Spooky Scapegoat - October
12Looks like we got ourselves a goat off.
In this corner…the people's champion, helpful to a fault and thereby deserving of scorn and blame, the pounding pugilist, the thudding thunderer…… @Thumperchick!!!
And in this corner…he received a goat starter kit and what more could you really ask for? Billy the "two goat puns in one name" Kid…… @cengland0!!!
Of course last minute nominations are still accepted, but at this point it looks like a two goat race.
Yes I know there are technically 4 goats in that gif, don't be lame.
Cast your star votes and we'll crown a new patsy tomorrow.
- 20 comments, 64 replies
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@Thumperchick should be the goat!
@cengland0 should be the goat!
Why not think ahead. @Thumperchick for October. The people have rallied on that one. {Myself included}
Then @cengland0 for November. That way he will have time to set up his goat office w/ all the handy tools you sent. In the mean time TC gets the goat. Heck that gives @cengland0 the opportunity to blame TC for all the goat supplies.
It's a win/win. Well, depending on your point of view.
@ceagee why can't they both be the goat? Spread the blame. It's worked well for me.
I still want to be the goat because I'm a masochist. Plus I wanted to borrow Irk's pen.
BTW, whoever wins the Goat-Off... They should purchase Goat Simulator so they can prepare.
I don't even care. The clock is nearing midnight, and my gmail account could use a rest. Not saying I didn't love being the goat, but damn, SO MANY EMAILS!
@studerc it's your own damn fault!
@bluedog @studerc Yeah and you even begged for a second term
@studerc I blame you for your overloaded gmail account.
@studerc This is just another email for you to enjoy
@studerc How does GMail file your goat emails? Inbox, Priority Inbox, or Spam/Promotions?
@dashcloud standard inbox email. I manually move all the goat blamed emails to a separate folder to catalog the memories.
@studerc Here you go - have another one : )
@studerc more memories for ya. enjoy your last day of goatdom
@studerc Your own fault. And, ya know, here's another email :)
@studerc Close to the last one of your reign - it is 11:59pm and counting… You were a good goat (inset photo of us standing sadly around a grave) EDIT - it went through on the stroke of midnight eastern time.
@Kidsandliz damnit.
@Thumperchick still technically the goat. Damnit @thumperchick
@studerc I'm pretty sure that since you still have the goat, you still ARE the goat. Blame @studerc!
@studerc Because, well... y'know. Your fault and all.
I love @Thumperchick but I feel like @Thumperchick always has been and always will be awesome so she will always be eligible for the blame while I feel like this may be the only real window for @cengland0 unless you @meh sends him/her another goat care package next month.
I'm voting for them both.
And damn it @TaRDy should also be eligible for that awesome Chrome extension.
@patti i don't send anyone NOTHIN. also, i vote @thumperchick.
@thumperchick and @cengland0 my vote is for sale in exchange for stuff to give for christmas… bidding can begin now LOL
@Kidsandliz I will not buy a vote, but can keep an eye out for stuff you're looking for. Shoot me a list at thumperchickwastaken at gmail.
Regardless of who ends up being the super spooky scapegoat for goat-tober, this belongs here.
@Thumperchick You found it this way or did you make it?
@Kidsandliz This has been in my youtube favorites for so long.
Halloween costume for the October winner:

@moondrake Is this one of your own costume creations?
@barnabee Nope, I have only done one of these big animal costumes, an owl costume for the library mascot.
Aye @Thumperchick would hold the goat-office well, but to me she is too amazing to be blamed for anything. So I invoke the rule of: White Knight Neckbeard, and in doing so I enter my name closest to the end as a nomination for scapegoat for goat-tober. Remember @xarous, it's always, always, his fault.
I was kinda' hoping @studerc would be nominated again, September being a short month and all -- it's @studerc's fault it's not long enough.
@capguncowboy Technically I nominated myself and I got quite a few votes, but I wasn't put on the October ballot. Didn't start till like sept 3rd and only 30 days. Total ripoff but I can only blame myself.
