Made In Cookware Crystalline Glass Wine Decanter (1500mL)

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Love the Holidays: a Meh-rathon

“But I’m an old-fashioned chef,” said Antonio, who’d been demoted to sous chef. “And I want to serve wine at Christmas dinner the old-fashioned way, by pouring it straight onto the table and letting the guests slurp it up.”

“And I’m a modern chef,” said Melissa, the chef who’d been brought in by the new owners from the city, “and I want to serve it in a decanter.”

“Will you marry me? On Christmas Morning?” Antonio said.

“I thought you’d never ask,” said Melissa.

Stick around all day for more holiday magic! And, by ‘holiday magic,’ we mean deals on stuff. (But, also, if you’re looking for a little Christmas connection, maybe head over to the forum and say hey.)

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