(UNOFFICIAL) 2020 Holiday Mehrican Exchange
21All right folks! We’ve gone a long time without abusing the postal system for fun and whatever the opposite of profit is. And they’re not at all busy this month. After a little bit of talking, it looks like there is interest in having an exchange.
This time, we’ll take a different approach. Previously, our esteemed hosts @studerc and @kidsandliz did a whole lot of work to collect everyone’s info, match people up, and manage the whole thing. I’m going to be lazy and outsource the work.
We’ll be using a site called Elfster to handle all the address collecting and people matching instead of someone doing all that stuff by hand. This means that you’ll have to be sure to put your address in your profile at Elfster, and the site will provide you with your match’s information. I won’t have any access to that stuff, which means hopefully I can’t screw this up. I found out I can see the addresses of participants, but I pinkie promise not to do anything with that information, save it on my phone, or divulge it to anyone else. You’ll just have to trust me.
It also means that I don’t think there is an easy way to do multiple boxes, or to send without receiving. We’ll figure this out as we go.
I do get to see who is signing up. If you are new or don’t put your forum name on the site, I may ask questions when I see you.
In the interest of time I’m going to go ahead and get this moving. Here are the rules, such as they are:
It’s time to spread some of the IRK love we’ve hopefully all gotten in 2020!
This exchange isn’t limited to what you got in your IRKs. Feel free to include your own junk. Most people send a medium flat rate box, but the choice is yours. Please follow these guidelines to the best of your ability:
- Junk doesn’t mean trash. Please don’t send broken stuff or literal garbage.
- Food is probably a bad idea. Think of a better idea.
- Remember to share the treasures you receive in the reveal thread. This is a big part of the fun, and if you get gifts and ghost it is hurtful.
- There is a wishlist function in Elfster. Feel free to use it or not. Your sender may also be stalking your forum post to figure out which bits of junk you would appreciate the most. I think there’s also a function to ask questions of your recipient on the Elfster site.
- Everyone has their own situation. The exchange about fun, not monetary value. I did put $5 as it wanted a price and that’s the price of an IRK. Do practice the golden rule and consider whether you would like to receive what you’re sending out.
- If you’re on the naughty list from previous exchanges, you will be removed from this exchange.
- Your personal information is handled by Elfster, not me. As I understand it, the site will conduct the draw to match people and communicate your recipient to you the day after the RSVP deadline. Be sure to put your mailing address in your profile here (click your initial in the top right).
- Safety first. No bodily fluids. If you’ve been exposed to COVID-19, maybe sit this one out in the name of keeping your fellow Mehtizens safe. Consider sanitizing stuff before you send it, and when you receive it as well.
- Have Fun! That’s what this is all about.
Sign up at the link below to participate. RSVP by 12/20, and send your packages to arrive no later than 12/30. I look forward to exchanging crap with you!
Signup link: https://www.elfster.com/gift-exchanges/19df4588-457c-4e39-8082-cc102a1e5a05/?join=mtlk
Edit by RiotDemon:
If you put your actual name, it will show up. Use your username as the name and nickname. You can put your name in one of the address lines if you are afraid you won’t get your mail with your nickname.
- 104 comments, 220 replies
- Comment
Was I the guinea pig?
@RiotDemon I was the guinea pig. You were the first that for sure wouldn’t die from signing up
So I used elfster a decade ago under my real name. That is fine but how do I put in my meh name?
@CaptAmehrican I used my username in both the name and nickname category. They ask the nickname at some point in signing up and you can change it in your profile after signing up.
@CaptAmehrican I used “ThunderChicken (Last name).”
@CaptAmehrican You can either put your meh name as your nickname or edit your real name to be your meh name if you like. Once you’ve logged in to Elfster your user information is at the top right, the circle with your initial or possibly your avatar if you’ve added one.
Did you like using Elfster when you used it before?
@djslack ok I am in. I edited it.
Elfster in the past spammed me with everyone birthdays and way too many emails all year long. But I am willing to block them later after exchange
(see comment below)D’oh , that comment is on the other threadNotice any odd mail afterward that was addressed to Thunderchicken XXX ???
(or is yours a recent sign up?)
@chienfou @ThunderChicken yes, I have learned in one night that Elfster likes to send a lot of email. There are granular controls about notifications in the profile, because I turned the one off about birthdays last night. I’ll have to dig into that more later to get only what I need.
@chienfou I haven’t seen your other comment yet but I used the plus trick with Gmail so if Elfster feeds spammers I’ll find out pretty quickly.
@chienfou @djslack @ThunderChicken While they say they don’t sell your private info, they have to earn money somehow (since they are free) so they may spam for other companies instead. Hopefully blocking their spam doesn’t cause your email program to also block the actual notification of who you are sending to.
Of course you could just get a disposable yahoo or outlook (msn) email address and use that for this to keep the other crap out of your real email.
@Kidsandliz from a glance at the wishlist feature I bet that money comes from affiliate links.
@djslack You are probably right. And I bet they could charge more too since you already said you wanted it. Clever. And this is why I have an email address just for risky signups like this (risky with respect to being spammed).
yeah… neither have I … and I wrote it!
Guess I wrote it then didn’t get it posted as I had both posts open at the same time.
Damn these late nights and early mornings!
I will re-post it somewhere
@chienfou @djslack @Kidsandliz I signed up with an email address formerly known only to Meh and other Mediocre entities. It forwards email from trusted domains to my main email address; all others are disposed of immediately. Does anyone know if my email address will be needed in order for the exchange to function, other than for email from Elfster? For example, will my exchange partner have my email address? If so I can set up a small count of emails from unknown senders that will be forwarded.
@chienfou No odd mail yet, just welcome, etc. from Elfster.
@djslack @ThunderChicken according to the help, you don’t need the email.
@ThunderChicken I believe you should be good with just the emails from Elfster.
Your email setup sounds fancy. Can you share what you’re using for a curious person like me?
So no healthcare workers or 1st responders can play? no one who works in retail? we’ve all been exposed in the literal definition of the term.
@Cerridwyn I think “maybe” is the operative word in “maybe sit this one out.” Only you can judge your degree of exposure. I would not put healthcare workers in the same basket as retail workers in terms of risk. Personally, I’d be proud to send a gift to someone who is on the front lines or who is helping to keep our economy functioning.
@Cerridwyn Or you could order something cheap and have it sent directly to your exchange partner.
@Cerridwyn @ThunderChicken I work retail. I’m going to pack my box this weekend with clean hands and then quarantine it away. If I get someone that I want to change an item out, I’ll do it with clean hands and a mask and it’ll be in the mail several days quarantining again. At that point you could wipe down the outside of the box because it will be rolling around with all the other dirty mail.
Some people receive packages and then quarantine them away for a few days before opening. Studies have been done that transmission by mail is not that likely.
@Cerridwyn as @riotdemon has said, the odds of transmission that way is low - just like with food. Research has documented that virus on stuff is pretty much gone in 3-5 days. That is why when hospital workers have to reuse masks they have them put them in a paper bag and sit 5 days before they use them again (if they can’t disinfect them another way). Pack the box. Let it sit. Mail it. People can always disinfect at the other end.
@Cerridwyn @RiotDemon @ThunderChicken
yeah… what she said.
@Cerridwyn what everyone else said makes sense. I’m more of a smartass than an expert. Someone raised the issue in the discussion about starting this exchange so I said I’d add a safety rule.
My probably poorly worded point was that consider safety over swapping crap. If there is a question today about exposure, it should also be resolved by the shipping time as there’s plenty of time to be tested and know for sure. Maybe a better way to say it is if you or your household is sick consider sitting out. I don’t want anyone to feel bad for participating or not participating as their situation is unique.
I would also be honored to gift healthcare workers. Excluding them was not my intention at all and I’m sorry if it looked that way.
@Cerridwyn @djslack
No offense taken… at least not here!
@RiotDemon As your gift recipient, I was just wondering how your proposed packing procedure turned out in actual practice. I’ve been coughing a bit lately. (j/k)
@ThunderChicken haha, it worked out. I only opened it to put your tea and shirt in with clean hands.
For those signing up, it does show your real name when you answer questions. I put my username in both the name and nickname spots.
You can put your real name in the address slot since there’s two spots. Or in your wish list.
@RiotDemon good point. I did not know this when creating it as no questions were answered yet. I also used my meh name as both real and nickname.
Folks, please include your meh name in signup whether as your real name or just nickname. That’s how we all know each other here and it will make it much easier to keep track of who’s who through the process.
@djslack @RiotDemon
So should we put our meh name as our real name and nickname? Leave out our real name completely?
@djslack @Star2236 you can put your real name in the address lines. If you put your real name in the app, everyone can see it. We can’t see addresses.
@djslack @RiotDemon @Star2236 Your meh name needs to be in there somewhere though, regardless of how you choose to deal with the “real name” issue.
OK, I’ll play, even though:
postmail it from Boston…@chienfou