Well, if @Thumperchick gets chosen, would that still be my fault?
@cengland0 No, it would be her own fault
@cengland0 No, that would be @studerc's fault. Since the voting happened while he was still goat.
@Thumperchick It's definitely your fault now
@TaRDy I uh, don't have a goat yet... totes @studerc's fault!
@Thumperchick Congratulations. It is all your fault. I tried in vain to save you.
The goat will be delivered to @Thumperchick tomorrow. CONGRATS?
@JonT it's all my fault my reign of terror was only 27 days...worst scapegoat ever.
@JonT Ewe goat to be kidding me!!
@Thumperchick Aren't you secretly flattered?
@JonT takes longer via SmartPost
@KDemo "secretly" ^_^
@Thumperchick - I promise not to tell anyone.
@Thumperchick : Congrats ! I fell asleep and missed the changing of the goat. It's your fault !
@ceagee Sorry
I missed the vote too, but would totally have voted for @Thumperchick! Yaaay! Er, I mean meeeehhhh!
@Pony Sorry
I too would have voted for @Thumperchick because sometimes, you just want to see the most popular kid in school (especially the ones we ♥) become the goat for a while!
@Cinoclav Sorry
@Thumperchick You can officially say that now! :)
Whew, I got out of that one by the hair on my chinny chin chin.
@cengland0 Next month, once you know where you will set up your goat pen.
@Thumperchick How about I reuse my old duck pen that I made out of PVC and chicken wire?
@cengland0 Would definitely have to be a pygmy goat, but I hear they prefer dog houses.
@cengland0 that's a lot of ducks.
@JonT No no, this is a lot of ducks
@Thumperchick Today's the day I can begin blaming you for me not owning a dog house.
@MEHcus Is that a picture of the Lucky Duck Race on the Shenango River in Sharon, PA?
@jimmyd103 ummmm, yes? no? maybe?
@jimmyd103 Actually, upon further review, it's from the Silicon Valley Duck Race of June 2012. Duh. https://www.flickr.com/photos/jenguin/sets/72157630100001600
@MEHcus Well at 9,000 ducks it's much larger than the one in PA at around 2k.
@MEHcus @jimmyd103 They did one of these in Rockwall last year. Didn't win anything but it was really fun to see.
I didn't think when I took some pics of the one in Chicago that I'd ever share it with other fans. This is the floating conveyor belt they use to suck up the ducks...
@editorkid I have a relative that won the car in Chicago a few years ago. His tax guy told him to never ever buy another duck.
I blame @Thumperchick for ello.
@joelmw I blame all the goats for that mess.
@joelmw Sorry. I just wanted another way to stalk my fellow Mehrry Mehmbers.
@Cinoclav that is an accurate representation of me trying to use stairs while still sleepy.
@Cinoclav What is with all these goats in peril videos? I like a good goat gif, but I don't want to have to be sad about them.
@bluedyn They're just extremely clumsy.
@Cinoclav @bluedyn yeah it's the worst that now every funny animal video is accompanied by 10 people telling you that the animal is acting funny because of a horrible brain disease and is probably in constant suffering. I JUST WANT TO LAUGH AT A CAT THAT WALKS SILLY.
@JonT I definitely don't want to think about people mocking animals with crippling disabilities. Nor do I want to see those animals. No Sarah McLachlan gifs for me. And I have @Cinoclav to thank for the option to consider animals clumsy.

@bluedyn I would just rather be amused and @Ignorant if something actually is wrong with the animal, but I think people do it when there's nothing wrong with them just to make people feel bad.
@JonT Those people suck. And should be banned from forums.
@bluedyn You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and then you have the internet.
@Thumperchick Mrs. Garrett would beg to differ.
@JonT I saw Goat Off and got really excited. I thought you were selling various goats throughout the day. Bait and Switch. I blame @Thumperchick for it though.