*UPDATED* Just How Amazing are Meh Staffers?
62Well let me tell you.
Last week I posted a topic "Someone I am proud of"
It talks about how proud I was of my daughter and her friend who wanted to do something nice for a classmate who they felt deserved something special in her life. The amazing Mehtizens had so many nice words to say, and some even offered charitable gifts, that were politely not accepted because the thread was never meant for help, and the two little girls had things covered.
Then a few days ago I received a package in the mail. I thought no way that is the knife I ordered unless Meh Prime is now available. When I opened this package I was first confused and then simply dumb struck. The delightfully wonderful staffers at Meh. sent this.
I wanted to wait to post this until I had a discussion with the teacher to discus the best way to proceed. She is going to have a discussion with the guidance counselor and get back to me. She was amazed that a business would do this. She said she was also a little teary over all of this.
To everyone working at Meh. I am not sure what to say except - THANK YOU! I’m a little bit at a loss of words on how this made me feel - except that is was a wonderfully good feeling. So I will just do my Happy Dance instead. I don’t care how silly I look!
How am I suppose to give you kidz a hard time when pull super special tricks like this. Next time, why don’t you just send me a bottle of onion salt that I can throw in my eyes.
Hopefully, I can head off any of the conversations in advance of the following topics. How will the family feel about this? Do they have internet access/dealings with amazon. The teacher said unfortunately she has had situations in the past where parents just take the gift card given to the child and uses them for whatever they want (and not always good things the family needs) We decided the card will be used prior for something special. We discussed all sorts of possibilities to make this work where everyone is happy. So can we keep this type of a discussion to a minimum, please? This all about the generosity of Meh staff.
I will update everyone with details as the school and I decide how we will proceed to give this little girl something special.
- 28 comments, 45 replies
- Comment
I’m cutting onions. Yes, at 6:59 am.
You guys and gals at meh are amazing!
dear meh,
nice job. i’d say more, but my allergies are kicking in or something.
Damn… just, damn, that is awesome!
Thank you guys for being so amazingly meh!
Love it. Awesome.
That is pretty great of them. But to be fair, if the rest of us had access to your address you would have a whole pile of those.
Which is exactly what I didn’t want. I already know just how amazing all of you Mehtizens are (many did offer). But I don’t many other online businesses that would ever do something like this for their forum
I can honestly say I’m not in the least bit surprised. The staff at mediocre is everything but mediocre and they’ve proven this over and over. Just some damn good people with big hearts.
/giphy meh_rockstars

meh staff = rockstars
@jimmyd103 what an odd image that came up! I do not normally think of turtles as rockstars.
Aww meh, you guys are the best.

/giphy mediocre exceptionalism

huh… I was going to redo the gif above because it says “no mediocre” but just couldn’t bring myself to change it for some reason…
Hmmm… I wonder what kind of watch that is.
The feels.
/giphy ugly cry

@medz I would ask why he is crying. But I am afraid to.
/giphy kind and generous

Hey @mfladd stop stalling and email me
amazing job @mehstaffers (hah and you thought I’d send it to meh (hopefully that won’t auto tag)
@sohmageek I know sohma. I have been very delinquent and I apologize. You deserve better - but I promise to make it up to you.

@mfladd that’s a pretty awesome portmanteau there. I approve of this meme.
@mfladd doesn’t like portmanteaus.
(Or at least not when I use them.)
@FroodyFrog well, he starred my post so I must have done something right!
So now stars for posts are indicators of doing something right?
I believe you saw this post.
@FroodyFrog they’re a pretty good indicator of not having done something wrong.
@FroodyFrog @jbartus Stars for everyone.
Forget stars. Say what you want. Stars are like badges.
It’s nice and all but I don’t think it’s somthing so emotional that you’d cry over.
/giphy involuntary crying


Oh meh, you’re more than just meh. You’re
You have tried to do well for others, she’s seen that and is wanting to do well herself (it offsets what I consider to be her delightfully evil side). And that makes others want to be generous as well.

/giphy friendship is magic
@Dizavid Try Less CAPS. You also seek attention. Not here.

