are you dumber than me?
58i'm a fan of the Sopranos. and i always heard them saying "marone!". i figured i'd walk around saying it as well. since i could tie it back to the Sopranos, no one really questioned me. until a friend of ours actually went to Italy. it turns out they were saying "Madone!", as in, "mother of god!".
so, what does "marone!" mean? brown. i'd been walking around exclaiming "BROWN!". yep, i'm an idiot.
- 81 comments, 233 replies
- Comment
Hahaha, loved reading this. I'm sure I've done something just as foolish- I just can't recall right now. Thanks for sharing.
at least UPS was happy.
I forgot how to spell the word "here" once. I asked a friend. Big mistake.
I had a mental block on the word "of" at one time. I found that extremely alarming.
I've had the "of" block before, I'd start writing "ov" and then spend a minute staring at it trying to remember how to spell...
If I think too hard about the spelling of just about any word, it will start to look wrong, and I'm no longer sure about it. I've done it with words as simple as "here". The first time I remember it happening was with the word "cake".
@DaveInSoCal You’re not alone on that one. I once typed it as “uv.” I knew it was wrong, but it took a few seconds to remember how to spell it correctly. I now try not to do too much typing in the wee hours of the morning. Um, is there any way to keep the time stamp from showing on this post?
@hart My brother, as a kid, asked how to spell “a”. We told him. He didn’t believe us LOL
@badmnky @DaveInSoCal It reminds me of this. Quick! Count the number of F’s in the following sentence. Count them ONLY ONCE. Do not go back and count them again:
“Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.”
The average person finds 3 F’s in the sentence. The correct answer however is 6. Yes, believe it or not, there are indeed SIX (6) F’s in the above sentence. Where are these missing F’s? Most persons simply fail to notice the three F’s in the three occurrences of the word “of” in the sentence. Some experts have claimed that for English speakers the letter F usually makes the “f” sound as in the word “fork.” However, in the word “of” the letter F makes a “v” sound. Therefore when we see the word “of” we say (and think) of it as “ov.” In this scenario our capacity to read and assign meaning to words overrides our capacity for shape recognition.
@callow I think, for me it’s a question of where my eyes go, as a practiced reader. I once spent a solid minute looking for a download link on a web page because years of experience had taught me to never look at banner ads, and the page’s author had thought “I know. I’ll put a big download link right in this prominent spot where it can’t be missed.”
Vision’s like half illusion. Anyways, that trick worked extra good on me, because I read how many there were supposed to be and came up with three anyways. Just didn’t identify the “of” shapes as being words with their own letters in them. I’m pretty sure I never had them center of vision.
I thought Wichita was pronounced "WuhCHEEtuh".
Is it not? Oh dear..
@marklog I live in a parish called Ouachita, and it is pronounced WahSHItaw.
I once managed to dump an entire cappuccino on my own head. Seriously.
I had just gotten said cap and was going over to a friend's house. As I reached the top stair I reached for the door buzzer while simultaneously catching my lead foot on the top stair. Instinctively I held the drink up over my head as I fell down. In the process of falling, the simple act of balancing sent my cappuccino hand backwards as I was falling forwards. The whole damn thing landed upside down on my head.
If that wasn't enough I stood up and immediately started laughing, almost maniacally (I mean honestly, what is the likelihood of this happening?), forgetting that I had actually hit the buzzer. My girlfriend opened the door to my hair soaking wet with cappuccino (it was still dripping off my hair) and me laughing to myself like a crazy person.
She looked horrified when she saw me and exclaimed "What happened !?!?!?!".
@patti Thanks for sharing. Very funny!
I thought kapiche was pronouced 'kabeesh' when I was a kid.
When I was 8, I stuck a bobby pin in a wall socket. I had blisters in between my fingers for a while. My dad still loves to share this story to this day at family gatherings, and that was 35 years ago.
I was 5 or 6. My mom watched and gave a running commentary to her friend on the phone. Afterwards, she said 'Won't do that again, will you?'
@melwin I did that with a pair of tweezers once... Didn't get hurt, but I did blow a fuse in the house.
@Al_Coholic ... I did the same thing when I was pretty young.. Lots of sparks.. No pain but some numbness.. that incident helped me become an electrician I'm sure.
@melwin Haha, I did that too. I thought it was a place to put my key to start my imaginary car.
Similar to the above story, when I was 10 I cut the TV power cord with a pair of scissors. I remember making the conscious decision to do it, too. Like, "Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I just took these scissors and cut that wire?" There was a spark and then a fuse must have blown because half of the lights on the first floor went out. Needless to say, my parents weren't happy.
I was moving out of an apartment and was throwing away a bunch of stuff in the dumpsters the complex used. After about an hour of cleaning things out I went to my car and I could not find my keys.
I had somehow thrown them into the dumpster while throwing everything else out. This lead to an hour+ long dumpster diving extravaganza/smorgasbord complete with dirty diapers, old Indian food, and other unspeakable things before I finally found them.
Also when I was younger I thought that "fringe benefits" was actually "French benefits."
Could have been worse. The keys could have been in your pocket the entire time.
@hart See below.
@JonT I thought it was "french benefits" too!
@JonT Mmmm... baguettes...
@JonT Is this you?
I was in my mid 20's before I figured out what a Frontage Road was. I was convinced that every town just had a surplus of streets called Frontage Road and couldn't figure out how you could tell the difference between them.
Don't worry, I used to think the same.
I had to ask my parents why there were so many Frontage roads. They had quite the laugh
We only have one Frontage Road! So, yes.
whats a frontage road?
@MEHcus I was in my 30s before I figured it out, namely because places not named Texas don't have them.
@JohnS | Frontage | grass/curb | main road| Main road | Grass/curb | Frontage | <-- that way you can pull off the main road onto the frontage without holding up traffic or slowing down to look for that one shop you KNOW is there somewhere.
@NigelF We have them in mississippi
@MEHcus I'm in NY. Never heard of this term before reading this post. I can think of 2 streets that have something like this, but never heard the term.
@JonT Ha! One New Years Day (around 6am) I had to call a locksmith to let me into my apartment. I had been partying with some of my neighbors for New Years Eve. Once he let me in he presented me with his $240 bill, which was double for working on a holiday. When I opened my purse to grab my checkbook I found my fucking keys. In my purse. Again: I found my keys. In my purse.
I sat on the floor outside of my apartment for over an hour at 6 in the morning and paid $240 while my keys were in my purse the whole time.
Also, I thought it was French Benefits too.
Similar story, though no keys in purse (or anything). But it was July 4 and my girlfriend had had me over for dinner so she could dump me.
@patti I did similar once - had just moved, didn't know the front door was a storehouse lock (locks behind you even if you don't push the button) and locked myself out. At night. On a weekend. Key really was inside. I never realized the BACK DOOR was unlocked (thought I had locked it and stupidly never checked - was exhausted from the move). Geesh. But it only set me back $90. Needless to say I have a key buried outside due to this "feature" of the front door. I have had to use that key more than once.
