Am I the only one?
21While I appreciate the playlists and things, sometimes I actually want to know about the product being sold. That’s what I’m here for, after all. Meh is at its heart a deal site intended to sell a product, and while I don’t mind the diversion, I feel like it shouldn’t come at the expense of actually providing some amount of useful information about the product itself.
- 31 comments, 86 replies
- Comment
There is a lot of info on the product spec page including a link to the manual. So you’re probably the only one?

/giphy only one
@sammydog01 giphy doesn’t like you tonight. That’s what you get for going automated and not doing the work ;)~

/giphy I’m lazy
@sammydog01 Possibly insane too.
@sammydog01 That’s what I love about you. Don’t change.
The first link in the forum has the specs and plenty of people chime in. They know more than me about this stuff that pops up each day - so I use their input.
The playlists are the one description I actively dislike, but I wouldn’t count on learning about the product from any description.
@Pantheist actively dislike? Weird. So do the playlists make vomit or something?
@Pantheist I’ve heard some good stuff on those playlists. But admittedly, not all the time.
Specs, product info, being professional - pfft!

/giphy "si señor"

@mfladd Double points to you for using Gladiator.
I think your experience may need recalibration…
There’s your problem, right there. Try to go assuming what Meh is or isn’t, and it will change on you in the blink of an eye. Tomorrow, you might not be able to buy anything at all, just because you said that.
@djslack I’ve got the site patch loaded up for Monday actually.
I really couldn’t care less about the playlists. I scroll through the page quickly to see if there’s anything I know and move on. It’s a shame really that they’re the only contribution we get now from Jason as his daily descriptions are missed.
Count me on the “less playlist, more information” side. But it’s Meh, so I tolerate it. And, has been noted above, the specs are usually there, and the forum has valuable feedback.
It’s a league game, Smokey.
1000% agree. The Sunday product is the worst with the playlists. Not that the information isn’t well thought out and interesting, but I’d like to see a gd effort to sell the product. Meh products for sale have gone from interesting to “I bet it’s junk” in the last year. I used to look forward to the emails with the deal of the day, but those don’t even arrive to my Gmail account until 6am Central. I was a w00ter in the early days and I came here for the teams pedigree and a hope that there were still unique things find and sell. I truly believe the old w00t team help set trends and pushed internet selling in a whole new direction. I’m giving Meh until the end of the year then I’m out.
I like the playlists.
At least conceptually.
Sometimes I even listen to them.

