A lot here depends on the hotsauce you use. I could use tabasco and not even notice it, but if I use my homemade or even the moonshine hot sauce I got for my birthday (What, you don't get hot sauce for holidays? FOR SHAME!), it would be firey despite the water. Though the hot hot sauce would give new meaning to fire water.
This is easily the most pointless "Drinking Terrible" you've ever done @matthew. Bravo.
Does this one even need a non-alcoholic version?
Turns out if you use Fireball whiskey, sriracha, and vodka it's probably not as weak as it should be.
@medz My tummy hurts
I loved you as the neighbor on Home Improvement
@medz @matthew I got more a Netflix's Daredevil vibe. I'll get your button out soon!
@JonT Thanks! I didn't figure he'd be sporting a bathrobe.
So much water, seems really… really… doable.
I was totally on board until the water for some reason.
@ChrisMondok You'll still get the badge if you do it without the water- post the video anyway.
@dashcloud im considering it, but I'm not going to start drinking before 9:00 AM, diluted or not
What, you want to give buttons away now?
A lot here depends on the hotsauce you use. I could use tabasco and not even notice it, but if I use my homemade or even the moonshine hot sauce I got for my birthday (What, you don't get hot sauce for holidays? FOR SHAME!), it would be firey despite the water. Though the hot hot sauce would give new meaning to fire water.