Adiós, August. Make way for a new goat! (September 2017 nominations)
15It’s that time again, and while 2 months of @2many2no would be quite the bargain, alas the deal isn’t valid. And so, we must bid farewell and find someone else worthy of blaming in the next month.
Anyway, nominate away!
- 19 comments, 134 replies
- Comment
I think @Kidsandliz would be a great nomination!
@therealjrn Unless @Kidsandliz can prove she is hospitalized in an ICU, step down and general floors do not count - she has exhausted all excuses for not being goat. I have excused her for what I deemed to be legitimate excuses a number of times, but that ends now. She will comply with goatly duties for being a kind and long time participant in this hell, running an exchange, and for having a cat that is a goat.

I am sure @jbartus will have something to say about this too.
@mfladd I have an official excuse. See below.

@Kidsandliz Good one, but…
I didn’t see death listed among the allowable excuses.
And we certainly don’t want you to escape to the ICU.
Just don’t go there.
@mfladd PS “You have excused her…”??? “Allowable excuses”??? Since when did someone die and make you king? (grin) And @CaptMehrican voting for me means I will vote for you…(fair is fair you know LOL).
PS @mfladd that "allowable excuses was aimed at @2many2no and not you…
@Kidsandliz Apparently, you didn’t get the message that I am King of the Dark GoaT Underworld. But it really doesn’t mean much since the village consisted of three people - and two of them are mostly MIA. It gets kinda lonely.

As for you:
@mfladd Needs a diagonal red line through that… just sayin’

@Kidsandliz said:
Ahem (cough):
You did.
But, since death is not listed as an Allowable Excuse, you can go ahead and be dead, and still make a fine September Goat.
@mfladd all I have to say is that it’s still August and she’s posting actively as hell in this thread if nowhere else so as far as I’m concerned this should have happened months ago.For anyone who wants to know why I think she should be goat… go read the fucking nomination threads for the past six months.
@jbartus No, check the dates - posting this weekend “actively as hell” to quote you. I am actually home for the weekend, no TV (I own one, just no reception), a stressed out cat spent the last two nights carrying on expressing displeasure about a disrupted life (cats are creatures of habits and this cat needs to get used to the habit of being in a carrier for 3 hours twice a week), and am leaving again later today. Have not posted much during the week if you will notice. That will continue for a while.
@f00l Check the chronology. One I am dead. Two I did not grant any wishes either before or after my untimely death. And as a side note - 45 wouldn’t allow anyone else to be king besides himself anyway. Therefore I could not have anointed someone king. So, cough (ahem) I did not do that which you falsely accuse me of doing. So there!
All of which makes you Goat Worthy.
Again, congrats.
@Kidsandliz Sorry but the search you suggested I use in our last discussion shows you maintaining a pretty active posting history more than just this weekend. Either way, methinks you doth protest too much. You told us September was fine so we’re doing it, enjoy the horns.
@mfladd If you don’t mind, I’ve added a diagonal red line through the button as requested.
@narfcake nice touch!

You do not know how to draw diagonal lines appropriately. See below for the correct way
@Kidsandliz But then you can’t see the message! That’s wrong!
@narfcake Nope not wrong. It’s the entire point. Besides why should I believe you on how things should be? You voted for me for goat.

@mfladd @woodhouse. Just sayin’

David Hasselhoff.
You know what you did.
If anyone needs a reminder:
@KDemo calling @ruouttaurmind
@mfladd, @KDemo, Stupid Hoff. He just wouldn’t release his grip on that damn #1 slot.
We gave it a mighty go, but managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the 11th hour.
@ruouttaurmind - You were brave and tenacious in the face of a devious foe.

@KDemo I was just trying to show you my dance moves. Want to see some more?
@The_Hoff - The demo says: NO!
Unless it’s the goat inauguration dance.
Just admit you’ve been in love with goats forever. You can do this; you’re made for it!
@KDemo The goats love this dance:

@The_Hoff - Keep it up. You’re just dancing your way to goatland.
@KDemo I don’t have the time- I’m busy filming commercials. And looking good.
@KDemo Come on, folks, Hasselhoff for goat! How can you deny a man that loves puppies this much?