@f00l @InnocuousFarmer Agree, I like them, but my browser hates them. I always get “an error has occurred so the page was reloaded” on Sunday nights. But occasionally I get to listen to a few. I may not like all of the choices but I learn different styles/songs. However, I do wish @JasonToon was on here more. I prefer his writing style.
I hate Sundays because of the playlists. I never listen to them. I don’t have that much time to waste on bad music. I usually don’t vote on Sundays. They really need a “nobody got time for dat” option on Sundays.
I’d love more info about the products. I wish their daily video was a quick one of somebody testing the products out.
@RiotDemon or “I don’t give a crap”.
First of all lets disparage the notion that these are “PLAY” lists. These lists are a quite serious attempt to reduce the level of ignorance regrading roots of current popular music. So rather than piss and moan about having to read actual words and actually listen to music with no relevant visual choreography. Suck it up and enjoy you sniveling mommy’s basement dwelling bastards.
Have a nice day.
@cranky1950 I’d give this 20 stars if I could. Sure, I miss @JasonToon’s clever and witty product presentations, but the way he presents his love for music is stellar and insightful. Musical tastes differ, but if you don’t know the history, you don’t even understand your own tastes. Open your fucking minds.
And you all KNOW there are product descriptions all over the internet!
Whiner, whiner, ocean liner.
@cranky1950 You’re cranky.
@gregormehndel Yes product descriptions are usually, but not always, on the internet elsewhere. I’d like to see more information HERE and not have to look elsewhere. The playlists and product descriptions aren’t an either or choice.
@Kidsandliz agreed. You can have both.
@Kidsandliz Fair enough. Jason has described product better on previous Sundays, but his self-described “contrived intro” probably broke the camel’s back and caused this thread.
@gregormehndel The thing is the
@Kidsandliz We’re on the same page. It’s just that I still love Meh as it is and I dislike it when I see what I define as bashing. Makes me say things like “open your fucking minds.” What people seem to be requesting is more creativity in the product descriptions, but negativity doesn’t encourage creativity from Meh staff or anyone else. There are less-negative (even positive!) ways to voice displeasure.
@cranky1950 For me, maybe I don’t understand the community well enough to participate. Is the purpose of the site to sell products, or are occasional purchase price of admission to a club? Is a side benefit of membership the view into the people of the company, their personalities and playlists?
I’m not intentionally trying to be negative but I’m also frustrated that these smart and amazing people are offering something I don’t comprehend. I don’t want them to fail, so I’m telling them I would give them money more than once in a blue moon if the site offered specific value to me more often.
Mind cracked open- c’mon in.
@stevekirks That’s the beauty of it; you DON’T have to understand the community at all. Almost anything goes here in the forum, whether it’s about the product sold here, a product sold elsewhere, opinions on movies, games, life situations, etc.
And all that with no admission fee.
The product write ups started back at Woot – that retail doesn’t have to be the same boring sell that’s read off the manufacturer’s marketing material.
The sales method started long before that, though. Something about some crazy guy who sold returned computer stuff out the back of a rental truck at 2am in the morning. I think he goes by @snapster nowadays …
@2many2no Duh!
@cranky1950 Said
Happy day, huh?
/youtube don’t worry be happy
Yeah I prob didn’t buy something from him once, wandering around with a flashlight, in the pre-dawn fog, under the freeway, surrounded by geeks who avoided the sunlight.
I used to love going there.
This is kinda a side business for I’m sure they want it to be profitable. I assume it is.
Their main biz is probably something to do with creating and growing unusual selling venues, plus acquiring and disposing of odd and cheap and remaindered merchandise on a wholesale volume level.
As for the community:. Just jump in. Be nice. Be humorous or funny or insightful or kind.
You will be valued here if you start that way and kinda keep on the path.
So … Join in!
@cranky1959 gets to be cranky. It’s a thing with him.
/giphy thing

@narfcake thanks for taking the time to write. Serious here: not complaint in an effort to make people at Meh do only what I want. Instead, trying to participate and learn. All of the feedback and help I’ve received in the comments was good, even the stuff that looks snarky on the surface.
@stevekirks You need to understand the community in order to participate? I’m in trouble, I don’t understand half what goes on here, especially tech talk and music musings. I just pitch in my .02 on those topoics I think I understand, and sometimes I’m wrong about that (see toothbrushing thread). But folks still put up with me.

@f00l Which there?
@stevekirks is the mild side of Meh- they sell leftovers and assorted stuff over there. But come here for entertainment. And learn the giphy command- he’s awesome!

