Bite Me in the Caprine Nethers - (November 2019 blame thread)
13As we bid adieu to to the giggling, sugar-high induced manic celebration known as Halloween, we also end the reign of @aetris.
No worries though. When one goat is sacrificed leaves, another is brought to slaughter takes their place.
The newest victim of your admiration is @ybmuG! Blame at your convenience.
/giphy Caprine Nethers
- 64 comments, 300 replies
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/giphy Happy Halloween, y’all.

OK, what the heck are Caprine Nethers? I think I can guess.

/image Caprine Nethers
@therealjrn OH MY.
/google caprine nethers
Almost time to roll back to goat time (November 2019 nominations)
Lol. Thanks Google.
@therealjrn Well, I guess I have to do your work for you…
relating to or resembling goats.
You’re welcome
@therealjrn That’s too perfect.
@ybmuG its all your fault I didn’t tell @aetris in time that it was all his fault that I got stuck with another IRK during this past mehrathon. How could you?
@duodec Yeah, that was clearly my fault…
@duodec hmm well I am sure you could always give it away to some poor soul who didn’t get one…
@thismyusername Nice one!
@thismyusername @ybmuG isn’t that yekoP?
@llangley That is the goat that attacked yekoP.
@Mehrocco_Mole Well, we’ll see. You made a good run at it!
Maybe I’ll have enough time/energy to
tortureblame the goat this month.@ybmuG it’s your fault I had to sleep and couldn’t get all the werewolf faces during the mehrathon
Okay then BLAME: We got no T-or-Ters tonight. And the fact that the house is 6 miles from town, up a steep hill on a narrow road with no lights and it’s a mile in from the road and there are mountain lions is NO EXCUSE!
Now what to do with all these mini Butterfingers …
@stolicat I scared off a couple deer eating fallen apples in our yard last night when I let the dog out - I’m counting them as T-or-Ters.
@stolicat maybe they heard about the butterfingers?! Because ew.
@Gypsigirl213 the full sized ones, definitely ew. But for some reason the minis taste ok.
Blame! We got no T or Trs tonight either!
Just because it was 24* windy and snowed half the day is YOUR fault, also!
Now what to do with 120 fidget spinners…
@JnKL You looking for suggestions?
Oh, yay! I got me on of them there online jobs I was asking about on the forums a while back so I will be near my computer much, much more. I can get back into the swing of things with blaming the goat regularly!
@tnhillbillygal Well, that’s a relief!
Seriously, congrats!
BLAME - after spending four IRKless hours dealing with a “power excursion” at work last night, I got a call at midnight telling me there was no power at home.
BLAME - still no power when I got up, so drove to the Wawa for coffee and by the time I got home, the power was back on!
UNBLAME - Wawa is having one of its two-fers on Sizzlis…
UNBLAME - things could certainly be worse - hey @stolicat, @mimpetersen , @ConAndLibrarian et al what’s the latest in CA?
@aetris Yeah, perspective is always good.
@aetris Thanks for checking! So on Wednesday, a fire broke out right in front of my work. The 60+ mph winds brought tons of smoke to my place, but luckily that was the only impact. It is currently 80% contained.
On Thursday, a new fire broke out, which was basically right in my backyard. I spent Halloween waiting on evacuation orders that luckily did not come.
Today has been much calmer, they have stopped it moving (for the most part) on my side of the mountain. The weather is currently gorgeous!! I am hoping for a nice calm weekend.
@ConAndLibrarian - Holy cats!!!
Need more sleep.
Clearly/obviously not my fault, so … calling out Nov 2019 Goat.
/giphy goat call

@f00l Alcohol works well for that, just sayin…
Unbame - yesterday I found 4 big boxes of unopened packages of adult pull up depends type underwear by the trash compacter behind the thrift store. Took them to the hospice and they were beyond thrilled. They said their at home hospice patients (vs the ones staying in the facility) often can’t afford enough of them to meet their needs; they had several people they were going to deliver them to Saturday when they did their visits.
@Kidsandliz very cool. You never know what can really help someone.
@ybmuG It kills me that this thrift store throws out so many nice things, including things with the price tag still hanging along with 99% of the furniture. If I happen to be driving by (they are on the highway access road that I live off of so I go by fairly frequently) I fill my minivan with stuff from or by the dumpster and trash compactor to take to the Good Samaritan. That is one of the few places in town who gives much of what is donated to people whom financially qualify for their help (food and coupons to shop for free). I like that they give the people in need things rather than make them buy the stuff. They also have a thrift store to generate income.
@Kidsandliz sounds like the Good Samaritan should call the thrift store and set up some arrangement.
@ybmuG I have tried and tried to get the managers (they have had 6 in nearly as many months) to do that and they refuse. What I did find out is that officially the stuff gets donated to AmVet who then sells it by the pound to them. They only pay for what they decide to keep and throw out the rest. Since furniture is heavy that explains why they throw out almost all of that.
I’ve called AmVet to let them know what is happening but no one returns my phone call so I guess they don’t care. I’d say more of what is donated is tossed than what is saved and that includes new shoes in boxes and still have the price stickers on the shoes, plenty of things with tags hanging. The thrift store throws out bags and bags of stuff they don’t even open. The homeless have a hay day but so much stuff is still wasted.
Last spring I found 2 new, high end, current style, designer suits with tags and store plastic, hanger, etc. still on them in the dumpster (fortunately on top so not wrecked) and donated them to dress for success. There are boxes and boxes of carefully wrapped dishes, glasses, etc. tossed in the dumpster and half of the stuff is then broken, It kills me to see all the waste with so many people in need. And I feel bad that people donate to AmVet thinking they are doing a good thing only to have their stuff thrown out.
@Kidsandliz seems so wasteful. And unnecessary. Well, at least you’re helping.
Blame:I hate the goat blame thread being broadcast I don’t see updates
@CaptAmehrican yeah, 'cause clicking the link at the top of the page is hard…
The forumTopic name doesn’t go bright/bold for you when there is a new post?
Blame : I had fire cooked goat last night and the goats were so well under the bonfire we had difficulty pulling them out and actually went and got a second bigger truck. Despite the fun cooking method goat meat the flavor just stays in your mouth ugh
@CaptAmehrican One of the perks of being the apex predator is to have opinions like that.
@mike808 yes but its is the goats fault for being tough and fatty
@CaptAmehrican snicker - nice pun!
Thread image candidate:

@mike808 that would be canine nethers, so no.
@ybmuG Bite my nethers.

