Pitch It To Us - New video series contest


Do you ever watch our front page videos and think “Wow, I could do better than that”? First, I think you’re grossly underestimating the amount of work it takes to create anything every day, and second –hey that’s kinda rude…and third, now’s your chance to prove it!

Pitch us your brilliant idea for a 6 episode video series and we’ll pick the best one and actually make it! You’ll see your creative genius brought to life on the front page of Meh.com! The more I type this out the more I wonder what we're thinking!

Try to keep it short and sweet, if your pitch is so complicated that it requires multiple paragraphs it's probably beyond the scope of what we can do. Keep it short, sweet, and snappy.

The Fine Print

  • Keep it doable and limited in scope – we’re just a humble ecommerce startup with limited budget, this ain’t no Michael Bay movie
  • Nothing overly vulgar – if your entire concept is full of nudity and violent deaths it probably won't be selected
  • Easily repeatable – we move fast in this business so we might need to churn these out so make them able to be completed fairly quick
  • We have the final say on who wins and why. If you don't like it blame @matthew.

Stars will be noticed and appreciated, but may ultimately be ignored due to logistics/other concerns.

Good luck, pitches!