@ruouttaurmind I keep forgetting this. I generally value anonymity but have only ever had cars that stick out. The most incognito car I ever had was a Honda CRX but I covered that thing in dozens of stickers.
My two choices for my next car already stick out as well. I guess I’ll never be anonymous.
@djslack I’ve had plenty of high profile vehicles as well. Heck, the Daytona yellow Ford roadster I’m building now is hardly anonymous. But I’ve usually maintained a fairly generic daily driver. Currently my daily driver is a white sedan in a city lousy with white sedans.
(One of the ways which my mind works, is that I can connect the most irrelevant things without thinking about it. Sometimes however, I need a bit of time to understand why my mind connected some things. In this case, I am unsure why my mind kept on singing the Ghostbusters theme song whenever I looked at your post.)
Also, was that a threat, or a promise? Not that it matters, I’m fine with either one.
@ianrbuck Cuz 'Merica. Seriously, if you live in the Tri-Cities of East TN you can’t live a normal life. I once saw a kid pushing a grocery store shopping cart (the store’s cart) on the road back to his apartment that is 1.3 miles away.The majority of drivers here don’t consider bicyclists having a right to the road.
@djslack my last car was a toyota. it just died 2 months ago. it did last 16 years and 300k miles though. i’m sure you could just grab one off the web if you really want a badge.
@serpent ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get free shit.
I had a couple on the back of my truck, but the tailgate just got swapped out for a tommy gate lift thingy, so I’ll have to start over. Oh, I still have the big neon pink Hello Kitty outline decal on my back window, though.
At one point I had a car that was completely covered in stickers, to the point that it was sort of famous locally. I even had one that said “I hate bumper stickers”. For the irony.
I used to have a bumper sticker or two, nearly always with some political or activist slogan on it. I no longer feel safe with such things on my car (my seriously blue Honda CRV and I live in a nearly-all-red city), so I finally did an inside joke with not-quite typical stick-figure decals of two grey-haired people holding laptops and their two dogs. I’m feeling pretty lucky these days, though, so I’m looking for a bumper sticker that says “Orange is NOT the new Black.”
It’s all vanity. Brings Sneetches to mind or perhaps even better South Park’s “Scause of Applause”. I will sooner die, than put a sticker on my car. Unless it’s for the honour of the Great Old Ones. Or Satan. Because, sports? Politics? Army? Wake up, people. It’s all pointless.
I’ve figured if I ever do track days with my car I would put the track layouts on the rear door windows, the part that doesn’t roll down. Maybe a Save the Manuals logo.
@PocketBrain I’m not holding my breath for an Elio, and I like my cars a lot sportier than that. Great mileage is good and all, but great mileage won’t put a smile on my face; cars that require a minimum of 93 octane fuel generally will.
@magic_cave I live in Arizona and all my neighbors are Trumpies. They don’t talk to me anymore, which is actually nice. They can’t fathom why I don’t think Trump is the bestest most smartest awesome candidate ever. It’s really not political at all. It’s not. The guy is just a fucking asshole is all.
@ThatsHeadly Last weekend, the male parental unit of the Hispanic family that lives next door to the very bigoted doucebag across the street, was doing yardwork.
His garage door was open. I saw the Trump pinata head inside.
I used to have about two dozen stickers of various punk and ska bands on the back window of my 1999 Ford Escort. I had to get about 10 of them removed to pass inspection because you couldn’t see out of the back window.
On a side note, people who have bumper stickers are more likely to road rage, regardless of bumper sticker type. Best theory is that they feel more personally connected to their vehicle, so they react stronger to traffic offenses.
I had a PPG decal on my old tailgate before I got rear ended some years down in San Diego. “I thought you were going to run it.”, said the guy. “The light was red ALREADY.”, I replied.
I do have a tow hitch cover for my wagon that says SHIT HAPPENS.
I have contemplated putting on a couple decals, but I’ve been lazy. Ironically, I don’t think I have any decals from the shirt site that I buy the most from; TeeTurtle, Threadless, Design By Humans, and TeeFury, yes, but shirt.woot logo, I don’t think so.
I put three bumper stickers on thin sheet magnet, and put that on my car, thus being able to rearrange, transfer to a new car, and easily remove them from my car.
Disney stickers! Donald and Pluto at the rear passenger window, Mickey and Minnie on the rear driver side window, Tigger and Tink on the back window.
I made the Tigger and Tink with Oracal 651 vinyl, my silhouette cameo and my huion tracing light I bought here last year! I even made a video and uploaded it yesterday.
One decal, to celebrate driving the driving The Dragon in TN/NC. Prefer a cleaner look, but I do have a vanity plate interfering with the anonymity as well. Love the ones attacking the stick people, lol. I have one friend with All the Lib Stickers. Helps us know when he’s at the event, the car is unmistakable.
My rule is one unobtrusive sticker, not political or religious, preferably slightly niche. I currently have a Planet Express logo in one corner of my truck’s rear window.
(Which isn’t to say the rest of the thing is stock. The Ford logo was missing from the grill when I got it, so there’s the nameplate from an old Fender amp there now. And I replaced the horn with an old-fashioned “wooga-wooga” one. People know my truck when they see it - I just try to keep it tasteful. Ish.)
@OldCatLady You’d need to install an air compressor, but it’s definitely possible. I considered it for my truck for a while - the idea of a tiny little Ranger emitting enormous HWOOOOONKs tickles me to no end. But it would have taken a couple hundred bucks and several hours of work to do it right, whereas the novelty horn was twelve dollars and took almost no effort.
I eventually plan to retire it from daily driving and make it a project car. Maybe it’ll happen then.
"Giant Meteor
Just End It Already"
