Help @hollboll out!
25I have a general list of prizes that need to be sent out but my list is spread out across a few documents.
To make sure no one is left out, if you earned a prize and haven't received it yet (unless you're @studerc) post below what you think you earned a prize for and a link to where you earned it.
- 66 comments, 221 replies
- Comment
Is there a general old goat prize? 'Cause I'm an old goat.
I'm an old goat, too, but not as old as @joelmw.
i too am an old goat, but not as old as @Barney.
@Barney Oh, I see what you did there, young'un.
@joelmw And we LIKED it!
Old goat!
Shirtgoat chiming in.
@joelmw @barney @carl669 @lisaviolet and @narfcake, don't worry all goats are on my list.
@hollboll this list?


@mfladd You bastard. I'll never get that out of my head now.
I won the Show Us Your Swag contest with a couple other swell folks.
@jaremelz got it!
@hollboll Awesome, thanks! I could use a pick me up. Regardless of what shows up at my door, it'll amuse and distract me from life for sure, and I need that right now.
@hollboll Also, it would appear I'm in the goat club now.
@jaremelz Listen, young'un. Howsabout you simmer down and concentrate on taking the blame for everything that goes wrong around here, eh? You let the old goats worry about old goat things. Run along now. Maybe bring me a refreshing beverage if you've got so much time on your hands.
@joelmw Here ya go, old goat! Anything else you need?

@jaremelz That'll do, goat, that'll do.
I was told something about a worthless prize??
@conandlibrarian check!
Coolest thing you've done with something...
(@studerc won too- please don't hold it against me)
@sammydog01 No worries, I have accepted my fate, the powers that be have determined that no prizes shall be bestowed upon @studerc. @hollboll 's decree. :)
@hollboll - Any updates? Still working the list?
@hollboll, Will you be checking the link against shipping records? (I need/want another JBL Mini dock)
I came in 2nd in a beauty contest, and I'd like my $10.

@ACraigL Here ya go!

left the pot...
I don't think that one was a prize... oh wait I got goatdom from
that... fuck!
I think I may be missing one... but I really can't remember... It's been so long, (but not as long as @studerc)
@sohmageek It's been sooo long.
Nothing. You owe me nothing. But it was sweet of you to ask.
@Starblind I forgot all about the video pitch contest. Was a winner even selected?
@ACraigL Has it even ended?
@ACraigL I dunno, but I definitely deserve a prize.
@ACraigL Yay! Finally recognition for my many wonderous video ideas including the one that was literally just footage of scrotums!

...ouch. For realz?
@studerc Just when you thought you finally had a chance at getting your prizes

