Tiny Tub Mummy Giveaway Advisory Board
9The Tiny Tub Mummy, created by the pixel master @Starblind, and handcrafted by @jaremelz, of the @jaremelz alpaca farms, can be mine if you star my post/entry in the southpark meme contest created by @mfladd
Here is a link directly to my post for your staring convience:
Some helpful hints:
- if you starred any posts other than mine, simply re-click the star next to the offending posts to remove your vote
- goto my post (listed above) and click the star next to my name, a screen shot is below to help:
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
- 15 comments, 80 replies
- Comment
OH SHIT!!! This is something new.

Let the record show that I've already stated that if I win, I will be sending TTM directly to her true creator, @Starblind
So vote with your hearts, folks!
@jaremelz I have to give him props on this. He is taking this to a new level. It just shows you how much your work is appreciated. We shall see what happens.
@jaremelz wants you to vote for @jaremelz, but what do we really know about @jaremelz???
@jaremelz hangs out with camelids
@jaremelz admits to shaving said camelids
star the entry by @thismyusername
paid for by @thismyusername tiny tub mummy advisory board 2015
Hmmmm....I've not voted yet. What coast are you on?
@lisaviolet whichever coast you prefer.
paid for by @thismyusername tiny tub mummy advisory board 2015
I have it on good authority that @thismyusername plans on putting TTM into the first blender they can find.
Don't let the mummy fall into the wrong hands! II can hear the chop chop chop of the blades now...shudder.
Some people are implying that @thismyusername would see if Tiny Tub Mummy would blend... let it be known that:
paid for by @thismyusername tiny tub mummy advisory board 2015
@thismyusername is:
Clearly self-serving, not taking the mehdle class into consideration.
Is a self-identified internet Dick.
Is unsatisfied with the offerings on meh, and tried to upset the order of the fuku tradition.
Has not been approved by the TTM Protection Agency,
Clearly is not a suitable parent for Tiny Tub Mummy, in fact has never expressed interest until today.
Do not support this poser who clearly wants to own TTM for nefarious purposes!
@thismyusername Nuh nuh nuh nuh no....If you won't properly and truthfully answer the question I've put to you, I can't in good conscience throw my vote away. I just can't.
paid for by @thismyusername tiny tub mummy advisory board 2015
We received this letter earlier today. At first, we had no intention of publishing it. But it's become quite clear that @thismyusername will stop at nothing.
@jaremelz ha! love it! Is this true @thismyusername?
@jaremelz - Great reporting! Awesome job uncovering the Mummygate conspiracy, I'm sure a Pulitzer is in your future.
@jaremelz it appears our lawyers are faster than meets the eyes... your slander has been REDACTED!
(if it was even slander, never got to see it :( )
@thismyusername - What did you do to @jaremelz???
@KDemo mmmf mmmf mmmf mmmffff
@jaremelz We're looking for you, are you stuck in imgur?
@thismyusername, you bastard!

@jaremelz I don't know how to respond to that.
@KDemo All we can do is hope that we've done enough. Thankfully, TTM saved me. This time. I must return the favor!
@jaremelz So glad you were rescued. Did they repossess the letter?
@KDemo TTM slipped them a photocopy! She's so smart. The original is hidden. They'll never find it.
@thismyusername How did you make the text serif?
@jqubed it's the code tag (looks like 101 stacked on 010 on the editor bar).
@thismyusername huh, I would've expected that to produce fixed-width text, not serifs.
My vote can be bought for a bottle of Purple wine. Not the wine, just the bottle.
Boo. Don't Trump the contest. I have already promoted @starblind in the meme thread as her creator and rightful and deserving parent.
My name is KDemo and I endorse this message.
@KDemo you have to love the initiative here.
@mfladd Just no. It is clearly a coup attempt and the people must resist!
@KDemo doesn't want us to comb over the contest
but what do we really know about @KDemo???
@KDemo doesn't like cold pizza
@KDemo heats pizza in a MICROWAVE!!!!
@KDemo is unhappy with the forum layout
star the entry by @thismyusername
paid for by @thismyusername tiny tub mummy advisory board 2015
@KDemo @thismyusername

@mfladd - Better believe it! Not fooling around.
@thismyusername I can't vote for someone who thinks putting pizza in the microwave is an abomination.
@dashcloud breaking news:
paid for by @thismyusername tiny tub mummy advisory board 2015
@Lotsofgoats - Ha! The Zombies have spoken.
In other words... you know your submission is not good enough to stand on its own. You think it requires serious campaigning to have a fighting chance. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
@christinewas - I went to remove my vote from that submission, but it turns out I never voted for it because
not funny!
May I just say I am thoroughly enjoying all of this. Thank you. (this message has not been approved by the tiny tub mummy advisory board 2015)
@KDemo because it is fun. And I am all about fun here :)
@KDemo East coaster. Waddid ya expect?
@lisaviolet oh..that hurt...:( lumping all east coasters with @mfladd..
@mikibell I'm sorry, I wasn't aware...
Exhibit A: Who loved Tiny Tub Mummy first?

Exhibit B: Who was a foster parent for Tiny Tub Mummy during Irk's Breakfast Quest?
I think I've made my case.
I'm so confused.
@Barney It's ok... Here, have this
@jaremelz Is that East or West Coast? Sure doesn't look like Kansas.
@Barney Better?