Got 2 of the in the mail yesterday. Can’t post a picture because this fucking computer can no longer process jpgs.
I dont usually sticker, but would consider going Meh in public, as I tshirt for Meh all the time, in spite of Meh’s failure to send me more black-on-black shirts.
@DMlivezey Yep, men’s AA large. But in August. I’m going on new heart meds and I’ll be losing about 15-20 lbs of water that I am now retaining and I’ll be back at my usual medium size. So if @DaveInSoCal wants the shirt, it’s fine with me.
@DMlivezey to me it would have to be a decal, not sticker, for me to even consider it (vinyl, cut to shape, not a blob with colored bits) and even then it’s iffy.
That said, if there’s really interest in these and the meh staff say it’s kosher I could look into getting some decals made for our clique here. I’d have to make back cost but would be transparent about the cost and, bonus, since they’d be decals they can ship USPS in a good ol’ flat envelope with a Forever Stamp so shipping would be dirt cheap.
@DaveInSoCal@Barney i only found one so far, though i am nearly certain there is another packed around here somewhere in our own little moving hell, so DaveInSoCal or Barney, if you want the first one i found, email me (username at gee male dot com).
if you want to make it a contest you can email me with either 1) rocks, 2) paper or 3) scissors and i’ll let you know the lucky winner.
@barney, do you know the connection between purple and ALZ?
Join the Alzheimer’s Association in going purple and raising awareness this June! More than 5 million Americans, including 180,000 here in Michigan are living with Alzheimer’s disease. An additional 510,000 caregivers provide more than 580 million hours of unpaid care within the state. These numbers are predicted to soar unless we find a cure.
Send me your snail male address and I will get the VMP black/black tshirt in the mail…
Thanks, @DaveInSoCal! @DMlivezey we should have played rock/paper/scissors/lizard/spock. I know which one I would have chosen.
I’ve been involved with the Alzheimer’s association. My great grandmother and grandmother on Mom’s side of the family had it. Purple has a very special meaning for me.
About your email address – Do I capitalize the D and the M? I’m not real good with email addys. Just ask @mikibell. I never figured out hers.
@Barney capitalize anyway you’d like, and with gee male addresses, you can add or remove dots, but i don’t have any to remove, i know TMI, and if you know my K friend with the paws, well there ya go - confused yet?
d.m.livezey will work and so will DML.i.v.e.ZEY and of course the google email platform which sounds like gee male
@Barney sorry, did i get carriaged away? unintentional if it made you feel down, i was poking fun at myself in a self-deprecating fashion, but perhaps you didn’t pick up on dat?
@DMlivezey well generally it would probably be prudent to get permission for the idea, then make a thread solely for the purpose of gauging interest in the actual product.
By the by, what’s your email address again? I know I owe you an address.
from above @jbartus: capitalize anyway you’d like, and with gee male addresses, you can add or remove dots, but i don’t have any to remove, i know TMI, and if you know my K friend with the paws, well there ya go - confused yet?
d.m.livezey will work and so will DML.i.v.e.ZEY and of course the google email platform which sounds like gee male
@Barney i was just thinking about that last night… Mikibell at onmyhonor.com - no spaces, change to at sign…but I get just about anything sent to onmyhonor unless it is a valid userid… So you could send to 12e4567 at onmyhonor .com and I would eventually get it…
@jbartus@barney I’ve made it easier for you to remember (like you are trying to remember, right?), just use "mymehusername@gmail.com", don’t replace mymehusername with dmlivezey, like it was some kind of long ass math variable name or anything, just type
I have a Bernie magnet. I’ve done magnets but not stickers. Vermont recently passed a law making the clings on rear windows illegal. (Same bill made it illegal to smoke with kids in the car) so no clings for me.
@f00l I still see them. I don’t think they are enforcing it unless it’s majorly blocking. I’ve seen (not recently) a car that had bumper stickers and the clings on the window part that covered 3/4 of the window mostly solid colors like the Sunoco bumper sticker.
There’s nothing on my current vehicle other than one of those circle magnets with a boxer on it that says “life is better with a boxer”. My mom bought it for me, so I kind of felt like I needed to put it on. My last car had custom-made emblems that I loved, but my husband refused to try to take them off when we traded it in. I also had various roller derby related stickers on that vehicle. I eventually want to get those emblems remade for my current vehicle, but I haven’t gotten around to it.
@mfladd@carl669 The etsy seller who makes the emblems actually threw the sticker in for free. We bought Galactica Viper emblems for my husband’s car at the same time (he had a Focus) so we had a little mini-fight over whose car got to have the sticker. I won, of course.
@PurplePawprints I’ve actually been thinking of removing the “branding” from the car. I just mostly worry about the paint underneath which is why I haven’t yet.
@thismyusername I have seen those before (and variations on that). Probably should have put that on my 1990 ghetto van before it bit the dust last year.
@carl669 So what I am expecting is that in my next meh.com order is that this sticker will come in the box. Backcountry.com always includes a free window goat in their box.
Nada one…never ever…then my husband’s nephew put his business logo on the brake light on the hatch…I was NOT pleased, bad enough to put a sticker on my car without my permission…don’t mess with safety equipment… I promptly removed it.
Shortly after 9/11 the local paper put out a special edition that included an American flag magnet and bumper sticker. I put the sticker on the spare tire cover (Jeep) and the magnet on the tailgate. Later added Wounded Warrior Project magnets to the front fenders.
I still have a newer flag magnet on the tailgate (all the originals faded out or fell off) but nothing else. Never political anything though I had one person get quite upset about the American Flag magnet.
Parking ID for us is a tag that attaches to the rear view mirror stem.
Just 2.