@mike808 thanks, but I’ll pass

@blaineg Add this to your reading list…
Blame Alexa for not being a better helicopter parent.
@mike808 yet one more reason “kids, just say ‘no’ to Alexa.”
Blame - there are these furry things that live in my apartment that don’t understand this thing called “time change”. Never mind that there is already food in the food dish. They informed me it was time for breakfast at their usual time. Where do I find the “reset” button on these things?
Dammit, Goat!
Cracked oil pan. Sigh.
@f00l Sure…I’ll be right over…Just wait in your driveway for me.
@f00l Well that sure sucks!
It’s a bit colder than i’d like. And we’ve had days of mist/rain/fog at night.
Hey Goat: Worth a complaint moment, what?
/giphy complain

@f00l I think that Giphy says it all…
Unblame, because Aldi advent calendars went on sale today and I was actually able to get all of the ones I wanted!!!
(Last year they sold out before I could get to the store)
@tinamarie1974 I love when that happens! Remember those growing up. I may still have mine somewhere.
@ybmuG hopefully you already ate the candy!
The calendars have come a long way since I was a kid. My niece is getting the Barbie and storybook one from me. There is a full sized Barbie and a bunch of accessories!!
I just remember getting excited for really crappy candy lol
@tinamarie1974 CANDY??!! No one told me there would be candy!!! Seriously, we just had the calendars.
@ybmuG nothing behind the dates? You were robbed!!
@tinamarie1974 just pictures. It was a simpler time…
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG so like you get a full sized barbie and there’s accessories (purses and shoes and iphones) behind the little windows? In an Advent calendar? Does barbie at least get a little bible or manger? My latent midwestern protestant sensibilities are shocked …
@stolicat @ybmuG just checked and sorry, but nope!
I should add that I have never been a fan of Barbie, but my niece is so I purchase…
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
@stolicat @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
I think maybe Advent Calendars have gotten too corporate-promo and too materialistic for me.
I like the simpler kind we had as kids.
Just a matter or taste and personal choice in nostalgia. Is all good.
@stolicat @tinamarie1974 I know. Seems like it violates the concept of advent. Advent of what…presents?
Crap day. Have some blame @ybmuG
@tnhillbillygal Well, poop!
My 3 in 1 charging cables came with an unpleasant surprise… the MEH CURSE! My first time, too.
I blame you for the curse!
@JnKL What curse would that be? That you wished you had bought more, that they don’t work, that now you need to buy more things, or…?
@JnKL Ha! it’s working. Now you’ll be on your guard. What could possibly come next?
At one local chain supermarket, Halloween stuff was displayed thru Oct 31 as expected. And the store had displays of decorative Thanksgiving items from mid-Oct.
On Nov 1, this chain store not only took from display the Halloween items, they also put the fall, harvest, and Thanksgiving items away.
Instead they filled up their front-of-store decorative display area w all Xmas stuff.
This sort of marketing choice makes me grumpy.
Goat, what do you have to say for yourself?
I’m thinking that Thanksgiving 2019 is still a few weeks in the future. Hmmm.
/giphy thanksgiving

@f00l We all know that Christmas is a big commercial racket. It’s run by a big eastern syndicate, you know.
Thanksgiving is run by turkey farmers. Not nearly the influence.
@f00l @ybmuG is that the turkey syndicates mascot? He is pretty cute!!
@f00l @tinamarie1974 Sure, we’ll go with that.
BLAME: Forgot to click yesterday. Had around 290 clicks in a row.
@Kidsandliz hey Google, tell Kidsandliz to click yesterday
Blame, coffee flavored, double. Yesterday my full coffee mug spilled onto my newish couch. Today my Meh mug overturned onto my blue and white area rug. The cat denies everything, so it’s the goat’s fault.
@OldCatLady Yeah, I’m sure it wasn’t the cat…
/giphy goat coffee

@OldCatLady @ybmuG
This weekend we had a hard freeze. All of my pepper and tomatoes died. This is your goatly fault.
(Note this is weeks after normal first freeze so only a bit of blame but I was liking November tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers)
@CaptAmehrican fried green tomatoes, green tomato relish.
You’re welcome.
I just spent an hour mowing leaves and mulching them onto garden beds. Then i made the mistake… i looked up. There are still a ton of leaves on the two huge maples.
@CaptAmehrican I did the same thing last week, then we just got a bunch of snow with more on the way that better melt soon or the leaves are staying until spring.
@ybmuG I will blame you again that it is supposed to snow tomorrow
@ybmuG didn’t help set the clocks back.
@CaptAmehrican ok
@CaptAmehrican @ybmuG I also blame you.
@ybmuG thinks pumpkin pie is better than pecan pie.
@CaptAmehrican @Panegyric well, unlike one previous Goat, I don’t have limits on acts of God.
@mediocrebot It definitely is for my waistline…
@CaptAmehrican @Panegyric @ybmuG trying to think of a witty comeback…
@CaptAmehrican @JnKL @Panegyric Don’t strain yourself

Last night some shitbird decided to use the block wall around my yard as an outlet for their creativity and surplus spray paint. This afternoon I borrowed a pressure washer to try blasting away the “artwork”.
I started the pressure washer, picked up the coils of pressure hose and started getting situated to do this thing. Not 5 seconds after I picked up the pressure hose, coiled over my forearm, the hose burst and punctured the hell out of my arm, filling it with maybe 6 ounces of water before I could get untangled and turn off the pressure.
Pics or it didn’t happen? If you’re really dying to see the puncture… linky.
I wrapped it up with paper towels and duct tape and tried to
@ruouttaurmind Oh crap! That’s awful! I forgot it was my turn to hold the hose together!
Seriously, that looks nasty. Hope it’s ok. I assume you got stitches?
Tried to get back to work, but the damage to the hose was catastrophic. No fixing that.
@ruouttaurmind you poor thing! Did you go get stitches?
@ybmuG @tinamarie1974 Stitches? What are these “stitches” to which you refer?
No, no medical attention just yet. I’m gonna see how it looks and feels in the morning and go from there. At a minimum I guess I should find a clinic and get a tetanus booster.
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 go now. Stitches will be harder in the morning.
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 and yes, get a tetanus booster
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG so my translation (from living around A LOT of men) I am a man and I do not need stitches. I may possibly put some super glue in there and it will be ok. Lol (all in fun)
Please go take care of it. I don’t want ya to have a bad gash that does not heal right.
Either way, hope you are ok!
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 yeah I was dumb like that when I was at the restaurant (in my 20’s). Cut a huge gash in my finger at about 2 am, alone in the kitchen. Wrapped it, gloved it, kept going. Had to yank the paper towel out of the wound (OW!) the next day and ended up with an infection and a rather bad scar which would have been a lot better if I had gone right away.
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG I’m not worried about any scarring. I would rather avoid sepsis or tetanus though. That would be a bit of a bother.
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 uhhhh, yeah

