan I think it's July 20th.
@kadagan did yew join yet?! hmmmmmm???
@kadagan Join us, join us, join us, join us, join us
So I read the rules and it says we can get anyone to help the team... as a result it wouldn't be cheating to get the entire meh community to help the team out... just sayin'
@Kidsandliz True. @Starblind may be pressed into service for his artistic and narrative skills.
Wait. Just made connection. Man, I am slow. He looked down at his plate. Bezos had ordered a dish called Tom’s Big Breakfast, a preparation of Mediterranean octopus that includes potatoes, bacon, green garlic yogurt, and a poached egg. “You’re the octopus that I’m having for breakfast,” Rutledge remembers Bezos saying. “When I look at the menu, you’re the thing I don’t understand, the thing I’ve never had. I must have the breakfast octopus.”
people, seriously... we are going to end up with random internet strangers on our team if you don't sign up. RANDOM. INTERNET. STRANGERS.
@katylava So how many do you have so far?
@Kidsandliz 7 or 8
If it would encourage some of you, we could post some of the items we had to choose from last year.
Also: work-at-home people- we'd really like you for our team (@PurplePawprints)
@dashcloud That would be awesome. I don't want to join something that I'm not going to make a meaningful contribution to.
Here are some submissions from last year: https://www.gishwhes.com/submission_examples.php
There are about 200 items on the list every year. The aim is not to complete all of them, just to do the best you can on a couple of them while having loads of fun.
(I found a page on the internet with last year's entire list, but when you hover over it your cursor turns into a penis, so I decided not to link there.)
@katylava You got a problem with penises?
I'm trying to talk a friend into it. I assume that's a step up from total strangers.
Not all the items are embarrassing either. Here's one from our team last year:
and another:
I've included a small sample of items from last year's list:
1. IMAGE. I'm certain the elderly love mud wrestling, but they must do it in private because I never see it! Let's fix this. Catch your grandparents or great grandparents in a mud-wrestling match.
2. VIDEO (20 seconds). You (and a friend if you wish) enlist with a local volunteer organization and have yourself filmed doing one of the following: planting a tree, working at a food bank or soup-kitchen, collecting trash, or helping out at a retirement facility. You must be wearing something that shows you seriously know how to party.
3. IMAGE. It's "me time." Spoil, pamper and be decadent to yourself like you never have before. Oh, and P.S., you’re dressed as a Stormtrooper.
4. VIDEO or IMAGE. Clearly your bicycle is underwhelming you with its current performance. Convert your bicycle into a warp-speed spacecraft. Ride it.
5. IMAGE. You and your four friends are a five-headed monster with all of your heads poking out of one collar of a giant shirt. Now do yard work.
6. IMAGE or VIDEO. As GISHWHES certainly isn't all about dog-eat-dog competition, find someone on another GISHWHES team and surprise them with an act of thoughtful generosity. Make us tear up. We must see the team name or Username of the individual you are helping.
7. IMAGE. Find an object that you’re holding onto for all the wrong reasons. Destroy it mightily.
8. VIDEO. A lot of politicians oppose minimum wage laws. Let's expand their horizons: pay an elected official less than minimum wage to do at least 1 hour of yard work for you.
9. VIDEO (time-lapse 20 seconds). Assemble a puzzle with a minimum of 50 pieces in one sitting. The video must show the box with more than 50 pieces and then you putting the puzzle together. For ease of assembly you must be wearing wool mittens or gloves throughout the assembly of the puzzle.
10. VIDEO. Go through a drive-through at a fast food restaurant in your invisible car. Order, among other things, a Diet Water. You must have a passenger in your invisible car, and you both must be "seated."
11. VIDEO (slow motion). Set to opera music, stage a water balloon fight between 10 or more participants all wearing business suits.
12. IMAGE. GISHWHES has taken its toll this year. You deserve a break. Hit the hot tub with a couple of friends... wearing hats made of ice cream.
@matthew @kylethephotoguy -- just want to make sure you see this thread about this year's gishwhes, which we talked about, and you said maybe.
@katylava I will sign up on the 15th of this month.
@Kylethephotoguy you rock!
@Kylethephotoguy A professional photographer on the team- score!
@katylava you didn't tell me it was 20 bucks when you were convincing me!