An American flag
And a Seahawks decal

I value gray man anonymity. Bumper stickers are too memorable.
@ruouttaurmind I keep forgetting this. I generally value anonymity but have only ever had cars that stick out. The most incognito car I ever had was a Honda CRX but I covered that thing in dozens of stickers.
My two choices for my next car already stick out as well. I guess I’ll never be anonymous.
@djslack I’ve had plenty of high profile vehicles as well. Heck, the Daytona yellow Ford roadster I’m building now is hardly anonymous.
But I’ve usually maintained a fairly generic daily driver. Currently my daily driver is a white sedan in a city lousy with white sedans. 

Deal with it!
@mfladd better check the inflation on your tires?
am I doing this right?

@mfladd @thismyusername
I normally stay away from talk about the Patriots for two reasons:
However, I’m making an exception this time (since I’m not expressing my own opinions).
(EviL is back) (@jbartus anything?)
Ok, love the vid. Stylin’.
But if that’s you showing us your evil, well…uh, not so much.
@f00l Fuck me. Back to the drawing board.

It’s still funny that you think you have an “evil” side.
That aside, I prefer you better when you’re slightly less tame.
@FruityFraug be careful what you ask for.

@FruityFraug I know. There is a list - don’t be so impatient.
(One of the ways which my mind works, is that I can connect the most irrelevant things without thinking about it. Sometimes however, I need a bit of time to understand why my mind connected some things. In this case, I am unsure why my mind kept on singing the Ghostbusters theme song whenever I looked at your post.)
Also, was that a threat, or a promise? Not that it matters, I’m fine with either one.
@mfladd @FroodyFrog @FruityFraug you can’t do this stuff when I’m on a road trip, that’s not fair!
Now that all the momentary gusto and such has been removed from the situation all I’ve got is this…
@jbartus One of my favorites!
@mfladd I should certainly hope so.
Still not sure what I did.
@FruityFraug I refuse to treat your two personas as separate entities. If @FroodyFrog does something both will be blamed and vice versa!
Fair enough
I suppose.Half the cars in the lot are silver. We need some way to distinguish it. Tennis ball on the aerial used to work…
@OldCatLady the good old days. remember jack in the box antenna balls? i had an orange 76 ball (76 gas station) for so long it was no longer orange.
@jihiggs the jack in the box ones go for like 5-8 bucks on ebay. Union 76 for like $3
Why isn’t “I don’t have a car” an answer?

