So I am not too disappointed for the future, what is the appropriate means to get the attention of your staff that is responsible for looking at new products?
[Unofficial, but close to accurate] Rules for new products on Meh:
One, The new product needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
Two, whenever the product is not on the homepage of Meh, all the other shee-- I mean, potential customers should be asking "Where's That Cool New Product?"
@BillLehecka ... We were simply waiting for you to complete rule three but if your that desperate I guess I could comment on your unofficial meh product rules.. uh, garsonu, is my table ready?
i don't think i can be blamed for something @cengland0 made me do! although, i must admit, i'm curious as to what a scapegoat for life badge would look like.
I have the name of several buyers, only one of which has ever responded to anything. I do have speaker docks and I would love to participate in the game, but it seems to me that it would be best via private email, not in a public forum. My email: and I give better than mediocre responses.
@poppiart Are your speaker docks the size of old timey jukeboxes and only cost $1? Because meh hasn't sold those yet, and we can take the $5 VMP shipping experimehnt to the next level.
I have the speaker docks...perhaps I don't understand the MEH method of buying, but I do not post information on a public forum. I would be happy to discuss this with a real buyer for MEH....
@poppiart I guess we were inventing a new method of buying where the CEO harasses you. I guess that's not working so send email that says "HOLY SHIT I HAVE 30K SPEAKER DOCKS!!!" and I'll see that someone helps faster
@editorkid@poppiart Or at least actually pay for the photo instead of scraping it off the istock website so that you can get rid of the watermark across it.
@snapster talk about an interesting experiment, I'd love to see this process go down and I would be interested to see how well the item sold. That's full disclosure at its finest. I'd buy that speaker dock out of principal. and @Carl669 WTF man?! Is this some kind of sick joke?
@carl669 I do. but I haven't bought one yet. and I'd buy anything they negotiated out in the open. Also, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been speaker docks if you wouldn't have brought them up. so yes, I'll buy one, and it'll be your fault.
@snapster Aw. My first purchase on Woot was a blood pressure monitor. (You know, back in '07, when Woot sold cool stuff.) And let's face it, we aren't getting any younger.
@editorkid I didn't get that when I googled. I got a listing for jewish-american-singles. I'm single, but I'm not jewish. And looks like he is not the right age for me.
While I like the idea of transparency in theory, I don't think the negotiations should be public. This business needs to stay here in this post and we all should sign non disclosure agreements.
@poppiart@snapster has been identified. Have you read this whole thread ? Besides, if you don't know he's the CEO, then perhaps you haven't researched your client enough to make a good sale. And I mean that in a helpful way. How many sales folk would love to have the ear of the CEO instead of some minion ? I suggest you catch the vibe and take him up on the offer of shooting out an email w/ the subject header he suggested. Or you could shoot yourself in the foot. Your choice. TL;DR : This is real
@poppiart and if you want real business discussion to be had then take some initiative and get it started. I'll help, Meh wants to sell your speaker docks for $25. I'll throw out the first offer of $6/speaker dock delivered to their warehouse with roses and gift baskets filled with chocolate, nuts, beer, wine and cheese. now you counter.
@poppiart - You'd better latch on and get your boots on, if you don't know your goulash then Snapster won't be coming in on that tab. Right now you're on the wrong riff, spoutin' hard and slobbering a bibful of that off-time jive like an unhep Jeff. If it ain't copacetic, you're gonna clutch the gummy and all you'll get is the porcelain hairnet. You dig?
@walarney Or 12 for one dollar with the promise of buying 4 more at $39.95 each plus shipping/handling within 2 years. Wonder why that hasn't been done before? Oh, wait...
@poppiart What, you don't believe that @snapster is the CEO? (google is your friend) And for some reason (I think he is as mad as a hatter), @snapster loves speaker docks, especially bluetooth ones. It seems that he is on a crusade to make sure that everyone in the U.S. experiences the joy of owning at least one, maybe more.. So, here's your chance to make a big sale.
@barnabee Hey, don't forget South Korea! Meh is a global concern as long as your globe only shows the U.S. and South Korea. (And if those globes exist, I bet @poppiart stocks them.)
@barnabee Although I'm not sure if anything came about here, I think we're going to end up with more speaker docks anyways. Damn you, @carl669!, aka scapegoat of a future month.
