How do I offer a New Product for MEH to Consider?
1I'm aware of a new product; A Bluetooth Stereo amplifier that gets wired to existing medium to large home speakers and has the music streamed to the wireless amplifier. The amp is battery powered, so you can take the amp and speakers to a tailgate party, to a cookout in the park, on a camping trip, or to the beach and have an outdoor "jammie-jam" with no AC power required. Everyone has music on their smartphone, so this product is great, especially for "the person who has everything".
I think it would make a great MEH offer.
- 22 comments, 96 replies
- This topic was locked by Thumperchick
Do you actually work for the company/are you trying to sell them to us? Or are you just wanting to put a product on our radar?
@connorbush: The company is a start-up, of which I'm a part of.
@bxpeters @mehcus maybe for you his was meant?
@bxpeters "of which I'm a part" or "which I'm a part of." One or the other.
Or you could just send me one and I will Beta Test it. And then give feedback - kinda like Amazon Vine.
I'll donate some of my time to assist in beta testing this new item as well. I offer a wide range of expertise (none of it in audio), but I will document every second of testing to allow insight into your "uneducated user" experience of the device.
@mfladd I also volunteer my considerable services. You'll need to send some vodka along with, @bxpeters , if you want a review.
Is this the return of poppiart?!
I have no interest in this product if it is not purple.
@Barney They will send a sharpie...
@Kidsandliz It better be purple and not that wimpy lilac.
@Barney One word....eggplant
@jaremelz How many times do I have to tell you, I will not be on team eggplant!
@Barney It was uttered more in disgust.
@jaremelz Oh.
@Barney Maybe I shouldn't internet today...
@jaremelz Hey, I was just teasing you. My fault.
Better yet, let's blame the goat.
@Barney Oh ok! Great ide...heeeyyyy
@Barney Can I interest you in Team Cranberry?
@dashcloud What! You didn't go with Team Purple?
@Barney - The product will soon be available in a variety of colors.
-1 for the use of "jammie-jam".
-100000000 because this sounds like a fancified speaker dock.
@carl669 Listening to music on the beach in your PJs. A jammie-jam. Now that you've thought it through, I'm sure you're thinking 'well, that does sound amazing! Why aren't folks having jammie-jams all the time?!' I will tell you – a reliance on that pesky AC, none of which is to be found on the beach! I know I've tried handing the plug to a crab, stuffing the prongs between the slats on the lifeguard chair, even just burying the wall-wart in the sand! But alas, no AC means no jammie-jams.
@carl669 - Hahaha apparently you learned your lesson the first time. Good call. No, great call!
@brhfl soooo... this?
@carl669 - I used "jammie-jam" purposely to get that type of response.
@: It's not a dock! It's a portable amplifier. Try finding something like it on the market; you won't. If you wanted to do a tailgate party, or a beach party, or a camping party, or any other outdoor event involving audio (with no access to AC power), what product would you use?
@bxpeters Can you use a bluetooth speaker that has an aux output? (
Or a battery powered speaker dock? (
@bxpeters I'd still use a speaker dock. If I wanted it to swim around, I'd use a speaker duck. If I wanted it on my foot, I'd use a speaker sock. That pretty much covers all of my music-listening scenarios.
@bxpeters - You can email your info here:
Or answer @MEHcus' post above, he is on staff.
Can they add internal speakers and some sort of carved out surface that might hold the phone while it's playing? Wait.. perhaps even charging the phone? We'd def buy that.
@snapster But you'd only buy them by the ton. Looking at maximum order quantity, none of that minimum order quantity stuff.
@snapster Make sure there's a place to put a "Meh" label this time.
@snapster I'd love you to sell something like what you described maybe with the meh. logo? for a decent price even better on a 2 for day...
@snapster - It feels like this is all happening in slow motion, but I feel helpless to stop it.
@sammydog01 - A private label deal can be arranged. However, of course, that kind of deal involves large quantity purchases. Contact me directly to discuss;
@bxpeters Um...yea..I don't think you got what he was saying.
@bxpeters You are going to come back to this thread right? Where else do you actually get to pitch your product directly to decision makers (and the CEO himself!), and actually have a great chance of them reading your post/pitch?
"A Bluetooth Stereo amplifier that gets wired to existing medium to large home speakers and has the music streamed to the wireless amplifier."
Or: Chromecast Audio.
@Collin1000 I scrolled down to say exactly THIS. @bxpeters - Google DID THAT ALREADY.
@Pavlov Wow. Way to crush someone right in the feels. That's something a goat would do.