@mfladd don’t feed it, if you do this is how it ends:


/giphy cat hug
@jbartus That gif, though. The part that gets me is the involuntary leg clenching of the person in the chair in the background.
/giphy shuddering

@PurplePawprints yeah I actually sat with that GIF open in a tab on my computer (originally found but unsuitable via /giphy) waiting for a good excuse to use it and every time I tabbed through there I cringed. It was too good not to use, though.
At least he got hit with the butt of the axe…
/giphy cringe

Hells to the yeah.
Awesome Wonderful Human Beings: 1
Faceless Soulless Conglomerates: 0
At least for today.
Geez why no $50 MEH card? Might as well make it a woot giftcard kik
Because it’s easier to get something nice for a kid from Amazon than from Meh.
@FroodyFrog you mean sending a speaker dock and knife isn’t good for a kid???
What kind of knife? The sharper and more dangerous the better.
Pointy/dangerous stuff is perfect for kids.
(Man, I’d make an awesome parent.)
@FroodyFrog mom? Is that you???
@aerosquid pretty sure part of the woot buyout was paid in amazon gift cards. Now @snapster can give them out like candy, and sometimes does.
/giphy Thank you Meh

So last week I was a chaperone for my daughter’s class trip to a waterpark in Ocean City.

The teacher gave me my group of girls - my daughter, her friend, and the the little girl “Jessica”. I was so happy about that. When we first arrived my daughter asked about funnel cakes and I told her that I would have it covered. Jessica then spoke up and asked me if it was ok because she didn’t have any money, “my mommy doesn’t have much”. I told her I had it all covered today.
A number of rides were 2 person only so I was able to stand in long lines and speak with Jessica who is an amazing and quiet little girl. I started asking her questions about what toys she liked. She didn’t have much to say except that she liked playing with her brother’s archery set. So I said, "If someone were to give you $25 to buy anything you want right now - what would it be?
She said “food”. And my heart broke right there. What 9 year old girl says food? I know there are people hurting all over the country and the world. But it is still hard to hear.
I knew then what to do with the $50 amazon card that meh. staffers so kindly provided. I turned it into a $50 grocery store gift card. The school decided that they would handle it, and provide it to the family in a way that all would be happy. They also said that they felt this family would use it in the best way possible.
My daughter and her friend (with a little extra cash) gave Jessica and her family four movie tickets to be used anytime and two $10 concession stand gift cards to make their experience great.

On the last day of school, the teacher even let my daughter and her friend go out privately and give this gift to Jessica. She was ecstatic and said “I don’t even know what movie to see!” While all of this was a small gesture, I hope this little girl has a great time and see’s that people care.
Thank you Meh. for doing this to help the little girl and her family. Thank you mehtizens for all of your support. I luv all of you in the best way
“One child at a time”
@mehcus can you add an update tag for anyone who might be interested.
@mfladd fucking onions dude. right at the part “Jessica” said “food”. kudos to everyone involved and especially your daughter and her friend!
@mfladd to steal @ jaremelz’s phrase…damn those onions!
@mfladd absolutely.
@MEHcus Thank you for what you and the staffers did.
@mfladd What time of day was it that you asked her? Had she eaten recently? Maybe she was just hungry at the time because you asked what would you buy “right now”. All that talk of funnel cakes probably got it on her mind as well.
All kidding aside. Nice story. Glad to know there are people who care out there.
@mikibell I was just coming to say that. Freaking crying here!
@mfladd Great story! Seriously though, you spent it on drugs, right?
/giphy onion eyes

@mfladd Cutting onions … again!
@DaveInSoCal No, it was a good cause. But I will now sell the $50 amazon on the street for $20 and buy “bath salts”.
@medz. It could have been the funnel cake thing. They are so good, and the line is crazy long as they make them in front of you.
@mfladd I mean, you are making incredible tiny people. Just…astounding. Baffling.
@jaremelz I agree with baffling.


/giphy pot calling kettle black
@mikibell @jaremelz @mdladd
@jaremelz @mfladd @mikibell @FroodyFrog

You did a good thing.

/giphy onion cry
@OldCatLady you even brought out the Black Sails gif of one of my favorite characters.
Deez Onionz
/giphy crying

/giphy all of the crying

Bet that made that family’s day and that little girl’s day.