Meet @Thumperchick, our first volunteer moderator

dave went on a bit of a rant said

Ok, so you probably already know Thumperchick. For the past 5 or 6 weeks, since early August, Thumperchick has been helping out around the forum as a volunteer moderator. Well, that’s not quite accurate, she’s been helping out for months and months but that’s just because she’s a helpful person.

Today we’re making it official by giving her a medkit badge next to her name. She’s our first volunteer moderator.

What’s that mean? Well, mostly, nothing much changes: she’s around answering questions, but it’ll look a little more official when she does now. And she’s a good person to ask questions, if you need help, or if you don’t understand our sometime bizarre customs and behaviors. And occasionally she can go in and fix people’s broken image links, help when someone messes up comment formatting, or clear out annoying spammy posts.

(Obviously, you can still ask questions of me, @MEHcus, @hollboll, @galmaegi, or @moose too.)

Thanks, @thumperchick! Maybe one day, Irk will even figure out how to pronounce your name.