@escowhat looks like that shipping service runs out of Delaware according to the map. I mean, New Jersey could be a candidate, but that state's so full of tools that they're probably all unironically buying terrible speaker docks.
Why not just setup a sub domain or a separate website where you only sell speaker docs around the clock? Seems like a better experiment. Can a company survive by only sellIng speaker docks? You should try, just not here.
If you signed up for VMP on Day 0, today is the last day to cancel before it renews. It might have been smarter to have something good today, but I'll definitely renew when that happens.
I'm actually starting to wonder if I need a speaker dock. I don't have an iPad of any sort, and I still have a flip phone. Maybe this is all a conspiracy to get the last flip phone holdouts to crack. Buy a speaker dock and then have to switch to an iPhone. How much is Apple paying you ?
@asp There is a USB port on the back, so you could plug in a cable to connect an Android. And in the spirit of balancing international trade, my Lightning extender cable showed up from overseas. I regret buying a dock as they don't work with an Otter box case. Now, with the cable, it does.
Can you just tell us how many of these are left on your massive meh ship to sell? Keep in mind meh you may not want to sell them all, as they may function extremely well as ballast.
Who else just spent an inordinate amount of time with Google translate? At least now I know how to say "It's what she said" in Korean. My life is simply meh.
I Knew that you gonna do this again on Friday. I ordered two micro dock two weeks ago, and today i got them. And just a moment ago, i ordered another two docks as a gift to my friends. Yes, i'm another Korean idiot.
I don't really understand it.. everyone that wanted a speaker dock should have bought one already. WHY DO THEY KEEP BUYING THEM! The experiment will stop once no one buys any! Just say Meh! Just say Meh!
I don't think I want to buy a speaker dock today, but I'm pretty sure I will want to buy a speaker dock every friday after this friday, until the end of time. Any chance meh can accommodate?
I was going to suggest that Meh.com needs to become SpeakerDock.com; however SpeakerDock.com is already owned by someone. But you're in luck Meh! This name IS available:
Of course, then you'd only be able to sell/buy during dinner or you could only listen to your speaker dock during dinner while you eat tuna out of a can because that's the type of sorry existence one leads should they buy these speaker docks.
@rangelizard No, that site is strictly for selling time allotments at your local docks for guest speakers to discuss nonsensical bs during dinner. It's essentially useless for the land locked...
Hi, My order number is " spiteful-organized-zoo " my order is two white items. but I want to change item color to black from white only one. As a result, I want to white one, black one.
@ardgedee Haha. Equal parts evil and plausable. And now that I think about, a Roomba with built-in speaker dock is an idea I can stand behind. My carpet does like to be entertained while being cleaned.
@editorkid Screaming monkeys are still cool. I'm waiting for the meh version. Hopefully, it's similar to the old version, but of marginally better or worse quality.
I have ordered for two times. Order numbers are pure-spotless-bobcat, awful-dashing-father. I want to cancel only pure-spotless-bobcat order. Please proceed awful-dashing-father order (two, white)
저 7/25일에 구매했는데 처음엔 오더상태가 placed였는데 며칠 지나니까 cancelled로 바뀌었었어요! 제가 취소한적 없었는데;; 그래서 문의 글 남겼는데 답변 안왔는데 여기 포럼에 글 쓰니까 저한테 답변 제 메일로 보냈다고 스팸함 보라고 했는데 봐도 없더라구요! 아무튼 지금 다시 주문 했으니까 이번엔 제발 문제없이 진행되게 해주세요...
@kyunghee 번역해드릴게요 ㅜㅜ - he says " I ordered one back in July 25, the order status was placed, but later it was cancelled, so I sent email and I didn't get any reply. I wrote in the forum and I was told the reply was sent. It wasn't even in my spam. Anyway, I ordered again, hopefully it all works out without any problem.
So considering the meh.com domain cost around a hundred grand, how much did meh.kr cost? If you had planned in advance, you could have saved yourselves a hundred thousand bucks.
@koojay - Really Koreans. It is seemingly cheaper to buy some products on meh, and pay a shipment forwarding service to ship to Korea; than it is to buy it in Korea. Koreans are lovin' the meh.