/giphy too much fun
History of techie geekdom n the DFW area:
Before Frys came to town and before Amazon swallowed the known universe, this was where people who didn’t have upper middle class or corporate-level tech shopping budgets went to get hardware.
I think I started going in the mid-1980’s but not sure. They were also a bunch of local Radio Shack warehouses we used to scavenge. Not only the known warehouses. The unknown wholesale ones, but the staff knew us and would let us shop for small items anyway.
I knew one person who had some sort of Trash-80 machine that used 8" floppies who shopped there.
Most of us has cobbled together Trash-80’s and DOS PC’s from weird parts. A couple of us had early Osbornes, which everyone else envied.
For a while I had a light-up display 5’ tall tube-tester that lit up like and looked a lot like a pinball machine. It has been a grand item in a local Radio Shack once. Wish I still had that one. It was stolen from a garage; I miss it.
I had a machine for a while that a friend made for me: Parts and cables nailed to a piece of plywood. This was back in the “acoustic coupler” days.
And we would go talk our way into about-to-be-discarded stuff from local businesses.
This was how people I knew got the equipment to run home bbs’s.
We would go out sometime between midnight and 4am with lots of flashlights. It was like a flea market where vendors pulled up their vehicles and set up tables. You could bargain.
It mostly happened in empty deserted and neglected parking areas on the east side of downtown under the long freeway bridges, so it still went on in the rain.
On foggy mornings you would see all these ghostly people and their flashlight trails. If you talked to someone you didn’t know well, we would used or flashlights to illuminate our faces. The whole thing was spooky and cinematic and had a real underground feel to it.
Everyone there in the early hours seemed to be the sorts who had read Stephenson and Vinge and Gibson.
We felt like we were - unknown to the ordinary folk - among those who slipped into the mysterious and simultaneous digital world.
The best times to go, by legend, were early, early, in the dark. The sale went on during the day. The rumor among us was that the normal and corporate people came then to shop, and big volume or expensive deals were done then. I don’t think I was ever there after 7am. Usually we were gone by 4-5 am if not earlier, headed to some all-night coffee shop.
Dallas Observer, 2005
This sale appears to have migrated from the grubby and deserted east end if downtown to the tonier west end.
I haven’t been since sometime last century. Frys and online made it become no longer a necessity.
I should go again; it might be quite fun.
From 2014
@snapster used to sell there.
D Magazine
From 2011
From 2014
From the 2014 D Magazine Article, about First Saturdays.
I tried to find an image of what it looked like to be there, but so far no luck.
It’s a whole different deal now, in terms of presentation. Good lighting, good displays, not people cursing while they change or the batteries in their flashlights.
This is the Osborne
Everyone wanted one.
I still can’t find an image. The truest image might comes from a movie about something else.
Imagine deserted unlit parking lots with gravel and some broken glass and weeds growing everywhere, under freeway bridges.
Imagine lots of tables of tech illuminated by common flashlight. Imagine hundreds of techies, most in black or navy for some reason, wandering around in the dark and examining stuff by flashlight.
So it’s all quite monochromatic. Kinda like a nighttime rubble scene from a B/W apocalyptic survivor film.
Kinda like this, except with less color and less light and all these flashlit ghosts.
A bit like shopping in a place like this:
But darker, no buildings, deserted otherwise, way seedier.
@f00l Several of the Halt and Catch Fire episodes are recreations of that entire world, truck sales and all.
Ok more I gotta watch that.
It was way way fun to go to.
@f00l Do you mean to say you have NEVER watched the series? Tech friends and I watch and comment live on FB. They have some extras, too, including playlists for each episode- what the characters were listening to at the time. The attention to detail is wonderful. The COMDEX show, especially if you ever went, rings true.
The only series I’ve watched in the last few years was Silicon Valley, HBO on my phone.
Before that I did Mad Men on Netflix.
I know there’s some great TV out there, got a list of stuff to see “someday”
The last time I watched a series week by week was perhaps the second season of Lost.
I’ve also never seen a single episode of Breaking Bad or TWD.
I’m pathetically out of it.
@f00l Except for Major Crimes and HCF, I match your lack of media exposure. Oh, and Antiques Roadshow, and maybe Midnight, Texas (the Charlaine Harris series).
I am only a few episodes into Halt and Catch Fire. I’ll try to stick with it, then.
@f00l that sounds amazing. I wish I had ever been able to visit something like that. (I’ve left this thread open on my phone. Been waiting for downtime where I’m awake to read the posts more thoroughly.)
When I come to the site each day to look at the product for sale, I want easy to find, detailed information that doesn’t require an internet search to fill in the blanks. The quality of what we see on meh with respect to that is more hit or miss (mostly now miss) than it used to be.
The other information provided on the home page (eg the “play list”) I rarely read any more as it has changed from humor about the product which also includes useful information to something basically, for the most part, unrelated to the product. The catch, from my point of view, is that the useful information that used to be here (above and beyond the specs) has not been moved to the forum daily deal thread, instead it is basically gone. Which, in my opinion, is a shame. I would appreciate that information coming back (along with the humor) whether it is on the home page or on the forum product thread.
@Kidsandliz i actually find the opposite. It used to be you had to scroll at least 20 comments into the product thread for any information more than “first,” " bath," or “fuck.” The last 2 times i looked to buy something, i was able to find useful info within 5 comments.
Of course i might not be the best judge, i rarely buy anything, but that’s true of me anywhere. I’ve probably bought as much from here as from all department stores combined in the last 2 years.
i actually come more to read the humorous “write-up” then read a couple threads to hear what you people are doing, to start my day on a happy note. That they are selling something is incidental to my visiting. :0
Then you definitely aren’t reading my stuff.
Have a great day!
@Kidsandliz Take a look at the spec page for today’s offering. Exactly what is missing? A review? Do you want @moose to take one home and see if his dog still smells after a month? Do you trust Moose and his dog?
I check any purchase other than a second offering or $5 VMP bait for independent reviews and would guess that most of us do. Or Hotwheels because you can’t go wrong with Hotwheels.
@mfladd Maybe @mollama is entertained by whining? I like you @mollama!
@sammydog01 I haven’t checked today as I wasn’t interested in the product. But some days, when I am interested and the price is low, there can be a lack of information and other days are fine. It seems to be a crap shoot. Of course maybe today there is more detail because of people’s comments?
Nobody reads your threads. Didn’t you know?
Here is a good suggestion for you:
@f00l @sammydog01

