Meet @Thumperchick, our first volunteer moderator
62Ok, so you probably already know Thumperchick. For the past 5 or 6 weeks, since early August, Thumperchick has been helping out around the forum as a volunteer moderator. Well, that’s not quite accurate, she’s been helping out for months and months but that’s just because she’s a helpful person.
Today we’re making it official by giving her a medkit badge next to her name. She’s our first volunteer moderator.
What’s that mean? Well, mostly, nothing much changes: she’s around answering questions, but it’ll look a little more official when she does now. And she’s a good person to ask questions, if you need help, or if you don’t understand our sometime bizarre customs and behaviors. And occasionally she can go in and fix people’s broken image links, help when someone messes up comment formatting, or clear out annoying spammy posts.
(Obviously, you can still ask questions of me, @MEHcus, @hollboll, @galmaegi, or @moose too.)
Thanks, @thumperchick! Maybe one day, Irk will even figure out how to pronounce your name.
- 64 comments, 143 replies
- Comment
Awesome, @Thumperchick! Can't wait to see your badge.
You'll be a master at moderating this mayhem.
(I suggest going with the firehose option).
@KDemo I prefer the sit back and snark option, with gifs.

@Thumperchick But only if it's not when I pee.

@KDemo Only if she knows anything about defeating trolls.
Congrats @thumperchick!!
Congrats @Thumperchick! Good luck with the new gig. (p.s. ask for a pay raise :)

@mfladd They should at least double her pay.
@sammydog01 quadruple it, even! Sky's the limit!
@Thumperchick How bout undecuple hendecuple?
I, for one, welcome our new expectant overlord.
@JerseyFrank Wait, T's preggers? Yaknow, kids, that's what happens when you . . .
@joelmw I made a thread and everything.
@JerseyFrank Perhaps trusting a hormonal pregnant first time mom with the powers to edit comments wasn't so prudent...
@Thumperchick Damn, this is what I get for only sort of paying attention. Congrats. That is an awesome thing. One of the best that's ever happened to me, personally. My wife is an expert on all things related to kids, btw, especially pre-natal through about 4, but knows quite a bit about the whole cognitive development process thereafter. Me, not so much. I just know that they should be held and read to and argued with.
@joelmw Thanks! We're kind of excited. In a few hours, I'm picking up a friend who's going to do an awesome mural in the nursery.
@Thumperchick No, I think that's the ideal person to entrust us to!

@Thumperchick Gotta say I missed that thread too! Congrats in both expecting and your new official position!
@Thumperchick Hi. Here is another @mention for you to read the notification of... :p
@Thumperchick Oh! I never clicked in there because I never thought of it as a baby announcement, just shopping advice for something not relevant to my interests. Congratulations!
@joelmw And when they are teens you put pine needles in the window screen to see if they snuck out and keep handy the means to remove the door or doorknob. At that age "arguing with" is sometimes only winnable when you threaten to (or actually) remove something they value. I'd recommend an ignition kill for the car too (Her: "Mom the car is broken", Me: "And how would you know that?". Ha! And the car shop was laughing so hard at me when I asked them to fix an ignition kill on a then 21 year old ghetto van)
@Kidsandliz 1) My kid was more responsible and conscientious than her father by the age of about 9. 2) And I don't think I actually won am argument with her since she was a teenager. But see item #1. :-)
@joelmw LOL Actually I think it was Mark Twain who said that at 13 you put them in a pickle barrel and feed them through the knot hole. At 16 you seal up the knot hole. He did not indicate when you were to liberate them. Sounds like you won't need to do that.
Hi guys - the new badge is kind of nifty, yes?
@Thumperchick I like it, since you can now go in to posts and fix all the boo boos
@Thumperchick It suits you. :-)
@Lotsofgoats exactly.
@Thumperchick Sweet new badge!
@Thumperchick I like the Mehdic badge!
@Thumperchick FUCK! Does this mean I have to be nice to you and not troll you? I mean it's kind of the staple since I've been a goat (and partly before hand) that I troll you. Way to fucking go I think you have some brown on your nose....
Congratulations @tHumperChick.
@Thumperchick Congrats. You're perfect for the jorb!
@Thumperchick Congrats! Love your new badge. It looks good on you. I think I bought one of those from meh a while back, but it was much bigger.
@Thumperchick Nice badge. Congrats! Wondering who designed the badge ? Did you get a say in that ? Did you have a couple choices ?
Enquiring minds want to know !
@ceagee they gave me a few options to weigh in on - the mehdkit was the favorite.
@stardate820926 @thumperchick More like "Meh Dick." :P
@Thumperchick I kinda feel like it shoulda been TTM riding on an even tinier goat
@Bingo - TTM to the rescue!!
@Thumperchick Congratulations! I hope you get a good parking space. ;-p
@Thumperchick w00t!
finally the recognition you deserve for what you have been doing for so long
I've never heard Irk pronounce her name wrong, but congratulations anyway, @tHumperchick!
Nicely done, T-Humper. Functionally, like @dave said, I don't think this changes a damned thing. But the honor is well-deserved. Actually, I do suppose people will bug you with more stuff, but you were always giving good answers whether you were specifically called out or not, so, yeah, functionally it's mostly the badge and a little more recognition for all that you do for this community.
Like it says in the OP - they've entrusted me with minor powers for several weeks, now. If you've seen a (Mod edit) in a post in the last month or so, that was most likely me, attempting to fix your picture link, or "modding" a spammy post to be more honest. I've changed a few header images, too.
If you guys need help with something like that - don't hesitate to @ me. I'll try to help out if I'm around.
@Thumperchick Congrats, well deserved.