@matthew 19 bucks!... i almost typed "19 butts".
Yay! @Starblind joined us again!
gishwhes registration ends in 7 days. There's a deadline counter on the home page. Doing the math... looks like it ends 7/20 at noon Eastern.
What's it going to take to get 8 more people to join for a one-of-a-kind experience?
@dashcloud I want some kind of a badge next to my name. Plus, I want @joelmw in. These are my requirements.
@mfladd Hey @joelmw join us!
@joelmw Starring a post isn't enough. Limericks required.
@sammydog01 @mfladd @dashcloud Aw, y'all are so sweet. I have a history of disappointing myself (and feeling that I've disappointed others). Oh, and of overcommitting. And in addition to the time and money I throw at this whole mediocre enterprise, I'm part of the Mediocre Clan.
For these reasons I wanted to be very careful. I'd be spending more money and taking more time. I want my wife to be excited and involved. I haven't succeeded yet. We both wanted to see examples. And honestly I totally forgot about this thread and, look, there are examples now. I'll probably put the whole thing up on AppleTV and
saywhine, "C'mon, can I please go play with my friends?"Anyway, it's extremely kind (though it doesn't say much about your capacity for character judgment) of you to mention me by name. I'd like to, if I can contribute. And justify it to my beautiful wife--and I need to justify it to her, because if I'm in, damnit, I'm gonna do the hell out of this. Not really; I'll just spend a lot of time failing.
@joelmw Is this an answer?
@joelmw Hey, Ms joelmw, lend us your husband for a week. We'll give him back, honest.
@joelmw you saw this right? https://meh.com/forum/topics/looking-to-try-something-new#55a553ebd0590d4801ed721c -- the comment just below ⤵⤵⤵
Alright, damnit, I'm in. I'll go register now. We're all gonna regret this.
@joelmw Huzzah!
@Pavlov there is one more I want here on the team - @TaRDy - time to step up to the plate with us. No ethical dilemmas here ;)~
@mfladd I hope everyone joins and we end up with team after team of Mehfarianism . . .
Nothing says success like Meh. (tm)
@mfladd I've been a fencer on this since the first post. Reasons why:
- I might be traveling for work that week.
- I'm a cheap bastard.
- I was going to ask if I could be a contributing team member without officially joining.
- I don't like taking pictures of myself and putting them on the internet. My boss already knows my username on here and has reminded me of that.
@TaRDy Ok, I will be harsh here.
I might be traveling for work that week. *(so might I)
- I'm a cheap bastard. *(katylava has offered to pay for up to two people, hell I will pay for you)
- I was going to ask if I could be a contributing team member without officially joining. *(lame- suck it up)
- I don't like taking pictures of myself and putting them on the internet. My boss already knows my username on here and has reminded me of that.
*(no one says your face has to be in the picture)
And........? (no pressure or anything :)
@TaRDy I despise having my picture taken, which is why I was always much more comfortable behind a camera I suppose . . . I'll most likely be wearing a mask for the group shot. You're not alone.
@mfladd Pretty much, yeah.
calling out one more @thismyusename time to step up. Any interest?
@mfladd no thank you, but thanks for trying to drag me into it. :D
@thismyusername you're welcome.
@Pavlov @TaRDy @mfladd masks are fine for the group shot, as far as i'm concerned. but we also won't make any photos public unless you say we can. we have some from last year that you've never seen... and you probably don't want to see.
@katylava I wanna see!
I get it, I get it... you're on the fence but you're afraid of commitment, of letting people down, but let me reassure you – we're not trying to win, we just want to have fun and have some memories to look back on. It's not a huge commitment. There are about 200 items to choose from, many of which you can do by yourself at home. Just pick one or two (that's about all I'll get done myself). And also submit your photo for the group shot (usually a Brady Bunch-style collage, with a twist).
You can register here, and at some point you'll be asked what team you want to join – enter BreakfastOctopi (all one word). Registration closes at noon Eastern on Monday 7/20.
If there's anyone out there who really wants to join but really doesn't have $19 let me know and I'll gift your invitation (I can do this for two people).
If there's anyone out there who has half a team already, maybe we can merge?
@katylava can I just donate the fee so you can keep your name? ;)
@mikibell Nope. Suck it up and join! :)
Join, ya turkeys.
@connorbush Don't threaten me.