as for item 2, I will consider being ‘stalked’ by some mehtizens with proper vetting.
@chienfou Put in your wish list that you need it mailed to arrive after 12/28. That way you won’t have to worry about porch pirates or when substitute USPS folks miss that you have a mail hold request.
actually, I have someone that will check my mail while I am gone, just may have a shipping issue to get mine out…
@chienfou Hey stalking of meh names on meh and related sites can result in cool ideas what to send to personalize your otherwise generic box. I once sent homemade meh ping pong balls (that they didn’t initially realize were home made with a sharpie) because under a thread of what they wished meh would sell they mentioned that. Another time I got someone who was sports crazed with a certain team a cheapo team ornament.
Commercially sold seasonal candy/food has been sent by some. In the “other info” that I had on the signups I did sometimes find people would put that they were allergic to something, or ‘no food’ so I’d let their sender know. The wish list can be used like that.
@chienfou There are ways this can be dealt with to keep the sender a mystery and yet notify the receiver. In the past every year we’d have several who couldn’t make the deadline for one reason or another. I found people were OK with that as long as they knew in advance thus didn’t worry they’d be stiffed when nothing came early on.
What I did was contact those folks for the sender so the sender could still be a mystery. Maybe @djslack can do that for you. Or you can ask me/someone else to post on the shipping/discussion thread for you (so you are still a secret) that meh user name will be getting theirs a bit late or something.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz yes I think we can accommodate you. As long as we know you have a time crunch I should be able to let your recipient know that you will get them taken care of. I was trying to strike a balance between having the deadline far enough out to give people time to sign up and not getting into full on Christmas. I may have gone too close to Christmas for people traveling.
As for food, I said no food because it was a rule before. But then I thought of perhaps the defining treat of 2020, the stroopwafel. And I got some good dulce de leche lollipops in an exchange before, too. Packaged treats are just fine, but I wouldn’t go sending anyone a homemade fruitcake. That could be a mess.
@chienfou @djslack @Kidsandliz There’s probably still plenty of pasta to go around.
@chienfou I’m in a similar situation with the travel (but not the nursing part. Thank you for being awesome and taking care of sick people when they need it most!).
If you are interested I would be willing to exchange packages with you as part of an unofficial unofficial exchange which could happen even before the given date of the official unofficial exchange.
@chienfou @djslack @Kidsandliz Hey, were those the goats’ milk dulce de leche lollipops from me? Man, those were good. Life would be so much less interesting without Mexican imports.
@mossygreen yes, I thought it was you but wasn’t confident enough in my memory to tag you by name. Those were great!
@djslack @mossygreen I’m gonna have to try and hunt those down, any kind of carmel is a food group for me!! I’m druling!
@chienfou @djslack @Kidsandliz
Once the matches are done, Elfster has the capability to send anonymous messages to your giftee about any wishes or requests.
@chienfou @ironcheftoni @Kidsandliz thanks! I was also supposed to mention that if you can’t find your recipient’s meh username, you can use that anonymous question feature to ask for it.
@djslack @Lynnerizer Look for cajeta! That’s the name when it’s made with goat milk. It comes in a bunch of candy forms beyond lollipops, and you can usually find tubs of it at Mexican grocery stores. I’ve seen it near the bakery. It’s so, so good.
@djslack @Lynnerizer @mossygreen Lidl has “hot chocolate on a stick”.
Haven’t tried them yet but how can I not. They may make their way into a box if I get someone who is ok with food.
Can anyone post some reveal links for those of us that are ‘newbies’ to get a sense of the types of
craptasticwondrous gifts that have been sent.@chienfou
Here are the last 3
BUT remember some folks have gone WAY WAY WAY overboard. Expectations are in the medium priority mail box size. Not everyone has the same financial resources and so expectations should be set at the “on average”.