/giphy understatement
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG yup, and then we would all be worried about you! Anyway, who would finish your moms home repairs if you got sick???
Nah, superglue is too much commitment. I stick with paper towels and duct tape.
After I acknowledged my defeat, I put away the equipment and headed to the pharmacy for some proper wound care supplies. Peroxide, neosporin, extra-large breathable plasters and a carton of Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup. You know, for it’s well known restorative properties.
@ruouttaurmind the Ben and Jerrys is a must. I do like the PB, but usually cave when I see the chocolate fudge brownie!
At the moment I’m not sure I’ll ever finish everything. As quickly as I finish one thing, she adds two more! LOL! The list started on the back of an envelope, and it’s grown to 7 pages in its very own spiral notebook. I used to tell her “add it to the list”. Now it’s “add it to the book”.
@ruouttaurmind oh that stinks, poor guy. Sounds like the notebook would be a great starter for a bonfire
@ruouttaurmind was it talented artwork on your block wall? Some of those taggers create some pretty impressive pieces.
Hope you feel better in the morning!
@JnKL Not even anything decent. Only name tags.
@ruouttaurmind Gosh that looks nasty. At least use steri strips to keep it closed if you are going to tough it out. It will heal more easily if you do that. Peroxide kills cells, disrupts scabs and isn’t the greatest to use so once you have washed it out you might want to not use it again. Hope it heals without further issues.
@Kidsandliz Ya, I should have gotten some strips when I was stocking up on my first aid supplies. Didn’t occur to me at the time. I just wanted to get the bleeding controlled and get back to the graffiti removal. No luck on either.
Went to the urgent care first thing this morning looking for sutures and Tdap booster. The NP declined to suture, telling me I was a few hours past that window of opportunity. Steri strips would have done the trick at the time. Bummer. I’m not worried about the scar, but a sutured wound is just easier to care for. Less bleeding and seepage.
Anyway, $300 later and I am up to date on Tdap, and got some antibiotics to prevent potential infection. The worst bit of the whole ordeal was the out of pocket cost. Around $350 including the pills and my first aid supplies… and I didn’t even get to accomplish my original goal of eradicating that crap from my fence. I’m going to have to paint it. Maybe another $50 there. Since the affected area is on the outside of the fence, and facing a side street, I don’t intend to paint the entire fence. Just about 30 feet of the affected area.
May vandalous taggers perish from the Earth like the insects they are.
@ruouttaurmind Sounds like all in all you need to blame the goat at least 4 times - vandals, first aid supplies, forgetting Steri strips, cost of urgent care. Oh and lack of foresight. So 5 blames. Hope it heals OK.
@ybmuG thinks pumpkin pie is better than pecan pie.
@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind glad you went to have it looked at and they gave you some good meds to keep you from getting an infection.
@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind
Save your bills, in case you ever find it who did it.
I try not to encourage @mediocrebot, but this one is spot on.
@f00l Ya. Not worth the bother. The police weren’t even interested in it. They offered to refer me to neighborhood services who could give me resources for graffiti removal.
I will, however, be able to claim the medical expenses and repainting as a tax deduction, so there is that.
@ruouttaurmind Well then put out a sign that you need something graffitied that you actually already need to paint (only skip the damage to you part).
@mediocrebot @ruouttaurmind
I figure it’s unlikely that you will locate the perp.
But, if you do, and if it’s a neighborhood kid, you can present their parents with the bill.
If the parents react as they should and pay up, the kid will not enjoy working off the debt. You will have done a public service in that case.
Dammit. I must be fantasizing about the world of my childhood.
That’s what would have happened then.
Today … maybe that will happen. Or maybe the parents will react defensively or start a feud. Maybe the kid or their buddies will target you.
Who knows?
@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind Not to be outdone, self blame: sitting in ED with double vision and underwent stroke protocol to rule out stroke. Ambulance (actually mobile stroke unit) CT in the ambulance, CT in the hospital, going to ICU for observation. Beat that laggards!
Seriously, glad you’re ok. And I won’t tell you I told you so on the stitches…
@ybmuG thinks pumpkin pie is better than pecan pie.
@ybmuG oh no!
everything is ok!
@ybmuG Oh damn! What is wrong? Hoping it’s nothing serious! Damn.
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 yeah, I think I’m Ok. They’re just being cautious, which I appreciate. Double vision is almost gone. Still not sure what happened, but I haven’t lost any mental capacities, not that I had too many to lose! I haven’t been asked so many inane questions in all my life. But that’s how they know what’s going on. And I got to be a pirate for a few hours (eye patch to keep the nausea down from the double vision) so that was cool

/giphy Seinfeld puffy shirt
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG not what I was looking for, but it seemed appropriate. Glad you are gonna be ok!
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 ha, we found the same one. Leaving it!
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG
/giphy Seinfeld puffy shirt

@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 thanks. We’ll see when I get the bill…
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG I deleted mine before I saw your reply. Tried to find it again, but I like the Kramer one better for you
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 There are so many from that show. Seems like you can always find one that fits.
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 Do you want to to go ahead and post a WW pic for you to kick off a T/or/T thread for tonight @ybmuG? I’d be glad to help out.
@ruouttaurmind @therealjrn @ybmuG
@ruouttaurmind @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 thanks for the help!
@ybmuG Hope things continue to look good.
@Kidsandliz now that I’m not seeing two of everything anymore, definitively!
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 here’s the eye patch they MacGyvered for me in the ED. Keeping it as a souvenir!
I wonder how much that cost!
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG lets see… 1 shoe lace $32, one bandage $8,1 piece of plastic (you will need charged for whatever they swiped it from too - right?) $197. Total $237. Let us know how close that guess is.
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG that is terrible! You feeling better?
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 yes, really feeling back to normal, thanks. Vision is fine now. Been through a ton of tests (even took a dementia test - I passed, honest!), and am now waiting for an MRI. Lots of firsts this week! Thanks for asking. Means a lot.
@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 Ha! No kidding. They found my calcium was low and because this unit is OCD about those things, they decided I needed a supplement. They sent up an IV. Nurse thought…no, let’s have them send a pill. I got an orange flavored Tums. Would love to see the charge for that!
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG glad you are feeling better. Us goats have to stick together!!
/giphy band of goats

@ruouttaurmind how is that arm?
@tinamarie1974 Thank you for asking. It’s really inhibiting progress on the repairs. Seems the damage to the muscle may have been a bit worse than I thought. But other than the usual gross discharge which happens as a wound is mending, the healing is progressing along. Lots of goo though. I’m changing the dressing 4 times a day and it’s still soaking through.
@ruouttaurmind That sounds horrible! Sorry
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 Dang, that’s awful. All kidding aside, I’m glad you’re healing. Hope you can avoid re-injuring it.
@tinamarie1974 Thank you. I’m good though. It’s all part of the miracle of healing, innit. I’m always amazed at how much abuse my body can take, then a few weeks later come back begging for more.
Thanks, but… me? Nah. We’re all glad YOU are doing better! Hoping for the best possible outcome for you.
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 Thanks, truly. Was a bit of a scare, especially for my wife who found things out in elevating stages:
I have to admit she did extremely well, at east on the outside. She said if anyone had been in her heard, they would have needed ear plugs!
In the end, no evidence of anything on any scans and I am 100% back to normal. Still, they are assuming a TIA and now I have to follow up with the stroke clinic.
Personally, I think it was a weird manifestation of a migraine (got another one Thursday - this time my usual aura and mild headache). Good news is that we will likely max out our health care costs for the year.