@Thumperchick Does this also include question marks at the bottom of images? I have found it twice now and just wondered how in the world they got there? Not that I care..just curious.
@mfladd if they're in the link when it gets copy/pasted it'll show up at the bottom of the image.
@Thumperchick got it. Only just started noticing them. Thanks for being helpful ;)
Congrats @Thumperchick!

Congrats T-Humperchick! Obviously very well deserved and you're doing a great job.
I'm a big fan of the medkit badge! Also medkit just autocorrected to merlot, which is totally correct for my life.
@JonT Thanks - wouldn't have happened without you... literally. BTW - merlot happened to me too!
@JonT Yea, way to quit and leave a void in the forums. WTG. :P
@JonT How goes it man? Now that you're not the man, just a man...
You volunteered for this @Thumperchick? Great news is if things go terribly wrong you can still blame @sohmageek, although you'll have to hurry on that.
@denboy nah, poor @sohmageek is burned out. @jaremelz is ripe for the blaming when the time comes. TickTock, Jare.
@mfladd Let's not get into it here, but the people have spoken, and a certain candidate never spoke up to decline.
@jaremelz I have a feeling said candidate might not involve themselves in it as much as we'd enjoy. Just a hunch, brace yourself for goathood.
@denboy @jaremelz muwhahaha!
@denboy But I'm not hearing you say flat out that he's refusing to do it. I cling to my thin bit of hope.
@mfladd Shut your fucking pie-hole.

@denboy you know her deal is a bad one if you bring, Mr. Wonderful into it. "I will give you $100,000 for 95% of your company, but look what I did for Wicked Cupcakes"
This gif is from when he brought out the game maker to burn his game and tell him "it's dead" and had the guy drink expensive wine to ease the pain.
(ok, I am way too into Sharktank)

@mfladd He's the most clever and entertaining part of the show and a necessary component as the "bad guy" to root against. Plus his stories are great. Damon and Cuban can be asshats too though.
@denboy I have a bad feeling about this

@jaremelz I fully support you as the next Goat. I think that people need to get behind it more....
@jaremelz it'll be over before you know it.

@mfladd Ooh look, fishies!
@sohmageek People just love @JonT, I hope he feels honored by that. And damn it, being the goat they got instead of the one they want would be painful. But I guess that's goatdom. Nothing has officially happened yet though, so who knows.
@sohmageek Doing my best to not inappropriately use 'get behind it more' in reference to @jaremelz. Purely out of respect for her sig other.
@cinoclav Guess it's gonna be a long month, might aa well brace myself.
@jaremelz It's like getting a shot. A really, really long shot. I'm sure it'll be over before you know it.
@cinoclav Wait, are we talking about the goathood?