@ianrbuck Cuz 'Merica. Seriously, if you live in the Tri-Cities of East TN you can’t live a normal life. I once saw a kid pushing a grocery store shopping cart (the store’s cart) on the road back to his apartment that is 1.3 miles away.The majority of drivers here don’t consider bicyclists having a right to the road.
@jaremelz I had this one on my car for a while:
@plastrd Oooooh, love it
@jaremelz I have this one:

@cation Love it!
@cation My next one

@mfladd Haha, it was between posting mine and that one. Of course you read my mind you creepy fucker.
Two small ones. Classic six-color Apple logo sticker that I’ve saved since I got my Mac Plus in 1986 and Yosemite National Park.
i just got a “badge” from toyota that says “MEH”. which i will be putting on my subaru. it’s actually kind of nice looking.
edit: in case anyone else wants one:
@carl669 Did you just take a picture with someone else’s Toyota?
@carl669 A badge from Toyota to put on a Subaru. You have my respect, sir!
@djslack my last car was a toyota. it just died 2 months ago. it did last 16 years and 300k miles though. i’m sure you could just grab one off the web if you really want a badge.
@serpent ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get free shit.
@serpent Toyota has a 16.5% stake in Subaru, so it’s not that out of line.
@narfcake dammit man. why you gotta ruin my rebellious act??
@carl669 Hey, at least you didn’t stick Toyota badges on a Chevy …
Oh wait …

@narfcake Toyota Camaro! Chevy Camry! Lamborghini Festiva! Cats and dogs, living together! Mass hysteria!
@narfcake i still need to get 2 more badges. i’ve got the “MEH”. now i just need “CRONO” and “MICON”.
@carl669 @mfladd what do you think?

@jbartus Yes! Lets ask @joelmw too.
@jbartus @mfladd @carl669 Hey, if you wanna call yourself (or your car?) Buttface McDickhead or, well, whatever, that’s your call.
I had a couple on the back of my truck, but the tailgate just got swapped out for a tommy gate lift thingy, so I’ll have to start over. Oh, I still have the big neon pink Hello Kitty outline decal on my back window, though.
At one point I had a car that was completely covered in stickers, to the point that it was sort of famous locally. I even had one that said “I hate bumper stickers”. For the irony.
I used to have a bumper sticker or two, nearly always with some political or activist slogan on it. I no longer feel safe with such things on my car (my seriously blue Honda CRV and I live in a nearly-all-red city), so I finally did an inside joke with not-quite typical stick-figure decals of two grey-haired people holding laptops and their two dogs. I’m feeling pretty lucky these days, though, so I’m looking for a bumper sticker that says “Orange is NOT the new Black.”
Where you live, i think that all-red color might just start sliding a bit toward purple.
@f00l I love purple.
@magic_cave I want a Honda CRV. Seriously. Do you like yours? (I need to email you, but, well, I’ve been kinda busy.)
It’s all vanity. Brings Sneetches to mind or perhaps even better South Park’s “Scause of Applause”. I will sooner die, than put a sticker on my car. Unless it’s for the honour of the Great Old Ones. Or Satan. Because, sports? Politics? Army? Wake up, people. It’s all pointless.
@serpent so, what you’re saying is, you’d be willing to put a MEHCRONOMICON sticker on your car? duly noted.
I have this one: enter link description here
@LarryC I was really hoping your bumper sticker said “enter link description here”.
I’ve figured if I ever do track days with my car I would put the track layouts on the rear door windows, the part that doesn’t roll down. Maybe a Save the Manuals logo.
@jqubed Stick that on the back of your Elio… if they ever ship.
@PocketBrain I’m not holding my breath for an Elio, and I like my cars a lot sportier than that. Great mileage is good and all, but great mileage won’t put a smile on my face; cars that require a minimum of 93 octane fuel generally will.
Just one. “Fuck Trump”
@ThatsHeadly Down here, that sticker would be translated as “Please key my car.”
@ThatsHeadly I’d get one that said ‘Truck Fump’ if I could find it. In NE FL they’d never figure it out.
@OldCatLady Redbubble.
@narfcake Love Wonkette! Only apparel, no stickers today. I can make my own, and I may have to.
@magic_cave I live in Arizona and all my neighbors are Trumpies. They don’t talk to me anymore, which is actually nice. They can’t fathom why I don’t think Trump is the bestest most smartest awesome candidate ever. It’s really not political at all. It’s not. The guy is just a fucking asshole is all.
@ThatsHeadly Last weekend, the male parental unit of the Hispanic family that lives next door to the very bigoted doucebag across the street, was doing yardwork.
His garage door was open. I saw the Trump pinata head inside.
I had a good laugh at that.
@lisaviolet That is awesome. I think that might push one of my neighbors over the edge…
I used to have about two dozen stickers of various punk and ska bands on the back window of my 1999 Ford Escort. I had to get about 10 of them removed to pass inspection because you couldn’t see out of the back window.
I used to have one that said, “Nosy little fucker, aren’t you?” It got very mixed reviews.
Now I only have this one, but am planning on adding 1-2 more.
On a side note, people who have bumper stickers are more likely to road rage, regardless of bumper sticker type. Best theory is that they feel more personally connected to their vehicle, so they react stronger to traffic offenses.
would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?
@dark04templar Give me one and let’s find out?
@dark04templar Everywhere, preferably, just to fuck with everybody. Including their lawyers.
A Chrome Android. Also, I have a Planet Express sticker I need to add. Just in case I get into the interplanetary deliveries business.
@PocketBrain I just saw a planet express sticker on a car here two days ago. It felt good being in on it.
/giphy I get that reference