/image silver lining
@ruouttaurmind @ybmuG oh my gosh, that is crazy and your poor wife. Just happy everyone seems to be on the mend!
@ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 Yeah, I bet her BP was a bit elevated. Since they had me monitored all the time, I joked that we should put the BP cuff on her for the next read and watch the nurses all run in wondering what was going on, but I didn’t think that was such a good idea…
BLAME! Forecast was for 0 last night. Woke up to -4.
Unblame. Installed the What the Forecast app and am now amused by my weather conditions.
@JnKL If you choose to walk barefoot outside, be sure your radiator is cleared off enough you can stand on it when you come back in. Your toes will only burn for a moment or two.
Why might you walk barefoot outside you ask? Well I can tell you that as a kid when we did that while sliding down the front walk (a small hill) it helps turn that into ice faster (we’d also throw water on it too) or at least so we thought. Then, once it is ice, you can slide down it while wearing boots much more easily. I don’t think my parents ever realized we were out there barefoot in the snow. Or if they did they figured that we’d learn by natural consequences that this was a stupid move. Umm nope. Never learned that back then.
So I’ve been on chemo to treat Multiple Sclerosis for 3 years now as none of the on-label meds were effective. Well, in January a friend came to a birthday party super sick saying “no no its just allergies”. Well, it wasn’t it was the flu and immunosuppressed me got it. It was awful.
So, This was not long after my winter treatment and I got a call saying my antibody count was low again. Again? huh. no one mentioned this had been a growing issue before now. Well… guess what it is! So the flu hung around for 3 months and that was followed by a series of new and exciting chronic infections (I’m not describing them cause I like you guys).
So come to july I got another really bad cold and I’m put on loads of prednisone (bleh), pseudoephedrine, etc… and some nasal sprays insurance refuses to cover. That doesn’t help and I keep getting worse. Doc reluctantly gives me antibiotics since they are worried I could develop a resistance to the few I can take (cause it wouldn’t be fun if I wasn’t also allergic to penicillin and related antibiotics). 3 weeks of that and not much improvement either. My neurologist has also neglected to send over info about my newly diagnosed antibody deficiency (though I brought what I had gotten from them). So its time for chemo again and the nurse at the MS clinic says “eh you should just get your treatment even though you’re sick. if you miss it the insurance company will make you petition for it again which takes the full 5 months in between treatment.” So, I do what I’m told and get the treatment. This is the end of August.
The next week is awful, any improvement in my cold went out the window and all the side-effects are in full force. I proceed to get sicker through all of September. I see an ear nose and throat in October to ensure I had nothing in my sinuses and a scope proved them to be infected but no tumors or anything he suggests I try a nasal saline spray and steroid nasal inhaler. Which I’ve been on anyway so that was pretty useless.
I see my GP again in October one day before my birthday and she tells me she still hasn’t heard from the neurologist and suggests I elevate the top of my bed to stop the post nasal drip from going into my lungs and gives me a short round of prednisone (cause I needed steroids to make my overreaction to my aging more dramatic and emotional hahaha sob). Well, I get worse from there. Have a chest x-ray finally last week and I definitely have pneumonia! woo.
Oh, you thought this epic whine-fest was done? NOPE! EVEN BETTER! Someone at the lab that day turned out to have tuberculosis and they’re concerned I’d been exposed. So they call me to come in to get a TB test. I’m barely able to move cause pneumonia and general MS stuff and Zoya the tortoise can’t drive yet so trying to get myself there was a nightmare. That was yesterday. Looking at the test site It looks normal so I don’t think I have TB. Phew. But man I am so tired of being a useless lump of pain. This year has been a nightmare (for so many reasons but this included).
All of this is to say: I blame YOU Meh! I blame you for never selling bubbles you can live inside! All of this could have been avoided If you’d just sold me a 5 dollar human-sized hamster-wheel with oxygen instead of air holes!

Pshaw. That is all.
(if you actually read all this … I should probably send you a thank you card or apologize for stealing those 10 minutes from your life. )
here’s Zoya being a good nurse.