@Thumperchick - Just so you know - I DID read (ok, skim) the write-up but I never know when the write ups are troof. ;) Pretty crazy! But still hoping they don't buy so many you keep having SDF. When it REALLY IS ONLY ONE ITEM PER DAY when the one item sucks well... that sucks, too. :(
@koojay - I was just confirming that yes, it's true. Hey, if meh made you happy every day, they wouldn't be meh. Look at #SDF as a day for your wallet to relax, knowing it won't be hit with yet another meh.com purchase.
Fastball your family! So nice to meet you again! Report laid much you wanted ... black. I studied a lot about the fastball last week. Worked. Now also know that the price is under $ 200 to receive your love of magic. But what if you want to be honest so I do not know why the speaker dock you still like ... well ... we will de.
Oh, and the news is good! Now that the staff brought us a Korean forum, now I hasilsu communicate freely in forums. Whether you want to see in Meh.com products, your favorite ship agency services, ship this earth fare so, please talk freely on the forum here!
급한 마음에 엉성하게 영어로 support에 첫번째 주문과 합쳐서 보내줄 수 있냐고 메일을 보냄
다시 마음을 가다듬고 제대로 작성해서 위의 과정을 설명해서 support에 메일을 보냄
혹시나 해서 여기에 한글로 확실하게 다시 올립니다 ㅜㅜ 흐어.. 배대지 이용 주문이 처음이라 힘드네요 ㅜㅜ 잘 처리되었으면 합니다 ㅜ 약속이 있어 나가야 했는데 우연히 meh 들어왔다가 저번에 놓친 이 딜을 발견하게 되어 초스피드로 결제하려고 하다가 어리버리하게 2개만 주문해서 3개 주문하려 엄청 헤메다 가요...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜㅜ 걱정은, 배대지에서 처리하기를 주문번호랑 물건수가 일치하는지 보는거 같은데 이게 묶어서 가능한건지도 모르겠네요 ㅜㅜ 정 안되면 2번 나눠서 배대지 이용할 의향도 있습니다 ㅠ
I ordered docks twice and 5$ for shipping is also charged twice. At the first place, I intended to cancel my first purchase then reorder to add one more mini dock to my first order list. But I couldn't find the way to cancel it. There is no way to cancel it! So I forced to click the 'Buy it' button again because the docks would not be available after a few hours. And as I concerned, the shipping fee was charged again. Paying another shipping charge for adding one more dock? That's not fair. So, I e-mailed u about this problem and u haven't answered back yet. I don't want to call off any of my purchases, I just want to get refund the double charged 5$. So, please handle this problem.
@ScottLim I got no notice, but if you go to the footer of the meh.com website you can click on "My Orders" and then the tracking number will be listed.
JBL OnBeat Micro
Manufacturer’s Specs
JBL OnBeat Mini
Manufacturer’s Specs
Condition - New
Warranty - 1 Year JBL
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?!
Mini Retail Packaging
Mini Black
Micro Black Retail Packaging
Micro White Retail Packaging
Micro Black
Micro White
Price Check
JBL OnBeat Micro $44 at Amazon
Micro is $40 at B&H
JBL OnBeat Mini $59 at Amazon
90 days
@mediocrebot Micro $15 @ meh / Mini $30 @ meh
My thoughts exactly.
Today's Meh icon completely conveys my feelings toward this item.
@Thumperchick #SDF
@Thumperchick #SDF #blessed
I can't believe SDF is a real thing. You're really going to do this forever. I haven't bought one yet...I hope that continues.
@Thumperchick #SDF? What does that mean - Speaker Dock F*ckery?
I should stop coming on Fridays, but with my luck, the Friday I do that, you'll actually sell something interesting...
@GenCurmudgeon Like a fuku, though I don't know how another speaker dock could say fuku any more...
So when does a Korean conglomerate buy Meh for the speaker docks?
@BillLehecka when does a Korean copy meh and start his own business
why god why
@xEBRONx because. I thought we settled this already..
That write up was informative. Thanks meh.
I believe it's pure pandering at this point.
Blame @marklog for #SDF in August.
Glad I stayed up...
That was a fantastic writeup, not meh at all. Thanks for that.
I already have four of these speaker docks, though, so I'm gonna pass for once.
@pwinn i mean, do you really think 4 is enough though?
Heavens, they're multiplying! ... :(
What's next week? Three of them?! Ugh! #SDF
헐 !
운영진의 대응이 빠르네요! 한국어 서비스 감사합니다.
@jihojang says - "real fast feedback from the staf! Thanks for the Korean service"
If not a global map, can we at least add Korea to it?
