@DrunkCat@Kyeh@yakkoTDI Are all these AI models trained on Jabberwocky or something? Lewis Carroll is rolling over in his grave, recalling how hard he worked to come up with all those crazy words on his own.
Is it easier to hold? No. But can you operate it with only one hand? Also no. Is it smaller or lighter than a regular hose nozzle? No. But does it look cool? Also no.
A lot of products like this address disability needs of various kinds. They get marketed like people are idiots because they otherwise wouldn’t be worth producing, financially.
@Jamileigh17 but what disability? The standard hose pistol grip follows your natural hand position(flashlights should have this as standard grip as well). If your hand is injured/weakened you’re better off using your other hand. If both hands are injured I could see it if the new grip was there along with the normal grip like the attachable broom grip handles meh sells occasionally. This just seems worse.
OTOH, as someone who has a Vine account at Amazon, I pride myself on making sure that my reviews are honest and complete. I have burned more than a few products over the years for lousy instructions, crappy design/materials/workmanship, poor after sales support, excessive prices etc.
Say thy bid wee one, and do not sin my son, to add all of us 'ere
I dip you in, bed and pin, way far off of sin
'Til the dry mud man go
Nap but 'ave one eye on tap
Kip on yon bed bag lay
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Hog my paw
Off we go to the den of Pan
Not all is rad, bar the ray, my wit aim is bad
It’s not to see she of icy wan
I see fog of war, men who lie, and lob gob of hot ash
And all who do nip (yah)
Nap but 'ave one eye on tap
Kip on yon bed bag lay
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Hog my paw
Off we go to the den of Pan
[Now I lay my bod low and nap
[I beg ye God, my ego put
[If I die ere I get to see
[I beg ye God, my ego get
Shh yon tot, say no new gab
And let sly the row you saw
Tis the pet or two shy of yon bed
In the bin, in the tin, in the top of ye nob
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Bit of dry mud
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Hog my paw
Off we go to the den of Pan
Is $18 really cheap, though? I would think $9 each is a reasonable starting price for a hose nozzle so I’d take two for 70% off that. (I’ll tell you what I’m willing to pay when my fourth grader wakes up and figures it out for me, but I’m sure it’s not $18 — which, if you didn’t know, is nearly twenty bucks!)
@DaveMan2048, I can’t speak to the quality of these but my two nozzles cost me almost 50 after taxes. Idk when the last time you bought a good nozzle was lol
I’m not terribly fond of this style nozzle but I know the firemen style cutoff valves I bought were not too far from this price. Most of the time we use a sprinkler (with a timer) as we have way too much stuff to hand water things (with the exception of my veggies that I hand water with rainwater). Thankfully, being in the South, we get rain frequently… one small side benefit.
Asheville with 13 inches of rain — I’d say might not be a benefit. Was away during the storm but catching up on what happened in area. Tonight the big SE storm moves in but SHOULD be brief, if we survive. (Biggest issue other than flooding near rivers was trees falling on streets, cars, and sometimes people’s houses.)
Watch out. The reviews on the comparison link are all paid and artificially high. If you hunt around online, you’ll see this sprayer has significant quality issues, including some units with defects that cause through-body leaking, a difficult-to-turn on-off knob, and perpetual leaking.
@Michaelforman I am trying to clear out stuff from houses (including my late mother’s) and the stuff that is 40 years old is still worth keeping because it was made to a different standard.
so I am all for “de-cluttering” but the fact is when you throw away (hopefully donate or recycle at least) you won’t be able to get products of similar quality anymore.
@Michaelforman@pmarin There were plenty of companies making garbage quality products 40 years ago too. We get the impression of older stuff being better because it’s only the exceptionally good stuff that’s still around and usable, the rest already got thrown away 37 years ago.
You can still get high quality versions of most things if you’re willing to spend a lot more. It’s just that most people would rather spend $10 on something that needs to be replaced every year than $150 on something that will last a couple of lifetimes.
@brennyn@Michaelforman@pmarin The same applies to music. Almost all the older music that you hear is ‘better’ than overall contemporary stuff simply because modern music is still filled with the junk that will fade with time. It is only the ‘quality’ efforts that will be remembered in 10, 20, or two hundred years.
most people would rather spend $10 on something that needs to be replaced every year than $150 on something that will last a couple of lifetimes.
Which is true for many things, however tech is a prime example of where that falls apart.