@MEHcus staffers just keep pulling at my heartstrings. Ive finally just decided to accept my fate. What will be, will be.
For prosperity :
Goat Prize
Pitch it to Us
CS story
Meh product repurpose
The rest of my Fuku 3 that was promised.
Honestly, im sure there are others. Soo many @JonT "eventually"s
@studerc Do you mean "for posterity"?
For posterity, here's @studerc's original post ;)
@kadagan fucking auto correct. You know what though, i stand by it.
Im kinda like the Andy Dufresne of Meh. Ill just keep writing letters until you guys finally just send me a shit load of things and $250 to consider the case closed.
That damn warden @JonT, cant stop me know.
Aside from being locked up in Shawshank prison for 20+ years of course.
@studerc that many prizes should be prosperous indeed!
@studerc Can you send me a link to the Meh product repurpose? Also you did get your CS contest one. ;)
Last Comment @sammydog01 and myself.
@hollboll Was that the actual prize? The diapers and dog toy. If so, then yes. If not, then no.
@studerc That prize shows great utility! Give the toy to the baby, and put the diapers on the dog. You know, to protect him from you!
@KDemo That would be @marklog whose dog needs protection from their owner ;)
@chellemonkey - Oops, I knew that - wonder where my mind was that day?
I'll take a roomba please. Thank you. (I'll also settle for an actual leak frog.)
@DrunkCat An Ollie for me, thanks.
I have no idea what this is about. So yea, ummm, sure, click some thing. There is that good enough?
Waiting on prize for this
I haven't won any meh contest prizes.
I was threatened with extra neoprene, but I rebuked the offer.
Irk Answered my question We were told we would get "a trinket or bauble of extremely low value" if our questions were picked to be answered.
@ceagee @hollboll me too
@ceagee I had forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder. I am owed one then too for this for the christmas poem Irk read. BUT do not send it until I change my address (to where yet I don't know as I will be homeless on Thursday. @hollboll I will send you information once I get that sorted out, and to get my account changed, with luck I will have an address at a friend's house later today. Stressed out so up at 4am).
@ceagee huh. I thought irk answering our question was the trinket. Well either way. I guess that's my third one. Irk answered my autograph question.
@kidsandliz I'll have to check on that, I'm not sure that counts as an "Ask Irk"
@sohmageek link please?
@ceagee @hollboll Oooh, if there's an "Ask Irk" prize--other than the glory of hearing my user name brilliantly re-pronounced ("Hi, I'm joe-ELL-mwah. Have you heard of me?") I should get one of those for my insightful WTF about ASAP. :-)
@joelmw this is how i always pronounce your name in my head. also, jimmyduhoneohthree.
@hollboll I feel bad about this one. But there was a 2nd ask irk for me. The dum-dum one. I can find the link if you need?
I got an email saying I got something from the lurker thread but haven't bought anything so there is no adress to send it to. Is that still a thing I can accept?
@KurtBuscus email customer service to add your address to the account you created to post.
@KurtBuscus what @kidsandliz said. Shoot us your address, put attention hollboll at the top. :)
Video contest:
Ya know, I won a ball from the aquarium during the pyro-destruct Periscope that celebrated the end of the JBL speaker docks...but y'all claimed I got nuthin. Still a little butt hurt ;-) You can find the twitter mess under Ohio River Town, just in case, ya know, ya got any unclaimed freight!
I won one of the fantasy leagues last year. Jont said there might be prizes. Does this count?
@jml326 not sure. Can you send me a screenshot or something of it? You can post here or send it in to support ( Just mention @hollboll somewhere.
@hollboll ESPN finish league 2 I'm James
Copy of forum page
I could use a hug.
@medz Thank you sir.
I won the show us your meh swag contest for my socks and amazing lens blur picture.
I also "won" the Drinking Terrible button.
My question was also featured in an Ask Irk segment if that's worth anything.
Probably many others because I'm super cool.
@medz Got it! If you think of more lmk, I'll be digging through a bunch of stuff to hopefully find everyone. :)
@hollboll I also won 3rd place in the Pizza Rat art contest.
See? Told you I was super cool.
@hollboll I was mentioned in yet another Ask Irk video if that counts for anything other than mad meh street cred.
You'll have to cut my prize in half and send part of it to @conandlibrarian
@hollboll i won your first contest for unnecessary censored gifs.
@hollboll I won the C+ prize in Moose's google holiday game thing.
@hollboll - I won something in Moose's Google Santa games as well, thanks!
I won the February kiss video thing. I can try to hunt down the link if you need it.
@PurplePawprints I thought @BillLehecka won that one? With his bath of neoprene? Or was there more than one?
@Thumperchick That one had two winners, or maybe three. I'll hunt down the link.
@Thumperchick Here's the original thread.
I'm not sure where the winners were announced, but it said the two with highest votes, plus the staff choice, would 'win'.
@JonT posted this in the March video thread referring to the February one: "The two videos with the most stars and one staff choice will be sent a prize on top of their badges. Congrats to @BillLehecka and @PurplePawPrints for winning the star votes and @marklog for winning staff choice, what a horrible mistake to encourage his behavior! Honorable mention goes to @JasonToon for his creepy/seductive public library kiss. Prizes will be on their way to you by Friday."
@PurplePawprints Nice hunting! I got distracted and couldn't quite track it down.
@PurplePawprints thanks! Got it.
I won a watch and a case of soda from a radio station in Wichita Falls when I was a kid, I called in for the song "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance". My mom and dad took me down to the station to collect my winnings and when I got home, I was showing one of my friends my cool watch and it had the words "shock proof" on it and she said "I bet it isn't" so I showed her.
It wasn't shock proof enough to survive being thrown as hard as possible onto the cement sidewalk.
Lesson learned. I haven't thrown a "shock proof" watch onto cement since.
@lisaviolet this is one of those life lessons that you can never repeat. Today it would be a youtube worthy video that would make you money. As a kid, that probably really stung...
Goat Prize for March 2015
February Meh Kissing Event (Bathing in neoprene)
Ask Irk: "May I borrow a Pen?" (One of the first Ask Irks)
"Carol of the Blahs" song suggestion (Christmas 2014)
We Will Rock You Mad Ape Den (I forget)
I'd link, but meh....
@BillLehecka I had the goat prize and february meh one. I'll try and find the other two.
@hollboll I got this...
@hollboll And... qs_RYteQk"> <----- Hey @shawn or @dave That's an interesting bug...
Here's the link to the topic:
i have a gigantic robot vacuum cleaner from winning a thing. i haven't been able to use it yet.we want to move, so our apartment is basically boxes, there is no room for vacuum. so basically, i'm no help.
mine and others listed here. IDK if the 2nd beer thing won me something.
If you like, just consolidate all of them into one epic beer fuku that hopefully includes Lakewood Temptress and The two beers from Rahr that medaled at the GABF! that would be great.
oh, and i guess goat prize if that's a thing.
I um won ...... the ..... Uh ....... Well...... Oh who am I kidding I almost never win anything, I'm just going to the corner and admire all the winners now
Hi @hollboll, Were all the neatos awarded in the haiku contest? Mine was mentioned as a favorite, but I wasn't expecting a vac, can't remember the details.
@KDemo there were 3 winners and all those were awarded. :)
@hollboll - Thank you, I'm happy just to be mentioned alongside those talented authors.
@hollboll I did ink an ode
I don't think this counts, but I received a brand new speaker dock instead of the charred remains of one and sawed-up bits of another. That's probably supposed to be a good thing. And I can't exactly say that the SD cadavers were promised.
I didn't get anything for being goat other than being hit by flying debris and a whole lot of physical therapy. @mrspavlov didn't get anything for Irk answering one of her questions . . . Plus you could throw in some type of bonus item for my still gracing you with my presence and buying shit with my company account even though ya'll pissed me the fuck off. That is all.
WTH @Pavlov! Are you back?
(And that's all the cussing you are going to get from me.)
@Pavlov You're back?!?!?!!!!! Yay!
@Barney @PurplePawprints I'm just perpetrating a drive-by posting, someone called and mentioned Meh was making good on past "free gratis" (gotta love Deadwood) product promises.
@Pavlov Wow, you sound just the same.
@Pavlov Miss you.
@KDemo You too.
@Pavlov Hey there, how the hell are ya?
@Pavlov Well then, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Seriously though, I hope you are doing well and have fully recovered. Your wit has been missed.
@jaremelz My left testicle itches, other than that I'm pretty much the same as before (fully recovered). How are you?
@PurplePawprints C'mere and give me a little scratch. Then all will be right with the world. ; )
@Pavlov Fancy that, mine doesn't. I'm right as rain, although they went and made my sorry ass goat for October.
@Pavlov Glad you fully recovered. We miss your fuckery.
@Pavlov - If we had known it just took the promise of prizes to bring you back . . .
@Pavlov Aww, hi @Pavlov! Hope you get that nut thing under control!
@brhfl @Pavlov just needs to get the situation well in hand.
@Pavlov jesus fuck...glad to see you around these parts. Sure hope it isnt short lived.
@Pavlov Pavlooooooooooooooooov! Missed ya.