@patti @jonT French as in Fries, kissing, and/or just the country?
up until about a month ago I thought the lyrics in ride with me were "hey, thrust me the money"
I was shocked they edited this video for language. I have listened dozens and dozens of time.
@hollboll OMFG... so the Song Cheerleader was the first song my son "danced to" but my wife thought the line "Like a genie in a bottle" was "so I fucked her in the butthole" (it's around 1:09 but you may want to go back a little bit to hear the lead in)
When I was a little kid I lived in Pennsylvania, and there's a little town near Lancaster called Lebanon, best known for its balogna. Anyway whenever the TV news would be on and they'd be talking about war and bombings and riots in Lebanon (the country) I always wondered why none of that stuff seemed to happen when I was there, like they were on their best behavior for visitors or something.
This is pretty amazing! Can you describe how you found out it was another Lebanon and how much your mind was blown?
@Starblind ... When I was a kid living in Texas some of my mom's relatives lived in Paris , Texas and she would tell me we're going to Paris this weekend.. Problem was I could never find that damn tower.
@Starblind I was born in Reading Pa and we lived near "Lebnun" where they made "lebnun bologny"...I could never figure it out. Also, my brain could not wrap around "king of Prussia" as a town name either... Pennsylvania has "Blue Ball" and other crazy town names.. Thankfully we have the stoic Amish to balance it out. lol
@shells Paradise, Intercourse, Bird in Hand, Lititz. Yup, some crazy names for sure. I think when you grow up around it, it doesn't sound so weird. King of Prussia always sounded normal to me!
I was forced to move to PA from OR when I was 16. Have to say it's not too bad of a trade-off. But still miss having real mountains. xP Also, it took me 4 years of living here to realize the things surrounding where I'm living were mountains. I would frequently ask "But where is the snow? Mountains are suppose to always have snow!"
@Starblind My youngest was about 10, just old enough to have learned the states song in school, when we were on a road trip and pulled into a McDonald's. On the TV was a news story about the Russians bombing and invading Georgia. Yeah. She was horrified as her aunt lives in Atlanta.
@jsh139 Here in South Carolina, we have a town called "Ninety Six" and one called "Sugar Tit".
@Starblind ROFLMAO! I know Lebanon, I used to live near there (East Berlin, and a lot of people thought that was the east side of Berlin Germany... Now I just live in a state that has Georgia and Jamaica in it) Do you like Lebanon bologna and sweet or the regular? :)
@JerseyFrank My kid DRINKS the juice in the jalapeño can and acts like it is water.That being said I was working for DoDDS in Germany one summer taking kids backpacking, kayaking, etc. there and one kid dared another to eat one. That kid was rolling on the patio in agony (we kept her from drinking water which makes it worse and got her some bread which helps). The kid who had dared her said it can't be that hot… did the same with the same result. We were laughing so hard we were crying and our stomaches hurt.
@JerseyFrank friend of mine sliced garden fresh jalapenos without gloves and then changed her tampon like 20 minutes later.
@MsELizardBeth This is hilarious, appaling, and TMI all at once.

When I was 8 my cousin made me watch Grease with her, and after I told my mom and aunt "Hey you fungul".
Protip: do not say "Hey you fungul" to your mom and aunt.
When I was 8, I was sitting alone in the back seat of the car and noticed that the middle seat belt latch hole was about the same size as my finger. So I tried it out.
Of course, it wouldn't come out. And the more I struggled, the less likely that became. It was quite some time before I was willing to tell my parents, and then some time after that before we decided we had to go to the hospital.
After trying various soaps and oils, they gave up and had to cut the seatbelt off. I remember riding up the elevator with this seatbelt in my hand. They used a ring cutter to saw through the thing.
(This is my favorite thread at meh to date. Thanks @carl669)
Agreed, I love this thread @carl669.
TIL @dave has thick fingers.
Also when i was a kid, I bet my Dad $50 that Hershey was the capital of Pennsylvania. He's still waiting for me to pay up.
Did you specify a time? It could still happen. You could make it happen.
In college, 2/3 through the Star Wars Trilogy drinking game, a friend and I decided to stretch our legs by running around the whole floor of the dorm. I was following and watched him jump to hit the door frame of the firedoor, and wanted to do the same. He's 5'6". I'm 6'9". I still have the scar(s), but did manage to finish the trilogy.
Shit. I didn't want to have to do this, but: Wifey & I were given a CO detector for Xmas. A day after I put batteries in it the detector went off, reading "evacuate." We thought it was defective & shut it off.
Two days later I had to call 911 and have the ambulance take us to the ER for carbon monoxide poisoning.
Nobody listens to them. Don't feel bad.
Oh that sucks @DaveInSoCal. Never make that mistake again.
@DaveInSoCal Just saw this thread. Ours went off and we called the fire department who came out and couldn't find anything. The main guy said that we should have walked outside and reset it and then if it went off again to call them. Apparently they weren't too happy with being called out and it be a false alarm.
@wisenekt Better safe than sorry, screw it, it's their job to come out.
I've spent forty-five dollars here in the last two days. I think we're even.
Wow... I spent $10 for a Fuck U Buckaroo & feel dumb. Guess I am just as cheap as everyone says.
@starblind: In High School I was invited to go with some friends on a weekend trip to "Tiercee". New to the area, I spent some time looking for it on a map, watching for various spellings. Finally I asked for directions and it turned out they meant "T or C", as in Truth or Consequences, NM. Recently my best friend told me an old friend of his had moved to Palestine. He launches satellites and weather balloons for NASA and scientific agencies and has lived in exotic ice and sand deserts all over the world. Months later he said the friend was driving in for the weekend. From Palestine? Turns out it was Palestine, Texas.
@moondrake They aren't pronounced the same. Here in Texas, it's pronounced Palesteen.
@pwinn Similar to Charlotte in vermont... it's Shar-lot
Needed automatic transmission fluid for my truck. A bunch of us from work went to lunch. We are looking for an auto parts store while out. Don't see one. On the way back, we pass the huge Harley dealership just by our office and I say "Hey, let's stop there and grab some". Yes. At the motorcycle place. I suggest getting automatic transmission fluid.
I still haven't lived that down.
Did you top off your blinker fluid while you were there, at least?
@Thumperchick Touche'
Just had a dumb moment today. Was in the bath and thought it would be a good idea to jump out, run and answer it. Made it almost to the bathroom door when I slipped and brutally landed on the cold hard tile. My hip and wrist hurt (along with my pride), but nothing broken. So dumb.
...but what made you want to answer the bath?
@ABitterWoman I don't understand, I don't feel the need to get away from the objects that talk to me...
@ABitterWoman The jeopardy question?
@ABitterWoman Looks like I squeezed two dumbs into one story. Hooray! 3 as I just replied to myself.
