Birthday Game: Scavenger Hunt the meh Forum!

Thumperchick thought this was worth mentioning said

It’s a meh forum scavenger hunt!

I want you to flex your forum-searching skills to locate 15 different posts. Here’s how it works:

I’ll post each item in a comment, you post your answer in a reply to that comment. (If you don’t put it in a reply, it won’t count.)

Each comment/post is it’s own mini-game, so you don’t need to find all 15 to play.

You will need to post the link to the specific comment/content we’re looking for.

Check out the instructions on each post, some will require a screenshot, others an answer from you.

{To search our forums, you can click the speech bubble in the upper right, then use the search bar.}

Got it? Great - now run my minions!