aw, that’s a good Zoya. Has she ever been tested for Salmonellosis? I know more about compromised immunity than some but be careful @Panegyric.
@Panegyric cute turtle!!
@Panegyric Might be time to get a second opinion once you are more functional - at a top medical center that you’ll likely have to travel to - about how to deal with your mess.
If your IgG antibiotics are low, I know infusion of IgG helps raise that. Hopefully they have looked at that. Some of the folks who get rituxan as part of chemo for one of the cancers I have find that their IgG level gets trashed and they all have said that those infusions help a lot - far fewer viral and bacterial illnesses after that is brought up.
Hope you feel better sooner rather than later.
@therealjrn She has. I’m very careful. She gets checked up regularly for her health and mine. She just turned ten! my baby is all grown up.
@Kidsandliz Well funny that cause rituxan is half the mix I get. This seems to be the exact issue I’m having. Wow. Thank you SO much for this. My neuro mentioned there are things that can be done but wanted to “see how I am this time around” and haven’t heard back. I thought my GP/Ear nose and throat were communicating with them but I guess not? I never heard back about my blood test results taken during my last treatment either. I’ll ask about that directly if I can get him on the phone.
I’m just frustrated at the lack of communication that’s happening when I need it most. I know its tough when docs have so many patients but I do my best to call and send results to everyone myself to help that… but I forget things and can only do so much (just me and Zoya and I haven’t taught her how to use the phone yet.). I’m also (thanks to a longer story I’ll leave out here) on SSI disability so my insurance is of the lowest caliber haha. That said I live in Boston. There’s incredible care here. I just don’t know if I’m expecting too much or not thinking that the care I get should be collaborative/with other docs and neuro. You might be right about a second opinion.
Thank you again for your response this actually gives me a lot of hope that there’s a way out of this.
@tinamarie1974 She says thank you and she knows. She definitely knows she’s the cutest and that she can get me to do whatever she wants. I’m just a minion here.
@Panegyric Well first off I’m glad I didn’t get any direct blame for that because I think that would take up the rest of my monthly allotment!
But seriously, your story is a reminder that no matter how hard we have things, they could always be worse and we should be thankful. Sounds like you have been through the wringer. So hope you begin to get some relief - and better care.
@ybmuG didn’t help set the clocks back.
@Panegyric Rituxan, while a life saver, does have this unfortunate effect on immune systems since it attaches to the CD-20 marker on B cells and kills them (which then makes you incredibly vulnerable to viruses and fungi infections as your lymphocyte count plummets and that is what deals with those kinds of infections). Some people with R maintenance for B cell non-hodgkin’s lymphomas (nhl) are finding out the longer you take it the higher the risk of your immune system getting trashed even though it increases the length of remission. I opted out of maintenance as I had already had serious issues with only 4 rounds of R plus chemo and so didn’t even get rounds 5 & 6 that I was supposed to get (I had a chemo drug, bendamustine - comes from mustard gas which kills bone marrow - in the mix - technically R isn’t chemo it is a humanized mouse monoclonal antibody - and the B more or less killed most of my bone marrow so I had a double hit and that took 3.5 years to recover from, although my lymphocytes are still low but not as low as they used to be and my bone marrow cellularity has kind of and my IgG has mostly recovered fortunately). Some folks are on IgG infusions for life (unfortunately for life, fortunately a solution). If I recall correctly the folks on the cancer lists I am on get the infusion about every 6 weeks. They call it a miracle drug.
There are several second generation "rituxan"s that might be more useful and less immune toxic. With B cell non-hodgkin’s lymphoma people who have had their immune systems trashed by rituxan aren’t supposed to get anymore R so you may need to stop that. Of course that leaves you between a rock and a hard place if it was actually helping for why you were taking it to begin with. I do not know if they can then take one of the second generation ones. I know they use the second generation ones for people who become refractory to rituxan. And so you may also have become refractory if it isn’t doing much good anymore (a separate issue from the IgG issue).
Here is from an article: “The clinical success of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (mAb)-mediated B cell depletion therapy has contributed to the understanding of B cells as major players in several autoimmune diseases. The first therapeutic anti-CD20 mAb, rituximab, is a murine–human chimera to which many patients develop antibodies and/or experience infusion-related reactions. A second generation of anti-CD20 mAbs has been designed to be more effective, better tolerated, and of lower immunogenicity [my emphasis - which would be important to you]. These include the humanized versions: ocrelizumab, obinutuzumab, and veltuzumab, and the fully human, ofatumumab.”
If you were using R with with a B cell blood cancer they would have stopped the R based on your issues. By the way, you can have a late R crash too. That happens after your last infusion (R is usually active for about 3 mo after your last infusion and the crash can unexpectedly happen well after your last infusion). That can last up to about 6 months. This happened to me I went from a white count of about 2 to a white count of 0.5 and no neutrophils. Oops. Where this was first recognized was with folks with rheumatoid arthritis as they use R with that too. And they get more of it longer. A lot of the original research about long term effects of having R infusions came from research in that field. By the way, you can now get it injected in your abdominal area and be done with it in about 10-15 min rather than being trapped there 4+ hours.
It sounds to me like the MD having you do R would find it helpful to talk with a hematology oncologist who treats nhl as the things I am talking about here are common knowledge amongst those oncologists and many fnhl patients. Likely you’d need to approach that discussion very carefully though. Their first thought may well be malpractice suit.
I hope you have physicians who actually listen to you. I’d demand your IgG levels be tested, if they have not been, and if they are low, demand the IgG infusions to address that. If, in fact, this is the case with you, you have a serious dilemma over the continuation of R though. I haven’t looked at the research about what happens to your immune system if you continue with R even after major damage has been done to the point that you’d need IgG infusions. Sounds like that was a last ditch drug attempt which certainly create a whole new set of problem.
Good luck with this mess. I wish you well.
@Panegyric I had similar chronic nasal and upper respiratory congestion and was mis-daignosed for COPD. Turns out it was a tolerance buildup from Pseudoephedrine and my nose was draining into my lungs, inflaming the bronchia, and I was using albuterol inhalers to open them up.
Went cold turkey to clear my system, and then used a regimen of Mucinex (only 12-hr ER guaifenesin available) for the chest congestion, 10 mg loratidine daily for the drippy nose, and fluticasone (flonase) for the clogged nose. All are OTC, and worked like a charm. Been clear ever since. While anectdotal and my situation is completely different than yours, I mention it only because I had similar “can’t get rid of colds and a stuffy nose” problem for weeks on end, and I also was treating it with pseudoephedrine.
Also, clorpheneramine works for me too and doesn’t keep me up like the pseudoephedrine does. But once I found that trio Mucinex + Claritin + Flonase, life got a lot better without the constant clogged stuffy nose cold infection.
I hope you find a regimen that works so your body has the energy to deal with the other stuff.
@ybmuG Aww thanks and well… don’t worry I’m sure I Can find some more blame to pass around
@ybmuG serves dry turkey.
@mike808 thank you for the advice and I’m so sorry you have any sort of ability to relate to this situation cause at the moment the only way I can describe it is a nightmare. That said, I have been trying to move off of the pseudoephedrine and going with Mucinex and take Flonase daily. It helped somewhat with the never sleeping etc. In this case I’m thinking no matter what regime I find to help its not fixing the underlying problem and I want to nip that in the butt asap. Hope you continue to be snot free! haha
@Kidsandliz the newer versions are definitely a consideration. Last time I checked they were not available to Medicaid patients but that was a year ago so time to check again. My use of the Rituxan is off-label since it’s only been approved for Non-Hodgkins lymphoma and RA… and I have Multiple Sclerosis but the function is incredibly similar to RA. The fact that my doc brought up the Igg and deficiencies back in January and mentioned the numbers had been low previously makes me think he is aware… just not sure why it’s not being taken more seriously considering the seriousness of what has followed.
thx again and just reading that again… I could have an injection instead of a 5-6 hour infusion?!? SERIOUSLY? oh wow. ok. I’m going to sleep on this. Thank you again but that last part… WOW.
@mediocrebot @ybmuG I heard that too.
@Panegyric Be aware that it can hurt a fair bit when the needle is stabbed in there (hurt the entire 10ish minutes for the shot) BUT apparently the pain goes away pretty quickly (shots have only recently been approved and I haven’t personally had it, only have read others talking about it on lists). Every single person I know of who has had the shot prefers that method of delivery to the infusion (some won’t try it as they can’t deal with the thought of a shot that lasts that long). I think you still get the Benadryl, etc. just in case of an allergic reaction (not sure) so you will still have that sleepiness, but you won’t be trapped in the patient refrigeration project infusion room for hours - although they might yap about no one to drive you home if they were aware that you drive yourself.
@Kidsandliz @Panegyric
This is likely not relevant to your terrible situation, but, here goes: have endured lots of sinus infections that wont quit it and always come back. For decades.
Had two sinus surgeries along the way. Have gone with endless (or so it seemed) pseudoephedrine and generic mucinex and various antihistamines and various nasal sprays (prescription and otc) and saline washes and then some. Sinus infections seemed to just be inescapable. Always there or hovering.
Then one day I quit drinking colas. First quit dark ones that often contain phosphoric acid I think. Thinking about the acidity and my bones.
After I asked my internist, who thought my theory that cola consumption might be related to osteoporosis was worth acting on, since colas (with sugar, or high-fructose sweeteners, or artificial sweeteners). are worth quitting in any case.
A few months later I quit the light colored ones, which are often as just as acidic, and often contain much citric acid.
And then I noticed my sinus infections had upped and gone away. It took me a while to notice, as this happened in summer when the infections normally get much better.
And then it took a while for me to get around to counting back the weeks and figuring out what might have changed.
I don’t know if this is a factor for anyone else. But as for now … I’m doing water, coffee, tea. Veggie juice sometimes.
Sometimes I do allow self an energy drink. I suspect these are quite acidic. Have not checked. (People like that aspect: these very acidic “carbonated factory-made drink concoctions” feel like palate cleansers in the mouth.)
So I make self sip the energy drinks. No more than sips. Sparingly. I don’t use them for hydration. I train self to always chase them with water.
If you are drinking colas, sodas, or other similar very acidic drinks, you might try switching! To something less acidic. See if anything improves over a month or two.
Either I’m a victim of my own placebo effect; or these drinks somehow mess with my sinuses. Or something goes on that I’m not understanding.
@f00l Well since whatever you are doing works even if you don’t know why - don’t mess with it nor question your good luck!! (grin)
Unblame :i love that here we have both a really good thread explaining quantum entanglement and one that discusses farts
@CaptAmehrican I missed the fart thread…
@CaptAmehrican Hmm now if we combine the two threads we could discuss how fart sounds and fart smell could be affected by quantum entanglement…
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz
Everyone knows they are already entangled. Fart fortissimo audio is inversely proportional the foulness of the pungency.
@CaptAmehrican I also missed the fart thread. that’s unfortunate. I have much to contribute… quality information like tortoises fart. Those farts are loud like human sounds.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @mike808 AKA, the law of SBD
@CaptAmehrican @Panegyric turtles fart!? I had no idea!
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @ybmuG
And it’s correlary, the Law of LBH.
Made myself a nice salad then accidentally dropped bowl all over floor
@CaptAmehrican 3 second rule doesn’t quite work with a salad, sorry.
@CaptAmehrican @ybmuG Same for soup.
Took the day off, cleaned the garage and am able to fit both cars in the garage and it is snowing again.
It is snowing again!
@JnKL Well at least you won’t need to clean snow off the windows nor get it blowing in on the seat when you open the door… there is that.
Blame: for the first time in YEARS I have developed acne; four zits!!!. WTF, I am NOT a teenager
/giphy acne