@escowhat Meh does not ship outside the United States, so, probably not.
@escowhat We're discussing that -- it would be fun! Would it show anything outside Seoul?
@Collin1000 take that.../insert GIF image of Indiana Jones cracking whip here/
@escowhat looks like that shipping service runs out of Delaware according to the map. I mean, New Jersey could be a candidate, but that state's so full of tools that they're probably all unironically buying terrible speaker docks.
@JazzyJosh it took me longer than it should have to realize that you said "unironically" and not "unicornally".
@escowhat http://bit.ly/1h0WAse
아오 미니 떠서 또 사버렸네..
한국까지 배대지 어디가 가장 저렴할까요?
@jihojang 대동소이 아닌가요? 아무데나 해도 뭐 얼마 차이도 안날텐데...
@jihojang 가지다 아니면 오마이집이 젤 싸죠
@jihojang 오마이집이 가장싼데 무게 많이 늘어나면 급속도로 비싸져요.
Meh, maybe you could just tow that barge to South Korea?
@KDemo But we don't ship internationally. And now you're asking us to ship a ship to South Korea? Yea...right.
@MEHcus You could just say they were lost at sea. I'm pretty sure no one here would miss them.
아으 저번에 아이폰독 샀는데
미니 독 또 샀네..; 이참에 멤버쉽 가입,
you've got to be shitting on my dock..
@labellyy ♪ Shittin' on a dock on the Meh. ♪
@w_a_w ♪ watchin' the docks room-ba ♪
Just cancelled my vmp membership in protest. You'll get me back once we see less speaker docks....
@ongware Lucky for you VMP hangs out for the full 30 days. VMP sticks with you, even when you don't stick with VMP.
@ongware Have you tried laughter ? It's good for the Seoul. hahahahahhahahahahaha
@Thumperchick except I was a day 0 vmp member, so I would have renewed today. I'm thinking ahead, I am I am!
Why not just setup a sub domain or a separate website where you only sell speaker docs around the clock? Seems like a better experiment. Can a company survive by only sellIng speaker docks? You should try, just not here.
Thanks a lot. (감사합니다.)
I recommended my companion to buy 2 docks. (오늘 한명 꼬셔서 2개 구매하게했어요.)
@Choo 감사합니다!
@JonT 그것은 그녀가 말한 무슨
Damn it.
do you guys have a plan for international shipping??
@bourne88 - Nope! When you get a sec, check out the http://meh.com/FAQ - they answer that and many other questions there.
JBL OnBeat Mini가 아이패드4에서도 사용 가능한거죠?
그런데 White는 품절인가요? 아니면 원래 안파는 건가요?
@daebak says - "JBL OnBeat Mini is compatible with iPad 4 too right? Are you not selling white color or is it out of stock?
@daebak Yes it is compatible with the iPad 4, and we do not have any Minis in white available for sale.
If you signed up for VMP on Day 0, today is the last day to cancel before it renews. It might have been smarter to have something good today, but I'll definitely renew when that happens.
@ian Thanks for the reminder! I just cancelled mine and will get it again the next time I buy. :-)
@ian I canceled mine yesterday because of this hunch I had.
You guys rocks,
You are the best international selling seller I've ever seen on inter for Korean customers, Meh.
제가 주문한건을 취소 부탁드립니다. 다른 아이디로 재주문하였습니다. 한국에는 전파인증 때문에 3개를 주문하면 배송이 않된다고 하네요. 빠른 취소 부탁드립니다.
@taeyounglee 이런 게 있어요? 흐유 뽁킹 전파인증.
@taeyounglee 취소는 본인이 하시는거예요 MyOrder 가서 cancel 클릭 하시면 됩니다.
@taeyounglee 전자인증때문에 걱정했던 사람도 3개다 배송떴다고 하던데요?
@binu 배송이 문제가 아니라 세관에서 파기당하는걸로 알고있는데요 전화가 되는 통신기기라던가 블루투스등의 전파를 사용하는 장치에만 해당된다고 하는말도있고...
@taeyounglee 동일색상 동일 상품으로만 하지 않으면 괜찮을겁니다.
and I'm still wondering how on earth you can source this product so cheap like this? I'm in Australia and this is still about 100 dollars here!
@FreshFossil There is a massive warehouse in Arkansas where we grow GMO speaker docks in vats.
mini is for ipad, right? I already bought micro for my phone.... should I buy another mini for my lovely ipad again?