This kind of reminds me of those good ol' woot days when the businesses would promote their stupid products over and over again then complain in the forums about how horrible we were for telling them how dumb the product was. Or how they would get into arguments with us on how awesome their customer service was. Then @capguncowboy would roundup a few folks to downvote them into oblivion. Oh man, good times.
@luvche21 Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy hearing you describe it. When I describe it, I picture myself smearing war paint on my face and screaming like a banshee as I swing an ax around in circles.
@capguncowboy See, my imagery always was derived from your username. It was the wild west. The wild, wild west. For miles, there was nothing, but the sun, dust, cacti... other than website customer service hooligans with hurt egos. They tried taking over our town far too many times. The only thing that could make it stop was @capguncowboy and his crew -- the lynchings, the tarring and featherings, the roundups, the shootouts! After enough of those, the internet's new frontier was won yet again...
I keep hoping @poppiart will come back and play along. He missed a great opportunity. If only I had something to sell..... Two for Tuesday random cats anyone ?
We are all Meh buyers here. Most of us only buy retail from Meh, typically in quantities up to three. On rare Tuesdays, we might buy as many as six.
A few folks here are also wholesale buyers that work directly for Meh.
In the unlikely event that I ever come across a Meh worthy batch of merchandise again, I will certainly let Meh know. Meh is known for listening to customers, and not just for comedy material.
If someone thinks they have a particularly Meh worthy product, in a Meh worthy quantity, at a Meh worthy price, let us customers know. If we agree, we'll lobby the staff to buy it. Most likely we won't agree. We are actually rather picky, but it will probably be really entertaining.
I was once a wholesale buyer too, although on a much smaller scale. I worked at a resale store and bought new items to complement the used inventory. Things like mice, and wireless adapters for used laptops, ear buds, headphones, and chargers to go with the used ipods, certain tools, etc...
Most of the things I sold new were generic convenience items, or in too small a quantity for Meh. I only recall one purchase that might have made a good Meh sale or fuku item. I bought a few hundred headphones that were designed for use in prisons. Either a color code was wrong in the design documents sent to the factory, or someone at the factory in China made an improper part substitution. The headphones were designed with mostly clear or translucent parts, so guards could hold them up to the light and see that there was no contraband hidden inside. Except that the ear cushions were solid black, oops. Thus, they weren't going to prison, instead the entire manufacturing run became low cost surplus.
They sounded really good for a pair of headphones that we priced at $10 (but frequently sold for less, we still doubled our money when selling them at $3.). They were designed to be used by felons, so they were pretty sturdy. They weren't childproof, because children are so inventive. Parents liked them enough that they would buy replacement sets after their children managed to break the first set.
I haven't done that sort of thing for 5 years, and I still get wholesale sellers contacting me. I see why most wholesale buyers keep a relatively low profile.
Meh, you crack me up. But you would only move up to 'Awe-awesome' status if you start shipping overseas. Singapore would be a good start. Good things must be shared.
@dhilaws ... um. Maybe another name is available. Maybe even one close to that. Almost a soundalike. But not quite. I mean, 30 freakin thousand speaker docks are at stake here
@dhilaws ... you might want to scroll down the forum topics list. There's even a special badge for forum members who help out with posts from Korean Meh fans.
It will be pleasing you to know that in our warehouse it has discovered another 4,000 Speaker Ducks. Bringing even more joy to everyone, these will be having the Bluetooth which is much desired by your customer. Again, photographic evidence is enclosed so that you know I am serious unlike some Poppiearts.
@RedHot Dude. I'm basically giving these away. Have you ever tried to manage 4,000 ducks with speakers tied to them and a blue tooth sticking out of their bills? It's no picnic I can tell you. Plus I'm sick of cleaning up after them.
I would like one meh speaker bar with an optical connector so I can attach it to my TV. Doesn’t need to be big, 2’ long is fine. I’ve got $20 burning a hole in my pocket for it. When can you get that listed on meh?
I forgot about this whole incident until the post above bumped it. The lack of speaker docks is telling that no deal was made, but I feel less guilty now about being so cheap about VMP. Thanks for keeping your subscription, Poppi!
Also, I’m blaming and unblaming @jbartus for this.