@Pavlov Please also give my best to @mrspavlov. She rocks. Consider yourself lucky :)
@Pavlov HEY ASSHOLE! I'm talking to you! I was trying to be nice to you and you changed your email... so yes well ok maybe asshole was a bit harsh... (I see it as a term of endearment) I understand why you left for a while... but now that you're back Send me an e-mail before I close the account... I'm glad to see you're back too! :)
@Pavlov you missed my entire goat month too :(
@Pavlov welcome back! You were already on my list for goat prizes, I'll make sure @mrspavlov is taken care of too. :) Glad to see you back, even if it is for a drive by.
Ah yes the great @Pavlov has returned! Just so you know, we all hope you'll stick around, we enjoy having you around and we were all sad to see you go. Grab a beer, pull up a chair and stay a while.
@hollboll there are goat prizes? seriously?
@mfladd Your goatdom must have taken a harder toll on you than we all thought.
@mfladd seriously
@jaremelz I didn't know there were goat prizes I thought it was a myth. I am happy because I never win anything. Except your never ending wrath.
@mfladd Well then, happy surprise, there are goat prizes!
And lucky you, not everyone gets the gift of my hate. You must be special. Or just especially deserving of it.
@sohmageek C'mon, that's Mr. Asshole there buddy . . . I'm right in the middle of rebuilding several computers at the office - when I get some free time over the next several days I'll get ahold of you!
I believe I won the "take the longest to send out prizes" prize.
I expect the trophy to be hand-delivered by the former champion, @JasonToon.
@JonT wouldn't you have to actually send them to qualify? (Hi @JonT!!!)
@JonT Since @hollboll still hasn't mentioned actually sending out prizes she's still in the running.