@sberry0402 No! You should NOT encourage them. It's bad enough Friday's are ruined.
F for Friday.
220 볼트가 가능하다는건가요?
@Seiheon 네 가능합니다만 밑에 있는 돼지코 라고 부르는 부품을 쓰면 되요
problematic-incompetent-club 주문번호가 이렇게 나오는데 무슨뜻이죠?
That might just be my favorite order number yet.
@Richggul 그게 주문 번호입니다..주문번호는 노출 시키지 마시고 지우세요..여긴 번호로 안주고 영어문장으로 나와요
220볼트 가능해요?
@psyche3786 100-240V~50/60Hz
배대지를 캘리포니아로 했는데 세금 붙나요?? 언제쯤 배송될지 무지 궁금하네요... 근데 왠지 옥션에 물어보는 느낌...ㅋㅋㅋ
@leesanglyul 세금은 안붙은거 같네요
@Helloworld CA, DE 다 안붙어요.
@binu 감사합니다. 이제 기다리는 일만 남았네요.
100v - 240v 프리볼트라서 돼지코로 변경가능한 젠더만 있으면 사용가능합니다.
아이폰4s나 아이패드2도 커넥터를 구입하면 사용 가능한가요?
@sobh93 제품 후면에 usb 단자가 있어서 가지고 계신 30핀 데이터 케이블로 연결하고 사용하시면 됩니다. 하지만 그렇게 되면 독으로서의 거치기능은 포기하셔야겠죠...
한국어 서비스 감사합니다.^^
I'm actually starting to wonder if I need a speaker dock. I don't have an iPad of any sort, and I still have a flip phone.
Maybe this is all a conspiracy to get the last flip phone holdouts to crack. Buy a speaker dock and then have to switch to an iPhone. How much is Apple paying you ?
@ceagee Remember the AOL disks in your mailbox? Next there will be speaker docks.
@ceagee Man, just imagine how amazing those sweet, sweet MIDI ringtones would sound through a speaker dock.
is this product available for android phones?
@asp There is a USB port on the back, so you could plug in a cable to connect an Android. And in the spirit of balancing international trade, my Lightning extender cable showed up from overseas. I regret buying a dock as they don't work with an Otter box case. Now, with the cable, it does.
@Pamtha 그것은 그녀가 말한 무슨
be a bargain! Thanks!! MEHHHHHHHHH
im korean!! ^^
오더 넘버 왜 안나오나요
@jonamseok 영어문장이 order number입니다!
블랙1개, 화이트1개 주문했는데요
블랙1개를 화이트로 보내주실수 있나요
해주신다면 화이트 2개 입니다.
안된다면 그냥 그대로 보내주셔도 됩니다.
@dr790617 그냥 원래 주문대로 보내주세요
주문번호가 judicious-new-thread 입니다.
결제는 제대로 됐습니다.
주문번호 알려주세요
@xenox 그게 주문번호입니다.
mini는 white color가 완판인가요? white를 구하고 싶어요
@swcho73 그것은 그녀가 말한 무슨
@swcho73 is white color of mini sold out? i want to buy white.
@caofh We do not have any Minis in white to sell, sorry!
주문번호# baffling-polarizing-ape
취소 부탁드립니다. (취소할 수 있는 버튼이 없네요;;)
@ssubaru 그것은 그녀가 말한 무슨
@ssubaru 주문란에 보면 cancel버튼 누루면됩니다.
@Helloworld 전 진짜 없어요..ㅠㅠ 아무리 이리저리봐도 없어요
@ssubaru 아직 쉽핑전이라면 Status 옆에 cancel버튼 있을꺼예요
@Helloworld 네 도와주셔서 감사해요 근데 주문직전엔 있었는데 몇분지나서 하려니 활성화가안되더라구요 ㅠㅠ 취소요청메일 보내놨습니당 ㅠㅠ
Hey Meh. In case you aren't google translating they are canceling in Korean. I'd say that's a vote for no more speaker docks?
운영진의 한글 배려로 친숙하게 구매하였습니다.
빨리왔으면 좋겠다.
배송대행 도와드려요 kissamor1004@hotmail.com 연락주세요
@kissamor 와 대박 !
주소 어케 써요
Can you just tell us how many of these are left on your massive meh ship to sell? Keep in mind meh you may not want to sell them all, as they may function extremely well as ballast.