I don’t get the gif above, though. I was hoping for captain america.
@DaveInSoCal Better?

@mfladd perfect. Thank you!
only parking decals only if I hafta
I had a PPG decal on my old tailgate before I got rear ended some years down in San Diego. “I thought you were going to run it.”, said the guy. “The light was red ALREADY.”, I replied.
I do have a tow hitch cover for my wagon that says SHIT HAPPENS.
I have contemplated putting on a couple decals, but I’ve been lazy. Ironically, I don’t think I have any decals from the shirt site that I buy the most from; TeeTurtle, Threadless, Design By Humans, and TeeFury, yes, but shirt.woot logo, I don’t think so.
I put three bumper stickers on thin sheet magnet, and put that on my car, thus being able to rearrange, transfer to a new car, and easily remove them from my car.
I have a decal of my alma mater’s logo sitting around that I’ve been too lazy to apply for some months now.
Yes, but only because I’d get a parking ticket otherwise.
Do all new Prius come with an Obama bumper sticker?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen one without at least one Obama sticker.
@daveinwarsh Nope mine don’t got one, and most of the the prii I’ve cruising around here don’t got one either.
@daveinwarsh I do not have one, just the sticker I posted previously in the thread.
@daveinwarsh I had an Obama sticker on my Subaru back in 2008 but I’ve never put a political sticker on the Prius that I bought in 2009.
Disney stickers! Donald and Pluto at the rear passenger window, Mickey and Minnie on the rear driver side window, Tigger and Tink on the back window.
I made the Tigger and Tink with Oracal 651 vinyl, my silhouette cameo and my huion tracing light I bought here last year! I even made a video and uploaded it yesterday.
One decal, to celebrate driving the driving The Dragon in TN/NC. Prefer a cleaner look, but I do have a vanity plate interfering with the anonymity as well. Love the ones attacking the stick people, lol. I have one friend with All the Lib Stickers. Helps us know when he’s at the event, the car is unmistakable.
Stickers schmickers. What about truck nuts?

Two balls of liberty in a freedom sack!
/giphy WHY??