@hollboll Just curious, have any of these actually made it out the door yet? Or are you still compiling, researching and evaluating?
@ACraigL not yet. It's a pretty big list and I've still got all the Ask Irk videos and a few more to go through. Making progress though!
@hollboll Is it possible to make sure that mine end up going to my home address if that isn't too much of a pain? Currently the default on my account is work... you can tell by the work name. :) I haven't found anything recently to buy to adjust the default.
@hollboll Thanks! I know you've taken on a lot here. It's appreciated!
@sohmageek Ehhhh, send me a message through support about that I'll see what I can do.
@ACraigL thanks. It's definitely a challenge, but I'm getting through it. :)

@hollboll Wait, you get a prize for an ask irk? I was first so maybe that is a new rule.
@hollboll Does the wonderful gishwhes team get any prizes/trinkets/badges?
gishwhes is its own reward.
On second thought, I did do this. If I don't at least get a trinket, it'll look like I'm just crazy. If I get a trinket, I'm crazy and I got a trinket.
@joelmw @dashcloud I've been meaning to make a little breakfast octopus for katylava because she was such a fun leader. You guys can have one too.
@sammydog01 That would be awesome. And thank you.
@joelmw you make a majestic unicorn, Joel.
@Thumperchick Aw, shucks.


Status update?
@Pavlov Thanks for bumping. I felt a guilty doing that. It looks good on you, though. :P
@Pavlov @hollboll


@Pavlov @ACraigL
@hollboll I heart this gif so hard.
@hollboll Your gif matching skillz are legend.
@hollboll - I have to wait?
Prize not for me, but for @Samorak.
He was supposed to receive a fuku for winning the mascot drawing.
thanks @hollboll!
@jaybird wow, thread is over a month did i miss this?
@jaybird I remember losing that one. With this:

Did they ever use @Samorak's drawing? I'm never over there.
@ACraigL ive looked a few times but haven't seen it. I dont drone yet so i'm never over there either.
@jaybird thanks! @hollboll jay is right. Never got the super cool Fuku that's out there for me. Thanks for making things happen!
@Samorak I've got you on my list!
Hopefully I am already on the list for my Ask Irk question, but if not, please add me to the prize list.
@hollboll So, how you uh...How you comin' on those prizes you've been working on? Got a big stack of prizes ready to send out? Yeah? Lots of thoughtful mementos to reward loyal community members? Hmm? Nah, you're busy. You take your time.
@medz take a tip from "that guy". Asking about the prizes will not bring you peace. In fact, Im sure @JonT passed down his prize tracking calendar to @hollboll. You know, the calendar they use to track the number of days till they actually send prizes after they move the day a week in advance for every mention.
I should get prizes in the summer of 2017, that will be a splendid event indeed!