Depends, do you have product you'd like to sell us?
@MEHcus Of course I do. All of the time, and usually product that even MEH has not seen.
It's probably the long-sought after left-curving banana slicer or a 4-in-1 mustache trimmer/booklight/backpack/ice cream scoop
@capguncowboy That's just a myth! Its existence has never been proven.
Make it something super cool that's really expensive, but that you allow them to sell here at a 90% markdown.
^^ This man knows what he's talking about.
see if you're connected to a buyer via linkedin or for highest levels of mediocrity, spam us: sourcing
[Unofficial, but close to accurate] Rules for new products on Meh:
One, The new product needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
Two, whenever the product is not on the homepage of Meh, all the other shee-- I mean, potential customers should be asking "Where's That Cool New Product?"
@BillLehecka ... We were simply waiting for you to complete rule three but if your that desperate I guess I could comment on your unofficial meh product rules.. uh, garsonu, is my table ready?
@poppiart - is it a speaker dock? because meh needs more of those.
@carl669 I have 30,000 speaker docks, bluetooth, retail package. My email is
i... uhh... talk about joke backfiring. i'm really really sorry to all my fellow 'mehricans if meh actually acquires 30,000 more speaker docks.
@carl669 See what you did?!?!?
I foresee SDF, S, S, M, T, W, & T. I therefore nominate @carl669 scapegoat for life!
@carl669 ....the next goat 4 sure!
i don't think i can be blamed for something @cengland0 made me do! although, i must admit, i'm curious as to what a scapegoat for life badge would look like.
@carl669 Also requires forehead tattoo.
@mehjohnson hmm...i'll have to think about that one. how about a goat earring instead?
@carl669 I wonder if @poppiart could drop-ship all 30,000 speaker docks to one lucky fukubukuro buyer. Second shipment, of course.
@unoriginal26 @carl669 Hey, I could use one of those earrings.
@editorkid Don't even joke about that. I am still waiting for my kickstarter fuku.
I have the name of several buyers, only one of which has ever responded to anything. I do have speaker docks and I would love to participate in the game, but it seems to me that it would be best via private email, not in a public forum. My email: and I give better than mediocre responses.
@poppiart solution: add $1 to your price to disguise our sweet margins and quote us here!
So these speaker docks, are they handsome?
@snapster Top hats included?
@snapster come on poppy let us have it
@poppiart Are your speaker docks the size of old timey jukeboxes and only cost $1? Because meh hasn't sold those yet, and we can take the $5 VMP shipping experimehnt to the next level.
@snapster I need Fancy Pants for my Fancy Dance with these fancy speakerdocks. Can you sell some moustache wax within the week so I can be ready?
I have the speaker docks...perhaps I don't understand the MEH method of buying, but I do not post information on a public forum. I would be happy to discuss this with a real buyer for MEH....
@poppiart @snapster is the "real" Breakfast Octopus. Isn't that good enough?
@poppiart I guess we were inventing a new method of buying where the CEO harasses you. I guess that's not working so send email that says "HOLY SHIT I HAVE 30K SPEAKER DOCKS!!!" and I'll see that someone helps faster
@poppiart If you sell a ton of junk to Meh, will you swap out that cheesy watermarked stock photo on your site for something decent?
@editorkid @poppiart Or at least actually pay for the photo instead of scraping it off the istock website so that you can get rid of the watermark across it.
@Bingo oh hey poppi has a site?
@snapster - I think it's so cute that you're pretending to be interested in more speaker docks.
@poppiart Poor, clueless poppi...
@snapster And he's on LinkedIn! Act now and you could start making connections in this sourcing industry!
@snapster talk about an interesting experiment, I'd love to see this process go down and I would be interested to see how well the item sold. That's full disclosure at its finest. I'd buy that speaker dock out of principal. and @Carl669 WTF man?! Is this some kind of sick joke?
@editorkid @snapster He represents clients and businesses AROUND THE WORLD!
@RedHot you realize by saying you'd buy one on principle, you're just encouraging more speaker docks?
@carl669 I do. but I haven't bought one yet. and I'd buy anything they negotiated out in the open. Also, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been speaker docks if you wouldn't have brought them up. so yes, I'll buy one, and it'll be your fault.