@mfladd Ahh, there's no place like home.
@nadroj One of my favorite songs--one of my favorite groups. Naturally.
Fellow MEHricans,
Many are clearly trying to influence you to NOT vote for my excellent submission... this saddens me dearly... but I am not angry at them... it is a simple case of them not knowing what is best for me.
I dream of collecting rare and unique meh related items. I have worked hard at this goal for nearly a year.
They will talk of this mummygate, but I ask you... where is the proof? They will say imgur, and I ask you, is it not found?
They will say I will blend the Tiny Tub Mummy, but I will not, I will make that promise right now (can you imagine trying to get that alpaca fur out of the 6 bladed tower of blades?).
They will say they loved the Tiny Tub Mummy first, but is loving it first what is really best for the Tiny Tub Mummy? Lets take a closer look...
If the Tiny Tub Mummy is won by me, it will live with the giant inflatable whale... can they promise you same? Sure they might buy some random giant inflatable whale from amazon or jet, but it wont be the meh giant inflatable whale.
In conclusion, please do the right thing... click my post, and place a star next to it, not just for its' sheer humor, but for the good of the Tiny Tub Mummy.
Good bless these united forums of mehrica.
Here is the post you should star:
Whatever you do, do not enter the contest with your own entry... nothing good can come of that.
@thismyusername She's made from the finest merino! It's like you don't even know her!
@jaremelz I will form a committee to form a sub committee to find out why my notes said alpaca, you can rest assured.
@thismyusername - That is clearly Stephen Colbert, not Stephen Colbert. Fake just like you and your faux campaign.
@thismyusername With a collection of meh treasures in your home, how can we be sure that she would receive the love and attention she deserves? Sounds to me like you just made another case against yourself.
@christinewas WEBCAMS! If I win I will fake a webcam to let everyone check in on the Tiny Tub Mummy 24/7.... now go star this post:
Gods speed!
@thismyusername - Goat speed! (which is no speed at all).
How do you star this whole thread?
@tinsami1 Why would you want to star thismyusername for running such a negative attack campaign? Did you see what they did to @jaremelz?
@KDemo Uh... to raise awareness of more mehmbers on what's happening!
Not really. I just wanted a "best thread of the day (for me)" indicator of sorts!
Vote for the Mummy Master, @starblind.
I hereby promise my vote to whoever posts the funniest picture as a reply to this comment. Fair is fair.
@thismyusername @jaremelz you have been challenged.



@jaremelz You are a VERY sick person. (JK)
@Foxborn why did you put the "JK"on the end? You had it right to begin with. She is twisted.
@mfladd I don't know what you're talking about
@thismyusername @Lotsofgoats
goodness gracious what have I done
Fellow MEHricans,
Some are saying I am buying votes, I assure you that I am far too cheap for that to be happening.
Some are even creating new entries in the contest, thereby challenging my odds of possessing the Tiny Tub Mummy... to those people I say good luck... may the best meme-thinger win, but I remind you that while you can't vote for your own entry... you CAN vote for MINE!
Just click here and place a star next to my name/entry.
These are challenging times for us, there is a new regime watching over us, and they are good men, but there is also a rumbling from the goat population.
To help the new overlords of the meh forums I recommend leaving the lids off your trash cans, tossing various tin cans in the yard, and assorted garbage in piles... this should keep the goat forces occupied (If you notice a penguin army approaching, remember you can usually bribe them with Bud Dry®).
Good bless these united forums of Mehrica,
@thismyusername @moose & @mehcus. Can you guys institute downvotes temporarily for this shit ? Thank you.

@ceagee @moose & @mehcus Pretty Pretty Please

@ceagee @Foxborn You mean so we can downvote other entries, entries other than mine yes?

'cause yout going to blend TTM and she's my friend
@Foxborn I am telling you, those are lies started by some of our shared competitors, I want to
seal her in an epoxy boxgive her a nice home, really.@ceagee Okay but we'll only enable them for your posts, deal?
@MEHcus Except change that to only @thisismyusername 's posts and it's deal.
You don't want the TTM hurt do you ?
Hey who's side are you on ?
How much beer have you been promised?
And why did the goat @mfladd , who is posting like he wants to save TTM from @thisismyusername , star your post ? In fact, it's the goat's contest, he could change the rules and save the day.
Things are very fishy.
Oh @hollboll what's the water level on the sea monkey container ?
@ceagee because ANYTHING that has to do with downvotes gets my goat. It was the downfall of Deals.wOOt. And a STUPID fucking decision by someone of the old guard. Sorry, rant.
I believe an amenable deal can be worked out with @thismyusername so that TTM will be placed in the correct home no matter what happens with the voting. Promise :)
@mfladd yes yes I am all too familiar w/ the deals thing and agree. It was just a silly comment to hack @thisismyusersname account and save TTM. That is all. well almost :
I'm glad you have Plan "B" lined up for TTM. : )
@ceagee Don't take me too seriously ever :) (my Kiva friend)
p.s. @thismyusername deserves all the shit he can take - he's a troublemaker and that is why I like him. So keep up the good work!
@mfladd well some are still very very touchy about all that. I'm not good at walking on eggshells.
@ceagee I would really like to know who ACTUALLY implemented that idea so I could lop off his/her head. Though I doubt anyone would actually fess up to that crime.
Fellow MEHricans,
I have made a grave mistake... it will haunt me for many years.
Yesterday in my plea for votes I mistakenly associated penguins with Bud Dry... what I meant to say was Bud Ice.
Remember there is still time to vote for my submission here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/stupid-goat-south-park-meme-contest-official-un-goated-version#55d5680064d26dac071f647c
Technically there is also time for you to make an entry as well, but I continue to advise against such actions.
And now I present some Bud Ice commercials...
and while we are now free from the bud ice... the penguins are still among us.
Beware the penguins!