@jaremelz See comments like shut your fucking pie hole just digs your goathole deeper and deeper LOL Face it - you are doomed. Enjoy your last few hours of freedoms from blame. I am moving tomorrow so I am all set to go to start blaming someone...
@Kidsandliz I'll gladly take the blame come tomorrow. I hope your situation improves greatly, and soon.
@Thumperchick Congrats on your newfound responsibilities with no increase in pay! :)
Can we still say Fark and Shoot and Ash?
edit: HEY!
edit2: Just kidding! Of COURSE we can still say Funk and Shift and Abs.
edit3: Fuck Shit Ass. In case you were really worried.
@DaveInSoCal It was really hard not to edit in random curse words and ruin your joke.
@Thumperchick ooooh! Power. Hijinx awaits.
@Thumperchick're supposed to abuse your power just a wee bit, right?
@Thumperchick :)
@ACraigL the hardest part about minor powers is not abusing them for my own entertainment.
@Thumperchick minor power corrupts...minorly.
@jaremelz @Thumperchick Wait a minute, I thought they taught us that self-abuse made you go blind and grew hair on your palms... Or, um, so I've heard...
Whoohoo! Righteous!
@Thumperchick sometimes you get what you deserve.
@Thumperchick I hope they pay you something for your services.

@Thumperchick Well you should be compensated. Take Jon's job.
The inmates are starting to run the asylum -- nice!! Congrats, @Thumperchick!
Aww, @Thumperchick, I'm so happy for you. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Wait a minute... This is a good thing, right? You aren't being punished?
@Barney I'm pretty sure they're being nice to me... I think.
Congratulations @Thumperchick! As long as we can still curse a fucking blue streak, all is well. Also pls ban all the shitty people who are mean to the nice people. Thanks.

PS: I'm going to assume the cross barrel is filled with delicious brandy and that you are a forum St. Bernard.
congrats! and, just so we get started off on the right foot:

@ThumperChick Congratualtions my wifey!!!! I know you'll continue to do a great job!!!!
@Humper Pfft. If you love her so much, why don't you marry her. Oh, wait...

Today will always be remembered as the day of @ThumperChick's rise to power! Break out the fireworks!

Congratulations TC! I don't need to tell you how excited I am for you. good work :)
Very cool, congrats!
Bravo! Congrats, @Thumperchick!
@dave: Our first volunteer moderator? Does that mean we can expect a mob of mods in the future?
@KDemo It seemed shortsighted to suggest we would never, so I put first. But no real plans for any more expansion right now.
@studerc You do know that being a volunteer mod doesn't mean we will send your prizes out, right?
@MEHcus Haha. I know. Im just here all the time anyway. Figured i may be able to add to my accolades.
@MEHcus @studerc I love moderating. But. It's a lot of work! I mean can you see how many times @thumperchick puts on that smile (I'm not sure if it's forced,fake,or sadistic) "contact support if your VMP isn't cancelling properly" etc. plus have you ever seen @thumperchick ever tell someone to fuck off? I've tried to goat her into it. I think I may get the middle finger from the other side of the monitor. But it never showed. I have to deal with that pressure from work. Fuck that. This is my fun zone!
You are the family that I can say fuck you to and you say fuck your too sohma now sit your ass down and calm the fuck down.
@sohmageek I get the feeling you haven't seen all of my posts...
@studerc That assumes that you have some to add to : )
@Thumperchick I haven't seen you telling people to fuck off. No. I have seen you be way too helpful. I think this may be more fun (for us) than goatdom for you. Also I'm a teeny bit jealous even though I would do
horribleno...mediocre(somewhere between the two) at moderation here :) (sometimes html beats the shortcode or whatever you want to call it. )I judge moderators by their gif and/or reaction folders. My eyes await glory.
@DrunkCat I really want to answer in gif form, but now I'm just afraid it won't live up to expectations...
@DrunkCat here is a gif of your reaction to @Thumperchick's reaction gifs
@Thumperchick ticks box on clipboard
Cool, @thumperchick. Hope to see you around.. :)
Well deserved! You're my idol.
@Thumperchick you've already been bribed with a Woot Light, so I expect excellent service. Congrats!
Congrats @Thumperchick!
Congrats @Thumperchick I know you can stave off the wilds of the Forums with the best of them

@Thumperchick the true hero of that flick.
@Lotsofgoats where would she be without Nux? ... exactly.
@thismyusername They would've found another way. Nux was a fantastic character, but Furiosa is a badass.

