Scavenger hunt:: The good, the bad, the reviews


So, for one of today's tasks, I bring you reviews. No I'm not doing the reviews... It's a game where you write them, and Community can vote. For each Review you write (that is well written and a little thoughtful.... Not a review like this: It's a speaker dock... a speaker plus a dock, hence speaker dock.) You earn 10 points. Here's where the real points are. For each STAR you give to genuine reviews you liked. 20 points. The review with the most stars is declared the winning review. It will get a whopping 500 points... Oh shit... It's the weekend... Double all the points I said already.

What are you reviewing? Your past purchases at meh. Head on over to your Orders and get the link for discuss this purchase so we can see what others have said about it in the past.
I'd love to see some reviews that rival the sugar-free gummy bears or Daddle reviews on Amazon.

TL;dr Review your past purchases and vote for best of show to get points.