@ABitterWoman I'm giggling at all of your dumbs. sometimes we all get those.
My husband and I were setting up our washer in a new apartment, and we were confused about an extra hole in the wall, so we just left it.
Later as the laundry was going and we were watching TV, there was a loud knock on the door. My husband went to answer it and I heard him say "What the...", then he opened the door and a deep burly voice said "It's comin' down."
It was our downstairs neighbor. The other hole was for the drain. We had about 2 inches of water in the kitchen and hall.
So you didn't attach the washer drain hose?
I can't believe this doesn't have more votes.
@katylava OMFG... you have me laughing so hard... just "it's comin' down" in a burly voice???
I had a 1980 mazda rx7 when I moved back to Dallas in 1990 at 19. I was proud to drive a rotary (Wankel) engine but they are known for the oil seals going out around 100k miles. So of course this bites me - I'm dirt broke and my engine started cutting out - I was at about 85k miles. Main problem was making it to work - gradually the frequency increased to every 2 miles. I worked 10 miles away. I'd drive the backroads in Dallas and pull into residential streets to let the engine rest before restarting. 5 times every morning. Did this for 6 months to save up $1500, enough money to get the engine seals redone (I hoped).
Brought it into the mazda dealership and told them I was ready for the engine to be rebuilt, I was aware of the seal issue and I'd proudly saved up enough to get the work done. They called me back the next morning and said it was ready. The charge was $45. My fuel filter was dirty.
Awesome. My grandpa had an rx7 from around that year that I had to drive for a while, I remember the funky engine & no power steering.
Did you use the extra $1455 to start woot?
Boost in => apex seals out
Just had same issue with my Altima. Certain rattle sound in engine was bad mounts, saved up for ¼ year... ½ quart of oil in the pan. dolt
My husband and I had been dating for only a few weeks, when I finally got to meet his parents. The occasion was his Mom's birthday celebration. I went into the house, a big grin on my face, walked up to the older woman in the kitchen and gave her a great big "Happy Birthday!". Oops, it wasn't his mom, it was his brother's girlfriend. (Who, in my defense, is only about 5 years younger than their mom.)
Speaking of mazda rx's -- we had an rx8 (mostly my husband's car). It has a cryptic (to me) shifter, but I'd driven it many times, apparently just magically having gotten it into the drive position, because the last time I drove it (the last time anyone drove it), I couldn't figure out which position was drive.
I'm still not sure.
Ironically (right?), I was attempting to drive it home from the mechanic. Accelerated as I was about to get on the highway, then the car just crapped out and I coasted into a Denny's parking lot and shamefully called my husband.
My husband -- @jchancep -- says that's not why it broke, but I think he's just being nice.
The green dot is for normal "drive". The red dot is for the "shiftronic" where you push up to shift up and vice versa. It's a pseudo manual.
Also known as an automatic sport shift. If you stick to green dot, it's easy peasy.
I'm sorry you had an Rx-8 I worked at a dealer for 7 years, sent back over 200 engines on those. 300 spark plugs, 800 coil set, 250 battery.
You're telling me you didn't read the owner's manual before operating it?!!!
One time, I was withdrawing money from an ATM and at the same time butt-dialed my brother. So when I heard his muffled voice saying "Hello?", I thought it was the ATM talking to me as if I activated some sort of help button. I kept yelling at the ATM saying "I DIDN'T CALL YOU" while waiting for my money. I didn't realize what had happened until I was back in the car and my brother called me back.
I'm sure I entertained the people waiting behind me.
haha that's a great visual
This one cracked me up. Thank you!
My pregnant wife called while I was at an ATM. I had just punched in a $50 withdrawal, freaked at the phone ringing and walked away sans $50
When I met my wife she had two dogs. One hot summer day, dog 1 and dog 2 decided to use the living room for some lovin'. They were... back to back, and the smaller one (a female shiba inu) was howling like mad. The male (an inbred Keeshond) was looking at me like he knew he was going to be beaten. They were very clearly trying to separate, but something was holding them together. The noise was horrible. I did what any responsible pet owner would do. I inserted my finger and wiggled it around trying to figure out why they were stuck together. My wife walked in on this scene and commenced to freak the fuck out. Me, on my knees, fingering my dog who is stuck to my other dog.
No dice. They were stuck, and stuck good.
So, I called the vet and explained the situation. I told the lady that answered the phone what I walked in to, what I had tried so far, and the result (no change). The nice lady asked me to hold. She came back about a minute later on speakerphone and asked me to repeat the story. I did.
Apparently she had gathered her entire office to her this whole fiasco, because while I was telling my tale I could hear about a half dozen people laughing their asses off at my misfortune. Once I got through my tale, I asked for advice one more time. The response:
Let them go, I know it doesn't look like it but they're having fun. If it takes longer than twenty more minutes throw water on them. I washed my hands until they were raw and wasn't allowed to touch my wife for a considerable amount of time.
tl:dr, I fingered my dog.
I held it together until the last line. LOL (for real).
Ha, well good for you. It took me a bit to be able to laugh at it.. I was just going to edit/delete/move to the oversharing thread.
can we make "tl:dr I fingered my dog" a thing?
I tried so hard not to laugh, but it burst out uncontrollably. Dying here.
/me is still trying to figure out how they were back-to-back
I feel better now.
@katylava apparently that red rocket has swivel action along with it's kung fu grip.
Just imagine your dog, after you walked out of the room. "OMG, did he just?"
It's about time someone turned the tables on those coitus-interfering furry co-sleepers. Did you sniff? Alpo, amiright?
@cettel the next meh shirt, possibly?
"Today I learned that some dogs love the Reverse Cowgirl position...."
@BillLehecka google requiem for a dream, ass to ass (super-safe for work, don't worry). Far more accurate but without the chanting.
RFaD ass to ass is the opposite of SFW.
Ass-to-ass was my favorite part of that movie. That old guy was the best.
I don't think you're supposed to like that movie.
Not wasting my life away on meth makes me feel better about myself. Reality TV does the same..
@marklog You're not alone. Well, you alone in that you didn't do it to save the life of a dog being attacked, but still.
I really want to give this a star, but it has 69 right now, and that’s just perfect.
@marklog Starred, then star removed to keep # of stars at 69!
/giphy @69 stars
@marklog Last line was supposed to be:

/giphy 69 stars
@marklog Starred and the unstarred to attempt to regain the coveted 69.
I had this happen with my 70# chow-shep (tubes tied but still went into heat) and some little dog small enough to squeeze through the fence. At 6:30 am, my other dog woke me with a quizzical “bark?” that clearly conveyed “WTF?” I looked out and saw them standing side by side, so I called my dog.
She turned.
Little dog hopped frantically to turn with her.
She turned the other way.
Little dog hopped frantically.
It took me a minute to realize what had happened. At which point I just went back to bed, because I knew if I kept calling, she’d come in through the precisely 1-dog-wide dog door. And that would be very, very bad for the little dog.
i love this thread. and kudos to @marklog's story. i had to walk out of the office i was laughing so hard.