@editorkid ha funny - I'm already connected to him.
Heh, well apparently many of my buyers know of him. Poppi I am now researching said dock. We will pass on the diabetic casual wear mens shoes.
@snapster Nooooooo! Are you really serious about buying/selling more docks?
@snapster Aw. My first purchase on Woot was a blood pressure monitor. (You know, back in '07, when Woot sold cool stuff.) And let's face it, we aren't getting any younger.
@snapster Why are these mens shoes diabetic? Is it because they were too casual?
@barnabee Hey but these have bluetooth man! wowowowow
@chellemonkey ha. I hope not or they might have other diseases too
@snapster I'm guessing you've found it by now (If you even wanted to) but yeah, google the email address and his site the second result
@Bingo can ya gimme an idea of whats there? the company doesn't like that page
@editorkid I didn't get that when I googled. I got a listing for jewish-american-singles. I'm single, but I'm not jewish. And looks like he is not the right age for me.
@editorkid I think this guy will fit in at Meh.... he's so cheap he doesn't even pay for stock photos.
So everyone fess up... how many of us have emailed @snapster with "HOLY SHIT I HAVE 30K SPEAKER DOCKS!!!" in the subject?
@Collin1000 He must have got the stock photos on a Tuesday. He has 2 on his site that he didn't pay for. 2-fer $0.
@ceagee Maybe these are more your type?
@editorkid (Talk about your cheesy stock photos.)
While I like the idea of transparency in theory, I don't think the negotiations should be public. This business needs to stay here in this post and we all should sign non disclosure agreements.
It sucks when you can't get closure.
WTF? How long does this go on without someone identifying themselves so some real business discussion might be had.
@poppiart @snapster has been identified. Have you read this whole thread ? Besides, if you don't know he's the CEO, then perhaps you haven't researched your client enough to make a good sale. And I mean that in a helpful way. How many sales folk would love to have the ear of the CEO instead of some minion ? I suggest you catch the vibe and take him up on the offer of shooting out an email w/ the subject header he suggested. Or you could shoot yourself in the foot. Your choice. TL;DR : This is real
@poppiart @Snapster is the CEO, no really, thats not a joke. Pan over that little octopus and you'll see he is a mediocre labs employee.
@poppiart and if you want real business discussion to be had then take some initiative and get it started. I'll help, Meh wants to sell your speaker docks for $25. I'll throw out the first offer of $6/speaker dock delivered to their warehouse with roses and gift baskets filled with chocolate, nuts, beer, wine and cheese. now you counter.
@poppiart and here I thought this was real business discussion....
@poppiart OK, OK, I'll identify myself. I'm editorkid.
@poppiart I could of course be totally wrong but something tells me a window was wide open and totally missed.
@poppiart - You'd better latch on and get your boots on, if you don't know your goulash then Snapster won't be coming in on that tab. Right now you're on the wrong riff, spoutin' hard and slobbering a bibful of that off-time jive like an unhep Jeff. If it ain't copacetic, you're gonna clutch the gummy and all you'll get is the porcelain hairnet. You dig?
If only someone had DVDs for sale for $1...
@walarney Or 12 for one dollar with the promise of buying 4 more at $39.95 each plus shipping/handling within 2 years. Wonder why that hasn't been done before? Oh, wait...
This thread is hilarious.
@Collin1000 for a mediocre attempt to get our attention, I'd say it over-acheived.
@snapster He got our attention... and our hearts. Well, our attention anyway.
@editorkid and then he went away 😢
@Collin1000 ... Do you see me laughin'..? (don't look).
@poppiart What, you don't believe that @snapster is the CEO? (google is your friend) And for some reason (I think he is as mad as a hatter), @snapster loves speaker docks, especially bluetooth ones. It seems that he is on a crusade to make sure that everyone in the U.S. experiences the joy of owning at least one, maybe more.. So, here's your chance to make a big sale.
@barnabee Hey, don't forget South Korea! Meh is a global concern as long as your globe only shows the U.S. and South Korea. (And if those globes exist, I bet @poppiart stocks them.)
@barnabee maybe @poppiart thinks @snapster is merely the breakfast octopus of the month
@katylava Just another pretty face, huh?
@carl669 YOU are on my goat list.
