You’ve had so many flashlight/lamp sales (and living in the woods with frequent power cuts I’m always looking for both). But you almost never mention either… So I never buy.
Lost several potential sales from me alone.
Please. Lights always need Lumens at a bare minimum and color/Kelvin would be great too. If you don’t mention either I assume it’s very dim and very yellow
@OnionSoup Agreed! In my personal case, “dim and yellow” equates to Do Not Want. YMMV, YNMV, for anyone reading this, I will state “You do you”, but don’t expect me to either embrace or be able to tolerate what others need or want. I get twitchy in <3500K, and I require ≥5000K (prefer 6500K) in my environmental lighting. I get tired much faster when driving long distances at night in a vehicle that has old-style incandescent headlights (including halogen), and I remain alert and functional for hours longer with 6000K(+) LED headlights, as just one example. (And before anyone grouses about blinding-white, I will heartily agree that a poorly-designed and/or mis-aimed (high) or mismounted (too far AGL) headlight is a hazard to other drivers regardless of color temp, and there are loads of assholes on the roads who falsely equate “blinds oncoming drivers” with “puts a lot of light on the road ahead.” The two are almost entirely independent.
@OnionSoup yes, and I would add CRI as another crucial spec as well. Anyone can toss a fistful of LEDs into a product and hawk it as a bargain; but brightness, color rendering, and color temp determine whether it’s something one would actually want to buy or use.
They’re very bright and very white (but the blinking red isn’t nearly as bright as the white). I bought two is a previous offer. I like them. They’re versatile the kind of lights and positioning, and I guess the (quite loud) fan might be nice when it’s warmer. It’s all plastic, but still seems like it’s pretty study. I think it’s a nice lantern, especially for the price!
What’s Included?
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Mar 24
Two words.
You’ve had so many flashlight/lamp sales (and living in the woods with frequent power cuts I’m always looking for both). But you almost never mention either… So I never buy.
Lost several potential sales from me alone.
Please. Lights always need Lumens at a bare minimum and color/Kelvin would be great too. If you don’t mention either I assume it’s very dim and very yellow
@OnionSoup Agreed! In my personal case, “dim and yellow” equates to Do Not Want. YMMV, YNMV, for anyone reading this, I will state “You do you”, but don’t expect me to either embrace or be able to tolerate what others need or want. I get twitchy in <3500K, and I require ≥5000K (prefer 6500K) in my environmental lighting. I get tired much faster when driving long distances at night in a vehicle that has old-style incandescent headlights (including halogen), and I remain alert and functional for hours longer with 6000K(+) LED headlights, as just one example. (And before anyone grouses about blinding-white, I will heartily agree that a poorly-designed and/or mis-aimed (high) or mismounted (too far AGL) headlight is a hazard to other drivers regardless of color temp, and there are loads of assholes on the roads who falsely equate “blinds oncoming drivers” with “puts a lot of light on the road ahead.” The two are almost entirely independent.
@OnionSoup yes, and I would add CRI as another crucial spec as well. Anyone can toss a fistful of LEDs into a product and hawk it as a bargain; but brightness, color rendering, and color temp determine whether it’s something one would actually want to buy or use.
They’re very bright and very white (but the blinking red isn’t nearly as bright as the white). I bought two is a previous offer. I like them. They’re versatile the kind of lights and positioning, and I guess the (quite loud) fan might be nice when it’s warmer. It’s all plastic, but still seems like it’s pretty study. I think it’s a nice lantern, especially for the price!
Sorry, I must have been drunk when I wrote that or it was autocorrect? Yeah, I blame autocorrect.