@ThatsHeadly I have never understood truck nuts.
@conandlibrarian Generally speaking, I suspect people that have these are compensatin’ for something, if you know what I mean…
@ThatsHeadly http://www.dreamindemon.com/2011/07/30/woman-going-to-court-over-plastic-testicles-hanging-from-truck/
@ThatsHeadly These are the only truck nuts that I can stand:
My rule is one unobtrusive sticker, not political or religious, preferably slightly niche. I currently have a Planet Express logo in one corner of my truck’s rear window.
(Which isn’t to say the rest of the thing is stock. The Ford logo was missing from the grill when I got it, so there’s the nameplate from an old Fender amp there now. And I replaced the horn with an old-fashioned “wooga-wooga” one. People know my truck when they see it - I just try to keep it tasteful. Ish.)
@dannybeans That’s definitely stylin’. Never mind ‘tasteful’. Wonder whether I could replace my beep horn with a train blast sound…
@OldCatLady You’d need to install an air compressor, but it’s definitely possible. I considered it for my truck for a while - the idea of a tiny little Ranger emitting enormous HWOOOOONKs tickles me to no end. But it would have taken a couple hundred bucks and several hours of work to do it right, whereas the novelty horn was twelve dollars and took almost no effort.
I eventually plan to retire it from daily driving and make it a project car. Maybe it’ll happen then.
Infowars.com sticker!!!
@jmmcnary thanks for warning those around you
@thomasaelliott proud to display it
I have a Bernie in 2016 magnet decal. I should probably remove it.
Two small stickers on the rearmost side windows: Norwegian flag & Frisian flag. Has to know what its heritage is
I like. Could go for Swedish/French/English/Scottish/ and some others, if my grandmother were still around to confirm.
I might go for one of these, giving up some anonimity.
Flag of the Continental Army, 1777.
@f00l Santa?
That’s what people would likely assume.
There was a time when winter in Valley Forge didnt mean blown circuit breakers and overripe elves.
"Giant Meteor
Just End It Already"
Got 2 of the in the mail yesterday. Can’t post a picture because this fucking computer can no longer process jpgs.
@Teripie Try clearing your cache. I know when my system gets bogged down, that happens.
@lisaviolet Thanks for the idea. I did it and I don’t think it helped. Computer says all pictures on line are “HyperText Transfer Protocol” and the url comes out like this: http://s71.photobucket.com/user/Teripie/media/hair aug 2015.jpeg.html?sort=3&o=1
@Teripie It’s photobucket that’s messing with ya:

@Teripie In Photobucket, copy the “Direct” link that is to the right of the image and paste it here. That should work.
@narfcake No. This is the first time I’ve used Photobucket in weeks. I can’t get jpgs from any source, even my own pics in Facebooks. Everything I click on is a PHP file. (Whatever the hell that is?)
No stickers, no vanity plates, no unusual colors. After all, when the witnesses are describing the vehicle to the police, which is better:
@rockblossom That’s the only thing that keeps me from flipping other drivers off.
@rockblossom Given my wagon is modified, is in fact red, and I do have custom plates, I hope it’s not #2.
@narfcake That might depend on what you did that needed a witness to recount it to the police. I hope those custom plates aren’t TOO memorable.
@rockblossom Too? Try extremely.
(My excuse still remains that all the good Animaniacs combinations were taken already.)
@narfcake I suppose you should cross off “life of crime” as a career option.
My car is nondescript and generic.
My birdflips are personal and individual.
I have a geocaching travelbug sticker on the back of my car. Rarely gets noticed, but there you go.
I would “toats mcgoats” buy a dozen Meh. stickers for my car - I might even pay like $10 for the dozen, ok, Meh.be $3.
New ‘branded product’ idea @snapster? Maybe free to the VMP’s?
Anybody in? @carl669, @thumperchick, @ baqui63, @jbartus, @compunaut, @hollboll, @f00l, @purplepawprints, @sohmageek, @barney, @froodyfrog, @Kidsandliz, @mfladd, @narfcake, @2many2no, @baybay11, @CaptAmehrican, @miko1, @OldCatLady, @pantheist, @sriwanw1
i’ve never tagged quite so many, but you know who you are and why, and if y’all ignore this tag, i’ll know it’s not
@DMlivezey i’m thinking send out 10 stickers to VMPs. to, like, you know, spread the word. and stuff.
@DMlivezey I have one of these, although I don’t think I paid this much for it. Not sure.
@DMlivezey I’d be interested in window stickers/clings
@DMlivezey I’d be down with it if it weren’t overly large and was nice looking.
@DMlivezey Sorry don’t do stickers on my car…
@DMlivezey I’m into the idea. My laptop has already been meh’d, though not by meh.
I dont usually sticker, but would consider going Meh in public, as I tshirt for Meh all the time, in spite of Meh’s failure to send me more black-on-black shirts.
@Meh, all-black shirts! Please!
@f00l I’d like mine in slightly-darker-black, please.
@f00l Oh! Oh! I love the black on black Meh shirts. I’ve got two of 'em.
@f00l hey, what size are you?
not to be creepy @f00l, adding @DaveInSoCal, @barney - y’all can share your size too - i have some black/black that, let’s say, i’ve out grown
I always order the largest size, on principle.
Beyond that, 5th Amendment.
@Thumperchick how do you do dat?
/giphy mad ape den