I'm in.
Now the rest of you get off 'yer asses and join too.
@Pavlov - you convalescent bitch - I am suppose to not join up when you are only just recovering. You are playing the guilt card (similar to the goat card)? Damn you. I am in. I want easy stuff, and I still want a damn badge! I need something next to my name if I am not a "K". And VMP - pfft.
@Pavlov Hooray! !!!!
@mfladd I'm still waiting for my goat badge . . . welcome to the team!
@Pavlov Thanks. Your badge will come when you can finish out a month and not save people :)
Seriously, people? There aren't 15 of us crazy enough to do this? That's actually disappointing. I'm sure I'm more pathetic than most of you, but I'm willing to try. Lookit @Pavlov. You slackers should be ashamed.
@mfladd Totally. That's totally what I did. I'd probably do it again. >;-p
@joelmw You're going to annihilate the limerick portion of the competition.
i'm crazy enough, but i'm on my friend's team already :/
@vampje Defect

@vampje combine their entire team into our team. Unless their team is too massive. idk what I am saying I AM JUST SO EXCITED.. and terrified.. okay mostly terrified.
You guys are awesome. We now have 11 members. @Kylethephotoguy said he will be joining today. @j_sh you mentioned something about joining, then I said "make sure you know what it is first"... did you ever check it out?
Just joined.

@Kylethephotoguy very good question. I have been asking myself the same thing :/
Rats! can't get this image to show up: https://www.ultraimg.com/image/DvXG
@Kylethephotoguy Can I just say, there is some vindication when you flask people can't get images to appear correctly??? :)
@Kylethephotoguy don't use the button to include an image... just paste the direct link. as long as it ends in .jpg, .gif, .png, ...etc.... it'll work.
@Kylethephotoguy @mikibell @katylava fixed
@JonT Hey, how come you're not doing this? Of all people, I think you'd be able to make this part of your job.
Do we get "unofficial" team meh. shirts?
I will take the lack of a reply as a no. Oh well, it was worth a shot for free stuff.
@mfladd I'm making one for myself this weekend. With markers.
@sammydog01 that's what @dashcloud did last year
Team just got 4 new members in less than a day, which is super awesome. Looking forward to being vague acquaintences with every one of you. For anyone who's still on the fence about joining, here's a blog post (not by me, but awesome) that addresses some common concerns:
Only 3 spots left! Get 'em while they're hot. :)
@hollboll I'll let my spot cool down for a bit, thank you.
Anyone joining today will get a personalized Limerick by no other than @joelmw. Come on, he is like the Justin Bieber of limericks!
@mfladd We want people to join the team, not run screaming from the thread in a blind panic!
@mfladd Justin Bieber? You wound me.
I wanna be the William Blake of limericks (no, seriously, well maybe not of limericks; I spent most of my time in college trying to channel Blake).
@joelmw lol sorry, I had to take the easy shot at ya. But you also owe @Odi a Blake-ish limerick since he/she joined last night :)
@mfladd We're good. But, damn. Bieber. I worry that someone might actually see me that way. But way older and maybe even a little creepier. But sad.
Yeah, and having said what I said, I'm not sure I could actually compose a Blakean limerick. Eek! It would need to be full of righteous anger, I think, or prophetic urgency at least. I just don't know.
Yesterday, I had two limericks in the shower. Today I'm not feeling it. We'll see how it all ends. And of course, we've still got the ongoing adventures of the Tiny Tub Mummy to consider. Sigh. And work. Bigger sigh. So then why am I even sitting here writing this comment?
@joelmw I will apologize to everyone in advance for this.

