Almost time to roll back to goat time (November 2019 nominations)
10Daylight savings time is nearing the end for most states, and so is @aetris’ term as the pizza goat. It’s not the first time the community thanks a mehmber doing a great job by goating them, and it won’t be the last.
So after the ghosts, goblins, and candy, who’s next to take the blame?
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Hm…November…harvest time…popcorn…mmm
Oh, I don’t know…how about that guy @ybmuG?
@therealjrn Oh, great. I knew that was going to come back and bite me in the caprine nethers…
@therealjrn ooohhh. Yyeessss! I was just dropping by to nominate him!!
The Goat Force is strong in this one.
/giphy the force is strong


/giphy skywalker No!
@ybmuG You realize that your argument pretty much acknowledges the fact that you are goat material, right?
@baqui63 Yeah…it’s the inevitable irony. I just couldn’t help it.
@stolicat for scapegoat
@mike808 nope nope nope nope
My infrastructure (power and internet) is much to fragile right now for such awesome responsibility.
And I got nothing for a month’s amusement …
@stolicat There’s no set rule of having to do anything special. Some goats have done so to liven things up in the community, but it’s not mandatory during one’s
sentenceterm./image random cat 1

/image random cat 2
/image random cat 1,000,000
@narfcake @stolicat no kidding. Look at the sleeper goat that was September!
That’s OK. We mehtizens provide the amusement. You’re just the MC.
@chienfou for scapegoat
@mike808 thanks. I’m flattered…i think…
@unskol for scapegoat.
They can get rid of that poop badge.
@djslack for scapegoat
As promised
Nominating @Mehrocco_Mole
As a cure for boredom…
@ybmuG And as I promised if I’m elected you can expect 30 days of me extolling the virtues and successes of President Trump.
BTW: I voted for you. Enjoy.
@Mehrocco_Mole but that would be fun! Almost as fun as the collective meltdown on election night. Certainly a cure for boredom…
But yeah, that’s probably not a winning Goat campaign platform… Oh well.

/giphy backfire
I believe that’s the point.
@Mehrocco_Mole @ybmuG Is getting the most votes winning or is not getting the most votes winning?
@narfcake @ybmuG The answer is giraffes.

/giphy giraffes
@Mehrocco_Mole and yet…you’re making a good run as a dark Goat candidate…people do love a good controversy…
@Mehrocco_Mole @ybmuG I think dark goat is something else…
@Mehrocco_Mole @tinamarie1974 this?
@Mehrocco_Mole @ybmuG uummm…
I nominate @junaidsadik because they don’t know what the meh button is for, and are presumably new, so being goated would add to their confusion about this whole mediocre thing.
Please note that the current Goat, @aetris, no doubt wanting to be free of the terrible Goat Burden, is voting for every nominee offered up.
Blame for this act is offered here:
OTOH I felt inspired by this, and jumping in to do likewise
So, @aetris Goat, you are pretty much getting a net zero on the blame meter here.
@f00l -

@aetris I have never had a dog but for some reason this really makes me laugh
Pinged #GoatRadar.
One ringy-dingy.
@DennisG2014 for scapegoat.
@mike808 (and @therealjrn because I know you put him up to it):
At least I’m pretty sure I don’t have to worry about it, as @ybmuG seems to have it locked (and I voted for him just to hedge my bets). But, if I ever do have this ‘honor’ foisted upon me, I can guarantee you I will be the worst. goat. ever. (And I fully realize that that guarantee may be taken by some as a challenge and thereby increase my chances of achieving goatdom.)
@DennisG2014 @mike808 @therealjrn I voted for you just for the Spicoli reference!
@DennisG2014 @mike808 @ybmuG Hey! I did not put anybody up to nuttin’ @mike808 is perfectly capable of being a dick all by himself.
@DennisG2014 @ybmuG

Learned from the biggest of all…
@DennisG2014 @mike808 @ybmuG

I have nothing to say on the topic of who is going to be the next goat. I voted on my choice, and on comments (but not other choices). I’ve been looking at various topics, trying to decide where to put this fascinating youtube entry, and finally decided to just leave it here. It’s longish (over 20 minutes), but worthwhile.
@Shrdlu We had a red tail hawk hang out in our back yard a few years ago. It had been injured by flying into a power line, so a local bird rehab sanctuary came and picked it up.
They are majestic but quite scary birds when you get close up.
Pinged #GoatRadar
One ringy-dingy.
@ThunderChicken for scapegoat.
@mike808 #PeakGoat is just a myth. : )
@dvermilion What?
So, who’s “winning”?
(don’t make me go look. That would hurt.)
@f00l @ybmuG by a landslide. I’d suggest that person blame the current goat while they still have a chance to do so.
And then…