No ballots needed. Vote right here. (November 2020 goat nominations)
14Ah, election season is upon us. Lots of advertising. Lots of mudslinging. And lots of blame. Well here at meh, you need to forget about the first two and just focus on the last – some good old fashioned blaming on scapegoat of the month. Unless things go well – then you’re free to unblame.
So with @kykazaa’s Lego goat term about to wrap up, it’s time to nominate the next goat.
(Just leave the real politics out of it. This isn’t the place for that.)
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How about @star2236?
@tinamarie1974 She will join the esteemed group of goats that scheduled their goathood. Besides, who would pass on a month of shoes and purses?! (me, actually
@Weboh shoes and purses are two of my favorite things!!
I used to love the goat thread but it’s become a humorless shit fest of self-pitying and dead cats. I’m done.
@sammydog01 well… I think we just need to Make Meh Mediocre again! MMMA… Who’s with me?

@sammydog01 @sohmageek
/giphy I’m in

Goats used to get blamed for stuff and just respond with a ‘meh’, or a ‘shut it’. now they post daily about their favorite/unfavorite hobbies, pets, flowers, trivia, etc. it has basically turned into a resume builder for writing click-bait articles where you must click through 75 pages of ads before realizing the title subject that piqued your interest isn’t even in the list. even worse, it’s a month long bait-click article. thbts!!!
@jaybird what does thbts mean?
I personally love the goats that do different topics each day. It brings some much needed fun to this forum.
@RiotDemon thbts…stick your tongue between your lips and blow. thbts is the noise your mouth makes.
@RiotDemon I like the daily topics that goats do. Maybe we could have a monthly correspondent instead. Oh, shit, I already announced my departure.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01
I think you can blame the scapegoat for that, yes?
At least until they stop having them as you suggest. Then who would you have to blame? Be careful what you wish for.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01
I love the daily topics re ships and boats, trains, legos, halloween, heavy metal, strange holidays, and whatever other personal interests people are way into (non Political tho)
The goat blame topic is supposed to be lighthearted, and humorous or amusing.
I would like to see it return to being kinda within those boundaries.
@jaybird I’m thinking we give jay the bird…
/giphy the bird

(all in good fun btw) pffffthhtt (the other way to make that sound with your lips)
@jaybird @kykazaa This is an alternative too.

I nominate @jaybird.
@PocketBrain hahaha
@PocketBrain @tinamarie1974 doh!
@jaybird @PocketBrain and Jaybird takes the lead
@PocketBrain @tinamarie1974 I wonder if this was @jaybird’s plan all along.
I vote for billy gruff.
Too bad we can’t nominate @ChadP

@ybmuG can’t we?
Anyone got anything light-hearted to post in here? Shit.

/image random kittens

@ChadP @sammydog01 pupper says HI hooman, want to be my fren?
He is smiling, you just can’t tell!!
@ChadP @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
Cat party with DJ Meowz!
@ChadP @mike808 @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
Well, maybe not “light”-hearted, but I think it might fit the request…
/giphy light hearted

How about OnlyOneTruth?
They seem capable of gracefully accepting the blame all month from whichever side of the political loses the election.
@mike808 politics stay in the politics thread.
@RiotDemon Goat nominations are about accepting blame, not politics.
Why are you injecting politics in this?
Why would OnlyOneTruth be any less able to accept blame with humility as the November Goat than any other fine upstanding Mehtizen?
@mike808 @RiotDemon That wasn’t exactly politics. That was simply a nomination for someone who can handle the main topic at hand next month.
@OnlyOneTruth @Mehrocco_mole
Not even gonna vote for yourselves?
wth is this?
@rickyjojo hey. Welcome to the forums. Every month a member is picked to be the scapegoat to accept blames for crappy products and other silly things that went wrong.
@rickyjojo or you know. Serious stuff sometimes. Or dog farts. Or stubbing your toe lol.
@rickyjojo @unksol the thread started originally to be for meh complaints specifically. It super bummed me out when someone threw blame at me for the Vegas shooting when I was goat. That wasn’t cool.
Dog farts, I could totally deal with.
@rickyjojo @RiotDemon @unksol I would be happy to blame you for the pup’s farts! His butt is constantly stinky!!
@rickyjojo @RiotDemon @unksol Dog farts yes, serious stuff, no.
@rickyjojo @RiotDemon well that sucks. Apparently I wasn’t paying attention for that one usually the semi serious come with an unblame. Asks of god/nature eh… Acts of people being straight evil… Hard pass. Cute pets being evil… Meh
@rickyjojo However, if good stuff happens (winning the lottery, bumper crop of tomatoes, tests are negative, landlord replaces toilet), you get mega unblames.