필요 없는데 샀어요.
이제 아이폰을 사야겠군요
ㅜㅜ 메일로 주문한 내역이 오지 않나요? 기다리고 있는데 안와요 ㅠㅠㅠ
@sruvi 주문 막바지쯤에 메일로 보내는 버튼을 누르시면 메일로 오더내용을 보내 줍니다..아님 meh.com 제일 밑에서 왼쪽 부분에 order 누르시면 주문확인 가능합니다!
when can I get a tracking number of the order?
@JunsuJeon https://meh.com/orders The number is added a few hours after ordering.
@JunsuJeon The tracking number actually won't appear until we ship the item, most likely Monday.
A lot of a few hours after ordering, then.
Who else just spent an inordinate amount of time with Google translate? At least now I know how to say "It's what she said" in Korean. My life is simply meh.
I Knew that you gonna do this again on Friday. I ordered two micro dock two weeks ago, and today i got them. And just a moment ago, i ordered another two docks as a gift to my friends. Yes, i'm another Korean idiot.
I don't really understand it.. everyone that wanted a speaker dock should have bought one already. WHY DO THEY KEEP BUYING THEM! The experiment will stop once no one buys any! Just say Meh! Just say Meh!
Now I understand. Speaker docks are what happens when the Borg assimilate the Tribbles.
What about us android/windows users? we don't have lightning...... Can we haz docks?
@arbdef You can use an aux cable (not included), so you can haz docks.
@JonT But I want to be cool and haz a dock that is made for me... not those silly apple yuppies :)
Hey guys, having a problem.
I don't think I want to buy a speaker dock today, but I'm pretty sure I will want to buy a speaker dock every friday after this friday, until the end of time. Any chance meh can accommodate?
I live in Seoul, yet I have absolutely no desire to buy speaker docks...strange.
화이트 두개 구입했는데 하나 검정색으로 바꿔 주세요.
I was going to suggest that Meh.com needs to become SpeakerDock.com; however SpeakerDock.com is already owned by someone. But you're in luck Meh! This name IS available:
Of course, then you'd only be able to sell/buy during dinner or you could only listen to your speaker dock during dinner while you eat tuna out of a can because that's the type of sorry existence one leads should they buy these speaker docks.
@rangelizard No, that site is strictly for selling time allotments at your local docks for guest speakers to discuss nonsensical bs during dinner. It's essentially useless for the land locked...
imadefridayssuck.com is also available
Sigh. It's not purple. Meh
Great writeup!
검정2개, 흰색1개 마이크로 신청 했는데 주문번호는 어디서 볼수 있나요? 주문 번호 알려주세요^^
@julls1228 주문 번호는 메인화면 맨 밑에 My Orders 클릭하면 돼요. meh.com/orders 에서도 확인그낭해요
@nathanK 감사합니다.
Hi, My order number is " spiteful-organized-zoo "
my order is two white items.
but I want to change item color to black from white only one.
As a result, I want to white one, black one.
@dy11042859 send an email to halp@meh.com And yes that is hAlp
I guess speaker docks are the new Roombas.
@ryan When my speaker dock arrives I'll put it on the carpet to see if meh is secretly shipping Roombas.
@ryan If they were the new screaming monkeys, we'd buy all we could, put capes on them, throw them at the walls, and post videos of it.
@ardgedee Haha. Equal parts evil and plausable. And now that I think about, a Roomba with built-in speaker dock is an idea I can stand behind. My carpet does like to be entertained while being cleaned.
@editorkid Screaming monkeys are still cool. I'm waiting for the meh version. Hopefully, it's similar to the old version, but of marginally better or worse quality.
주문번호가 darling-treacherous-lime 라고 나오는데 뭔가요?
@Sonsoyeong order number 라고 하구선 넘버가 아니지만... 그게 주문번호예요.
주문번호와 트래킹번호는 어떻게 알수있나요?
@Sonsoyeong 주문번호는 단어 3개 맞구요, 트래킹번호는 배송 후에 제공됩니다.
MEH = Minidocks Every Hour????
@srubery Minidocks Endlessly Happening.
@srubery Minidocs, Eternal Horror
I have ordered for two times.
Order numbers are pure-spotless-bobcat, awful-dashing-father.
I want to cancel only pure-spotless-bobcat order.
Please proceed awful-dashing-father order (two, white)
Please let me know refund date.