@barnabee well, shit.
@barnabee Add to it @poppiart .
@ceagee And @snapster.
This was a great and hilarious thread and I'm happy with how it all turned out.
@JonT Uh, I hate to ask, but how did it turn out?
@barnabee Although I'm not sure if anything came about here, I think we're going to end up with more speaker docks anyways. Damn you, @carl669!, aka scapegoat of a future month.
@narfcake Looks like you are right. I guess it's time for me to start thinking about buying a speaker dock.
@barnabee Nooooo!
This kind of reminds me of those good ol' woot days when the businesses would promote their stupid products over and over again then complain in the forums about how horrible we were for telling them how dumb the product was. Or how they would get into arguments with us on how awesome their customer service was. Then @capguncowboy would roundup a few folks to downvote them into oblivion. Oh man, good times.
@luvche21 Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy hearing you describe it. When I describe it, I picture myself smearing war paint on my face and screaming like a banshee as I swing an ax around in circles.
@capguncowboy See, my imagery always was derived from your username. It was the wild west. The wild, wild west. For miles, there was nothing, but the sun, dust, cacti... other than website customer service hooligans with hurt egos. They tried taking over our town far too many times. The only thing that could make it stop was @capguncowboy and his crew -- the lynchings, the tarring and featherings, the roundups, the shootouts! After enough of those, the internet's new frontier was won yet again...
Hello. I'd like to get the attention of your buyers. I have 1k speaker ducks I can let you have for cheap. Photographic evidence attached.

@Bingo Hey, some of those ducks look broken. They'll have to include them in future Fuku bags.
@Bingo Go away. We don't allow any quacks around here.
@barnabee Now now, there's no need for a fowl attitude.
@narfcake Duck! I just threw a speaker dock at you.
@narfcake Thanks for backing me up. We gotta help each other out. Birds of a feather and all.
@Bingo quack. Am I doing this right?
@Bingo UGH, I can't believe I counted all those ducks. I have such a headache now. But you did not lie. 1000, on the nose.
@Bingo WARNING: Staring at these ducks may cause seizure.
@Bingo Damn - I just viewed this full size and what I thought was a raised wing is actually a speaker! It makes so much more sense now.
@Bingo Always gotta poke your beak in there and make a joke, huh?
@Thumperchick I think @Bingo was just winging it.
@ceagee ... Only gave me the munchies.
@Bingo Speaker Ducks. Ha! Get the flock out of here.
@Thumperchick That duck creeps me out. I prefer mine with the little PA type speakers tied to their backs.
@Bingo How about this guy?
@joelmw That plug looks uncomfortable for the poor duck.
@cengland0 I dunno. I think he might like it
@cengland0 @Alien88 Yeah, I figured one way or another someone needed to work that angle.
@cengland0 "This speaker cord keeps falling out" "Yeah, the duck had Taco Bell earlier today so....that's gonna happen"
@joelmw Less creepy in visual, more creepy in that I don't want to see ducky fetish time.
I keep hoping @poppiart will come back and play along.
He missed a great opportunity. If only I had something to sell.....
Two for Tuesday random cats anyone ?
Who the heck writes this stuff?? You people are nuts and you crack me up!
It would be hard to explain just what happened in this thread. Amazing.
@Stumpy91 Shoot - this whole site can be hard to explain!
Wow. I nominate this thread as one of the best meh threads ever!
I could not laugh much harder, without causing a hemerage. This cracked me up! I would vote for a MEH best thread. Smile
We are all Meh buyers here. Most of us only buy retail from Meh, typically in quantities up to three. On rare Tuesdays, we might buy as many as six.
A few folks here are also wholesale buyers that work directly for Meh.
In the unlikely event that I ever come across a Meh worthy batch of merchandise again, I will certainly let Meh know. Meh is known for listening to customers, and not just for comedy material.
If someone thinks they have a particularly Meh worthy product, in a Meh worthy quantity, at a Meh worthy price, let us customers know. If we agree, we'll lobby the staff to buy it. Most likely we won't agree. We are actually rather picky, but it will probably be really entertaining.
I was once a wholesale buyer too, although on a much smaller scale. I worked at a resale store and bought new items to complement the used inventory. Things like mice, and wireless adapters for used laptops, ear buds, headphones, and chargers to go with the used ipods, certain tools, etc...