There once was a team called mehdacious
They were crazy and weird and audacious
They signed up to play
Gishwhes, oy vey!
But in the end they were really tenacious
Team BreakfastOctopi assemble! or something...

@fernikfurra uhh feel free to use these to make tshirts or whatever, teamboats
@fernikfurra Oh, look! Pretty purple.
@fernikfurra Thanks- I'll give it a try.
@fernikfurra i asked @JonT to replace your originals with smaller versions because my browser was going schizo on this page. to share the originals you can put them inside an anchor tag like this:
[purple octopus](original image link)
@katylava No problem! I'll just link to the big'uns here in case anyone needs hi-res versions for printing or whatnot- BreakfastOctopiBig
Sounds like fun! Sorry @hollboll, used @joelmw's invite instead

a.k.a - The Expendables
@Odi Nothing to apologize for. ;-)
Glad you're on the team.
We've had another join - welcome @Odi to the team - 2 slots remain open!
How many spots do we have left? 2.

@hollboll @mfladd

(I can't help myself; I really like the guy.)
@joelmw @hollboll

we are going to keep this up until 2 more people join!
@hollboll I'm tempted to join just to see all the 1 finger postings that would follow :) But for now
@hollboll Am I doing this right?

@MrMark I've got a lot of 1 finger gifs in my back pocket too. Join us!
@Starblind Sure are buddy.


I can do this all day! Bring it on ;)
@MrMark @hollboll I realize that I might have messed up with my Tricky Dick image. Here, just two fingers:
@joelmw I was going to tell you it was four but I let it slide. But Mr. Rogers is awesome.
@joelmw I was also going to call it out but decided against it.

@hollboll @mfladd



@hollboll Ok, your's is the best yet! I am blaming @Starblind for making me post this.
BOC (I see what I did there)
This is what will happen if we don't find 2 more people.

(the thumb is down it counts)
@joelmw I say this without any reservation whatsoever - Nixon, for all his faults, was one of the greatest Presidents we've been fortunate enough to elect.
Nixon's accomplishments while in office included: ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), ending segregation, revenue sharing, ending the draft, new anti-crime laws, started the process of ending the Cold War, recognized and fought against foreign oil price gouging, and implemented a broad environmental program - he, himself, is largely responsible for the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). He was the only President to achieve a balanced national budget between the years of 1961 and 1998.
Some of his most acclaimed achievements came in his quest for world stability. He was a master of foreign policy. During visits in 1972 to Beijing and Moscow, he reduced tensions with China and the U.S.S.R. His summit meetings with Russian leader Leonid I. Brezhnev produced a treaty to limit strategic nuclear weapons. In January 1973, he announced an accord with North Vietnam to end American involvement in Indochina. In 1974, his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, negotiated disengagement agreements between Israel and its opponents, Egypt and Syria.
Without Nixon, we most likely would have never enjoyed the economic prosperities resulting as a trading partner with China.
And, he would not give Checkers back.

Winter is Coming!
@MrMark well played sir.
@MrMark One of the greatest catches ever. Beckham (bending it) was a huge part of me winning my FFL this year. Even though I am a Pats fan and the Giants are my Anti-Christ - This kid is amazing!
(and yes, well played - now join)
@MrMark @Hollboll

@Pavlov All I'll say is that he's definitely my favorite among Republican presidents who've served within my lifetime (and he was the first over that period). He was brilliant, and I've probably got a particular soft spot for him because of how broadly and viciously he's been vilified (he brought much of that on himself, but I'd argue that a good bit of it was personality and not merely the criminality of his actions--and don't get me wrong, he was a crook, but still).