wow… some of those are pretty intimidating! Hope I (mine) can live up to the task!
@chienfou Yours will live up to the task. Don’t even LOOK or CONSIDER the huge boxes some people sent. They spent a fortune on postage and many can’t do that, many may not even have that much excess junk. Nice for the recipient but THAT IS NOT THE EXPECTATION!!! Medium sized priority mail box is more like it, or equivalent in postage if something is bigger and wouldn’t fit in there. Do not be intimidated.
If you meh stalk the user name you may find clues as to something you can throw in that will personalize what you are sending. Of course some who sign up almost never post. Likely some people have their boxes packed already. There is no requirement to personalize either. Just no real junk (like obsolete technology stuff from the 1980’s or something unless it works and doesn’t need modern technology to be enjoyed), broken stuff, literal trash…White elephant stuff is fine though, as is stuff that will give people a laugh…
This box isn’t supposed to be a Santa Claus box. It’s a way to exchange stuff we aren’t using that someone else might use or save up to send to a new recipient for next time (there have been a few things that have surfaced more than once)… Think more an irk level of things without the broken stuff and useless parts that are missing what they go to.
Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification
@chienfou don’t worry. The goal is to be not junk ideally either useful or funny.
I keep a box of stuff that can’t be returned but not really wanted in my guest bedroom. Mehrathon stuff.comes from that. Irks. Boc, the 4 pack of amazon something where it was cheaper to buy the 4 pack then then two of the size you needed from the 4 pack.
I use this box for stocking stuffers also.
@CaptAmehrican @chienfou Do you think a thing might make someone smile? Box it up and send it.
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01
But I’d miss my wife…
@chienfou @sammydog01 she is a person not a thing.
I will be cleaning out under my bed. There’s good stuff there, really.
@sammydog01 Probably some escaped robots too I’d expect
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01

or this
@chienfou @sammydog01 I can hear this gif.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01
Don’t forget to punch some air holes…
I just signed up. First exchange! Woohoo!
I’m so excited that I didn’t miss it again! Im signing up now…we don’t have to use our Meh email address for elfster right is it okay if I use my junk email address?
@candiedisilvio1 it doesn’t matter what email you use. When you sign up use your username as your actual name and nickname unless you want people knowing your real name.
I’m at work right now, so will defer until maybe tomorrow or Sat when I have time at home to register.
Have about 300 miles to drive between getting off work at 2315 tonight and going back in at 1445 tomorrow, so most likely it will be Sat.
I have yet to score an IRK, and I basically restarted my material life from zero five years ago (it’s a long story that does not involve incarceration), so I have no junk that I can think of. So I’ll probably order some goofy gift and have it sent directly to the giftee.
@ThunderChicken If I end up with you, I’ll do my best to replenish your junk ahem very useful stash of handy items
@smigit2002 @ThunderChicken ditto!
Well I’m relatively new here. Sub one year. I love it here much better than the site that should not be named. I do have a bunch of random “junk” from irks and BoCs. Would it be too far to include some 3d printed things? I have been printing cat butt cookie cutter for friends and family that would be super fun to add to one of these boxes.
@frankthehobo that would be awesome
@frankthehobo while I’ve never gotten a BOC or fuku/fuko/irk and have not participated I don’t think anyone would mind bonus “junk” as long as it’s not trash. Especially not “I made it myself”. That’s kinda a thing
I’m too lazy to read the rules but. If there was a Christmas this year I would THOROUGHLY enjoy slipping a few cat butts in the cookie tray and watching reactions. Especially if not my cookie tray.
@unksol If there is a Christmas??? That makes me sad… This is Mehrica! If there is no Christmas this year I want a refund of time I wasted existing this year… but yes! I will add some to the box/boxes. Kinda sums up this year in a way. These will be awesome for any random cookie tray going forward (Christmas or not)
@frankthehobo welcome, I saw the name and didn’t recognize it right off the bat. Thanks for joining!
@djslack no problem always fun to unload some of the previous junk I got and add some goodies too!
@frankthehobo Now I need the cat butt stl, for science
@smigit2002 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4657969 for science
@frankthehobo omg it’s everything I could have hoped for and more!
Now to see if my printer can pull it off!
@smigit2002 you can do it! I did double walls .3 res 30% infill and I increased the size to about 150-200% I like bigger cookies… but im fat… so… Also im using a cr-10s and PLA
I have signed up. Anyone know the least expensive way to ship a fairly big box?
@tightwad if it’s bigger than flat rate usps, fedex ground is probably cheapest.
You can get postage breaks through eBay and PayPal, maybe others as well. Sometimes it pays to shop around different avenues.
@tightwad my fave tends to be pirate ship
@tightwad if you post office doesn’t have one, Order from usps.com the regional rate box B. The boxes are free to order. It’s relatively the same size as a medium flat rate priority mail box but it’s shipped by weight instead of flat rate which is up to $15 now. Flat rate is the only way to go if it’s something really heavy.
Wow, 14 participants so far. And one who clicked through and somehow landed as declined, I’m not sure how that works but if this was you that’s why I removed you. Thanks y’all!
A couple of reminders: make sure your meh name is there with your signup. Also, I’m away from any kind of internet most of this weekend, our campsite has terrible cell coverage but great views. Getting online is impossible there. So carry on and I’ll be back with y’all when I’m in range.
@djslack camp site hope its somewhere warm… its 25 degree where im at and snow…
I’m in! My IRK pile needs some culling
Glad to see the legacy living on for future generations of Mehtizens.
Great idea using elfster.
I miss this stuff!
@studerc You successfully created a monster!
Hi I signed up but consider this my RSVP as maybe I needed to do that too. Thanks for the fun!
I’m in! I got all kinds of IRK stuff to unload!
Yaaaaaaaaaas. I’m far too lazy to actually set up an exchange, but I’m super excited to participate again!
I am in. I have all kinds of goodies to share.
@tyler524 just curious, what kind of stuff are you in to?
Why are you taunting me? I’ve been trying to get a BOC/IRK for over 10 years and nothing.
Screw you guys.
@Office_Zombie Most of the time what people send each other is way the heck better than what comes in an IRK.
@Kidsandliz @Office_Zombie Or it consists of actual IRK contents!
@mossygreen @Office_Zombie Minus the broken stuff…
@Kidsandliz @Office_Zombie Well, ideally.
Well, since this is as close to Christmas as I’ll get, I’m in.
I love to give gifts. I hope I can find some things someone will actually use!
So, it says that gifts need to be exchanged by Dec. 20, but names will be drawn Dec. 21. What am I missing??
@Tadlem43 The impression I am under is sign up by the 20th, send to arrive by the 30th. If the sign up ends at midnight, then the names have to be drawn on the 21st. Not to mention he still has to go through each one to make sure there is no critical information missing, delete anyone who repeatedly screwed other participants in the past (I gave him my short list from the 4 or 5 times I ran this - we only have just a few who have that kind of track record), etc.
@Kidsandliz Ah… I see. Thank you for the clarification!
@Tadlem43 @kidsandliz is right, signup by 12/20, the assignments will happen 12/21, aim to put it in your recipient’s mailbox by 12/30.
I’m learning with this Elfster thing but I think it’s going to be pretty straightforward.
Welcome aboard!
@djslack Thank you! I’m excited to do this!
I’m in! I have a whole storage bin I’ve been saving for the white elephants that won’t be this year.
@ironcheftoni For many years I’ve signed up for all sorts of random free stuff on the internets in order to put together white elephant exchange boxes. The stuff available hasn’t been as good this year. But I’ve got some stuff. In addition to some things from IRKs and a few things from the “to be donated” pile, I’ve got a pretty regrettable box packed already!
@gt0163c I also shop on BlueQ during their random free stuff sales and I’m in some subscription boxes as well. Lots of useful and cool free stuff but you can only have so many BlueQ oven mitts!
@ironcheftoni Whats the blueQ, never heard of it? I’ll try blueQ.com and see what happens only cuz i’m intrigued!
@Lynnerizer it’s a fun and funky gift site. Fun tote bags, socks, kitchen textile items and other neat gifts. For when we were in the office, I had the “please don’t steal my lunch” tote bag. Sign up on their mailing list and you get notified of their Free Stuff sales. Their version of an IRK but with a purchase and no annoying captcha. Always a good deal.
You may have failed CAPTCHA but on the upside, you’re less of a human.
@ironcheftoni I’ve been ALL over the BlueQ.com, not that exact tee but TONS of other cool “stuff” like you said!
Always a good time, count me in!!!
Signing up now! Been on Meh for years but this will be a first.
Definitely in! This year has had too much bad. Needs some fun.
I’ve got a whole bunch of electronics/computer add-ons and such that I do not need. Just in case someone wants, like, Alexa/Google enabled stuff…
oh yes! another random online exchange
I’ve been doing the redditgift exchanges for years and I have so much fun with it. I’m in!
Random fact: One of my favorite purchases was back on woot when I bought a bulk supply of band-aids for super cheap. I have 3 kids who use them as stickers
so it was double-helpful.
Wow, you all. There are 60 people signed up now. Plus another one who declined.
So the site has a field for nickname, but now that I’m looking at recipients I’ll be damned if I can find it. So if you’re on under your real name I will be messaging you probably this evening to match you up to your meh name.
One family answered a question “what’s an IRK?” I cannot immediately grasp whether this is biting commentary on the availability of the IRK or if strangers are wandering into our midst. I won’t name you, but if this is you please let me know or whisper me.
@djslack What a couple of people have said they did was put their meh name as their “name” and then put their actual name as the first line of their address and then their street address as the second line of their address. That might be a way for people to all get it in the same place. Plus the person who is the santa needs the meh name so they can poke around meh (if they are planning to personalize a bit) to see if any of those people’s posts give any ideas. This way the santa will have it as well and you won’t have to send any emails except to folks who missed what you wanted them to do. If there is a way to send a mass email via that system then just do that, tell them what you want them to do and how to change their name from their real name to their meh name and then where to put their real name - or however you want them to deal with it such that you are sure the santa will have access to their meh name.
@djslack When I initially signed up last night, I did not see nickname. I saw it this morning when I went back and updated my profile.
@ironcheftoni yeah, the problem is I can’t see where nickname is visible anywhere. I’m still chewing on that problem.
Have I really missed 9 of these??? Wow, am I a said Mehtizen or what. Ok, tenth times the charm, but I am in.
I gotta say I’m super excited for this! Never knew it existed before now. Woohooo!!!
I’d love to join in, but sadly, this little robot had a virus slip past Norton beep boop. I’ll start saving items for next year!
@shoelessjoek hope you’re well. That’s more important than crap.
If, however, you’re talking about a digital virus and not having gotten an IRK, crap sourced the old fashioned way is welcome too.
@djslack Sadly, I’m currently carrying the plague. I’m in seclusion in the west wing for the time being. I’m feeling 100% now. Just waiting for it to vacate.
@djslack @shoelessjoek hope you kick it out soon!
I don’t know how I’ve never done one of these before, but I’m in!
I haven’t done one of these in a while. What the hell- I’m in.
/image chopped liver