@ybmuG aaawwww you found WW. Such a good goat!
Blame: I have had a really bad cold all week. Sore throat still hasn’t gone away and I am tired as I wake up a bunch not being able to breath thank you sinuses.
@Kidsandliz Hope it doesn’t end up like mine. Lasted weeks. But if it does, I’ll end up sharing blame with the next Goat!
@ybmuG serves dry turkey.
@ybmuG I hope so too. How long did yours last? I presumed I was getting a cold and the sore throat and headache would go away once the cold really took hold. Not happened so far.
@Kidsandliz About 4 weeks. Included a raging sinus infection that just took a long time to subside.
@ybmuG Hope I don’t have that. Probably don’t. Sore throat is not as bad tonight. So here’s hoping. Sorry you were sick for so long.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG I seem to have the same thing. Been on 875 mg 2x of amoxi for a week, and now it’s moved to my chest. Going back to the doc tomorrow.
@Kidsandliz @OldCatLady Whatever it is, it’s crap!
@OldCatLady @ybmuG Yeah it sure is crap. I am really tired of the headache… and the sinus crap (on the plus side my sore throat is a lot better, although not completely gone) has finally decided it belongs in my lungs too. Not all that bad yet anyway. I have finally decided this is not a “typical” cold. Haven’t been to the doctor yet though as I have only been sick a bit over a week. I’ll visit the doctor vicariously through @OldCatLady.
Blame? I was just at Starbucks getting breakfast and a hot tea. Not my usual routine, but someone gave me a gift card that needed to be used…
First they did not have a vanilla rooibos, which made me very sad. So Earl Grey it is
Then I sat down at a table that was next to a couch where an older lady was sitting. The moment my ass hit the chair she jumped up and moved to a lounge chair about 10 feet away. I was like uummm, ok…
Then they called my name. Egg bites were ready. Asked for a fork/knife and I was told I need to ask the person next to the kitchen, the barista could not help me. Uumm, ok. Walked 20 feet to ask someone else. She said sure, looked around for a minute, grabbed a knife, handed it to me and walked away. Had to call her back to ask for the fork again. She looked bothered and I realize it was because they were out of forks in the “easy to reach spot.” She had to grab a step stool to get them down. She was very annoyed at this. Guess she wanted me to eat my eggs with my hands???
Just proves I am not missing anything by not going to Starbucks
@tinamarie1974 That is really weird. I hope, at least, your breakfast, once you could eat it was good.
@Kidsandliz breakfast was delicious
@tinamarie1974 It’s probably the zits.

I actually did a chemical peel and all but one has dissapeared! I am back to my usual youthful glow
@tinamarie1974 But work is, like, so haaarrrd!
@tinamarie1974 Besides, maybe she thought you were…uhhh…

@ybmuG I wasn’t THAT hungry
Those big meanies from Baylor University are being serious about keeping their undefeated season and are beating the snot out of my sweet, innocent University of Oklahoma Sooners.
@therealjrn Well done goat! The good ole boys at OU pulled off a squeaker come-back. Poor Baylor, they looked so very sad.
@therealjrn Glad to be of service! I’ll take any unblame I can get!
OU rather than OSU?
Ok. I’m sure that explains much. Only, I’m not from OK, so I don’t have that knowledge handy.

@f00l Oklahoma State University is OSU. University of Oklahoma is OU. OU is better known for it’s football than OSU but OSU aren’t slouches either, some years.
But you being in Texas know all about football. And you should know about Texas League Baseball. But that’s a whole different ballgame.
I know which schools OSU (Cowboys, I think; Tulsa) and OU (Sooners, famously; Norman) are.
I just meant: there are prob a few implied (and possibly false or overdone) cultural differences. As there are such between TxA&M and UT.
Only I don’t know the implied cultural differences when it comes to schools in OK.
@f00l OSU is in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Most famous around here for Eskimo Joe’s clothes.
As far a culture, I don’t know what you want to know.
OSU has agri-culture?
Tulsa has a private university known as TU. They play football and things too. Engineers, lawyers and stuff there. Lots of oil money.
@therealjrn .
For some reason I thought OSU was in Tulsa. My bad. Guess I should have checked.
BTW I have a cousin who attended OU law school, and a cousin’s child who is a current undergrad there.
I guess my family is permanently tainted, huh?
@f00l Tainted? Don’t you mean blessed? OSU does have an extension here in Tulsa, along with a medical center.
We haven’t even got to the bible colleges and Oral Roberts University which are also here.
Blame, blame, blame. Because I am trying to purchase my niece a O’Reilly jersey for Christmas. The NHL store cannot print his name on a jersey because he has an apostrophe in his name?!?!?!? WTF?
For those that don’t know, he won both the Con Smythe and Selke trophies in 2019. Not like he is a little known player.
Guess I will need to buy an unlicensed jersey from China. Pretty sad. I didn’t know apostrophes were so difficult for us Americans to produce
That’s a way big /fail for the NHL. Wow.
@tinamarie1974 This apostrophes deficiency can not stand. We used to have the “can do” spirit!
@tinamarie1974 O’really NHL? What an o’rdeal! I’m o’rcome with diso’pointment. bummer
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 And now they can’t even spell “can’t do”
teehee. O’really hi’larious
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Get a jersey from Phil McGroyne instead.
@mike808 @ybmuG I think my niece is a little young to meet Mr. McGroyne
@therealjrn @ybmuG Conditional Unblame: Found a company on Ebay based in HK. Jerseys look nice and the lettering is stitched cloth, not heat sealed vinyl. Price is 1/3 of the NHL web site AND they know how to produce an apostrophe!!
Now lets just hope I get it before Christmas…
@tinamarie1974 well it’s not so maybe you will have half a chance

@therealjrn @ybmuG ok I had to add it here. Full unblame on this one. The jersey arrived today and it is beautiful; no different than the $160-$200 version and is licensed, not a knock off! I guess I am glad this all happened as I saved A LOT of $$$$
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
how do you know the “officially licensed” tag didn’t come from some other item or isn’t a knockoff too.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG

@mike808 @therealjrn @ybmuG because I am holding it and looking at it. It is clearly authentic. Shocked!
Someone broke my truck window in my driveway and stole my backpack (plus rummaged through my suitcase, glovebox, and console. Just returned from a trip.) Coincidence it was the one night I forgot to bring it in? Or do they come around all the time and I never knew? My work laptop wasn’t in it, but all my other travel junk was (tablets, power supplies, power banks, headphones, flash drives, cables, adapters, book I was reading, etc.). $200 to replace the window. And it rained before morning.
The 4MP camera pointed right at the truck less than 10 feet away quit recording in October. All I have is my old crappy camera recording from farther away.
Now have a bunch of stuff to buy from Meh when they sell it again.
@walarney Crap. That sucks.
@walarney It’s the feeling of violation way more than the stuff. My wife’s 2 wk old laptop got swiped in a parking lot. Thankfully it was encrypted, but we just felt uneasy for quite a while afterward.
@walarney But glad to accommodate the de-cluttering!
@walarney terrible. Sorry
Unblame: us government paperwork that takes on average 6 to 8 weeks somehow mine made it thru in 1 week.
@CaptAmehrican glad my connections could help. I’ll whisper you my address for that bribe, I mean gift.
@CaptAmehrican Maybe you got lucky and the gov, thinking there might be a shut down again, actually ordered their employees to speed it up.
Blame because stupid should hurt and lazy should be painful. That is all!
Unicorn meteor outburst the news said. 500 to 1000 shooting stars per hour they said. Last time this happened was 1995 they said. Watch from 11:50 to 12:25.
At 11:45 clouds rolled in but there were clear spots so I stayed to watch. Nope, nothing. The clouds were completely gone at 12:20. Nice clear sky, nothing.
The papers this morning said there were a total of 12 meteors the entire time.
Now I’m tired, cranky, and disappointed. Really cranky.