@lumpthar That's just how we roll
@jaremelz Aww...
Yeah, but... The @bxpeters device includes and amp and battery. So it's more like a portable BT speaker minus the speaker. Because you're always dragging around your existing medium to large home speakers, anyway -- finally you can make sounds come out of them.
"I see you have some medium to large home speakers. What a coincidence, I have a portable Bluetooth amplifier. Maybe we should get together..."
@walarney Wouldn't something like this:

be more appropriate?
It's on Amazon. It has a handle.
@lumpthar - that little boom box doesn't have the sound capacity to provide loud enough music for ANY outdoor event. I tried using those back in the decade when boxes like that were new. Bluetooth speakers suffer from the same inefficiencies.
Obviously, you guys are NOT seeing the complete picture. Show me how you use Chromecast to provide music while you are at the beach, at a tailgate party for a college or pro-sports game, or during a weekend group camping trip, or, your friend's wedding reception (who can't afford a DJ or band) after paying for the food and the hall, etc.
Think about those scenarios, then tell me what product provides the solution for that?
@bxpeters look man. when you read a response from someone here, read it tongue in cheek. we're a humorous group. we've had a couple other people come in and offer their wares and i don't think anything materialized from it. one did turn me into a goat for a month though. yeah, he was skilled in the art of voodoo apparently. but, i've made a full recovery now. at least, i think i have. here's a recent selfie:
anyway, a staff member (@MEHcus) and the CEO (@snapster) have already made a comment in this thread. reply back to them if you've really got something cool to sell. but, it better be at a REALLY good price.
@bxpeters Someone posted the email for you to contact if you really have a plan and want to source inventory to meh. You should definitely do that if you're serious - hashing this out in the forums with us will get you a ton of gifs and entertainment, but probably won't get your product sourced here, unless you straight up lay out what you have, how awesome it is, and why we should buy it. So far, you've given us a light sales pitch, but little in the way of product info.
@bxpeters All of those scenarios are basically hell on earth. The solution is opening a beer, making some popcorn, and watching some Netflix. Can this product of yours do that for me?
@bxpeters Also, as these things go, we're treating you pretty warmly.
@bxpeters I work here and stuff. If you've got stuff to sell, we're all ears. Shoot our sales team an email directly at Be sure to include as much information as you can about what the product is, a list of all its features, your available quantity and your pricing. If we like it, we'll see what we can do.
@bxpeters You can continue to dog us about it, or contact the sources you've been given and relax and have a little fun with us.
We don't bite. Well, some of us.

@MEHcus I have the inside source on 6 Mighty Charger Disposable Battery Chargers.
If you bought them yourself directly from Mighty Charger website it would cost you $119.91. I get get them to you for the low cost of $50. Just think how much you can save and and how impressed your boss will be. Even at 100% markup it would still be cheaper then buying directly from the company. Buyers will flock.
@MrMark I do my best not to impress my boss @Dave
@MEHcus What about your mom? @melindakirksey You should want to impress her.
@carl669 I really believe we're way past the point of being diplomatic and must tell @bxpeters to just go fuck himself, or at the very least turn this into a proper meme.
@Pavlov maybe the product can double as one of these:
@jaremelz sorry you missed a word. HARD. We don't bite HARD.
@Pavlov Damn, man. @bxpeters is part of a start up company seeking out different distribution options for his product and you tell him to go fuck himself?
Meh is a great place with a wide customer base that may be a good fit for distribution.
@bxpeters - It may be hidden behind sarcasm and rude comments, but there is consumer interest in your product. The issue that people are having is you don't give us (Consumers) much detail of your product. Due to this lack of information, people are responding poorly.
As @MEHcus above mentioned, the best way to work through the actual Mediocre Laboratories (Entity behind is to e-mail their buyers at: The management of this company has assisted in quite a few product launches over the last 10 years or so.
@Bogie I'm with @Pavlov on this one. If there was really a shit ton of consumer interest in his product, someone would have already made one, slapped a Monster label on it and sold it for 63 times it's actual worth.
@cinoclav I feel like everyone in this thread hates innovation. You're making a lot of assumptions in your scenario. First, I'm unable to locate anywhere that @bxpeters said anything about market interest. Though all I did was search through his posts and may have skimmed past it.
If everyone had your mentality, that if I wanted something, it's already made and distributed, there would be no innovation. No one would bother trying to invent new/better/worse ways to do [Insert any action here].