@studerc Well... If that's the case... I'm sorry everyone... I asked the other day too... Not to find out if they were coming really... but more of to find out did my Post office royally screw it up (again.)
Either way... Lets try for May 2017...
@studerc I think I'm safe. After all, my name isn't studerc.
Hey @hollboll. I was directed to post here. I had a Mad Ape Den translation selected (Ring of Fire). I haven't received anything mediocre for the selection however.
Of course, maybe my prize was determined by the post office to be undelivered and was destroyed by a haz-mat unit or something similar.
Anyway, thanks for having a location to post.
@MontanaVike Can you see the front of the line from here? ;)
@MontanaVike I actually had you on my list already but thanks for making sure! :)
I'll say this, after these being neglected for a bit too long, it has become quite challenging to come up with prizes that we deem as suitable for each submission that's won something. But, we actually are actively working on it and are truly hopeful to get these out sooner rather than later and are getting much closer. For everyone but @studerc of course. With that said, thanks for your patience with us. But don't let us off the hook, keep badgering us until this gets done.
@MEHcus haters gonna hate, bro. Eventually, I may gain access to my prizes, yes?
Well fuck.
@studerc What's a good email address to reach you at?
@dashcloud probably the mehexchange @ one. I don't check it often though unless there is an exchange.
@MEHcus but then we end up on the list with @studerc and no prizes. Or delayed for everyone. I think you are asking us to ask to get more time. Or is it asking us to make sure this thread stays mediocre in both name and substance ;)
@MEHcus - I'm not on the prize list, but since you asked . . .
Consider yourself badgered.
Holy badger!
Out of curiosity, where did that originate from?
@FroodyFrog - I remember seeing it back in the 90's I think. Don't remember who made it, but there are multiple versions on YouTube now. This is closest to the original, iirc.
@FroodyFrog - Are you kind of new in the forums, or are you someone we know with a new username? Just wondered because you seem to fit in so well.
I'm assuming you've seen this one:
I've lurked for a LONG time on the forums. I've seen stuff come and go.
However, I'm like a platypus living under a rock in a cave in a forest; just needed some coaxing to reveal myself.
@studerc Check your email.

And a tip of the hat to you.
@FroodyFrog- I had not seen the duck one. Here's an old woot one for you (credit @matthew):
That brings me back to the good old days of Woot. Ah, good times.
LOL Avocadobutt
@Pavlov I know why they stopped doing Drinking Terrible videos- buttons (a.k.a prizes) were going out, and that had to be stopped! :)
Hey @hollboll, @mfladd is gone. Can I have my prizes now?

@Thumperchick Too soon? (Hey, I miss him too, ya know.)
@ACraigL ouch.
Update: Believe it or not, some progress has been made. I've got some stuff acquired and some prizes are almost ready to ship. I won't say which group/ contests prizes will be going out first, we'll let it be a surprise. :)
@hollboll We know one thing for sure though, right? @studerc's stuff went into a pile in the back of the line, didn't it?
@hollboll @thumperchick...
@hollboll Hoping someone posts with the goods! Eager to see what (eventually) rolls out.

@hollboll Can you tell me how many were actually sent? Despite having 3 tracking #s, only 2 are on the move. Not complaining, of course! Just seeing if I should worry about the stalled one in pending status (thinking it maybe a label goof).
@ACraigL Nope! I'm determined to let it be a mystery. I will say, don't worry though.
@hollboll The game is afoot, eh? Wasn't worried -- will keep you/others posted as this unravels.
@ACraigL just wanted to throw it out there...but my birthday is tomorrow. It'd be a pretty awesome birthday present if my prizes were finally sent out.
Just sayin...

How I view this request at meh headquarters
@MrMark You are probably right. But, theres still a chance...
@studerc You'd think I'd remember by now that we're birthday buddies.
Well looky here. I have a label created again from for something I didn't order. In yo face @studerc (JK I love you)
@lichme Congrats good sir! Since the beginning it has always been my mission to assist in the remembrance of prize distribution. Perhaps now, I can rest...only time will tell! Who knows, maybe I will even get prizes! Probably not though...well, fuck.
@lichme @studerc @hollboll I just came to post the same thing. I have THREE, count 'em 3, separate Meh tracking numbers. I kinda forget what they'll all for by now... I know I won the pizza rat art contest, and Irk answered my question. Not sure if those are these or vice-versa or what the other one was.
Probably, though, for being consistently awesome.
All are 4 lbs. (assuming placeholder weights). Yay extra Christmas bonus!! Thanks @hollboll!
@ACraigL Decided to humor myself and check as well...2 Meh packages...both associated with orders that I placed. Well, fuck. Apparently @hollboll and @MEHcus were not lying when they said mine would ship last...if at all. *Tip of the hat, well played.
@studerc Uh, are you sure about that?
Oh! I just remembered I won the unnecessarily censored GIF contest as well. Yay!
@hollboll Definitely. Double checked my Delivery Manager and nothing out of the ordinary. Hmm...
Also, @MEHcus...well then, *Tips hat...