When I was younger (maybe 8 years old) I thought it would be cool to tell people that in the womb I was a twin but somehow I took over my twin and was born with two hearts, two brains and an extra arm and had to get everything surgically removed so I could function. I was pretty sure I told everyone I was kidding until I was hanging out with one of my BEST friends not too long ago and I overheard her telling someone that I was born with two hearts, very seriously, and I burst out laughing. She couldn't figure out why until I told her the truth...15 or so years later.
@thumperchick What I left out is some back story on the dog. He was super nervous, all the time. If you glanced at him the wrong way, raise your voice, sneeze, he would pee. This is the type of dog who, when you came home from work, would roll over on to his back to be petted and pee all over himself. We developed a system where we would sneak to the front door, open it from the side and call the dog in a strange voice so he would run outside and THEN pee from excitement.
All this to say, he was plenty nervous when I was down there 'investigating'.
i have a dog like that. so much pee.
I had a mini dachshund that did that too. We would put a doggie diaper on her when people came over cuz we were tired of cleaning up piss.
Our younger pup, Loki, used to submissive urinate. Now it only happens a few times a year.
mine's only 15 months old, so i'm hoping she grows out of it.
All this pee. One more reason cats rule.
@ceagee pee is exactly why cats do not rule.
@katylava: Google canine submissive urination, there are ways to train the dog out of it.
I think I "reported" a comment earlier when trying to reply, but that's just 'cause I'm ignorant.
It's true! But I knew what you were going for so I swiftly deleted your email after showing it to everyone in the office and laughing at you
Fair enough.
Are you making a run for scapegoat of August?
Here's another story for the thread.
I was in college, in a classroom that had several rows of tables in a horseshoe shape. I was sitting at a lecture, a little bored, and for some reason, put my hand under the desk, and felt around. To my surprise, there was something there. I felt around it, and it was a hard object with edges. Naturally, my response was to pull at it until it came free. When it finally did come free, I grabbed it, and got quite a surprise- a funny tingling feeling until I let go of it. I had pulled a power cord out of the socket and grabbed the prongs of a live cord.
I changed a blown fuse in an outside box in my bare feet standing in wet grass. Zap.
@dashcloud I pulled a broken lightbulb out of a socket with a pair of pliers (light was off but not the circuit breaker). Pliers now have a black ding with melted metal. Fortunately for me there was rubber on the handles.
As a young self-declared intellectual, one of my favorite words was "pseudo intellectual" (always uttered with appropriate arrogance and contempt). I completely unwittingly pronounced it "p-suede-o" until I was at least 14. Of course I'm pretty sure that none of my peers knew I was saying it wrong. But maybe the smarter ones thought it was an intentional joke. Or maybe they just laughed behind my back.
This is perfect, being smug and superior only to be hoisted by your own pitard (pronounced peetard).
to be fair I said "suede-o" code in college. It was a long 3 years remaining with that bunch of students...
When I was in 8th grade a teacher said something about a primer (prim-er) and I tried correcting her to primer (prime-er), like the paint.
I just ate three chili cheese dogs for lunch, accompanied by a Pepsi and a protein drink (apparently not enough protein in the chili dogs..). I'm mildly lactose intolerant, and I'm taking a yoga class in three hours.
Trying to learn your dog's back to back secret?
@trailmix I was told the pose is called 'the goat'...
Prepare to be the only one left in the class after you fire off the first salvo.
I made it. Yoga isn't supposed to be that stressful.
@Marklog at yoga class:
@jont I dont think you realize how accurate that is. My first time I used a 'house mat'. Never again.
I said to a friends parents "yeah i really fucking hate names spelled weird like Amy: A-Y-M-I-E. just spell it right you're not impressing anyone" Only to remember her daughter was named exactly that way... I still get douche chills to this day years later. oh god. so stupid.
That is what made you think of it.
I once said Griselda was such an ugly name only Cinderella's evil stepsisters could carry it-- in a group which included a Griselda.
@moondrake oh jeeze that makes me feel a little better.
I was tent camping in the redwoods on the California coast. During the night it started raining – big heavy drops on the tent walls made too much noise to allow sleep. Had to go to the bathroom, but didn’t want to put on my shoes and slog through the mud. Miserably waited out the night.
Next morning, threw back the tent flaps to find a beautiful, dry camp site except a circle under the tree. Coastal fog had condensed on the redwood needles and dripped to the ground.
I remember when I was a kid upon hearing the news on TV that a group of gorillas was attacking a village with machine guns. I was like Gorillas with guns?... where did they get the gun? And holy cow Gorillas really are smart. Glad we don’t have gorillas around here!!
@imakelegs You’ll like the movie “Captain Ron”.
When I was a kid, I thought the faces of the presidents on Mt. Rushmore had always been there, and that it was proof that God blessed America.
@gertiestn we still believe that here in the great state of Texas.
@JonT Hah! But not in Austin, I betcha.
I thought the Kansas City Chiefs played in the state of Kansas until @barnabee corrected me.
@Ryaneil Wait until the end of the football season. Maybe I will make them honorary Kansans. Or maybe not.
I don't know... What's you sign..?
@unkabob Think you just answered the topic question.
i love how this thread pops to the top every couple weeks. it's always fun to read a new story. except @unkabob. your story sucks. damn you @studerc!!
@carl669 Think you but I was just passing through.. I'll not bother your sensitivity any longer.
@unkabob ok. but before you go, is your username supposed to be 'un-kabob' or 'unka-bob'? just curious.
When I was a kid I asked my dad why the TV show he was watching was in black & white. He told me that they didn't have color back then. It wasn't until I was about 14 years old that I figured out that he meant they didn't have color TV when that show was made. I spent my entire childhood thinking that color didn't exist in the entire world until the 60's.
So.. I have several stories.
1.) I can never get my meh username. I always have to login with my email. I use a password storage program, and the username I put in it is obviously wrong.
EDIT: I added a 'd' to the end of the one I saved. Fixed now.
2.) One time I was eating at a restaurant with family. After dinner I ordered some dessert, and it came with two sauce rammikins (chocolate and caramel). I poured the chocolate sauce all over it and ate dessert. Then I started looking at the caramel rammikin. It had something written on the bottom of it that I couldn't quite see.. So I turned it upside down over my lap. Why is my lap warm? And sticky?
3.) I went outside into the yard to throw something away one time when I was much younger and living with my parents. I wasn't going far, so I didn't bother to put on shoes. I'm barefoot outside, no keys, and of coursenI locked the door behind myself. Dad's at work. Mom's gone shopping and won't be back for hours. I put on my dad's flip-flops (HUUUUUGE) and walked from my house for an hour throuh town to the grocery store. Walk down all the aisles. Have the store page my mom. No answer. Use their phone to call home (this was before cell phones). Mom answers. She's been home for most of an hour wondering where the hell I've gone. I always check for my keys before closing a door now.