/giphy chopped liver

/youtube chopped liver
see, i used to be a somebody
/8ball “feeling nostalgic?”
Outlook not so good
@Yoda_Daenerys Ugh, now I want chopped liver.
@mossygreen tbh, i think i have never had it.
@Yoda_Daenerys I wouldn’t seek it out unless you already know you like liver. But if you like liver, oh it’s so good.
@mossygreen i’m ok with it in small doses, maybe i’ll look up a recipe and give it a try.
This sounds fun, but are we supposed to actually send worthwhile stuff (which is counter to meh), or the junk we have received from meh over time (like a white elephant)?
@KNmeh7 that’s up to you. If it has value, send it. If it’s trash, better to put it where it belongs instead.
@KNmeh7 nothing broken. Nothing that doesn’t work. There are some examples in links above. Ideally useful or fun but not sometimes you need
@KNmeh7 you can see previous reveals in the forum. I’d say a little bit of both. It could be all Meh’s IRK memes, or it could be all you. Some people do things related to their interests/hobbies/geekdom. Stuff from Lootcrates past. T-shirts. Candles. Crafts. Electronics. As a physical embodiment of metaphor, an old CD-ROM about dinosaurs, still new in full sized box. As long as it’s not broken trash, it’s fair game.
It’s more about fun and misusing the postal system than about value of items. As they don’t really say, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
I’m waiting on one of the FedEx heirs to ship someone a suit of armor for giggles.
Wow, y’all. We’re up to 80 participants! I just verified that we have addresses and Meh usernames for everyone, and sent messages to people without that info.
Also, I’m jazzed at how many old school members we have signed up. I saw some early dates and even Kickstarters in the mix. For those of you that mostly lurk and don’t post much, thanks for jumping in! (Well, thanks everyone for jumping in).
Here are some previous reveal threads for curious people:
I have a question, so I signed up and filled out my profile and answered the questions and can see that other people are answering them too but is there a way to search elfster when we get our persons name to see what they wrote? I can’t figure out how to do it?
@Star2236 once everyone gets paired up, you can see their wish list if they put one in. Or you can send anonymous questions to them if you want to ask anything about like shirt size or interests if they didn’t put anything in their wish list.
I’m in!
It said we needed to RSVP, but I didn’t see where, so I’m hoping this is it?
@punkynpye up at top of thread is an elfster link sign up there too
@punkynpye I believe you were already in when I reviewed everyone earlier this week. Welcome and thanks for signing up!
I’m in.
Stoked to try one online for the first time! I wouldn’t want to do it with any other community
@djslack - so what is the count now?
@Kidsandliz There are 95 people signed up now. I believe this may be the biggest exchange we’ve had!
@djslack I think you are right. It’s been at least a year I think since the last one.
Wow, everyone! Thanks for showing up in force! There are now 95 people signed up for the exchange. I need to do some housekeeping, make sure everyone has all their info, etc.
I hope everyone is finding their most primo
craptreasures to swap. I look forward to us being matched and shipping out our boxes soon!/giphy excited

@djslack looks like i was

/giphy agent 99
Just one more for a perfect 100!