I'm about to give up . . . nothing in my account or my wife's buying account I set up for her a couple of months ago.
Thanks for knowing that,
@Pavlov I gotchu.
@hollboll (@studerc)
Finally discovered some tracking on a mystery package from Meh. It's difficult to contain my excitement as I have been waiting for well over a year for a prize to show up. While this could simply be excitement for nothing, I'm secretly hoping to pull an Andy Dufresne and get a letter around the lines of...
"In addition, the Library District (Mediocre) has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries (Fucking sweet shit). We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed. Please stop sending us letters. Yours truly, the State Comptroller's Office (@hollboll, @MEHcus)."
The whole endeavor has been like moving through a 1/2 mile drain pipe filled with human excrement.
But just maybe, in the end...

@hollboll Thank you!
@PurplePawprints Awesome haul!
@PurplePawprints We have a winner!
@studerc I know! I was so excited when I opened it and realized it was like a fuku. :-)
@PurplePawprints Pretty sure this deserves a thread! There are quite a few people with prizes incoming, it'd be a great place to share them all and thank @hollboll for finally doing what @JonT could pretty much never do! (Love you @JonT)
@studerc You're right. New thread started.
@hollboll I haz no trackingz, I haz sadz.
@Pavlov You are better off than me. I have no address.
@chadp I HAVE no computer.