Hey everyone,

scary as hell if you ask me
@Cerridwyn That they made me a volmod? Or being a volmod?
@Thumperchick When I first read Volmod I saw...
Who needs a Ban Hammer when I got THIS!
Maybe both?
Sorry, but I also missed the pregnant thread. Congrats on both counts!

@jsimsace wait what?!? wow!
@Thumperchick Meh just got a lot better.
Oh how I love this site...
Q:"How do we keep costs down and deal with employee turnover?"
A:"Let's crowdsource it!"
This place is as close as I have seen to an e-waste co-op, keep it up! Love it!!'
Next up, Fuku by conscription...
@mehdaf The volmod spot was in the works and in beta testing for a while before @JonT moved on. Really, I think they just gave me editing power so I'd stop tagging employees...
Just remember my posts make sense to me.
Well they did when I entered them.
To me.
Make sense.
My posts.
@Mehrocco_Mole to be honest, i didn't even realize she was holding a sledgehammer.
@Mehrocco_Mole @Thumperchick Dayum, girl, you look good for a pregnant chick. ;)
@marcee mmhmmm.
Congrats @Thumperchick :)
Cool! Now when then new baby keeps you awake at night you can go moderator postal at 3am. Oh wait - the going postal with gif's is the goats role. Anyway congrats. One more step and maybe they will hire you and pay you.
Just saw this! Congratulations Thumperchick! That's so cool! :)
Way to go! Let the underground movement begin!!! :)
I'll be saving this one for when it all blows up...

jk, jk, @Thumperchick. Don't ban me.
@Thumperchick I too passed right over the baby registry thread so this is the first I've heard of your news! Congrats to you and @Humper! So this is what, the first of about 250? We know how your kind breed...

P.S. Congrats too on finally making Mehdic official!
@cinoclav you know I have had rabbits and this gif is totally accurate, same number of seconds too!
I missed the other thread also, so congratulations for the promotion/recognition here and for the impending new arrival! Exciting times!
Congrats! And this shirt seems appropriate now:

(Printed on an AA shirt; I bought at Goodwill several months ago.)
Ah! I almost missed this! (I guess I did miss it for a day.) This makes so much sense and I think it's a beautiful thing. Congrats, @Thumperchick, on your special badge and powers!
I think there's some weird law in the universe that doesn't allow both @joelmw and I to be active in the forum at the same time. I miss you guys, but I'm sure you're enjoying @joelmw's revived presence. I'll try to warn everyone when life slows down enough to bring me back and drive him away.
I tried to place an order and have it shipped to a 2nd address where I'm staying. This is the first online store I've seen that doesn't offer that option on the ordering page., very neanderthal. If anyone knows a way around this. I'd appreciate the info.
@oats1jvo It should let you have a separate billing address from your shipping address. Put your shipping address into the form first, then under your credit card information, uncheck the box that says "My billing address is the same as my shipping address" - it'll let you add your billing address.


She should be paid!
@jjohns71 +100000000000000000
Congrats @Thumperchick!!! Aren't you and @Humper having a baby in a few months? If so, I sure hope @Dave has someone else in mind to help out, babies DRAIN YOU! Then again, you'll probably be up at all hours when many Mehricans are active so that may work out just perfect. Congrats again!
@Stallion I know the kid'll take over, but I'm sure I'll still be glued to the internet in some form...
@Stallion I was so pissed when work took away my remote access for the first 2 weeks of my son's life... YES I was drained but I couldn't sleep... I had so many wasted productivity hours that I could have been doing SOMETHING... Now I'd LOVE for them to tell me no you can't remote in and work... ;)
We're all counting on you @Thumperchick.
I mean tee-humper something.
Yay! @thumperchick. You rock.
Congratulations @Thumperchick , I guess.