@The_Hoff In 2010 you filmed that commercial, were the first one booted from Dancing, and assaulted me in a casino in Laughlin. And now you’re telling us that you’re old and used up, and it’s going to take you more than SEVEN YEARS to recover from all that activity??
@ruouttaurmind Did you not see my recent fabulousness? My glorious new video? Do you hate Groot? What kind of monster are you? I’m sure I had a good reason to assault you. Probably drunkenness.
While we’re making sure that @kidsandliz gets her term at goatdom, I hereby nominate @therealjrn for hitting the tattle button instead of the reply button at Woot.
And lay off the political name calling!
@narfcake Whaaaaaat? I’ve only tattled on spammers. Who did I tattle on narf?
@therealjrn A private message.
@narfcake You mean that spammer that was private messaging me? Besides, is this some kind of Woot annex over here on meh?
@therealjrn No. This was from just a couple days ago. You meant to hit reply. You hit tattle.
@narfcake You may find any number of general asshattery I’ve engaged in right here on meh. There’s no need to go to competing websites to find examples narf. lol
@narfcake hmm. So did you fix it? Is my very important message gone forever now? Do I need to resend it?
@therealjrn That’s beyond my abilities as a vol.mod.
You’re free to reply again, y’know. It was all of one word and a punctuation.
@narfcake Yay!
@narfcake you are a voluntary mod at wOOt?

That’s enough right there to get you GoaTed on meh.
@mfladd He’s actually been very helpful for those odd, off-hours when purveyors of fine canned pork products try to sneak in an ad in the forums. I had no idea he was snooping in my private messages though.
@mfladd For a little while now. 1+ year probation is typical for first time offenders, though I’ve accidentally had one too many digits before, so they got 11 year probation. Oops.
Anyway I did my time here already. Besides, I’m already the permanent candidate for shirtgoat, so as soon as the catshirts start selling …
… I’m fucked.
@therealjrn Thanks, but I do need to remind you that you were the one who couldn’t hit the right button.
@narfcake A good, honest, well meaning chap would have alerted me to my error at the time, rather than sneakily springing on it me later. How upset are you that Hitlary didn’t get elected?
I’m not mad at you, just disappointed.
@therealjrn Huh? I saw it in the deleted pile already. No probation was issued, at least.
You should know better than that anyway. Shit that’s okay to say here isn’t at Woot.
@narfcake Still, you knew I had a message that didn’t send like I thought it did. And you simply waited until sometime later to try to call me out about it.
On a completely different website.
A good, honest, well meaning chap would have alerted me to my error at the time.
I’ll let you have the last word narf, you clearly aren’t seeing your error here.
@therealjrn So … you’re basically blaming me for your mistake?
Sorry. I’m not sure of any forum moderator anywhere that would ever follow up every time someone misposted something. It’s just not conducive – especially by those who aren’t paid to do it. Most folks actually realize their mistake when their reply doesn’t show up right afterwards, especially when it’s single threaded like it is here or at Woot.
And I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything about a deleted post I saw many hours after it was deleted already. I had no reason to, nor would I desire to even when I’m the one doing the deletion. Such name manipulation and/or name calling has been censored at Woot for years already – and that hasn’t changed one bit. I made exceptions explaining what happened that one weekend babysitting a bunch of right wing crybabies at shirt.woot, but did I get any applause because I deleted the post that included “f-ing retard” and “orange yam”? Of course not!
And I’m sorry for nominating you in the first place now – for a role that wasn’t going to happen anyway since the September goat has pretty much been set for the past two months already. I didn’t think you were going to be taking this as seriously as I feel you are right now.
Peace, 'k? This is how I saw this.
@narfcake You still are not seeing it.
You are dredging shit up here, on meh, about shit that happened there, on Woot. You can go ahead and try to spin it just like the liberal crybabies do all the time with everything, but that is the crux of my issue with your nomination pretext.
Peace out.
We cool.
Damn if I’m going to let you know my Instagram handle though.
@therealjrn Insta what?
(This old geezer doesn’t care for social media.)
/image tweets are for birds

So we’re all on the same page then?

You’re posting pretty nicely for someone who is recently deceased.
Again, congrats.
@f00l My ghost is home for the weekend where I have internet. Since the bill is paid through the end of the month, comcast is not yet aware of my death. Not to mention since I am now a ghost I plan to go to Bali or somewhere equally as remote and cool, stowing away in first class in an otherwise unoccupied seat. I may not be able to bring my laptop though since that is likely not invisible and TSA and the airlines seem to think that is a dangerous weapon.
Uh huh.
If your internet is out, I expect your live self and your ghost (both) to haunt places with free Wi-Fi during September.
@Kidsandliz hum we know it is not the real kodsandliz posting. Real kidsandliz would have stowawayed on a ship not a plane.
@CaptAmehrican Hurricane season. Don’t want to be in one (ship). Thinking of the Bounty (although there was the better part of stupid decision making not to stay at the dock…). Hope the Elissa is OK. Isn’t she in Galveston? Besides I need to get there NOW not in 2 months.