That 1970s era Curtis Mathis TV you paid a fortune for won’t hold a candle to even a cheap 4K 32 inch TV from Walmart.
I think that is a great idea. Our water comes from Lake Michigan. Much of the year it is quite cold. I like the separate handle as it isolates your hand from the cold part of the nozzle.
Product: 2-Pack: Bernini Easy Grip Garden Hose Nozzle
Model: M70828011000, M70828012000, M70828061000
Condition: New
What’s Included?
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Mar 24
Who needs two of these? Who?
@gertiestn One for each end of the hose, duh.
@gertiestn One for the front yard, one for the back.
@gertiestn In Phoenix, if you keep it on the hose outside all the time, the sun ruins everything rather quickly, so you’ll need to replace it.
@gertiestn @ricks48038 Here, the whole hose gets stolen within twenty minutes.
@gertiestn @Kyeh I think you meant one in the front and one in the back
@gertiestn Who says it is about need?
@bugger User name checks out.
@bugger Somehow, when you say it, it sounds dirty.
@gertiestn we do. 3 acres of land, multiple hoses.
@gertiestn I don’t need any of these… cuz i already have nozzles on each of my 3 hoses.
I actually do need to get a hose nozzle soon but these look WAY more uncomfortable to hold than a normal one.
@brennyn that’s what she said.
“Simple to roll up and store when not in use”
Either this is a very flexible nozzle, or copy got mixed and we’re getting hoses tomorrow.
@Stormchaser and it’s a puncture-proof and kink-free nozzle!
@Stormchaser @TimW
Maybe originally part of a combo kit…
Hose down those memories of genuinely amusing photoshops with “AI” sewage because that’s all we seem to be serving these days.
@DrunkCat Today’s is especially horrifying.
/showme drunk cat complaining
@mediocrebot This makes me feel very indulligent and flurny. Maybe it’s time to go back to bed.
@mediocrebot love it when the point is made for me. can’t even put text to image
@DrunkCat /showme a cat using a firehose and really loving it
@mycya4me Looks like you got some performance anxiety.
@DrunkCat @Kyeh @yakkoTDI Are all these AI models trained on Jabberwocky or something? Lewis Carroll is rolling over in his grave, recalling how hard he worked to come up with all those crazy words on his own.
/showme a drunk cat being hosed down by a Bernini Easy Grip Garden Hose nozzle
Is it easier to hold? No. But can you operate it with only one hand? Also no. Is it smaller or lighter than a regular hose nozzle? No. But does it look cool? Also no.
A lot of products like this address disability needs of various kinds. They get marketed like people are idiots because they otherwise wouldn’t be worth producing, financially.
@Jamileigh17 That’s a good point, I hadn’t considered that.
@Jamileigh17 but what disability? The standard hose pistol grip follows your natural hand position(flashlights should have this as standard grip as well). If your hand is injured/weakened you’re better off using your other hand. If both hands are injured I could see it if the new grip was there along with the normal grip like the attachable broom grip handles meh sells occasionally. This just seems worse.
“Hey, I could maybe use these. Wow the reviews at Lowe’s average 4.9 stars! That’s amazing for a spray nozzle.
Wait, that is amazing for a spray nozzle.
Seein’ a lot of these…
@stinks yep, all reviews seem to be from getting the product free for a promotion
@stinks @TimW
OTOH, as someone who has a Vine account at Amazon, I pride myself on making sure that my reviews are honest and complete. I have burned more than a few products over the years for lousy instructions, crappy design/materials/workmanship, poor after sales support, excessive prices etc.
@chienfou @stinks @TimW sadly I suspect you’re in a small minority there.
I noticed the model has her eyes closed in every picture, presumably imagining a better gig.
And “please generate gnome based nightmare fuel” seems to be the generative image prompt used today…
Let’s see if that is true.
/showme please generate gnome based nightmare fuel
Sweet Baby Jesus that is nightmare fuel. Sleepin’ with one eye open tonight.
@PeacefulEasy holdin’ your pillow tight!
@PeacefulEasy @TimW
Reminds me of some of the IRK dolls that showed up for a while.