@hollboll @mfladd @joelmw

@joelmw They are all crooks.
You may find some of the information in this article interesting:
@Pavlov I actually saw the original "Count" puppet at the Smithsonian in D.C. - so nostalgic.
@mfladd @hollboll I can't possibly join and be an asset. I saw the pictures from last year, you are all much better than I could ever be. I'm a accountant/controller I have no measurable sense of adventure or humor...part of the job description. Scavenger hunts are too far out of my comfort zone :)
Ok, I have decided this to be my Breakfast Octopi uniform.
My kids have this shirt and I love it. (even if it isn't AA - it was cheaper)
@ceagee any interest in joining on this for this disaster?
@mfladd I like posting a giant smurf hand.
Thanks for the invite. I have been viewing this thread w/ interest. If current circumstances were not what they are, I would jump in. However they are what they are.... so must pass. Maybe next year ?
@mikibell @christinewas Any interest in joining?
@dashcloud I'm intrigued. But this is the first time I'm seeing this, so... I need to catch up a bit before I make any crazy commitments.
@christinewas It'll be the best week!
@dashcloud I'm in! There are few things I love more than random and ridiculous.
@katylava, are you still up for gifting the registration? If not, I will figure something out. But if you can, that would be fantastic.
@christinewas If @katylava isn't, I am.
@dashcloud that is very nice of you :)
@christinewas @dashcloud Now that I know you want in, I'm all anxious, because I don't see your name on the list yet.

@christinewas yeah i'll definitely gift your registration. just send me your email address at gisholarship@k40.us so i can invite you.
@katylava Thanks! And thank you, @dashcloud, for bringing this to my attention. I cant wait for August!
I've been doing so much medical stuff lately that I used my actual first name. So... That 14th member of the team really is @christinewas. I promise. We can blame @joelmw for any name confusion. He's half of the parents that decided to call me by my middle name.
@christinewas You're in!
It would appear we need only "1" more.

May need a ruling on this one:

@MrMark It counts.
@MrMark I'll allow it. ;)
@mfladd more to my taste in music:
@MrMark @mfladd @hollboll @mikibell
@joelmw Ha! I loved that show :)



the gishwhes master himself:

@joelmw more appropriate than I thought ;) per your stalker comments about @jont
@mikibell Wait, what?
@mikibell @joelmw
@joelmw Oh, I think it was snapster... ;) That song always makes me think of a stalker -- she is very set on getting the object of the song...
I am NOT in as I can't afford it and may be in a situation where I have few resources and possibly not internet unless I go to a public place that has it, HOWEVER, I would be willing to look over the list of challenges and do one on behalf of the team if there was a suitable one.
@Kidsandliz i looked up the commandments after our last discussion about getting community help:
@katylava Ok. But there are weasel words there: "entire items"... thus needing help from someone who is not being solicited by a crowdsourcing for "partial items" appears to be legal LOL We are part of the social media communities (yup we are a community) who are explicitly lists as OK for "gathering props", connecting you to "people and places"... just sayin'
@katylava I can see where they're coming from, since it wouldn't be hard for someone well-connected or rich to just hire people to complete the tasks, and that would make the competition unfair and not fun. Sorta like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka.
@Starblind there's also this:
We officially only need 1 more!


@hollboll on a side note, can I just tell you again how well done that Sea Monkey movie trailer was - I have had to watch it 3 more times!!!!!!
@mfladd wow, thanks! I only had the 1 clip to work with so I'm glad you liked it. :)


@hollboll It was easily more entertaining than the movie Annabelle.
Registration is going to be closing and we still need one more member to join Our Gang. Can you help us?
@TaRDy I will pay for your registration if would join us.
@mfladd you're killing me! I am def not in need of the registration support, so i would geel guilty taking it from you. I will look (seriously) into signing up tomorrow during the day
@TaRDy I know. I have that effect on people ;) But thank you for considering to complete our team.