Regarding your Monster comment. Not every person wants to sell out. Inventions become the inventors babies (per se). The inventor(s) just want to see their products produced and hopefully profit from it. They don't want to, however, hand over their product to a major corporation who will do what ever they want to the product to reduce manufacturing costs (Often reducing quality) to increase profits. (Think Woot/Amazon)
As such, most people only have a few options:
Note that there are more potentials out of this, but they are the most common that I see.
@Bogie You're trying way too hard here.
@cinoclav I don't think anyone can ever try too hard to promote innovation/progress.
@Bogie You're trying way too hard to stand up for this guy and his piece of crap. No one is arguing about innovation. Google 'convertible tights'. My mother invented them and they're the standard for dancers now. Innovation that came out of hearing a mother's annoyance with her daughter who would cut the feet off her brand new tights. But this guy isn't innovative OR progressive.
OK guy, Now I understand the type of forum that I'm in here. OK, so here's a video demonstration of the product fpr you to comment upon (I've already sent plenty of info to the MEH powers that be).
That amplifier voice setting though...hilarious.
First person to find this on Alibaba and post a link wins a prize.
@Pavlov like this? it even has a subwoofer output.
I want to see a Meh staff demo!
@carl669 Nice catch, but requires an external power source.
For anyone wanting to check out the company, here's their spiffy website!
@Thumperchick $119 direct from Barry - if Meh can't sell these at $25-$30 AND turn a profit, it ain't gonna happen.
I'll bet a few hours and I'll find the source in China - they probably sell for $15 in bulk FOB Guangzhou.
@Pavlov solar power!
@carl669 Goal Zero FTW.
@Pavlov i'm more concerned with the use of run-on sentences and spelling errors:
"If you want your sales process more efficient and automated reducing redundancy and genreating more sales via marketing and promotion strategies that yield results then we believe this clearly answers the question as to why choose us for that is what we deliver after consulting, learning and undersanding then consulting your business to fix problems in your current sales process that may rely to heavy on one facet or another and are not working together cohesively thereby causing stagnant sales and growth."
@Thumperchick That's their website? What year is this?
@carl669 I've found three with the same specs (and better controls) but not this specific item - all three I have found are 50-100 minimum order with three day to three week lead and the least expensive one is $9.80 USD FOB Guangzhou - the most expensive is $14.30 USD FOB Shenzhen.
I don't get it - you're lugging a huge ass speaker to the park - why not just buy one with the speaker already attached on casters/ rollers for $70-$100 retail here in the US?
@bxpeters - if you want to dump these to get out from under them, you're probably looking at taking a hefty loss if you have these units in hand.
@MrMark Some of the pages are copyright 2007 - so I'd say a decade old template at least.

This YouTube channel is a hoot -
And - Indiegogo too (no backers)!
@bxpeters - Is this you too??
I'm assuming they'll want me to refrain from posting info on previous felony convictions, MLM complaints in NJ, etc. (Oh snap!)
@Pavlov you wouldn't want a $100 coffee cup?
@Pavlov I especially like the business opportunities this big brick presents: Why, I can get three Verizon stores to sell these amps and in a year I can buy my own!
Between the information in this YouTube video and that on Barry's Black Planet page, wireless stores must get the amp for $18.33 each.
@Pavlov you're having a bit too much fun with him.
@djslack Damn, I had the math at $18.34
.... who wants to lug big speakers to "the beach, at a tailgate party for a college or pro-sports game, or during a weekend group camping trip?"
@Pantheist You've apparently never tailgated at a larger college football game...
OK, a lot of you guys seem to be clueless when it comes to music. Those small bluetooth speakers can't fill a large room with enough sound to dance to. The larger models? They are "mono", not stereo. You use one of those at your tailgate / beach party and somebody uses the portable amp with a pair of house speakers and see how many people hang around at your party.
So, to sum it up:
While these features might not be appealing to you, there are hundreds of thousands of people who would love to have a product like this. Think of how happy they would be if YOU bought one for them for Christmas?

@bxpeters -
Really? You come and try to peddle your shit here and then tell us that we're clueless. Yeah, that'll work well. Obviously, we're not your target market . . . You're needing people a bit more, well, uneducated shall we say? Try Those fuckers will buy and sell most anything.
Totally portable.
Something was bugging me about this and I had to come back and check. Sure enough, it's true.
One of the big deals we've been told is that this is stereo instead of that terrible mono everyone is paying so much money for. But on their own demo video, there's only one speaker. Mono. Because they didn't feel like dragging two big ass speakers to the park for the demo video, apparently. Or maybe because it's louder in bridged mono than to a pair of speakers. Idunno. Either way, not using that awesome stereo power that turns music from pure shit to euphonic bliss.