@jbartus maybe for October goat. She’d make a good witch goat!
@sohmageek Oh noooo…
I have been saving October for @RiotDemon for a long time.
@mfladd you rang?
@mfladd fitting name. But I really think kids needs to be a witch goat
@RiotDemon Ha! It is appropriate you are goat when AHS - Cult starts this Fall.

@woodhouse is new, plenty of time to make him goat in 2018.
@sohmageek @mfladd I’ve been patiently waiting a year to be goat. It had been talked about last year, but I didn’t push it. I got a few other votes after then but I lost. I threw my hat in the ring sometime before April, and things just didn’t go so well for me, so when I didn’t get votes, I stayed quiet. Didn’t feel right. Then @mfladd said I should be a Halloween goat, and I agreed.
If I don’t get October, you better wait until October 2018 for me to be goat.
@sohmageek @mfladd Alternate thought - if @RiotDemon doesn’t get enough votes for October, then she’ll make sure that both of you will get to serve a second term.
@narfcake I already have you slated for that spot because:
@mfladd I’m already the permanent shirtgoat should Mediocritee get off the ground. I don’t need another month here.
Now if meh decides to sell a bonafide catshirt here versus some receiving one via TeeTurtle randoms …
… fuck.
@narfcake I’m not interested in hypotheticals, your tenure on mediocritee is as yet unrealized (along with the rest of that concept) and thus until such time as it is a real and tangible thing you are fair game in my book.
As I see it, yes
/8ball Am I doomed?
/image smashes the /8ball .gif

/8ball is @narfcake doomed?
Yes definitely
/youtube 10 hours of doom
@RiotDemon @mfladd I am personally a little pissed about this. The goat doesn’t get to choose when the goat is due… planning for goatdom months in advance is utter bullshit. @mfladd you’ve disappointed me.
@sohmageek My thoughts exactly. That’s why I flounced last month. Vote for Hasselhoff in October.
No no no. No kids… just @woodhouse
. See my thread for the reason a meh employee is now eligible.
@sohmageek Yes he is just axing for it.

What is GoaT ? Seems to be a bad thing.
@tngrannyd - Here you go:
@tngrannyd It’s a ShiT job. But depends on who you ask.
Everyone tries to get out if doing it. Then it hits them anyway, and they have a grand time.
No worries.
I’m not as think as you drunk I am.
It moments has.
In light of these explantions, as Lyndon Johnson said, " If nominated I will not serve …" or something to that effect.
@tngrannyd Nope! The community may accept temporary excuses, but sooner or later, the goat badge will be applied.
(Hi, @kidsandliz!)
Whatever you do, don’t let them know that you’re here.
@2many2no I plead ignorance of what a goats duties are as I sink quietly into the background. Invisibility cloak now in place.

@tngrannyd Too late.
@tngrannyd - It appears to be more of an achievement award:
@mfladd she’s gone into witness protection.
Thanks narf!
@therealjrn That couldn’t have been written by me. It’s missing a cat pic.
I can’t promise that such will work, however.

/giphy I’ll spend the month on paws
@therealjrn I feel like you’re awful hung up on this whole thing. There’s a buttload of overlap between Woot and Meh for reasons that should be obvious. Events on Woot come up all the time and I sincerely think @narfcake was just trying to poke a bit of fun your way and you took it super seriously (like ‘the internet is srs biziness’ levels of seriously) for some reason.
/giphy don’t worry be happy

@jbartus Wow, way to fuck up the peace talks.
@jbartus No shit J, now there you go dredging up shit again. I what way do you think I’m “taking super seriously” any of this??? You must be one of those librul nancy-boys too then huh.
This was not an “event” as much an invasion of my privacy. Where else do you post where some vol-mod can dredge up deleted posts and try to create an issue here?
@sammydog01 I know, I know.
/image cat hug

@narfcake That fucking @jbartus. What fucking train did he just get off of?
@therealjrn I see you added to your post. Again, I am sorry for using these reasons for a nomination.
I will say that I didn’t post the specifics about the items; those aspects were in the follow ups.
@jbartus and anyone else:

/image more cat hugs
@narfcake I added rather than make a new post. We cool.
That fucking @jbartus. What fucking train did he just get off of?
@therealjrn The one that arrived late?

