Meh는 진짜 못당하겠음(You win this round Meh. Well played.) Korea ver.
10So to share this funny post now, I decided to translate and spread awesomeness to Korean folks. (I cracked up last night so much)
밑에 있는 유저 포스트 하나 재미있어서 올려봤어요.
오늘 퇴근해서 집에 오니까 Meh에서 주문한게 없는데 뭔가 와 있더라고? 와이프가 또 대체 뭘 산거냐고 그러길래, "진짜 아무것도 주문 안했어. 진짜로"라고 얘기하고는 뭐가 들었나 뜯어봤지.
뜯어보니까 예전에 고객 담당이랑 이메일 주고받던게 바로 생각이 나더라.
그게 뭐냐면
-"나 까만색 스피커 주문했는데 왜 하얀색으로 옴?"
-"미안, 우리 까만색 재고가 다 떨어짐 ㅜㅜ, 매직펜(Sharpie)으로 칠하���요"
-"어쩔 수 없지, 그럼 매직펜(Sharpie) 하나 보내줘."
그래서 패키지 안에 뭐가 들었냐면..
(1. 매직펜을 쥔다, 2. 스피커로 간다, 3.색칠한다, 4.작품을 감상한다 "오 예!" -meh.)
그래서 이제 이 종이 걸어놓을 액자는 언제 팔거야?
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ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이게바로 Meh의 정신이군요. Meh-spirit !!!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 대박ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋ 사랑한다 메에~
오ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좋구나
진짜 meh 최고네요
근데 이 분은 배대지로 안하고 곧장 배송을 받나봐요??
@ddobi 이 포스팅은 미국에 거주중인 분이 올리신 포스팅을 NathanK님이 번역해주신거에요. 그래서 배대지 통하지도 않고 바로 받을 수 있었던 것이죠. 나도 받고 싶다 싸인펜! 본문:
That is a flash of wit of Meh.
설마 정말로 칠하겠어요.ㅎㅎㅎ
그런데 그것이 실제로 일어났습니다!(본문참조)
헐 대박이네요 ㅋㅋ
meh.s spirit 멋지네요.
근데 저는 배송번호 물어봤는데..제가 회신을 못본건지..안준건지 궁금.
이미 물건은 shipped
meh 최고!
@nathank In the spirit of meh…I hope you will back translate awesome Korean posts… google translate is humorous, and even sometimes useful, but then at times it reads like Greek to me...
@Kidsandliz That's a great idea! Well, but to sum it up what happened here... " LOLOLOLOLOL LMAO"
@nathanK Yeah I figured that would be the case with this thread. There is a post in a thread here somewhere (lost it already as I can't remember what thread it was in) that refers people to woot with a link to the 2005 story about the fool who tazered himself. That is beyond ROLFLMAO funny. On page 3 in that thread there is a second one that involved a kitten and a naked man who is working under the kitchen sink that is almost as funny. Might want to start a thread to enlighten them to those stories… Many warnings in that thread not to read it at work unless wild laughter will not get them in trouble.
@nathanK PS thanks for willing to enlighten us with back translating for any thread that is in the spirit of meh.
@Kidsandliz is the the marklog story?.. I should get to that
@nathanK That is the problem. I don't remember. There is a link that refers you to woot though if that helps you find it quickly (oh for a search function on an individual poster and content)
@nathanK You have a better memory about the threads than I do. I just found the url near the end of the marklog story - the link is in a reply to a reply
@Kidsandliz Ah, well i found it and I should make it happen into Korean. I can never find where I wrote what on this forum @.@
@nathanK I agree. They should make these searchable by any word or phrase along with who wrote it.
This is really well played. So proud.