@sammydog01 @ybmuG
Saw so many meteors!
Not. : (
/giphy thunderstorm

@f00l @ybmuG You would have seen about the same number if the skies were clear. A NASA guy wrote a blog post predicting no meteors but did the press publicize that? Nooooooooo.
@f00l @sammydog01 @ybmuG Makes me glad I was too tired to drive into the country to see.
@sammydog01 lol that was always a maybe. And a very limited window. I stepped out for a minute and then went “oh right it has been solid clouds all day and it’s freezing” nope. But they will push anything that gets them a click.
Better to watch the regular summer ones usually
Blame because I have been sick ALL week. Finally drug my butt to the urgent care and I have sinusitis again
Unblame. The dr gave me some good meds and I should be better before Turkey day
/giphy gobble gobble

@tinamarie1974 yay drugs!
Kids - don’t do drugs
@tinamarie1974 Stop drugging your butt.
@mike808 that is NOT how one takes antibiotics
@tinamarie1974 I’m just glad others corrected your drug use vis-a-vis your butt already
@unksol thanks for looking out for me!
Blame because it is 60 degrees outside so I decided to get a car wash. The two cars in front of me got the high cost package, which includes a blow dry. After the blow dry as you drive out the blowers go on to give you an extra dry. Why oh why do the cars need to stop for a full 2-3 minutes (until the dryers turn off). It is A CAR. When you exit the speed limit is 60 MPH. I guarantee the car will dry naturally and there is a whole line of cars behind you waiting their turn. SMH
@tinamarie1974 My son works at a car wash where the have an optional towel-dry area. He said there are some regular customers (they have a monthly unlimited package) who actually get out and follow them around as they dry it off. It’s not a $400 showroom detail!
@ybmuG rhat is crazy. I hope they tip well!
@tinamarie1974 Those are usually the ones that don’t tip or not well
My friend she just moved into a new apartment. We were talking about doing dinner and she said she wished we could do dinner at her place. I offered to bring over Chinese food she said great meet me there at 5pm. I agreed
It is now 523 and at 455p she started saying she would be late . I have now been sitting in my car with Chinese food in the passenger seat for 23 minutes. I would have been fine with a 530p meet up time. I am annoid now
@CaptAmehrican oh that is terrible, sorry
@CaptAmehrican @tinamarie1974 well that’s too bad. I hope everything went ok. Waiting for a friend isn’t so bad, but the worst part for me would be having to just sit there smelling the Chinese food! That’s inhumane!
@CaptAmehrican Well that sucks. So what time did she finally show up?
@Kidsandliz 528
@CaptAmehrican Glad it wasn’t longer than that, but heck torture smelling good food and knowing it is slowly getting colder.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz If only there was a commonly available device, perhaps in cabinet form, that could warm food!
Sad sad sad day. My little 12" Sony TV made in Aug 1990 bit the dust the other day. I now don’t have a TV in my bedroom and it fit perfectly. My cats are also sad as they used it to jump from the bed, to the top of the TV to the dresser and sometimes would sit on the TV when it was on (no doubt because it was warm but they also supervised from there too). I do have a second TV (32" in the living room) so I won’t be without a TV, but without room for a couch I’ll miss lying down and watching TV.
@Kidsandliz We still have one made about that time. Hope it’s not doomed. Well if it lasts a week or so, I’ll at least have someone to blame.
@ybmuG didn’t help set the clocks back.
@ybmuG You can always blame yourself
. So now I guess I keep an eye on craigslist for someone selling really, really cheap, since who knows when it will croak, an old 12" one. And each time now I have to sit in my chair when I want to lie down to watch TV I will blame you - for life - since you were the goat on duty when it died
@ybmuG serves dry turkey.
This is the exact dog I want. An adult keeshond. Over 2000 miles away unfortunately and the place says they only adopt local
I hope you can find a closer potential companion!
/image Keeshond 4

I’ve got 2 19" CRT TV’s that I can’t give away to anybody. I guess I’m going to have to go behind the Goodwill store and put them in their trash compactor in the middle of the night.
@therealjrn Try the curb first and put a sign that says “works” on them. Too bad you don’t live around here. About a month back someone was looking for a bunch of 19" old style TV’s although apparently not for use as TV’s.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn try the local art school - making a video of smashing/burning/exploding old tv’s seems to be a requirement of first-year video students.
@Kidsandliz @stolicat These are nice ones, they were designed to be transitional with digital plus analog tuners. But it seems nobody but artists appreciate old CRT TVs.
@therealjrn Maybe list them in craigslist and facebook market place listed as for free? It would be a shame to see them end up in the dumpster.
@Kidsandliz I don’t want weirdos calling me.
I’ll figure something out. The “donation places” don’t take CRTs any more.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn Some electronics recycling will take CRTs, however, because there are EPA hazardous waste disposal requirements, they charge a couple bucks
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn
Nextdoor is an app that verifies residence in a neighborhood before allowing membership.
So that you could offer something only to locals whose identity has been verified.
Also various local neighborhood FB groups do “for sale” and freebies listings, if you do FB.
Members of these groups is often vetted by a local residents’ group, to keep out opportunistic grifters.
@f00l @Kidsandliz
That’s important to me, not that there is much grift in CRTs. I don’t want the grifters to even know where I live.
More than just “a couple” around here.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @therealjrn
Wow. My bad. Prices have jumped. CRTs are now $20 to dispose of.
Think if all the money we all saved making cheap CRTs for everyone because we didn’t consider who would pay for the end-of-life demanufacturing/disposal costs. Now we know.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @mike808 So…what you’re saying really is throw them into a deep harbor?
@f00l @mike808 @therealjrn I got lucky then. The place that looked at my TV is disposing of it for me.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @mike808 Too bad shipping kills the freebie KaL.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @mike808 @therealjrn a few times a year our local congress reps sponsor recycling events where you can bring up to 2 or 3 CRTs. I know, still doesn’t help you, but you may find something similar where you are.
@therealjrn that is true. On the other hand only a 12" would fit in the space I have to put a TV so there is that…
Blame: I couldn’t find either copy of @ACraigL’s frostbitten hand turkey shirt this morning so I had to settle to wearing a catshirt instead.
@narfcake I’ve got mine at the ready!
@narfcake @therealjrn I’m surprising my entire family with the blanket version. Gonna hang it like a tapestry in the hall.
@narfcake I’d say it was because I went and rearranged your closet, but would that be creepy?
@narfcake @ybmuG feel free to clean my closets any time! Just no comments on the contents
@narfcake @tinamarie1974 just to be clear, rearranging
cleaning. One is helpful, the other is sneaky
@narfcake @ybmuG I am good with either. I just realized today that weeding out my closet is necessary. Clearly I have an issue…too many clothes, shoes and purses.
@narfcake @ybmuG No way, @tinamarie1974. You just don’t have enough closets.
@narfcake @therealjrn @ybmuG well I have one walk in and two normal sized ones. A dresser and three chest of drawers. They are all full. I may have a problem…
Kind of dawned on me that I haven’t blamed @ybmuG at all this month. Guess there really hasn’t been anything lousy enough to warrant it. So, on the flip side I want to give him the proper credit due. I haven’t been able to be quite as active as normal but I’ve been around enough to say - Nice fucking job this month @ybmuG! You’re one of my very favorite additions to meh in quite some time and your efforts are appreciated.
@cinoclav not that I was hoping for more blames, but I had noticed. Glad to hear things are staying at least meh. And thanks for your kind words. Now I just have to make sure these last couple days don’t disappoint…Oh the pressure…
You did this on purpose, didn’t you?
@ybmuG Yeah, your last few days should be an unadulterated hell. Sorry 'bout that.
Unblame because it is not quite Thanksgiving and I was able to get my tree and decorations up tonight. My sister even did some handi-crafts on my doors.
@tinamarie1974 That’s really nice. And I love the snowmen doors!
@ybmuG thanks. My sister is very talented. Me, not so much!!
@tinamarie1974 Your talent apparently is to rope someone else who is talented to do it for you.
@Kidsandliz hahahahahaha. Clearly I am a master. I provided dinner and dessert and received lots of help!
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Nothing wrong with that!
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
/giphy damned fine decorations!