/giphy just one more!
Is it wrong if I don’t look too closely at who I got? I also didn’t make a wish list because that doesn’t feel very fitting…
@tightwad it’s not a requirement. Some people like to personalize things so if your giver has any questions they can send you anonymous questions after everyone is picked.
@RiotDemon @tightwad It’s supposed to be fun, you don’t need to overthink it.
@tightwad not wrong at all. My box is what it is, maybe if I see who I got and just know something would be great for them I’ll make a change but in general I’m not going to do all that work either. But for some people that’s what makes it fun, so more power to 'em.
@tightwad My box to send is already packed and taped up, ready for the addition of the shipping label and to be dropped off a the post-office as I drive into the sunset (well, a few hours earlier than sunset. But I am headed east for Christmas and plan to leave on Monday.)
Alright, I’m in. We just moved so I have no storage of boxes and a bunch of stuff I’m second guessing why I kept it. Sounds like a recipe for…something.
a helpful tip. When you are ready to send your package and get the tracking number, pass it on to your receipient so that they can know to look for it. USPS has been wonky lately. My informed delivery says I have stuff in limbo since the first of December

@ironcheftoni I shipped 3 Priority Mail packages on 11/30. They haven’t even been scanned. I asked at the Post Office and the clerk told me she had worked at the “plant” on Sunday and they were using LIFO to handle the rush…so November packages are just going to get more and more delayed.
@tightwad I ordered books for my dad on 12/06, They were shipped the next day. But since it was media mail it’s low priority. Informed delivery says somewhere in one of the North Texas warehouses
@tightwad since the post office has gotten such a bad rep this holiday season, I think they are trying very hard to get everything delivered. I received two packages today (Sunday) by two different carriers.
I’m amazed. 101 people! This is double the biggest turnout I can think of.
If you’re riding the fence on signing up, go ahead and do it. I plan on doing the matches before I go to bed Sunday night, which is probably around midnight Central, but if I’m tired or something could come a little earlier. So don’t hang out until the last minute!
This is gonna be (cue the robot) awesome!
Can’t wait… Enjoyed the last one I participated in
Signing up now.
Signed up! Was getting together a GoodWill donation, remembered I should wait, realized I hadn’t signed up yet. Somebody’s getting something stupid!
@mossygreen oh please…let it be me!!!
I’m ready!!!
Let’s do this!
Noticed someone on the Q&A didn’t know what IRK or Captcha was, I hope they were joking!
You may have failed CAPTCHA but on the upside, you’re less of a human.
@stevenmontes We may have some newbies. Which probably means they’ll send better stuff.

Wow, y’all! Today’s the day! We’re up to 105 people!
/giphy woohoo!

@djslack excellent and I just got an krk full of nice enough but not useful to me items.
Just fired up the printer… cat butts a printing…
@CaptAmehrican @djslack
All right folks!
/giphy it’s showtime

The signup phase of this mission is complete. Please follow further instruction from Elfster.
Names have been drawn. 109 Mehtizens have jumped in headfirst for our holiday exchange! I look forward to the
falloutreveals! Let’s get shipping!@djslack Is it too late (Monday morning 12-21) ??? Am I too late to participate? I did register at the site by the way…
@crow yeah, sorry, we’ve matched all the people up already. There’s no one else extra to match you up with.
@djslack Too bad. I had some really good bad stuff to send out. Sorry I was late.
@crow there will undoubtedly be another excuse to do this in the future, so keep an eye out!
Help an old person out… I received my giftee, but I have no details about the person, i.e. address and such. I click on the name and it just sends the status bar across the page. What am I doing wrong?
@mikibell when you click on the email, it will take you to elfster…scroll down to their name. They will have a big initial in a circle, click on that and it will take you to their name/address. You may need to scroll down on any of the pages. That’s how it works on the iPhone at least. Good luck!
@kykazaa jeepers creepers!! I clicked everything BUT the circle! Thank you!
Question from a new participant: Do we include a note or anything letting our recipient know who sent the gift, or is it meant to be completely secret?
@nhbillups a letter/note is typical… Some make them fun/funny… maybe a story or short about a few of the items… Like “dear hoosier, these gold and silver coins are said to said to come from the grave of _______, who, as you know, _____ ___ ______”
Have fun, P.S. gold coins probably are not something you should send
The box I’m sending is packed (has been packed for weeks), card added, addressed, postage applied and just waiting for me to drop it by the post office on my way out of town. <Redacted> I hope you like your BOATFWIHNU*. USPS says it should arrive on Thursday but it’s going half way across the country and well, we all know how the USPS is doing these days. Hopefully before New Years!
*Box of amazing things for which I had no use
Sent! Mua-ha-ha-ha!
@parodymandotcom Yeah, mine was sent, too… sadly, my recipient had a Wish List, but I paid no attention to it. Mua-ha-ha-ha, indeed!
@parodymandotcom According to the post office, the liver was removed from the package I sent. (That is what “delivered” means, right?)
I guess your recipient will need to start the reveal thread.
Heads up to @ladylabyrinth that your box is now on it’s way.