4.) My parents owned some rural property with a little house on it. We'd visit sometimes in the Summer, but it was mostly vacant so we left the power and things turned off. My dad was in the process of re-wiring it one year, so the safety cover was off the breaker box. I'm flipping the breakers on after we arrive, and I find one that's stubborn. So I brace my fingers against the screw terminal holding the live wire... Zap.
5.) I was grounded one time. Bored in my room, nothing to do... I unbent a paperclip into a rough "U" shape. Held it with a foam can cozie and jammed it into the electrical socket. The heat melted the cozie and blew the paper clip to pieces. The outlet was scorched. I got the paddling of my life, and I wasn't allowed electricity in my room for 3 months.
6.) When I was about 13, we only had one family computer. I was messing with it one day, not doing anything in particular. My dad gets off the couch, walks over, and stands RIGHT BEHIND ME. He didn't say a word. Just stood there. I got nervous. Started opening files at random. Open a .zip file full of pictures I had saved off the Internet.. Video games, cars, watches, whatever.. Open a picture, look at it for a while, close it, open another one.. Why is he standing there? Open a picture of a naked woman. ... ... I wasn't allowed on the computer without supervision for a year, and he deleted all my files.
@6k5zr4tm7mxi85z Several of these are gems, but the caramel story is my favourite by far. I hope the text on the bottom of the ramequin was interesting stuff.
@6k5zr4tm7mxi85z - No 5 - Should have told your parents that you thought 'grounded' meant electrical grounding.
@6k5zr4tm7mxi85z You could change your meh username to something you'll remember.
I forgot the first rule of Meh. I'd been reading the Fuku3 reveal thread, and feeling pretty bummed that I didn't get to order one. (We had plenty of notice that it was coming, but I couldn't change my flight just to make sure I was available Thursday night.) Then I got home and found a package from Meh. And for a few minutes I thought I had gotten one of the randoms. Then I opened it and found the bunch of "boring slabs of plastic" that I had ordered. First rule: Don't get too excited.
My cat's breath smells like cat food
Not about me, but my brother named his daughter Quistis, after a character from Final Fantasy VIII. He pronounces it Kwistis, and I have never had the heart to tell him that Quistis, like quiche, is pronounced with a Kee sound. Unless I am completely wrong.
When I was 3 years old my mom was pregnant with my brother and I went with her to a doctor's appointment.
The doctor asked me if I wanted a brother or a sister and I said I wanted a sister. But he didn't hear me and asked again. The second time I said I wanted a brother.
For years after that I thought that the reason I had a brother was because I said that's what I wanted. Like the doctor was taking my order and I messed it up.
I went all the way through my High School senior year thinking an "essay" was an "S.A." and I was too afraid to ask someone what the initials stood for . . . finally, my Civics teacher (Mr. Kearney, may he rest in peace, who always called all the girls in class "bad dogs" [and meant it]) wrote the word "essay" on an assignment sheet. He was about the coolest teacher I ever had - in like the history of, ever - so, after class, I went up to him and explained that I always thought it was "S.A." and I never knew what it meant but I always figured out what I had to do (how many pages, etc.) and I just let it go at that because I was too afraid to ask, but now I knew it was "essay" and I thanked him. Well, he laughed so damn hard he shit himself right there, on the spot. I had to go to his car for his duffle bag . . . which ended up having more paraphernalia in it than the local head shop and I still to this day have subsequent generations of the same plant growing from one of the seeds I swiped from the bottom of his bag.
In return for my not telling anyone he shit his drawers and not mentioning that he apparently liked to smoke as much as the crew on a Cheech and Chong movie, he handed me a dime bag the next day in the smoking lounge at lunch (yeah, we had a smoking lounge outside back in the day when men were men and schoolchildren were cancer experiments). So, the vice principal (who is like three degrees cooler than the surface of the sun on my teenage testosterone-laden hotness scale) sees this whole transaction go down because 1) she's just a fuckin' bitch that way and 2) Mr. K couldn't hand off secrets to a Russian spy covertly if he was getting paid a million dollars to do it. Next thing I know, I'm of course being hauled in to the office, bag and all - with Mr. K running behind trying to slow her down.
It was a pretty short and straight walk from the smoking lounge to the office, but it is a fairly big school and there were a couple of twists and turns on the way and we would pass two sets of bathrooms before we arrived. It seemed like time had slowed down all slo-mo like, and the night before I had just seen The Breakfast Club at the mall theater (giving away the year this all went down I guess) and every step we took seemed to take forever and Don't You (Forget About Me) starts playing in my head, but honestly, all I could think of was how this vice principal's boobs looked under her silk shirt when she hit the air conditioning inside and how she good she smelled. To hell with the weed (Mom would TOTALLY understand, I was sure - or at least that is what I told myself), and Mr. K's job (hey, it was his fucking idea), well, that was his problem - I was popping wood and figured out in short order it was because she was grabbing my collar and pulling me down the hall. And I liked it. And still, the whole way, Don't You (Forget About Me) is playing full blast in my head . . .
Suddenly, Mr. K yells from behind us right as we turn a corner by the last set of bathroom doors (loud enough it pretty much knocked the song right out of my head), "Tess, I swear to God if you take another step with that boy I will tell everyone you were the one who gave me the clap!".
Well, she stopped, dead in her tracks, right there. It is lunch time as I said and the hallway is pretty deserted and the classrooms that had other kids in them are long behind us, so she spins around (spinning me with her), and scans the hallway to see who might have heard him. It is deserted, other than Mr. K sweating behind us to catch up still waddling along, there's no one other than this one burner chick that was on the payphone, but she didn't hear anything.
She orders me into the boy's room we had just passed.
After about a minute, and a lot of muffled discussion, Mr. K. comes in the bathroom. He's got sweat pouring off of him like a racehorse and he's panting as hard as a dog in heat in summer. He doesn't say a word. He walks over to the sink, wets a paper towel, wipes his head off and looks at me and then his watch. He stands there in silence and lays a wet paper towel over his head and leans back against the wall . . . After a couple minutes pass, he says "Okay, we can go. Keep the fuckin' bag".
From that day on, I never once had that vice principal look me in the eye. Neither Mr. K or her ever said a word about it, and eventually, I figured that me getting over on her was a dick move, so I just let it go.
At my ten year reunion though, there she was. I was coming off a bad relationship after college and she was still as hot as hellfire - long story short, we ended up in the same bathroom she marched me into that Spring day years before. All I could say was, "pull my collar harder".
I got the clap.
Years pass. I settle down, I marry, we have a son. He goes off to school. First time he brings home a spelling list, I add a "bonus word".
E-S-S-A-Y. ESSAY. Along with the definition.
@Pavlov Dude, E-P-I-C.
@Pavlov Holy shit, that's a great story. Don't much care about the truthiness of it, just damn entertaining.