Like product specs and reviews, Quetzalcoatlus and supernovas, I can learn anything I want to know about music history through online research. While I find product specs and reviews, Quetzalcoatlus and supernovas all much more interesting than music history, this is the meh staff’s world to shape as they please and I am a guest here. If they want to write about music history, good for them.
Please do expound.
We need this.
@f00l I got drawn into the black hole of YouTube the other night, went from dog videos to wild animals rescuing baby animals of other species videos, to rare animals videos, to weird extinct animals videos. Always had a fond spot for the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl, so this one stuck in my mind.

That god has just about the coolest “lost civilization god name”. To me anyway.
Shouldn’t all “lost civilization god names” have a “q” in them, or better yet, start with “q” and perhaps have a “z” or “x” in there also, when translated into English?
@moondrake @f00l HAH! The book was Crystal Rain, by Tobias S. Buckell. It was part of a free ebook giveaway by TOR … probably in 2008 if these file date stamps are anything to go by. It’s some sci-fi or other, apparently alluding to Mayans or Aztecs or something. Had the name “Quetzylcoatl” in it – very distinctive and memorable, as I hadn’t heard or read it prior.
You have no idea how badly my brain was itching. I was going to have to take a sick day if I couldn’t figure out what I had read and when.
… I don’t think I’d read that book again, probably… must have been a long time ago, when I read it. 2008… Holy shit that was nine years ago! Oh, fuck this. I’m going to just have some coffee and not consider the span of life, right after waking up in the morning.
@f00l I’ve always had a strong affinity for Quetzalcoatl and Ganesh. Always felt drawn to them. This is an oil painting I made of Quetzalcoatl a few years ago.

Yeah I hate the playlists too. Fortunately though, they are almost always selling shit, so no real product information is required for me to know I’m not buying it.
the playlists. They expose us to an eclectic array of music we may never have known about, we learn how many forms of music evolved, and it’s our last tenuous link to the brilliant Jason Toon.
Additionally, we seldom learn important details about a product in the write-ups. That’s what the product threads and links are for. The write-ups are entertaining, and I like that as well.
You are not required to listen to the music. Please don’t try to take it away from those of us that appreciate it.
@KDemo I don’t care if the playlists stay. I just want them to add in a choice for voting that I don’t want to listen to the music.
@RiotDemon Uh press mute! Whoooooooooa no music. FuckinAyyyyyyy
@cranky1950 I don’t listen to them. I was specifically talking about the weekly poll. I don’t know why you’ve got such a bug up your ass.
@RiotDemon If you had a bug up your ass you’d be cranky too, right?
@RiotDemon Devil’s advocate is more fun than clicking stars.
@therealjrn maybe he should get some pesticide.