@NGOON please go to https://meh.com/support or send an email to halp@meh.com.
내가 지금 뭘한거지 하나도 모르겠는데.. 신용카드 결제 됨 ㅋㅋㅋ 메일은 좀 늦나보네요. 월요일 까지 기다려볼게요. 고맙습니다.~
@ichrises 주문 내용 메일보내기 클릭 안하셨으면 메일 안와요..order는 meh.com 첫 페이지에서 맨 아래왼쪽 부분에 order로 확인하세요
미니독과 마이크로독 하나씩 주문했는데 미니독 하나를 추가 주문하고 싶습니다. 헌데 결제하려고 보니 배송료가 다시 붙네요. 그래서 주문을 취소하고 다시 주문하려고 했더니 my order를 봐도 cancel 버튼이 없습니다. 어떻게 해야 하나요?
@BreathTaker cancel버튼은 구매 후 15분 동안만 있고, 이후에는 support에 메일 보내야해요
@nathanK 메일 보냈습니다. 언제쯤 답변을 받을 수 있을까요? 몇시까지 이 상품 주문 가능한가요?
저 7/25일에 구매했는데 처음엔 오더상태가 placed였는데 며칠 지나니까 cancelled로 바뀌었었어요! 제가 취소한적 없었는데;; 그래서 문의 글 남겼는데 답변 안왔는데 여기 포럼에 글 쓰니까 저한테 답변 제 메일로 보냈다고 스팸함 보라고 했는데 봐도 없더라구요! 아무튼 지금 다시 주문 했으니까 이번엔 제발 문제없이 진행되게 해주세요...
@kyunghee 번역해드릴게요 ㅜㅜ - he says " I ordered one back in July 25, the order status was placed, but later it was cancelled, so I sent email and I didn't get any reply. I wrote in the forum and I was told the reply was sent. It wasn't even in my spam. Anyway, I ordered again, hopefully it all works out without any problem.
주문 취소부탁드립니다.
@zzana511 주문 취소 메일 보내셨어요?
I hate you guys so much right now.
So considering the meh.com domain cost around a hundred grand, how much did meh.kr cost? If you had planned in advance, you could have saved yourselves a hundred thousand bucks.
Plus, think of all the "meet your meh.kr" jokes we could have made.
한국어 서비스 멋지데요!
iPad mini Smart Case 사용중 입니다.

바로 장착 가능한가요?
So is all this Korean writing really Korean people? Or Meh'ers (sorry.. not the same ring as wooters) spending a lot of time with Google translate?
@koojay - Really Koreans. It is seemingly cheaper to buy some products on meh, and pay a shipment forwarding service to ship to Korea; than it is to buy it in Korea. Koreans are lovin' the meh.
@Thumperchick - Just so you know - I DID read (ok, skim) the write-up but I never know when the write ups are troof. ;) Pretty crazy! But still hoping they don't buy so many you keep having SDF. When it REALLY IS ONLY ONE ITEM PER DAY when the one item sucks well... that sucks, too. :(
@koojay - I was just confirming that yes, it's true. Hey, if meh made you happy every day, they wouldn't be meh. Look at #SDF as a day for your wallet to relax, knowing it won't be hit with yet another meh.com purchase.
gotta love google translate:
Fastball your family! So nice to meet you again! Report laid much you wanted ... black. I studied a lot about the fastball last week. Worked. Now also know that the price is under $ 200 to receive your love of magic. But what if you want to be honest so I do not know why the speaker dock you still like ... well ... we will de.
Oh, and the news is good! Now that the staff brought us a Korean forum, now I hasilsu communicate freely in forums. Whether you want to see in Meh.com products, your favorite ship agency services, ship this earth fare so, please talk freely on the forum here!
한국어 서비스는 벊옄긔룰 쟐 쓰싀는견갸여 아님 핝굮샤럄울 영읩햐싄견갸여? It's pretty nice! #필요 없어!
@spirit 손님 여기서 이러시면 안됩니다... 저 말고 다른 직원들 당황해요.ㅋ
@nathanK 앜ㅋㅋ 죄송합니다
어제 상품추가에 관한 문의메일을 보냈는데 답장이 없어 여기 다시 남깁니다. 오늘 미니독 하나를 추가로 주문했는데 배송비가 또 결제되었습니다. 하나의 배송건으로 처리해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
My first Meh deal a minute before it ended....That's cool with me!
