Because those of us with un-diagnosed cases of OCD are compelled…“Did I hit the Meh button today??”
1000TH CLICK FOR ME TODAY!!! (Isn’t that something like joining the Mile High Club?)
It is there so if you forget to click it you can get all annoyed and upset over something that doesn’t effect life . You know, because life is so wonderful you need to be upset over nothing.
You can push it, you can click it,
Think it tells Meh where to stick it,
But it really doesn’t do a fuckin’ thing.
You can tap it, you can slap it,
You can try to gangsta rap it,
If you do or if you don’t it’s all the same.
You can poke to see the face,
And put a mark down in the space,
Where you’ll see them all if you don’t once refrain.
You can leave it never clicked,
Not have to worry 'bout that shit,
And leave the streak collecting for the more insane.
But no matter how you treat it,
It makes customers repeat it,
That button was this site’s first claim to fame.
@mediocrebot@therealjrn this sites addicting, since I started clicking
I can’t type fast, so now I gotta rap
I gotta go eat, so now it’s time to repeat
I type to slow, to say what I know
I gotta buy a shirt, time to blow this show
My guess is that it was originally conceived as a way to have us vote on the product - did we like it or not. And then the community used it for its own purposes and it got a life of its own.
So you don’t know the purpose of the meh button? You aren’t getting it? EXACTLY! It means you don’t get what’s the big deal with that day’s item. So you aren’t getting it. So you DO get it. Get it?
Buttons are meant to be pressed/clicked. Do it and be meh.
By “Not getting it” do you mean you don’t see the button right there?
If you see it, click it. It’s not a complicated thing.
Just a way to express that the offer is “too meh” to compel you to purchase.
/giphy it is what it is

Click it if you think the item is meh.
Click it to prove you looked at the front page.
Click it because you are compelled to click things.
Don’t click it if you don’t want to click it.
@RiotDemon Click it to make fancy patterns on the calendar.
Oh, wait, you’ll never get to see them, will you?
@blaineg @RiotDemon we could (someone has suggested) if the click face display was a selectable option in our profile
@RiotDemon Click it so you are assured of checking off at least one item from the day’s to-do list.
click to say- how many of the same thing can one person use? for example- phone chargers.
Click it because Meh records your streak of meh button clicks in a row and you like to see numbers go up.
Because those of us with un-diagnosed cases of OCD are compelled…“Did I hit the Meh button today??”

1000TH CLICK FOR ME TODAY!!! (Isn’t that something like joining the Mile High Club?)

/giphy congratulations!
@tohar1 It is an honorary mile high. Indistinguishable from a real mile.
On a solo flight…

@tohar1 it’s the kilometer high club
It’s stupid. No point. Hit it if it makes you happy skip it if you prefer. Think of it as an internet fidget spinner
@CaptAmehrican You can say that again.
@CaptAmehrican @therealjrn
It’s stupid. No point. Hit it if it makes you happy skip it if you prefer. Think of it as an internet fidget spinner
@CaptAmehrican I feel I’ve heard this before…
@CaptAmehrican @ybmuG yeah, it’s like deja vu all over again…
I don’t know, but as soon as I figure it out, I’m leaving.
There aren’t enough addictions in the world.
I click it to see what little face it turns into after the little spin.
I’m easily amused
@allergycheryl That’s why I click it too.
My Africa trip is wrecking my click streak. You know what? I just don’t care.
Irregular hijinks ensue.
@blaineg There it is!
You see… it would be this mat, that you could put on the floor…
It is there so if you forget to click it you can get all annoyed and upset over something that doesn’t effect life . You know, because life is so wonderful you need to be upset over nothing.
It’s a gimmick, pure and simple. It’s just there to draw people to the site.
@JustBeLoeb The steaming pile of poo speaks the truth.
You push that button when you’re not getting it.
Otherwise there is the order button.
@niisyth You can also push both and the universe doesn’t end.
Which is a little bit disappointing, tbh.
Or you can just look here and save yourself the aggravation
That sentence is a link
@readnj Gee there are enough faces there someone could make a shirt out of that (says she who owns the original one).

You can push it, you can click it,
Think it tells Meh where to stick it,
But it really doesn’t do a fuckin’ thing.
You can tap it, you can slap it,
You can try to gangsta rap it,
If you do or if you don’t it’s all the same.
You can poke to see the face,
And put a mark down in the space,
Where you’ll see them all if you don’t once refrain.
You can leave it never clicked,
Not have to worry 'bout that shit,
And leave the streak collecting for the more insane.
But no matter how you treat it,
It makes customers repeat it,
That button was this site’s first claim to fame.
@djslack I am thinking it was possibly a way for us to vote on whether or not we liked the offer and then hijacked it for our own purposes.
@djslack that was fucking awesome! But seriously, way to much time on your hands to get that all down. Lol
@mediocrebot JINX!!!
@mediocrebot @therealjrn this sites addicting, since I started clicking
I can’t type fast, so now I gotta rap
I gotta go eat, so now it’s time to repeat
I type to slow, to say what I know
I gotta buy a shirt, time to blow this show
@djslack Art.
I wrote it and hear it sung in the style of an Animaniacs song. Maybe the Meh button can be the third thing to get its own theme song around here.
Nothing is like your first click. That one is emblazoned in my memory. It still makes me smile…
He said and then cringed, realizing where he was… Oh well, too lazy to delete.
I’ve heard that when you tap the meh button many times with increasing frequency and intensity it can bring you to mehgasm. Can anyone confirm?
@Rossome if only that is all it took!
@tinamarie1974 should I introduce fidget spinners into the mix?
@Rossome fidget spinners…I’m gonna have to think about that one…
@Rossome @tinamarie1974 be careful… they are hell if they get caught in your hair!
@mediocrebot oh… so THAT’s a “tranny”
@chienfou @Rossome hey, hey. This is not a 70’s porno! lol
@Rossome @tinamarie1974 tell that to the 'bot…
@chienfou @Rossome @tinamarie1974

Did someone mention “tranny porn”?
Rule 34.
@chienfou @mike808 @tinamarie1974 Fuck!
Once you have more meh button clicks than days you’ve been registered, you’ll know you’re truly committed.
@lljk speaking of that we haven’t had an irk in a long time.
The meh button is the user interface to an IDGAF-as-a-Service.
My guess is that it was originally conceived as a way to have us vote on the product - did we like it or not. And then the community used it for its own purposes and it got a life of its own.
The purpose, as I see it, is to encourage people to visit the site really to keep their click streaks alive.
If you click it for a week in a row you get to join the club!
So you don’t know the purpose of the meh button? You aren’t getting it? EXACTLY! It means you don’t get what’s the big deal with that day’s item. So you aren’t getting it. So you DO get it. Get it?