/giphy bugs
@RiotDemon said:
Hey @cranky1950, she wants to know all about your sex life.
Do tell.
/giphy do tell

@RiotDemon You sound like you have a bee in your bonnet over this.
It’s a big day for the insect kingdom around these parts…
@therealjrn it’s such a fashionable bonnet too.

/image bee in bonnet gif
Not quite a bonnet, but it might be cranky.
And it’s a big day for these parts being around the insect kingdom.
@cranky1950, you’re next up at bat here.
“Press mute”? They won’t play at all unless you click on them individually. Maybe @RiotDemon is suffering from alien hand syndrome, and can’t resist clicking those Play buttons?

/giphy alien hand syndrome
a couple things…
(1) if you keep complaining about they playlists they will expand them to more days of the week, pretend you love them so they will go away
(2) if they told you about the product you likely wouldn’t buy it.
viva la meh!
This quandary that some customers seem to experience mystifies me somewhat.
I just
/giphy follow the yellow brick road

And click the link to the product description from
/giphy amazon

Maaaann, you’re on the wrong site. Why would you want first-party reviews of products by the very same people selling said products in the first place?
And… just look at the site. And the writeups. And the URL.
Why would you ever expect that this site is another incarnation of the wirecutter? That’s very obviously the opposite of what this is.
And they link to Amazon anyways.
Clearly you aren’t the only one. But I like the playlists. So there!
Bumpity bump bump.
We’re trying to retake the top 7 trending topics spots. Please contribute some form of nonsense to this topic!

/giphy bumpity
/giphy nonsense

@daveinwarsh That looks just like me with a bag of Cheetos!
Still waiting to hear about @cranky1950’s sex life.
@OldCatLady oh God… the things you can’t unsee!

/giphy no thank you
Sorry I don’t spill. Besides, fantasy is always more interesting than real life.
Reality regarding your sex practices loses to fantasy?
Not to us it doesn’t.
And all we really wanna know about is that thingy you do with the bug up your ass.
Has that practice become an entire XXX subcategory on Pr0nhub?

So, uh, @Durago? Have you noticed anything unusual in the forum since you started this thread?
Just wondering.
@KDemo To be honest, I don’t frequent the forums often enough to be able to say what is normal and what is not. I’m something of an infrequent poster.
@Durago - Well, suffice it to say that your post is now part of meh history as ground zero for a crazy fun meh meme game (mehme?).
Really, @djslack deserves credit for the first spin-off, starting a legendary thread storm.
Am I the only one? will never be the same.
If we’re very lucky, it will be commemorated on a t shirt or something.
@KDemo I’m not sure what to think about that.

@KDemo If there’s one thing I know I don’t want around here, it’s credit for starting something.
But thanks
@djslack - Did I say credit? I meant blame.
Oh. Uh - make that discredit.
@djslack Goat, goat, goat, goat, goat…
@sammydog01 - If someone deserves the goat horns for this, it’s Durago. Really, Hasselhoff deserves it for being a spoiler. I would truly love to blame him for what goes wrong.
In fact, maybe it’s time to move on to truly goatworthy public figures elected in absentia?
I tend to enjoy the usual write-ups, but I don’t enjoy the playlists.
/giphy "I am the commotion."

@Pantheist Imposter
@PolkSaladAnnie No, nay, never.
@Pantheist You are one sick puppy.
@Pantheist then why is it in quotations?
@PolkSaladAnnie to include the whole phrase only
I know this is an old thread, probably shouldn’t comment, but WOW u guys who did not like, appreciate, nor even listened to the well-thought-out original playlists created by @JasonToon, You’re not much fun to hang with! Your loss. Oh, my loss too since there are not new playlist offerings
Meh. A tiny ty for reminding me that I saved some of his playlists on CD’s. But damn, I need a new player to hear them, along with the other 400+ CD’s I own. Going to search YouTube for his playlists. The man (Jason) knows his music! Mediocre Labs should/ could let Jason telecommute! Retain him as an employee, if he’s available; not many beings have his rather unique skills. My husband did. My adult son does.