@Barney i think that is the wrong font
/giphy meh font

@DMlivezey I wear a men’s L or if I dry them in the dryer on high, an XL.
@DMlivezey True, wrong font, but it still looks cool.
@f00l nah, i prefer eggplant shirts.
@meh Purple! Purple! Purple!
@DMlivezey i usually get a large if I’m going to wear it out and about, or an xl if for lounging about the house.
@DaveInSoCal @barney i think i ordered vmp black/black in L, i’m too phat for dat, want?
@DMlivezey I just looked again. I’m in between a med and a large. I need a mlarge. Got any of those?
@PurplePawprints yea, the best would be if it matched the color of your car, like the black on black t-shirts, it would be so Meh.rrific
@Barney men large in AA?
@DMlivezey Yep, men’s AA large. But in August. I’m going on new heart meds and I’ll be losing about 15-20 lbs of water that I am now retaining and I’ll be back at my usual medium size. So if @DaveInSoCal wants the shirt, it’s fine with me.
@Barney i’ll have to check stock once sober-er, maybe two items available,
oh yea, can i borrow some
/giphy heart medicine

i could stand to lose a few lbs., did i mention phat?
No, you wouldn’t want my heart meds. Congestive heart failure is no fun. Have a drink for me, I miss it. Nite-nite.
@Barney hmmm, i have to think about how to respond to that, but thanks, i think, or sorry, or congrats?
i think you also edited your reply, this is an interesting game :>
oh yea, nite nite
@Barney You don’t want your congestive heart failure, either, but there you are. If this helps, consider it medicine.
@Barney gets me
@DMlivezey to me it would have to be a decal, not sticker, for me to even consider it (vinyl, cut to shape, not a blob with colored bits) and even then it’s iffy.
That said, if there’s really interest in these and the meh staff say it’s kosher I could look into getting some decals made for our clique here. I’d have to make back cost but would be transparent about the cost and, bonus, since they’d be decals they can ship USPS in a good ol’ flat envelope with a Forever Stamp so shipping would be dirt cheap.
@DMlivezey I probably wouldn’t buy one, but if I happened to be VMP at the time I’d be happy to stick one somewhere
@jbartus sounds like an excellent idea to me
@DaveInSoCal @Barney i only found one so far, though i am nearly certain there is another packed around here somewhere in our own little moving hell, so DaveInSoCal or Barney, if you want the first one i found, email me (username at gee male dot com).
if you want to make it a contest you can email me with either 1) rocks, 2) paper or 3) scissors and i’ll let you know the lucky winner.
@DMlivezey @Barney can have it. Thanks though!
@DaveInSoCal that’s
/giphy magnanimous

@barney, do you know the connection between purple and ALZ?
Join the Alzheimer’s Association in going purple and raising awareness this June! More than 5 million Americans, including 180,000 here in Michigan are living with Alzheimer’s disease. An additional 510,000 caregivers provide more than 580 million hours of unpaid care within the state. These numbers are predicted to soar unless we find a cure.
Send me your snail male address and I will get the VMP black/black tshirt in the mail…
@DaveInSoCal you’ll get the second if it shows up, but i’m a little disappointed we didn’t have the rocks/paper/scissors email match…
Thanks, @DaveInSoCal! @DMlivezey we should have played rock/paper/scissors/lizard/spock. I know which one I would have chosen.
I’ve been involved with the Alzheimer’s association. My great grandmother and grandmother on Mom’s side of the family had it. Purple has a very special meaning for me.
About your email address – Do I capitalize the D and the M? I’m not real good with email addys. Just ask @mikibell. I never figured out hers.
@Barney capitalize anyway you’d like, and with gee male addresses, you can add or remove dots, but i don’t have any to remove, i know TMI, and if you know my K friend with the paws, well there ya go - confused yet?
d.m.livezey will work and so will DML.i.v.e.ZEY and of course the google email platform which sounds like gee male
/giphy gmail

@DMlivezey Uh, nevermind, thanks for the shirt offer, but I guess I’ll pass.
@Barney sorry, did i get carriaged away? unintentional if it made you feel down, i was poking fun at myself in a self-deprecating fashion, but perhaps you didn’t pick up on dat?
@DMlivezey go get it approved. I have the sources and am willing to do the ordering and shipping but I’m not the champion of this idea.
@jbartus Meh. not seeing a
/giphy groundswell