I’ll whisper the tracking number here, but in the meantime, brace yourself!!
Awesome job, @djslack, thanks for managing this (and Elfster seems like a pretty neat way to do this, too!)
@cbl_wv Having Elfster do the matching and sending the emails is way the heck easier and less time consuming than the way the two of us who ran this in years past had to do it!!! Elfster was a great find.
@cbl_wv thank you. All i really did was notice the site and think it would work for us. But hopefully we all have a blast with it!
The box is away and now I can play…
Shipped via UPS to @TedESJ (I think that’s the user name). I hope you love it – or hate it – or whatever mood you’re in!
@capguncowboy it should be here tomorrow. I can’t wait!
Shipped UPS to <redacted>…if lucky it will get there by Thursday (admittedly they said more likely Saturday or Monday)
Box is packed but waiting to finish one thing and also waiting to see if my person answers the questions I sent to them via Elfster. If they do not answer me by tonight, it’s going in the post tomorrow morning anyways. Hope they like it because it’s not all crap and regret.
My box won’t go out until the 26th. At the earliest.
Just trying to keep up the suspense
@compunaut Mine won’t go out until later than that. Stupid over-achievers.
@compunaut @sammydog01 mine is likely to be on the late side as well. I threw out my back Sunday night and haven’t been getting around too well so far this week, but tomorrow’s a new day and maybe it’ll happen.
@djslack Oh hell, feel better soonest. Or find some good drugs. Just to be on the safe side. Or not.
@djslack oh no! hope you feel better soon.
Oh jeeze, that stinks @djslack, sure hope you’re back to normal real soon!!
@compunaut @djslack @sammydog01 @djslack I had not checked this thread for a while and it just dawned on me the 21st had come and gone. So I’m just getting started.
@djslack I’ve only had serious back pain once in life. It was excruciating and debilitating. But in a way I am thankful for the experience since it helps me better understand what others have to deal with more frequently.
I hope you are feeling better sooner rather than later.
@zachdecker thank you. Thankfully this is a rare happening for me, and I was good enough to get out and get my package shipped today. I actually found that the drivers seat in my car feels better than any piece of furniture in my house. I hope it keeps being a rare thing.
@ThunderChicken you are not alone. The majority of people have not marked their packages as shipped yet.
@djslack @zachdecker dj I hope you are all better soon. I have back pain daily but nothing that puts me out of commission. That only happened once, decades ago, when I sneezed while bending to pick up the soap (no prison jokes, please). I was on crutches for a few days.
Sent mine UPS and messaged the recipient via Elfster with the tracking number - hope you like at least some of the contents
@cbilyak I sent mine via USPS - the recipient might get it by Easter (?) lol.
@cbl_wv Same, dropped mine off this morning and they’re claiming it’ll make it from the east coast to UT by the 28th. Given that there’s a federal holiday in there, and a weekend AND record setting package volume, I’m guessing late next week if not the week after, since there’s ANOTHER federal holiday in there.
@cbl_wv @smigit2002 @cbilyak

@ThunderChicken extremely accurate!!
Shipped today to someone important. Delivery says the 29th but I’m still waiting on Jeans I ordered before Thanksgiving that were due the 9th… (Note to retailers do not use Newgistics/Pitney Bowes as your third party shipper). End of rant!!
Eeeek!! -Mine’s been delivered!
There’s going to be a separate, disappointing reveal thread, right?
@zachdecker I’m hoping whoever got theirs first starts it!
@RiotDemon @zachdecker @djslack
I just got mine, is there already a thread or should I start one? Or do I just do it here?
@Lynnerizer New thread! Go for it
@djslack @Lynnerizer Make a new thread!
@Lynnerizer yep, make a new reveal thread. Congratulations, looks like you get to start it!
Sent mine today! Recipient, remember to blame the goat, not me.
Oh, I meant to mention this yesterday and forgot: for those who haven’t shipped yet, I did some comparison shopping and the best prices and easy shipping experience was by using pirateship.com - they provide everyone with the commercial usps discounts and it was a free and easy website to use. So it could be worth checking out.
Does anyone know if the USPS can get this where it needs to go at a reasonable time? I like their flat rate boxes but I have 2 stuck in transit. Is UPS a better bet?
@sammydog01 every package that came to me FedEx lately only had a one or two day delay. Haven’t received any UPS lately.
@sammydog01 I sent mine across country Tuesday and it was delivered today with USPS. I was surprised. I think a few areas are horrible both in and out. Other places seem at least reasonable. Check out pirateship for rates, can be cheaper without the flat rate.
Mine is headed out tomorrow via USPS Medium Flat Rate box.
Mine is going out on Tuesday, because I keep on putting things in, and then taking things out, second-guessing myself, and I haven’t even decided on what size box to send, and also I want to include one particularly stupid thing that I bought for some unfathomable reason (I know what it was, it’s just not fathomable) and I don’t know where I put it. But I can’t wait any longer. Except for the one day longer I’ve already said I’m waiting.
@mossygreen I plan on looking for a box tomorrow. First things first.
@sammydog01 I have so many boxes. I started with a large flat rate, but my person is close enough that I think I can do better with a box of my own. Unless I drop everything I’m considering and send bricks (which I won’t, because I have really nice bricks which I’m hoping to move unless I move to a condo). If you were my person I’d send you boxes.
Mine will either be going out today or tomorrow. I kept trying to ask my person questions on Elfster bc they have nothing in there wishlist and used there real name but my person has not responded to any of my attempts. So I’m just throwing random stuff in a box at this point and if they don’t like it, it’s on them.
@Star2236 yep, they didn’t put their meh username in at all. It’s a random crap exchange anyway, go for it!
Ok good, I thought it was me being stupid and not knowing how to use the site.
I am tracking the package I sent. Usps says “Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility.” This is such a non answer. Where is it? Mail limbo
@CaptAmehrican I had a USPS package show exactly that way for thirteen days, then finally show it had been never left the last facility for all that time. It had not been on the way to the next facility.
@CaptAmehrican @ThunderChicken Did it get there eventually? I have one I shipped on the 14th that sounds the same.
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01 @ThunderChicken I had one that read just like that. Took 20 days to show up. I was no worse for the wear either so at least no one drop kicked it.
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01 @Kidzandliz Mine was shipped on the 12th. It’s Media Mail so lower priority, but still. USPS acknowledges it’s running late which I consider a good sign as opposed to silence.
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01 @ThunderChicken typo - IT was no worse for the wear…
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @sammydog01 I didn’t even notice. It’s funny how the mind works.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @sammydog01 Uh-oh. Today it supposedly departed the facility it has departed two times previously.
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01 @ThunderChicken Don’t panic quite yet. Mail, even USPS, is starting to look more like Pitney Bowes on occasion.
I had a USPS first class bubble envelope arrive at the distribution center in my city (that took a bunch of days to even get here due to wandering around New England in directions that didn’t always make sense), then depart to a distant corner of the state, park there a couple of days, and then come back here and then take another 4ish days before it finally showed up.
My mom mailed me my christmas check, along with that for the rest of the family in a regular first class envelope Dec 14th and it still hasn’t arrived. I had to front them so they, at least, got their presents and/or money. That though I am starting to get worried about. It really, really needs to come prior to the visa bill due date.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @sammydog01 Kidzandliz I hope yours is there soon. After mine sat for eighteen days in the state in which it was mailed, it has moved halfway across the country in one day.
My package is underway. MrMikenIkes prepare for a glorious box of crap
my package will be delivered sat or sun…
My package went out yesterday, I got Priority 2-day, so naturally the projected delivery date is Monday the 4th. Woo USPS!
My secret elf sent me a tracking number. Fedex says it is due to arrive and weighs 4.7 lbs. So it’s either a lot of crap or heavy crap. Either way, I’m excited!
My package should have arrived two days ago and I am waiting for the person to post hopefully they like some of it.
I still haven’t received any tracking information. Hopefully it was an oversight
My exchange box was delivered earlier than expected. Looking forward to the reveal because I honestly forget what some of the stuff was.
Happy new year y’all! Just in case you don’t see messages from Elfster, presumably all the people that signed up saw it here, so it’s announcement time:
If you haven’t sent yet, please take a minute to message your recipient on Elfster and let them know you haven’t forgotten them. If you have sent but haven’t marked your package as sent, please do that as well. If you’re running late, it’s cool, just let someone know so they know what’s going on.
If you’ve received your package, please mark it as received on Elfster, and don’t forget that the experience isn’t over until you’ve posted about it on the reveal thread for all the community to see! Don’t leave your sender hanging!
If you’re having any issues, feel free to message me here or on Elfster. My job now is to make sure everyone has as smooth an experience as possible and that we maximize the fun!
Thanks everyone for participating, looking forward to seeing everyone’s sharing.
@Candiedisilvio1 your packages are on your front porch… I could give you my license plate as a tracking number?? Or the newburg bridge toll receipt… Hahahahah
@mikibell HOLY MARY MOTHER OF CRAZINESS!!! I just got home to your amazing boxes IM IN TOTAL SHOCK!!! I’m going to post some photos as soon as I take off my shoes and coat!!! YOUR INSANE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Choclate! Choclate EVERYWHERE!!!
@candiedisilvio1 I hope you got to the chocolate before the dog did!! I boxed it separately in case there were any allegies…and the pasta was because the brownies were still hot when I boxed them up
I was worried that you might be away and racoons or something would make a mess of your yard!! I had the luxury of not paying shipping!!
HOLY GOOD GOD!!! I just got home and apparently an elf had stopped by my house this weekend!!! @mikibell is totally INSANE!! I have 2 amazing boxes of wonders to unpack!! I didn’t want to waste a second by not acknowledging my secret (@mikibell
) elfster. I will be posting more detailed photos ASAP but this is what I found on my flippen door step and a quick photo of my chocolate/fettuccine goodies!!! WOOHOO!!! TOTAL CRAZY TOWN!!! More photos will come from my super box as soon as I take of my coat LOL
@candiedisilvio1 hey, I’ve been trying to reach you via elfster, whisper, and email. Let me know when you see this or check your Gmail and look for my name there please.
@tedesj Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! the box you sent me was ridiculously Amazing! It would have been too much without the hang-made sign and bowl. I can not believe the extra time and thoughtfulness you spent researching and making those two things.