Happy holidays!
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
That /giphy came out far better than I had hoped.
/giphy cool giphy!

@f00l @tinamarie1974 Please tell me those are clouds on the wall… yeah, clouds, right?
@f00l @ybmuG omg that poor girl needs to get out!!
@ybmuG Sure. Clouds. And as a bonus they keep the rain in.
You want blames, goat? Two days ago my garbage disposal turned into a sieve. Blame. For two days I had no water in the kitchen. Blame. This meant I didn’t have to cook, so I had to eat out. Unblame. This meant I had to stay dressed all day. Blame. I had to buy a new disposal. Blame. It was a Black Friday special. Unblame. This morning my favorite handyperson installed it, for $30. Unblame. Read 'em and weep.
@OldCatLady I read net 1. Not bad for all of that! Glad it’s fixed in time for the holiday! We had a dishwasher go down a day before we had a dinner party for 36.
Two goats riding in the back of a truck.

One says to the other, “I can jump higher than you can”. The goat jumps, almost able to see over the edge. The other goat says, “Hold my beer.”
Unblame because I’m not that goat.
@mike808 At least it is insulated from the ground.
I’d love to see the video of the removal, assuming it didn’t just thrash around until getting unhooked.
@mike808 oh poor baby
Why my computer screen is full of nose prints

The guilty party is Tigger. The minute he hears me playing solitaire he comes running.
@ybmuG I blame you for my cooking a perfect turkey today and now my family wants me to do it every year.

@ACraigL impressive, congrats! No good dinner goes unpunished…or something like that. I did my first sous vide today. A pork rib roast. No pictures but it did come out nice. And no, @mediocrebot, my turkey was not dry. I brined it.
Blame because I am dog sitting and the dog seems to have serious GAS. We are laying in bed (watching tv) and every few minutes another one wafts up. OMG he is killing me!
/giphy dog farts

@tinamarie1974 That was probably the brussels sprouts I fed him earlier.
@ybmuG hahahaha damn you!
@tinamarie1974 Mine seriously LOVES them. I grew them once and thought I would see what he would do with one. Figured he’d take a sniff or a bite and spit it out. He scarfed it down and wanted another. I think I gave him 2 or 3 more before I realized what I had done. We ALL paid for it later.
@ybmuG so the question is, has yekop had them more than that one time?
This guy (my doggy brother) only had dog food and raw (canned) green beans all day. I am not sure what his issue is, but wow!
@tinamarie1974 Well, yes, but in very limited (like 1/4 of one) quantities as a special treat. And since we found that he likes celery almost as much, without the olfactory side effects, not in quite a while.
Blame for spending Thursday not able to use our toilets in the house. (We do have a guest room above the garage that travels a different pipe system to the septic tank we had already winterized but flushed out and used so some unblame for extra potty) Blame for Friday morning being spent having our septic system pumped out and that not solving the issue and having to cut the pipe from the house to clear a blockage and put it all back together. I am blessed to have a handy hubbie who was able to do the backhoe and pipe fixing issues.
@tnhillbillygal holy cow! You Do Have an awesome hubby!
@tnhillbillygal wow, that was a crappy way to spend a holiday weekend!
@tnhillbillygal @ybmuG or was it? Did it keep the extended family away? If so that just made it an AWESOME holiday weekend. Now cue @mediocrebot
/giphy LEGO

I realized I haven’t changed my air filter this year so I have to put on pants and go buy an air furnace filter.
@therealjrn amazon will deliver them??
@tinamarie1974 They will. But the day is sunny and I don’t want to wait.
I didn’t write down the size and was worried I picked up the wrong size all the way home. I DID IT! I REMEMBERED A SET OF NUMBERS FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES!
@therealjrn we have fog and that really light, less than drizzle rain. It is spectacular. Great day for a fire and Netflix!!
@therealjrn Damn, your hardware store has a tough dress code.
@therealjrn This year? I wish the previous owners here were as timely as you are. When I replaced it after I bought my house in 2009, the last service date sticker was 1982.
Blame my family keeps asking for a list. Truly all i could even use is a few shirts but if i ask for that i will be told i am fat and unattractive and why do i hate the type that requires dry cleaning
@CaptAmehrican Ouch. Can you ask for gift cards instead?
@CaptAmehrican @therealjrn Nope, ask for something that can be returned for cash. Then go buy some nice machine washable shirts. (Your relatives suck.)
@therealjrn nope according to my folks you don’t do cash or gift cards for anyone you have ever lived with
@CaptAmehrican I think @sammydog01 has the answer.
Wow. Your family needs some serious work.
I dunno. In your situation I’d either come up with some vaguely diplomatic gift ideas for use, sale. or re-gifting; or I’d tell them that there’s nothing I really want.
And I think I might reach a point where I challenged them on the criticism. But … not sure on this last … so much depends on the state of the family.
Some difficult people can’t be gainfully challenged unless one is ready to make that a full time project… Best sometimes to just do a combo of endure/avoid.
Damn. My sympathies.
@CaptAmehrican Just tell them you want one of the schooners currently for sale. Without you having to make loan payments. That ought to shut them up
Is there anything you need for your house they could buy? Or car tires or something?
SELF UNBLAME: The 'Cuse beat Wake Forest in spectacular fashion!
@ybmuG self-unblame? ew.
@therealjrn hey, if other goats can make their own rules about blames they’ll accept, I figure I can create my own unblames.
@ybmuG Gettin’ a little sassy on yer last day huh? Well, I don’t blame you.
@ybmuG serves dry turkey.
@ybmuG feels good, doesn’t it? Make some more rules! Go on, come to the dark side! Give in to your fear and anger!
@therealjrn @ybmuG self made rules are a thing? Interesting
Unblame because my side dishes for Thanksgiving #2 (tomorrow) are finished!
@tinamarie1974 is this what you made?
@CaptAmehrican haha, no. Although that would be awesome and my niece would
it. I made greenbean casserole, a low carb broccoli and cauliflower casserole and cranberry fluff.
@CaptAmehrican @tinamarie1974

No ice cream?
@CaptAmehrican @tinamarie1974

Or cocktails?
@CaptAmehrican @mike808 I MAY need the cocktails by the end of the night. Or is that cock-tails? I always mix them up lol
@CaptAmehrican @tinamarie1974
Don’t over-analyze it.
@CaptAmehrican @mike808 maybe both just to be sure

/giphy bye


/giphy hello