I know I know.

Look at you! Locking threads and all. @thumperchick be all like:

@medz The only thing that corrupts absolutely . . . However, in that case I believe she made a good decision.
@medz I think it was my "I love purple" comment that sent @Thumperchick over the edge. I'll have to watch my language from now on.
Power is over 9000

@Pavlov see what you made me do?
It had little to do with you, btw - though you tagging me alerted me to the fact that the damned thread wasn't dead yet on its own.
The reason I nudged you to let go of the bg check is that there is a fine line between showing someone is less than honest (which you'd already demonstrated very clearly) and digging into someone's personal history and posting it in a public forum.
I appreciate you taking the nudge as intended - and very much appreciate you not linking any of what you did find in subsequent comments.
@Thumperchick I think we all know what happened... And what we must do...
It's the damned goat's fault... @Jaremelz When will you learn?
@sohmageek In about a week
@sohmageek darnit..I missed it! And if anyone thinks I am going to search through all of @barney's "I love purple" to find what I missed, that's insane :)
@mikibell Here's the thread @Thumperchick had to lock.
We'll always remember her first thread lock. Such fond memories.
@Barney It was a sad moment for me, really. I'd rather use my powers for helping/editing/etc. than locking/deleting. That part sucks.
@Thumperchick can you edit all of my jokes to be funnier plz
@Thumperchick Aww, don't let it get you down. Deep down, we all knew that this was necessary. You're doing a hell of a job TC.
@Lotsofgoats @Thumperchick can't do miracles.
@Barney aww, thanks! I'm sure if I turn heavy-handed censorship czar, you will ALL let me know. Which makes me happy.
@Lostofgoats - I gotta have something to work with, first...
@Lotsofgoats Something smellz about that edit.
@Barney I know right? how rude. (of me to pretend to be TC to make fun of you...)
@Lotsofgoats Well played, sir goat.
@Lotsofgoats Haha. Now go away and leave me alone, I've got work to do.
@Lotsofgoats You deserved that :)
@Lotsofgoats clearly. You should tag the volmod to... oh wait... that's ME! You're hosed.
O.M.F.G. I just read through all of that other thread. Every. Single. Word.
To think I missed all that drama. Even worse, it wasn't my drama. WTF? I'm supposed to be the drama queen. Man, I hate it when someone else gets attention.
Also, really really funny stuff. Glad I got to see it.
@pavlov is my kinda guy.
@Shrdlu If you ever want to wade through something, you should read the "bad Lisa" thread. But I think @Thumperchick might kill me if I brought that back.
@Barney that was the first fire here, I think. It too was locked - but hey, we got a great goat out of that in @lisaviolet.
@Shrdlu, if you want to track down a few insane reads, come irc and i'll link you. (Rather than drag up old crazy here.)
Not necessary to return to the past.
That sales thread was funny because I was expecting the leopard's spots to finally show through, and they did. It went on a bit longer than I'd expected, but that was partly because the perpetrator didn't move all that fast.
Cynicism pays off, yet again.
@Thumperchick Which IRC??? :)
@sohmageek She means the #deals.woot channel over on (hope that helps, have a nice day, stuff like that).
@tHumperChick Sorry for the late reply - I was at the Royals game last night and missed this when I finally got home . . . You're welcome, and I would not have posted IRL info, but I would think that since Mr. Peters used his real name that the cursory Google search that turned up the AG complaints and the other info would have been fair game, no BG check was involved, it is all there for anyone to see on the open Web. Gotta love Google. I didn't link it based on your comment and because I didn't want to go that far - knowing that Meh is perfectly capable of performing their own due diligence and also from personal experience understanding that past mistakes aren't necessarily indicative of future performance. However, I do find it telling that it wasn't refuted in the thread (and it was open more than sufficiently long enough for rebuttal).
@smilingjack Thanks!