@tedesj not only sent me all these things he hand-made these two!

@don That is amazing! Did you do them yourself? I would love to see more of your work- we like that kind of thing here. Although we probably need a new thread.
@sammydog01 @tedesj is the creator you’re looking for. And yes, it’s time to showcase more creations!
OK, Mehtizens, I come asking for help.
I have about a dozen ghosts in the exchange. People that haven’t responded to messages or marked their packages as sent. I’m hoping they are either busy or don’t know how to work the site and are going to come through, but I know that at least a few are probably going to wind up flaking out. It happens every exchange.
In the past @kidsandliz had accommodations for people who wanted to send extra boxes. Elfster doesn’t work that way, but if you want to get rid of more junk and make sure no Mehtizen walks away empty handed, I could use some extra senders. I have a couple of people who have volunteered privately, but could probably use more.
If you’ve got extra crap and are willing to ship out a box to fulfill someone’s exchange, please whisper me here. If I haven’t had a response from these people by the end of this week, I’ll start matching recipients with volunteers. I’ll also try to keep your recipient as regionally close to you as possible, something I didn’t have control over with Elfster’s matching system.
Thank you!
While by biggest worry right now is making sure no one leaves empty handed and with a bad taste from this, I don’t want to forget the positive.
I want to thank everyone that has sent and double thank everyone that has posted up their boxes in the reveal thread! You all are amazing, we have had some wonderful boxes go out in this exchange and I’m impressed by all of you!
Attention all backup senders: I think it’s time to call it on the no call/no shows. Whispers are going out below this box. Not everyone has an address at this time, but I will whisper each of you with your status. If something’s changed and you can’t do it now, no hard feelings - we have more gracious volunteers so just let me know.
I tried to give everyone a recipient as close to their own region as possible to keep shipping cheap. That doesn’t mean completely close - we only had one volunteer from west of the Mississippi
Remember to check out pirateship.com if you are researching postage - flat rate boxes may not be your best deal.
Thank you all again for being super Mehtizens!
I have whispered all the volunteers I have on my list. If you whispered me about volunteering previously and did not get a whisper on this post above, then I didn’t successfully get you on the list - if you still want to be a backup sender feel free to remind me here. Thank you all again!
@djslack Hey, what’s the time frame on these? If my person is indeed who I got with a quick name search, I could put together a slightly more interesting box at a deeper level of weird.
@mossygreen hey, they’ve waited this long. I bet if you’ve got the mind to cook up something special for your recipient, it will be worth the wait!
@djslack The bones of the box are done, I’m now in the experimentally-putting-things-in-as-I’m-walking-by-and-then-maybe-taking-them-out-later phase. Soon to move on to the how-much-does-this-actually-weigh-and-is-a-flat-rate-box-the-best-choice phase, which may lead to a bonus round of which-box-should-I-use-and-should-I-go-heavy/dense-or-light/bulky, although probably not because of the distance. Should go out Monday or Tuesday, depending on the weather. Hope that’s OK.
@mossygreen I love your analysis! You’re putting a lot of effort into this, I’m sure your recipient will be delighted!
Heavy dense is probably better, I think you can send up to 20 pounds priority mail cubic for the best price and the determining factor is the size of the box.
@djslack @mossygreen Monday the Post Office is closed
@djslack @speediedelivery Tuesday it is!
@djslack I’m looking at pirateship.com and it seems too good to be true? Like, it makes me want to start a small mail-order business selling all the random woot shirts on aa I bought and never wore? But maybe I’m signing up for identity theft?
@mossygreen lol, I have no identity theft issues with them. They seem to resell commercial rate shipping and live off the margins. That and give lots of advice about the smartest ways to ship things (box in a bag, for instance).
As far as I know, they’re on the up and up. If your identity gets stolen, mine will be too
@djslack Shipping update: it’s still here. It was very cold yesterday, and today my mother was going to take it to the post office for me, but cut her hand cooking, so, this gives me more time to find one more small, heavy-ish thing to stick inside. Pirate ship shows flat-rate as the best price by about 10¢, so I put in a pound of paraffin to really get my money’s worth. Should I assure my recipient secretly that it’s still coming, or should I let anyone still waiting get their hopes up that they’re the lucky paraffin recipient?
@mossygreen I like letting people wonder at this point. Builds anticipation, right?
@djslack I just don’t want to have to send out another 10 lbs of paraffin to disappointed Mehricans.Or do I?
I just found out I don’t ding don’t ditch well
@CaptAmehrican did you make a new friend delivering crap?
@djslack exactly
@CaptAmehrican @djslack It was sooo nice to meet you! Big virtual hugs!!!
@CaptAmehrican @djslack pictures are coming of the stuff
@CaptAmehrican you gotta have mad skills to do ding dong ditch like a pro
@CaptAmehrican @mikibell specially in these days of doorbell cameras.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz I checked first… had my son all ready to be captured on the camera!!! hahhahaha, I was more afraid of the dog than the camera though. Some would say I was sending him in as a sacrifice rather than a forward guard
hahah poor kid!!
Guess what happened today. While I was waiting for an Amazon delivery, @CaptAmehrican showed up to drop off some IRK stuff from the holiday exchange
Several can coozies, including the best - a Fuko one!
Eyemajic instant eyeshadow kit (for my nieces)
Very fancy looking Hendricks Gin vintage looking hand fan
Several rubbermaid food containers
Pro Cabello flattening hair iron
Avery address labels
Several packages of hand warmers, on my walmart list so now I can cross that out, thank you!
Bunny rabbit dog costume, size L, sadly won’t fit any pet here but might save this one for the next exchange
HP Monster USB AB cable
Artoo Detoo coffee mug for my BF
Copper pot cookware — *** there is an extra lid here, let me know if you included it by mistake
2 little shovel spoon/stirrers, I think? For nephew across the street who just got a kitchen set for Christmas
Keychain bottle opener, can’t have too many of these
Seed packets which my 15 year old niece will love
Wite Out
Cove Study schwag: pop socket thingy and plastic holder thingy that holds something, not sure what. (Thank you from all of us by participating in that study, whoever it was that did
Floral burlap ribbon
Light up CZ earrings, niece will also love these
An echo dot!
Damn, hope I didn’t miss anything, there’s a lot.
Thank you so much @CaptAmehrican! This was really awesome of you
And glad you didn’t have to travel too far! I have to say, the meh community has brought a lot of fun to this covid year 
(Boxes were claimed by cats before I could even get the stuff out lol)

