We need a list of things the meh community has come together to accomplish for the greater good!
18I was thinking this morning about how, because of these forums, some of us have come together and created some good in the world. Lets make a list - both so that on going efforts can get renewed attention and so that we have a record of how being on these forums has meant that we, collectively, have made good things happen that otherwise may not have happened. We can then add new efforts here with a link to the specific thread, so we have all this stuff in one place. Kind of like the record of the goats thread.
Lets try not to make it too hard to find these efforts by having a lot of commentary on this thread. Instead if people could go to the specific thread link for the effort and add commentary there. That way it will make it easy for us to find things on this thread.
I started this thread because yesterday @Lisaviolet posted about a tragedy that also involved 3 kitties. This morning, about 10am, we managed to save her deceased friend’s 3 kitties from a kill shelter (they being transferred to a no-kill shelter; they will still need homes - hopefully placed together, the no-kill shelter url is listed on the thread - the first shelter listed is the kill one, the second shelter listed is the no-kill one and that is where they will be in a few days). Had she not posted here this could well not have happened and those kitties would have been killed on the 24th:
A lot of people combined efforts and made it possible for teachers to get supplies (This is an ongoing external project, on the thread the website is listed):
Team Meh made third world entrepreneurs’ dreams to be self supporting come true by loaning money (again an on going project of Team Meh on an external website, see the thread for more info/website):
And there are more examples in these threads, I just can’t find or remember them all.
So please list any existing threads you know about here. Indicate if the efforts are completed or on going.
If there are new project people are undertaking in the future that could use the “meh team” for success, please create a new thread and post the effort here and the associated thread url.
- 8 comments, 59 replies
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There’s your thread where people donated funds for medical expenses for someone’s cat. Not even a list member, a friend of an e-friend.
Thanks for listing that. Gizmo is holding own - still sick, but at least stable and getting the vet care he needs due to the group’s generosity. And I know there are more like that I just can’t find them.
@Kidsandliz I can recall a number of instances where group members have offered to give things to other group members, someone on woot once sent me a sansa when mine quit working. Also I recall discussions of charities, but no other direct giving.
@moondrake I know - this group has helped a number of people, shared a number of things… good people for the most part.
@moondrake @kidsandliz Yes, one of the most memorable times where Meh peeps offered to help out was when a certain someone’s superhero daughter wanted to help out a classmate. She absolutely got it done too. It was sweet, and caring and done in a completely compassionate way. It ended up that she was able to do everything on her own which is incredible. It just stands out to me because she is young and yet, she’s caring because of the example she has in her life.
@mehbee I remember that now. That was amazing.
@Kidsandliz @mehbee
The follow up was also nice.
I’d post the links, but names aren’t being mentioned, and I’m not sure if it’s on purpose.
@Kidsandliz It really was…@mfladd is doing a great job!
@PlacidPenguin Oh I’m not sure…@mfladd, can we post links to your superhero’s tale?
@PlacidPenguin The only ‘on purpose’ was me not mentioning mine - like making arrangements for the kitties to be sprung from the kill shelter and into the no kill shelter… you can mention names.
@mehbee The superhero tail is in the threads so is public information - I’d say link away…
@Kidsandliz @mehbee @mfladd
Followed up by https://meh.com/forum/topics/just-how-amazing-are-meh-staffers
@PlacidPenguin I just didn’t add the name because I was at work and rushing my comment…I love @mfladd and would say his name all day if I could(I kid, I kid)
@mehbee @PlacidPenguin Sorry, I am only a year late seeing this
There was this lost dog thread. Pretty sure the dogs are long gone, but we sorta tried to help ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Some members donate on Kiva.com
@mehbee Is that where Team Meh also does it as a group?
@mehbee I started a kiva account years ago, AFAIK it’s still there. Haven’t added to it in a while though. Don’t know if their fees winnow away the balance. Maybe that’ll be what I do as my friend’s memorial birthday gift this year. Last year it was tree planting and save the tigers.
@Kidsandliz Yes that is the group I am on…I wasn’t sure if there were others on the site but not on the team.
@moondrake I love gifts like that! I found a site that was advertised at Christmas worldsomething.org that you can buy a goat or well or all kinds of things for a village in need. That’s my goal for this Christmas as far as gift giving.
@mehbee Heifer International is probably the best known of those, but there are a few. For those that prefer to donate here, they have US communities in need you can support as well.
Lol, for $250 you can give someone a water buffalo. Makes me wish I had $250 lying about.
Forgot the link
@moondrake I will have to look into that one also. Yeah wouldn’t it be nice, of course I think I could do 3 or 4 goats for that price so I’d have to see the benefits…goats you can get milk and cheese out of (well the cheese is not out of them…but comes from them.)