Most of the things I sold new were generic convenience items, or in too small a quantity for Meh. I only recall one purchase that might have made a good Meh sale or fuku item. I bought a few hundred headphones that were designed for use in prisons. Either a color code was wrong in the design documents sent to the factory, or someone at the factory in China made an improper part substitution. The headphones were designed with mostly clear or translucent parts, so guards could hold them up to the light and see that there was no contraband hidden inside. Except that the ear cushions were solid black, oops. Thus, they weren't going to prison, instead the entire manufacturing run became low cost surplus.
They sounded really good for a pair of headphones that we priced at $10 (but frequently sold for less, we still doubled our money when selling them at $3.). They were designed to be used by felons, so they were pretty sturdy. They weren't childproof, because children are so inventive. Parents liked them enough that they would buy replacement sets after their children managed to break the first set.
I haven't done that sort of thing for 5 years, and I still get wholesale sellers contacting me. I see why most wholesale buyers keep a relatively low profile.
@hamjudo tl;dr @marklog fingered his dog
I'm kind of bummed that my Simpsons/Poochie reference up at the top got nothing...
@BillLehecka ... check it now.. (never got that table).
All the Poochie fans died on their way back to their home planets
Meh, you crack me up. But you would only move up to 'Awe-awesome' status if you start shipping overseas. Singapore would be a good start. Good things must be shared.
@dhilaws Is available? Start your own. I know where you can get, no shit, 30,000 speaker docks.
@editorkid what an interesting idea. But is taken :(
@dhilaws ... um. Maybe another name is available. Maybe even one close to that. Almost a soundalike. But not quite. I mean, 30 freakin thousand speaker docks are at stake here
@dhilaws Get one of those US ship/forwarding addresses. The Korean members could tell you which one is the best.
@editorkid I feel the urgency. I'm on it!,sg,,
@ceagee aren't the Koreans glued to Alibaba?
@dhilaws ... you might want to scroll down the forum topics list. There's even a special badge for forum members who help out with posts from Korean Meh fans.
Y'all scare me, in the most awesome way.
Man, wholesale sales must be brutal!
I think I found @poppiart on Twitter!
Only 1 tweet from back in 2009:
Or, maybe a website?
It will be pleasing you to know that in our warehouse it has discovered another 4,000 Speaker Ducks. Bringing even more joy to everyone, these will be having the Bluetooth which is much desired by your customer. Again, photographic evidence is enclosed so that you know I am serious unlike some Poppiearts.

@Bingo I hope you can beat those awesome prices
@RedHot Dude. I'm basically giving these away. Have you ever tried to manage 4,000 ducks with speakers tied to them and a blue tooth sticking out of their bills? It's no picnic I can tell you. Plus I'm sick of cleaning up after them.
@Bingo Well I didn't ask for a 12-inch pianist!
To wrap up this forum topic, did @poppiart ever connect with any esteem member of Meh-buyers?
@dhilaws Come on @poppiart. What's the latest?
I feel like someone with the username @poppiart should be selling Warhol prints.
@JerseyFrank Maybe he does--wholesale.
@JerseyFrank @barnabee To guys in diabetic casual shoes.
I love that when you google image poppiart the first picture is a poppiart in a swimming pool. You can't get much more mac than that!
I would like one meh speaker bar with an optical connector so I can attach it to my TV. Doesn’t need to be big, 2’ long is fine. I’ve got $20 burning a hole in my pocket for it. When can you get that listed on meh?
@cfg83 We’d all love that… seems like the best you can come out with is about this though…
I forgot about this whole incident until the post above bumped it. The lack of speaker docks is telling that no deal was made, but I feel less guilty now about being so cheap about VMP. Thanks for keeping your subscription, Poppi!
Also, I’m blaming and unblaming @jbartus for this.
@narfcake only three orders in 2+ years. Definitely got his VMP worth.
@narfcake this incident alnmost makde me goat.
DAMNIT MAN… This could have helped me with the dry spell… I need speaker docks… the ones you sold years ago are dropping like flies!
@sohmageek Blame
@jbartus@snapster.@sohmageek Write to poppiart- he gave you his email address.