Forgot to include the water bottle on the list! A very nice and durable looking one
Dammit I also left the batteries off the list. I desperately need some batteries so thank you for those too!
And forgot to mention - thank you for the illustrations, especially the Glen one, I
@kerryzero @CaptAmehrican dang, that is one awesome box! Thanks for coming through Captain!
@kerryzero adorable cat!! It was nice to meet you.
@kerryzero my goodness, what a couple of boxes! I guess that’s what having an address close enough to deliver gets. @CaptAmehrican Thank you for coming through in a huge way to make up for someone being a grinch! The 2020 exchange overachiever leaderboard is a formidable one.
@CaptAmehrican @djslack I will pay it forward if you need help next year with similar situations, just let me know! I figured with covid, it just wasn’t gonna happen; wasn’t too worried about it because I know things are worse this year than usual. But this was just an awesome surprise
@CaptAmehrican @djslack @kerryzero I notice your door is open, and since you said you were waiting for an Amazon delivery, is that how you caught CaptAmehrican?
@CaptAmehrican @djslack @ThunderChicken yup that’s exactly what happened
(I couldn’t resist trying the bunny suit on a cat once I realized it had Velcro for the neck. So here’s a gratuitous pissed off cat picture for your viewing pleasure
@kerryzero Better watch your back when you sleep tonight. That cat may decide to get even then.
@Kidsandliz she usually is ok with wearing a harness when l let her hang out on the porch, so hopefully there won’t be too much carnage. Although there usually aren’t people laughing at her when I put that on so hmm… If no one hears from me tomorrow, call somebody
(I kid, I kid)
@kerryzero this photo is hilarious!! Poor kitty
@CaptAmehrican @kerryzero

Sure IS halarious!! What an expression, those eyes!! That’s the nicest/best rabbit pet costume i’ve ever seen. Sure as heck hope kitty doesn’t pass by a mirror! Chow time!
What a awesome box ×2! Those pans look great, I love the glass lids! (extra lid must mean anticipating breakage, someone’s thinking smartly)
And the echo Dot!
We’re nearing the home stretch of getting everyone’s packages delivered, only a few weeks behind schedule
I was flipping through the list of people who have not received and there are a few categories represented:
If you’re having any kind of trouble, either with sending or receiving, please speak up now so we can help you get everything straightened out. You can reply to me here, whisper me here for a private message, or message me on Elfster.
Thank you, everyone, for all you’ve done so far. Don’t forget to join the fun in the reveal thread if you haven’t already, everyone has to see what you got as the last part of the exchange!
I received my enjoyable box yesterday. Not only did I get to open it, I also have surprises in the surprise to open!
In my nifty Amazon box, I received:
Crystal crayons
Not one, but two small donut themed zipper purses
Another zipper pouch to hold all sorts of interesting things
A beauty blender and cleanser set
A 17 piece cool gear expandable food storage set
A tan fleece throw
A maroon pashmina
3 pairs of socks
Some super cute butterfly earrings
A megalast catsuit liquid eyeshadow set
Aspen sky colorstreet nails
A set of clips for removing nail polish
And the surprises, you ask?
A gift wrapped box reading rosy Christmas gift AND an unwind surprise ball! Stay tuned to see what was unveiled in those surprises!
Thanks to my sender! I don’t know your Meh name.
Super cool box, who could ask for more than the gift of opportunity!! Surprises ARE usually the best!
@melanie413 Nice haul. Who sent it?
@melanie413 thank you for posting! Your sender is @sublimebones!
@mossygreen As person who rec’d a box from you, I’m quite grateful! It’s a great collection of ‘vintage’ junk that I’ll thoroughly enjoy. And the musty smell of it all reminds me dearly of my grandparent’s home growing up. So thanks again, I look forward to enjoying it.

@ruthersby I did a quick search on your name and came up with a blog (?) that mentioned card- and soap-making and hobbies, and I was like, THIS IS MY PERSON AND I’M SENDING HIM CRAFT SUPPLIES. AND A VENTRILOQUISM BOOK. So I hope it was you, otherwise none of this makes sense.
PS I was worried about “musty” until I got to “dearly,” and I’m still a little worried.
@mossygreen Oh I am quite grateful; I’ve got so many great project ideas already and look forward to working through the box of goodies. Thank you!
@ruthersby Sir: I have been waiting years for an exchange recipient I knew would like crafts or Halloween, so it was absolutely my pleasure.