@mfladd I have been seriously on the fence about this for two reasons, the cost (thanks to a big hit we just took via my husband's employer, a certain cable company) and the fear that I'd let everyone down by not being able to complete many of the insane tasks. I mean, those are nuts.
@mfladd Ooh, never mind, looks like you got someone who will do much better! Can't wait to see what all you guys do.
@jaremelz Thank you for considering it. And if TaRDY decides not to join I will pick up your registration.
Yea, I don't want to think about what I have gotten myself into.
(sorry, to hear about your husbands employer)
@mfladd Thank you! And if it helps, I'm a stay at home mom with lots of time and a very twisted family.
@hollboll, is there still 1 spot open? It is making me pay before I can see if the spot is still available, but I'd rather not pay just to find out the team is full.
@mfladd or @Starblind or @Pavlov, I'm sure one of you 3 might be kicking around the forums right now too...still 1 spot open on the team?
@TaRDy Open. Fill it.
@TaRDy yes, the site is showing 1 open spot.
Invite Friends
Your team has 14 out of 15 members. Invite friends to join your team! You can pay for them if you choose, or just invite them!
@Pavlov Thank you, I've spent $20 worse ways.
@TaRDy oh thank you..I thought I was going to have to bite the bullet and sign up!
@mikibell damnit, you mean I could have held out longer in this game of chicken?

I was hoping you or @jaremelz would fall first.. ;)
We have a
Points to @Pavlov for pointing out that if your excuse for not joining wasn't worse than "a roof fell on me" - you need to get your shit together.


Just Kidding - mostly
@mfladd sucker!!!!

@hollboll, @katylava, @harrison and team... If you need any help from a colourful neighbour to the north, you know who to reach out to, eh?
<3 Best of luck Gishwesing!
Meanwhile at every beach in the world lately....

@TaRDy Oh shit...I am watching that right now online! (not kidding..wish I was)
@mfladd I'm so, so very sorry to hear this...my condolences to your time.
For those of you wondering, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4704918/
@TaRDy Oh great, just throw me under the bus.
@mfladd Have some decency and limit yourself to IMDB scores of 5.0 and above, it's the least you can do.
@TaRDy and here I thought you were my friend :(

@TaRDy Ok, this was a really, really bad movie (even for a syfy one). Sharknado was much better.


@mfladd Sharknado was totally worth at least a good 90 seconds of the 15 minutes I spent skimming through it (beginning to end).
I just finished my t-shirt- thanks @fernikfurra

@sammydog01 That's awesome!!!
@sammydog01 nice! :)
Seems like this is underway. Can you guys talk about your challenges in progress? Excited for you.
@KDemo well we can't post any of our submissions until after Saturday. so far though i've committed to: translating "wherever you go, there you are" into legalese (which i've done already); gearing my dogs up for war against my cats; creating a portrait of robert downey junior with salt and pepper... though we had this great idea today to create it with Salt-N-Pepa instead; another portrait of a CW actor out of naturally shedded animal hair; and composing a musical theme for space, which i'm going to do on my 60s-era electric organ.
@katylava - Whoa, is that all? You really have your hands full. I remember that great video of your cat fetching the button (that was yours, right?), bet that confuses the dogs. Sounds really fun, I'll consider next year. Thanks!
@KDemo yeah i've committed to way more than last year. not sure i can get it all done. i'm not one of those people who has to be constantly doing something (unlike my mom)... i'm more the kind of person who likes to chill a lot between doing things.
@KDemo oh yeah, that video was of my cat. she only did that as a kitten though, way before we got the dogs. sadly the cats aren't nearly as playful with the dogs around, since then the dogs get excited and scare them.