plus, i think i might have made @Barney feel
@DMlivezey well generally it would probably be prudent to get permission for the idea, then make a thread solely for the purpose of gauging interest in the actual product.
By the by, what’s your email address again? I know I owe you an address.
but refuse the notion that i am a big meany
@jbartus i’d still like to know how @thumperchick got that logo on her laptop
from above @jbartus: capitalize anyway you’d like, and with gee male addresses, you can add or remove dots, but i don’t have any to remove, i know TMI, and if you know my K friend with the paws, well there ya go - confused yet?
d.m.livezey will work and so will DML.i.v.e.ZEY and of course the google email platform which sounds like gee male
@DMlivezey ?
@Barney i was just thinking about that last night… Mikibell at onmyhonor.com - no spaces, change to at sign…but I get just about anything sent to onmyhonor unless it is a valid userid… So you could send to 12e4567 at onmyhonor .com and I would eventually get it…
@jbartus @barney I’ve made it easier for you to remember (like you are trying to remember, right?), just use "mymehusername@gmail.com", don’t replace mymehusername with dmlivezey, like it was some kind of long ass math variable name or anything, just type
ok, you can both stop holding your breath now, in anticipation
and then
for reports of black
colliding on the internets
@DMlivezey I finally got @mikibell’s email address figured out. I don’t think I’m going to press my luck and try for two in a row.

Thank you.
@Yoda_Daenerys I got the logo sticker as part of my box from one of the first mehrican exchanges.
I have a Bernie magnet. I’ve done magnets but not stickers. Vermont recently passed a law making the clings on rear windows illegal. (Same bill made it illegal to smoke with kids in the car) so no clings for me.
@sohmageek did you ever get my email? or was it the wrong address?
@mfladd sorry for the delay. Just sent.
@sohmageek don’t apologize to me. I just wanted to know you got it. I was the one that took weeks or more to send
No stick figure families in Vermont?
I’m ok with stick figure families, as long as they are potential zombie fodder.
@f00l I still see them. I don’t think they are enforcing it unless it’s majorly blocking. I’ve seen (not recently) a car that had bumper stickers and the clings on the window part that covered 3/4 of the window mostly solid colors like the Sunoco bumper sticker.
There’s nothing on my current vehicle other than one of those circle magnets with a boxer on it that says “life is better with a boxer”. My mom bought it for me, so I kind of felt like I needed to put it on. My last car had custom-made emblems that I loved, but my husband refused to try to take them off when we traded it in.
I also had various roller derby related stickers on that vehicle. I eventually want to get those emblems remade for my current vehicle, but I haven’t gotten around to it.
@PurplePawprints @carl669 I think you need this “so say we all” one.
@mfladd @carl669 The etsy seller who makes the emblems actually threw the sticker in for free. We bought Galactica Viper emblems for my husband’s car at the same time (he had a Focus) so we had a little mini-fight over whose car got to have the sticker. I won, of course.
@PurplePawprints You are so cool. I luv you. But if you tell anyone I will have to whack you
@mfladd Awww
/giphy gimme a hug


@PurplePawprints I’ve actually been thinking of removing the “branding” from the car. I just mostly worry about the paint underneath which is why I haven’t yet.
@PurplePawprints that is awesome!
@mfladd hmm… maybe i can get toyota to give me another badge.
@sohmageek you can, you just need to be careful with it. Get the proper adhesive remover, some fishing line, and a heat gun.
This video is pretty comprehensive:
Don’t Like Stickers Lol… It Sucks
Drake loves spam!
@360musicng @Thumperchick
I don’t see the connection.
@FruityFraug I think the connection is made with some sort of tinned, vaguely meat-like edible adhesive…
@thismyusername I have seen those before (and variations on that). Probably should have put that on my 1990 ghetto van before it bit the dust last year.
@thismyusername I kind of wish it said ‘MY OTHER CAR IS BUILT WITH ASPARAGUS!’ just for the additional WTF factor and in-jokiness.
One of these bad mamber jambers.
@carl669 So what I am expecting is that in my next meh.com order is that this sticker will come in the box. Backcountry.com always includes a free window goat in their box.

Nada one…never ever…then my husband’s nephew put his business logo on the brake light on the hatch…I was NOT pleased, bad enough to put a sticker on my car without my permission…don’t mess with safety equipment…
I promptly removed it.
Just put a new sticker on the truck today. Sorry 'bout the thread necromancy.
BRB, off to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada.
I have a cross and Jesus fish on the back of my currently broke scooter. That count?
/giphy jesus cross

/giphy jesus fish

Shortly after 9/11 the local paper put out a special edition that included an American flag magnet and bumper sticker. I put the sticker on the spare tire cover (Jeep) and the magnet on the tailgate. Later added Wounded Warrior Project magnets to the front fenders.
I still have a newer flag magnet on the tailgate (all the originals faded out or fell off) but nothing else. Never political anything though I had one person get quite upset about the American Flag magnet.
Parking ID for us is a tag that attaches to the rear view mirror stem.