@G1 As they say, life is stranger than fiction. She might have had a cotton blouse on, rather than silk, and we probably didn't stand in the bathroom as long as I remember - but that's how it went down. Every time the word "essay" comes up, my wife just stares at me. Usually, not in a good way. And no, Mom would not have understood.
@Pavlov I don't care how much is true either, I haven't laughed so hard in years. Brings back memories from High School! We had a smoking lounge too! And yeah I hung out with several of my teachers that toked especially the drama teacher and the shop teacher. They were always at the hangouts on Friday and Saturday nights because back in the 80's it was a totslly different world. Gas was super cheap and a dinner was two bucks and you got more than you could eat from the Tasty Freeze and we cruised all night up and down the main drag in town wearing out tread. The cooler teachers would race us. It was like they taught school just to never have to leave High School and hang out. Back then you could teach some subjects straight out of community college. There wasn't a worry about getting caught or fired like there is today if you bent things a bit. But back then a lot was different. The drinking age was eighteen and no one got carded anyway if you had cash. The cops didn't care about much of anything as long as you were cool and didn't date their daughter. You could throw a five dollar bill to the security guy in the parking lot at school to jet early and he wouldn't right it down. Bravo. You should guest write a product description. I've lurked here for a couple weeks broke down and made the account just to leave this comment. @mehstir was right. Epic and I imagine most of it true but stretched a bit. Now that I've broken down and made the account I suppose I'll have to buy something LOL. Thanks for the wild ride. Even though it was a little long to read. Very very very glad I did.
@Pavlov I know that this is a very late addition [when the last post was made in 2015]- also look at the post timestamp and realize that I haven’t gone to bed yet d/t reading this amazing page [initially came here only to figure out the finger-inna-dog reference from the NYE page], but DUDE, you are my HERO, not only was that an epic story- which is told in an engaging fashion, but it was formatted for easy reading!

Unlike this post- and @HellaGoodHair’s post.
/giphy the hero we needed…
today, on testing documentation i turned in, i wrote "N/A for checklist". or at least, that's what i thought i wrote. in actuality, i wrote "N/A for chestlick".
@carl669 No chestlicking for product testing? How boring.
I didn't recognize the fukobukuro when it popped up. Stared for about five seconds, then decided to "buy it anyway". Two more seconds, then the $5 clicked. Guess midnight is not a very bright time for me.
After I bought it too easy! I doubted I got it and attempted to buy another,,
it was hot this weekend. i donated blood saturday morning. then i came home and cleared out a big area overgrown with weeds. it's mostly a shaded area, so not too much sun exposure. i got a tad light-headed and decided to stop. a few hours later, i actually read the little info sheet they gave me when my donation was complete. it says right on it, "Do not do any strenuous activities for 12 hours."
Once when I was little, maybe around five years old or so, my mom and brother and I were out to eat with her parents in a local restaurant that had a divider wall made out of large, irregularly spaced wooden bars. The bars next to my brother were spaced wider than the bars next to me, but when he put his head between them, so did I, and my head became stuck. After a few minutes of screaming, my grandfather jammed my ears against my head and pulled me out. I still hear about it, and I'm in my 30's.
My brother also convinced three year old me to spoon fling chocolate pudding against my neighbor's white sided house. Repeatedly. We got in a lot of trouble for that one.
I bought an early 2000's Ford V8 veehickle to tow my trailer without checking the internet. After much grief wiring up the trailer the little woman and I set off to go camping. About 400 mi from home my wife yells the motor is making a noise (I'm pretty deaf). Sucker spit 2 spark plugs from right side of the motor. Boy was my face red. I have a Chevy now.
This thread needs to make a comeback.
@Pavlov On your hot dog thread @Thumperchick just shared with me @Marklogs epic canine adventure.
@mfladd The story that @Pavlov posted in here is epic. Read it.
It was funny. @Pavlov posted. So I posted. He deleted, then I deleted, and so on, and so on. I finally left mine. No one just wanted a comment hanging in space.
@Thumperchick @Pavlov great story. I also had a smoking area in school H.S. (that would be High School ;) Thanks for bringing back those days and the Breakfast Club. (and no you didn't leave those days behind - I saw the post).
damn..I missed my gif not posting.

@Thumperchick thank you.

@Thumperchick I came here from the 12/31/2019 NYE page to find out the origins of the finger-inna-dog story- this needs a sticky to the MEH main page and @Pavlov is totally my hero.

/giphy BUMP post
/giphy vice-principal’s boobs under silk shirt

I once asked my ex how much he thought something would cost because there wasn't a price on it.
We were in the dollar store.
@jaremelz So how much was it?
@tightwad About tree fitty.

@jaremelz I knew I liked you for a reason (or... a few dozen reasons). I once asked, in earnest, "When's the 4th of July?" And I was looking for the date. (I started the sentence thinking "Independence Day". But it still took me longer than it should have to understand why my parents were laughing so hard. Thanks, @joelmw) Brilliant people like us can't be expected to keep up with everything.
@christinewas That sounds like something I'd say! No wonder I like you back.
I wasn't the dumbest one in this story, but . . . A coworker set me up on a blind date. She told me the guy worked with computers. So, he came over and the conversation went something like this:
Me - Next week is my birthday, I'm going to be 39.
Him - Really? How old are you now?
Turned out he worked in a warehouse shipping computers.
@KDemo Maybe he was a big fan of Jack Benny and assumed you were perpetually 39.
@Starblind - Ha! I doubt he could have figured that out. His first name was Phillip, but he preferred his middle name, Dwayne. My first and last blind date.
(No reflection on intelligent Dwaynes everywhere).
boss gave me some things to test today. the data set i'm working with is called VMPDATA. i said "very mediocre person data"? she just furled her brow and looked at me funny.
@carl669 - I'm sure @Shawn will appreciate your help with that.
bumping thread to get more stories from new members.
As a kid I tried to reheat my microwave popcorn by putting the entire bag in the oven. First time using the fire extinguisher.
In high school, a friend and I were following some other friends back from a band competition. We were on the tollway and my friend was driving.
Having stopped at Sonic, I was entertaining myself by poking holes in the side of my half-empty cup. (No, I really couldn't tell you why.) When my friend followed the other car into a coin-only toll booth, we suddenly found ourselves in a crisis situation.
From the corner of my eye, I watched my friend frantically waving a dollar bill and shouting, "What do I do? What do I do?" Receiving no help from me, she ultimately threw her dollar into the coin basket and took off. (Thankfully, the dollar blew out instead of getting stuck.)
Why did I refuse to help my frantic friend? Well... I was a little busy managing a crisis of my own.
Contorting myself to get my head under my hole-riddled cup, I was using my mouth in a desperate attemp to contain the lemon-berry slush that was flowing from a hole I had just poked in the bottom of the cup.