@Thumperchick Um . . . do not ge . . . wait . . . no . . . da fuk?
I'm pretending to have no legs? Who am I trading places with, metaphorically? I'm a washed up comedian wearing a green hat? (yeah okay, I can see that one . . . )
Wait . . . nope. Nothing.
Oh . . . a beggar - is that where you were going with it? 'Cause @studerc puts me to fucking shame and yet he's got trackingz!
@Pavlov Yo. @studerc has been waiting in line for fucking ever. 1 year, 2 months, and 8 days. A beggar? No. Just doing what he was requested to do. Viva la revolution!
Also...I've only got one tracking number for like 5 prizes. Pretty sure my tracking is for a jack in the box that contains a middle finger.
@studerc Apparently @tHumperChick seeks to shame me with Gumby.
As if.
@Pavlov I for one blame it on the fact you ended mulitple words with a "z" that should not have ended with a "z".
@studerc Yeah the "z" was overdone, and a consequence of my being well-baked today. If I wasn't high as fuck right now, I'd be thinkin' I was pretty high as fuck right now.
Gumby - LMAO.
Hey, you got any chips? I'll be right over . . .
@Pavlov my joke fell flat. You have no tracking. @Barney has no address. @hollboll has no computer... I was just adding to the list with "I have no legs."
You found insult where there was none.
@Thumperchick . . . well now I get it.
Ya know I won a speaker dock in a periscope where you guys burned shit up and drew balls out of an aquarium. (I know, so meh, amiright?)
But then you took it away from me. So I'm thinking just a managerial position would work out well for the both us.
I never got my second fuku prize box when JonT and I decided that a pallet of broken TV's (well at the time I didn't know what was on that pallet - just didn't have room for a pallet of anything) was diverted from me to some other 'lucky' dude. Although I sort of recall he managed to get some working ones out of it with some canalization of parts.
@Kidsandliz Seems to me that your prize was dodging the proverbial bullet that was a pallet of broken TVs.
@PurplePawprints Yeah probably but then we had evidence someone else dodged the pallet bullet and was given something else instead for their second box. Actually had I been living in my own place I probably would have accepted the pallet, pieced together a working TV (did it with a laptop) and then craigslisted the rest to one of those places that buys things working or not. But that was not a choice at the time.
@Kidsandliz I thought he got the seizure inducing glasses.
@sammydog01 No that is the bullet he missed (someone else got them) and he got something else instead.
@Kidsandliz Other way around. The original intended for the trip glasses was @HELLOALICE - who managed to dodge that bullet and offload it onto @jaybird. @HELLOALICE then scored a cat-tree.
@Thumperchick Oh, OK. Can't keep it all straight. : ) What I now realize though, thanks to this thread, is that the intended recipient scored something else. I was the original intended for the pallet of broken TV's and later, so far, scored nothing. Having my fingers crossed for a cat tree as I have several cats or for something else nice. Still can't be sent a pallet of anything as I am not living in my own place.
Not sure if you still wanted reminders or not, but here's another. Thanks @hollboll!
@hollboll I just wanted to comment and say not only do you need a prize for being awesome... but I think some of your loyal
subjectsvictims should get some too... Maybe something stupid like a I am the dum-dum that messed with Meh and all I got was this dum-dum note and a dum-dum... ;) Or is that too soon/stepping on @matthew's toes... ;)@sohmageek @hollboll I second the awesome part.
Hey @hollboll- I think @unixrab deserves a prize for that fine recipe, and I don't think 3 months of VMP would be out of the question there.
@dashcloud You. Are. Sick.
@dashcloud no thanks is necessary- you'll mess up my altruism
@narfcake ikr
Do you have this one on your list? Remember to send yourself something nice.
I earned a prize by never being obnoxious enough to earn a prize.
No link, since i never earned a prize.(You can check!)
Therefore, i earned a prize. Elementary!
The prize i earned is: new unused pristine working-perfectly Audeze LCD-3 headphones, along with a Shiit Lyr headphone amp.
Please send ASAP, overnight shipping, insured. None of your Smart-Assed-Post this time, ok?
Thank you.
PS very small living space here. Tiny. So no large shipments. In fact i live in a small backpack. i'm thinking of buying today's backpack offer just so i can have more living space. (If i can get locked in on a good mortgage rate.) sigh
@f00l I have a nice shed you can stay in. It is bigger than a backpack. I have the one with the intact roof although I have my own private lake on the floor in the rain and the water comes in through the window frame as well. The shed next to me has a mostly intact roof except in one corner. You can use your new backpack as a patch on the roof.
Awesome! Moving day!
Just dont tell meh my forwarding address - i don't want a pallet of anything except possibly solid gold bars or new, perfect condition, Audeze LCD-3 headphones.
@f00l Umm if they don't know where you live how will you get your gold? Besides they have some more sheds, a barn, a lean to... plenty of places for a pallet. Of course they don't have my address either. The address they have for me is that of a friend. She would kill me if a pallet for you showed up there (or for that matter for me). Unless it was a pallet of real gold. Then likely she'd give me her house and be gone with the gold.
Ok meh. If you are going to ship the prize you owe me, ship to regular address.
If you are shipping me a pallet of solid gold bars, or new and working Audeze headphones, ditto.
If you are shipping a pallet of stuff that people might rate as "meh" or worse, ship to @Kidsandliz special shack that's kept for my luxury vacation domicile.
@f00l Obviously you don't have room for a pallet of gold bars in your backpack. I will keep them safe for you. Really I will. I promise. (she says with a straight face).
I trust you with my soul. And my pallet of solid gold bars. (Save one for me, as a keepsake.)
@f00l Will do. Knowing that space is at a premium, I will help out by saving you the smallest one.
We all know the most teeniest one is the cutest one. Mebbe true even with solid good bars.
I am enlarging my residence-in-a-backpack to an extra-large framepack to accomodate Meh if Meh chooses to meet its obligation to me by sending me a pallet of solid gold bars. I intend to pave my residence with them. Any bars left over will further my juggling career on "Amehrica's Got Talent" or "Amehrica's Most Wanted", depending in which audition is accepted first.
@hollboll What ever happened to the fantasy football prizes? I won the advanced league and some other people (including you, I think) won some other leagues.
I’ve been waiting since Sept 2015 for my MAD APE DEN prize for Iron Man/Man of Ore. emailed @holllboll a few times since then, and now I see this thread died back in June. (I can’t find my original post here, either.)
I think @hollboll still has a list. There was another contest (this one) that was supposed to have prize(s) sent out for it, but never did.
@hollboll cough goat trophy cough
(I mean I did wait a year and some to say anything, but you still have 3 months if studerc is the standard)
Irk answered one of my questions and twice I was the basis material for Glen.
And still no catshirt!
@narfcake links for proof?