@PeacefulEasy @TimW
IIRC Koolhandjoe …
@PeacefulEasy @TimW
Set in, Dry Mud Man by Pb Hg Ti Cd
Say thy bid wee one, and do not sin my son, to add all of us 'ere
I dip you in, bed and pin, way far off of sin
'Til the dry mud man go
Nap but 'ave one eye on tap
Kip on yon bed bag lay
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Hog my paw
Off we go to the den of Pan
Not all is rad, bar the ray, my wit aim is bad
It’s not to see she of icy wan
I see fog of war, men who lie, and lob gob of hot ash
And all who do nip (yah)
Nap but 'ave one eye on tap
Kip on yon bed bag lay
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Hog my paw
Off we go to the den of Pan
[Now I lay my bod low and nap
[I beg ye God, my ego put
[If I die ere I get to see
[I beg ye God, my ego get
Shh yon tot, say no new gab
And let sly the row you saw
Tis the pet or two shy of yon bed
In the bin, in the tin, in the top of ye nob
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Bit of dry mud
Off go the sun
In to the e~ve
Hog my paw
Off we go to the den of Pan
Off to the den of Pan
Off to the den of Pan
Is $18 really cheap, though? I would think $9 each is a reasonable starting price for a hose nozzle so I’d take two for 70% off that. (I’ll tell you what I’m willing to pay when my fourth grader wakes up and figures it out for me, but I’m sure it’s not $18 — which, if you didn’t know, is nearly twenty bucks!)
@DaveMan2048, I can’t speak to the quality of these but my two nozzles cost me almost 50 after taxes. Idk when the last time you bought a good nozzle was lol
@DaveMan2048 @DavidChurchRN My newest hose nozzle was $17.something just about a month ago. I could get a nozzle for half that and it would suck.
@DaveMan2048 @DavidChurchRN @yakkoTDI
I’m not terribly fond of this style nozzle but I know the firemen style cutoff valves I bought were not too far from this price. Most of the time we use a sprinkler (with a timer) as we have way too much stuff to hand water things (with the exception of my veggies that I hand water with rainwater). Thankfully, being in the South, we get rain frequently… one small side benefit.
@chienfou @DaveMan2048 @DavidChurchRN @yakkoTDI
Asheville with 13 inches of rain — I’d say might not be a benefit. Was away during the storm but catching up on what happened in area. Tonight the big SE storm moves in but SHOULD be brief, if we survive. (Biggest issue other than flooding near rivers was trees falling on streets, cars, and sometimes people’s houses.)
Watch out. The reviews on the comparison link are all paid and artificially high. If you hunt around online, you’ll see this sprayer has significant quality issues, including some units with defects that cause through-body leaking, a difficult-to-turn on-off knob, and perpetual leaking.
like I don’t have enough problems with that …
@Michaelforman I am trying to clear out stuff from houses (including my late mother’s) and the stuff that is 40 years old is still worth keeping because it was made to a different standard.
so I am all for “de-cluttering” but the fact is when you throw away (hopefully donate or recycle at least) you won’t be able to get products of similar quality anymore.
@Michaelforman @pmarin There were plenty of companies making garbage quality products 40 years ago too. We get the impression of older stuff being better because it’s only the exceptionally good stuff that’s still around and usable, the rest already got thrown away 37 years ago.
You can still get high quality versions of most things if you’re willing to spend a lot more. It’s just that most people would rather spend $10 on something that needs to be replaced every year than $150 on something that will last a couple of lifetimes.
@Michaelforman @stolicat Olestra redux?
@rpstrong @stolicat I actually kind of miss Olestra Pringles.
Sugar free Haribo bears, not so much.
@brennyn @Michaelforman @pmarin The same applies to music. Almost all the older music that you hear is ‘better’ than overall contemporary stuff simply because modern music is still filled with the junk that will fade with time. It is only the ‘quality’ efforts that will be remembered in 10, 20, or two hundred years.
@Michaelforman @pmarin @rpstrong I somehow never thought of that but it makes perfect sense.
Which is true for many things, however tech is a prime example of where that falls apart.
That 1970s era Curtis Mathis TV you paid a fortune for won’t hold a candle to even a cheap 4K 32 inch TV from Walmart.
How many people still play this? It’s Frank Sinatra!
The 20 people that paid $33 for one of these at Lowe’s are morons.
@Pufferfishy Yep!
I’d love to see a picture of the knob on the underside. Is that for turning flow on/off? Is it a ball valve?
I think that is a great idea. Our water comes from Lake Michigan. Much of the year it is quite cold. I like the separate handle as it isolates your hand from the cold part of the nozzle.
I think I will buy it
and Mama will bark