@therealjrn Like @narfcake said, he didn’t post the specifics until you dug into it in the replies. While yes, technically he did violate your privacy by revealing that you’d even pushed the tattle button at all (privileged information) any further exposure of your privacy was at your own hands. If you were really bothered about your privacy being violated and crossing boundaries between Meh and Woot you should have said so from the start, going on about your privacy after you engineered the reveal of the details of your activity on Woot is at the very least a bit hypocritical.
As for being on the ‘late train’ or whatever, you’re the one who posted the comment this is in response to long after the conversation about such activity had ended. Regarding super seriously, you’re also the one carrying on about the invasion of your privacy and throwing out cracks about liberal crybabies and such.
Maybe you’re not upset at all and this is all sarcasm and tongue in cheek which doesn’t translate well via text unless you know the person well, I don’t know. Things kind of read like that in the opening stages then you started going on about @narfcake’s error and liberal crybabies and threw that into question.
Sorry if I misread the situation.
-Fucking @jbartus
Conductor on the Late Train
’Librul Nancy-boy’ who voted (with many reservations) for Trump
P.S. - If I did misread the situation a simple “hey I think you’re taking my posts wrong we’re just fucking around” would have sufficed.

/image even more cat hugs
@jbartus “technically” You’re just fanning the flames, you fucking flame fanner.
@f00l Made me look!

/giphy flanner of fame

/image flanner of flame animated gif
Has that fucker @jbartus ever been a goat?
@therealjrn yes.
I nominate @chadp for never showcasing his trombone/guitar skills in a mediocre video.
@medz I haven’t played trombone in years…so that would be ugly. Guitar playing almost happened in a video, so that should count.
@ChadP Only counts if there are video pics
Moar people please vote for @kidsandliz.
Please please.
/giphy moar

@thismyusername With one more day, about the only chance that @kidsandliz could escape impending goatdom is if meh runs a catshirt tomorrow (aka I’m fucked).
And what are the percentage odds of that happening?
You rolled a total of 6
/roll 1d100
@narfcake You will be fucked anyway because if death, mine, is not an acceptable excuse then non-existent t-shirts on meh is also not an acceptable excuse.

@Kidsandliz Ah, but meh indirectly did sell catshirts, so they are existent.

/image random teeturtle catshirts
@narfcake See even more reason for you to be goat.
Outlook not so good
Signs point to yes
/8ball Was meh indirectly selling catshirts a reason to be goated?
/8ball If meh directly sold catshirts, is that a reason to be goated?
Most likely
/8ball should @narfcake become goat?
@Kidsandliz In how many months would this happen in?
You rolled a total of 84
/roll 6d20
@narfcake If you are goat for 84 months we won’t need a thread like this in ages.
@Kidsandliz In. Not for.
@narfcake grammar nazi. My excuse is that I have been too tired for too many days.
@Kidsandliz Good thing there’s a scapegoat you can blame that on.
@narfcake @Kidsandliz Yeah!..
Oh, yeah.
@narfcake Sometime in the near future that will be you…
@narfcake have you never been goat?
@RiotDemon I was goated the month after meh included thrift store leftovers in the fuku. So been there, done that, got the trophy and all to prove it.
@narfcake Speaking of goat trophies - looking at your Aug 30th post (following your other current thread). Who is sending them out now? @thumperchick?
I’m glad to have served as scapegoat,
And I’d never be one to gloat.
Though it’s been fun
It’s nearly done.
Someone else will be in this boat.
@2many2no I’ll miss you, to be honest. You are an example for others to aspire to.
@Shrdlu Thanks.
I think @Kidsandliz will really be great. Lots of spunk.
@2many2no Don’t count on that -and if people complain I will blame you and anyone who nominated me, voted for me or threatened to vote for me LOL
@2many2no Well. well… You were a great choice as GoaT. I hope you enjoyed your month. You did a great job of staying under the radar in the past, but no longer I’m afraid. Be well, and enjoy the pasture.


@Kidsandliz Yup, it’ll be my fault.
For one more day, and then…
(I won’t say congratulations, yet.)
The 28" actually has a pretty good track record on Amazon. A single rating (1 out of 20) below three stars…and from a gamer. So this should be great for video playback…I wish I had space for one.
@bainst this info would be really helpful in the product thread. But since you’re here, did you vote for goat?
For Whom The Bell Tolls
/youtube metallica for whom the bell tolls
@Kidsandliz Congratulations!
You beat the Hoff! You are a
/youtube True Survivor