As you imagine this seen, also try to wrap your mind around the fact that we graduated second and third in our class. Yeah... the salutatorian (commonly pronounced "salad-victorian" by people who don't know words) was the genius who poked a hole in the bottom of a half-full cup.
@christinewas at least you're still able to see the cup as half-full!
Ugh. "Scene", not "seen". (I don't know words either.)
Put regular dish soap in dishwasher in apt in college

@ceagee - Picture tells the story, it's perfect! Laundry soap in the dishwasher will do that too.
Simply send an email to SPAMMER@RICKASTLEY.NEVERGONNAGIVEYOUUP. My 3 cars has been resourceful earning MADE UP AMOUNT weekly for the 3 cars, in my fifth week now. Share with others too. Tackling unemployment, I'm more responsible to my family. #Bless #SPAM #STAHPIT
@mcjnuttall id rather just send cash, please post mailing address.
@mcjnuttall the anagram of is "a studs goo." so, no thank you.
@mcjnuttall I am very interested in hearing more about it. Can you pls call me at 1-800-Fuc-Kyou (spammer)
@MEHcus @moose - They're doing it again.
@mcjnuttall #Bless
@mcjnuttall Do I have to write your boss and tell him there's some asshole spamming the forum about his company?
@mcjnuttall shouldn't these spam ads be placed on your car, not in an Internet forum?
Car advertising must not actually work.
@KDemo Thanks for the heads up!
@Moose This guy has been hitting several threads over the past few days - can you see if a dev can/will ban them?
Thanks, @Moose! I really hope blasting that Rick Astley song from my car will earn money!
@KDemo No promises on that: my edit was edited. I just said "The dumbest thing I ever did was send an email to My 3 cars has been resourceful earning 900 weekly for the 3 cars, in my fifth week now."
@thumperchick: we'll get it done once everyone is back in the office.
as a software test engineer (or whatever my official title is now), i often have to find different sequences to test the same thing. today, my brain decided to apply this logic to a pack of almonds. here was the sequence my brain came up with:
Test Case:
1. open pack of almonds by cutting top off with titanium scissors
2. pour some almonds into hand
3. throw hand almonds into trash
4. pick up top of almond bag and put in mouth
1. exclaim "what the hell??!" and spit out top of almond bag
2. stare at chewed top of almond bag and ponder what just happened
3. lament over almonds in the trash
I'd say this test case failed. #StupidBrain
I'm so glad @carl669 dug this thread up again. My husband and I were reminded yesterday of what he calls my most adorably dumb moment ever.
Last year we were walking the trails in the park next to our house. It's a 400 acre park, with a decent hill and steep, barely there trail descents that most people forego in favor of the gradual regular trails. We took the rough trail down, and once we got to the bottom and started walking across the field, I realized my phone was gone. I'd had it at the top so we knew I had lost it on the way down. We went back and started looking for it, focusing on some fallen trees we had to crawl over and under. I had my husband start calling my phone in hopes the ringer was on.
All of a sudden, I heard a kitten crying. It was the most pathetic sound and I immediately began searching for the kitten instead of my phone. I called it over and over and looked everywhere while my husband continued calling my phone trying to find it.
You get where this is going, don't you? I'd changed my ringer to a kitten mewling a few days earlier.
@jaremelz this is exactly why my ringtone is Irk singing 'something went terribly wrong'.
i also use this thread to chronicle the stupid things i've done. maybe i'll write a book and call it Carl's Chronicle of Idiocy.
@carl669 We were reminded when I was perusing tones for my morning alarm. I hit one that said kitten, and liked it. Then we both realized where we'd heard it before.
And for the record, I went with 'air raid siren'.
And you should call your book, "Don't be a marone, read this! "
@jaremelz - Meow!
"dumber than I"
@michaeli exactly.
@carl669 if I just say yes will you be happy?
@sohmageek yes. yes i will. but, a good story to prove it would be helpful.
@carl669 I think you've answered your own question there... you asked for additional info when I asked if a yes was sufficient enough. Kind of like how you ask someone do you want "item A" or "item B" and they answer with "yes."
@sohmageek yes.
the last time i went for sushi, i poured soy sauce into my tea cup, took a sip and wondered why the tea was so salty.
I put one of those glass screen protectors on my phone when I got it, and eventually of course I dropped my phone and the protector cracked. I started to peel it off gently but saw that the screen itself was cracked as well, so I left the protector on to keep it together. That was over six months ago.
Last weekend, I was looking at it more closely and realized that the screen wasn’t cracked, it was just the reflection from the broken screen protector. I peeled it off and sure enough, the screen had been perfectly fine the whole time.

/giphy forehead slap
@Moose Mi espousa- same!
I blew up my toaster oven. I was a teenager at the time. I wanted to reheat my kfc, but I didn’t want soggy chicken, so I didn’t use the microwave. Throw the chicken in. A little bit later I go to check on it, because there is some peculiar smell. As I go to walk through the doorway that leads into the kitchen, the door explodes outward and showers the entire kitchen in glass. I tentatively walk forward and my chicken is on fire inside the remains of the toaster oven.
I put the entire paper carton inside with the chicken. It worked with the microwave, why not the oven, is what I had thought.
@RiotDemon Reminds me of the time I totally misunderstood a friend who told me you could fix broken CDs in a certain kind of microwave.
Put the CD pieces in the case, and the case in the microwave, and gave it a minute.
It stunk horribly.
@RiotDemon well, at least this didn’t happen:
What would be wrong if that were to happen? That looks like fun.
@FroodyFrog Have you played Maniac Mansion? or Day of the Tentacle?
Both let you put living things in a microwave to varying degrees.
@carl669 ooh, curious what movie this is from… ?
@dashcloud if you left the case open, it might of made a neat electrical show.
@RiotDemon unfortunately, i have no idea.

I think this may be inappropriate content so I won’t show it
@carl669 @RiotDemon
The Third House on the Left.
Finally. Two games with aspects which appeal to me.
@FroodyFrog Thanks. I’m unsure how Google works.
That’s ok. I doubt most internet users know how Google works.
Just like most people don’t know how a TV works, or how a landline works, or how a cell phone works, or how certain Meh-mbers work.
@FruityFraug Might I also suggest Quake & Rise of the Triad?
@RiotDemon oh that stinks! I was scrolling down to post how I caught the inside of my microwave on fire once, but my story is not nearly so dramatic!
Hope everyone (and your house) was ok!!
@dashcloud @PlacidPenguin Super late reply.
Even the NES version of Maniac Mansion managed to retain the microwave.
LucasArts really refined the graphic adventure genre. It’s a shame they abandoned it after Escape From Monkey Island.
i turned on my cell phone and then held it up to my ear to check for a dial tone.
@carl669 pets lightly
There, there, it’s okay.
I bought new windshield wiper blades. I looked at them quickly in the store because they said they were hybrid blades. They looked like a clear blade, so I figured maybe they wouldn’t cook like the black rubber blades do here in the Florida sun. I also bought a new version of rain repellant washer fluid.