이제 못사는건가요?..결제 할다 승인 요청하냐고 1달러 승인요청이 5번정도 된거같은데 지금 들어와보니 상품이 없어졌네요 ㅠ확인부탁드려요 ㅠ
@kimyoungheon The sale is now over. Check back every day to see if they sell it again.
제가 결제 관련해서 메일을 4통 보냈는데 마지막꺼만 확인하시고 확실히 해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
혹시나 해서 여기에 한글로 확실하게 다시 올립니다 ㅜㅜ
흐어.. 배대지 이용 주문이 처음이라 힘드네요 ㅜㅜ
잘 처리되었으면 합니다 ㅜ 약속이 있어 나가야 했는데 우연히 meh 들어왔다가 저번에 놓친 이 딜을 발견하게 되어 초스피드로 결제하려고 하다가 어리버리하게 2개만 주문해서 3개 주문하려 엄청 헤메다 가요...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜㅜ
걱정은, 배대지에서 처리하기를 주문번호랑 물건수가 일치하는지 보는거 같은데 이게 묶어서 가능한건지도 모르겠네요 ㅜㅜ 정 안되면 2번 나눠서 배대지 이용할 의향도 있습니다 ㅠ
@alexandersung 헉! 나하고 상황이 완전히 같으시네요. 저도 그래서 문의메일 보내고 이 글 바로 아래에 엉성한 영어로 상황 설명하면서 중복결제된 배송비 5$ 환불해달라고 요청했습니다.
I ordered docks twice and 5$ for shipping is also charged twice. At the first place, I intended to cancel my first purchase then reorder to add one more mini dock to my first order list. But I couldn't find the way to cancel it. There is no way to cancel it! So I forced to click the 'Buy it' button again because the docks would not be available after a few hours. And as I concerned, the shipping fee was charged again. Paying another shipping charge for adding one more dock? That's not fair. So, I e-mailed u about this problem and u haven't answered back yet. I don't want to call off any of my purchases, I just want to get refund the double charged 5$. So, please handle this problem.
And send the docks that i purchased in twice as one package so that i will not double charged the international delivery fee.
@BreathTaker https://meh.com/support
재판매는 언제쯤 가능할까요?
Please 1 more time buy me chance
@profundere This sale is over - keep checking back every day to see if they have it again.
I want to buy more for my friend. Please sell it again.
@NamKu Keep checking back every day! :)
아.... 설마 또 할줄이야...
이런건 메일을 보내던지 전화를 주던지 해야 알텐데 아쉽다..
I missed it again!
@2befun Have to check back every day!
How can I check my tracking ID?? I bought this stuff at saturday, and still my order number is kinda animal :<
I need a tracking ID of my stuff!!
@ScottLim When they are shipped you will receive a tracking number, most likely tomorrow or the day after.
@ScottLim I got no notice, but if you go to the footer of the meh.com website you can click on "My Orders" and then the tracking number will be listed.
언제 배송 시작되나요? 아직도 placed 상태네요... 금요일 결제했습니다.
@leesanglyul https://meh.com/forum/topics/jbl-onbeat-mini-or-jbl-onbeat-micro-speaker-dock-with-lightning-connector#53e8da6e9b5a281407bccec1
@Collin1000 ???????
@leesanglyul Staff post directly above you. They said the docks will be shipping today or tomorrow.
When does shipping start?
@spxlans Oh good! It's shipped!!
@spxlans shipping starts right now!
omg.. I missed it again...... When are you planning to restock?
@kiyeon never.
@kiyeon Friday, Friday, they sell speaker docks on Friday.
나도 사고싶은데 어떻게 구매하는지 모르겠음, ㅠㅠ
이번주 금요일에 제발!!
i received this device..thanks..
마지막 페이지에서 에러 나와서 3번 시도했는데
결재가 3번 됬어요.. 어떻게해요
mini 두개 구입했습니다.
iPhone 5s 에서 음악이 간혹 재생되지 않는 문제가 있습니다.
제조사 홈페이지에서 확인해본 결과 iPhone 5까지만 지원하는 제품이라고 합니다.
5s, 5C, 6, 6 plus에 관한 언급은 없습니다.
JBL 전용 음악 재생 플레이어 앱을 사용해봐도 동일한 증상이 있습니다.
기계 자체의 호환성 문제인가요?
2개 모두 불량 제품인가요?
제 iPhone 5s의 문제인가요?