It doesn't make this any more or less terrible. I just had to acknowledge the inconsistency so my brain would let it go.
@bxpeters If hundreds of thousands of people would love a product like this, why are you having such a hard time selling any?
@Pantheist It's a start-up company. Have you ever had to deal with product distribution? It's not as simple as calling your local BestBuy and telling them to clear some valuable shelf space for your product.
@Bogie yes. In this golden age of the internet, there are plenty of avenues to start selling your product and letting it get a name for itself before you ever need to try to get it in a brick and mortar store- IF it's something people want. I'm sure you were overwhelmed by the interest in your crowdfunding attempt.
The major problems I see with this product are...
the voice prompts don't follow the toccs standard voice announcements, how are we supposed to know if bluetooths modo is open?
it looks too normal, these should have metal pieces attached to them to make them look like animals... you can call it the "party animal", what a great name, no charge. :)
Not sure how I missed all the gold in this thread, but it was a fun read. I have two important takeaways from all of this:
I like how the video demonstrates that any genre of music can be played. I'm sick of all those other speaker docks limiting me to Scottish Pirate Metal, or Nintendo Barbershop.
Company logo FTW. Hey Art Department: I'm thinking something in Arial, that uses bevel, emboss, shadow and reflect. Can we do anything like that?
@ACraigL the nay genre of music thing really made me WTF extra hard today.
The link to the profile picture... Is his suit blue? Is it black? Green? Dark gray? Fuck, here we go again with the dress bullshit.
http ://
@cinoclav Looks purple to me.
@jaremelz He looks a little purple to me. But hey, major cred for that Richard Roundtree 'stache!
@cinoclav Oh, I wasn't trying to give him the Shaft over that suit, don't get me wrong!
@jaremelz @cinoclav I love purple.
So here's what we know about this product:
And here's a little of what we don't know:
- Power output/audio specs
- Battery capacity/runtime
- Warranty
Who here is ready to buy this product with what we know? Vote below with your stars.
Yes. Take my money now.
No thanks.
Maybe. I need to watch the marketing video again.
this entire thread.
TIL: @bxpeters is an Aquarius. Which explains a lot.

It is beyond me why this fucking thread still gets traction.
As for me being a little harsh on Mr. Peters - I PULLED BACK on these shit-bags (Mr. Peters and his partner).
Did I point out the completely ludicrous aspects of their Indiegogo campaign? No.
Did I publish the links to the complaints to the New Jersey and New York AG's offices on companies I found while searching Mr. Peters (he's been a "heavy hitter" in MLM for years and left a string of consumers looking at empty wallets in his wake)? No.
Why didn't I continue (including linking information about felony convictions)? Because @tHumperChick told me in so many words to back the fuck off, and I really, really, have a lot of love for her, so that's what I did.
But, did I come back and call this fucker a douche-bag for coming on Meh and peddling his device and then calling Mehtizens "clueless"? God-damn right I did.
Oh, and BTW, anyone can source this product themselves from China, there's nothing that innovative about it and products that function exactly the same - but have better controls - are available today with only a few days lead time. Google / Alibaba is your friend. (And the other products are more aesthetically pleasing too!)
But I tell you what - since we have to lug the fucking speakers around anyway, why not just buy, AND PAY THE SAME AS WHAT THIS THING RETAILS FOR, A SELF POWERED (That's right kids - A MODEL OPTION WITH A SELF-CONTAINED RECHARGEABLE BATTERY!!) PAIR OF SPEAKERS, THAT DOES THE SAME FUCKING THING!
(sorry, caps lock day got the best of me)
Search Google for the Technical Pro Bluetooth DJ Speakers. You get two speakers, and all the features of the product peddled here - and a model option with a rechargeable battery (we don't need no plug, get outta here plug).
And technical Pro publishes specs, unlike Mr. Peters:
I mean, I've got to lug the goddamn speakers around anyway, right? Here's a product that is CONTAINED within the speakers I'm lugging the fuck around!
Mr. Peters retails his product for $119.00 USD - the speakers I just listed the specs on retail for an average of $120 with the rechargeable battery option. Want to skip the battery and plug it in a wall or your car's AC adapter? You can buy it as low as $75.00 USD on eBay.
I'll bet these play any genre of music too!
This is going nowhere good, or useful at this point. Let's move onto other things, shall we?