I installed them and put the fluid in. Took a quick drive to the store and tried to wash the dust off my windshield. It was streaky as hell. I figured that maybe the new fluid was a problem, or maybe the blades weren’t that great. The next day I was driving to work in the morning, and I turned on the wiper blades to clear the condensation off the windshield. I couldn’t see anything, so I kept the wipers running, trying to sort of see. In my head I’m thinking about how I’m going to return the blades and write a review about how dangerous they are because they are so terrible. I decide to pull over to make sure that nothing was trapped under the blades and that’s why they were streaking so terribly. I notice that the blades had actually shifted, and I’m like, Wtf is that all about.
I get back in the car, and as I’m driving, it dawned on me what the problem was…
When I get to work, I get out and pull off the clear plastic covers that protected the black rubber blades.
@RiotDemon My giggle for the day. Thank you.
@RiotDemon Same- but it only took me a couple of swipes right after I replaced the old ones to realize the problem- but I’ve been using original Rain-X and their washer fluid since we bought the car, so I knew it wasn’t that.
Now I’m not sure if I should be disappointed when the new blades I buy don’t come with protectors on them, because I can’t figure out whether the ones that need in-store protection are just crappy wussy ones and will wear out faster IRL, or if the ones w/o protectors are just so cheap that there’s no point in even trying to protect them.
@PhysAssist haven’t seen any other blades with the clear covers since. I’m about due for some blades… Now I’m torn as to which I’m going to get.
@PhysAssist @RiotDemon
I didn’t even know those existed. (Am way dumbdumb re cars).
Are they really better in love where sunlight is really strong?
@f00l Huh? Are you asking about Rain-X glass treatment and washer fluid? If so, then IMHO, they are the best way to improve clearance of water, etc. from your windshield, except for possibly replacing your wipers weekly.
If not, please explain your question…
@PhysAssist @RiotDemon
Asking about these. Is this a real product?
Texas sun also cooks things pretty well.
@f00l @RiotDemon No, and I think that you just qualified to be on this page…

I have seen those platic covers, and I am dead certain that you would not have been the only outraged purchaser to return them. I used to sell auto parts. After one too many customers wanted to return a battery because they tried to install it with the plastic caps still on the post, I made a habit of popping them loose at the counter and telling them to move the caps to the old battery for safety, because lead.
Official Universal Answer to OP’s q:
Just saw this:
I just looked for my glasses again.
While wearing them.
In my defense:
Barely any correction.
Things look them same with or without.
Never wear them except driving.
One eye slightly nearsighted.
One eye barely a whisper far-sighted.
Fucking State of Texas makes me wear them so I do.
highly doubtful.
@jrwofuga bringing back a forum topic from 2014 eh? How did you stumble across that?
My life has changed so much since then…
@luvche21 it appears to be @PhysAssist’s fault.
@djslack @luvche21
We need to get @PhysAssist a job.
I was right, but I was wrong, too.
@djslack @luvche21 @PhysAssist yeah, it wasn’t my doing.
@djslack @jrwofuga @PhysAssist Oh don’t worry, I wasn’t trying to blame. I was just impressed and had a nice time realizing how much changed in life since then.
the bus to kindergarten every day).
@jrwofuga @luvche21 If we’re reviving old threads then please allow me…
@connorbush @luvche21 no.
@luvche21 As I said above, the New Year’s Eve thread had a reference and link to @Marklog’s finger-inna-dog story, and it snowballed from there…
@therealjrn @djslack @luvche21
We need to get @PhysAssist a job.
@therealjrn said 17 hours ago
I’m working on that process- now that SWMBO’s surgery is over and her rehab is progressing…
Waiting to hear on one someday soon [Finger Crossed mode on]
@djslack @luvche21 @PhysAssist

@djslack @jrwofuga @luvche21 @PhysAssist
I can’t believe this thread is almost 6 years old! also, I initially read @luvche21’s last bullet point as “I bought a horse”.
ah, memories. I can’t think you folks enough for tagging me every time this gets brought up…
@marklog I’d like to think everyone in this thread, for giving me a lot to laugh about, making me late for work two days in a row, and explaining democracy.
I’m sure I have many…2 that come to mind now…
Never knew that an Impala was an animal. Had been driving a Chevy Impala for five years when I found out. I could never figure out what the cars insignia was until after I was informed.
Figured I was out sick from school when we leaned about Impalas. A coworker laughingly said, “ And you’ve never been to the zoo since?”. I had…and somehow still missed it.
2- Was driving with a buddy in his dad’s car to visit buddy’s brother about 8 hours away. Winter, lousy weather. Super light mist at like 33 degrees, which doesn’t produce enough fluid on windshield to clean it…just enough to muddy up the windshield. Cars in front would kick up the prior dirty sanded roadway with a little bit of moisture and the windshield was a dirty mess.
Put on the washer and it doesn’t work. No fluid comes out. Figure we are out of windshield fluid. Stop at gas station and get a gallon of fluid. Buddy goes to put the fluid in the reservoir but notices it’s pretty full already. I tell him to fill it up anyway. He does but only uses 1/4 of the fluid.
Start driving and in a short while, same issue windshield is a mess and super difficult to see. Try the washer again and nothing…no fluid coming out. We still have about four hours to go and we are losing daylight.
I then think…hmmm, your dad’s car has a sunroof. Why don’t I open it and you pour the washer fluid down it as I’m driving. He thinks, good idea.
So, open sunroof, he stands up with head and chest and gallon of washer fluid out of sunroof. Only thing is the windshield isn’t getting cleaner…at all. Then I hear him laughing. I’m getting upset as I’m having trouble seeing and it’s dangerous. I tell him to stop fooling around and pour the fluid onto the windshield. He tries again and same result…him laughing and windshield dirty.
He gets back in the car and tells me the fluid as he is pouring it is just getting taken backwards by the wind and our speed. None is hitting the windshield.
This is bad. Having a real hard time seeing and washer isn’t working. I eventually figure out if I follow close enough behind an 18 wheeler that it will kick up more roadway fluid than cars and it’s actually enough to make the windshield clear enough to drive.
We make it to see his brother. Tell him the troubles we had. He climbs under the dash and within 10 minutes has the washer fluid working. I’m guessing he replaced a fuse.
Replace a fuse in under 10 minutes or try to pour washer fluid out of the sunroof while driving at 60 mph with really poor visibility, OR follow 18 wheelers dangerously too closely in almost freezing weather to clean the windshield.
A friend who is not that much younger than me called asking how much it might cost to replace the windshield in his Ford Exploder. The vehicle was a beater, half kluge and half slow disaster, but it ran. I asked why he was bothering. He said that a crack on the passenger side had now gone all the way from top to bottom, and he wanted to avoid having it leak and/or fall out. It took me a while to convince him that neither was going to happen, as he had never heard of laminated glass.