@Kidsandliz I can’t believe I missed where you had already mentioned Team Meh that was on Kiva.com…sorry about that
@mehbee Yes, goats are super practical. I think I am going to go with honeybees, though. The world needs more honeybees. And there’s no issue with feeding them and providing them water.
@mehbee I didn’t actually mention they were on Kiva, rather just listed the thread url… and people would have needed to go there to see.
@moondrake That could work, the honey can be sold or used for so many things…on top of that, I wouldn’t have to worry that I bought and animal that was given to someone who might not be nice to it…lol…
@mehbee Exactly. And in regions where clean water is at a premium, even someone with the best intentions might not be able to provide proper care for an animal as big as a goat. AFAIK, honeybees need nothing more than a safe place to do their work and proximity to some kind of plant that will sustain them.
The adventure with Tub Mummy is the greatest.
@DrunkCat Are these the threads you are referring to?
and (from the above post) maybe also this?
@Kidsandliz No.
The original story.
Irk’s Breakfast Quest?
@PlacidPenguin Yes!
Here ya go:
@PlacidPenguin Oh yeah… now I remember that. Thanks for finding the link.
@Kidsandliz @DrunkCat
I like looking at old threads.
I was reading the Korean version of the story of @phatmass and the white speakers as translated by @nathanK.
I miss the Korean activity. But as @galmaegi pointed out, there’s still Korean traffic. Or at least there was Korean traffic still as of September 2015.
@PlacidPenguin Yay!
@PlacidPenguin You mean seeing a bunch of ㅋㅋㅋ on the forum?
What do you miss the most?
Openly seeing how people from different countries use a common site and interact with each other.
@galmaegi I miss reading the google translations of their conversations.
@Barney me too
This is my favorite thread right now. Thank you @kidsandliz.
There was the time we kickstarted a game so hard, they named a goat ‘meh’.
@Thumperchick They should have named the goat Barney.
@Barney They did end up naming one Thumper, though.
@Thumperchick Yeah, it’s too bad that they couldn’t tell a goat from a rabbit.
@Thumperchick And then you guys tried to play it and everyone was hilariously inept. I don’t think anyone got any of the rules right.
@DrunkCat I’ve not played it, but the staffers did.
@Thumperchick Off topic. I know you’ve got that sweet little girl now and you are very busy in your real life, but I’ve missed you around here.
@Barney I miss you guys, too. I’m trying to keep up around here, but this kid thing is harder than it looks on the mommy blogs.
@Thumperchick Yeah, I know. We’ll be here whenever you’ve got time.
@Thumperchick @Barney @Humper
Actually, it wasn’t necessarily off topic.
In the thread introducing @PuppyCat, many mehmbers came together to celebrate the arrival of a new human into this world.
Positivity is always an accomplishment for the greater good.
@Thumperchick you are welcome
@Thumperchick You’ll get the hang of it! Your awesomeness will prevail…you can tell you’re loving it all though.
@Thumperchick Yeah - you plan for all the things a kid will need and you forget to plan for the major life style change you will have. I know after I adopted there were times I wondered what on earth I had been thinking that I wanted a child. Fortunately they are cute enough often enough (and hormones with a baby) that you get sucked in… although there were times (and I still, on occasion, sometimes still think this even though said child is now 25) that there are good reasons why some species eat their young. And there were a few times when she was a teen that I know, for a fact, any court in the country with a jury of parents of teens would have deemed it justifiable homicide based on what she did on occasion. LOL
Taking a break, doing adult things with adults, doing some of the things you know you used to like doing but it has been so long since you did them that it feels like that was in an alternative universe, etc. does help you recoup. There were occasions I had to repeat to myself that there were good reasons why I adopted. The fact that I couldn’t think of any of them right now was not good enough reason to disrupt (the adoption). Then when I’d be able to get some time to myself and do something relaxing for me, I’d come back home more able to deal with whatever caused me to think that way to begin with.
Every day we go out of our way to check to see if we can help reduce the junk destined for texas landfills.
You are welcome future golf courses and housing editions in texas.
But aren’t we also encouraging junk to be brought to Texas in the first place?
If I could edit this I would correct editions to additions.
@PlacidPenguin you don’t understand snapster at all do you? he would gather it even if he didn’t own meh.
I’m still trying to understand me. No time to try beginning to understand the goatapus.
There was that time we posted ridiculous questions on deals.woot… I’m still mad they deleted most of them.
@capguncowboy I’m still mad they deleted deals.woot.
@capguncowboy @barney

@mikibell That’s beautiful!

@Barney @capguncowboy +2
I had never seen this thread. I don’t know why it suddenly popped back into existence, but I’m glad it did. Brought a much needed smile to my face tonight…
@shahnm It popped back up because I posted it in a thread telling why we liked meh and I had said something along the lines of having a place for people to do nice things for others and then posted the link.